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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Autiesaurus

  1. So I've heard conflicting information regarding the best way to induce urinary incontinence. Some say leave your sphincter relaxed and let out every dribble as it comes. Others say to hold it as long as you can in an effort to exhaust the muscles. So which is actually more effective, and how long should I expect to wait for an indication that it's working?
  2. I really like the snug, soft feel of cloth diapers, if it weren't for the significant uptick in laundry that I can't reasonably keep up with, I'd use them a lot more often.
  3. That's actually a good idea. If I get a few I'll be able to just treat them like a regular load of laundry and do them myself. There are a couple from Tykables and Rearz I've had my eye on, maybe I'll go ahead and try them out, thanks for the tip!
  4. Mine actually happened just a week ago. I was out walking with a friend when I suddenly felt my stomach cramping. I thought I could hold it because I hadn't had an IBS-related incident in a while, plus whenever I did they were always small. This time it took about two minutes for the cramps to get agonizing, and seconds later, the large quantity of wet, mushy stool just came out of its own accord, all while I was walking down the street in broad daylight next to my friend. I had to waddle home, hoping he couldn't smell anything or see my now very saggy diaper.
  5. I'd love a pastel Winnie the Pooh themed nursery, with old-style painted illustrations from the original books on the walls. I'd have a big wood crib with Winnie the Pooh sheets and a crinkly plastic mattress protector on it, and lots of stuffies in the corners. I'd also have a big rocking chair, big enough for me to sit on mommy or daddy's lap while they read me stories. I'd have a small table in one corner where I could draw or paint, and a bookcase full of high quality diapers next to a changing table. I'd also have a dollhouse and lots of Calico Critters to play with, and a shelf full of picture books.
  6. I've sucked my thumb my whole life, and my family knows I still do it. I do it whenever I'm tired, bored, watching TV, driving, sleeping, you name it. I do have some pacifiers but they just don't feel the same as my thumb.
  7. I have a new friend that I've become close with recently, we've shared personal experiences that we haven't shared with anyone else, and she's been a great friend to me so far. I'm going crazy because I can't decide if I should tell her about my diapers or not. I don't have the courage to tell her about my AB side, but I'd tell her I wear diapers for incontinence issues related to my IBS (which is mostly true; I do have incon issues, but they're not frequent enough to warrant me wearing 24/7 as I do). What do you think? Should I tell her or not?
  8. I'm an aromantic asexual, so my fantasy doesn't involve sex or romance or anything like that. One time I was having a super hard time and my occupational therapist innocently said she wanted to "adopt me and keep me safe". My fantasies always involve someone in authority that I'm close to (in this case my therapist) taking me home and looking after me, treating me like a little kid. In my imagination, I have nightmares in the middle of the night and wet the bed, and she comes in to comfort me and make me feel better, and once she finds out about the wet bed, she treats it like no big deal and cleans up the mess, but the next night puts a plastic sheet on the mattress and suggests that maybe I should wear diapers in case it happens again.
  9. Right now I'm in one of my cheap Medicaid Rely brand diapers. I'm waiting on my bag of ABU Bunnyhopps to arrive so I can mix things up and get some better quality (and cuter!) padding on.
  10. That's cool. I'm still trying to work out what my favorite and simultaneously most cost-effective diaper is. I get free ones through Medicaid, but they're cheap and leak easily, and I can normally only go a couple of hours before having to change, or risk leaks. I like to supplement them with higher quality diapers when I can afford it. I've got some Northshore Airpremiums and (I think) Tena Tranquility diapers coming that I've never tried before. I'm excited to test them out.
  11. I really want a onesie but this is my last barrier to living the full baby lifestyle I want. My mom still does my laundry for me so I don't have to pay to use the machines in my apartment complex, and although she's used to seeing me wear footed PJs, I'd have a lot of explaining to do if she found a onesie in my dirty clothes!
  12. I'm starting the 12-month diaper training program and one of the first steps is to shave your nether regions. I'm female, and have tried shaving down there before, but I always get super itchy. Does anyone have any advice for how to get the hair off without the itching? Is waxing super painful?
  13. I'm heading towards the goal of incontinence as well. I'm focusing primarily on bladder, but thanks to IBS, I'm already partially bowel incontinent. I've been wearing 24/7 for the better part of two years now, but only in the last week or so have I been focusing hard on untraining. I'm releasing whenever I have to, and keeping my sphincter open at all times. I've noticed it's become a lot easier to wet sitting down, which used to be a struggle for me. I've also had a couple of mornings when I couldn't remember how my diaper got wet, which was particularly exciting. It's a big commitment, but if it makes us feel happier and more secure, there's no reason not to go for it. Good luck on your journey OP, I look forward to hearing your progress reports!
  14. That's the goal I'm working towards. I've been wearing 24/7 for almost two years now, but only in the last week or so have I gotten serious about training, keeping my sphincter relaxed at all times, etc. I can already tell it's starting to work. I get signals from my bladder that I have to go, but then I try and I'm completely empty, so I'm thinking I'm working my way towards OAB.
  15. I collect stuffies, I have a considerable number of Webkinz living on my bed, along with a couple of weighted plushies and a few jellycats. My main companion who comes with me everywhere right now is Momo, a little jellycat elephant.
  16. I had this little snoozems cat when I was maybe 6-7, I loved that thing. I've found a few for sale online, but I'm not ready to pull the trigger on a $60 plush just yet.
  17. I have a regular blue backpack that's part diaper bag, part autism supply kit. I wear 24/7 and have occasional bowel IC, so I always have three or four spare diapers, wipes, powder and rash cream with me. I also have my three pound weighted lap pad that calms me when I'm anxious, a small bag of sensory tools like tactile toys, essential oils, flavoured gum, a tiny music box, etc. I have my iPad that has games and my talking app on it for when I lose my words, and my dishtowel-sized blankie, which I often keep in my pocket. I'm getting a new Winnie the Pooh paci soon, and that will have a spot in a side pocket. I'm not a light traveler!
  18. I taught myself to sew because I could never find the kinds of plushies I really wanted. It's a lot of fun, and you can get exactly what you're after. As for underwear, they've always been too grown up for me, no matter what style. I'm a diaper kid through and through.
  19. I never wet my pants at school, I had pretty decent bladder capacity as a kid. The only daytime accident I ever had was at my friend's house when I was six or seven. I really had to pee but was too shy to use the bathroom in front of him. I waited until he was busy then ran to the bathroom, but I was wearing overalls and wet my pants while trying to get them undone. My friend's older brother found me crying and asked if he should go get his mom. I said yes, and I don't really remember what happened after, but she gave me some of my friend's shorts to wear and put my overalls in a grocery bag. I don't remember getting in trouble when my mom came to pick me up.
  20. It's interesting, when I regress, I'm maybe four years old, and behave as such, but in my head I have a fantasy world wherein I'm maybe nine or ten and regularly go out on adventures by myself with my various animal and mythical creature friends, but I'm still in diapers and use a paci (my guardian is a wizard, so he enchanted it to have an instant calming effect whenever I put it in my mouth). In this world, despite my age, all the adults tend to treat me like I'm maybe five or six. I wish I could live there for real.
  21. When I'm in my diaper and overalls playing with my stuffed animals, or when I'm watching Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood.
  22. I recently made a stuffed dinosaur and I made him a terry cloth diaper to wear. He also has a hole in his mouth so he can take a pacifier.
  23. Autiesaurus


    I’ve been a thumb baby my entire life, my parents never made any real effort to get me to quit because my mom did it until she was 12, I think they figured I’d outgrow it, but I never did. I’ve used an adult paci before and it didn’t feel as good as my thumb, plus the rubber dried my mouth out. I’ve been thinking of trying a cherry pop nipple instead of the typical orthodontic one to see if that makes a difference.
  24. I have three rag dolls who I love very much. One was made by my grandma when I was maybe seven or eight, one was made by me a couple of years ago, and one was bought at craft fair. I like talking to and dressing up my dolls, I’ve made a few outfits for the one I made. I like older dolls more than baby dolls because I can talk to and play with them in a way that can’t really be done with baby dolls, due to the nature of their being babies! I really like dolls houses too, especially Calico Critters. I used to have a couple of big critter doll houses but I had to get rid of them when I moved into my small apartment. I’ll be moving again soon and will definitely be getting another one! I haven’t decided if I want to buy one or make one from a cardboard box, because as cute as the houses were, the rooms were never big enough for all the furniture and for my figures to move around.
  25. New here, I have IBS-D and get sudden unexpected bouts of diarrhea semi-regularly. It used to be a couple times a month, but it's recently increased to a couple times a week. Twice yesterday, once the day before, and almost once today. Mostly they're small patches that would leave wet brown marks in my underwear (back when I wore underwear; I'm 24/7 now) but a few have been total blowouts that wrecked my pants and necessitated my stripping in the shower.
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