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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


BB 2020
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About ppdude

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Diaper Royalty

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  1. ppdude

    Diaper trade?

    Hey... I'm sorry for not following thorough on the confiDry's. I'm willing to try again. I have 2 packs of 22 minus one that I accidentally used. I won't use them. Willing to trade or sell. Please PM me again and I'll do my best to get back with you. If you previously emailed me, my replies were undeliverable.
  2. and more plastic panties...
  3. ppdude

    Diaper trade?

    Well, so much for that. I do mediums. Sorry.
  4. ppdude

    Diaper trade?

    OK... I'll bite. I've got a couple bags of old ConfiDry's. Although I do BetterDry which are Crinklz without a print and have a bag or two of Aquanauts. I'm south of the bridge about 25 or so miles.
  5. Man. That sounds like overkill or better yet, you have no confidence in that cheap shit diaper to hold anything and you need that extra protection for peace of mind. In any case, you're totally commited.
  6. ppdude

    Uh oh

    Sighhhhh. No one cares more than you. After being found out, I learned that 3 others were also wearing diapers and we were all in the club. Nothing like confession. It sets you free.
  7. Yup. Wouldn't have it any other way. I've had a couple of decades plus to get used to being urinary IC. It gets better with age.
  8. Even better without a diaper, but without a doubt you summarized it without equal. Good job!!!
  9. OK... That's different. The ones I've got have a kind of rubbery feeling, especially over time. Could you really get away with them as they appear and maybe feel as outer garments? I'm not so sure...
  10. Yeah. She's quite the idiot. Should shut up if she wants to make herself look better.
  11. After reading about your paci cleaning adventures, I decided to pull my Rearz Safari paci apart. I had trouble using it as it irritated the mouth roof near the front teeth. It was easier than I thought. After taking off the handle, it pretty much came loose. The back came off easily, exposing the teat. It sat loosely on the guard and easily removed. I soaked it in mouthwash overnight. Putting it back together was not hard either. Now it's spring fresh, tasty, and I'll be danged, have been sucking on it all day. Wow. Thanks Little Sherri!!!
  12. These jobs are the most important of all.
  13. I've heard that most of us here do little and often. It's like it naturally happens. I remember way back when @DailyDi told us the same thing according to his experience. I'd have to agree.
  14. Hell YES!!! Did and still do. Until the internet, I stuffed into Gerber by cutting the side elastics. Thank God for the internet. I love plastics more than ever and have a large inventory. I'm always looking...
  15. I don't care about discretion. I don't care if someone can tell or can figure out that plastic-backed toddler underwear is involved. I wear the normal size clothing regardless of diaper status.
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