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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Nyte Kitsune

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Everything posted by Nyte Kitsune

  1. Crinklz, Nice collection there. As for me, I admittedly like both. The first Sci-Fi movie I saw was Star Wars (At a Drive-In, I was 4 or 5 at the time), But I also watched Star Trek with my dad, it was one of the few things he would let me stay up late to watch with him. I have been a fan of both ever since. Now as for likes/dislikes among both series.... Star Trek V (It was stupid, even Roddenberry thought so and is NOT considered part of the series), as for a favorites... Oh, tough one there. I'd say DS9 (I loved watching the Defiant kick butt) and Voyager.. I agree that Enterprise was stupid though, But I do suggest watching Picard. Then there's the movies.... I liked most of them. Star Wars (Episodes 7, 8 and 9, they're not "Bad", but they just aren't great either).... and don't hate me, but I liked the Star Wars prequels... yes.. Even Jar Jar *Ducks*, C'mon, He was funny and admit it, the fight scenes in the prequels were better, they looked like a bunch of amateur swordsmen in the original trilogy. As such I really only like 3-4-5, and 1-2-3. Don't knock on the work Disney is doing either, The Mandalorian was well done and I am looking forward to the other stuff they are working on. ......and for you gamers out there who are fans of the franchises, I suggest Star Trek Online, made by Cryptic. Its not the best made game as away team stuff is "Ok" but the game shines with ship-to-ship battles. The other I would suggest is Star Wars the Old Republic made by Bio Ware, Great Stories, Graphic are pretty good, Ground based content is well done, Just don't get your hopes up for space battles, they dropped the ball there but that is easily remedied by Playing Star Wars Squadrons.
  2. Due to severe 'roids my accidents tend to be me thinking "Please be gas or my 'roids!" Sadly All 3 feel the same so if I guess wrong, full diaper and sore butt. Happens more frequently than I like, but at least I'm protected. And yes, before anyone asks, I've seen a doctor, I was honestly surprised when they suggested "Absorbent Products" to help with the 'roids (to absorb moisture away from the skin thus less irritation to my 'roids), option 2 was out of my financial range (270k to have them removed), Yeah, thanks, I'll take the diapers, not that I told them at the hospital that I was ok with the diapers having been a DL. In parting I will say, If you can, get 'roids treated early, you really don't want them! They're a real pain in the ass! ?
  3. As I've mentioned before, I work graveyards at a convenience store so am "Essential" and thus still working. Picked up a few new games (and returned to an older one) so been playing those in my off time though I have looked in, but haven't responded to any posts lately. To those curious about the games: Dragon Ball: Kakarot (good game, suggest buying it if you like DBZ) Final Fantasy VII Remake (completed, suggest buying it) Diablo 3 (Its ok) and returned to WoW (World of Warcraft) Came back to it for the new race additions, which sadly forced me to change factions as i now like the Horde (Vulpera, Nightborne, Zandalar Trolls, High Mountain Tauren)selections over the Alliance (Worgen, I won't even list their special races as they were all horrible, ok I will.. Kul Tirans?, Mecha Gnomes?,another Space octo goat-Draenei, Nightfallen-ok, that ones not bad), Well.. and I get to use my War Trike that I voted for when the did that project with OC Choppers, couldn't ride it while playing Alliance
  4. You're getting too old when - you tell a younger person, "I had that for my record player!" (or on cassette) and they just give you a blank look that says "What's that?" you say "Back in my day......... (insert subject here)"
  5. I got soap in the mouth once as a kid for swearing, my dad later switched to using tabasco sauce instead, which is funny now as I love tabasco sauce now.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Going to be a long day for me, heading to my sisters for dinner in about 15mins, then back home before 9pm so I can head to work, no sleep for me today, but I'll sleep good when I get of work tomorrow morning.
  7. I've been getting that one as well. I don't generally answer them, it goes to voice mail, so part of the message is cut off as those auto calls don't wait for my message to play. I find them funny as they are always mentioning these types of scams on the news and at some point they point out "The government will NEVER contact you by phone and will instead send you a certified letter" and even then its best to verify it. Sadly there are people that fall for these scams which is why they keep trying them.
  8. Are you a bedwetter? Yes Were you a bedwetter ? Always, though not nightly, Sometimes it'll happen several times a month, other times it'll be a month or so apart. Sometimes its a result of the "Pee Dream" and other times I might not notice at all. Do you want to be a bedwetter? Thats a loaded question and you know it! Do I want to? Yes and no, I mean I'm already in diapers anyway so I don't particularly care one way or the other and I do prefer to wear them, then again, due to health issues I have to wear them "Just in case" as I never know when a fart won't be a fart.
  9. Cloth and Plastic pants, my mom still has photo's of me in them, funny, I actually remember flashes of those days as I remember the cartoons I watched while wearing them (Yogi Bear, Secret Squirrel, Looney Tunes, Squiddly Diddly, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Mighty Mouse, Hillbilly Bears), of course many of these were re-runs when I was little (early to mid 70's), but those are what I remember, well those and TV Shows like JP Patches, Banana Splits (Where I saw most of the cartoons), Sesame Street
  10. My earliest memory was when my friend Zach and I were out behind the apartment laundry room (I was 3 or 4, and pretty sure I was still in diapers) and we were throwing small rocks at the window because we liked the sound it made when they hit it and bounced off. Then I got a brilliant idea, if little rocks bounced off it (you can see where this is going) what would happen if we dug up a really big one and tossed it against the window? The result, A broken window, and the lid of the washer being caved in (It was a really BIG rock as it took both of us to lob it at the window), which our parents had to pay for. You must admit, for a 3-4 yo it was theoretically sound thinking though. I remembered getting several swats on my padded backside by my dad and grounded for 2 weeks. At that same location, not sure whether it was before or after that, I remember my favorite toy, a large Ambulance got ran over by one of the other tenants, it was flatter than one of my moms pancakes. Though my memory of the details are foggy I recall my mom telling me later that the tenant that did it, did it on purpose as he didn't like the kids (myself and others) at the complex. Those are my earliest memories, funny how something I got in trouble for was one of the first things I remember. Add that to my list, Now that you mention it I remember that happening to me as well
  11. I've always had those kinds of dreams, Just glad I wear diapers now as when I have those dreams now I don't have to convince myself to wake up (Yes, I can wake myself up, and no, its not easy to do). Now I can just keep sleeping, or if it does wake me up, I can just go back to sleep.
  12. I would offer, as my profile pic is one of my own drawings, however drawing and adding color is very tedious work for me as I really don't have a proper way to do art the way I'd like to. Currently my process is very long as I have to draw with pencil and paper, then take a photo of the finished drawing on my phone, then transfer the photo to my PC and then the hard part adding color with the only program I have, MS Paint (I don't suggest this method). My other issue would be I really have to be in the mood to draw, I can go years between actually putting pencil to paper (and have as I haven't drawn anything recently, think my last drawing was back in 2015 or 2016). I hope you found someone though as I see you posted this back in January. PS, anyone else reading this post, if you have a suggestion of a program I could use on my PC to draw with, please, let me know, as I would like to draw more, but I really have no idea which art programs are any good.
  13. Play MMO's yes. Currently FFXIV, But its just an ordinary Free Company (Guild), not abdl. Once upon a time I played WoW but haven't played that in well over 3-6 years ago. If you do decide to try FFXIV its a solid MMO with quite a bit of content to play thru and the community isn't as toxic as WoW's is. Should you end up on Hyperion (Primal) look me up, my in game name is the same there (Unless I'm messing around on an alt).
  14. Yeah, its not easy coming up with a look thats all your own, and it may take a few tries until you find something that you like. But once you do, you'll know it when it feels "Right" and think to yourself, "Yeah, this is it!" Also keep in mind some of us have more than one Fursona, I have just the one really, though I have also played around with a dragon version that part fox and part dragon (Kind like a sergal [a race someone made thats popular] with a furry dragonlike look) that is just name Dragon Nyte at current.
  15. I have a few as well, I remember I was forced away from pacifiers and thumb sucking when I was 6 (yes I still did that at 6), by my dad putting tabasco sauce on my thumb. But now I'm glad I got a few as it helps me to not smoke when I'm at home (too bad I would look ridiculous with a paci at work, as I could probably be able to quit smoking entirely if it was appropriate) and I appear to sleep better now. So though it might be a little silly to have a paci, I don't care, as its soothing at keeps me away from bad habits at home.
  16. I use ABU's, Usually Simple, Simple Ultra and LittlePawz. But will occasionally get Space if my usual 3 are out of stock
  17. Your fursona can literally be anything, but most of us choose a fursona based on a favorite animal or mythical creature. In my case, a black fox, I find the foxes traits similar to my own and black because, well.. I like black, a red fox wasn't really my style and though I also like white, a white fursuit would easily get dirty (visibly) and I did want to suit. I also added a mythical component to my fursona and added extra tails for a "Tailed Fox" (Like Kurama the Nine Tailed Fox in Naruto, Kyubimon- Digimon, and others). Once you've decided on that you can decide what colors you use and maybe even a unique pattern or markings you want to have. As mentioned here if you're not much of an artist yourself, you can commission a drawing of your fursona by various artists, many of which attend con's and will draw it for you (for a price) sometimes on the spot, or will later mail it to you.
  18. I'm currently running games on an AMD FX 8350 (4gig 8 core ), Nvidia 1050ti gfx card, 1tb HDD, blue ray DVD, 20 gigs Ram. Was using an AMD 6300, but instead of buying a new PC I decided to upgrade my CPU for a change to get myself ready for MechWarrior 5, runs most of my games on ultra settings, with the exception of a few titles which run about mid settings. Happy with my new setup, but may get a newer monitor as the one I have, though decent (an older Acer) is only about 22 in., Would like something bigger, maybe a 36 in widescreen one
  19. DL and Medical, I've always enjoyed wearing, but now days I need them for mixed incontinence. I'm sure If I had medical I could get "Treatment", you know, drugs with all those side effects or expensive surgeries, but I can no longer afford medical, after all it was "Surgery" that took me a year 1/2 to pay off the bills for that ended me up needing them medically anyway. Diapers are easier to deal with and I don't have all those nasty side effects from surgery, or the overly expensive bills... I mean c'mon.. 270k just to have my hemorrhoids removed (mine are really severe), uh, no thanks, and if I got them removed I was told I would have about a 60% chance of having fecal incontinence afterwards. No (Though I do already have urge incontinence "Back there") but I still have some control., Not to mention 270k Is like 10 1/2 years of pay, which at my salary would mean paying for that one surgery for the rest of my life, not counting any other than might come up... no thanks.. I'll stick with diapers.
  20. I agree with Betty, please don't insult the walls, I'd say some of my customers are as dumb as rocks, but I'd rather not insult the rocks either. Its not that people aren't smart, it's that the younger generation has little to no common sense (With some exceptions, as some people really are just dumb or don't care). I work at a gas station, I see dumb every day, you'd think it common sense not to light up a cigarette while pumping gas, but there is always someone doing it, we do tell them to move away from the pumps, but they rarely listen, one day I fear one of these idiots are going to blow me up. Same goes for littering, many people just don't care, if its not on their property, and some don't even care if it is on their own property. I have had people dump their trash right in front of the pump... right in front of the garbage can.... the empty one. Is it really that hard to move it a few more inches into the garbage can? Apparently so.
  21. In answer to the original question, yes. I find doubling exceptionally useful for when I'm going out for a little and don't want to carry a bag with me. Usually shopping, or going to see a movie and occasionally when going to work when I feel that the 2 spares might not be enough because I'm feeling a little off.
  22. Funny you should mention them, just saw a bit on them on the news the other day, they were talking about the first movie they did, "Up in smoke" a classic...... "Keep on knockin' but you can't come in!"
  23. Leaks happen. Unavoidable part of wearing and using. Pinhole leaks, like you said, maybe out the side from not securing well, many causes. Best to be prepared if you're going to wear, plastic/rubber pants over a diaper is usually a good idea (rubber is typically quieter).
  24. Just bought and tried one, very comfy and with a few inserts Exceptionally absorbent. Think I may make the switch to pocket diapers. Will cost me a bit at first, but I think in the long run a bit more practical as with much as I like my ABU's the pocket ones will be more cost effective, though that means I'll need a bigger bag for work to carry fresh and used diapers in, and a little more laundry, but is certainly more eco-friendly and everyone at work knows I wear diapers so there are no issues there. Figure I'll buy one more once a month for the next few months until I have about a weeks worth, then switch to them once I have a proper stock. Not looking forward to messy accidents in one, but they do happen occasionally though I try to avoid using them for #2, but with my issues it happens.
  25. My first time hunting I made the mistake of not shooting the 5 does I tracked, which were in a small clearing. I was so dead set on getting a buck that I forgot I had a doe tag. Sadly there has been no second time, moved away from Idaho (where I was licensed to hunt) and have to jump thru too many hoops to hunt here in Wa. (In Idaho all I had to do was proof of age and, done, license). Still I have to say, given the opportunity I would like to go hunting again, Though I think I have more fun stalking, maybe my weapon of choice should be a camera.. though the pictures don't taste nearly as good.
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