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Diapered Jason

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Everything posted by Diapered Jason

  1. The hardest part of that job is getting the transmission back in with the splines properly aligned. Of course, I had a bad transmission jack and a fwd vehicle, so I sort of made it the hardest part. Other than that though, it was quite fun.
  2. Agreed, but don't concern yourself with short term loss or gain. By investing for the long term, you can make money in a bull or bear market. When the dust settles, the stocks will go back up. If Boeing stocks continue to fall for example, you can buy more. In ten years, when Trump is long gone, hopefully we will have negotiated another TPP which is what would have fixed the intellectual property theft issue he thinks he can fix now with tariffs. Trump proved he was dumb as shit when he cancelled that deal his first day in office.
  3. Bitcoin mining is a nice way to make passive income, much like investing, but unlike investing, the future outlook for Bitcoin is terrible. I'd rather take the money spent on electricity and the mining system and put it in stocks, but for me that might depend more on the price of electricity. With Trump in office, there is also some real bargains out there right now, like Boeing. If I were in say eastern Washington for example where cheap electricity is plentiful, I can see Bitcoin mining as possibly more lucrative in the short term.
  4. I hear what you are saying and it is true, except a minimum wage increase is designed to adjust for inflation, not get you ahead of it. You need to get a pay raise for that. The decline of industry in certain regions of the country is a topic left best for another thread.
  5. This isn't the case at all. You need to review why minimum wage laws we're made in the first place, what entry level career positions actually pay, and read the latest econmoic reports on minimum wage increases in Western US cities. Stop going with your gut and actually read the facts out there on the effect of minimum wage increases.
  6. Well, what happened in Seattle was a drop in hiring as the minimum wage was increased, but it was difficult to actually see a price increase in good solds there. It is impossible for businesses to pass the minimum wage increase completely on to the customer since they still have to remain competitive, therefore they find offsets elsewhere. I support higher minimum wages in high cost living areas when unemployment is low like it is now. For example, a $15 minimum wage is probably not good enough in NYC, but could be too high in rural areas within the state. I would set minimum wage by county, not necessarily by state.
  7. Misinformed, fat logic myths. I had to google that latter term by the way. I am just stunned. I tried to explain psychologically why people fail in trying to lose weight, but all I hear are anecdotal observations of the state of being obese and bad diet advice. That is the theme of this thread. Drynot, the Keto diet could have been dangerous if your high blood pressure was caused by high cholesterol, since it seems most of the foods in the diet are high in cholesterol. Just go to you doctor. I am banging my head on my desk now. Stay scientific everyone.
  8. I read your post about starvation. Bad idea. Anyways, I see some confusion about what I have written, so let me make this perfectly clear. When it comes to diets, FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR'S ORDERS! I put "healthy diets" in quotation marks because I was mocking the concept. This is not to say you all should not be eating better and exercising, but a real healthy diet should be tailored to your exact needs. For instance, if you have trouble with high blood pressure, then you should not do the Keto diet as was recommended earlier, because that diet will put yourself at serious risk of death. As for specifics into the science of obesity, I highly recommend reading the lastest scientific results on the matter. Nature.com is a great place to start. Here is also a word to the wise, never assume anything is true until it has been tested even if logically it makes sense. To address Spokane girl personally, if after you quit exercising, you gain significant weight, you could have an underlying medical issue such as a hormone imbalance that should be addressed by your doctor.
  9. That is the key, but how do you obtain that. Why do scores of people lose weight, then put it back on? Why can't they change the way they eat? The answer is endorphins. If you are overweight and have been for some time, losing weight is an uphill battle due to the release of endorphins when eating as well as trying to change your body's equilibrium. Very recent studies have shown those in that scenario have a better chance of living a longer life with fewer health complications if they get the surgery, which has become far less invasive with modern surgical techniques. The reason for that is the surgery affects endorphin release which changes what you crave and prevents you from overeating.
  10. According to the lastest scientific data, for the purposes of losing weight, "healthy diets" be damned. As it turns out, once your body has been overweight for awhile, your body adapts to your new weight and tries to always maintain that weight despite any changes to your diet, short of starvation, which carries significant health risks in and of itself, because eventually you are going to quit, and then you are going to binge, and then you gain all the weight you lost back plus possibly more. Of course, that does not mean you should not eat healthy and exercise, because you should no matter what, but your goal to lose weight eating less and exercising is misinformed. If you are facing significant health problems like the op, you should look at making changes to your diet to avoid cholesterol and other changes as recommended by your doctor, but NEVER DO ANY FAD DIET WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR DOCTOR. Yes, advice previously stated here, while in good faith, is wrong, most of it. Most importantly, if you want to lose weight, you should ask your doctor about bariatric surgery, which is the only scientifically proven method to lose weight safely.
  11. With current technology, nothing in a disposable diaper is recyclable, but this doesn't matter, use what works best and is within your budget. Scientists and engineers will figure it out. While landfill space is not a problem yet, they strive for sustainability which is important for the environment as well as the economy. If you all want to protect the environment, then save yourself some money and turn off the lights when you leave a room and buy yourself a programmable thermostat at home so your heater/AC turns off when you leave the house. Also, properly dispose of your electronic waste, batteries, and chemicals by taking them to the proper waste cite rather than dumping them in your trash. The battle over disposable vs. cloth is bullshit. You may not have to keep buying cloth diapers every time you use them ( eventually they wear out and you do), but you do have to use laundry soap to clean them and a dryer to dry them, and dryers take up a good portion of my energy bill already. Both are not great for the environment, but so are many others things we do on a daily basis.
  12. It's silicon. The problem is not digging it up from the ground since it is sand, but processing it into a thick and pure single crystalline wafers. It is like making steel in that you need coal, but there is a special solidification process involved when the material is cooled from its molten state to give it that electronic grade quality.
  13. I don't know why environmentalists like to criticize plastic. It is far easier to deal with than making everything out of glass and metals like the article suggested. Those materials require much more energy to synthesize than plastic. Anyways, to calm everyone's fears, once the oil becomes too expensive due to scarcity, other alternativesd to producing the polymers that make up the plastics we rely on will become more economically feasible, such as the production of polymers from methane. That said, what I would like to see are significant improvements in recycling technology. Current processes break down the polymer chain into smaller pieces making it useless for its previously applications, so we make napkins and egg cartons with the material instead. While nice, it doesn't quite get us all the way there.
  14. Hey Bettypooh, there is already a brick-laying robot for example, fyi. Due to the speed at which construction occurs, automation kind of needs to happen though. All this complaining about automation though reminds me of the jobs we don't miss, because they were less desired and did not pay very well. Truck drivers will be phased out, but despite an ever increasing population size and increase in automation, national unemployment seems to maintain a low value which is more or less dependent on the economy and less on other factors. Of course, that is not to say certain regions of the country won't feel it more, especially in areas where there is already not much for employment.
  15. Unfortunately you don't get to choose which kind of diaper you are interested in if it is a fetish for you. If you into one, you'll have no interest in the other typically. On the other hand, if you want to compare the two, manufacturing of both can be quite sustainable, especially as economical methods of creating plastics from sources beside oil are on the horizon. Other resources used are renewable such as cotton and wood pulp. Disposal is far trickier though for both ypes of diapers, but that's true with anything we use. In theory , you could run out of landfill space, but not anytime soon. There is however a demand for more advanced recycling technology that would provide economic viability for the recycling of more materials. I'd say cloth wins, because it has far less waste to throw away. Washing them is not a big deal to me. I wash tons of clothes already. An extra load a week would not have a significant impact on my energy bill but I would save quite a bit of money on buying diapers each month which typically costs $150 diapers every other month.
  16. In short, I think the president should be impeached, but the better question is can he be impeached. I think as facts continue to drip out via leaks it looks like a Republican Congress may be more willing to impeach Trump on obstruction of Justice, but there are many other possible charges. As it becomes more clear that Trump cannot fulfill the Republican agenda and is willing to jeopardize our security, they will turn on him and put Pence in charge. As the facts come to light, it's only going to get worse.
  17. Lol, it is possible to wear diapers 24/7, but you will never get to experience being a baby 24/7. That is the difference everyone is arguing about. Unless you have some sort of psychosis, that is just not possible. Life is full of responsibility that cannot be ignored. Job, family, friends, your very livelihood, etc.
  18. Yep, it is a different kink. All those things you listed are added to intensify the humiliation. It is not LG if that is what you are wondering.
  19. Wow really, no one can figure out what sissy is. It is male crossdressing sexualized with ridicule mixed in.
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