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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by baby-dandan

  1. You’re welcome! I felt I needed to show my appreciation for you guys running such a great site for the ABDL community!
  2. I ordered the Scentsy bear fragrance holder (sorry if I got the name wrong on that) and two things of baby powder scent. I’m not sure if DD realized who it was. My actual name is Dan Rioja (you can look me up on Facebook if you want.) I have just felt guilty I have been a member of this site for so long and have not done more to help. I was glad to help out this time though!
  3. Another thing I struggle with when I am severely depressed is how I view myself. I tend to beat myself up about the way I look and how others may see me. I have often thought “Maybe I am too damaged to ever find someone!” I know I shouldn’t think that way but during my times of deep depression I tend to look down on myself. I have had a couple of sessions of EMDR treatments since and that has helped a little with my self-image. I just need to get to the point where I can be out in public without having the constant feeling that people are talking about me or laughing at me. I wish you all the best of luck with whatever works for you!
  4. I just had my first session of EMDR treatment this morning. It was rather interesting, I thought. It helped me to have a more positive image of myself. I just worry about getting into the real issue which is remembering the night my brother was killed. My therapist said we will get into that next week. I am a little nervous but I am willing to try anything that might help.
  5. First and foremost, I would have to have a crib! Sleeping in a crib, to me is the ultimate sign of babyhood. I would love it if such a printer existed that could make me a crib! Although, they do have a machine that can build you a house in no time at all (I saw it on Outrageous Acts of Science) so maybe such a thing would be possible.
  6. At night I just sleep in a tank-top and diaper. It hasn’t gotten too hot as compared to say, Arizona but I think it is hot enough! Maybe you have heard the saying (“If you don’t like the weather in Utah just wait 5 minutes”) I have been thinking about going with the Molicare Slips (I think those are the ones) that have the breathable sides but a plastic backing. Or just shoving ice cubes down my pants... Lol!
  7. Yeah, and I don’t like to mess my diaper until it has been thoroughly soaked. I feel like I am wasting a diaper if I just poop in it right off the bat. I like to have it pretty well wet in before I mess. I just got me a case of Peek-Boo Abu’s and it feels like it’s going to take a while to thoroughly soak this diaper!
  8. I see this posted a long time ago but I guess it’s never too late for a complimentary comment. I know, I am a little slow getting to things! This continuation of “Diaper Research” is outstanding; the story is very well writen and is easy to follow! I have not finished the story yet but am on edge just to read more. It is kind of like being in school and the teacher gathers all the kids around for Story time. When it they come to a stoping point and say “We will continue our story tomorrow” and there is a big “awwwwwwe!” from all the kids! That’s how it is for me. I can’t wait to get back to it! Even when I am done with the story, I know I’ll want to read it again and again and again....ect! Now if I only had a long enough attention span to read a long story.
  9. Thank you everyone! Your suggestions have been very helpful and I am at a point now where I can finally get a good night sleep without waking up everytime I hear the slightest movement or sound outside my apartment! I wish all of you the best of luck if you struggle with mental health issues or otherwise. I know it is a huge burden to bear but with treatment and the right combination of meds I am able to keep fighting! Best Wishes my friends!
  10. I myself am a big fan of punk rock music! There is a song by one of my all time favorite bands Pennywise called “Just For You” which I think sums up my depression pretty good. “Depression closes in, You can’t escape” “No one understands, they can’t relate” ”You won’t know until it hits you!” ”It never goes away, you feel it everyday” ”Your only hope is to change tomorrow” ”You wanna see a change for tomorrow” ”Don’t you wanna see a change just for you?” ”You wanna see a change before you throw it all away” “Something is gonna break just for you” ”Just for You!”
  11. Hi KMH8306, At first I only associated PTSD was something only war veterans struggled with. After talking with my psychiatrist, I found out that other people can struggle with it also. I would not compare my PTSD with that of a war veteran by any means though! On the night my brother was killed, I heard everything out my bedroom window. Now, I can’t sleep very deeply because every time I hear the slightest noise outside, I spring up in bed. I have a motion sensor light on my garage but had to unplug it because every time my cat would walk by it, the light came on and once again I would be up fully alert. I know I will never stop missing my brother but perhaps with therapy it will become more bearable.
  12. I like to pull the outer “netting” off to reveille the plastic cover. I still prefer the plastic of an abdl diaper though, it gets so soft and squishy when wet! To me, the plastic feeling of a diaper is more of a babyish feeling then cloth but if cloth is what you prefer, to each his own. As long as your happy in your nappy!
  13. This may seem like an odd thing to call it but I call it my “shush shush!” As it shushes me right up if I start to cry.
  14. Yes, the Attends diapers with waistbands make plenty of noise! When I am out in public, it isn’t so bad as there is plenty of background noise. If I am in a very quiet place like say a library, that is when I try to make small movements in an effort to hide the crinkle (or do I?)
  15. I am only 5 foot 5 inches tall Waynecook52. I used to wish I was taller but I am what I am and I’m okay with it. Thankfully, I am still tall enough to go on all the rollercoasters at the theme park!
  16. I had been told by my mother that she almost had me potty trained at about the age of two. However, when I got sick with cancer that all changed. I had to learn all over again and this time I believe it wasn’t until I was to the age of four (or so we thought). I still remember pooping and peeing my pants until the fourth grade and having to go to the school nurses’ office to call my mom to bring me a pair of pants to get changed. I would hold it in until it just came out so I wouldn’t have to go poo at school. I was teased relentlessly about always smelling messy and told I needed to wear diapers by kids at school. Little did they know I actually wanted to wear diapers and I would often have dreams of wearing in school!
  17. I just use one of my backpacks, it is actually the one I used back in junior high school. I want to get an actual baby diaper bag to carry my supplies in but I also wear when I’m at work so carrying a real diaper bag would raise a little suspicion. I usually change once during my work shift as I am only there for five or six hours. I think some people at work might have an idea about what’s going on but no one has said anything yet.
  18. I went shopping the other day for diaper supplies and other things. I went down the baby diaper isle and picked up a package of Goodnights just because I wanted to see if by some miracle they would fit me. I read on the package the sizing on kids they fit at a certain age. On the extra large pack it said it could fit up to 125lbs. I myself am a little chunky (not much) and I am a little over 125lbs. I decided to give them a try anyway, what better way to feel like a little kid then to wear a diaper or pull-up ment for kids. When I tried them on, I was flabbergasted that they fit me but they came up short on my bum. I put one or two thin boosters in them and they work pretty good for me! When I was younger I used to sneak my little sisters Goodnights, when it got to the point where they would not fit me around the waist anymore I would use Maxipads and staple them length wise to entend them. Now it feels so nice to be able to wear something like that (even if it dosen’t fit my chubby bum all the way...Lol!)
  19. Thanks guys! I had an appointment with the doctor that is doing the treatment. He thinks I would be a good candidate for this kind of therapy. Although, I will make very clear to him that my adult baby side is something I DO NOT want to give up! I do need to learn to control it better though. Since my my other doctors didn’t have a problem with it, I don’t think he will. They have both told me that as long as it’s not hurting anyone then they don’t see a problem with it. Hopefully this will help me deal with at least some of my issues and be stable enough to return to my job.
  20. When I first told my mother about my fetish, she offered to by me a pack of depends diapers, only she got me the cloth backed underwear. I explained to her that I loved the plastic backed diapers over the cloth and she went back to the store and bought the plastic backed ones. I was seeing a child psychiatrist at the time and he told my mom that it wasn’t a good idea to encourage me with my love of diapers. My mom had been in my room several times and noticed some of my sister’s goodnight’s and some baby diapers that I altered to fit me so me telling her about my love of diapers was not a complete shock to her. That was back in the early nineties. Fast forward to the present, we have soo many awesome diapers to chose from! I love my diapers thick so I usually go for ones that can hold a lot. Good luck in exploring all the many wonderful diapers out there!
  21. Having a bottle really helps me relax! I use milk, chocolate milk, juice Gatorade or Powerade. I recently bought some baby formula but I don’t know if I got the wrong stuff or not. Anyway, good luck exploring the world of ab and have fun!
  22. I never grew up with my biological father as he and my mom split when I was a year and a half. My step-father is a person I really admire and he instilled in me a love for astronomy. He and I would go to star gazing parties and he always knew when there was going to be a solar eclipse, a full moon or when one planet would be closest to the Earth ect... Unfortunately, I have a real bad short-term memory so every thing I read or see on t.v. doesn’t stick. That is why repetition is the key for me.
  23. Hey Guys, I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this kind of treatment before. I guess this is a treatment that they say will go deeper into your memories to find the reason for your certain behaviors to try and find a way to make you understand why you do it but also help you with stress and anxiety (something to that effect, this whole thing is new to me and I’m trying to understand it all)There have been many studies on it and they claim it has a high success rate among patients.My Psychologist and Psychiatrist both recommended the treatment for me because of my depression, anxiety and also my PTSD I have do to having heard everything the night my brother was shot and killed. I probably could benefit from this to learn to understand my feelings and maybe some repressed memories but it says it also helps with addictive behaviors. Now, I am wondering if I really want to go through with it at all, though. There is one behavioral aspect that I don’t want to give up and that is my wanting to regress to a baby to help with my depression and anxiety! I think it would maybe help with my some of my problems but I kind of feel that people are wanting me to give up being a baby and wearing diapers. Mostly, it is my parents that I feel are trying to get me to give this up. I live near them and in a small town it is very hard to keep things to yourself for very long! They are quite religious but also don’t think I would be able to be in a very serious relationship if I continue doing this. I don’t know, maybe this is just me being paranoid but I have finally found a positive way (in my opinion) of dealing with my stress, depression and anxiety and I feel like I am being shamed into giving it up. My brother used to drink a whole case of beer or near that, to escape from his bi-polar depression! Well, I have an appointment with the guy tomorrow and maybe I should just go and see how things work out. Maybe he won’t even focus on the adult baby thing. Both my psychiatrist and psychologist feel that this is not a serious issue. Maybe I am overthinking it but I won’t know until I try it.
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