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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by phogendpf

  1. Ive tried drawing on my all white attends diapers with a regular black pen and it was pretty fun. I might do it again. Topic reminded me of it
  2. You haven't been a diaper lover for 15 years if you just started wearing last year. As to your post....Be Yourself!! Im glad you finally got to wear diapers. If you want to wear more then do it. Sucks that your vanilla girlfriend isn't interested though.
  3. I use the depend boosters. They work great
  4. Vanilla dating can work when you wear diapers, but you are sure to run into people who won't be able to get over the fact you wear diapers. Thats why I am still looking for a female my age that wears them either for need or fun.
  5. Yes it is. Im struggling with the same thing myself. Its hard enough meeting a girl who already likes diapers so I may have to go the vanilla route and hope to find some kinky women.
  6. Usually HNG's don't know they are one
  7. Ya bro that sucks..next time stand up to your mom.
  8. I know! I know! *raises hand to be called on* LOL. HNG= Horny Net Geek aka guys who message females saying "wana be my mommy" "change my diaper!" etc. Basically annoying guys
  9. Id definitely be interested if your friend was female wanting to move to socal.
  10. If I lived in the NYC id be interested. Unfortunately, I live as far from there as you can be while still being in the continental usa. This is a great opportunity for anyone who lives there.
  11. This is why I have my own computer. I would never go on a diaper site on a family computer. Thats just asking for trouble. What I want to know is why this thread is called "Funny story". I know my parents finding out (which they did) was anything but funny.
  12. Ive found that most 2 tape diapers have bad tape systems. I only use 3 tape diapers because it holds better. I use attends 10
  13. Ive seen girls at school doing it, sometimes its a lil candy one. I highly doubt that means they are ab/dl's or wear diapers. I wish they would though
  14. wow you babies got me beat. I can't sew to save my life lol. So I am forced to buy from jumpin jammerz. I actually love my jumpin jammer, its very comfy cozy. Wish I could make my own though!
  15. Will it be diaper trivia or like general trivia?
  16. China might be ok for a visit, but I would never want to live there. Things are very different over there and the smallest of crimes here, is a death sentence over there. I have a few friends in china who collect skulls lol. I have lived in central america and would much prefer that over china. Speaking spanish is much easier than mandarin. The diapers over there would be very interesting but something tells me they are probably very cheap and very cheaply made. Best of luck if you decide to live over there, make sure to take pics of the diapers! Oh and b.t.w. I don't know this for sure but if they found out you were buying diapers not for need, but for want. You might get some harsh punishment. Sounds crazy to us but thats how things are over there
  17. hmm, I live in san diego but ive never been one for parades. Is this the kind of parade I could wear a tshirt and diaper to?
  18. I can't believe cadillac isnt listed. I have an 04 cadillac cts-v. Its very fast but absolutely sucks on gas mileage
  19. Well I am one of those people who would like to be incontinent someday. Im sure 99.9% of incontinent people would not want to be incontinent. Incontinent people don't enjoy wearing diapers like I do so obviously they would not want to wear diapers.
  20. First of all, a father should NEVER hit anyone for any reason. Especially his own son. I don't care how disrespectful you were being, thats ridiculous and he deserves to go to jail for Domestic violence. Maybe then he would learn how he was raised was wrong. If my father took a swing at me, id take a swing back. But my father would never do that thank god. My family found diapers in my room but they were much more accepting. Honestly, after your father hit you, you should have intelligently explained that hitting is for monkeys and talking is for human beings.
  21. I doubt you will make much money making a catalog for AB/DL with no diapers. Plus, with the ease of online ordering these days, a catalog would be useless.
  22. Im verified so doesnt affect me but hopefully its unlocked soon.
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