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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


BB 2023
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Everything posted by zzyzx

  1. @rusty pins: With your medical back ground I feel like going into the medical procedure - lower GI exam (scope) simulator I've worked on in the past.... And the "jokes" about about "breakfast and lunch time videos".... <GRIN>
  2. Most of my covers are currently PUL pants, and I think (most of) my current PUL pants are manufactured by Gary. I believe one of the problems with "breathable" material is relative temperature and humidity. In some sections of the country, I get away with PUL, provided the cut is right for over my cloth diapers. However, wearing at Disney World in Florida, the conditions were enough different where I think I got more "breathable condensation" effect Little Christine has mentioned. So, I think it depends on your experience and type of weather conditions you deal with on a regular basis. I still haven't found a good non PUL replacement for the VI Products wide elastic, good cut (for cloth diapers) with good seal with the elastics that lasts a reasonable amount of time at a reasonable prices. The Gary PUL pants almost do what I need, but I'm finding some inconsistencies in the leg elastic tension to where I probably need to run a special order to correct that and to get a slightly fuller / taller cut. And I don't like the (default / standard) cut from (Baby) Kin's. I've been debating about making a special order (personal size request) to either Kin's (as I believe @Cruiser 03 has done for some things) or Angle Fluff but haven't gone that far. Some of the vinyl pants can tear easily and/or don't last that long.
  3. Glennie was a bit off on "this younger generation".... Apologies, but (I believe) I'm the one that triggered the above.... I admit I may have just been the straw that broke the camel's back..... I also apologies to @WBDaddy , who I also referenced, and also changed his displayed age shortly after my comment(s) to Glennie while he was keeping an eye on my account when it was new.... I attempted a "public" age field like you had yours.... I was also contemplating similar to what WBDaddy is using now (i.e. something like "39 for the nth time", or similar).... As you see, I've settled on "over 21" for now. And from this thread, I believe it is (very) obvious I'm older than 21 or 39.... I just don't care to have my exact age displayed, even if it is only temporary (as folks forget to "update" this field annually, and the field has to be manually updated). The real problem gets back to age verification and protection of PII. I (and I assume others) do not like any PII publicly displayed, which the user's age field is -- if used as Glennie is requesting; and also object to collecting PII beyond what is needed (i.e. you only need birth year not actual birth date). However Mikey doesn't "require" the public age field to be your specific age. And the site's requirement is that you are old enough to be an adult (i.e. 18+). [This is part of why I probably will never get cleared on ADISC if I attempt to joint there.] Yes, then you get into how to validate the user's age.... Glennie bugged me before I even had the chance to get my profile's about me generated/posted, and before I made any other posts on the site. I don't blame Glennie for bugging me. He could have waited longer, which may have helped in this case, however I suspect he has thwarted more attempts at spamming the site with his approach to brand new users. The only alternative I think this site offers is age verification via a small ($3.00?) donation, which "assumes" someone with a credit card is old enough for the site. That might not be accurate with the gift cards available within the US, and probably else where. So, this could be split out to a different thread, but I don't know where to suggest a better balance than Glennie is already trying.... I had considered holding off registering on this site until after I was retired, and possibly not needing to be as concerned about publicly available PII and resulting issues from that. I expect over time to have too much in public response here that could piece together more PII from other sources. And most things posted on the "public" internet don't disappear. The only explicit thing I've seen disappear is some GNU licensed code sourced out of Australia that automated two factor authorization when booting an Ubuntu Linux system. I believe "five eyes" spotted that one when I imported it to the US (after finding with a Google search).... And with that, NSA probably "knows" who this profile is.... or at least a place of employment at that time.
  4. Learning to accept what has happened is a major (first?) step. When adult onset of secondary nocturnal enuresis hit me I made a deliberate decision to not let it stop me from doing things, while working in parallel to try to find short and long term solutions. Unfortunately for me, long term, my issue isn't going to go away. And I've added issues from how BPH was/is handled to my mix. That's part of why I've picked up white onesies in place of t-shirts..... I would consider my bladder to be "normal" before things hit. For me, one of the things I did initially was try to investigate what medical research was available at the time. Over about 1.5 years I spent a fair amount of time at the local university hospital library on a number of Sunday afternoons where I could freely use the tools there to search for more information.... Ultimately, no real additional info for my case.... Also tried meds -- not 100% effective, so what is the point? And the alarm systems only managed to make holes in underwear (where attached) and run down the batteries.... So, eventually, acceptance that it would not go away. And then using watching and waiting for PSA eventually hit the bladder from BPH side affects - reduced bladder capacity.... While I've recovered some capacity (post surgery), I'm not back to my old capacity and my Urologist doesn't recommend attempting to go further on this.... So, eventually one has to accept where one is at and live with it. Best wishes on how things progress with you. As to wetting when you need relief but can't run off to a bathroom, I'll let others comment on that.... I'm still in the phase of trying to keep what daytime control I have. However, from issues related to BPH, I know I leak a little bit some times during the day at this point. And sometimes I know it would be real easy for me to "let go" when the strong urges hit during the day.... I'm trying to not do that.... And I have enough capacity to (mostly) hold through a short urge and have reasonable frequency for bathroom visits. Based on overnight (when I'm already wet), I do know I don't have a problem re-warming a wet diaper....
  5. The simultaneous (linear?) equation used to be updated approximately annually....
  6. I've got some from ABU and from Tykables. The Tykables ones have stronger snaps. Not sure how sizing will work for your situation. Tykables tends to have stock issues, so it can be hit and miss some times on what is available. ABU has in two lengths.
  7. Unclear? All you had to do was compute the equation's value of a.... It was clearly understandable to >me<. ?
  8. A piece of me would suggest you change your displayed age back to an algebra equation (like you used to). I like that.... However that might get me in trouble with one or more of the moderators.... <GRIN>
  9. Second the use of onesies.... Wearing cloth diapers, they eventually stretch some (when wet) and will want to slide down. Onesie helps keep that from happening.
  10. <GRIN>? Ah, the old Wang Programmable Desktop Calculator..... I had access to one of those as part of a programming class my Senior year of high school.... From memory, the programming was either via input on the keyboard, or via a card (same size, but not 80 column Hollerith punch card) where you filled in dots with a pencil (or dark pen).
  11. I was on the edge of not needing a slide rule. My high school chemistry teacher allowed slide rules, but didn't allow scientific calculators because they were still too new (and not affordable by everyone).
  12. I believe I still have both of my parent's straight slide rules (both engineers). And I think I still have both my cheap straight and also my circular slide rule buried some place. And you might have used a written table that my grandfather helped produce. (He generated one page in one of the old books.)
  13. Was your slide rule circular or straight? <GRIN>
  14. @Eido: I should probably move this to a different forum area to continue this part of the discussion. However, if some one was like me (and how I broke, not seeking what has happened), then there could be others also near the boarder line. I don't think I've gotten into details of what brought me to needing to get diapers, which has lead me to this site.... However, based on how things went for me, yes, someone could get in trouble in only a few weeks.... My background: Between my 7th and 13th birthdays I woke up 10 times to find the mictrition cycle had triggered while I was asleep. 9 of the 10 times, was basically a full bladder release. Each time I slept solidly through what happened. Something else woke me up. I had no further issues till my second water bed as a young adult. As a teenager, twice, the second packing to go off to college, the thought crossed my mind of "what if" it happened again. At that age, I never understood why it happened the 10 times, but not otherwise, and a piece of me was "scared" or concerned that it might happen again. As a young adult, my second waterbed taught me I was sensitive to certain types of sudden external sensation changes while sleeping.... I got better controls on my third waterbed, and after getting things adjusted right, didn't have any further issues until an illness hit. Eventually, the combination of an illness and the medication used to get over the illness had the mictrition cycle triggering on every full bladder in my sleep while on the medication and getting over the illness (and drinking plenty of fluids to help clear the illness).... I called the doctor after the first night, and he wasn't concerned.... Expected it to go away once recovered. It didn't. In my opinion, it was the combination of the illness, a side affect of how the medication affected how I sense things, and a theory I have is that my nerve system is less dense than "normal|, "average" or "mean"... I've know since elementary school that how I sense things (starting with pain) isn't how most people sense things. After getting over that illness, I did find that I had to relearn some sensations.... such as knowing what temperature it was.... How I sensed things had shifted. And the combination of the negative impact over the two weeks on the medication changed what had been occasional nocturia into occasional nocturnal enuresis once I recovered from the illness.. So, yes, I think if I had been looking to untrain, I think I would have started wetting the bed way earlier than most and then wouldn't have been able to stop if I had wanted to. On a side note, prior to onset of BPH, my maximum functional bladder capacity was above average. Hence, I tend to prefer cloth diapers for reliability. Another theory I have is the larger than average bladder capacity is how I managed to get out of diapers the first time. So, yes, if there others out there with the same "limited" sensation / nerve system similar to how my body works, I think they could get in trouble in a significantly shorter time than the average / mean / normal person.
  15. @Eido I realize this response is a bit off the subject of the thread. When reading your earlier long discussion on this thread, I felt the need to respond, and struggling to come up with words appropriate to this specific forum area.... While I mostly agree with your comments about self regulation, I believe there is a very small percent of folks who might get in trouble quickly, and if that person decides to back out (shortly after proceeding with the goals of this form), might be in trouble.... However for that very small percent, they probably are already on the edge of incontinence whether they want it or not. So, long term, probably really doesn't matter and most will be able to try and find out if it is for them before getting in trouble. Thank you for the link to your thread. Your link makes it real about the situation surrounding the issues that prompt this thread's question. After reading that, I think the best solution to my concern would be to have a sticky subject thread at the beginning of this form that is links to the threads like yours, @oznl's, @Little Sherri's, @Enthusi's and others have about your personal progress and struggles.....
  16. As a long time lurker on this and a number of other sites (including dpf, wetville, aby.com, wetset, and that site that won't be named), I am glad to see a site that include incontinent users that is rather active. (Yes, @rusty pins, I am significantly older than 21... <grin>) In some ways, I am looking for things I need to try to avoid doing... And better ways to manage what I have to deal with. When occasional nocturia switched to occasional nocturnal enuresis several years ago (in part due to illness, the medications used and the way my body was made), the two best resource sites (i.e. where to find needed supplies, on the young internet) was a tri-state incontinence support site (#2, behind #1) and the ASDF (usenet - alt.sex.fetish.diapers) resource list managed by BBIF. (Yes, that mail list still exists....). While initially I was looking for how to manage the significant night time events while looking for possible solutions (which all have failed), I've found this "rabbit hole" of comfort.... Unfortunately (or "fortunately" depending on your view), early onset of BPH while utilizing watch and wait protocol has had some "interesting" side affects on the bladder.... Combine with other medical (partially genetically based) issues, I expect it to get worse over time. I'm just trying to defer what is probably unavoidable as long as is reasonable... Yes, some time (probably after retirement) I will probably give in to the DL / young boy / little boy side of me more.... Agreed. For a long time I found only properly layered cloth diapers could handle my night time output. Lighter nights (or possible not as hydrated as one should be) something like the old Molicare could work, but it was a risk. With the changes from BPH and with what the ABDL community has helped bring to the market, I'm starting to see disposable solutions that can work...
  17. @Oznl Understand the main issue.... One option would be buying a "gift" debit card for cash and use that.... Don't know if you have that option in your area.... or if such a cash transaction would be noticed. Best wishes.... I do enjoy your writing style... Ok, I'm partially reading for what not to do -- trying to keep things from getting worse for me....
  18. With family (as an adult, with my sister and her family), on a long vacation, at a camp ground laundry facility, my sister and I were handling laundry. I was folding my cloth diapers. Another lady came in to do some laundry and made a comment about the "towels" I was folding.... and based on response it dawned on them it wasn't towels..... Nothing more said.... <grin>
  19. @oznl I suspect if you paid one of the "subscriptions" (i.e. US $20), you can see WHO liked your posts.... I'm seeing user names tagged with the attached likes, etc.
  20. Ah, the Raspberry Pi (various forms)... Have about three of those sitting around here to "play" with when I get the chance.....
  21. You're pulling me back to the Heathkit H-100 (kit version of the Zenith Z-100) computer I referenced above.... It was a dual CPU - 8085 and 8088. The 8085 ran C/PM (85), similar to the Z80 and its predecessors. If memory serves me correctly, the 8088 while 8 bit on the interface, was a 16 bit CPU and equivalent of the Intel 8086 that was set up with full 16 bit physical bus.... I ran MS-DOS 1, 2 and 3, on that old 8088.... Never did buy C/PM for use on the 8085.... System was an S-100 bus, Assembly of the main board was mainly putting chips in sockets on the board. I think it was the floppy disk controller where one had to solder (almost) all the parts on the board.... And building the associated CRT (monochrome, green or amber) monitor kit was interesting.... Kit included one very long, insulated handle nut driver and/or screw driver so you could "safely" discharge built up electric charge before working on some of the parts..... Enjoy the fun building your device.... I don't see a lot of hobby usage at this level any more. Heathkit and Tandy / Radio Shack stores have disappeared. I believe even the local electronics parts store is gone (which supported local businesses). Now need to order online or from more national mail order companies. Of course some of the hardware engineers at work still play at this level, and I think one tech fills in boards when needed and handles patching prototype boards when wire patching is needed, etc.
  22. It has been very rare that I've had a deja vu moment on the first occurance.....
  23. @LonesomeLamp : Interesting.... The old Z80 chip is still around and in use....
  24. @Crinklz Kat: Are you old enough to also miss the Heathkit stores? It's been a long time since I assembled a Heathkit H-100 computer.... <grin>
  25. Ii prefer multiple layers over a very thick cloth diaper. The multiple thinner diapers will dry quicker and you can still make them as thick as you want. My personal preference is the 36"x36" four layer Purity from https://www.adultclothdiaper.com/Adult-Flat-Diapers-Gauze-Purity . Due to my issues, I use three at a time for overnight.
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