I would snag a diaper/pull up or two from younger cousins and then eventually when I started getting an allowance I would go to the store and buy my own diapers/pullups.
That was a great chapter and the next one will be what I dream about every night. You explained a lot of things I was going to ask. Hope the next chapter will be soon. 🙂
Yesssss! So glad this is finally up for everyone to read~!
Prime Jackie humiliation and bullying right here. Like I said earlier, loved how you got me to root for Jackie, even though we all knew it was a losing battle~ And all the asides from Mama, just to keep Jackie on her toes, deliciously devious!
But the cherry on top of Mama putting Jackie in her place with that insidious smirk? SO GOOD~!
So glad we were able to bring this to life! Definitely going to have to revisit Jackie in the future for more humiliating ordeals for her to endure~
@LexiinDiapers I wish that someone had not mentioned Legitfic. I couldn't resist and gorged all the other chapters. I absolutely love your writing style, have you written anything else?
“Wite woo!” Before Kayla could say much more she felt the crack of the paddle..
”Pwese!” She cried as it hurt and stung at the same time and she didn’t even know why she was being spanked!
She was so mad as she cried