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    • “How's Mommy's little princess?” Lilith cooed, slowly walking back into the living room where Maggie had settled down to watch some cartoons. Maggie nodded her head, not looking away from the TV as she nursed a sippy cup of juice. “Yea?” She said with a soft smile, leaning down to check her diaper. “We might need to give that a change before we head out,” Mikey crawled his way into the living room, plopping back on his padded butt as he sat on the carpet before looking up at Lilith. “Out?” Maggie questioned, suddenly looking away from the TV. “Mhmmm,” Lilith said softly, making her way towards the kitchen. “We’re going to go for a little walk as a family. Get some fresh air,” Maggie felt her nerves churn ever so slightly in her stomach, unsure what all that would entail. “Relax,” Lilith said calmly, returning with a bottle as she handed it to Mikey on the floor, who quickly reached out to take it. “Mommy’s magic is going to keep everyone safe as usual,” Maggie nodded, feeling suddenly reassured. “Besides, Mommy has a cute little harness she wants to try out with you,” She teased, suddenly producing it from the side of the couch as if it had just been conjured. Its simple backpack shape seemed cute. A stuffed white rabbit with a tiny pocket made up the simple bag, attached to a simple pink set of straps that had a locking mechanism on the front. Lilith held it up for her to see, showing off its accompanying pink canvas leash that she then connected to it. “Can’t have you running away on me,” She teased some more. “Wha ‘bout the baby?” Maggie asked, pointing down at Mikey who had drained nearly half of the bottle already. “Mommy’s got just that thing for him,” She said, getting up as she made her way to the front door, giving a discreet flick of her wand as she stopped at the door, muttering some words under her breath. The door swung open, revealing a rather simple baby stroller, only it had been massively oversized to fit an adult. Both Mikey and Maggie’s eyes grew wide as Lilith rolled it inside. “Come on,” Lilith said with a smile, overly excited herself as she leaned down to hoist Mikey off of the floor as he clung to his bottle. The smile on his face grew as big as it could as Lilith lowered him into the stroller. Her vibrantly green eyes glistened down at him as she smiled lovingly at him. The soft padding cradled him on all sides as he felt practically weightless. The angle sat just right so that he could see forward, or drift off with ease, an idea that filled him with a sudden sense of excitement. “What a cutie!” Lilith squealed, suddenly overwhelmed with joy herself as Mikey tried his hardest to keep up the fantasy for her, lifting the remaining contents of his bottle as he started to suck it down again. “Ughhh!” She let out, leaning in to secure the straps around him as he suddenly felt even smaller than he thought he could. “You stay right here, baby boy. Mommy’s going to get everything we need for our walk,” She cooed, before disappearing back down the hall. “Hehe, dat looks comfy,” Maggie said, stumbling her way over to be in front of the stroller. “You make a cute baby,” Mikey’s face was beet red as he blushed intensely, hiding behind the shrinking contents of his bottle. “Alright, baby girl,” Lilith called out from behind, carrying a variety of items in her arms as she carried them over to the stroller. “Finish your juice and meet Mommy in the nursery. We’ll get you changed out of the icky diaper,” Maggie blushed slightly, giving Mikey a final glance before scurrying off towards the nursery. “Now,” Lilith said, setting the items on the floor as she started to bring them up one by one. “I got you your favorite plush blankie,” She said, laying it over him as she tucked the ends in around his legs. “Keep you nice and warm,” Mikey smiled, his bottle coming to an end as he set it down, running his hands over the blanket, stimulating his sensory input. “We’ll get you another bottle before we leave too,” She said with a smile, pulling out a pacifier as she guided it into his mouth and clipping it to his collar. “I know how fidgety you can get too,” She said, clipping an obvious baby toy to be just above his face before tucking a few smaller fidget toys into the side pockets. “Of course, you be sure to let Mommy know if you get bored,” She said, finally handing him his stuffed bear as he latched onto it, clutching it in his arms as he gave Lilith a large smile from behind his binky. “Can you be a good boy for me and wait here?” She cooed, slightly adjusting the blanket as she grabbed the bottle to get up. “Mommy just has to get your sister all nice and ready,” Mikey started to nod, but Lilith quickly disappeared from sight without waiting for his response. He felt helpless, suddenly noticing the actual lock on the harness holding him in place, but he loved it. He waited patiently, looking around at the various parts of the stroller he could see while his mind wandered about all of the possibilities. The minutes grew longer as he felt himself becoming ever so slightly bored, eventually pulling out one of the toys to play with as soft chirps of gleeful squeals came from the nursery. He giggled to himself, as Lilith eventually made her way into sight, pulling Maggie closely behind her as the leash already in full use as Maggie’s face practically radiated with excitement and happiness. “Oh, I almost forgot,” Lilith said, filling up Mikey’s empty bottle before handing it to him in the stroller. “You all set in there, baby boy?” Mikey nodded, tucking the bottle at his side as he suddenly felt the stroller start to move, making a gracious turn towards the front door as they headed out as a family. Mikey’s smile beamed with excitement. The feeling of being in the stroller was an entirely new experience that he instantly fell in love with. He marveled at the world in front of him as Lilith pushed the stroller down the path. The sun glistened through the trees above as the gentle breeze brushed against his skin. The soft, plush blanket sat loosely over his bottom half, providing a discrete cover to his diapered bottom, while also helping him stay on the warmer side, with a touch of extra cuteness. The colors all seemed so vibrant, as if he’d never seen these shades before. The yellows, blues and greens glistened together to create a sparkling sense of wonderment as he happily sucked on his pacifier. “Careful now,” Lilith's voice rang out as Maggie suddenly felt the force of the leash pull her back, preventing her from running further into the grass to chase a butterfly. Mikey couldn't help but smile from behind his pacifier. He was living in a fantasy land with the most incredible Mommy. He shifted slightly in his seat to get comfortable as he felt his stomach give a soft rumble, but ignored it as he listened to the songs of the birds around them. He let his pacifier fall out, grabbing his bottle as he raised it to his lips before beginning to suck. The cool streams of milk helped further dull his mind as he felt his stomach give a slightly larger rumble before suddenly feeling the familiar warm mess fill the back of his diaper. He let out a sigh, his hot breath escaping around the sides of the bottle's nipple before quickly latching out again as his body continued to void its waste. The warm mush instantly filling any available space before pushing its way forward. He thought about crying out, knowing that Lilith could make it all go away if he wanted it to, but he didn’t. Usually he felt naughty after making a mess, wanting to act on it to bring out his bratty side. But this time he felt at peace. Truly relaxed as he embraced its warmth as the cool breeze continued to fill the stroller. “Can I go in da wa’er?” Maggie suddenly asked, excitedly pointing towards the lake that was coming up ahead of them. “If that's something you want to do,” Lilith chuckled. Maggie nodded her head, pulling on the leash as she skipped ahead of the stroller, almost as if to guide them in the direction of the lake. Lilith smiled to herself, holding the leash firmly as Maggie's determination pulled them ahead on the otherwise short walk as Mikey fidgeted in his mess. Lilith positioned the stroller just short of the sand as it came to a stop, giving Mikey an excellent view of the soft waves pushing their way onto the sandy shore. “Uh uh,” Lilith's voice rang out, as Maggie was pulled back by the leash. “Shoes and socks, little girl,” Maggie blushed before returning to Lilith who helped her remove them as Maggie used the stroller for support. “No higher than your ankles, understand?” Lilith said, helping roll her pants up as Maggie nodded. There was a moment of silence before Maggie took off running past the stroller, the harness still attached but with no lease as she made her way on the sandy beach to the water's edge. Lilith crouched down in front of the stroller, pretending not to notice the smell emanating from his otherwise full diaper as he lowered his bottle. “Hi, sweetie,” She cooed, giving his stomach a soft rub from above the blanket. “Are you going to be okay waiting right here? Or do you want to play in the sand?” Mikey shook his head with a smile, content with where he was. “Alright…” She said, her hand gently running down to his diaper as she pushed at the squishy diaper and its content with a smirk. “I'm sure we'll have to get you out of this stroller here shortly either way,” Mikey blushed embarrassingly as she gave him a final smile. She got up, turning to chase after Maggie who had already gotten her feet wet in the water. Her arms were held up high as she tilted her head back, fully soaking in the sunshine as she enjoyed the moment of bliss.   Did you enjoy the story? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar! Or be sure to let me know what you thought by interacting with the post!    
    • Some might say getting a double wide in west Texas tornado country might not be that far off from jumping off the roof. I hope we get a Christmas follow up scene with Cindy's sister. No one does humiliation like an angry sister.
    • is there still a store in Moncton    
    • Sweet chapter. Beth and Carlys relationship sure grew a bit. Between the threat and their pain, they learned exactly what they mean to each other. Needing each other to calm down after everything. They figured out that they would do anything for the other. Even give each other up. Though neither one can see leaving.  I liked seeing Beth thinking about leaving the dimension with Carly. And for the first time Carly really hinted that she may just stay. Guess we will see what happens in the end. I hope they remain together in the end. 
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