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    • Soaking wet as usual this morning. Completely saturated nappy and large wet patch in the bed. I slept through it all.
    • There is no F.N.C.  are you thinking of the DNI?
    • There is no better feeling than waking up wet having slept through it all until morning.
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    • Chapter 13: Dates Arbitrio Sanguinis – LittleFallenPrincess         After resting my body for a good ten minutes or so, I rolled over and reached down into my coat pocket, grabbing my phone. As I’m sure Avery was waiting for a text from me to tell her that I got home safe. And Fiona was probably wondering where I was too. So as Avery was the immediate concern, I opened my messages to see that yes, I had been messaged by both potential Mummies. Avery: Did you get home safe, sweetie? Avery: You okay hun? Avery: Just let me know you’re okay. Don’t wanna be too pushy or assertive, I just want to know you got home safe and that you’re okay. So message me as soon as you can, okay? I felt bad for keeping her waiting like this, so I very hastily typed up a reply Lucy: Got home safe! Sorry! Got held up by friends. Avery: That’s okay sweetie! I’m just glad you got home safe. I enjoyed tonight, I hope we could maybe do it again sometime? Lucy: I’d love to. Avery: We discussed maybe… Babysitting you? We didn’t get to do any proper babying today, and you looked so cute too! Lucy: I’d love that. I… umm… Avery: What’s up, sweetpea? Lucy: My friend said you could maybe babysit me here, provided she checks you out first. If that’s okay? Avery: Check me out? I mean sure, but why? Lucy: She knows Dave. She just wants to know you’re safe to bring to the Sanctuary. Avery: Sanctuary? Wait, that’s actually real? Lucy: You’ve heard of it? Avery: I’ve heard whispers. Wasn’t sure if they were real or not. So is there really a safe place for monstrum to go when they need help? Lucy: It’s… where I am now. Avery: You are at the sanctuary? Why? Lucy: Because my friends run it. And because I needed help. Avery: Oh hun… why didn’t you tell me? Help from what? From whom? Can I help at all? Lucy: I… there are a couple of hunters out for me. So I’m laying low. Me and my housemates had to move in here for the time being. Sorry I didn’t tell you… just that’s something that’s hard to explain on a first date. Especially since I thought you were a clueless human. Avery: Understandable, and don’t worry about it hun. I’m sorry to hear that though! Are you okay? What hunters? What did they look like? Lucy: Look like? I dunno, they were mostly covered up. One was a man, one was a woman. Sounded like siblings. They’re probably relatives of a hunter who used to hunt me. Avery: This has happened before? Lucy: Yeah. Many years ago though. I’m not a fighter, so I just evaded him as much as I could. Last time I saw him though, I finally fought back and shattered his ankle. Avery: You did? Lucy: And I haven’t heard from him since. So I’m pretty sure these two are his relatives, trying to get revenge or something. Avery: Oh baby, I’m so sorry! I put you in danger tonight by taking you out! Lucy: I knew the risks, don’t worry. Avery: No, it’s not okay. I’m not endangering your life again like that. Not whilst they’re out there. So sure, your friend can do a background check on me if you want. Lucy: I think she just wants to talk to Dave about you, as she knows him well and trusts him. Avery: Then by all means, go for it. We’ll have our next date at the Sanctuary, somewhere you can be safe. I’m not having them hunt you down just because I wanted to get you a milkshake… I blushed and squealed quietly to myself. This woman was freaking perfect. She is just too cute! Lucy: Okay then. Give her a day or two to talk to Dave about you, then she should give the go ahead to allow you into the Sanctuary. I hope you understand why it has to remain hidden to humans? Avery: Don’t worry, I completely understand. And I feel honoured that I’m even being considered for entry. I have to ask though… is it true that there's a playroom for littles in there? Or is that just a rumour? Lucy: There’s also a dungeon. But yeah, there is. Maybe… maybe you could take me there eventually. You’d have to become friends with Beth first, she’s even more protective of that safe space than she is the whole Sanctuary! Avery: Also understandable. Now, isn’t it getting late, little one? Lucy: I’m a vampire! You know this now! Avery: Still, you’ve had a busy day and you need your rest. So get your jammies on, and get snuggled up with a stuffie, okay? Lucy: …okay. *blushes* Avery: Night night, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow, little Princess of Darkness… Lucy: Nini *blushes more*   She was right, I was exhausted. But I still had one more person to message before I could go to bed, so I quickly opened the chat with Fiona’s unread messages waiting for me, and skimmed through them. Fiona: So, I know you’re probably busy with your hectic love life, but I just wanted to tell you… I’ve started picking out movies for our date night. I’ve got some fantastic choices too, I can’t wait for you to see them! Hope you’re having fun, and stay safe! Xx Fiona: Oh my god, I nearly choked on my coffee when I remembered a movie we could watch together. Added it to the list. Thinking about you xx Fiona: Hope you’re taking care of yourself. And if you are outside the Sanctuary, that you’re safe. Ideally with someone to protect you. Not that you need protecting. I… sorry. I’m just worried after those hunters attacked. Just keep me updated okay? Not that you have to tell me everything about your life, just that… ah… you know what I mean. Sorry. Xx I could feel a happiness in my heart as I read Fiona’s messages, imagining her actually saying those things with her adorable voice. Lucy: Hi! Sorry I was so late in replying, I had a thing tonight. Fiona: A date? Lucy: It was a… thing. Fiona: Okay hun, I won’t pry. Are we still on for our movie date tomorrow though? Lucy: Of course! Although… Fiona: Uh oh… I don’t like the sound of that ‘although’… Lucy: I know we said our first meet wasn’t a first date, but it pretty much was. Kinda. Sort of. Fiona: But that’s not fair! Lucy: It was a good first date! My wolf in shining armour ❤️ Fiona: I… okay fine, so what do you want to do? Still want to do movies? Or do you want to do something more suitable for a second date? Lucy: I was thinking… Maybe you could babysit me instead? We could still do movies. But we could make a blanket fort, snuggle up… I could be umm… you know… Fiona: Padded? Lucy: …Yes. Fiona: Okay, that sounds wonderful, pup. But now I’m going to have to rethink my entire movie choices! You’re lucky you’re so damn cute… Lucy: Save the adult movies for our third date, ‘kay? Fiona: Okay then. But that means you’re officially and contractually obligated to go out on two more dates with me, you know that? Lucy: And what if I break the terms of contract? Fiona: Spankings. Lots of them. Like… so many you won’t be able to sit down for the rest of the day! Lucy: Oh no… whatever shall I do… After saying goodnight to Fiona… after a bit more flirting… She too told me to get snuggled up with a stuffie and get some sleep. So I did just that, falling asleep to the thought of being babied by either of those gorgeous women. But what I could feel deep within my heart… was the horrible anxiety at having to choose between the two. Because even if one did manage to win my heart… I don’t want to hurt the other.   I awoke with a skip in my step, dancing about my temporary accommodation, getting dressed for the morning so I could go down and get breakfast with my friends. Picking out a black summer dress and sandals, I skipped out of the room and down the hallway towards the elevator, excited about what lay in store for me today. Making my way to the dining room, I saw a few other guests eating at separate tables, but in the centre was Beth, Susie and Abby, eating breakfast. Grim must be having a lie in. “Someone’s feeling excited!” Susie said, chomping down on a spoonful of whatever cereal was the cereal of the week this week for her. “Got a little movie/babysitting date today. Then another babysitting date sometime in the next few days.” I explained. “So you asked her?” “Who?” “Well, I was going to say Avery, but yeah I guess Fiona too. They both want a babysitting date?” “Yeah. I can’t wait.” I replied, the grin on my face was making my jaw start to hurt a bit. “What time is she coming?” Susie asked. “I… don’t know... Shit!” “Language…” Beth warned me from the other side of the dining table. “Sowwy.” “Good girl. Now, why don’t you text your potential girlfriend, find out what time you’re doing this date, then get some breakfast down you. Do you have an outfit, or are you letting her pick it out for you?” “I… umm… don’t know. Should I have an outfit? Should I let her pick? Would she like that sort of thing? Or am I just giving her too much control too quickly?” “Littles… you’re such nervous little creatures…” Beth laughed to herself, making the rest of us at the table blush. “Just let her pick your outfit. She’ll like that. Pick out like 3 of your favourite little outfits, then she can pick from those. She’ll appreciate getting to dress you up all little.” “Should I start off padded or not?” “Do you need a change?” “I… umm…” I did. I really did. I hadn’t even thought to change before coming down for breakfast, and I was soaked right now. “So that’s a yes. Clean yourself up, but don’t put another one on, put on your normal adult underwear. Trust me, she’ll love the opportunity.” Beth grinned. “...Okay. Thank you Beth.” “Good girl. Now text Fiona, then get some food down you.”   I sat down at the table with my friends and quickly sent a message to Fiona, who was already up and awake, thankfully, as she barely needed a second to reply. She asked me how I was feeling, if I was still up for today, and the most important thing… what time she should come round. After a little back and forth agreeing to a time, we decided we’d do it early afternoon, meaning I had a few hours to change my mind constantly about what outfits I’d pick for her. And after a quick ‘I can’t wait to see you again’ from her, followed by a wink emoji, she went offline. Thankfully, Beth had signalled the kitchen to make me some breakfast, so shortly after I put my phone back in my pocket, a plate of vampire-friendly food was placed on the table in front of me, and I just went to work on it, shoving forkful after forkful into my mouth. “Someone’s excited to play with her new Mummy…” Susie joked, taking a small bite of her pancakes. That girl and her food… “I… shush!” I said, nearly spitting out my food as I hadn’t even stopped to swallow or chew my food before talking. “D’awww… but no talking with your mouth full, sweetie.” Beth replied, joining in the teasing. “Hmph…” I growled, slowly chewing my food. “Not… Mummy… yet…” “I know, but you'll have to decide sometime soon though, hun. You can’t keep leading both of these women along. You’ll have to pick one of them eventually.” “I know… I just… I’ve never had this much interest in me. There’s barely ever any interest in me, and then suddenly two at once? How am I supposed to decide which one I like the most?” “Which do you get on well with more?” Susie asked. “Fiona is scruffy and cute and seems like she’d be more into my interests. But Avery is very much the traditional Mummy and seems like she’s very maternal and ‘proper’ compared to Fiona, but I can still have a nice conversation with her.” “And which do you prefer?” “I DON’T KNOW!” I yelled, a little too loudly, as I got the attention of the other guests and quickly withdrew in shame, hiding beside Abby. “Sorry…” “Well… see how both of these playdates go. Then if one makes you more little, go with her. Because it sounds like both of them interest you as an adult, so it’s all down to which can be better for your little side.” “What… what if they’re both equally good?” I asked, realising that that was actually a possibility, making me even more anxious. “Then have two Mummies!” Abby joked. “You’re going to have to choose one of them, no matter what, sweetie. I know you’re worried about picking the wrong one and regretting it, and more importantly upsetting the one you don’t pick… but it has to be done.” Beth replied, being the voice of reason… as always.       ======================================================= Couldn't post this yesterday due to it being down, but here you go!   Just a heads up: The first two of three chapters of my new commissioned short story about Nessa from Little in Love are available on my Subscribestar as an exclusive. One chapter left, being posted this Sunday. If you haven't seen, I'm now up and running on Subscribestar! (Sorry for the reminder again, trying to get my subscribers back after the Patreon rubbish!) ======================================================== I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I love reading them! If you want to read the next 4 chapters, thanks to two weeks early access to my main story and also soon-to-be exclusive access to short stories (or even have a chance at commissioning one when I add the tier for them!), why don't you check out my SubscribeStar! The basic tier gets early access and exclusive access to short stories (when they're written), higher tiers will be limited but get a short story each month (1-2 per month in total, also not yet running this tier yet, will announce when I'm starting!). Thank you to all my subscribers for their support over the past few years! Seriously, your support means the world to me. New chapters of my latest story every Wednesday/Sunday! Also just a quick note: I don't mind people saving this story for personal reading. But I'd appreciate it if people didn't post it elsewhere, even if you're just suggesting it to other people. If you want to show others, please send them a link to the first page of this post! Thanks!  
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