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Has anyone worn a diaper during long hours of sports?

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For hiking I would suggest your disposable of choice with a pair of underwear over top to help against bunching and sagging. You might also want to put some creme on your inner thighs to ward off any soreness from chaffing. For marathons and running unless you are fecally incon. I would go without a diaper. Wear underwear and shorts that are non absorbent and if you have to go just let it flow... that's what runners do anyways. Boating/sailing/anything water related I usually also go without a diaper... I'm gonna be wet anyways, so what's the big deal?

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I've never worn while doing an actual sport like the examples you mentioned, but I have worn while working out in a gym. My sessions are 2 hours, 1 hour of weights/resistance training and 1 hour of cardio/stretching. Also I only wear thicker diapers so I would have been wearing a bambino classico or something similar. I have mentioned this in other sport/physical related threads and I find diapers only get in the way of the activity. If you don't have a dependency on diapers I would recommend avoiding diapers while doing any sports or physically demanding activities, from my experiences they just don't mesh well together.

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Even when I was younger and still had daytime bladder control, I always asked for a diaper before riding a horse. Of course after I learned how to pin on my diaper I just did so.

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I think OP will need to practice and experiment with different concepts (like compression shorts, and the body glide mentioned above, and heavy pullups) and ladie's or men's pee pads, or just plain non-absorbent underwear and drip on the ground, or condom catheters with good support) to be able to effectively do long exercise in a diaper.

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I used to try jogging a few yeas back, and wore diapers at the same time. At first I got horrible chaffing and had to use petroleum jelly before hand to help prevent it. After a few months the skin on my thighs started adapting and got tougher. I had to stop jogging though since my body couldn't take the shock and impact that comes with running.

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Not sports but my work sometimes involves almost constant fast full-body movement, exertion of effort, and unusual positons for the whole day. The main issue I've had is that sometimes the diaper padding breaks down and clumps after a few hours. This has happened with Tena, Bambino, Attends and Depends too. It doesn't seem to matter with what has already been absorbed but that renders it useless for anything more <_<

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Marathoner here. I've worn diapers under my running shorts for runs up to 8 miles before. I make sure to use Body Glide in the places I'd expect to chafe, and I also make a point to wear plastic backed diapers. When you start to sweat, the diaper slides rather than chafing. I really haven't had any issues, other than feeling self conscious about crinkling when I pass people. A half marathon is probably doable, but you get enough chafing in a marathon and if you have to use your diaper at any point, that might not be comfortable.

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