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Should I go 24/7 with IBS?

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I need advice. I feel really guilty about considering going 24/7. I've been diagnosed with IBS and do actually have times where I need to get to a bathroom quick, but I've only have like 5 accidents in a year and a half. I have a doctor's note saying that I require diapers, but lately I've felt more guilty than ever that maybe I'm just being dramatic or letting my abdl side persuade me. Paddeding up seems to help, particularly by lowering stress and symptoms and I've regretted not padding up for awhile now especially at work, but haven't had any accidents (but a few close calls). My question is if it's justified just to go 24/7? I don't need diapers all the time, but I'm having a harder time predicting when it would help so maybe I should just do it all the time instead. I also have a loving girlfriend how supports either decision 100%. Any ideas?

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24 minutes ago, TigerTy said:

I need advice. I feel really guilty about considering going 24/7. I've been diagnosed with IBS and do actually have times where I need to get to a bathroom quick, but I've only have like 5 accidents in a year and a half. I have a doctor's note saying that I require diapers, but lately I've felt more guilty than ever that maybe I'm just being dramatic or letting my abdl side persuade me. Paddeding up seems to help, particularly by lowering stress and symptoms and I've regretted not padding up for awhile now especially at work, but haven't had any accidents (but a few close calls). My question is if it's justified just to go 24/7? I don't need diapers all the time, but I'm having a harder time predicting when it would help so maybe I should just do it all the time instead. I also have a loving girlfriend how supports either decision 100%. Any ideas?

I agree with @Apache Raccoon, @TigerTy, There is nothing to be ashamed of and there's nothing to worry about! You need to go 24/7 because of IBS, or any other diagnosis, you have a legitimate reason for needing to go 24/7, and since you've had at least five accidents, I can assure you that you do have a reason for doing so. I know that having accidents is not the best thing to happen, as I've had at least 2 of them in the past two months, last month I had one that was so bad that it ended up smearing itself all over the place, and took a long time for me to clean it up, but I'm glad every time I have a blowout like this or anytime I have Something happened that I can't control, that I'm wearing diapers. Every single time this has happened, I have been very fortunate and I am so fortunate to be able to get diapers that I need, and I don't have to worry about people finding out whenever about it, because I do need it!

Don't feel bad my man, you have to do what you have to do, and now you have a legitimate reason to wear, so enjoy it, Because I've always taught several people and I've always said to people that for every single thing that is considered a negative there's always a positive. A negative may be that you have to wear a diaper, but a positive is that you have a diaper on so that you don't have to deal with so much of the mess. You'll have to clean yourself up, but that's small potatoes compared to being uncomfortable and having a mess that you have to clean up because you're not able to get to the bathroom fast enough. Let your body relax and just go with the flow, that's about the best I can give you for advice.

My main concern was that I had so many things that I was worried about, that it was driving me insane, and part of the thing that I had to understand is that there are certain things that I can't control, and that I don't want to control, and stress has been prevalent all over the place.  I don't let the small stuff bother me, and even when bad things happen, I don't let it bother me either because there's nothing I can do about it, nor nothing that I want to do about it, other than to be protected so that I can worry about things that are considered a lot higher priority. Whether I wear a diaper or not does not change the fact that I'm incontinent, and I'm always going to be incontinent, I always have CP so that's something that I don't have to worry about, but the stress level is something that has been ridiculous, and I've learned to just let it go and not to worry about it, and diapers have helped me deal with stress that have been really bad lately.

On the eighth of July, we were told that we are going to be hit with severe weather: i'll tell you this is really severe: we ended up with severe flooding all over the state of Vermont, and in my city and in the capital city of Montpelier. This has happened before, and luckily there is nothing that I have to worry about, because I was able to deal with that unscathed, but other communities in the state of Vermont were devastated. Down in the church in Montpelier where I work at, everything was lost and we had to cut everything all the way back to the walls, and there's no guarantee that we will ever be able to rebuild down there, so I'm not even sure what status my thrift store will have, but we'll have to see what happens in a month, and I will have to determine with the help of others what the next step will be.

We just went through a major problem in a major disaster, but I'm not really worried about it, because as long as I'm alive and I'm able to do what I'm doing, my family is alive, and I have what I have and I'm not in a state of having to deal with a medical problem, I'm happy. As long as my friends and family are safe that's what matters to me, the world could end tomorrow and as long as everyone that I love is taken care of and is safe that's all I care about. You can always replace things but you can't replace lives, and every single time you have a major problem like this, you always have to think of the negative, but there's always going to be a negative in every situation, but there's always a positive. In my case a negative is that my city got flooded, but the positive is that I'm alive and able to function, and a lot of my friends are still alive, and while they lost a lot of things in Montpelier for example, they're still alive. Always replace things but you can never replace lives, and I am very fortunate that I made the choice to let stress go, because that can really be a pain in the neck.

So as I said, don't sweat the small stuff and go 24/7 if you think that is the right situation for you. No shame in doing so, because you need to be able to do it, and I'm sure you would feel a lot better because you're wearing a diaper rather than having an accident. It's a lot easier to deal with and it's a lot better to have a diaper on than to have a mess. This weather you have a diaper on or not, you could still make a mess, but at least you have a diaper on and you can always add things that you need to your arsenal, including probably some plastic pants some onesies or something like that, that will keep your diaper in position and keep you dry.

Good luck my friend, I suffer from IBS myself and I can tell you it stinks! But you have to always think of the positive within a negative, at least I can wear diapers all the time now and I don't have to feel guilty, and I don't have to hide the true self that I know I am which is an incontinent diaper lover, and I'm glad that I am and I'm glad that I was able to have people help me understand that, because because of that I feel a lot better and I'm not stressed about it anymore!

Good Luck!


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Any advice on my friends and family? If I'm 24/7 it's only a matter of time before an awkward conversation. I think it's what's best for me, but I'm a bit scared to fully commit to this. It's hard to hide my diaper mountain in my bedroom or the waddle as I walk. 

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3 hours ago, TigerTy said:

Any advice on my friends and family? If I'm 24/7 it's only a matter of time before an awkward conversation. I think it's what's best for me, but I'm a bit scared to fully commit to this. It's hard to hide my diaper mountain in my bedroom or the waddle as I walk. 

When I went back to wearing (cloth) diapers at night due to secondary onset of occasional nocturnal enuresis, I told family members (parents, siblings) as needed (i.e. before visiting).

You have a medical need to wear some protection.  In my opinion a discussion (as / when needed) with (immediate) family members is reasonable.  No need to bring up the ABDL side of things. 

Yes, if you bedroom is open to others, you probably need to have discussions with them, again, don't need to bring up ABDL...

As to waddle or noticing you are wearing, most folks won't notice.  Since you have the "fun" of bowel issues, yes, that will be more noticeable when it hits.....  Outside of that, most folks won't even notice you are wearing a diaper.

I'd also choose protection that if you can make it to the bathroom, you aren't trapped by the diaper.  That may require some experimentation to find what works best for you.

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How do you feel about it?  Would you enjoy being in diapers 24/7/365?  If so, would you just give up all your control and going to the bathroom when you need to and just use your diapers for everything, or would diapers just be a safety net for those very few times you might have an accident?  Would you still pee in the toilet and just use the diapers if you have to poop, or do it all in your diapers?  Would that make you happy or would you find yourself sometimes getting upset or depressed at being in diapers?  Only you can decide.  If you are talking strictly for possible need, that may be one thing, but if you already love wearing and using diapers as an AB or DL, that may sway you to go full time 24/7/365.  You have to factor in your feelings about family and others knowing you are 24/7 in diapers.  You mentioned you are a bit scared to fully commit and also hiding the mountain of diapers in your room and the diaper waddle when you walk.  Only you can make the decision on going 24/7 or not.  It might be a safe thing to do if you have regular accidents, but just maybe 2 or 3 a year might suggest a compromise.

Perhaps if you don't want to commit to doing everything in your diapers 24/7 and totally giving up the toilet, leave yourself an option.  Wear full diapers at home to enjoy your AB/DL side as often as you want, but try pull on disposable underwear as a second option.  You can wear them to work, around friends and family discreetly, and since your issue is IBS, you can still pee in the toilet easily when you need to.  The pull up disposable underwear is much more discreet, you could most likely get away with wearing them to work, around friends and family without them finding out, as well as still going to the bathroom when you have to pee and especially poop.  If you don't quite make it, well, you are still protected for those now and then accidents.  Just a thought.  It's totally up to you as to whether you want to go full time diapers 24/7/365.  Just think out all the pro's and cons and then decide.  Let us know what you decide to do.

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1 hour ago, ppdude said:

Isn't there meds to help with IBS? I'm currently struggling with that and will be asking the DR about it.




It's complicated. There are 4 types and each requires a different medication. I've tried an antidepressant (surprisingly) and didn't get any results. I have since others that can reduce the symptoms, but only after they start. Honestly, just being padded works better to lower my stress and symptoms that any meds I've tried. I find that stress is the main cause of my problem. 

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So update 1.....

This morning I woke up feeling terrible, but against my better judgement I decided not to wear today. This was widely regarded as a bad move. About 5 min into the meeting I was 100% convinced I was about to have an accident. I made it through, but directly after went directly to the least populated bathroom I could find and put on my little kings. The story does not end here however. Where I work has two stalls, and usually its pretty busy. This is a problem when you are convinced you have the loudest tapes on the planet and big gaps in the doors. 

I decided that since it was always risky to remove my diaper I would only do it to go #2. #1 was discrete enough to use the diaper as it was intended and meant that I could take it off less. All was going well until the 4th visit of the day when I accidently dropped my diaper on the stall floor, where I think someone saw. They didn't say anything but I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. 😅

Overall though, I felt less stressed while padded and decided that I will try the 24/7 lifestyle. I accept that my friends will find out at some point, but I won't go out of my way to tell them. My family already suspects something, but would 100% support my decision if I told them this is what helps me. Me and my girlfriend decided that when I'm at work I'll be diapered and use it for #1 only while going to the potty for #2 (makes it easier to deal with), but once I get home I'm to be dressed in a onesie and be fully reliant on the diaper. She will handle all my diapering needs at home. 

I enjoy being diapered, and have accepted that people will eventually find out, but this is part of me, and makes me feel better. Its just a different kind of under where so I plan to treat it like one. @rusty pins you make a great point about personal choice. I think I'm going to do what you recommend in your last paragraph, but I'm not as concerned about being as discrete as possible. Just as comfortable as possible. 

I'm still nervous about accepting that I "need" diapers, but it feels like the right path for me, especially with support at home. My next hurdle is if anyone at work brings it up, but I'll be ready. I'll update as I learn, and if anyone wants to chat, reach out. 🌈


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  • 2 months later...

I can feel with you, as I had the same problems. I was DL but only wearing them for fun, maybe two or three nights in a month.

But as my bladder condition got worse and I needed to wear diapers even on days that I did not like to wear tham, i was feeling ashame, and I regreted. I tired to got to bed without diapers. So I had to stand up and go to the toilet several times a night. Because I just did not want to be dependant on diapers. 

After I could accept the condition, and started to wear diapers without thinking about it, the whole stress got away. 

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I went through the same thing years ago. I choose diapers, fast forward to now, I’m diaper dependent and can’t go a day with out them. Very very very happy with this choice! It worked out great for me.

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I think the choice is pretty binary. If you have a history of accidents, cannot predict when you may have a flare up, or fear having another accident, the results of which could be damaging to your mental health, then you choose the diaper option in whatever capacity you wish. None of this has a relation to your ABDL desires.

I am purely DL. It is not known to family or friends. That's the way I like it. But a few years back a friend who had just been through a harrowing medical situation commented that she was glad she didn't have to wear adult diapers. I thought it was an odd statement and said that if the choice was between wearing diapers or wetting/messing my pants or my bed, I would go with diapers 100 per cent of the time. I stand by that today. 

In your case, diapers are a useful tool to help you manage your life, not different from wearing glasses if you eye sight is poor or hearing aids if you are hearing impaired. The issue for most of us is we have been socialized to believe that all adults must be able to maintain their bodily continence at all times, something that is provably not true. The aisles devoted to incon products at grocery stores and pharmacies tell a different story. If those products weren't selling, they wouldn't be accorded the shelf space they receive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have a history of IBS and flare-ups or a fear of having another accident or you can't predict when an accident is about to happen. I would say go for it and go diapered 24/7. It would be the best insurance policy against IBS flare-ups.

I know I have friends who have IBS and have gone diapered to prevent IBS from flaring up in unexpected places. They can't predict when it's going to happen but being diapered makes sure that if it does happen, the diaper can contain it and deal with the IBS flaring up. I was on an EMS call with my Assistant chief and her IBS flared up on a call in the assisted living facility. Luckily the place has a stockpile of pull-ups that she can use until she gets back to the station to get cleaned up. 

As for me, I am incontinent and AB and my friends and family know my medical issues. They know I wear diapers and they know I wet and mess in them. They know I am in diapers 24/7/365 and permanently. On top of that, they know I am AB and are super supportive of me being AB. They know being in diapers helps me deal with bowel and bladder flare-ups and they allow me to be an Adult baby in an adult world. Being incontinent and AB lets me have a normal Adult baby life while being among the adults in the world.

In this situation, diapers are a useful tool to help manage whatever life throws at you. The issue I have with society and the human race is the outdated notion and norms about adults who need to wear diapers. If society can get with the 21st century and kick the old norms and standards to the curb, diapers will be much more acceptable, common, and tolerated in society. But as of right now, we're slowly getting there and I predict, sooner or later society will catch up and will be much more acceptable and normal for adults to wear diapers. 

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Honestly, you have stated you have a real need for the protection, so I would say go for it, and just do it. You have a real medical condition, one that does not give you much, if anything, in the way of warning when it happens. Diapers help to work as a palative, to reduce the chance of it happening, and help with containment and cleanup for when/if something does happen.

I would sudjest a good pair of rubber pants, rubber, as it helps much better with containment of smells, and would help with any blowouts that might happen. Experamenting with diferent products might help as well, there are diapers with good enough elastic, that you can slide them down, and up, like underwear just about, so you can still use the potty if you need/want to.

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