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Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Epilogue (5/18/2023)

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3 hours ago, BabySofia said:

In this case it sounds like an unintentional error in the early part of the book for her back home. (I studied very briefly for a small time as a kid in a rural area, so I probably misremember or there may have been something weird there.) Here later on in the book it's probably more appropriate to use the other as his training is far wider reaching. 

Which term would you have used? (And I'll be going back to figure that out some more myself too) Thanks for the insightful comment!

Glad to be of help! 

Since my experience is with Japanese martial arts, I am by no mean an expert on taekwondo. However, with the research I've done, it seems that the instructor should be called "sabom" and adressed as sabom-nim (here's an article explaining this pretty well imo http://cheongnyongyu.com/taekwondo-faqs/why-isnt-a-taekwondo-instructor-called-sensei/ ). A taekwondo studio should be called "do-jang" and the uniform a "do-bok" (I found the information in this very insightful wiki, which seems to be similar to what other sources are also saying https://taekwondo.fandom.com/wiki/Taekwondo_Vocabulary ). 

As for the context of the school, it looks to me that you want to go with a bit of a mma approach to it, and in such context, the appropriate terminology in an English speaking context would be to use English words, so you'd be talking about a a coach / instructor and about a gym and training clothes. With that said, if the instructor is primarily coming from a taekwondo / korean background, as seems implied by the instructor's name and understanding of that particular martial art, it might be possible to imagine him keeping taekwondo terminology out of habit even as he has added influences from other martial arts. At least I've seen that done with the Japanese martial arts I've been practicing, where there were clear influence from MMA techniques and philosophies, but we still used Japanese terminology in most of what we did. With that said, I don't know for sure since I've never practiced taekwondo. However, on thing I'm pretty sure is that someone who is primarily versed in Korean martial wouldn't want to switch over to Japanese terminology unless they were specifically switching to a traditional Japanese martial art. Korea and Japan typically have a lot of rivalry and so someone stemming from a Korean background probably wouldn't feel comfortable switching to Japanese words unless it was required of them by their new trainer / master. In that case, using English words would be seen as a more neutral way to blend different martial arts together, at least when that's done in an English speaking context. 

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@inconkit Your comments regarding martial arts are spot on. I studied taekwondo years ago and noticed the differing terms in the story, but honestly just chalked it up to a blended martial arts style. However, you are absolutely correct regarding the rivalry. Kudos to BabySofia for being open to your suggestions!

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3 hours ago, LittleFenny said:

Yay, more! Thank you again for sharing!

Thanks for commenting! ?

1 hour ago, littlepinkdargon said:

Too bad Emerald can't learn by osmosis:)

Or any of us for that matter! Thanks for the comment! ?

1 hour ago, inconkit said:

However, with the research I've done, it seems that the instructor should be called "sabom" and adressed as sabom-nim 

This is interesting, I have a really good memory, and can't remember those terms even being mentioned when I was a kid. Granted I was young and it was limited in the time I studied, but odd... (I put it to probably having some sort of odd teaching situation too where I was at)

Thank you for the great information and resources, if I get a chance in the next couple weeks I'll look at revising that potentially for the earlier scenes. I'll probably leave the later character as is though because I think it's probably closer... I may need to switch his last name to a Japanese name instead of the Korean name though... More to look at! 

Thanks again! ?

1 hour ago, FloridaKid said:

@inconkit Your comments regarding martial arts are spot on. I studied taekwondo years ago and noticed the differing terms in the story, but honestly just chalked it up to a blended martial arts style. However, you are absolutely correct regarding the rivalry. Kudos to BabySofia for being open to your suggestions!

Thanks for the comments there as well! (Sometimes I have reasons I do things, but sometimes it's just because I have just enough knowledge to get myself in trouble!) ?

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1 hour ago, BabySofia said:




(Sometimes I have reasons I do things, but sometimes it's just because I have just enough knowledge to get myself in trouble!)


said any good sci fy writer worth their salt! 

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16 hours ago, BabySofia said:

It was the one class of the day that, when it ended, I was genuinely disappointed!

Why was Sofia actually disappointed? Because her 2nd degree black belt is not worth that much anymore due to her changes and the other mergents abilities? 

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10 hours ago, kesselhaus said:

Why was Sofia actually disappointed? Because her 2nd degree black belt is not worth that much anymore due to her changes and the other mergents abilities? 

She was having fun in the class, too much fun, and didn't want it to end.

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Chapter 30: Invitations


AT THE END of the class, Cate carried me to the dorm and passed me off to Hannah, who immediately hugged me. We both called our parents before sitting down and working on our homework. I used the computer to begin drawing up some sketches of costumes for the two of us.

For me, I started to sketch out an idea with the dress I’d had my picture taken in, but in purple with tiny green emerald stones on it. I simplified the skirts so they would be easier to fight in when needed. I made the dress shorter, like a normal baby’s dress with that typical bell shape. I figured bloomers were necessary and white tights could be the basis for covering my legs with some armor. They said we should have masks, but I wondered if a pacifier covering my mouth would be enough? So I sketched out a pacifier with a giant emerald in the middle of it and a guard that continued up under my nose and covered the bottom half of my face. I thought maybe I could get one of the kids I’d overheard talking about building stuff to make a gadget that would help me maintain my breathing through it even.

“That looks cute!” Hannah said. “Why don’t you make it with the onesie built-in instead of the bloomers?”

“The tights should keep my diaper up?” I asked hesitantly.

“I guess. I think it would still be easier to build it or make it one piece like a swimsuit you step into from the top?”

She bounced ideas off of me for about a half hour while I messed with the computer software developed just for this. I finally asked, “What about yours?”

Hannah shrugged, “I really don’t know…?”

“Hey, I never saw your GEID yesterday; what’s your codename?”

She blushed, “I couldn’t really think of one… So, I started thinking about some things I learned about my powers. She told you yesterday that you can knock out electronics or people’s nervous systems?”

I nodded, “Yeah, she said it was a lighter version of yours?”

She nodded, “I can limit my power to do it too, and I knocked out a bunch of computers that they let me try it on.”

“Huh, that’s really cool!”

She smiled, “I guess… Anyway, since you’re the Emerald Baby, I thought about Emerald Mommy… but that would be a little weird,” she laughed nervously. “There are already a few other Emerald codenames out there, so it’ll get crowded soon… So that’s when I remembered EMP - for ElectroMagnetic Pulse, and came up with Emped.”

“It works!” I smiled at her. “Of course, I might have to talk about how that imp messed things up for everyone…?”

With that, she came over and started tickling me mercilessly. “Stop it,” I told her after a while. Finally, she sat up and held me.

“You made me wet more!” I told her while sticking my tongue out.

“Like you wouldn’t have anyway?” She teased. She picked me up and quickly changed my diaper before saying, “It’s getting late, Sofia. Why don’t you finish up on my costume tomorrow? You probably have some other homework?”

I groaned, “Yeah.” 

She hugged me before setting me back down in my little desk chair. I eventually got tired of sitting in it and splayed my calculus book and the three problems I had left on the floor. Fortunately for me, I was able to knock them out pretty quickly.

I had just started skimming through the Magic chapter we were supposed to be on when there was a knock on the door. Hannah opened the door, “Oh, hi guys, what’s up?”

Camille, Volango, Knag, and Esmie came in. Camille saw me lying on my stomach, staring at her, and apparently couldn’t help herself. She came, sat down on the floor, and dragged me into her lap. “I was kind of doing homework,” I told her, a little annoyed.

She tickled me, “We’ll leave you to it in a moment.”

I hated the forced giggle I made before she squeezed me. “You do realize I’m not a doll, right?”

She laughed, “Really?” Then, she tickled me for a few more moments while everyone watched me giggle.

I grunted when she finally stopped and asked, “What are you all up to?”

“Well, we wanted to see how your first day went?” Lizi asked.

“We’re never going to catch up in some of these classes,” Hannah moaned.

I nodded, “I have like four hours of homework left and probably should have gone to bed two hours ago?”

“Anything we can do?” Esmie asked.

I shrugged, “I think it’s just a matter of getting the time in. We have two more days until the weekend and Thanksgiving Break begins. I’m hoping we can get caught up then…?”

“Same,” Hannah said morosely.

“Well, we’ll ask what we were going to ask then quickly. Apparently, you will be asked to do the Cube this term?” Camille asked from behind me.

“I think so,” I told her.

“Well, your best bet for training for them is always to be on a team. Would you be up to join our team?”

“Just you all on it?” Hannah asked.

Esmie answered, “Maybe Hailey will join too, but she’s got another team trying to get her to join too. So she said it depends on whether you join us or not. She thinks she could help the other team more if you do.”

I looked at Hannah, and we basically communicated without talking for a moment. Then, finally, Caireen nudged in, ‘Do it; they’re a good match for you two.’

I shrugged, and Hannah nodded, “Okay,” we said simultaneously.

“Great!!!” Camille said as she squeezed me tight.

“Not a doll…?” I reminded her.

In response, she tickled me mercilessly again. Then, she suddenly stopped saying, “I guess I should let you two get back to your homework.”

As quickly as they came, they were gone. I looked at Hannah, “This place will never be boring…?”

She laughed and said, “Ten more minutes on your homework, then I’m going to give you a bath, and we’re going to go to bed. There’s no way we can catch up in a week.”

I sighed and agreed. I quickly used my new ability to recall things I’d read. I could visualize it all and decided I could probably quickly skim through all required reading in that period if I trusted it. When I finished the last book, Hannah said, “You know, just staring at the pictures won’t help, right?”

I smiled at her and handed her the book I had just finished the section out of. “Here, read along with me. I closed my eyes and began reading from the top of that page and kept going word for word for a few paragraphs.”

“That is so not fair, Sofia!”

I shrugged, “At least if I’m stuck in diapers, I can study faster!”

She picked me up, pulled my school uniform off, and wrapped me in a towel before carrying me and a caddy full of baby soap stuff down the hallway to the bathroom. Sadly, I had a too-quick bath before she diapered me and took me to the rocking chair to nurse me.

Apparently, it’s a good thing for Hannah that I just go on autopilot when I’m nursing because I was asleep within two minutes!


I WOKE UP with Caireen cleaning me up from a diaper change and saying, “How about a bath this morning?”

I smiled, and she took me down the hallway to a room that had anachronous clawfoot tubs there that was empty. I watched her do a quick spell that filled the tub with water and bubbles. Then, as she sat me down, she asked, “Want to learn a neat trick?”

I sleepily looked up at her and nodded. I watched her do a straightforward spell to turn a bubble pink. I giggled and smiled, “Cool!”

“You try!” she suggested.

I pointed at a larger bubble and did the same spell, but I thought purple would be better! Soon, I had a rainbow of bubbles in the tub as she washed my body and hair. I would watch them explode and turn the water underneath them that color. I couldn’t help myself; I was having fun! Eventually, I noticed I was hungry, “Breakfast?” I asked her.

She smiled and carried me down the hallway to a small sitting room where I had once met my parents. She sat me in a waiting highchair, placed a bib on me, then proceeded to feed me a bowl of oatmeal. I made faces a bit, but she just tapped me on the nose and kept feeding me. By the time she was done, I had squirmed a bit at the misses she had made that were on my face. “Let’s take care of that,” she said while using the bib to wipe my face.

I figured she would take the bib off, but instead, she left it on as she picked me up, walked to a small armchair, and proceeded to nurse me. I couldn’t help but feel content as she did so.

“Okay, Sofia, it’s time to start training you on more combat magic,” she said as she pushed me back onto her knee, looking at her.

I nodded, “Probably smart.”

She looked pained, “Sofia, I wasn’t totally honest with you and Hannah yesterday. Our kingdom is very powerful. Alone, we should be able to hold out against Camulus and any other henchmen he comes up with, but if he coerces multiple kingdoms to start helping him…?”

I shrugged, “We’ll find a way, Caireen,” I told her with a smile and leaned in to hug her.

She sighed, “I hope you’re right, little one.”

With that, she carried me down the hall to the staircase and wound her way below the first floor. “How far down does this go?” I nervously asked.

“About another fifty feet.”

“There are so many weird things with this castle,” I told her.

“Well, just because it seems like we’re in the nineteenth century doesn’t mean we are Sofia.” She kissed my head lightly and squeezed as she came to a landing at the bottom. We traveled briefly down a corridor that felt like a dungeon before opening the door to a large room with a vast circle in the middle.

Somehow, I knew that this kind of circle would not be one I could defeat easily, and I shuddered.

“You really are powerful enough to break out if needed,” she reassured me. “But, do not worry, baby, I would never keep you indefinitely in a circle!”

She carefully sat me inside the circle, and I instantly could feel the walls. I doubted her words of breaking through this circle, but I trusted her nonetheless. For the next several hours, with only a break for a diaper change, she taught me how to use my magic to send fireballs, wind, and even solid objects flying around.

“This is like being the Avatar…” I joked.

She laughed at me, “you know, some of those TV shows you’ve watched before are quite funny. Especially when they make it seem so easy to teach most.”

“What do you mean? You just taught me all of that?”

She shook her head, “I just re-taught you all of that. You still have some access to my memories when we’re here. I can’t sense your thoughts, nor can you sense mine here, but we can access our shared memories.”

“Huh…” I said.

She continued teaching the lesson for a bit after that before saying, “Sofia, that will be enough for today. Come on out of the circle.”

“Umm…” I said.

“You can get out on your own; just think about it for a second.”

For ten minutes, I sat there thinking about how to do it. I felt myself squatting down just as I thought I had a solution. I groaned! ‘No time like the present,’ I told myself, trying to ignore my disgusting mess. I pulled in the magic I had access to, found the little points of failure, and pressed at them all at once. With that, the circle disappeared on the floor in a blaze of green fire and vanished.

Caireen picked me up and said, “Good job, Princess! Let’s go get this stinky baby all nice and clean!”


CAIREEN JUST PLAYED with me for a bit before putting me to bed, and then I woke up to a new day again. Life for the next couple of days until the weekend seemed to flow together like endless days. Before I knew it, I was done with my final Friday Martial Arts class. Our evening classes didn’t meet that night, so we had the whole weekend in front of us!

Hannah and I had just gotten into our room to sit down after class when there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door, reached up to pull down on the handle I could just reach, and pulled the door open.

“Hi Sofia!” a smiling Anna said to me.

“Hi, Anna,” I said back to her, “come on in,” I added politely.

“Hannah, right?” she asked as she came in, and I watched her eyes widen at our room.

“Yep, what’s up?” Hannah asked.

“Well, I mentioned this to you a couple of days ago, but Aphrodite would love to have Sofia join us.”

I sighed, “What does that involve?”

“Well, first, you’ll have to come to our meetings every so often. We have one tomorrow at two, for instance.”

I looked at Hannah and shrugged, “Okay, where do we meet you?”

She gave us directions and handed me a form to have my parents sign. “I don’t have to have my parents sign this, though,” I told her.


I sighed, “I’m technically eighteen still.” I told her.

“Oh… okay… just bring it tomorrow then. Why did Bechtel put you on the freshman floor then?”

Hannah sighed, “They decided we both needed to start as freshmen here.”

Anna nodded, “You’re not the first that they’ve thought that for. I’ve got a few friends like that, and I’m technically twenty-one, but they didn’t list that on my EID. So how did you manage that?”

“I don’t have a regular EID,” I told her. “Hannah and I both got Government EIDs because our parents work at the labs in Los Alamos.”

“Okay, I’m totally jealous now; that is awesome!”

I shrugged, “It definitely helped us get away from the mob last weekend!”

Anna smiled knowingly, “Well, I better get going; my boyfriend has plans for us.”

“Figures you’re not single,” I winked at her.

She laughed and walked out. She didn’t close the door as she left, and I decided it wasn’t worth bothering. I had just logged onto my email when I felt Camille walk into the room. “Hi Camille,” I said without turning.

“How?” she asked as she came and hugged me.

“Your magic,” I told her simply.

She patted me on the head and asked, “So, what are you two up to?”

“What is there to do?” Hannah asked as I kept looking at my email. There was one from Mrs. Talia Hensley, Headmistress, that I double-clicked on.


Good afternoon Sofia,

I have a representative from the Federal Bureau of Investigation that would like to meet with you Saturday if possible. He’s available to meet you at just past noon if you could meet? Please let me know if you’re interested and available tonight if possible.

Mrs. Talia Hensley, Headmistress


“Hannah,” I said, getting her attention, “what do you think?”

Hannah knelt down to my level, and I felt Camille join her. “It’s up to you, sweetie,” she said.

Without another word, I replied that we’d be happy to meet with him. “Okay, so diapee change, and then the movie?” Hannah asked.

“Huh?” I said.

“You weren’t paying attention, were you?”

I shook my head. In the end, she re-explained the movie plans downstairs in one of the two mini-theaters. “There’s a movie theater downstairs?” I asked.

She just sighed as she put the second tape on my new diaper. “You’re such a scatterbrain sometimes!” She smiled though and said, “Nightgown tonight?”

I shrugged, and she found a pretty nightgown that she pulled over my head. She grabbed her backpack, carried me down to the elevator, and pressed a button for the basement. We found Camille and several others already there, with just one remaining sofa seat Hannah took. “Does that thumb taste good?” Camille asked me.

I turned red and pulled out a slobbery thumb. Hannah pushed a pacifier in my mouth and said, “Don’t worry about it.”

“What are we watching?” I asked around my pacifier.

“Well, it has to be rated G here for the baby girl,” Hannah teased.

I glared at her.

“Don’t worry, Sofia, we’re just going to watch the latest superhero trash Hollywood put out,” Esmie said.

“You actually watch those?” I asked, a little surprised.

“Why wouldn’t we?” Camille asked where she was seated beside us.


“What are you too good for a bad movie?”

I sighed, “No… but…?” I said before leaning into Hannah. “I give up.”

“Good girl,” came several voices in unison.

The movie was as bad as I expected, even worse now that I had been exposed to real superpowers. However, after a while, I began to appreciate why everyone else wanted to watch it as we jeered the movie and the characters throughout. Towards the end, I found myself actually enjoying it.

“What’s next?” I asked as the credits rolled around.

There were some arguments before a strange anime movie was selected. Unfortunately, while I found myself somewhat intrigued with it, I found myself quickly nodding off too.



Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well!

I will be shifting postings of Emerald to Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday until it is completely posted to work around Friday postings of 'Lights, Camera, …What?!?' that will resume this Friday. 

If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTBTTGX1  I will be posting a chapter about every other day until the complete 62 Chapters and the Epilogue are reposted.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Chapter 30 (3/22/2023)

Chapter 31: Costumed Life


BY THE NEXT morning, I felt like a small routine had become somewhat normal for me, just in time to welcome our week off for Thanksgiving. Hannah and I worked on homework and caught up on stuff we’d missed all morning. Our costumes had been approved for design, so I spent a half-hour magically making them. I even completely copied multiple properties of the innovative fabrics our teacher had shown us. Ultimately, our costumes were fire, bullet, and stab resistant. Caireen had even shown me how to add the anti-wrinkle spell to them, along with another that would allow the fabrics to heal themselves.

“You should try it on now!” Hannah said as she watched me tweak it on a magical dress form Caireen had suggested.

I shrugged, “I think it’s good enough.”

She was up in an instant, just like she had been excitedly waiting for the invitation to do so! Hannah picked the outfit off the dummy, grabbed the tights that were sitting nearby, and then grabbed me and sat me down on the changing table. “You’re a little wet, but I think it’ll wait a bit,” she told me with a smile.

I cringed, “maybe you should change me anyway? It’s going to be tough to get that off of me to change me later.”

She looked at me and shrugged, “what’s one more diaper change, huh?” After Hannah quickly had me changed, she started by helping me pull the tights on. These were all white but were the same fabric as the rest of the costume. It scrunched my diaper up underneath a bit but seemed to be a good fit. I watched her fiddle with the back of the rest of the costume next as she unbuttoned a clasp and unzipped it. Finally, she helped me thread my legs through the leg holes I had designed and pulled the top to my shoulders like a swimsuit.

Hannah fiddled with the zipper and the clasp for a moment before saying, “You look totally adorable like this!” I started to stand up to see, “Hold it, Princess,” she said to me in her mommy’s voice.


“Let’s get your tiara and pacifier in place first,” she smiled.

With that, she went to a jewelry box my tiara was sitting in. She must have played with my hair for twenty minutes before handing me the temporary pacifier I had created. “So, you’re going to get a technomage to do something else for you with this?”

“I’m going to try… I need to find out who would be good for that first,” I said before I plopped the pacifier in my mouth. I had designed it with an extra-large shield, a sizeable actual emerald for the button, and a few magical enhancements until I could get a technomage to help me out. For now, the magic helped conceal my face by blurring it if I wanted and supported my breathing. It was also just as soothing as any regular pacifier was to me too!

With that, Hannah picked me up and sat me in front of the full-length mirror that let me see myself. I smiled around the pacifier, but you couldn’t tell. I looked adorable! Someone would probably think I was wearing a Halloween costume or a fancy baby dress if they saw me on the street. The actual ‘dress’ part of the outfit ended just above the leotard-like diaper cover, leaving just a hint of the diaper below it. I designed the outfit by modifying the look from Sofia the First, like my previous signature outfit. Still, it had some differences - to avoid copyright infringement, if nothing else! Instead of white petals on the shaped skirt pieces, they were made of thousands of tiny emeralds attached to the fabric. The green emeralds against the dress’s purple and white really looked pretty! I included some diamonds as well to help add some sparkle.

“What do you think?” I asked her.

“Well, I’m pretty sure you’ll take everyone who attacks you with the cute card first.” She knelt next to me and hugged me from behind. “Then I have a feeling you’re going to beat them up, and they’re going to be soooo embarrassed that a little baby girl beat them up.” She giggled as she said that. “Are… are… those real gems?” she asked a moment later.

I nodded, “Don’t tell anyone else.”

“That outfit…”

“Is expensive,” I smiled. “It doesn’t mean much when I can just magic more into existence.”

She nodded to agree.

“Now, to your costume?” I suggested.

“Actually, Sofia, let’s get to lunch. You still have that meeting with the FBI to go to.”

“Should I just stay in costume for that?” I asked her.

She shrugged, “It’s up to you, but remember, I’ll have to totally undress you to change your diaper.”

I thought for a moment and then said, “Well, when you have to change me, you can put me in something else then?”

She giggled again, “You really just want to show off your new outfit, don’t you?”

“Maybe…” I said with a blush.

“Shall we go?”

“Don’t you need me to nurse first?” I asked her.

“I pumped while you were looking over the costume.”

“Oh…” I said, not really disappointed, but it had become so standard to do so at lunch.

She tickled me, “You can have some in a bottle at lunch,” she reassured me.

I blushed and held my hands up to her. Lunch was pretty typical, with some of our friends absent doing other things. In general, Friar Hall seemed a bit quieter today. Esmie came up as I finished the bottle Hannah had promised me, “Oh my God, how can you get any cuter?!?!”

“I have my ways,” I joked.

The other girls laughed then too. “So, are you wearing your costume to meet with the FBI?” Hannah asked me quietly.

“Should I?”


About that time, I felt things change below, and I said, “Umm… So you’re going to have to change me anyway right now?”

Hannah squeezed me tight and tried to keep things from getting messier as she gathered her backpack and said, “We’ll see you all later,” to our friends.

As we got to the bathroom, I thought, “Caireen, can I put this costume somewhere and pull it on like I do with my doll clothes now?”

I felt her think… “I think I’ll let you do that for now.”

“Hannah, can you just set me down on the ground for a second?”

“Umm… sure, while I pull this table down,” she told me.

I sat there for a second and used the magic to put my costume away, leaving me naked except for the messy diaper.

“Well, that should make it easier to get to that diapee,” Hannah said with a smile.

I smiled back and was happy to have her get me out of that mess!


A HALF-HOUR later, we were back in the administrative offices waiting for Mrs. Hensley to finish talking to the FBI representative before allowing them to see us. She walked out with a tall man that looked like he came from a recruiting poster. ‘Definitely a Mergent,’ I said to Caireen.

‘Yep,’ she answered.

“He’s got to be a paradigm,” Hannah whispered to my ear.

I giggled, “Caireen and I just said that to each other,” I told her quietly.

“Sofia, Hannah, this is Agent Sanders; he’s the Agency Liaison to Bechtel.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said as Hannah rose to meet him.

“Nice to meet you both as well! You said we could use that conference room, correct?” He asked Mrs. Hensley.

“Yes, Matt, that will be fine.”

“Thanks,” he said to her, “This way, please, ladies.”

We didn’t go far but ended up in a conference room. Sanders pulled out a small micro projector and turned to us. “Sofia, I’m grateful you agreed to meet with us.”

“It seemed like you would be a better option than the CIA,” I told him honestly.

“What exactly do you have in mind, though?” Hannah asked protectively behind me.

“Well, if you agree to help us, Sofia, you’ll be fast-tracked to join the Agency once you finish school. Either here from Bechtel or college, whichever you prefer.” I nodded, and he said, “For our part, we would be making you an offer similar to JROTC’s for the military. You will be a little more official than their officers are, though, in that we’ll give you full agent status for signing on.”

“What about Hannah?” I asked.

“Does she have to come as part of the package?” He asked.

“Well, she doesn’t necessarily have to be on assignment with me every time.” I felt her stiffen there, “but in general, we’ll probably be better off if she is in some way involved with the effort.”

“Sof…” she started.

I turned around and cut her off, “If I do this, it’s like any other agent; that means my mommy can’t always be there for me.” I gave her a quick hug and did my best to ignore her tears.

Agent Sanders looked like he was in a room with two females getting ready to fight. I noticed a definite deer-in-the-headlights look as he tip-toed around the minefield and continued. “We can go ahead and sign you on, too, with the same conditions, Hannah, but I’ll be honest Sofia is the asset we’re trying to gain here.”

Hannah sighed and squeezed me in a hug that said she would get over it. She said, “I understand you may not be able to have me with her all of the time, but I would appreciate it if I could come along for the ride as much as possible.”

“Fair enough,” he said. “You will receive a monthly paycheck to your school accounts for your time and efforts.”

“Really?” I asked somewhat excitedly.

“Really, but don’t get too excited. Unless you’re on an assignment for us, it will be a small amount; four-hundred dollars per month until you leave school.”

“Okay…” I said, thrilled with the thought of getting more than my allowance out of the deal.

“And when she’s on assignment?” Hannah asked, getting to the critical point.

“It’ll be based on an hourly wage. That includes sleeping if Sofia’s on an undercover assignment, which will be most of her assignments.”

“How much?”

“Well, I’m going to suggest around fifty an hour there.”

I felt my jaw drop, “Okay, say I do this and go for this as a career. You mentioned starting this like a JROTC setup. What pay grade do I go into when I do go in full time?”

He smiled at me, “Smart question to ask there, Sofia. I’ve been authorized to tell you if you go straight in from Bechtel, we’ll hire you as a GS-8. But, if you’ll hold off and keep our part-time arrangement and get that college degree, first, it’ll be as a GS-10.”

I smiled at that, “I think I could live with that. But does the same deal apply to Hannah? You really need to think of her as a permanent handler.”

“We can make that offer, too,” he agreed.

With that, we spent a good hour going through forms and agreements, essentially signing my and Hannah’s lives away before he turned on a projector he had set on the table. “Okay, you’re not being given a full go yet on this mission, but I was told to go ahead and brief you if you agreed to join. We’ll likely be asking for your assistance in a few weeks.”

“Already?” Hannah asked.

“Yes, it will be very-short notice if we call you up for this. I’m going to recommend you both get some special firearms training above and beyond what you’re already doing, Hannah.” I thought that Hannah hadn’t even once commented on her Firearms class.

‘I’ll have to ask her about that later,’ I thought.

‘She’s doing well with it,’ Caireen told me.

‘How do you know?’

‘We’ve talked when you’ve been napping.’

I groaned mentally and watched as he began. “Sofia, we believe that most of the time, we will need you to be undercover in situations where we know children are at risk. I’m going to warn you that some of these situations will be really awful. But we’re hopeful that with your help, we can avoid real children and babies being at risk longer. We also hope to be able to investigate more thoroughly by using you as an inside asset.”

“That’s kind of what I figured,” I told him. Hannah had meanwhile grabbed a tighter hold on me.

“We’re currently investigating a ring of what we think is a combination of abuse and pornography.” But I grimaced as he brought up a map, “we’ve managed to ID several of the children in some images, and they have one daycare in common. But, unfortunately, the children are too young to be useful at pointing out who has been doing this to them.”

Caireen’s anger rose as I felt sick over what he was saying. Fortunately, he didn’t show any images, “so... is it just pictures?”

“We don’t know. Disturbingly we haven’t been able to find out anything despite our best efforts to identify the employee or employees responsible. We keep hoping a job will open at the center to get an undercover agent inside. But, unfortunately, they seem to have very stable employees - and subs when needed.”

“That’s really weird for a daycare,” Hannah said. “I think the one that Sofia’s sister goes to must turn over at least a couple employees every month…?”

He nodded, “That’s one of the things we’re concerned about. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“None of their parents have said anything?”

“None, although we’ve been very discreet in speaking with the few we’ve approached.”

“What kind of kids are these sickos going after?” I asked.

“Well, the ones that can’t speak up for themselves. Looks like the average age is between twelve months and two.”

I felt myself throw up a bit in my mouth, and Caireen’s anger boiled to match. He looked a little unnerved a second later, “Did you know your eyes can glow?”

“Huh?” I asked.

I turned to Hannah, and she said, “That’s different. I guess I know when you’re pissed off…?”

She grabbed her phone and took a quick picture before showing me.

“That might be a problem,” I said.

‘Don’t worry about it, Sofia; I’ll teach you a spell to change our appearance tonight.’

‘The one you promised me?’

‘Yes, but I’m going to ask that you only use it to change this stuff for a week or so.’


“Umm… Sofia, are you okay?” Agent Sanders asked.

I looked at him, “Yes, sir, whenever you need us, we’re ready to go. We’ll be happy to find this scum and help you remove them. One thing the spirit attached to me and I completely agree on is we despise anyone who would hurt a baby.”

“Can you do something about the eyes? That could give things away.”

Caireen took over unbidden, “I will make sure she can completely change her appearance by tonight. Would she be better off as a younger baby for your purposes? Different color hair, eyes? We will change anything you know to make us a better lure.”

That led off to a discussion for another half-hour about what he knew. “I think we’ll be in touch about the same time as your winter break. We’ll probably introduce you as the baby of a mother who’s going to work as a seasonal worker, to begin with…?”

I nodded, “Okay, by me.”

“We’ll also give you a fuller briefing when we get to that point. Tomorrow I will have some special sessions set up for you to begin training with firearms, Sofia. Given your strength levels, you should be able to handle a pistol just fine. We’ll work on getting one made small enough for you to feel comfortable with. I’ll fast-track that and, if possible, have it dropped off at the range before your appointment at two tomorrow. Any other questions?”

I thought about where we were heading next and asked, “Is there any problem if I agree to participate in modeling jobs as well?”

I watched him contort his face for a second before asking, “You’ll be able to change your appearance for assignments?”

I nodded.

“I think it’ll be fine.” He thought for a second, “I’ll run it by my superiors, but it might even be a good idea since you would then ‘look like’ that baby from that commercial. It might actually help on some assignments. Nobody would actually expect a celebrity baby.”

I smiled, “Okay then, I think that’s it!”

He led us back out of the conference room, and Hannah led us directly to the tiny restroom we’d become familiar with. “I really need to pump or something Sofia,” she told me.

“Well, find a seat and put me up there; I think I’m faster than the pump?” She seemed to agree, “And then you can change my wet diaper?” She squeezed me tight and sat on a bench conveniently by the door.



Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well!

I will be shifting postings of Emerald to Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday until it is completely posted to work around Friday postings of ‘Lights, Camera, …What?!?’ that will resume tomorrow!

If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTBTTGX1  I will be posting a chapter about every other day until the complete 62 Chapters and the Epilogue are reposted.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Chapter 31 (3/23/2023)
5 minutes ago, FloridaKid said:

Be still my heart…TWO BabySofia stories going at the same time! <swoons> Between that and LittleFallenPrincess’ current story, I’m in heaven! ❤️?

Your heart may be still, mine is like, 'what did I get myself into?' ?

Glad you're excited, I'm looking forward to everyone seeing LCW resume. ?

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Chapter 32: Oops


AFTER HANNAH AND I finished up, we hurried to the dedicated ‘clubhouse’ where the Aphrodite, Inc club meeting was held. As soon as we walked in the door, it seemed like every girl there turned their attention directly to me. “How old is she?” one girl cooed and quickly asked, “I’ve seen you around but was scared to ask!”

“Supposedly eighteen months,” I said to their surprise.

“Wait, the baby talks?” One girl asked.

“Of course, babies talk!” A beautiful blonde girl nearby said as she walked over.

“No, I mean…?”

“No, I’m not a real baby,” I said… “Well, at least I used to be older?”

My story, or at least most of my emergence, was told in the next few minutes. For the sake of Trident’s security, I had always been a girl, and Hannah had been my best friend. So really, the only lie there was that I hadn’t always had a girl’s body… The president then wrangled everyone’s attention, and they discussed some of the club’s business and upcoming clients and shoots they had scheduled. Hannah and I were accepted as new members during the meeting and asked to stay afterward.

“Sofia, do you mind if I contact a couple of diaper manufacturers about you?” the girl in charge asked. “I know we have a few clothing designers that would be interested in you too.” From the rumor mills, it was apparent Amanda Kensington became the club president by being voted the most beautiful woman on the planet. She didn’t look like she was in high school by any means!


“Yes, that’ll be fine,” Hannah answered for me.

“Do you have some time right now that our photographer could go ahead and create some sample shots for them to look at?”

I swallowed but said, “I guess.”

“Hannah, we can get started with what she’s wearing, but would you mind returning to your room and getting a few other outfits?”


“Some dresses, rompers, t-shirts, and maybe a few sets of pajamas?”

I sighed while Hannah happily said, “Sure!”

“Okay, Sofia, we can start with what you’re wearing now.” I had by now learned the girl’s name was Mandy. She led me to a large space where dozens of scenes and backdrops stood ready for shooting. I was posed in a few dozen scenes with my clothes on before she said, “Okay, I think we need to do some diaper shots to try and get those companies’ attention.”

I groaned but figured that was coming. Mandy helped me get out of the one-piece romper I had been dressed in and discovered the wet diaper. “Well, I guess you really are a baby?” She asked with a smirk but didn’t seem to be picking on me.

I dropped my head, “Sorry.”

She took her finger and brought my chin up, “It only makes you cuter, Sofia. Did Hannah leave you a spare diaper?”

I looked around and saw her walking back in right then. “I’ll change her quickly if you want,” she said.

I hugged Hannah quickly, and she embarrassed me by just laying out the changing mat and getting it done. I glared at her, “Sofia, you’re a baby, get over it,” she practically hissed in my ear.

I sighed.

We spent three hours when all was said and done taking pictures showing off how good I would be as a model. Then, they created samples of me for print ads, doing video demos without speaking, a couple with lines, and on and on. With the videos with speaking parts, I had to be sure I pretended to talk like my sister - which wasn’t easy! As Hannah carried me towards our room afterward, she said, “You know you’re going to have to get used to being that baby for that assignment for the FBI.”

“Yeah… I’m not quite sure how to do that, though.”

“Well, we’ll have to work on that,” she told me as she closed the door to our room. We had a brief nursing session before heading to dinner at Friar Hall.

“We have so much homework to do!” I complained as we left, and our friends mentioned getting together and having fun messing around.

“Yes, we do,” she agreed morosely.

After dinner, we both worked on homework for the rest of the night. I was happy, though, that I managed to get all of my current homework caught up from the weekend and had read through most of the stuff I’d missed in Magic Theory and Magic I. Unfortunately, I watched Hannah struggle a bit more since she didn’t have my new memory. I felt terrible about that!

About ten that night, she pronounced us both done, “Come on, Sofia, let’s get you a bath and go to bed!”


CAIREEN PICKED ME out of the crib where I had been crying to get her attention. The messy diaper definitely influenced the sobs, but I had become more comfortable just crying to get her attention.

“Good baby girl,” she told me as she wiped me clean. “You’re starting to see what you need to do to fit in.”

I wondered a bit at her words as she dressed me, but I didn’t say anything else. She nursed me and then fed me some fruit this morning before saying, “Let’s go back downstairs; we need to start working on helping you to be able to disguise yourself.”

As she carried me, Caireen kept up a running baby talk session that was driving me a little crazy, but I let her continue to prattle on. I giggled every now and then when it was called for. When we walked through the doors to the room we were in before, though, she changed her personality.

“Excellent, Sofia, this is the best I have seen you deal with babying.”

I sighed, “I’m trying… It’s probably the toughest thing ever to do, though, to let go of everything when you’ve fought for every freedom you can as a kid. I mean, growing up starts with using the potty, then deciding who you want to play with, what you want to play with, and the list goes on. Let alone being a teenager and being an adult…?”

She patted my head, “I think you’re doing way better than you were before, Sofia. So let’s begin your lessons today. First, I want to teach you a good spell to hide your eyes.”

As powerful as I had gotten, I wouldn’t have expected this type of magic to be so tricky, but it took me hours just to get my eyes to a more normal hazel color. Once I finally got it, though, it wasn’t too difficult to shift to blue, brown, black, and even purple.

We stopped for lunch before she began helping me change my hair color. This spell wasn’t as challenging because it was similar to what I’d been doing on my dolls. What did take forever, though, was to get every strand of hair to change! But, by the end of that lesson, I could at least change my hair and eyes.

Before we called it quits for the day, I asked, “Before you said the illusion you would teach me, I couldn’t be touched to maintain it… Is that the case with these too?”

She shook her head, “this one works slightly differently than that. We can do other things with your skin tone and shape your face. But, when you start trying to make a BIG change, like going from being a thirty-four-inch tall baby to a nearly six-foot-tall teenager, it’s a lot more fallible.”

I nodded before she picked me up and took me upstairs, resuming her coddling and babying of me. But, as much as it annoyed me, I felt content and very safe when she lay me down in my crib.


THE NEXT MORNING Hannah woke me up at about seven, and we began a morning of continuing to try and catch up with everything. I was pleased that I had finished catching up in Magic Theory and Magic I completely! I had even read up two chapters beyond where we were in both classes to prepare me for the next week!

Power Fundamentals was much slower for me as the book was even drier than a new diaper… Mythical Fundamentals, at least, was interesting enough that I was halfway through the stuff I’d missed in that class when Hannah told me it was time for lunch. We only had about another hour before the range time, so we both took a break and walked around exploring the campus some more.

It had turned much colder in the last couple of days, and I was grateful for my warm coat. Hannah was dressed just in jeans and a sweater and was fine. “How can you walk around like that?” I finally asked her as I skipped along beside her.

She shrugged, “I guess it’s my pyrokinesis ability. I could probably walk around in shorts and a tank top right now.”

“Not me,” I shivered.

At some point, she picked me up and began carrying me to Bechtel’s Safety Range. It was mostly a ghost town as we came in, but one gentleman looked like he was waiting for someone. “Emerald and Emped?”

“Yes, sir,” I responded.

“I’m Sergeant Reynolds; you can call me Gunny. They asked me if I could go ahead and give Emped some additional firearms training and start working with you, Emerald.”

“Great!” I said and extended my tiny hand to him. He shook it lightly.

“The Bureau had some people up late last night working on a pistol for you, Emerald,” he said as he held up a small locked box. “Emped, you’ll keep working with the nine-millimeter you’ve been training with so far. They would also like to see you start working with some distance and rifles here soon.”

Hannah nodded and carried me along. “Emerald, have you fired a firearm before?”

I nodded, “Yes, sir, my father taught me when I was growing up.”

He looked at me for a second, and I saw a smirk on his face.

“Yeah, I know it doesn’t look like I did much growing up,” I said, which made him laugh.

“We’re going to get along just fine here,” he told me.

Hannah sat me on the table in the range stall, while Sgt. Reynolds sat down a box he was carrying. He opened the box, and inside I saw what looked like a mini-Glock 9mm, “What kind of rounds does it fire?” I asked.

“From what I was told, they’re modified twenty-two caliber rounds that somehow pack the punch of a nine-millimeter.”

“Cool…” I said, a little disbelieving.

“I had the same doubts, it shoots straight, though, and the results look like at least a nine-millimeter.”

“At least?”

He shook his head, “I’ll never figure out what those technomages do. I shot it first to be sure that it was, in fact, safe.”

I nodded.

“Okay, I’m guessing you know all of these things, but we’re going to go over range rules before we go any further.”

In the end, he gave me a pencil and a paper test to verify I understood. Luckily for me, I could do it in two minutes with a perfect memory.

“I’ll never get used to seeing you all doing that, but seeing a two-year-old do it…?”

“She’s not even two, Gunny,” Hannah said.

With all of the safety stuff out of the way, he showed me how to load the clips, something I already knew, and I finally had my chance to start trying it out. I aimed down range with his instructions and fired at the paper target only fifteen feet away from me. Much to my pleasure, my strength meant the gun kicked less than I’d ever dealt with, and I emptied the ten-round clip into the target.

“That is so not fair, Sofia,” Hannah whined.

“What?” I asked.

“I can barely get three rounds to hit the target in a clip right now, and you land all ten in the bullseye?”

I giggled, “It’s not that hard.”

Gunny meanwhile looked at me incredulously and didn’t say a word as he sent another target further out. “Twenty-five feet,” he told me at my look of curiosity.

I shrugged, reloaded, took the gun off safety, and waited for his instruction. “Range is hot; fire at will,” he shouted.

I took the next ten off just as quickly as the first, while Hannah shot ten at fifteen feet next to me this time. Her rounds were all on the paper, but only one came near the bullseye. “You know, with your ability to move objects, you should be able to tweak your rounds,” I told her as my target reached me. I looked and saw everything was once again in the ring and smiled.


“You can lift and grasp things, right?” I asked.

“So, can’t you make sure they go into the zone?”

A few minutes later, my target was as far down range as possible in that range, one hundred and twenty feet and Hannah had hers reset again to fifteen. This time as we were told to fire, I saw the look of concentration on her. Then, a moment later, I saw a problem as I pulled the trigger of my pistol. Instead of Hannah directing her bullet to the target, it ricocheted off an unseen force and headed straight for me.

“Shit!” I said while simultaneously putting up my shield with four ley lines.

Hannah shrieked as she realized what had happened, and the round bounced harmlessly off my shield.

“Umm… maybe we should figure out another way for you to practice that, Hannah,” I said as she tried grabbing me before I dropped the shield and ended up getting zapped. As she fell down, I groaned.

Sergeant Reynolds felt for her pulse immediately and called for a medic team. “She’ll be okay, Gunny,” I reassured him, “I guess I need to come up with a loophole for that spell for her to touch me…?”

He looked on incredulously at me as I set the safed pistol down on the stand and removed the clip and rounds. “How many more hours do I need to do to get permission to carry?”

The medics came in then, and he said, “with the way you shoot?” He shook his head, “Come back for another two-hour session next week, and we’ll get you signed off for it. You’re worse than my Master Chief from the SEALS! No one should be able to shoot that well!”

I watched as they picked Hannah up and carried her down the hallway that I followed. ‘How long is she going to be out, Caireen?’

‘Probably a couple hours; you had way too many lines involved… It might be overnight, actually.’

‘Crap…’ I said. ‘Can I speed it up any?’

‘Probably not.’

‘What do I do if she doesn’t wake up by this evening?

‘Well, I’m guessing we’ll have to find you a babysitter…?’

I groaned.



Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well!

I will be shifting postings of Emerald to Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday until it is completely posted to work around Friday postings of ‘Lights, Camera, …What?!?’ that began yesterday! 

If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTBTTGX1  I will be posting a chapter about every other day until the complete 62 Chapters and the Epilogue are reposted.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Chapter 32 (3/25/2023)
2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Hannah sat me on the table in the range stall and sat down a box he was carrying. Sgt. Reynolds opened the box, and inside I saw what looked like a mini-Glock 9mm, “What kind of rounds does it fire?” I asked.

Who is carrying the box? Hannah or "he"?

2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

“From what I was told, they’re modified twenty-two caliber rounds that somehow pack the punch of a nine-millimeter.”

That's hard to understand for non-weapons experts like me. 22 is more than double 9. How can they fit?

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59 minutes ago, bje said:

Who is carrying the box? Hannah or "he"?


59 minutes ago, bje said:

That's hard to understand for non-weapons experts like me. 22 is more than double 9. How can they fit?


13 minutes ago, Samriis said:

On that last point it has to do with imperial vs metric... .22 in = 5.6 mm 

Not sure if it's because Americans came up with the ammo first but that's what's its always(tm) been known as

Sorry, that's just a standard firearms caliber. Samriis explained it better than I can. I won't elaborate further in the text on something like this. 

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Chapter 33: Traps


SEVERAL HOURS LATER, I was pleased to see Hannah awake in bed and apologizing to her while crying and apologizing to me. “I was so stupid, Sofia!!! You could have died!”

I shook my head and got a little loose of her grasp, “Hannah, even if it had hit me, I wouldn’t have died.”


“Regeneration would have taken care of that even if it had hit me in the head,” I told her.


“I was more worried about you getting the shock you did from me,” I told her honestly. Then, after about a half-hour of apologizing to each other, her doctor came in.

“I’m glad to see you’re awake, Hannah. I’d like to keep you overnight for observation just to be safe, though.”

We both groaned, “What about Sofia?” she asked.

“Well… umm…”

“I’ll go back to the dorm Hannah. I’ll get Camille to help me tonight,” I told her.

As I said her name, she came running in, “We just heard! Are you okay, Hannah?”

She just groaned.

About an hour later, it was decided that I would return to the dorm, and I was to ‘mind my babysitter,’ Hannah told me quietly. Before I left, I nursed to help her out before Camille carried me home to the dorm. When we returned to my room, I had a very leaky diaper.

“I hope Hannah can come back tomorrow,” she told me.


“Well, as much as I like babysitting you, my family is supposed to meet me in New York City for Thanksgiving.”

“Wait… New York City, really?” I said a little incredulously. “They’ll let that trip happen? Even after…?”

She laughed, “They long ago decided it doesn’t matter where students go for a break; it’s inevitable they’ll get in trouble.”

I nodded but thought I had heard of the issues with Mergents in New York City on break, even when I was back home. But, of course, that was before I heard about the stories from much closer sources!

“Where’s your key?” She asked me.

“In here,” I said as I pulled my purse out and tapped my rarely used ID card on the door lock to open it.

A moment later, she had me lying on the changing table. “Sorry, sweetie, but this outfit has had it for now,” she said as she pointed out the wet spot on the romper from where my diaper had leaked.

I shrugged, “Not the first time.”

All of a sudden, she squealed and started treating me like I really was a baby. “Who’s the cutest little baby ever!?!” She said as she taped my diaper shut.

I groaned but let her have her fun. “So, I guess you’ll get to see your baby sister over break?” I asked her.

“Yep! Can’t wait to see her too!”

I smiled and sighed, “I wish I could see Lily.”

“Maybe you could get your parents and Hannah’s parents to come for Christmas Break? They could stay in the Village?”

I shook my head, “I think I’m going to be undercover then…?”


“Didn’t I tell you about yesterday yet?”


She sat me down on the floor and sat cross-legged across from me. “So?”

“Well, the first day we met with Mrs. Hensley, she asked if I would want to let any of the CIA or FBI recruiters through.”

“Makes sense; you’re like the most perfect espionage tool ever!” She said with a smile.

I nodded, “I said the FBI, though, which Caireen approved of because she figured we’d be good for helping out with kid’s cases.”

I saw Camille’s eyes narrow a little in concern. “So, did you meet with the FBI yesterday, then?”

“Yeah, and signed up basically for something like a JROTC program.”

“That’s cool, so you’ll have a job when you graduate?”

“With better pay and at a higher level, depending on if I finish college first, too.”

“So undercover over Christmas?”

“They have some daycare they’ve been watching, I guess, and haven’t been able to get anyone employed there to investigate. But, of course, as a baby, they shouldn’t suspect me.”

She nodded, “So what’s the crime?”

I told her, and I watched her face turn white, “Sofia, that’s really dangerous. What if…?”

I shook my head, “Between my magical ability, Caireen as a help, and the other abilities I have, I’m not really worried about it. They’ll have backup for me, too,” I reassured her.

“That’s still scary. I can’t imagine sending a baby in…?”

I shrugged, “I’m not really a baby, though, am I?”

I watched her face change, “No, you’re not… are they going to give you any lessons before you go in?”


“Sofia, how old are you supposed to be?”

“Well, my GEID says eighteen months…? They said maybe twenty to twenty-two?”

“Okay, we’ll call you eighteen for argument; most eighteen-month-old babies only have about 10-20 words at most, they say.”

I nodded, “I know…?”

“What do they play with?”

“Baby toys?” I suggested.

She sighed, “Okay, let’s look in this toy chest and see what’s right for you to play with in the daycare!”

Before I knew it, she had a cloth baby doll, baby care accessories, a ‘speak and say,’ bead maze toy, and a few other ‘age appropriate’ toys. “Okay, let’s figure out what words you can say.”

I groaned. Twenty minutes later, Camille had written down a list that started with ‘mama,’ had ‘diapee,’ ‘baba,’ ‘owie,’ and some other fundamental words, including ‘no.’ I looked at the list and groaned, “what do I use if it’s not on here?”

“You make up nonsense, baby sounds. Didn’t you ever do that as a kid?”

I shook my head, “I’m sure I did, but I don’t remember it. I kind of remember the sounds Lily made last year...?”

She helped me to play for a little while before the knock on the door happened, and our housemother Mrs. Lang came in. “Well… umm… Sofia, I just came by to see if you would be okay tonight without Hannah?”

I looked at her and smiled, “I have my babysitter here; I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?” she looked at Camille.

“Yes, ma’am, we’re taking the opportunity to help Sofia learn how to blend more for something she has coming up.”

“Okay then,” she said. “Camille, Hannah told me to tell you that there is milk in the fridge for Sofia.”

I blushed a bit, then, “Got it! Thanks!” Camille responded.

“Baba?” I asked her as I was thirsty.

“Aww…” she said. She walked over to the small fridge in the corner and opened it.

“Wow, she wasn’t kidding when she said there was milk in here?”

I looked, “Whoa!” I said, seeing pouches of milk filling nearly every shelf inside there.

She grabbed a pouch of milk and poured it into a bottle. “How does she heat these up?”

I started to say something but instead smiled at her and babbled nonsensically.

“Well, why am I asking you, huh? Mommy just normally gives it to you right from her, huh?” She smiled at me. “Guess I’ll just have to use some magic?”

I watched her chant something and could tell how she had used her magic to do it. Then, she picked me up and carried me to the rocking chair. She put the nipple in my mouth, and I nursed contentedly on the milk that was the perfect temperature that it came out from Hannah.

I didn’t intend to sleep, but it happened anyway.



IN THE CASTLE, I was woken up oddly. Something wasn’t right as I stirred in my crib. I opened my eyes and wet my diaper as I spied a threat.

“Ah, did the little baby wake up?” Rosemerta asked.

“Why? Do you want to sleep in my crib?” I asked nervously.

“No, thank you, Princess,” she replied as she stepped toward me and pointed a silver dagger at me.

I debated what to do since I couldn’t get out of the crib alone. Caireen would come if I cried, but there was enough of a teenage boy still in me that the idea of crying before this monster felt wrong. “What are you going to do?” I asked instead as I tried to buy some time.

“Well, before King Camulus wanted you kidnapped and unharmed. After what you did to me last time, though, he’s willing to let me harm you a little… even said I was welcome to take a bit of your manna as a souvenir!”

My eyes blazed as I stared at her, “Come and get me then!” I told her while I initiated my shield spell.

“Sounds like a plan,” she said as she stepped forward with the dagger, trying to stab me over the top rail of the crib.

Suddenly there was an explosion of light, a boom, and Rosemerta was explosively flung across the room. Caireen must have done something with the crib to ward off Rosemerta. Unfortunately for the crib, though, it seemed to have been a one-time spell that destroyed it, leaving me standing on a tiny bit of rubble. So I drew in manna and began a binding attack Caireen had taught me in the last few days. I was pleased to see golden tendrils wrap around her stunned body.

“No!” She screamed. She began to try to shape into a bat again, but the tendrils locked around that smaller form. I toddled over to a small table that a vase with flowers sat on, emptied it out, and walked towards the writhing bat. I carefully used a nearby toy block to help push it into the vase just as Caireen and twenty guards entered.

It was almost comical as they stood there looking around in shock. Finally, Caireen being the goddess she was, figured out what had likely happened before anyone else, and she came over to me. “Baby, are you okay?!?”

“I’m fine! Your ward against Rosemerta worked like a charm!” I told her with a smile. “The only thing I had to do was that binding spell you taught me. She was silly and tried changing into a bat, so I put her in this vase.”

I had put on my best look mommy at what I did face. She picked me up and squished me with a tight hug for a moment. Caireen looked into the vase and said, “Bring that creature down to the throne room for judgment in one hour. Do not let anyone come near it.” Then, she created an additional cage wrapped tightly around the vase to ensure she was contained. I could sense that if anyone other than her tried to open it, bad things would happen.

“At once, Your Majesty,” one of the guards said, taking six others with him as he left.

“The rest of you, please guard outside and see that we discover how the creature made it back into the castle. That feat should have been impossible!”

There was a chorus of groveling as they left, and Caireen looked at me.

“Well, Princess, you did very, very well there!”

“Thank you,” I told her.

“I guess we have work to do now, so let’s get you fed, changed, and ready for the trial.”

Caireen took the time to nurse me, fed me some mashed fruit, and then changed what was, by that time, a very wet and messy diaper. Next, she dressed me in a formal dress that matched the one she was wearing in color but clearly said I was a baby with a high waist style. With the petticoats pushing the skirts way out, I felt ridiculous. Still, I also knew I had to be ridiculously cute! The tiara on my head, plus the matching dresses, told anyone who looked that I was her heir and daughter.

She carried me to the outer door of the throne room and said, “Count to sixty and then follow me.”

I wasn’t alone; ten guards encircled me to form a complete ring of protection. As I counted in my head, I couldn’t help but think about how close I had once again been to me being kidnapped. More than anything, I couldn’t believe King Camulus would be stupid enough to send the same failed vampire to come and attack me. Indeed, he had to know that Caireen would set up wards specifically for her?

Something about this smelled worse than my diaper had a while ago. I began looking around and stiffened as I noticed something very wrong with the armor the guards were wearing. Her guards were all armored in an expensive Mithril chain mail that had been gifted to her army long ago. These guys all had simple steel chain mail except for one.


I decided it was better to play along for the moment, so other than taking the time to charge my shield, I just said, “Open the door for me, please.”

The one soldier I recognized as legit followed the order and held the door open. “Right this way, Your Highness.”

“Thank you. By the way, Sir, I like how shiny your chain mail is compared to everyone else’s.”

I watched his eyes narrow as he took in what I had seen. “Run, Princess!” He screamed as he drew his sword.

I debated about standing and fighting for a moment, but he pushed me through the door and stayed on the other side to buy me time. Not wanting to waste his life, I ran as fast as possible down the hallway to the throne room.

Caireen watched me come down the hallway running and had a smile that quickly turned to fear. I heard the sound of the armored figure bearing down on me and decided this was as good of a spot to fight as any. I turned, planted my feet, and surged three ley lines into a bolt of energy straight at the man. Happily, he dropped, but seven other soldiers followed him down the hallway. I quickly used a spell I’d learned to make fire and sent a stream of it racing down the hallway toward the seven. With that, I turned to run to Caireen’s arms.

“Mama!” I found myself screeching and mentally beating myself over the head. ‘Seriously? Did you need to officially make her another mother?’ A voice in my brain argued, ‘You nurse from her breasts; she’s a mama.’

Three last stragglers tried following me in the final steps but were cut down by soldiers loyal to Caireen.

“What the Hell happened?!?!” Caireen screeched angrily.

“I think it was a trap to get us down here,” I told her.

“Rosemerta was just a ploy?”

I nodded, “Where is she?”

“In here, Your Highness,” another soldier said and pulled the sheet off the cage. The vase was tipped over to where we could see inside… 

It was empty!



Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well!

Emerald will now be posted on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sundays until it is completely posted to work around Friday postings of ‘Lights, Camera, …What?!?’ 

If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTBTTGX1  I will be posting a chapter about every other day until the complete 62 Chapters and the Epilogue are reposted.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Chapter 33 (3/26/2023)
3 hours ago, Samriis said:

Heh, King Camulus... for some reason I keep reading King Calamitous <Grin>


3 hours ago, littlepinkdargon said:

Should this be 'She groaned to herslef'?

Missed that one... fixed now. 

3 hours ago, littlepinkdargon said:

Oh my, three official mommies. That lucky ducky.

<nods> As long as things are good. Of course if she's bad she has three times the mommies to punish her!

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Chapter 34: Babysat


THE REST OF the ‘day’ I spent in Caireen’s Castle saw a massive search being done for Rosemerta. I was sure she’d somehow escaped after the fake guards released her. I wasn’t sure how they had removed her from the bindings Caireen, and I had trapped her with, but we knew she was out there and still very dangerous. Then, just before I had been put to bed that night, Caireen received some bad news. One of the villages on the outskirts of our kingdom had been attacked. It was going to be a full-on war was my last thought as she soothed me to sleep.

In the ‘real’ world, I was woken by Camille trying to change my diaper without waking me up. “Oh, I’m sorry, Sofia. I didn’t mean to wake you!” She said.

I sighed, “Believe me, I’m really glad you woke me up...”

Camille’s voice changed suddenly, “What is going on in the kingdom, Your Highness?”

“How did you know?” I started before shaking my head, “It’s not good. King Camulus made an attempt to kidnap me a week ago and tried repeating that today… His spies were tasked to kill Caireen and me if they couldn’t kidnap me.”

I saw instant worry from both the spirit and the host. “Princess Sofia, you may be in great danger!”

“Believe me, I already know. I fought off one attack, which was really a feint before Camulus’s men tried for real later. My real fear is they’ll stop underestimating the baby… King Camulus’s troops have already started advancing on our kingdom. Yesterday they took one of our villages that border the kingdoms.”

“Your highness, if there is any way myself or our people may serve you, please let me know. I can put you in touch with our queen?”

She was referring to an alumnus of Bechtel whom I had heard so much about. “Maybe at some point, but not yet. And today, I still have to figure out what I’m doing. You’re leaving, right?”

She nodded, “I figured I would take you over to Caduceus and see if Hannah was being released today.”

“If not?” I asked.

“Well, let’s jump off that bridge when we come to it. Do you want a bottle or something before we go to Friar Hall for breakfast?”

I shrugged, “While we go?”

She smiled at me, “Sure, sweetie.”

I watched her fill another bottle with milk from a pouch in the fridge and magically warm it up. Then, before she gave it to me, I watched her check my backpack to be sure it was stocked with plenty of supplies. She threw a couple more diapers in there and some fresh bottles.

“Do you want a refrigerator and freezer compartment in here?” She asked.

I looked at her and suddenly smacked myself in the head, “I don’t know why I never thought of that…?”

I watched her do the spells quickly, and then she began putting some of the milk from the fridge in there too. First, I saw her looking at dates; she seemed to sort some of them. Then, she saw me looking, “I’m putting some of them in the freezer. You know you can freeze breastmilk, right?”

I shrugged, “I know my mom did that for my sister for a while. It lasts longer, right?”

“Should be good for like a year.”

“You realize with the amount Hannah pumps, she could freeze everything in the next few weeks and probably feed a regular baby off of that for like two years?”

“Not with your appetite,” she smirked and zipped my backpack.

She handed me the warmed bottle, threw one strap of the small bag over her shoulders, grabbed me, and we were off.

At Friar Hall, I must have been asked where Hannah was a half-dozen times and another dozen times, ‘where’s your mommy?’ For her part, Camille had several girls that seemed genuinely jealous that she got to babysit me! So, all-in-all, it was a pretty miserable breakfast following a miserable day in Caireen’s world.

“Let’s go see how Hannah is doing!” she said as she picked me up after finishing our breakfasts. As she carried me out, I noticed how empty the hall felt, with about half of the school leaving for the holidays.

As we walked into Caduceus, I had a sinking feeling that things might not have been better. That feeling may have been directly related to the power doing weird things with the lights and a radiant green color as we approached Hannah’s room! Doctors seemed to be trying to get her blood as we walked into the door of her room.

“You shouldn’t be bringing a baby in here right now!” One doctor ordered Camille and tried to push us out the door.

“I’m not a baby,” I said to him.

He looked at me before patronizing me, “I mean, a big girl, only adults in here right now.”

I sighed, “I’m eighteen; is that adult enough?” With that, I wriggled out of Camille’s arms, walked right past the flabbergasted doctor, and jumped onto Hannah’s bed.

“What’s going on?” I asked her after a quick hug.

“They don’t know… right after you left, I started having these weird EMP-like discharges. They’re like my pyrokinetic charges go when I want them to… But things started flashing green, and I can’t control these.”

‘Any ideas, Caireen?’

‘I’m guessing the shock from yesterday?’

‘I know… any ideas to help?’

‘Let me through…?’

“Hannah, do you feel like you’re upset?” Caireen’s voice came through.

She shrugged, “No more than anyone would be who’s stuck in the hospital?”

“Have you pumped milk tonight?” Caireen asked.

“Like every hour,” she sighed, “the doctors keep wanting to test it.”

“I have one idea, nurse Sofia. Maybe it’ll calm down your discharges?”

With that, Caireen turned my body back over to me, and I looked at Hannah. One of the doctors in the room looked at me and said, “Wait, what?”

I looked at him impatiently, “You were told about our bond?” He nodded. “You know that milk, in theory, is being made for me?” He nodded. “Well, Caireen’s only thought is that since Hannah hasn’t been nursing me specifically, it may be the problem?”

“Oh… worth a try,” he allowed.

With that, Hannah kind of shooed him away while sitting up carefully. She bared her breast to me, and I began nursing. No matter if I closed my eyes or not, the flashing green was getting to be really annoying! I tried sensing if there was anything physically wrong with her with my magic, but there was a weird wall around Hannah.


‘Keep nursing,’ she said, ‘I’m looking.’

When she shifted me to the other side, I felt Caireen sigh. ‘Sofia, I don’t think this is anything that will be fixable for a few days. Her system is just out of whack with the discharge and how your magical shield impacted her abilities… I’m guessing it’ll be three to five days before she’ll be better.’

‘She’ll get better?’

‘She should.’

‘Will she be able to go back to our room?’ I asked.

‘With as bad as those electrical fluctuations are, the doctors will never let her out of here like this.’

A few minutes later, I discovered I was nursing on an empty breast and popped my head up. There was absolutely no change to Hannah’s weird energy pulses, even though she seemed more relaxed. She cleaned up and redressed herself. “Well, I feel better, Sofia, but I don’t think it fixed anything,” she said.

“No, Caireen thinks it’s a matter of time.”

Camille’s voice changed, “I suspect it will actually go away a little quicker without Sofia here. I sense it may be recharging the problem right now.”

There was a little pop, and one of the monitors seemed to blow up in the corner. “Great,” Hannah said.

“Look, Hannah, I was getting ready to offer this to both of you, but seeing how you’re stuck here, Sofia probably should be elsewhere… So, Sofia, do you want to come with me to New York City? I bet we could still get another train ticket? Or actually, you’re probably free...”

Hannah looked nervous, “What if the EPC recognizes her?”

“I’m not saying yes yet, but...” I told her but changed my hair to blonde and my eyes to a natural but pretty blue.

“You should keep that,” Hannah said with a smile, “it suits you. What about facial scanners?”

“Well, they work by taking some measurements of the geometry of the face, so…” I moved my eyes just slightly closer together, and my nose was smaller. So my appearance now looked like my bone structure was just a little smaller.

The doctor who came back into the room said, “fascinating.”

“There’s another reason it would be a good idea, Han,” Camille said. “Sofia told me about her upcoming assignment. She could hang out with my family and little sister if she went with me.”

I groaned, “and pretend to be a regular baby the whole time?”

“Better there than here, not knowing who’s going to take care of you?”

‘She’s right; it would be a good test run.’

“Do your parents know about me?” I asked Camille.

“They will, and I’m not saying you can’t be yourself sometimes, but let’s just say you pretend for my sister’s sake?”

“Go,” Hannah told me.


“If you don’t go, how will you get out of your crib?”


“All of our friends are basically gone on vacation. So what happens if someone decides to pull a prank? There are a million reasons, but this will also keep you from being bored in our room.”

I thought, “Only if I can take the textbooks with me and get caught up?”

Camille nodded, “We can do that. Let me go call my parents really quick.” She stopped for a moment, “Sofia, why don’t you go ahead and give me your parents’ number so my parents can talk to them if they want?”

I pulled the purse out of the dimensional pocket I stored it in and dug my cell phone out. I sent Camille the contact information for my home and mom.

“I’ll be right back,” she told us.

I took the opportunity to snuggle into Hannah. “I really don’t want to go,” I told her.

“You need to, though,” she told me, “she’s especially right about the baby experience.”

I sighed, “I know.”

She squeezed me, “Besides, it’ll probably do us both some good to have a few days of space.”

I turned my head to look at her, “You don’t believe that any more than I do.”

Tears started coming from her eyes, “I know.”

I hugged her and let her hold me tight for about half an hour before Camille returned. “Okay, I called my mom, she talked to your mom, and it’s all set, Sofia!”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” I asked Hannah.

“I’ll be fine, Princess,” she reassured me.

“Do you want to make a list of things you need from your room, and we’ll swing them back by on our way?”

She gave us a list, and Camille carried me back across the campus to our room. “Okay, Sofia, we’ve got to get moving quick. Can you find the stuff that Hannah said she needed?”

I nodded, “sure.”

I climbed over her desk and bed, went through her drawers, and even found some cookies from our mom’s last week. I put everything inside the backpack I had made bigger for her and smiled at Camille, who had her own pile of things. She had the diaper bag my mom had sent me, my backpack, Esmie, my teddy bear, and a few other things like a stroller.

“Where’d you get the stroller?” I asked.

She shrugged, “You had a doll stroller in the toy box. I started by making it bigger and more like my sisters.”

I nodded, “Hanging out with Hannah so much I forget other people can do magic!”

“You said you wanted your books; which ones do you need to take?”

I grabbed all my textbooks from the pile I had left on the floor and carried them to my bag. They all went to the places that I had made for them there. I thought for a second and then grabbed the laptop I had been given on my desk and put it there too.

“Not sure how much time I want to let you get on the computer if we’re planning on you pretending,” Camille told me.

I shrugged, “I just figured it would be good to have it. So we’ll be gone five days?” She nodded, “I just don’t want to get to the point I need it and not have it.”

I watched her give the room one last look, “Anything you can think of that we forgot?”

“You grabbed my clothes?” I asked.

“Yep, plenty of dresses and outfits to choose from... and plenty of diapers, wipes, etc. too!”

I groaned but was glad she had those. “Where are they?” I asked.

“I made your diaper bag larger,” she said with a smile. “Let’s change you one more time before we take this stuff to Hannah and catch the shuttle to the train station.”

I sighed but held my arms up for her to pick me up. It was a quick change; I wasn’t all that wet even, and then she sat me down in the stroller and buckled the built-in harness around me. I looked up, depressed at being restrained like a baby. Camille must have read my mind because she laughed, “Here, suck on your paci for a while,” placing one of my pacifiers in my mouth.

I groaned but sat back in the stroller as she messed around a bit around the back where I couldn’t see. The stroller was very comfy, with a little table in front that I could rest stuff on. It even seemed like it leaned back for naps like my sisters did. I didn’t like the fact I couldn’t really lean forward to see, though, due to the harness straps. “Almost done, Princess,” she called to me.

True to her word, a moment later, she pushed me out the door and towards the elevator. One of the upperclassmen that had stuck around was in the elevator. “You know Sofia, you get to be a cuter baby every time I see you.”

I blushed.

“What’s up with the extra baby gear? Where’s Hannah?” she asked Camille.

“Yesterday Hannah tried a new trick with her powers and had a bit of an accident on the firing range. Sofia put a shield up to save her with her magic but didn’t take it down before Hannah did the mommy thing of trying to pick up her baby with the near-death experience.”

The girl laughed a bit, “Her shield was still up?”

“Got it!”

“So that should have just knocked her down?”

“Normally, but apparently, she had some odd reaction with that and her powers, so she’s in Caduceus for a few days until it clears.”

“So, Sofia needed a babysitter…?”

“I am right here, you know,” I said, pulling the pacifier out of my mouth.

They both laughed, “So you look like you’re packed to go somewhere, meeting your family?”

They talked then about things other than me as the elevator doors opened, and we began walking towards Caduceus. There we didn’t have much time, Camille said, so she handed Hannah her bags, and other than a quick hug from Hannah, I quickly returned to my stroller to go on a new adventure.


THE RIDE ON the shuttle to the station was pretty uneventful. Camille had called ahead, and they had a car seat ready for me to sit in. So we grabbed our luggage, and we were on the road. Once there, she buckled me back in the stroller and said, “Okay, Sofia, let’s see how long you can keep up the eighteen-months stuff.”

I started to sigh but chose to smile and say, “Baba!” instead.

She smiled at me and produced a warmed bottle that I nursed. At the same time, she sorted out her ticket and our luggage with the porter. She finally picked me up from the stroller stowed and carried me onto the train, still sucking on a now-empty bottle. I noticed Camille was getting looks like Hannah now, and I felt bad.

“Auntie twain!” I exclaimed as we sat down in a row of seats.

“Yep, Princess, we’re on a train!” She smiled, knowing I knew it was a game worth playing. Several people were sitting around us. An older grandmotherly lady looked to be knitting a scarf out of some purple yarn a seat ahead of us. Sitting in the chair beside us was a mom and a girl of about six. They were looking out the window as the girl excitedly pointed at things. Finally, a man who kind of stuck out as odd with a hat across his face looked like he was trying to sleep. Something about him was off, though.

“She’s adorable!” The grandmotherly lady said, taking my attention from him. “How old is she?”

“She’s eighteen months,” Camille said with a smile and clapped my hands together for some reason.

“She said, Auntie?”

“Yeah, she’s my sister’s baby. She’s unfortunately in the hospital this week. Her husband is staying with her, so they asked if I could take her,” she tickled me and then squeezed, “I couldn’t say no to her. Plus, this way, she gets to see her Grammy and Grampa, huh?”

They talked for the next several minutes, and then the mother of the six-year-old girl, who I knew now as Kelsey, would chat. I was kind of bored, so I started making fussy sounds. “Is her diapee wet?” The little girl asked.

“I don’t know,” Camille said with a smile. “I guess we should check! That would be a good reason for her to be fussy, huh?”

“Uh-huh!” She said, “My dolly fusses at me if her diaper is wet too!”

She showed Camille her doll with absolute pride. Camille chose that moment to pop open a few snaps on my romper legs and said, “Well, what do you know, you’re exactly right!” To the little girl. “Do you want to help me change her?”

I buried my head in Camille’s shirt, ‘Really?’ I begged.

‘Baby, remember?’ Caireen reminded me. ‘You can’t care.’

I sighed internally but just fussed some more so that Camille picked me up and asked her mom, “I’d be happy to take your daughter to the restroom while we change little Sofia here?”

Her mom smiled at us, “Thanks!”

Once we got to the bathroom, she told Kelsey, “Go potty first, and then we’ll change her diapee together.”

I was placed on the ground while she dug into my diaper bag for a changing pad, diaper, wipes, and everything else. I thought she would set me on the changing table, but instead, she just laid the mat beside us. Then, Kelsey came out excitedly, “I help now?”

“Wash your hands first,” she told her. I watched while she helped her before she came back and sat me down on the mat.

“I never changed a diaper before…?” The girl said a little worriedly.

“Don’t worry, I hadn’t ever either, but my mommy showed me just how I’m going to show you!”

“Okay!” She giggled.

Thankfully at that moment, Camille put a pacifier in my mouth. I sucked on it as if my life depended on it! Then, she had her undo the snaps along my legs while she said, “good baby,” to me.

It may have been the longest ten minutes of my life! Camille actually let her do almost all the work of wiping me and putting a new diaper under my butt! The only thing she did was make sure that the tapes were tight. When we returned to our seats, I felt something between being mortified and something else… accepting?

Back seated, I spat my pacifier out and said, “Baba?”

Camille warmed a bottle up surreptitiously before handing it to me to drink. “We have a few hours before we’ll get there, Sweetie. Why don’t you take a nap?”

I was warm and comfy in her arms, so I took her advice.


Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well!

Emerald will now be posted on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sundays until it is completely posted to work around Friday postings of ‘Lights, Camera, …What?!?’ 

If you're someone who must finish a good story 'now,' consider purchasing the full book on Amazon Kindle! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTBTTGX1  I will be posting a chapter about every other day until the complete 62 Chapters and the Epilogue are reposted.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Chapter 34 (3/28/2023)
2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Well, let’s jump off that bridge when we come to it.

I had to chuckle because I’ve said that before. My kids just roll their eyes…?

Thanks again for the frequency of your posts. An almost daily BabySofia fix…my eyes are practically glassy.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Emerald Princess - Revised Edition - Epilogue (5/18/2023)

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