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Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 125 - 8/2/2024 - Season Finale

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12 minutes ago, Mushysnugglebutts said:

I am glad that I saw through what happened with the nanites though.

Yes, you are someone that I'm having to lock up my notes from. Silly peeking babies always finding them! 😛

You were surprisingly accurate with your guesses! 🙂

12 minutes ago, CDfm said:

Loving the story and looking forward to seeing more. 

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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Oh ha 3 different nanites still in the body.

It was actually clear that not all of them were out.

That the Dean gives his okay is probably absolutely understandable for his own survival with Amanda and after the action with Beth's mother.

Besides Amanda, Stacy also checked the code, why do I have the feeling that Stacy put something else into it?

I'm really curious to see how this all plays out.

Amanda knows Lily Desmond which means Connor should be safe.

McKenzie will probably be sad though.

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1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

McKenzie will probably be sad though.

No doubt! She definitely had a crush on Connor! Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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1 hour ago, TerranV said:

Still, the over reliance on nanites has shown to be quite dangerous.

This is definitely something they should have learned from his mother's time there and the after-effects. It's very much not the panacea that they think it is.

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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3 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

It's very much not the panacea that they think it is.

I mean, surely us littles wouldn't completely abuse any technology just because we thought it was super amazing and could do anything we want it to with absolutely no side effects.

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1 hour ago, Kat5 said:

I mean, surely us littles wouldn't completely abuse any technology just because we thought it was super amazing and could do anything we want it to with absolutely no side effects.

Well Amazon have shown to be just as reckless with them.

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4 minutes ago, TerranV said:

Well Amazon have shown to be just as reckless with them.

Well yeah, we're just littles, they can use them on us all the time. What's the worst that could happen?

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8 minutes ago, TerranV said:

Well Amazon have shown to be just as reckless with them.

Shhhh! Don't let them know you're onto them! That's a one-way trip to someone's lap for a spanking and mouth-washing for the lies about grown-ups. 🤣

5 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

What's the worst that could happen?

Looks at notes... Are you sure you want to know? 😈

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If I had nanites, I would program them so that they spread like a virus across the whole world and when they have reached a rate of 90% infestation they activate themselves.

What would happen then?

Racism = wiped out
Sexism = Wiped out
LGBTQ hostility = wiped out
Transphobia = wiped out
Pedophiles = Wiped out
Sex offenders still on the free = Go to the police voluntarily
Intelligence = Increase
Significantly increase immune system and prevent hereditary diseases
Generally make the world a better place so that humanity focuses more on a future that is better for all instead of war and hatred.

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10 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Looks at notes... Are you sure you want to know? 😈

Sofia. I'm snarky, I can't help it. Also curious.


edit: My snark would 100% get me more corner time than any little in history.

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17 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

Well yeah, we're just littles, they can use them on us all the time. What's the worst that could happen?

lol.. when you said that for some reason a Dr. Who crossover popped in to my head. All of the people that heavily use nanites get turned in to cyber nannies. If you do not conform or try to run you are turned in to a baby..

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Another great chapter and one coming tomorrow.  I'm glad it was Amanda that asked Dr. Barnes to move Carly in Lilly's nest, has some weight behind it that way.  I hope anut Bella can make the uniforms or at least a few in a day, she should only need the one style since Carly wouldn't wear the pants and the summer dress can wait to see if she decides to stay.🙂

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4 hours ago, dmavn said:

All of the people that heavily use nanites get turned in to cyber nannies. If you do not conform or try to run you are turned in to a baby..

Would make a good story!  🙂

3 hours ago, Baby Billy said:

Another great chapter

Thanks Billy! 🙂

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Chapter 98: History Repeats Itself

DIAPER SHOPPING WAS an experience I would have gladly skipped if asked about it. As bad as the first training pant search had been, this had seemed worse. Every female Big in the store, age thirteen and older, looked at me and cooed if I made the mistake of making eye contact! I noticed some jealous looks, but Grandma was intimidating enough to scare people away alone.

Between Grandma and Beth, as soon as I was placed in the cart seat, they had been off to the races. Two packages of a brand called Monkeez and then a nighttime version of what looked like Pampers from back home were tossed in the cart. Several packs of wipes that would fit in my backpack, along with rash cream, powder, and disposal bags, all found their way into the cart before we made our way up to the front as my stomach was growling.

“We skipped lunch,” Beth said, waiting beside the cart.

“Yeah,” I said quietly.

As we came to the checker, I expected some taunting. Still, the projected attendant just rapidly scanned everything, and we were soon on our way back home. “We’ll eat an early dinner when we get home,” Grandma said when my stomach growled as she placed me in my seat.

“Thanks, I’m starving,” I told her.

Beth sat beside me in the middle seat, playing with my hands occasionally as we drove. Nikki had sat in the front and decided this weekend that she wanted to remain with us despite the safety of Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Aunt Bella, Ryan, and Shelby all joined us for an early dinner. When they arrived, Beth and I were sitting on the couch. “Cute dress, Carly!” Shelby said.

I smiled at her, “I’d rather not wear the toddler chic designs?”

She laughed, “So why are you?”

I sighed, “Because everything went wrong with the nanites again?”

Beth and I explained what had gone on that week, and at the end, she said, “Well, I guess that explains the diaper.” Shelby came over and hugged me, then said, “Sorry, but you make a really cute girl?”

“Dinner is ready!” Grandma called right then, and we walked into the kitchen together.

I shook my head as I ate the tasty breakfast for dinner meal. ‘Now I know where Mom got that!’ Gigantic and thick waffles, bacon, sausage, and toppings for the waffles were quite plentiful. I had to give my order since I couldn’t reach anything from the high chair I was sitting in. An observer from our dimension would probably think there were four babies, a slightly older elementary girl, and a pair of grandparents if they looked at us since Bella, Ryan, Shelby, and I were all sitting in our high chairs.

“Besides this minor disaster, how’s school going?” Shelby asked me.

“Minor disaster?” Beth raised her eyebrows. “This seems like more than a ‘minor’ disaster?” Beth sounded annoyed.

“Well, at least Carly wasn’t adopted and turned into a tummy-time infant?” Shelby shrugged, “At least by Little standards, this was definitely only a minor disaster.”

My stomach turned at that, and Beth looked like she was about to blow. I winced when I realized she probably took it personally, and Shelby probably didn’t know. “Beth,” I said softly, “Shelby doesn’t mean anything by that?”

“Huh?” Shelby asked.

“Shelby, we’ll talk later… definitely not the right thing to say,” Aunt Bella told her in a strained, sympathetic voice. Beth, I’m sorry. Not many people know…”

I could just barely reach and gently touch her shoulder since she was sitting close and did so. She sighed and said, “Sorry, I know you didn’t mean anything, Shelby.”

Shelby looked at me with confusion, then at Beth, then at her mom.

“Umm… Beside that… I guess school’s going well,” I said. “We’re done filming, so we just have to edit this horror down. Since we technically still have another three weeks after this until we were required to be ‘in the can,’ we’re ahead of the game?”

“Are you going to have some sort of release party? I want to see this and throw popcorn at the screen or something?” Ryan said.

That at least got Beth to giggle lightly. ‘She’ll be okay,’ I told myself. We went around and talked about things, and I even learned about some of Grandpa’s latest projects to occupy himself. As we finished, I was glad to see my front was clean. Shelby’s was, too, but Ryan definitely should have had a bib on. Several dropped strawberry spots were visible!

Aunt Bella, though—it was a very good thing she had a bib on! ‘Grandma must have been intentionally missing her mouth!’ I thought with a shake of my head.

“Mommy, once you get Carly changed, let’s have her go through the outfits I brought over?”

“I’m sure we can do that, Bella, but someone else is going to need a clean change of pants, too!” she tickled the woman who was older than my mom but seemed younger than me then!

Thirty minutes later, and two changed diapers later, Grandma, Aunt Bella, Beth, Shelby, and I were in my room, where fourteen boxes were stacked in front of me. They looked like high-end gift boxes, and knowing that Aunt Bella essentially catered to that clientele, I knew there was probably some nice custom clothing inside.

She’d take the time to even number boxes to go through in an order. “Go ahead, open the first one!” Aunt Bella encouraged me.

“You didn’t have to,” I started to say.

“Nope!” She smiled at me, “None of that! I missed nineteen birthdays with my niece!”

I sighed, “Okay,” and pulled open the first box. I pulled out what seemed like a massive pile of fabric. It unfolded and revealed itself to be a green Emerson University jumper dress. She had embroidered the Emerson logo on the left chest, and I saw five dresses in the stack. “Umm… thanks,” I said.

“The next two boxes go with those,” Aunt Bella said.

I blushed. I was excited to finally be given gifts of my very own girls’ clothes! Still, I would have preferred my first ones not to be a university uniform!

I found six collared white polo onesies and six pairs of tights inside the following two boxes. “You can wear knee-high socks,” Shelby told me, “but I wouldn’t until it gets warmer. Those will work until you reach the temperatures to be allowed the slacks.”

I just numbly nodded as I then opened up a box with three pairs of the girl’s slacks, which weren’t all that different than the boy’s with the elastic on the waist to easily pull them up and down, and then the additional snappies up the crotch to also allow for easy diaper changes. ‘I think the dress is actually less humiliating!’

Uniforms covered, the other boxes included a nice winter coat, mittens, a knit cap, pajamas, some coordinated casual leggings and tops, and three one-piece girls’ swimsuits. A couple of outfits looked like something Beth or a Big might wear, which I figured would probably look like I was pretending to be a big girl… But, in short, it was a good chunk of the beginnings of a wardrobe for my new status. Especially since the underwear was bought in the store on the way home…

“Thank you, Aunt Bella,” I told her and leaned down to give the only adult I knew shorter than me a hug.

“You’re very welcome, Carly!” She smiled. “One more box, though!”

Grandma handed me one that had been hidden somewhere. I opened it and pulled out the most infantile dress I’d seen in my size outside of Meggy’s birthday party!

It was yellow, with ruffles on the sleeves and skirt. On the bodice, an endless bit of embroidery detail showed it was well made - and certainly not cheap!

As I held it up in the air, I realized it was also short enough that if I wore it, I would flash my diaper in any position other than standing still. “What is this?” I asked incredulously.

“Oh, we’ll call it an heirloom piece,” Grandma said. “We still have to tell your mommy that you’re her little girl now.”

“And this?”

“It’s identical to the dress her parents got to see her in first,” she smirked.

Beth looked at me with concern.

I was silent for a long moment, then I began to laugh until I couldn’t breathe.

“Perfect!” I coughed as I calmed down.

Beth looked at me like I was crazy, but Bella told her, “Stacy is nuts. This is probably the best way to explain things to her.”

Beth shook her head, “I think you are all a little nuts sometimes,” she muttered.

Everyone laughed at that!

Aunt Bella said, “I’ll make you some other things in the next couple of days, and I’m sure Mommy will want to take you shopping again.”

I shifted a bit, wondering what was in my size that wasn’t meant for a baby!

It was late enough then that Aunt Bella took Shelby home to get some sleep before she had school the following day. Grandma took me to the living room with Beth to make the call home.

“Stand on my lap,” she told me with a smirk.

I sighed, “She’s going to kill me?”

“You have to get home first for that,” Grandma reminded me, “and by then, she’s just going to want to hug you.”

I shook my head and waited for the connection to be made, and then I saw Mom, Mama, and my sisters on the other side.

“Hi,” I said sheepishly.

I watched the participants on the other side of the link stay absolutely still.

There was a blink from Riley.

Lila and Hannah both looked at each other with mouths open simultaneously.

Mama just looked like she was hit in the gut with something.

Mom was the first to speak. “Mom, where have you been keeping that dress?!? I told you to get rid of that!” she blushed. “And please tell me Connor isn’t wearing it for the same purpose?!?”


BETH LOOKED ON as the family that let their son leave the dimension, just like their mother, was dealing with the same thing.

“Sorry, sweetie, but I did have her wear it because history has repeated itself here…”

“What happened?” Gabby asked, much less calm than Stacy.

Carly sighed, “I told you about our film project?” The five most important people she had back home nodded, “Well, I was playing a character that has a gender change in the middle of the film and gets adopted. Our crew used a set of nanites that the theater department uses all the time for this kind of thing.”

Amanda said, “They are used all the time for changes, and according to the stats I looked up, only have an issue point-oh-oh-oh-oh-one percent of the time. Even with the professor asking me to review the code, this happened.”

“Of course, it would be Connor,” Riley shook her head.

“Guess we have a new big sister instead?” Hannah said, sighing. “I have rather enjoyed having one boy in the house to keep us sane, though?”

“I wasn’t doing a very good job of that,” Carly told them.

With that, some of the tension was broken, and Amanda explained the situation. “So you have a whole mass of that protein now?” Stacy asked, concern evident in her voice.

“It’s about the thickness right now that you’d expect if he... she’d been nursing for three weeks,” Amanda said. “And growing thicker by the moment.”

“So diapers for the foreseeable future, huh?” Stacy asked. “Well, it’s not the worst thing, Connor. I assume you’ve already come up with a replacement name?”

Amanda had pulled Carly into her lap a long while ago, “Carly,” Carly told her.

“I like it!” Riley said.

“Yeah,” Lila and Hannah agreed together.

“It’s just like when we played together as little girls,” Riley added. “That’s what we called you then, too, right?”

Beth turned to see Carly squirm but nodded, “Yes?”

“Perfect then!”

“So, are you normally keeping Carly dressed like this now?” Stacy asked.

“No, sweetie. I just thought it might help break the ice. Unless, of course, Carly wants to wear it to school. It’ll be a dress code violation, but she’s adorable enough they might let it slide.”

Beth wished she had taken a photo of Carly’s face at that moment; it was priceless!


AFTER WE FINISHED with the phone call with Mom, Beth and I had decided to sit on the floor in my room and get some homework done. Occasionally, we’d talk about something, she’d ask a question, or I’d just talk.

She yawned a few times, and I realized it was getting later. Without warning, she pulled me into her lap, facing her, and felt the wet diaper I was wearing. “Not staying dry very long?”

I blushed, “No, and not feeling it either?”

“Well, that’s not surprising; according to your grandma, you basically ended up with at least three weeks’ worth of those breastmilk proteins?”

“I wonder if their milk would do anything to me now?” I said, instantly wanting to push the words back into my mouth.

She giggled, “Please don’t try and find out! While I’m sure there will be no end of nest mommies wanting to pop their booby out for you, you really don’t want to get addicted to that stuff!”

“Not planning on it,” I told her. “Just thinking aloud of what else could go wrong.”

She squeezed me in a hug then and gave me a kiss on the lips. “As long as I have you, nothing can go wrong enough to matter.”

I hugged her then, too, as some tears streamed down my face.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” she asked me.

I shrugged, “I’m kind of nervous about tomorrow, actually?”

“Well, it will be a big day for you,” she agreed. “What’s got you most scared?”

I shrugged, “Moving in with a new nest? Having classmates see me as a girl now? I can only imagine how the fellow exchange students will feel about that one…?”

She hugged me again, “We’ll get you through all of that, I guarantee you!”

I shook my head, “Somehow, I don’t think you’ll be joining me in the nest?” At her look of horror, I said, “At least I hope not.”

She nodded.

“I'm sorry about what Shelby said earlier,” I said after she ran her hand down my hair for a few more moments.

“She didn’t know…” she said. “At least, I don’t think she does?”

I shrugged, “As far as I know, she doesn’t? You’ve all kept that pretty secret from everyone? Have you ever really told anyone?”

“I’ve only ever told Livy,” she told me.

“Not Reila?”

“I probably should at this point, but it’s not exactly the topic you just bring up?”

I nodded at that.

“I kind of wish you didn’t know?”

I turned to look at her, “Why?”

“Because it’s got to be awkward dating a woman as old as your moms?”

I laughed, “The fact that you’re still willing to date me after all of this means I’ll never care about that at all!”

“You know, at some point, we need to go out on an actual date…?”

I looked up at her, “You’re right!” I smiled, “So what do you want to do?”

“Let me think about that?” She shrugged, “I wouldn’t have risked it before. Now that I have Nikki, I might as well take advantage of the overbearing safety she offers?”

I nodded.

“What do you think you might want to do?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know the town that well… Dinner and a movie? Some sort of show? A picnic at a park?” I hugged her, “As long as I’m with you, it’ll be perfect!”

She leaned down, kissed me again, and hugged me right before Amanda came in. “Hey, kids, I think it’s time to call it a night. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow?”

We nodded, and I watched Beth go after one last hug and kiss goodnight. After Grandma changed me out of the embarrassing dress I was still wearing, along with the wet diaper, into my pajamas, she commented, “I hope it works out for you two.”

“Me too,” I said.

She tucked me in, “I’ll wake you up to swim in the morning, then you’ll go to your first couple of classes. We’ll go to your dorm and move you at lunch. Grandpa is going to come to help.”

“ID?” I asked.

“After your last class, we’re going to get your ID bracelet switched to Carly. It’s still valid right now, though.”

“I’m still safe from adoption?”

She shrugged, “As safe as you’ve ever been?” Sighing, she added, “Unless you are adopted, that’s always a risk, Carly.”

I nodded, “That makes sense.” After a pause, I asked, “Will Lilly be okay with me coming into her nest?”

“I got a message from her earlier that she’s expecting you and will have your pod all ready to go!”

“Great, my crib will be ready,” I groaned.

“At least they’re leaving them open now?”

“True,” I agreed. “And I guess it’s not like I’ll need to get up to go potty again at night.”

“No, those diapees will easily hold all you can throw at them,” Grandma said with a sad smile. She kissed my forehead, “Well, my little granddaughter, it's time for the princess to get some sleep! Good night, I love you!”

“Love you too,” I replied as she left, turned off the lights, and closed the door.

I tossed and turned for a long time that night before finally succumbing to sleep!


Thanks for reading! Please press that Like Button and leave me a comment! I appreciate all of you who have done so on the past couple of chapters!

This won't happen again for a long time, but because I have some time off and have so far managed a chapter a day for the past few days, I'll offer another bonus chapter on Wednesday if you leave me 25 Likes by then!

Don't forget all of my completed works are available on Amazon Kindle! http://amazon.com/author/babysofia

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 98 - 3/11/24

Another great chapter.  So Lilly is looking forward to Carly joining her nest, I wonder if she will still take her to the pool in the morning.  I knew Bella would come though with the uniforms and since she already made a dress for Connor they would look great on her.  I am surprised by the free use of nanites in the world given how Amanda  felt about them being a problem back when Cameron had his trial when she talked about them becoming a problem.  Hope amanda can help with the buildup of protein and help the diaper use.  I have a feeling that Stacy did something before he came or gave him something in case he/she decided to stay.🙂💜

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Nice to see the dress again.

A lovely heirloom to break the news to Stacy.

I really hope nothing happens to Carly when she updates her bracelet after class.

That was so present while reading this it will be interesting.

I'm also curious to see everyone else's reaction.

Since Stacy was able to get pregnant by her wife (as a woman), presumably with the help of the nanites, could she have passed on being trans to Carly?

So purely within the biology of the story, please don't misunderstand.

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15 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

could she have passed on being trans to Carly?

Not likely, but given our limited understanding of what causes gender issues it could be possible. 🤷‍♀️

16 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

Nice to see the dress again.

A lovely heirloom to break the news to Stacy.

Thanks! I was excited by this particular idea as I wrote it. I was thinking back to when Stacy was reintroduced to her parents and thought it would be fitting! 🙂

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Another great surprise with another new chapter. 
Having that conversation with your family had to be just a bit uncomfortable.  Even having the dress to kind of explain the situation it wouldn’t be an easy thing to do. Seems like they all accepted it pretty well but then they didn’t have much of a choice either.  They still love the person either Connor or Carly doesn’t matter.  I still think that the one who would have the hardest time accepting the change would be Beth and she is good with it. 
I am looking forward to seeing more. 

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4 minutes ago, CDfm said:

They still love the person either Connor or Carly doesn’t matter.

Carly is incredibly fortunate to have that support! 

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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Another great chapter! Very creative way to break the news to Stacy and the rest of Carly’s family. Bit of a shock, I’m sure, but also a great ice breaker given the family history. I love how you’ve surrounded Carly with a support network. Regardless of how she felt about the change, this would be terribly difficult without it. Can’t wait to see Lilly’s reaction when she sees Carly in person. 😍

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23 minutes ago, FloridaKid said:

Regardless of how she felt about the change, this would be terribly difficult without it.

I definitely felt like she needs a support system in this part of the story! Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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3 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

Nice to see the dress again.

A lovely heirloom to break the news to Stacy.

I really hope nothing happens to Carly when she updates her bracelet after class.

That was so present while reading this it will be interesting.

I'm also curious to see everyone else's reaction.

Since Stacy was able to get pregnant by her wife (as a woman), presumably with the help of the nanites, could she have passed on being trans to Carly?

So purely within the biology of the story, please don't misunderstand.

I think it would be hard to say if it was biology or environment factors with Connor.  Stacy did not really have gender issues before coming to Emerson, if you go back to Exchanged she said she was not married to her male body.  She had a best friend as a male that was female, but only because they lived close nad were both into school so much.  A factor for environment is that Connot grew up in a home with all women. 

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 125 - 8/2/2024 - Season Finale

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