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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 125 - 8/2/2024 - Season Finale

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27 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Just a heads up, I'm going to be posting the next chapter on Thursday night. I might make a deal for a bonus chapter in the weekend too. (Not going to be home until really late Friday night, so figure I'll go a day early for you all!)🙂

YAY!!!!! You just made my day. 

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4 minutes ago, BobbyDrago said:

It's amazing that your stories are good enough to make multi-page conversations happen before the next chapter in the space of what a week, 2.

That's why I prefer to read it on wattpad and comment and like on both lol

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14 minutes ago, BobbyDrago said:

It's amazing that your stories are good enough to make multi-page conversations happen before the next chapter in the space of what a week, 2.

Less than a week... I know it's possible to link comments to the next one like BbyKimmy did to make her choose your own adventure story... may be time to figure that out at some point!🙂

9 minutes ago, Guilend said:

That's why I prefer to read it on wattpad and comment and like on both lol

I feel that way about a lot of stories too. Thanks for the likes and comments! 🙂

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17 hours ago, Guilend said:

That's why I prefer to read it on wattpad and comment and like on both lol

That's why all modern forum systems should support threadmarks or filtering to show just the original poster's posts, or both. But those both seem to be very rare. If you haven't been on a forum that supports threadmarks it is a system that allows the creation of one or more tables of content for a thread. I just googled and it looks like someone suggested adding threadmarks to the Invision software and the response was, "Use the recommend post," feature to pin a post to the top of the first page which as far as I can tell is an administrator only thing or that it shouldn't be too hard for someone to write a third party add on to do it. So, probably not in the official Invision software anytime soon because it doesn't look like the devs are interested in doing it.

Now I'll return to excitedly bouncing as I wait for the early chapter post.

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Chapter 21: Motherboards


I LOOKED OUT the back glass of the car from the car seat I was strapped into. Grandma had shown up and checked me out from Sanders Hall to go home with her for the weekend. Doctor Greene had greeted her warmly, but somehow I suspected, based on her stiff body language, that she wasn’t thrilled about my special treatment. I wore my backpack as she led me by the hand out to her car.

“Where’s Grandpa and everyone else?” I asked.

“Back home, keeping an eye on Bella and doing whatever project he chose for the day,” she smiled at me. “Here, hand me your backpack,” she said as we approached the strange-shaped SUV, and the front hood opened to my surprise since I could tell there was also a back hatch area.

“Where’s the engine?” I asked.

“It’s a micro-sized battery-powered engine. All of the components are in the undercarriage in a two-foot by two-foot compartment. The gearbox is the biggest part, so you get a large trunk in front and a hatch in back.”

“Huh,” I said, impressed. I shrugged my backpack off and handed it to Grandma, watching her place it inside.

“Okay, now we need to get you some other clothes. Are you okay with a couple hours of shopping, and then we’ll head home?”

I grimaced, Mom had told me about her shopping experiences, and our trip the other day hadn’t exactly excited me to do that again! ‘Especially for the clothes I’m sure she’ll think I want to pick?’

“Sure,” I told her.

“Great!” she told me, “I can’t wait to spoil the one grandson I haven’t been able to yet! I just wish your sisters were here too!”

‘Not me,’ I thought. ‘I’m glad that they’re safely at home!’

I watched as the door to the car self-opened and saw a large cabin with a driver’s seat and passenger seat in front, then two rows of seats behind it, like our minivan back home. In the back row, I could see a tall, backed booster seat in the back, beside a forward-facing toddler car seat. In the middle row, two infant carrier-style car seats were buckled beside each other. One was pink and seemed a little faded in color and older, and I guessed it was Aunt Bella’s. The one beside it was similar in style, with the edges colored in a heather blue that seemed brand new.

She picked me up and placed me inside, carefully doing the buckles.

“Am I really this small?” I found myself asking aloud.

“Sweetie, you’re not as small as your mommy was, but you’re pretty close! I don’t think I’ll need to, but I have no doubt we could carry you inside this carrier, and it wouldn’t be any different than doing it with a normal infant. You’re only about the size of a six-month-old at best?”

I grimaced as she clicked the buckle shut. “Joy…”

She laughed, “It wasn’t the end of the world for your mom, and it won’t be for you either!”

She closed the passenger door and climbed into the driver’s seat, closing that door too. The back of the seat in front of me suddenly turned into a video screen. I could see a small picture of her in a rectangular window, and the rest of the view seemed to be in front of the car.

The detail was absolutely incredible!

“Comfy?” Grandma asked me.

I shrugged or tried to, “I guess? This harness doesn’t exactly let me move around. It’s kind of claustrophobic,” I told her.

“Sorry, there’s no way you can sit in any seat without a harness. I might be able to justify a regular rear-facing seat instead of that infant carrier? Unfortunately, a booster is at least a foot away height-wise for you.”

I sighed, “I figured when I got my measurements. So where are we going?”

“Well, we have a few stops. First, we need to get you a phone from here so you can call for help if you need it. It’ll let you keep in touch with your friends too.”

“Cool!” I thought briefly, “Is there any chance I could find one of those sets of augmented reality contacts there?”

Grandma sighed, “You can find them there, but they’ll all be too big for you. Is that something you want?”

“They seem like a really cool way to get to a computer anytime I need one?”

“They would be… let me see if there’s any way for me to commission a set in your size. Your problem again is that you are the size of an infant… I think the smallest size I’ve seen for sale has been for ten-year-olds. Some studies have shown that too much of that kind of technology on younger eyes can prevent younger children from developing fine motor skills like they should.”

I nodded, “I guess that makes sense… Is there anything else like that?”

“Well, they have the goggle version I think you used for your placement test yesterday?”

I nodded, “Yeah, those were pretty cool. Those goggles were the first ones I’ve seen that actually work right. Even the ones mom is developing back home leave me feeling disconnected from reality.”

“We’ll look for those,” she said as the vehicle pulled to a stop.

Only then did I realize she hadn’t been driving and had been turned to face an image of me projected on the windshield the whole time. ‘Makes sense; Mom always said they were a decade ahead in self-driving vehicles when she left.’

Grandma opened her door and came around to me. She used a switch at the car seat’s base to swivel me to face her, and I feared I was about to be carried through the store in that carrier. “Now, Connor, before we go in, I need to make sure you’re ready for this. I left you in your uniform intentionally; it should shield you from someone trying anything with me here, but be warned, there will probably be some comments about you being newly adopted, needing diapers, or who knows what else?”

I nodded, “Mom told me all of the stories.”

“Okay then, it’s going to be a lot of walking today. So I want to give you a couple choices. One, I can carry you in this carrier and put you down in a cart?”

I shook my head, “Can we do something else, please? I feel trapped in this thing…?”

“I have a stroller for your Aunt in here or a backpack carrier I can put you in.”

“Can your back still handle something like that?” I asked nervously.

She laughed, “Littles aren’t the only ones that can get rejuvenation treatments, Connor. My back is as strong as when your mom was here.”

“Why is Grandpa limping then?” I asked.

“He doesn’t want to do a treatment for that yet. He’s been holding off for some stubborn reason,” Grandma shrugged. “Doctors make the worst patients!”

“I’ve heard that,” I told her. Then, I thought briefly, “Mom said she never minded the carrier?”

“Good choice,” she said.

Soon my legs were being threaded inside the backpack carrier, “We’ll face you outwards so you can see,” she said with a smile as she positioned me. Moments later, she had a large diaper bag that I hoped doubled as a purse on one side and was carrying me inside. It was a little disconcerting to see the world from so high!

I saw that the store’s name was Motherboards and remembered Mom mentioning it. “You guys must have better luck with tech stores staying open than we do,” I told her. “I don’t think we have a single chain still open since Mom came here!”

She laughed, “Most of them probably have gone under. This store has been partially helped out with its Little Gear focus for part of the store. Tech tools for regressing and controlling your Little have made them a lot of money,” She said that last part in a whisper. She continued, “Sweetie, it’s probably best if you don’t talk much more while we’re in this store. They won’t do anything to us, but they can be rather not Little friendly.”

I tried to turn to look at her, but she just squeezed my hanging body in a hug instead. “You’ll be fine!”

“Welcome to Motherboards. Is there anything I can assist you in finding?” A sudden hologram appeared beside us from nowhere. The woman looked smaller than Grandma since I could look into her eyes right then, but she would have towered over me if I was standing on the ground. She seemed incredibly lifelike and was attired in a polo and slacks like I would have expected someone similarly to be dressed back home in sales. She even had a nametag that said, ‘Grace’ on it.

“We’re just looking for your phones,” Grandma told her.

“Go down that way on aisle fifteen, and you’ll find the kiosk at the end. If you need any LittleCare Gear, you can find that down aisles twenty-five through thirty-six. If you need more assistance, just say, ‘Grace, I need help,’ and I’ll come to find you!”

“Thanks,” Grandma responded. She squeezed me as the hologram disappeared.

“That’s creepy,” I couldn’t help but mutter. “And cool… but creepy!”

Grandma said, “Shhh…. Let’s get what we need here.”


BETH WAS WEARING her EdgeSphere Glasses and currently surfing a few websites and alternating watching cute videos about crafting projects. She held Rings across her lap and stroked her fur as she found herself wishing she hadn’t left all of her crafting supplies back home!

She’d just finished another video when she heard a knock on the door. Pulling her glasses off, she leaped from the bed and went to the door. Looking through the peephole, she saw it was Penelope.

“Hi?” She said as she opened the door.

“Hi Beth, I just wanted to let you know that the funds to reimburse your damages should be in your bank account tomorrow. Dean Northrup and President Barnes wanted to ensure I came by and ensured you were okay? Is the new mattress okay?”

“Umm… thanks!” Beth said, “Yeah, I mean as okay as a dorm mattress ever gets, right?” She laughed nervously.

Penelope nodded, “I remember them. I’m grateful that I can bring my queen-sized mattress to my apartment!”

Beth nodded, “I bet that’s nice!”

“Well, if you need anything, please let me know.” She started to turn but turned back, “Just so you know, Kelly was questioned. Even though Nevaeh said she was being blackmailed by Kelly to break into your room, she never admitted to anything. There’s no proof, so she’s gotten off with a warning to stay away from you. I’d just like to make sure I gave you a similar warning… that girl is up to no good, and I wouldn’t trust her not to try again at some point.”

Beth nodded, “Thanks for the warning…?”

She reached for her phone and dialed her dad when she closed the door.


I WAS IN shock with the various phones that were available. Most of them were incredibly thin, and some rolled up into what looked like a lipstick tube shape! I knew there were more advanced tech pieces out there, but overall for some reason, phones had primarily stayed the same shapes. Then, finally, we found an ultra-small one that was the thickness of an old credit card from back home. It was still almost a tablet for my small size, but I could hold it in one hand and might even be able to text almost normally. I remembered Mom telling me MelonCorp phones were good when she was here, being equivalent to the old iPhones from her teenage and adult years.

“I think this will work,” I told Grandma as I manipulated it.

She looked at the hologram working the counter, “We’ll go ahead and take this. I want to add it to my family plan?”

“Certainly, Doctor Westerfield,” the clerk hologram said, and I watched as she reached down below and opened a cabinet. She pulled out a shrinkwrapped box, unsealed it, and held it in her hand momentarily while her eyes seemed distant. “You want to just charge this to your monthly bill?” She asked her.

“Please,” Grandma responded.

The hologram placed the phone into the box and handed it to her, “It’s activated and ready to go! Charge on that one should last five years; if you need a battery replacement before you replace the phone, we can do that here.”

“Umm… thanks,” Grandma said. “Now, can you tell me where you have your EdgeSphere Glasses?”

“Down on aisle twenty-four,” the helpful hologram said.

“Appreciate it,” Grandma told the hologram and handed me the box to hold. “You can play in the car,” she whispered to me.

I smiled as she made her way through the aisles. As we approached aisle twenty-four, I felt my stomach grow cold with the realization we were right next to the LittleCare Gear section. I could see advertisements for one of the aisles focused on ‘Hypnosis Aids,’ ‘Home Nanite Care,’ ‘Health Trackers,’ ‘Toys and Games,’ ‘Advanced Diapers,’ and ‘Sexual Wellness.’

‘Sexual Wellness…?’ I wondered, but I really didn’t want to know!

Fortunately, we were just going to an adjacent row. Grandma stopped in front of a section of the aisle dedicated to a brand called EdgeSphere. “This is the best brand, the best resolution, and their source code is clean of any hidden bugs,” Grandma said quietly. “I just hope they have a set small enough for you here.”

The display talked about the ability to dedicate a given space in a room to play games and move around the virtual reality worlds. It spoke of the great aid it was also to students doing homework and being able to only focus on the one task it let them see. I noted that another display noted adult programs were also available through the app store. ‘Adult programs?’ I couldn’t help but wonder. I remembered reading in a history book how the porn industry significantly impacted the selection of the old VHS standard, succeeding until it was obsolete. ‘Crazy that things are similar here on that front?’

Grandma looked through all the displays and found them labeled ‘XS’ through ‘XXXL.’ The XS seemed to be sized for a six-year-old. “I don’t think we can size these down for you… I wonder…”

“Grace, I need help?” She said aloud.

I nearly wet myself as the hologram appeared right in front of us again. “How may I help you, Doctor Westerfield?”

I’m looking for a smaller size of the EdgeSphere Goggles here. “Smaller?”

“Yes, I have a set for my niece that is sized, infant?”

Her face changed slightly before saying, “Oh, those are available in the LittleCare Gear area; follow me!”

She took us down the Toys and Games aisle, and I couldn’t help but fear some of the ‘smart toys’ I saw advertised!




Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well! In fact they are soooooo appreciated, I’ll make a deal! If there are a total of thirty likes on this post by this weekend I’ll post an extra chapter on Sunday! 

It’s up to you! 😈

If you’ve enjoyed this or any of my other works, consider supporting me by purchasing copies of them on Amazon Kindle! (And if you do so pretty please consider leaving me a 5-star review (you can just leave the stars and no public reviews are viewable then!))

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 21 - 4/27/2023

I said more elsewhere, so I'll make this brief. 

1. I definitely love this chapter with all the tech and the store. 

2. Beth better watch out, Kelly won't head the warning. 

3. Connor better watch out, everything in that aisle will regress him, especially the tech. 

4. Everyone better give her the 30 likes on wattpad because we need MORE. 

5. Have I mentioned I love this story, even more then your other stories?(yes it's because there's a diapered Amazon and she totally filled her pampers in front of everyone lol)

  • Confused 1
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30 minutes ago, Guilend said:

4. Everyone better give her the 30 likes on wattpad because we need MORE. 

I'll count it if either site hits the 30 😈

30 minutes ago, Guilend said:

5. Have I mentioned I love this story, even more then your other stories?(yes it's because there's a diapered Amazon and she totally filled her pampers in front of everyone lol)

Lol, I'm glad you have enjoyed that as much as I thought you would!

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Hi BabySofia, I am not sure but I think you mean just the likes on this site for a bonus.  I am more convinced that Stacy gave Connor the protection she had when he came here(know you will not say if I'm right) but to wear out a young amazon in the pool and not even feel the least bit tired reminds me of Stacy swimming laps.  I have a feeling Kellys days are number, every on is going to be looking for any reason to get rid of her.  I wonder about Amanda buying all this tech for Connor unless the lw changed and he can take it home, he is only going ti be there 4 months and that stuff is not cheap.  Same goes for cloths as the would not fit back home.  Still wondering what toy Stacy gave him to take that he wanted to hide it and have it with him.😃💜

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Now I'm curious about Bella's situation. She still seems to be living with Amanda and Fred as their baby. I never expected her to leave the family, mind you. I figured after all this time she would be allowed to grow up again.

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1 hour ago, Guilend said:

I called @babykamperand told him to get on here and like it lol. He's not a fan of diaper dimension, but I still try to get him to read your stories anyway, but he hasn't given in, yet. 


1 hour ago, Baby Billy said:

Hi BabySofia, I am not sure but I think you mean just the likes on this site for a bonus. 

Like I told Guilend, I'll count it accomplished if 30 happens on either here or WattPad. (Separate, not combined) 😈

1 hour ago, Baby Billy said:

 I wonder about Amanda buying all this tech for Connor unless the lw changed and he can take it home, he is only going ti be there 4 months and that stuff is not cheap. 

Amanda and Fred are not hurting for money, and frankly they have a lot of missed holidays to make up for! 🙂

5 minutes ago, TerranV said:

Now I'm curious about Bella's situation. She still seema to be living with Amanda and Fred as their baby. I never expected her to leave the family, mind you.

The weekend will reveal many burning questions everyone has had about Stacy's family after she left. 🙂

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I'm going to make a guess  here, I read you plan on between 100 -120 chapter here.  I don't think Connor leaves at the end of this semester.😏

Another thing, I like reading this on wattpad because I can make the type larger but I have not been able to find out how many votes you get there.

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7 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Another thing, I like reading this on wattpad because I can make the type larger but I have not been able to find out how many votes you get there.

It's at the top of each post, right below the chapter title, there's a list of stars and number of comments there.

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9 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

It's at the top of each post, right below the chapter title, there's a list of stars and number of comments there.

On the app it's actually on the bottom of the screen, at least on Android. You tap the screen and different stuff pop up including the stars and comments at the bottom of the screen, overlapping the text

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Chapter 21 and it is still too quiet for my taste.

But I can wait I know how you are so when writing your stories.

I hope for more drama and diapers and kindergartens and adoption and stress.

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3 hours ago, BabySofia said:

The weekend will reveal many burning questions everyone has had about Stacy's family after she left.

Woohoo! Love the tie-ins!! And in my mind every time Connor interacts with a hologram he’s making mental notes for his academic work. Can’t wait to see where you take that.

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Would Kelly do anything so silly as go after Beth right after she's been warned not to? Nah. She'll wait at least a day or two while she plots.

I don't care so much about virtual reality games but I want the virtual computer interface. Not the Jurassic Park 3D file browser but a virtual hundred inch 10:16 widescreen and a nice tiling window manager and terminal multiplexer and I'll be happy. All I would need to be even happier is a decent split keyboard mouse designed to be used away from a desk and I could finally have my dream computer setup. Okay, a really good diaper and a few bottles of chocolate milk so I can lay in bed or relax in a recliner while I play on the computer all day. Or I could write anywhere without getting self conscious at the thought that someone might look over my shoulder and start reading unedited rough draft.

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So I've been thinking about and I honestly feel like Connor and Beth are pretty safe at least legally speaking as they have family who can take custody if they get demerited out and the university/LPS is unlikely to want a custody battle with either family that it is almost guaranteed to loose. And from there Connor's family could get him to the consulate for extraction. That being said it would likely severely disrupt Beth's life for a while and who knows what kind of damage they could do to either of them with even just a couple hours if say a careless attendant left some hypnosis videos on... There would likely be orders against that kind of fuckery though at least with Beth....

I am extremely nervous about the Little's head sets though... That's a direct line for visual cognito hazards and weaponized mimetic agents if I've ever seen it....

Honestly the "Brave New World" vibes in general just skeeve me the fuck out and it's really apparent in just how afraid even Connor's grandmother a well respected Amazon seems to be.... Definitely a point in the column for social engineering/control theory...

I wonder though if I were enrolled could I use some kind of automatic changing system to avoid getting changed by the Nest Workers? At least then I wouldn't have random strangers touching my junk. I'm probably going over the code on it line by line though....


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7 hours ago, YourFNF said:

So I've been thinking about and I honestly feel like Connor and Beth are pretty safe at least legally speaking as they have family who can take custody if they get demerited out and the university/LPS is unlikely to want a custody battle with either family that it is almost guaranteed to loose. And from there Connor's family could get him to the consulate for extraction. That being said it would likely severely disrupt Beth's life for a while and who knows what kind of damage they could do to either of them with even just a couple hours if say a careless attendant left some hypnosis videos on... There would likely be orders against that kind of fuckery though at least with Beth....

I am extremely nervous about the Little's head sets though... That's a direct line for visual cognito hazards and weaponized mimetic agents if I've ever seen it....

Honestly the "Brave New World" vibes in general just skeeve me the fuck out and it's really apparent in just how afraid even Connor's grandmother a well respected Amazon seems to be.... Definitely a point in the column for social engineering/control theory...

I wonder though if I were enrolled could I use some kind of automatic changing system to avoid getting changed by the Nest Workers? At least then I wouldn't have random strangers touching my junk. I'm probably going over the code on it line by line though....


I won't worry about the goggles that Amanda is buying him, remember she said that her neice had some(Meggy) so if there was anything placed on the software she or Meggy would clean it up before they let Connor use it.

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22 minutes ago, Guilend said:

I don't know if anyone is interested or not, but this story on wattpad, as of right now, is at 31 likes 😁

Yhank you, I thought I put a curse on a bonus when I said BabySofia shouldmake us work for it.  Not surprised by wattpad as it is easier to read there and they gave us the last bonus.

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 125 - 8/2/2024 - Season Finale

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