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Is it a riskkkkkk to be incontinence for long time????

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Well for one thing you have less pelvic muscle strength, can effect ejaculation if still able to perform, prolonged diaper usage can reduce speed count/fertility, bladder can lose its elasticity, if not emptying fully can cause bladder drop leading to the need for catheterization which can lead to urethral scarring,...... I'm sure I'm missing some things

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There is a legitimate risk of serious complications from urinary tract infections and skin infections as you get older.  When you are young and mobile and have a robust immune system it’s not a big deal. But sadly that changes with age. 

As someone who plans to remain incontinent the rest of my life, I decided that if I’m fortunate to reach old age I’m going to need to find a talented aide to help me with diaper changes and make sure I stay clean and dry and infection free.  Maybe I should start looking right now! ? 

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9 minutes ago, Enthusi said:

There is a legitimate risk of serious complications from urinary tract infections and skin infections as you get older.  When you are young and mobile and have a robust immune system it’s not a big deal. But sadly that changes with age. 

As someone who plans to remain incontinent the rest of my life, I decided that if I’m fortunate to reach old age I’m going to need to find a talented aide to help me with diaper changes and make sure I stay clean and dry and infection free.  Maybe I should start looking right now! ? 

Or you could not live to reach old age. Besides, why would you want to live to your 70's and 80's, or HELL even your 60's?! By that age I would want to be dead, because at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything. and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age.??? To me that's just not worth it.☹️???☹️???????? I think it's a good thing that we have mortality. At least in this reality anyway!????❤️?❤️?☺️??❤️

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2 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Or you could not live to reach old age. Besides, why would you want to live to your 70's and 80's, or HELL even your 60's?! By that age I would want to be dead, because at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything. and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age.??? To me that's just not worth it.☹️???☹️???????? I think it's a good thing that we have mortality. At least in this reality anyway!????❤️?❤️?☺️??❤️

In defense of all of us over 60, I just have one thing to say.... You're a moron.  And I hope you get your wish.  

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59 minutes ago, Diapered Dave said:

In defense of all of us over 60, I just have one thing to say.... You're a moron.  And I hope you get your wish.  

Oh come on buddy, don't be so sensitive. Besides I think it's a valid statement. I'm sure you wouldn't want to live forever anyway. At least not on Earth, and that's exactly what my point was. LOL!??? Don't read too much into it. Okay bud!?????❤️?❤️☺️

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13 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Or you could not live to reach old age. Besides, why would you want to live to your 70's and 80's, or HELL even your 60's?! By that age I would want to be dead, because at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything. and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age.??? To me that's just not worth it.☹️???☹️???????? I think it's a good thing that we have mortality. At least in this reality anyway!????❤️?❤️?☺️??❤️

Dead at 60? Damn bro. I work with many people in their 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. While I find most people don't want to live into their 90's for what you just stated, 60's? That's a third of life.  Gone. Yes, you get older and things start breaking, but MANY people live productive active lives well into their 80's and some into their 90's.

Hell I was bootpacking up a ski hill (climbing a mountain in deep snow, in ski boots, while carrying your skis on your shoulder and trying not to fall off the mountain, in Jackson Hole, WY) a few years ago and I passed a woman 90% of the way to the top. We chatted, me breathing heavier than her. She said she was 82. And she was freaking climbing a mountain to ski down it. I mean, come on. Just eat healthy, get exercise, and you can be super healthy and active certainly in your 70's.

My experience is that unless you have severe health issues you are good until at least 75. Those are the GO GO years of retirement, then the slow go, then the no go. Sure, people get alzheimers in their 60's. But that's the exception, not the rule.

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6 hours ago, Diapered Dave said:

Implying that people over 60 have no reason to live is NOT a valid statement. And I'm NOT your "Buddy".

Ding ding ding.  BabySpiderBoy Is the most obnoxious person on these forums, in my opinion.

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As a guy that just hit the last part of his 40s last year, I can tell you right now that I want to live as long as I possibly can, and be as healthy as I can while doing so. You can be any age you want, and I have seen people who are as Nimble at 65 or 70 as they are in their 50s. Just because you are over 40, 50, or 60, does not NOT MEAN Your body will “break down and cause you issues”. There have been issues of people who have had medical issues because of aging, but just because you’re over 40, 50  or 60 it does not automatically mean that you should retire to your Rockingchair for the remainder of your existence.  I’ve even worked with 90 year olds that are still as sharp as a tack!

Even my father, at 75 years old, lives his life to the Fullest extent that he can. He had a tracheotomy a couple of years ago, because he wanted to be a great granddad, and he noticed that he was having major problems, and without this operation, he would’ve been in a position where he wanted to pack it in. My dad has never been a wimp, and he has always been a tough son of a bitch, but I have never known my dad to give up very often. My dad has always been strong for me and always been a role model for me to follow, and if he decides that he wants to live as long as he can, then I support him. He has medical issues just like everyone else, including severe asthma, but my dad decided to take the risk even at 75, and because of that, and because of our pulmonologist, my dad is a functioning individual, who takes every day and makes the best of it, doing the one thing that he does well, and that is taking care of his loving wife. ???

I am not afraid to grow old either, but I want to be able to do that gracefully, and be able to be as mobile and is able to do what I do I on a frequent basis. I am so focused on this that  I have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon to determine what my options are if my neck decides to be a pain in the ass and hurt and causes problems for me.

Methinks Baby spider boy ended up getting tangled in his own words  and web on this one.




Edited by ~Brian~
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20 hours ago, Stephlatex said:

Is it a riskkk to be incontinence for thé rest of your life??? The bladder degeneration, what trouble could be have?????


there are always risks involved in decisions that you make. What you have to decide is what is the best decision that you make for yourself. I always say it this way: if I end up making a decision that I am going to wear diapers for the rest of my life, and I become incontinent because of it, then it’s no big deal to me. The reason why I say this is because I am already incontinent both ways, and I have cerebral palsy, which is a neurological disability, and each neurological disability can come with other conditions that Manifest themselves because of a disability. Most people that have cerebral palsy live their lives as I have, and they do the best they can, and they may not have incontinence or other conditions, but they may have conditions that are similar or to a lesser extent then someone else that has cerebral palsy. But this I mean you could have three people that are in the same room: all of us have cerebral palsy, but each of us has Cerebral Palsy, and  other conditions that are Part of your disability. One person may have serval palsy and it is very mild, which means that it may not affect them as much, while the second person may have moderate cerebral palsy which affects them in several areas, while you might have a third person that has either severe or profound CP. It all depends on the persons condition.

I have had problems with incontinence since 2019, and I have decided that the best way to do that is to use diapers 24 seven. This is a decision I made because I wanted to make it easier for myself to be able to deal with it, and as such I am the one dealing with it changing myself and dealing with the consequences of that decision. I finally got sick of having to constantly run to the bathroom and not being able to sleep for hours on end at night simply because I had to use the bathroom. If I had to use the bathroom every single time that I felt it, I’d spend more time in the bathroom than I do doing anything else in the house. This way, if I am fully diapered and protected, I can Live in active wife, do what I want to do, and I don’t have to worry about it. If there’s one thing that I have learned over the years, it is to take your worries and your fears, and try to face them to the best of your ability.

if I had to rate my worries on a scale of one to 10, with one being the least of my worries and 10 being the thing that I would most worry about, and contents would rate as a one – this is because it can be dealt with using diapers, or by using drugs or other methods. I have decided that I want to use diapers to take care of it, because there’s nothing wrong with this, and it also helps me deal with other feelings that I am dealing with as well.  as you age, you will always find that something changes, but you cannot have something bad happened to you simply because you are wearing diapers, using diapers, or liking them. You may have a weak bladder, a weak bowels, or other problems that have to do with everything “downstairs in the plumbing area“, but prolonged use of diapers does not cause incontinence on its own. There has to be some sort of trigger that would make that happen. In my case, I know that I have had accidents, and I know what it is like to have to clean them up, and deal with whatever the problem is. In order to be proactive, the only way that I can see in order to make my life more livable is to decide for myself that I like diapers, that I need diapers, and that they also fulfill other needs as well. I would not worry about using diapers, because to me all they are is a special type of underwear that you end up doing your business in, and that is it. People who are incontinent can live very productive and very rewarding lives, and that is because they have ways of dealing with incontinence so that it does not run their lives. They may or may not have control of their bowel or their bladders, but I can tell you that there are many many successful individuals Who decide that incontinence is a one on the scale of one to 10, and they run with it every day, and they deal with whatever they have to deal with. They are comfortable within themselves to know that that is the way they want to handle things, and I will tell each one of these individuals that thinks this way that this is the proper way to think about what they are doing. They are in control of what happens as far as what they want to do to handle the situation, but they may not be in control of when it happens or what is released – you have to be the judge of what you want to do and what do you want to happen to yourself. 

just as you were a baby, you didn’t have any control at all. As you grow up, you learned how to control your bladder and your bowels and be able to decide when you go to the bathroom and when you don’t. By that I mean, you felt it, and you dealt with it, so that wasn’t an issue. For people who are incontinent both ways, and have no control at all, things just release whenever you feel it. There is no fault oh I have to go to the bathroom let’s walk there now“. It will happen so fast, and by the time they think they feel it, it’s all over with, and they end up with a dirty diaper but they have to change.  Remember when you were a kid, you had to learn how, by training your bowel and your bladder to be able to hold whatever it is that you have in it why don’t have to be able to get to a bathroom to release it. In my case, my control is waning, so that means that I may or may not be able to control it, so I have to be prepared for a release. I have had that happen on several occasions, and sometimes it can be inconvenient, but I can tell you from experience that if you are totally incontinent it can be a pain either way, because you were living and you will not have a choice. 

If you have no control at all, it is impossible for you to “retrain yourself”. If you are in a position where you believe that you can retrain yourself, it might take a long time if you are used to using diapers for releasing anything that you were holding. If you are to the point where you were in diapers 24 seven, retraining yourself can be harder than you realize. People always ask me “how do you train yourself to be able to release in a diaper?”  I always tell them “in order for you to run train yourself you have to wear a diaper 24 seven, and then every time you feel it, you release regardless of what it is.”  If you have been in a situation where you have been in diapers long enough, it will be harder and harder as you age to train yourself or retrain yourself to use the bathroom on the toilet again.

I will not worry about this, because that is waste of my worries, and as I said diapers help me deal with feelings and other issues that I am dealing with, so not only does it help with my incontinence but it helps with these issues. I guess because I have like diapers since I was eight, then that is why I feel the way I feel, and once you have that feeling in you, it doesn’t matter what you try to do, it is always with you and it is an overwhelming thing that you cannot control when you feel that way, but there are ways to deal with it.

if it is retraining that you want, I can say that it is possible, but as you age it could be harder to do that. I went to diapers in 2019 because I don’t want to end up having a situation where I’m constantly in the bathroom, and not being able to sleep.  In my mind is it easier to change your diaper, then it is to keep on getting up every five minutes to go to the bathroom, and because of this situation, and because of my IBS and other issues, this is one of the best decisions I have made: if for some reason you have to wear diapers for the rest of your life, it is not that big of a deal, you just have to accept it and I understand that that is what is going to happen: it is not your fault if that happens, because in most cases it is something that can be dealt with, and as long as you’re willing to deal with it the way I am, it shouldn’t be a problem -  you just have to make sure that you have a disposal can, disposal bags, single used to swizzle bags, gloves, diapers, wipes and other things that you need to be able to take care of the situation. I am fully stocked, and I have a bag that goes with me everywhere, so when I am out I can take care of situation where I have to change.

good luck!


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Thanks, the best for me, its incontinence at night to sleep, and continence on day..

I can stuck about 30min about to release to pee, yeahhh I practice today !!!


I have my Diaper on when I do my test, after 30 min !!!! Hoooooo Take care


tonight I was relax and let anithing hapen!!



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18 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Or you could not live to reach old age. Besides, why would you want to live to your 70's and 80's, or HELL even your 60's?! By that age I would want to be dead, because at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything. and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age.??? To me that's just not worth it.☹️???☹️???????? I think it's a good thing that we have mortality. At least in this reality anyway!????❤️?❤️?☺️??❤️


16 hours ago, Diapered Dave said:

In defense of all of us over 60, I just have one thing to say.... You're a moron.  And I hope you get your wish.  


15 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Oh come on buddy, don't be so sensitive. Besides I think it's a valid statement. I'm sure you wouldn't want to live forever anyway. At least not on Earth, and that's exactly what my point was. LOL!??? Don't read too much into it. Okay bud!?????❤️?❤️☺️


8 hours ago, Diapered Dave said:

Implying that people over 60 have no reason to live is NOT a valid statement. And I'm NOT your "Buddy".


5 hours ago, PuraVidaDip said:

Dead at 60? Damn bro. I work with many people in their 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. While I find most people don't want to live into their 90's for what you just stated, 60's? That's a third of life.  Gone. Yes, you get older and things start breaking, but MANY people live productive active lives well into their 80's and some into their 90's.

Hell I was bootpacking up a ski hill (climbing a mountain in deep snow, in ski boots, while carrying your skis on your shoulder and trying not to fall off the mountain, in Jackson Hole, WY) a few years ago and I passed a woman 90% of the way to the top. We chatted, me breathing heavier than her. She said she was 82. And she was freaking climbing a mountain to ski down it. I mean, come on. Just eat healthy, get exercise, and you can be super healthy and active certainly in your 70's.

My experience is that unless you have severe health issues you are good until at least 75. Those are the GO GO years of retirement, then the slow go, then the no go. Sure, people get alzheimers in their 60's. But that's the exception, not the rule.


2 hours ago, carsfan said:

Ding ding ding.  BabySpiderBoy Is the most obnoxious person on these forums, in my opinion.

Couple things here.  1, we got a bit sidtracked.  2, discussions are good for the most part and while I have to agree with the majority on their reactions to BabySpiderBoy's posts, remember not to call names no matter how strongly we all may feel about the comments.  Right or wrong, you don't want any admin coming down on you.

Before getting back on track, let me say my dad lived to almost 99 years of age and had he not come down with cancer that last year of his life, he would have lived much longer in very good health and totally sound of mind!  He still walked although he used a cane, did the dishes, made lunch and cleaned house and never once needed diapers.  Sure, lots of people are not as spry as they used to be as they get older, but don't coun't them out.  I'll be 64 in a few months and still take my boat out, go snowmobieling, have my pilot's license, take trips (last summer hiking lots of trails in Wisconsin), work a full time job on different shifts, haul heavy boxes up and down the stairs at different holidays, trim tree branches with my chainsaw, cut up lumber, do yardwork, work on my cars (last year doing major body work repairing rust and repainting on one of my vehicals) and enjoying life.  Yes, as you get older you start to slow down some, but don't count out the older people!  A friend of mine is 73 and he works on houses gutting them, putting up drywall, cupboards, doors, refinishes the hardwood floors and will even fully paint the outside of houses he works on climbing 16 foot ladders.  One thing that middle age and older people will always have that young people don't is knowlege, wisdom and experience!  I plan to live well into my 80's if God lets me enjoying life as well as possible!  In my local newspaper this past week there was a picture of a woman who had just turned 100 years old!  She looked like she was 65 years old!  She celebrated by getting a new tattoo on her arm that said 100 years.  She does everything a 70 year old does, walks without a cane or walker around her neighborhood, goes shopping, cleans the house and things you wouldn't believe a person 30 years her junior would do.  Also look at President Jimmy Carter at his age still teaching local Sunday school!

Oh, and to BabySpiderBoy, I was not one to post a "sad" face to your posts, but I can see how your comments angered some poeple.  Us older people who have lived good lives and contuinue to do so, working, earning livings and passing down our years of experience and mentoring younger people don't like to be told that "at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything, and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age".  Age 60, 70 and even 80 doesn't mean you are broken down physically or mentally, can "barely do anything and can't have a high quality of life because of your old age".  Maybe some people end up like that but then, so do some people in their 20's and 30's.  No one wants to be told that they are old, useless, broken down and can't enjoy life because they have gotten older.  That's like going up to someone in their 60's and telling them to their face they are old, worthless and why don't they just crawl in their grave.  Not nice, and I'm sure grandparents all over the world would be so dissapointed at the grandson who they bounced on their knee as a toddler, who they read stories to and taught them how to do many things who now thinks of them as old and decrepit, have outlived their usefullness and should be dead just because they have lived to the age of 60 or 70 years.

Now, back on track.  Many people are incontinent for one reason or another and they have to live with it.  Just like anything in life, you have to keep adapting to changes.  As has been mentioned, over time your bladder may shrink in size if you don't have the ability to hold your urine to it's normal capacity.  That may not be risky and would probably neve be able to return to it's normal capacity, but if you are incontinent I doubt that would matter much.  Yes, you do risk other issues but they would be, and as metioned, an increase in UTI and possible skin break down and severe rashes that could become infected and have to be treated with antibiotics by a doctor.  People with medical incontinence learn to live with it and know how to take care of their skin and body.  The risks come from not cleaning your entire body and protecting your skin and uritha, a major cause of UTI and infections of the skin.  Also the use of cathaters if not careful.  That can cause UTI's as well that could affect the bladder and even kidneys if you get a bad infection.  Bowel incontinence can lead to skin breakdown and rashes.  i read once that a rash is way more likely to occure when urine and feces mix together than just urine alone.  Changing your diaper and keeping your body clean and healthy should not be much more of a risk for someone with incontinence than for a continent person.  The difference is on why you are incontinent.  If you make yourself incontinent as part of a diaper fetish, then there are other factors.  How did you make yourself incontinent as some people actually do physical damage to their sphincters and body in order to make themselves incontinent.  Also if their goal is to make themselves incontinent for the personal enjoyment they get when being in wet and messy diapers, do they neglect to change diapers when they should and instead sit way too long in a wet and messed diaper to the point of a UTI or very bad and infected diaper rash?

Summing up, I think there can be risks in anything but if you do as you should and care for yourself, then the risks should be minimum as long as you aren't foolish with your fettish.


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8 hours ago, PuraVidaDip said:

Dead at 60? Damn bro. I work with many people in their 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. While I find most people don't want to live into their 90's for what you just stated, 60's? That's a third of life.  Gone. Yes, you get older and things start breaking, but MANY people live productive active lives well into their 80's and some into their 90's.

Hell I was bootpacking up a ski hill (climbing a mountain in deep snow, in ski boots, while carrying your skis on your shoulder and trying not to fall off the mountain, in Jackson Hole, WY) a few years ago and I passed a woman 90% of the way to the top. We chatted, me breathing heavier than her. She said she was 82. And she was freaking climbing a mountain to ski down it. I mean, come on. Just eat healthy, get exercise, and you can be super healthy and active certainly in your 70's.

My experience is that unless you have severe health issues you are good until at least 75. Those are the GO GO years of retirement, then the slow go, then the no go. Sure, people get alzheimers in their 60's. But that's the exception, not the rule.

You make an very valid point! I really like your answer. Although for me personally, I couldn't see myself wanting to live into my mid 60s. LOL! I mean I'm only 26 and yet I feel like I've been through a lot in my life. I can't imagine living for another 40 years. But who knows maybe my opinion may change with age. I think you bring up some good points to think about though.?????☺️?♥️???? I really appreciate your feedback!♥️?☺️?

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6 hours ago, carsfan said:

Ding ding ding.  BabySpiderBoy Is the most obnoxious person on these forums, in my opinion.

If I'm so obnoxious then why do you take the time to read my comments in the forums. The very fact that I'm soliciting such a big reaction from you just proves that whether you like me or hate me, I always have something interesting to say. And I will continue to do so. So get used to me because I'm not going anywhere! People get so offended over the dumbest bullshit.?? I swear to God!!!!??????

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23 hours ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Or you could not live to reach old age. Besides, why would you want to live to your 70's and 80's, or HELL even your 60's?! By that age I would want to be dead, because at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything. and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age.??? To me that's just not worth it.☹️???☹️???????? I think it's a good thing that we have mortality. At least in this reality anyway!????❤️?❤️?☺️??❤️

Your body doesn't really start to break by the time you're in your 60s. Hell, I knew a few teachers that looked like they were in the 60s and they looked as healthy. It depends on your lifestyle, primarily with what you eat and what mental/physical disorders that you may or may not have. Also I kinda don't like how you say that mortality is a good thing, even though it makes me worried on how and when my relatives are going to die (especially my mom). If anything, I wish it was more common for people to die at a much older age so it would be worth living. Especially if they happen to have children and grandchildren.

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5 hours ago, rusty pins said:

Couple things here.  1, we got a bit sidtracked.  2, discussions are good for the most part and while I have to agree with the majority on their reactions to BabySpiderBoy's posts, remember not to call names no matter how strongly we all may feel about the comments.  Right or wrong, you don't want any admin coming down on you.

Oh, and to BabySpiderBoy, I was not one to post a "sad" face to your posts, but I can see how your comments angered some poeple.  Us older people who have lived good lives and contuinue to do so, working, earning livings and passing down our years of experience and mentoring younger people don't like to be told that "at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything, and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age".  Age 60, 70 and even 80 doesn't mean you are broken down physically or mentally, can "barely do anything and can't have a high quality of life because of your old age".  Maybe some people end up like that but then, so do some people in their 20's and 30's.  No one wants to be told that they are old, useless, broken down and can't enjoy life because they have gotten older.  That's like going up to someone in their 60's and telling them to their face they are old, worthless and why don't they just crawl in their grave.  Not nice, and I'm sure grandparents all over the world would be so dissapointed at the grandson who they bounced on their knee as a toddler, who they read stories to and taught them how to do many things who now thinks of them as old and decrepit, have outlived their usefullness and should be dead just because they have lived to the age of 60 or 70 years.

Thanks for the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism @rusty pins. Instead of just bitching at me in the comment section like so many others. I really appreciate that!?? And you do bring up some very good valid points in those situations you were talking about. Just on a sidenote my grandpa was a old man who died about 2 years ago. He was 86 and he lived a fantastic life. So DON'T get it TWISTED that I hate old People because I don't. My point was simply that when you reach your 60s, 70s, 80s, and '90s, you generally start to see a lot of health issues. Then you have to take a lot of medications, you start to ache and have pain everywhere, and it just progressively worse and worse as you get older so you wouldn't want to live forever because at that point you would be in a lot of pain and life in general wouldn't to be very good for you. And I'm just saying that I wouldn't want to go through that. And I was also saying that by saying, "at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything, and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age."  Was that there are probably other people out there that would agree with me when it comes to a situation like that. But I wasn't implying that old people are useless. I was just simply stating that you wouldn't want to live on Earth forever because of everything we go through down here in terms of hardship and suffering. And that instead you would want to live forever in heaven, because heaven is the exact opposite of Earth. Because instead we don't go through all of that hardship and pain, and it's like coming home.??? And I just figured that people would be SMART ENOUGH to read between the lines and get the meaning of what I was saying when I said stuff like that, but apparently not. LOL!???? I hope that clears things up!????☺️??❤️?♥️❤️? And my grandma's 90 by the way!

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7 minutes ago, BabySpiderBoy said:

Thanks for the constructive criticism @rusty pins. Instead of just bitching at me in the comment section like so many others. I really appreciate that!?? And you do bring up some very good valid points in those situations you were talking about. Just on a sidenote my grandpa was old man who died about 2 years ago. He was 86 and he lived a fantastic life. So don't get it twisted that I hate Old People because I don't. My point was simply that when you reach your 60s 70s 80s and '90s you generally start to see a lot of health issues. Then you have to take a lot of medications, you start to ache and have pain everywhere, and it just progressively worse and worse as you get older so you wouldn't want to live forever because at that point you would be in a lot of pain and life in general wouldn't to be very good for you. And I'm just saying that I wouldn't want to go through that. And I was also saying that by saying, "at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything, and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age."  Was that there are probably other people out there that would agree with me when it comes to a situation like that. But I wasn't implying that old people are useless. I was just simply stating that you wouldn't want to live on Earth forever because of everything down here in terms of hardship and suffering. And that instead you would want to live forever in heaven, because heaven is the exact opposite of Earth. Because instead we don't through all of that hardship and pain, and it's like coming home.??? And I just figured that people would be smart enough to read between the lines when I said stuff like that, but apparently not. LOL!????


No offense, you're 26.  You're still an infant adult, and trying to talk to be people who were already adults when you were born.   You know absolutely nothing about what it's like to be older.   Trust me- it's a lot better than you think it is.  Basically- my 20's sucked.  I didn't know anything and there was a lot of drama, and friends were still very much like they were in high school.  My 30's were a little better, and my 40's were better than that.  In my 50's, I'm prematurely feeling the effects of my body breaking down, but that's due to glaucoma and arthritis (remember your knees), but I have a good life.  I'm much happy than my 20's.   I can't wait until I'm in my 60's and no longer have to work everyday.   I'm looking forward to so many trips.   

Incontinence is a management issue, and that's what it would take.


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18 minutes ago, spark said:

No offense, you're 26.  You're still an infant adult, and trying to talk to be people who were already adults when you were born.   You know absolutely nothing about what it's like to be older.   Trust me- it's a lot better than you think it is.  Basically- my 20's sucked.  I didn't know anything and there was a lot of drama, and friends were still very much like they were in high school.  My 30's were a little better, and my 40's were better than that.  In my 50's, I'm prematurely feeling the effects of my body breaking down, but that's due to glaucoma and arthritis (remember your knees), but I have a good life.  I'm much happy than my 20's.   I can't wait until I'm in my 60's and no longer have to work everyday.   I'm looking forward to so many trips.   

Incontinence is a management issue, and that's what it would take.


None taken, and although I am 26 I have a lot of insight about the world and life in general then most people have in one lifetime. I'm not your average 26 year old. And no offense, but I DO KNOW what it's like to be older. Let's just say, I was born with a broken body. So I know what it's like to have your body betray you, more than you would know. LOL!??? And yeah, you're right, quality of life is better for some people at that age, probably quite a few. But it doesn't work that way for everyone, and maybe some people are just tired of life. And at that age, I can't really blame them.

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49 minutes ago, CrispyCookiePup said:

Your body doesn't really start to break by the time you're in your 60s. Hell, I knew a few teachers that looked like they were in the 60s and they looked as healthy. It depends on your lifestyle, primarily with what you eat and what mental/physical disorders that you may or may not have. Also I kinda don't like how you say that mortality is a good thing, even though it makes me worried on how and when my relatives are going to die (especially my mom). If anything, I wish it was more common for people to die at a much older age so it would be worth living. Especially if they happen to have children and grandchildren.

Again, that's yet another good valid point. I completely agree with you buddy.?❤️?☺️??♥️?? It IS largely based on how well you eat that determines your quality of life and whether or not it's good or bad. I'm just saying that for me personally, I wouldn't want to live that long. And I'm sure there are many people that would share my opinion. But still that's a very good perspective I like that. And like I said, I might change my mind, so you never know.????❤️?☺️

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16 hours ago, Diapered Dave said:

Implying that people over 60 have no reason to live is NOT a valid statement. And I'm NOT your "Buddy".

Whoa whoa buddy, take a chill pill.?? We're all friends here. My point was simply that when you reach your 60s, 70s, 80s, and '90s, you generally start to see a lot of health issues. Then you have to take a lot of medications, you start to ache and have pain everywhere, and it just progressively worse and worse as you get older so you wouldn't want to live forever because at that point you would be in a lot of pain and life in general wouldn't to be very good for you. And I'm just saying that I wouldn't want to go through that. And I was also saying that by saying, "at that point your body's so broken down that you can barely do anything, and yeah, you're probably live longer, but what does that matter if you can't have a high quality of life because of your old age."  Was that there are probably other people out there that would agree with me when it comes to a situation like that. But I wasn't implying that old people are useless. I was just simply stating that you wouldn't want to live on Earth forever because of everything we go through down here in terms of hardship and suffering. And that instead you would want to live forever in heaven, because heaven is the exact opposite of Earth. Because instead we don't go through all of that hardship and pain, and it's like coming home.??? And I just figured that people would be SMART ENOUGH to read between the lines and get the meaning of what I was saying when I said stuff like that, but apparently not.

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