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Loading Your Diaper to Enforce Social Distancing? (A Joke...Mostly...)

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Good day, my friends! Normally, I do not appear in public wearing a poopy diaper or make a poopy while I am out and about in diapers. I generally do not wish to risk drawing the sort of attention to my padded heinie that this might elicit, nor do I wish to be inconsiderate by imposing the smell of my poop on others.  Peeing is another matter; there is a distinct secret pleasure to wetting myself in front of others, in the aisle at Walmart or some such, with no one the wiser, but I generally make my poopies at home.

However, in this era of Covid-19, it occurs to me that being a stinky boy, say in the check-out line, might be the ultimate enforcement of the six foot (2 meter) rule; if you’re wearing a mask and staying 6 feet away, you probably won’t smell me, otherwise you deserve exactly what you get...

I probably won’t actually try this, but I thought it a funny concept, and lord knows we all need a good a laugh in these troubled times.

Your thoughts?

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As a retail worker whose been in passing with people with serious garlic breath and perfume problems, I think some people would still smell it!  All depends on upwind or downwind, and just how much of a load you're carrying!

That said, it is kind of a funny thing to think about.  If someone makes a stinky face, you can simply tell them they're standing to close, and I'm sure they'd give a WIDE gap of space!

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2 hours ago, LittleAmytheil said:

As a retail worker whose been in passing with people with serious garlic breath and perfume problems, I think some people would still smell it!  All depends on upwind or downwind, and just how much of a load you're carrying!

That said, it is kind of a funny thing to think about.  If someone makes a stinky face, you can simply tell them they're standing to close, and I'm sure they'd give a WIDE gap of space!

Lol! Also depends on what kind of a load! I sometimes have big loads of the more solid variety that I can’t smell while sitting in them (kind of disappointing, actually); other times I make modest sized poopies that would gag a buzzard from across a gymnasium. Life is like a box of chocolates...

I agree with you that it makes a better joke than it does a plan of action... 

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Thats kinda genius lol as long as its not a complete stinky blowout, but then they will stay farther away. I would just feel bad for the cashiers but we've smelt a ton!

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15 hours ago, Sir Stinkypants said:

Good day, my friends! Normally, I do not appear in public wearing a poopy diaper or make a poopy while I am out and about in diapers. I generally do not wish to risk drawing the sort of attention to my padded heinie that this might elicit, nor do I wish to be inconsiderate by imposing the smell of my poop on others.  Peeing is another matter; there is a distinct secret pleasure to wetting myself in front of others, in the aisle at Walmart or some such, with no one the wiser, but I generally make my poopies at home.

However, in this era of Covid-19, it occurs to me that being a stinky boy, say in the check-out line, might be the ultimate enforcement of the six foot (2 meter) rule; if you’re wearing a mask and staying 6 feet away, you probably won’t smell me, otherwise you deserve exactly what you get...

I probably won’t actually try this, but I thought it a funny concept, and lord knows we all need a good a laugh in these troubled times.

Your thoughts?

That is an interesting and quite funny concept. I'd never really thought of it like that and I do poo in my nappies in public. I've never been aware of people keeping their distance from me due to the smell.

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While I agree 100% that it's not a good idea to mess your diaper around others who would be forced to smell your mess, it would serve those idiots who go about with no masks and come right up behind you within a foot or two while you are standing in line at the check out or anywhere else for that matter!  It's like, "If you are such a F--king moron that you ignore the social distancing and masking with all the Covid-19 issues, you deserve to stand there and smell my shitty diaper!" 

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I poop my diaper in public and honestly if you wanna stand that close to me and smell the putrid, rank, and foul odor coming from my diaper then by all means bring it. People in New York know how to mind their business and walk away quietly. With this virus going around it may as well be a deterrent of a good reason. Most all places will not let you enter without a mask to begin with. I totally agree with @Sir Stinkypants keep your distance or smell my poop.

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28 minutes ago, Evelyn Dellcerro said:

I poop my diaper in public and honestly if you wanna stand that close to me and smell the putrid, rank, and foul odor coming from my diaper then by all means bring it. People in New York know how to mind their business and walk away quietly. With this virus going around it may as well be a deterrent of a good reason. Most all places will not let you enter without a mask to begin with. I totally agree with @Sir Stinkypants keep your distance or smell my poop.

God I love when you comment LOL

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11 minutes ago, Sir Stinkypants said:

@Evelyn Dellcerro I too very much enjoy your posts, and I am honored that you chimed in on my thread! Do keep doing the doo-doo that you do so well, and telling us all about it!

Sweetie love to you and yours. Many people are too scared to speak their mind. If you are a poop lover as I definately am there is no problem in me being honest and telling it like it is. With this pandemic going around and people being stupid and not protecting themselves maybe a stinky diaper may be a cure ! Seems like the garlic cloves only works for the vampires.

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@Sir Stinkypants

I don't think I would have to load my diaper to keep people distant from me - I say that because the reason I have a diaper on is because it is easier for me to deal with releases without having to break my neck getting to the bathroom, and because my office is downstairs, I can usually get to the bathroom pretty fast, but since I have a diaper on, WHY try to kill myself to get there?  A diaper is built to be used, and I have messed myself at work a couple times, and was able to ride it all the way home to my quarters, where I was able to clean up - I have the BEST diapers (Northshore) for a REASON, and when they have been used, they have been well worth it.

38 minutes ago, Evelyn Dellcerro said:

I poop my diaper in public and honestly if you wanna stand that close to me and smell the putrid, rank, and foul odor coming from my diaper then by all means bring it. People in New York know how to mind their business and walk away quietly. With this virus going around it may as well be a deterrent of a good reason. Most all places will not let you enter without a mask to begin with. I totally agree with @Sir Stinkypants keep your distance or smell my poop.

@Evelyn Dellcerro

Diapers are an important part of many peoples lives.  It has become more readily apparent that diapers are a LIFE SAVER if where you usually use the restroom has been closed, and you HAVE to use the restroom.  Because of COVID-19, the ONLY bathrooms i TRUST are the one in my apartment, and the one in the local HOSPITAL, because they are cleaned regularly.  Diapers allow you to use the bathroom, and you really don't have to worry about how clean the diaper is, because if YOU put it on, it is clean: 

My feeling is, if someone's gonna STAND really close to you, and they can deal with it, thats cool - but they really should not say much to YOU/THEM, because they do NOT know,  and don't NEED to know why someone is wearing a diaper, or why they used one.  Most people would understand my use of one, because I am in a chair, but as you said, because of COVID, if you have to do something outside your home, the only way to make sure you can use a bathroom is to have it ON ;)

27 minutes ago, MessyBert said:

God I love when you comment LOL


Oh, so you like that huh?  That's Our Eve - She does NOT dance around an issue, and she don't MESS around either:  she lets you know how it is, and she is NOT afraid to let you know her stance :)  In a way, I am glad I wear diapers:  I don't have to worry where the bathroom is hehehehe ;)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Being a young diaper lover, and loving the feeling of a nice poop filling my diaper out in public it should keep people at a distance. I love going jogging and pooping my diaper and I hope the person behind me keeps their distance also. There are no more public bathrooms anymore. All places McDonalds, Burger King, White Castle, Papa Johns, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Even local diners and restaurants have their bathrooms closed to the public. A diaper is your best bet unless you enjoy messing or peeing your pants. My bathroom is worn when I go out and if I feel the need to go, I know I am covered.

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I've been pooping my diapers for decades. Going poo in public has never really been a problem. I wear diapers about 4 to 5 days and then air out my skin. To make it easy to go anywhere, I use Nullo (internal deodorant). I don't have the death stink. Maybe a sweet pungency but I also wear great diapers and plastic pants. So for going anywhere, I'm not worried about having a enormous poo. 

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For the past 20 years I never gave it a second thought if I messed my diaper while out in public, afterall that is why I am wearing a diaper in the first place, so when I need to go I can just go and go about my business. I have found out that if you dont act any different for the most part others around you wont bother you even if your diaper is messy.  The main thing to remember is to change as soon as possible or convenient. 

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Pooping a diaper in public has been a controversial subject.  I have messed my diaper in public a number of times but take great care to not offend anyone. I practiced 6 feet social distancing before it was necessary and I avoided close enclosures and kept moving not staying stationary in one place very long.  I have walked around crowded outside parks, malls, and of course Walmart.  There are also so many ambient environmental odors that conceal the poopies in your diaper. I did have one close encounter at a Walmart in a messy diaper. I was walking through aisles and must of looked like I couldn't find some merchandise.  A nice female worker came right up to me and asked if I needed help finding something.  I hesitated for a few seconds and told her I was fine. I did not notice any change in her facial expression  and am sure that she had no idea that I had a load in my diaper. I am positive I have never offended anyone by subjecting them to the stinky coming from my soiled diaper. So, if you do mess in public, just be careful and considerate and enjoy the emotional and physical sensations of a messy diaper.

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My favorite was always going into the city in New Yorks Manhatten. I love going in the big hi rise elevators and cutting a nice fart, after eating a nice pasta salad, and everyone is holding their nose looking at each other in contempt. The old fuddies are the best cause they can't wait to get off the elevator. Better yet is walking through a crowded subway with a loaded diaper and people are just waving their noses in anticipation of getting off on the next stop. The city is the best, because people are too scared to say something, thinking they might get shot or stabbed. Gotta love New York !

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9 minutes ago, philmydiaper said:

My favorite was always going into the city in New Yorks Manhatten. I love going in the big hi rise elevators and cutting a nice fart, after eating a nice pasta salad, and everyone is holding their nose looking at each other in contempt. The old fuddies are the best cause they can't wait to get off the elevator. Better yet is walking through a crowded subway with a loaded diaper and people are just waving their noses in anticipation of getting off on the next stop. The city is the best, because people are too scared to say something, thinking they might get shot or stabbed. Gotta love New York !

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ,, you got me there OMG what a laugh we all just had !

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7 hours ago, philmydiaper said:

Better yet is walking through a crowded subway with a loaded diaper and people are just waving their noses in anticipation of getting off on the next stop. The city is the best, because people are too scared to say something, thinking they might get shot or stabbed. Gotta love New York !

Though I will say, for anyone who has not had the er, pleasure of being in a Manhattan subway, you wouldn't be able to tell if someone filled their diaper, pooped their pants...Of if that section of subway line just smells like that today.

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