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I prefer plastic backed

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It’s been a while since I tried diapers for the first time and I’ve worn more than one brand till now. Basically what I figured out is that I need diapers to be plastick backed… I don’t know why but plastic is what make diapers more “diaperish” to me and maybe most of you can agree with that.

First diapers I bought were some store brand cheap ones but I liked them, maybe because they were the very first diapers I put on as an adult but rather because how they were made: the external layer was in a simil to plastic material, white and “smooth” and was very nice, the wings were in cloth though.

Then I wanted to try another brand, it’s a very common brand of pads and diapers in my country that you can find in many stores, I also saw the spot on tv once. Recently I also ordered a pack of Abena M4 air-plus which I was very curious about.  The first ones werw disappointing for me, very small diapers and cloth backed, they had the same material inside and outside. It was just like putting on a piece of cotton… Moreover they had a very strong smell like of a detergent that I really don’t like. The Abena were enormous compared to them… the package was nearly twice the volume for the same size and number of diapers. I liked how the abena are thick and enveloping, but something was still missing… they were a new “Air-plus” model that i didn’t know was cloth backed as well.

Yesterday I bought a pack of “Maxi” diapers of the brand “Serenity” which is another common incontinence brand in my country. They were a bit more expensive and I bought a model I had know was plastick backed. When I opened the pack ad pulled out the first diaper, I had the sensation of having some nice real diapers. They were 100% plastic and also the wings were kind of plasticised. Just holding them in my hands was exciting for me. When I put one on, I really had that strange sensation of being diapered I was looking for: It’s a bit strange, cause it’s not about the inner material which is meant to be in contact with the body. That plastic, smooth and shining material is what make diapers so embarassing, so “sexy” and different from any other common underwear.

Of course I'm telling that because i just wear for fun, so I don’t look for descreteness. The more they are indescreet the better for me.

Now I think i will buy only plastic backed diapers. I have no access to all the ABDL brands because I cannot buy them with the 100% sureness nobody will know so i’m looking for other medical brands available in my country

What about Seni and Tena slip diapers? Do they make plasctic backed products as well?

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cloth, plastic, and the newer cloth like plastic is always preference, being a youngin (25) i happen to like the more modern style over the traditional plastic backing, i just think unless you want the loudest crinkle or you're constantly touching the diaper itself then the modern cloth like cover is just superior in both comfort and temperature control departments.

there are ways to order to "not your house", and with dollar store prepaid gift cards it couldnt be easier. just have to find companies that offer ship to location and stores that are willing to hold for pickup, amazon and ups are offering lockboxes for your pickups. usps does weird pickup locations too, i have a foodtown a small distance away that will direct ship to and hold for me. granted, its almost never economy shipping, always ggoing to have to shell out extra money usually for that service, but i do get ultimate anon status.

im pretty sure tena makes straight plastic shells, best to check their website to find a specific product, only thing i could think of is if their shell is just a soft plastic so you lose out on the feeling. i havent worn a tena before, if im ordering online its going to be abdl top shelf stuff, local stuff is all store brand or depends, cant even get a medical brand like attends, tena, or imports locally.

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1 hour ago, Diaperdandy said:

To me, smooth, crinkly and plasticy is the way a diaper should feel. Anything else and you may as well be wearing a towel between your legs 

There speaks the generation gap!  For me, a towel between my legs was all a nappy ever was.

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1 hour ago, Stroller said:

There speaks the generation gap!  For me, a towel between my legs was all a nappy ever was.

The original "generation gap" was the Babyboomers in the late 1960's

There was, however an Infantae Press, I believe specifically TALES FROM THE CRIB magazine, when ABDL was ABDL article in c1985 about what the upcoming group, raised in pampers would be like and what it would be missing. that the feel of the cloth diaper was, in fact, better since cloth diapers were more substantial

Even the throw-away era is very different from earlier stages of itself. While previous generations were stable for almost 80 years with minor changes. the Gen-X diapers were very different from the Millennial and now the Milliennials' are being replaced by even thinner and cloth-backed, with each generation being almost a difference in kind. The Pampers of 1985 were different from those of 1969 with leak guards and the beginnings of reliance on SAP and specified "landing zones" for the tapes whereas the early models were more like cloth diapers, much fuller all around and not half as chintzy and you had to rinse them out before tossing them. Prior to the pampers take-over, our parnets had a much different attitude about "taking care of your own shit [including your baby's]" Also, we are not OCD about 'wasting a diaper" which I saw with baby diapers during potty training in the 70's and 80's amd we have far less failure that is terminal to the garment as well as a near closed cycle. In 1985 I heard of several women quitting their full=time jobs because their pay went mostly into diapers and daycare and hence was of no economic advantage. I am just waiting for the circle to be complete with a major disease incident arising from the fact that paper diapers are made in places where quality control is two notches up from nil and some third world bug or other biohazard gets into that chanin, either accidentally or deliberately put there by some terrorist, and raises hell.; maybe melanine like got into the pet food from China

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I only wear plastic backed diapers, and they seem to hold up better than cloth cover diapers. The plastic back diapers hold up a lot better during the night for me, and also when were out in public. Plus I enjoy the crinkling sound of the plastic back diapers.

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I generally prefer plastic backed nappies, from the point of view of overall feel and also performance (cloth backed ones tend to go saggy and loose, even before you've wet them, and often need support pants of some kind). I do like the cloth backed Tena Slips though, they're just so comfortable to wear.

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I tend to use plastic backed Dry 24/7 at night in the winter time because they seem to retain heat a little better. In the summer time, I switch to cloth backed Seni Quatro's for my night diaper as they breathe better and seem cooler in the summer. During the day all year round, I always wear cloth backed diapers.

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I definitely prefer plastic backed diapers to the “cloth-like” covers specifically because I’ve never had one that didn’t seep when sufficiently wet. That coupled with the fact that I was brought up in Pampers in the late 70’s and 80’s means that I was always in crinkly, plasticy diapers and was a quite fond of them (I was genuinely heartbroken when I outgrew Pampers when I was 12 and continued to wear them by taping them together until a friend told me about adult diapers when I was 22). 

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The only good thing about cloth back is the fairly infinitely refastenable tapes.    Oddly, the supposed advantage of cloth backed otherwise doesn't work.   I get more funk when my skin touches the "cloth" side than I don when it touches plastic.


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I am a plastic backed diaper only ABDL.  Now that I am in diapers permanently I dread the day that my luggage is lost or plastic backed diaper resupply arrives late and I am forced to have to buy a cloth backed diaper.  I figure it will inevitably happen and I am not happy about it.

For me as a child wearing plastic and crinkly diapers was the textbook definition of a diaper.  Crinkles remind you that you are wearing diapers.

As far as functionality, plastic backed diapers work so much better in the industrial maintenance environment with the exception that the do not breath so well.

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On 1/11/2019 at 3:17 AM, Diaperdandy said:

To me, smooth, crinkly and plasticy is the way a diaper should feel. Anything else and you may as well be wearing a towel between your legs 

I agree with you ?. Might I add fluffy too

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