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Writers: Send stories to Mikey!

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The recent issues on the forums should serve as a reminder that completed stories or chapters of longer stories should be sent to allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com to be featured on the main site, and preserved in hard-file HTML pages in addition to the forum database.


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16 minutes ago, Firefly 35 said:

What glitches?  The coinhive thing, or what exactly?

SGTbaby is talking about how the stories look like a ravaged bank account, a few pennies left.

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7 hours ago, Les Lea said:


Is the answer to resubmit our stories or shall we just put them back ourselves with the heading to say just that?


Edit the old posts and re-paste the story, or create a new topic with it, and flag the old one for removal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, that's why all the stories were blank? A glitch? Just goes to show that you should always have a back up plan. I'll note you guys my stories when I get a chance. I've always wanted to be featured on your site.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Is the email provided still the way to submit stories? I dabbled a bit with submitting a couple of stories back in the day when the [That site] site had stories. I might want to write another.

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/3/2017 at 11:21 AM, DailyDiapers said:

The recent issues on the forums should serve as a reminder that completed stories or chapters of longer stories should be sent to allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com to be featured on the main site, and preserved in hard-file HTML pages in addition to the forum database.




Yes: the email to submit stories to is above "allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com."  As far as I know this address has always been the one you use to send stories to Mikey, and it hasn't changed as long as I've lurked or been a member here.


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  • 9 months later...

I submitted my story "True Nightmare" a few days ago and just wanted to make sure it went through. Google did something weird to it because it's over 20k words. Also, if you need the google document copy, please let me know. Oh, and please list it as written by my pen name, Daymare.


Thank you for your time!

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  • 1 year later...

Does anyone in site administration have any idea how cryptic this thread is?

1) It would be helpful to include an email address, and keep it pinned to the top of the thread.

2) It would be useful to know whether submissions take the form of attachments to email, and if so whether there are writing programs that have generated problems in the past.  I have published a great deal, and my publishers have always specified the program to be used for submissions.

3) How are multi-chapter stories to be submitted?  Do you submit chapters in isolation from one another, and rely on site admin to splice them together?  Do you send a freshly updated copy of the whole story as you build it, chapter by chapter?

4) If there is a style sheet here, I've missed it.  Publishing houses give authors a style sheet because there is a great deal of flexibility in terms of what is stylistically acceptable.  In my experience, publishers can be very picky about this sort of thing.

5) Do you embed photos or graphics in the chapter submission, or send them separately?  

6) Do you acknowledge receipt of submissions, and reply even with a form letter to inform new authors of what happens post-submission?

There is more to be said, but I trust that the point is clear.  


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3 hours ago, Babypants said:

Does anyone in site administration have any idea how cryptic this thread is?

1) It would be helpful to include an email address, and keep it pinned to the top of the thread.

2) It would be useful to know whether submissions take the form of attachments to email, and if so whether there are writing programs that have generated problems in the past.  I have published a great deal, and my publishers have always specified the program to be used for submissions.

3) How are multi-chapter stories to be submitted?  Do you submit chapters in isolation from one another, and rely on site admin to splice them together?  Do you send a freshly updated copy of the whole story as you build it, chapter by chapter?

4) If there is a style sheet here, I've missed it.  Publishing houses give authors a style sheet because there is a great deal of flexibility in terms of what is stylistically acceptable.  In my experience, publishers can be very picky about this sort of thing.

5) Do you embed photos or graphics in the chapter submission, or send them separately?  

6) Do you acknowledge receipt of submissions, and reply even with a form letter to inform new authors of what happens post-submission?

There is more to be said, but I trust that the point is clear.  


1. allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com

it's in the first post.

2. Attached files. IIRC

3. This is for completed stories. So multichapter stories should be one file, or multiple files if broken into parts.

4. Not that I know of, the stories are in all sorts of formats and file types.

5. As you are submitting a file, they should be embedded, preferably wearing a diaper in that bed.

6. I don't know.


These are for stories that are on this page of the main site. https://dailydiapers.com/content/stories.html

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12 hours ago, ValentinesStuff said:

1. allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com

it's in the first post.

2. Attached files. IIRC

3. This is for completed stories. So multichapter stories should be one file, or multiple files if broken into parts.

4. Not that I know of, the stories are in all sorts of formats and file types.

5. As you are submitting a file, they should be embedded, preferably wearing a diaper in that bed.

6. I don't know.


These are for stories that are on this page of the main site. https://dailydiapers.com/content/stories.html

Thank you for your prompt response.  I sent a query to Mike through the address  in (1) several days ago, just to test the link.  Crickets.  Hence #6.  Self-evidently, there is no automated response mechanism here.

Let me freely admit that your responses to (3) and (5) sailed right over my head.  So, let's try (3) again.  Chapter one is your first submission.  When chapter two is ready to go, do you send in chapter two to be appended to what is already live in the Stories part of the system, or do you send in chapters 1-2, then replace 1-2 with 1-3, and so on?

As for (5), I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Let me bluntly say that I find the site remarkably user unfriendly.  I write hundreds of reviews a year for a major travel site, which I am able to send as a courtesy to other sites because I do not receive compensation from my host site.  Want to write a review?  Click.  Want to add photos? Click.  Want to annotate your descriptions?  Click.  An acknowledgement that your review is in the system?  It comes within seconds.  At 78 and a technological dinosaur, the administrators would be well advised to regard me as the proverbial canary in the coal mine.  Do not deviate from KISS.  Do not assume that a readership that ranges from late adolescence to one foot on the banana peel and the other in the grave is all on the same technological page.  Design entry portals that work for everyone, regardless of their grasp of technology.  As it stands, the only thing that separates this site from something like Yale's Infamous Skull & Crossbones is the secret handshake.  


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I was not a member at the time, but from context I gather that the Forum suffered from some sort of database corruption that caused the erasure of many posts. This included the stories posted on the Forum. The main website has a story archive, the link I posted above. This is separate from the Forum. Sending your story to Mikey at that email address gets your story added to that archive.


So for #3. If you are submitting a story chapter by chapter, each chapter would be a separate submission. Blah Ch. 1, Blah Ch. 2, Blah Ch. 3, etc. You would NOT submit Blah Ch. 1, then Blah Ch. 1-2, Blah Ch. 1-3. As the stories once posted aren't removed.


5. You are sending a file as an attachment, so any artwork is part of that file. I don't do this because I can't draw, have no money to commission artwork, and using random pics from the internet is a violation of someone else's copyright. So I never bothered to learn how to put pictures into the various types of word processor files.


Since I'm not Mikey, I don't know how often he checks or responds to that email address. Given that it is a free Hotmail account, I'm not sure if auto-reply is a feature available. Also it was most likely set up over 20 years ago.

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