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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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So this Halloween my wife and another ABDL friend of mine wanted to go out and have a good time on the town. As I was getting into my comfie footie pijamas my wife and our friend Karlyn started taunting me and insisting on me wearing a TUTU... So the good sport I am I decided to rock the tutu at the Indian casino we were headed to.

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That's awesome, glad to see your wife is finally able to start enjoying your AB side as much as you do.

After 13 years my wife seems to be warming to my AB side more too. She wore a diaper at couple of times in the past month, and has really gotten into pacifiers lately which makes her look cute sucking on one.

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in the 12 years i have been with my wife, i have goten her in diapers 2 times. one time was when she did not have a job and wanted a new cell phone. i bet her to wear in public and if she did i would get her the phone. and she did. and the other was just around the house for a hour.

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Thanks for sharing your experience and the photo of the two of you is adorable. I am happy for the both of you and think it is great when a couple finds their happy place with our ABDL lifestyle. My wife is my caretaker "mommy" too and has exclusively been in that role since we incorporated this lifestyle into our marriage some years ago. It keeps getting better, but my wife has yet to express interest in being little herself or wearing diapers as an AB or DL. I am happy wearing for the both of us, but it must admit it is pretty sexy thinking about her in diapers too, and I can totally relate to your feelings about how it would turn me on to have her diapered too. It would definitely introduce a new dynamic into our ABDL fun. Maybe someday we will go there, but like you I subscribe to the "happy wife, happy life" philosophy to marriage and don't push want we have with this incredible lifestyle. You two make a great couple and I love diapers peeking out from under a short skirt and the tell tale sound of crinkles - you must have been going crazy in the casino ;).

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It made her regress back to a time when she had really bad chickenpocks and her mother made her wear diapers.

I can remember being put in diapers for the chickenpox when I was around age 6 and again when I had the mumps at age 8 and having to stay in them over the course of both illnesses. My mom would routinely diaper me when I was sick and being pumped full of liquids as a way to keep me in bed or on the couch. I was changed me periodically and remember feeling very secure and snug in my diapers. Funny how those memories stay with you. :)

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