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New Star Trek Movie

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Anyone up for or has already seen the new Star Trek film "Into Darkness" Yet?

I don't go to movies much anymore just 'cause they have gotten so 'spensive :(

But I saw the last one (4 years ago!:o ) and thought it was 'OK' as a 'transition film...just wondering about the new one...I hear it's pretty awesome....have to wait for a early showing though :blush:

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I wasn't planning on seeing the 3D version anyways as that format really just bugs me. I'm not above the concession stand though, a good tub of popcorn and soda do me fine..keeps the diaper busy as well :blush:

Maybe soon, just glad to hear that it's worth while.

It's more emotional for me as I grew up with the origional series (TOS) and Spock is my personal hero :blush: so knowing the origional cast is aging and passing on (RIP Scotty and Bones :( ) they have to find replacements if they are going to continue the franchise and time line. It was hard for me though with the last film, knowing that was Spocks (Lenard Nimoy) last film... and a new actor would be taking over *sigh* But I did laugh when the 'new' McCoy showed up, I knew it was him even before I saw him...EXCELLENT Casting :thumbsup: I guess I can deal with the rest of the 'new' cast....it will just take some doing I guess.

But see it I will...just something to look forward to..

Thanks :D

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Guest Baby Rina

I didn't like it, it was to much combat. Honestly it felt more like Star Wars than Star Trek. The magic of exploration is gone, there is no quest for knowledge or discovery its all about kicking ass and taking names. That's not what Star Trek is supposed to be about. There were more phaser blasts in this one movie alone than there were in the entire run of movies featuring the Original Cast ... yea... The acting was ok, but the plot seemed a little light in places. And more than a few call backs to the older movies seemed to be a bit forced and unnatural.

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The pacing for me was all wrong... I think JJ's problem is he doesn't seem to know quite when to just let the actors act. This seems to be a pretty good cast of actors, actually, the few scenes where they do get to shine, they nail it, but other than that it was just action scene to action scene. If he can temper his desire for an effects shot every few minutes, he could probably direct a pretty good movie (I will admit though, some of those shots were astonishing... The shot where the ship crashes? Epic). These things need to be an exclamation mark, however, not the whole movie. The bread and butter still needs to be acting.

I don't mind it being quicker, hell, I actually didn't mind the pace on the first one of the reboot, but I think he's missed the mark here.

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Saw it openIng weekend. Personally I thought it was amazing. Especially because I have seen all the original movies and anytime they make any kind of reference to any of the original source material I just smile.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Star Trek Into Darkness" was a good film... and that's all that can really be said about it.

The sequel didn't disappoint but it didn't really elevate itself beyond the first installent.

There was an opportunity here for J.J. Abrams to build an even greater cinematic experience

but instead 'Star Trek' opted to play it safe as a straight-foward, action-adventure with minimal emphasis

on exploration. Fans are well aware that exploration has been this series cornerstone ever since it's conception

by the late Gene Roddenberry. Perhaps the director's best ideas are being saved for the Star Wars universe.

At least, one can hope so.

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I thought it was amazing, tbh. A great amount of fan-service dealt with regards to the original Star Trek II, a fantastically charismatic set of villains. And the implications of just where the Federation might wind up without the presence of Vulcan? I loved that.

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I finally saw it about a month ago, and posted in my profile that I was 'disappointed'. As stated I grew up with the origional series (TOS) back in the 60's and also seem all the films, so I am well aware of all the characters and their relationships as well as the stories etc.

As mentioned above this was just a rehashing of Star Trek 2, which is possibly the BEST of the movies made, and is also deeply linked to a TOS episode.

I am trying VERY hard to wrap my head around this 'remake' such as it is, if you want to call it that. In thinking about it, what bugged me was how characters were not behaving as they used to, or 'should have'. In trying to understand this movie, I have to keep in the forefront of my mind that this takes place in an "alternate timeline or universe' so yes, things WILL be different. Plots and circumstances can (be) change(d) but characters are characters, and should behave pretty much the same regardless.

I had issues with character choices, and a lot of technical things as well.....(NO you do N*O*T go immediately into warp speed while near a space dock or another ship! basic ST law!) the casting of Cumberbatch as the main villain bugged me to no end, to the the point that, even after I finally guessed who he was (about 1 minute before he announced it) I then realized this was a retelling of ST2, and I just didn't care after that. I wasn't impressed with the villain, he wasn't menacing or threatening or anything...mostly BORING! and when he announced who he was, I was like....so?

I went down hill from there.

Yes this is an 'alternate time line' but Spock is Spock and Kirk is Kirk. Scened were forced as characters didn't have the time to develop a relationship with each other (much less the audience) we 'assume' that they have been together on missions for a while since the last film, but I didn't get that sense at all, and Spocks' actions and choices were really 'out of Character, for me anyways.

To rationalize this, I again have to go back to the concept that this is an "alternate time line' and think of things differently. So in the case of Spocks actions, being who he is, 1/2 human 1/2 Vulcan....maybe they decided to see what would happen if they allowed Spock to examine more of his "human' side, instead of suppressing it as he did in TOS and films. The same with Kirk, becoming more 'responsible' and less of a 'cowboy' hence ending up doing what he did. But even with that...the scene in Engineering with the 2 just seemed forced and unnatural, solely because there hadn't been time to develop the characters relationships that we can then connect with. Basically, I didn't care...which is sad. :(

I'm TRYING...really!!! and it's not at all easy seeing these kind of changes with things that I have known a good chunk of my life.

I'm trying to understand and 'go along with the ride' but it's getting more difficult, and if they continue in this vein, I might have to throw in the towel on the future movies as they are just to hard for me to get into and take.

Sad as it is, and I'm a life long ST fan...giving up on something like this might be all that is left for me to do. :(

Maybe they should have just left it alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My mother and I have always been huge trek fans. Not trekkies, just fans. From the original movies with Shatner, to the newer tv series and movies that have come out. Especially the new Star Trek movies giving the old originals a make-over.

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