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Adult Baby Are Getting More Public

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Exactly why I posted that- you're a great example of someone being yourself freely :groupwave:But can I have a lollipop anyway? B)


Ohtay. *hands lollipop to betty*

Going out an about isn't for everyone, but it can be fun and done in a tasteful way. My personal favorite was when I got to go to Disneyland in my shortalls with my wife in her littles outfit. No one even raised an eyebrow.

Matter of fact, I made friends with a couple and got a few compliments on the Disney patches I had on my clothing. :-D

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  • 10 months later...

For as open as I am about my sissy baby side, I don't go out dressed up in baby wear. This personal, delicate part of me

is nestled deep and I prefer to keep it as such. I won't compare my suffering to be accepted with those

of African American's plight for equality because it's still my personal choice to be this way, minus my incontinence.

However, because people's judgments are solely based on the clothes I wear and not on who I am as a person,

this brings us back to the nature of equality again. Given that history is destined to repeat itself, I suspect it will only be

a matter of time before Infantalism is accepted into mainstream society. Will this be a good thing? Yes and No.

Yes, because of the obvious reasons Adult Babies won't have to hide anymore and No because there will be increasing

demand to accept the next major fetish/lifestyle. The term "Be careful what you wish for" is appropriate here. I would love

to be able to express my inner baby self outside but never at the cost of it becoming the catalyst for something seemingly worse, striving for acceptance as well. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

No matter who you are or what you do, someone will always find a reason to ridicule or strike out, either in anger or frustration. Adult Babies on television for the most part are pawns in a ratings war. The reason they're invited onto the talk shows is sensationalism, nothing more. The audience usually uneducated in kinky fetishes, or just plain uneducated idiots that have an axe to grind with anyone that they come in contact with that appears to be a weak target.

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Usually anything that goes public or becomes mainstream loses its appeal. There is a certain "thrill factor" behind doing something considered taboo. Once it is accepted and out in the open, it becomes commonplace--like the thrill a teenager gets when they first receive their license. After driving for a while, it becomes a chore and the "woo-hoo, I'm controlling a car" feeling

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I had a stranger in Vegas offer to change me once, she reached under my petty coat and grabed my diapered ass! I was like WOAH!! Shortly after I met a bald biker dude on Freemont st who asked me wtf I was doing. Thought I was gonna get in a fight.... Told him having a night on the town. He replied with badass. Fortunately no fight.

Im not certain why being comfortable in your skin takes such negative connotation in this community. I'm actually more comfortable sporting my Abdl gear in public than my BDSM leathers. My leathers make me look like a biker, or maybe it's the tattoos? LoL I have a lot of event patches from S&M events I've been too, so maybe those make me feel a little uneasy? Or maybe it's my gruff appearance in my leathers that make others a little scared of me when I'm out? Who knows.

I do find a lot of the folks who get all wildly up in arms about ABDL's being open about themselves are single... Maybe the lack of self confidence and anger towards those who are confident is what drives that solitude? I haven't the faintest idea? All I know is my wife and I will continue doing what we love and continue talking to those people we meet in public. Going on years now that I've been doing this and still have had only positive experiences. :D

It's a beautiful world we live in filled with so many unique people in it. The best way to receive tolerance and respect is to give it. :) I hope in the following years more people will be confident with their Abdl side and come out of the closets. I hope that by me going out and being confident gives someone else the courage to know they aren't alone and there is a wonderful life if they embrace their uniqueness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What people seem to no think about is that, just by going outside in diapers and dresses, or sleeper, or any baby stuff, you are NOT forcing your lifetyple, fetish, or anything on them. THEY chose their actions from that point forward.

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