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Have You Known Any Single Gal Who Had Ak Tendencies?

Isshun ga

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Have you known any single gal who had AK tendencies/wanted to be an AK?

What was she into, how exactly would she act, and, if applicable, what was it like dating her?

What should I be aware of and watch out for if I'm ever to date a gal like her? What kinds of dates would I ought to bring her to? I'd like to be very well-prepared for dating an adult kid woman.

Also, I'm aware we have a Personals somewhere on DD. What is a good example of an Adult Kid woman's profile? Thanks.

  • Like 1

Most women are fucking childish anyways, so be prepared for anything.


As has been said everytime anyone asks what some one else would like.


People aren't cookie cutter copies of each other. Each person will have individual likes and dislikes.

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  • 2 months later...

long time ago i married my first wife very young

and we both wore diapers for bed and training pants durng the day and to school and work

her nmother made sure we had night diapers on for sleep during day we took care of each other

we had many adevture with each other over the 5 plus years of marrgae

she was born one day after me on the 6 th of nov. she came her life at age 19 in viet nam the day after i was reported killed in action

this december we would have been with each over 50 years

l.....she was born one day after me on the 6 th of nov. she came her life at age 19 in viet nam the day after i was reported killed in action....
Huh? Explain please.
Guest tangopony

I (as an AK girl) briefly dated another girl with a lot of AK tendencies. We ended breaking up over something unrelated (I didn't wanna do the long distance thing and she's going to a damn nice school and no way am I holding her back from meeting the girl of her dreams while she's there).

Mainly, I'd say to treat her just as well as you would any other woman. Spoil her a little; make her feel taken care of, respect her, and talk to her a lot. Make sure she knows you're there for her, and always listen when she talks. Spend a lot of time just talking to her, especially at first. Not out together? Text, or maybe skype if you're both computer savvy. Don't overwhelm her with attention, but don't underwhelm her either.

As for her kiddie side...

Surprise her with little gifts, even if they're just cheap trinkets or toys you saw that reminded you of a funny memory or quirk about her personality. Don't go out and spend a thousand dollars on a diamond-encrusted pacifier the moment you find out she's into the ABDL scene. But little items to remember events and memories by will go a long way in making her feel cared about and show her that you're thinking about her even while doing other things.

TELL HER SHE'S CUTE!!!!! All girls love this. If she does something that strikes you as kiddy or sweet or anything, TELL HER SO! Accompanied by a squeeze or quick kiss, little compliments go a loooong way.

The quickest way to a little girl's heart (besides a pony) is through her stomach. Make her snacks and sweet stuff that you know she'll enjoy. Take her out for nice dinners at restaurants you know she likes. On that note, taking her to stuff in general is a great idea; just like dads take their little girls out for trips to the zoo, the aquarium, etc...you can do the same thing with her! Take her someplace new and exciting and watch her eyes go wide in wonder as she watches a huge lion pace around, or a shark bare its razor teeth at another fish. You'll enjoy watching her.

Most of all, good luck, and when you find the girl you think is right...for gods sake, hang the hell onto her with both hands.

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

Most women are fucking childish anyways, so be prepared for anything.

Thumbs up for sexism.

Let me guess, you're single too, and it's because 'All women are bitches'?


Thumbs up for sexism.

Let me guess, you're single too, and it's because 'All women are bitches'?

don't forget, it's cause nice guys finish last, right?


Most women are fucking childish anyways, so be prepared for anything.

I LOVE THIS!!!! seriously no sarcasm... made me laugh!!!


Huh? Explain please.

I'm gonna bet he meant she "took" her life... or possibly she "came to the end of" her life...

  • 2 years later...

One works colleague was very much that way, we got on really well to the bemusement of our supervisor but as we were super good at our work it was all okay.


don't forget, it's cause nice guys finish last, right?

All nice guys finish last, if they want to keep their woman.


As has been said everytime anyone asks what some one else would like.


People aren't cookie cutter copies of each other. Each person will have individual likes and dislikes.

  • 2 months later...

I'm very close with a girl who has AK tendencies; myself.

We eat together, we sleep together, we share the same dummy and we have the same habits. We don't go on dates though, we prefer to stay inside, order a pizza and watch a movie.

  • 1 year later...

I can only think of one.

I do a lot of online dating, mainly because I'm a fairly busy person.

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