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1 - EVERYTHING contains natural sugar and the body is designed and optimized to be able to process this.

2 - ALL artificial sugars (including that white / brown stuff that is marketed as sugar) is processed and the body is NOT designed to handle this.

The least damaging of all the artificial sugars is BROWN CANE SUGAR. Everything else - and the list is endless - has been found to cause long term health problems. Compared to some sugars, it is better for you to work in a coalmine, smoke 40-60 cigarettes a day, and drink about 10 pints of lager / ale per day.

Diabetes is the bodies inability to process the glucose within the bloodstream. The correct methodology is that insulin is produced to allow the glucose pass into cells, so this can be used as fuel (energy). Due to the content of 'synthetic glucose' within artificial sugars, cells mutate to only accept real glucose. This causes one of two things to happen - (1) The insulin rich synthetic glucose stays within the bloodstream, which cuts off, via chemical enhancers, the production of insulin. (2) The mutated cells refuse to accept the bodies insulin, and will create a copy of what it requires = reduction in glucose getting to cells. This creates either (1) an abnormally high level of glucose within the bloodstream or (2) a abnormally low level of glucose in the bloodstream. Since insulin production is controlled by chemical switches and markers (not in the pancreas - the producer of insulin) the production of insulin is no longer dependent on the amount of glucose within the bloodstream, and the potential energy available.

The common medical belief is that diabetes is created by the ingestion of artificial sugars, and is, with careful dietary control, self repairing.

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yes i forgot to mention stevia is expensive... but its coming up on summer time.. they sell the plants at home depot for like 1.99 a plant... its a herb so you can pick up some plants and grow it ourself... then pick the leaves, try em out and crush em up.... they are very easy to grow.. just water and sunlight, can grow em in a window inside.....

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1 - EVERYTHING contains natural sugar and the body is designed and optimized to be able to process this.

2 - ALL artificial sugars (including that white / brown stuff that is marketed as sugar) is processed and the body is NOT designed to handle this.

The least damaging of all the artificial sugars is BROWN CANE SUGAR. Everything else - and the list is endless - has been found to cause long term health problems. Compared to some sugars, it is better for you to work in a coalmine, smoke 40-60 cigarettes a day, and drink about 10 pints of lager / ale per day.

Diabetes is the bodies inability to process the glucose within the bloodstream. The correct methodology is that insulin is produced to allow the glucose pass into cells, so this can be used as fuel (energy). Due to the content of 'synthetic glucose' within artificial sugars, cells mutate to only accept real glucose. This causes one of two things to happen - (1) The insulin rich synthetic glucose stays within the bloodstream, which cuts off, via chemical enhancers, the production of insulin. (2) The mutated cells refuse to accept the bodies insulin, and will create a copy of what it requires = reduction in glucose getting to cells. This creates either (1) an abnormally high level of glucose within the bloodstream or (2) a abnormally low level of glucose in the bloodstream. Since insulin production is controlled by chemical switches and markers (not in the pancreas - the producer of insulin) the production of insulin is no longer dependent on the amount of glucose within the bloodstream, and the potential energy available.

The common medical belief is that diabetes is created by the ingestion of artificial sugars, and is, with careful dietary control, self repairing.

No where in anything i have EVER read have i ever seen any medical belief that ingestion of artificial sugars causes diabetes.You should look up ;what causes diabetes.In all the things that are there nowhere dose it say suger causes diabetes.

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yes i forgot to mention stevia is expensive... but its coming up on summer time.. they sell the plants at home depot for like 1.99 a plant... its a herb so you can pick up some plants and grow it ourself... then pick the leaves, try em out and crush em up.... they are very easy to grow.. just water and sunlight, can grow em in a window inside.....

Thank you sarah,i did not know the plant was that cheap.I will keep my eyes open for it.

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No where in anything i have EVER read have i ever seen any medical belief that ingestion of artificial sugars causes diabetes.You should look up ;what causes diabetes.In all the things that are there nowhere dose it say suger causes diabetes.

Quoted from http://www.diabetesm...etes_causes.htm

The causes of diabetes are not clearly known. There is still a mystery in it. Medical scientists are unable to tell, thats why some people suffer from diabetes while others do not. There are certain factors which may lead to diabetes. These factors are considered as risk factors and an individual must try to overcome them

Diet, is ... a major factor responsible for causing diabetes.

Eating too much of Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, are all harmful to the body. Our body in general needs a balanced diet to produce energy for performing vital functions. Too much of food, hampers the pancreas from performing its function of insulin secretion. Hence, with insufficient insulin secretion, the blood sugar level rises, leading to diabetes mellitus. Normally, people are in habit of eating foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes, chocolate, ice creams, pudding, etc. So, the incidences of diabetes are increased in such persons.

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yes i forgot to mention stevia is expensive... but its coming up on summer time.. they sell the plants at home depot for like 1.99 a plant... its a herb so you can pick up some plants and grow it ourself... then pick the leaves, try em out and crush em up.... they are very easy to grow.. just water and sunlight, can grow em in a window inside.....

Can you smoke it?? ;)

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Well went to the store today.Oh boy, oh boy,Guess i dont buy that stuff.Way to much money for me.guess ill stick with splanda.

You are supposed to use just tiny traces of the stevia, so a little goes a long way....

It's time i quoted the joy of cooking, on what is best to eat:

"Whole, live food, freshly prepared, is best for you and your family".

Do the best you can, eat more vegetables, a little less meat, and drink a bit more water. You will do better.

There's also research to show that diet sodas, by cheating the stomach, make people hungrier..the body is saying, now where's that sugar i tasted?

And as for sweetening with honee, well, that depends on whether you mean the yellow fluid or the love of your life...both do the job!

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I could go on at length about this. There are SO many things I want to say. In fact, I'm currently writing a whole foods cookbook because of these attitudes right here... that eating junk is ok, so long as you use fake sugar. It isn't. I know personally the awful effect of aspartame. In me, it causes horrid nerve pain and frequent headaches. Sucralose (Splenda) like all fake sugars, tricks your brain into producing insulin when it doesn't need to. This can cause a whole host of health issues, eventual diabetes being one of them. Did you know diabetics AND hypoglycemics are not supposed to consume saccharin or aspartame because it makes their illnesses worse? And I'm not a gambler but I'll lay 1000000:1 odds on that "research" about stevia being bad is funded by the artificial sweetener and processed sugar companies, and maybe pharmaceuticals too. If you're not buying their products, how can they make money?

My point here is that you need to wean yourself off the junk and learn how to eat real foods. Have just one or two cups of coffee, and if you like it sweet, have a dollop of honey or RAW sugar. If you are diabetic, try stevia you've grown yourself (in your windowsill if you have to). Moderation makes a world of difference. Having whole grains, natural meats (if you're not vegetarian), fresh fruits and not sugary juices, and fresh vegetables makes a world of difference to your body. Did you know that chocolate is even good for you, but not in the form of a hershey bar! Bake it in a whole wheat brownie, with reduced amounts of sugar, make your sugar raw or use honey. Whole wheat does NOT mean dry and tasteless like those so called wheat breads at the store. Most of them are just white bread with sawdust and caramel color. If you look in the right places you can get veggies and fruits for cheap, even organic ones, so long as you buy them in season. The pesticide covered stuff is only cheaper because it is subsidized by the government, and can harm you in the long run. Is losing 20 years of your life worth being able to buy extra twinkies at the store? I've been poor, I've lived on $130 of food stamps for two people a month. It sucks, but you know what? You can grow a pepper plant in an old milk jug in a sunny window. You can take that old cat litter bucket (what it comes in, not the litter pan! ew!) and clean it, stick a tomato plant in it. By shopping sales, what is in season, and going to farmers markets in summer, you can eat organic and not starve. Buy a little extra of it here and there and freeze it for when it's not available. Check out the bulk bins in your store's health food section. Without all the expensive packages the organic grains, flours, and rices are so much cheaper, and they are so good for you! Spices are the same, get them from the bulk bins and you'll save a ton vs that tasteless pricey McCormick in the glass jars.

There are so many more things you can do, but eating healthy is a start. Oh, and bagged salad? Forget it! Just buy the loose lettuces and tear it up yourself. You'll save 2 or 3 dollars right there.

All in all, you don't NEED the extra sugars. Have a little bit here and there as a treat... don't trick your body with the fake stuff. You're only tricking yourself, and it's you who pays in the long run. If you want a sweet, have a baked yam, or carrots, or make a fruit smoothie with 1/2 cup natural vanilla yogurt. If you really gotta be bad, have your sweet cakes whole wheat style and homemade. Above all, moderation truly is the key. You can't expect to eat lots of junk and stay healthy. I sound like a total nut right? Well, I'd rather be a nut who lives to 100 than die from what I'm eating. And before you think I exist on air, sunshine, and rabbit food, let me give you an example of what I eat in a day.

Breakfast: 1 Brown Cow Maple Cream Top Yogurt

1 Banana

Almond Milk (I hate skim milk, and this is only 60 calories a cup and yummy!)

Snack: Apple dipped in sour cream (seriously, it's good!)

Lunch: Tuna Salad Sandwich on 100% whole grain bread made with olive oil mayo and fresh garlic/onion

A BIG Baby Green Salad with fresh herbs (I grow my own on the patio) and olive oil/balsalmic vinegar w/ salt pepper

Iced tea, unsweet (I like it that way but I think it's fine to sweeten)

Snack: Peach

Dinner: Maple Glazed Salmon or a 6 oz Grilled Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms, depending what's on sale

Sweet Spiced Quinoa with Golden Raisins, Pine Nuts, and Chickpeas

Steamed Broccoli with a pat of butter and seasonings

Blue Moon Seasonal Ale (or two)

Whole Wheat Brownies with 1 scoop real vanilla ice cream

Snack: Wedge of Brie Cheese, Grapes, Teriyaki Rice Crackers

And of course filtered water throughout the day, sometimes with a squip of lemon. This kind of eating has kept me healthy and at an ideal weight for my stature with only gentle exercise. Sure I'm fighting a genetic problem right now, but no amount of eating right could have prevented that. That's another story. And no, I don't mean a toothpick either, mama's got curves lol! Years ago I was a Ho-Ho eating white bread sugar junkie who drank Coca Cola and Mountain Dew several times a day, and I was unhealthy, I had eczema, and I was FAT. Made the switch to whole grains and whole foods and poof! I felt 100% better and lost weight. My skin rashes went away. Coincidence? No way.

My two cents. Take em as you see fit.

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....Did you know that chocolate is even good for you, but not in the form of a hershey bar!....

Good for me or not, better stay away from my chocolate unless you want your hand bitten off :angel_not:

...Have just one or two cups of coffee, and if you like it sweet, have a dollop of honey or RAW sugar....

I was the world's worst on that front. At one point I was dumping in so much sugar that some of it didn't want to dissolve :o I cut back then switched to using honey ;) It's sweetness is stronger so it takes about half as much quantity, and less is more when it comes to sugars of any kind B) Now I use maybe half a teaspoon per cup- the coffee flavor comes through better and I feel a lot better too :) I use locally made honey which also offers some immunity to seasonal allergies- that effect varies from person to person. The downside is that I live on and live for coffee :rolleyes: You think I'm :screwy: about my chocolate? I turn into a rabid raging mastodon when someone goes after my coffee :lol:

My two cents. Take em as you see fit.

I'd take your two cents, but as large as they are I don't know if I can lift them :roflmao: Seriously, this is some very good information and advice in your post :thumbsup: It does cost a bit more to eat better, but nowhere near what a lot of people spend on doing that. Shopping smart is the trick- instead of just grabbing what appeals to you at the closest grocery store, think it through, plan your meals, and gather the goodies at the best sources on your daily travels through the week :biker_h4h: This saves on gas as well, which matters a LOT at the current prices. Plus it breaks the monotony of the rat-race of the daily commute- that alone makes it worth the effort :drive1:

Great post Little Faerie!

Bettypooh (with honey-enhanced coffee in hand- yum!)

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Process CRAP is only being put into most of our food for one reason, to make them cheaper to produce. If they were good for you some countries, like Canada, wouldn't be starting to ban the ingredients that we good fat Americans like to huff down because the media tells us it won't kill us in 20 years.

I make my own soda and use raw sugar or honey to sweeten it. It was a shock to the wallet and menu to get most of the process food out of my diet. Once I figured out what I needed my shopping cart was not as full, but my stomach was. Now my blood cholesterol is doing very well. The only time I feel bad is either because of a cold or I eat something I shouldn't have touched with a 30 foot pole.

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Last night, I went to a class at my local community market. We learned about quinoa, mung beans and chick peas. I will soon be making meals with them (especially hummus).

Right now, for breakfast, I am eating banana ice cream. It's too easy to make if you have a juicer. Peel and freeze bananas. Send through juicer. Scoop with with spoon. No sugar or milk is necessary. No I wonder if papaya can do that, too.

My choice of drink this morning is grape juice from real grapes. I just wish I can find grapes with seeds. I hate being forced to purchase genetically modified stuff.

As far as cost is concerned, I don't look at it as paying more for my food. I am paying the price that food should cost. All the processed stuff is permanently discounted to get you to buy it and make a profit for the publicly traded food manufacturers and eventually the pharmaceutical companies by getting sick.

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I could go on at length about this. There are SO many things I want to say. In fact, I'm currently writing a whole foods cookbook because of these attitudes right here... that eating junk is ok, so long as you use fake sugar. It isn't. I know personally the awful effect of aspartame. In me, it causes horrid nerve pain and frequent headaches. Sucralose (Splenda) like all fake sugars, tricks your brain into producing insulin when it doesn't need to. This can cause a whole host of health issues, eventual diabetes being one of them. Did you know diabetics AND hypoglycemics are not supposed to consume saccharin or aspartame because it makes their illnesses worse?

Finally, a sensible response from someone. Thank you.

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I'm with Luvs Girl on this one. If you're going to cut back on something...then cut back. Don't replace it with some man made chemical that has the potential to create all sorts of havoc in your body down the road.

Natural cane sugar used in moderation is likely the best way to go....

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Thanks Bettypooh. I'm of the mind that garbage in = garbage out. Eat crap, feel like crap! I use honey, raw cane sugar, molasses, and real maple syrup (NOT Aunt Jemima! That's just corn syrup with artificial flavor!) for sweeteners. I've heard agave syrup is good too but haven't tried it yet. I have enough syrupy bottles for the ants to go after lol! A side note... I had high cholesterol back when I used cheap margarine. That stuff is like plastic in your system. I switched over to using real butter and olive oil in moderate amounts along with having whole grains, and it went back to normal ranges again. So much for butter being "bad". Let's recap...

I include these things in my diet:

Real sugar


Red Meat



Ice Cream


and by simply following the whole foods rule, not eating processed food, and using moderation,

I have:

Normal Cholesterol

Normal Blood Sugar

Normal-low Blood Pressure

Healthy Body Weight

strong hair and nails

and of equal importance...

I enjoy my food!

I have "bad genetics"... hypoglycemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, bad teeth, high cholesterol, and obesity run RAMPANT in my family, along with mental illnesses. What's the difference, and why am I not like them? I used to be. My lifestyle and food are why. The choices I make. That's it. I (now) know I have to eat right to counteract my body's predisposition to these things. It won't eliminate the likelihood of me having a heart attack, but I might be 80 before it happens instead of 50. That's 30 extra years. I can go for that :)

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Thanks Bettypooh. I'm of the mind that garbage in = garbage out. Eat crap, feel like crap! I use honey, raw cane sugar, molasses, and real maple syrup (NOT Aunt Jemima! That's just corn syrup with artificial flavor!) for sweeteners. I've heard agave syrup is good too but haven't tried it yet. I have enough syrupy bottles for the ants to go after lol! A side note... I had high cholesterol back when I used cheap margarine. That stuff is like plastic in your system. I switched over to using real butter and olive oil in moderate amounts along with having whole grains, and it went back to normal ranges again. So much for butter being "bad". Let's recap...

I include these things in my diet:

Real sugar


Red Meat



Ice Cream


and by simply following the whole foods rule, not eating processed food, and using moderation,

I have:

Normal Cholesterol

Normal Blood Sugar

Normal-low Blood Pressure

Healthy Body Weight

strong hair and nails

and of equal importance...

I enjoy my food!

I have "bad genetics"... hypoglycemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, bad teeth, high cholesterol, and obesity run RAMPANT in my family, along with mental illnesses. What's the difference, and why am I not like them? I used to be. My lifestyle and food are why. The choices I make. That's it. I (now) know I have to eat right to counteract my body's predisposition to these things. It won't eliminate the likelihood of me having a heart attack, but I might be 80 before it happens instead of 50. That's 30 extra years. I can go for that :)

I got to say that you SURE gave some darn good addvice in both replys.Thanks.And i want to to thank you ALL for the addvice you have given.It moves me very much to know just how many people care.Thanks

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