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Incontinent Concerns

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I know I should talk to a doc about this and I eventually will.

Something seems different. I've noticed some changes recently. I've been urinating a lot more than before. One of the other things I've noticed is that I have less time between 'hey, I think I need to pee' and I'm going to pee. A few times, i haven't made it. A month or so ago I had a 7 hour drive. I don't think I would have made it without diapers.

I am 39 and a big guy. I don't know if this is just part of 'grown man' stuff. The idea of prostate probs terrifies me. A lil over 2 years I lost my pops to prostate cancer. Then again I'm not related by blood with my family, I'm adopted. Diabetes has gone through my mind. I'm a big guy, but I'm likely the most active big guy youve ever seen I've checked the symptoms on webmd, but I don't see any of the accompaning symptoms with prostate or diabetes. Any ideas guys?

I don't know if I'm hyper sensitive about this because inlost my pops to prostate cancer. I don't know if I'm more sensitive to this because I've been an AB most of my life. Or am I just getting older.

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See a doctor for sure. Going on 40 its about time for a prostate check anyway.

In the mean time try loosing a little weight and drinking some cranberry juice every day to see if symptoms improve.

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only a doc can help you it could be just you being "hyper sensitive" or a simple urinary tract infection. Or an enlarged prostate or several other things. Wile this may not be comforting its probably not cancer but really go to a doc or youll never know.

See a doctor for sure. Going on 40 its about time for a prostate check anyway.

In the mean time try loosing a little weight and drinking some cranberry juice every day to see if symptoms improve.

i agree with bouth of you

but i would definitely go to the doc just to make sure and loose some weight(but if you like me don go overboard)

if i get below 240 i look like im on crack(im 5'9")

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I also agree with the above satetments, It may only be an enlarged prostate, that is atleast part of the cause for my urge incontinence and a weak flow. You may also need to alter your diet to cut down on coffee, tee, acidic foods, spicy foods ect. The afore mentioned foods are known irritants to the bladder lining which can cause more urge responses.

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??? I'm 5'9" too!!! & I weigh 136lbs (but I have always been slim)

i have a braud shoulders big bones and a barrel chest

heck even at 260 my cheek bones are just about 1/8" under my skin

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You may also need to alter your diet to cut down on coffee, tee, acidic foods, spicy foods ect. The afore mentioned foods are known irritants to the bladder lining which can cause more urge responses.

I'm going to give this a try. I drink a lot of tea and enjoy a expresso nearly daily. There is also a random energy drink here and there. Since I quit drinking, I decided to go back to spicy food. I'm from Louisiana. We eat spicy food.

I'm going to see if knocking this stuff out helps. If not I'll make it to the doc.

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??? I'm 5'9" too!!! & I weigh 136lbs (but I have always been slim)

Wow, I'm 5'-10" but I haven't weighed 136lbs since I was 13 years old. Heck, I weighed 200lbs getting out of USMC boot camp with 6 pack abs. Funny though, I'm 212lbs now and my doc says 215lbs is technically obese but I hardly even look overweight (except that 12lbs in my gut now).

Sorry to get off topic, the frequent peeing could be a sign of a mild UTI, early prostrate problems, (probably not) cancer, or the change in diet (as it seems to be). I'd say just watch it for now a wear a lightly padded diaper 24/7 for just in case (but for you be conscious if youre not choosing to use it vs. wetting on purpose). If it doesn't get better with the diet change (a couple more days at the most) I'd say it's definitely time to see the doctor too because only they will be able to tell for sure.

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hey big guy i was 34 when my doctor told me i had an "incon" problem and my prostate was making it worse, he said" when you sit down dont you fell like youre sitting on a softball" i said yeah so what been like that for years he said " thats your swollen prostate and with medication its posable we can shrink it to near normal size" i'm like what the if its not posable with medication then what and he says" we do a TURP and cut your little buddy down to size" i said lets pray for the pills then doc because nobody is going near my penis with a knife let alone going up inside my penis with a knife, with my luck it will be a female surgeon who had it out with her cheating husband this morning and she decides to cut something out i will need later (as in she's dreaming about what she would do if it was hubby on the table. it's crazy what you think of when your penis and a knife are in the same sentence . anyway the medication Flomax has helped no knife for me Yeay.


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Agree with all of the above...see a doctor 1st...but it sounds like urge incontinence.

And urge incontinence really isn't a prostate issue, from what I've gathered. Quite the contrary, men with prostate issues usually have trouble getting a stream started and maintaining a decent stream - the exact opposite of what is described here.

But yeah, might be time to look at an exercise program - no offense - excessive fat buildup in the abdominal cavity (where we guys tend to accumulate it the most) can put pressure on organs, including the bladder, which cause all kinds of problems down the road. This might just be your body's first warning salvo that it's time to stop excusing yourself as just "being a big guy".

Again, as harsh as it sounds, I'm fighting the same battle - I'm probably not what 90% of the people around me would call "fat" by any stretch of the imagination (6'0" 199 at last weigh-in) - but an unnatural percentage of that 199 is centered around my midsection, and I'm closing in on the age when that starts to cause problems.

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I have to agree that is a lot of blood to test for anyone being diabetic when they did mine it was only 2 vials of bood that they took they dont even take that amount when you have a heart attack

7 vials isn't all that much if they were executing a full screen on you - Complete blood count (CBC), Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein (CRP), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and various antibody tests, all requiring separate vials of blood.

Best advice I can offer everyone here is to ask questions. If your doc is pulling a quart of blood on a blood test, ask him why - don't argue with him, just ask him to explain what all he is doing with all that blood. Likewise, ask questions about medications the doc gives you - purpose, expected side effects, long-term issues, expected duration of treatment, etc.

If you don't ask, most docs assume you don't care as long as whatever he's doing works. If you ask questions in a respectful manner, most docs will take the time to explain things to you - and if they don't, you need to consider finding a new doc.

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  • 1 month later...

I forgot about this thread after everything cleared up.

Early last month I did go to the doctor due to flu. I did bring up my problem. He did check my blood and I am not diabetic.

It was an infection. It cleared up with the antibiotics. It is nice that my bladder can hold on a lot longer again.

As an AB I've thought about what it would be like to have less or no control. Not nearly as good as expected. Much respect to those who have to deal with incontinence daily. It was driving me crazy and it was a few weeks or so.

Once again, thank you again for you concern and suggestions.

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I forgot about this thread after everything cleared up.

Early last month I did go to the doctor due to flu. I did bring up my problem. He did check my blood and I am not diabetic.

It was an infection. It cleared up with the antibiotics. It is nice that my bladder can hold on a lot longer again.

As an AB I've thought about what it would be like to have less or no control. Not nearly as good as expected. Much respect to those who have to deal with incontinence daily. It was driving me crazy and it was a few weeks or so.

Once again, thank you again for you concern and suggestions.

Thanks for the follow-up post, and we're glad all is well with you now :D


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  • 1 month later...

For one suggestion, I would recommend you make a visit with your physician and have yourself tested for diabetes, type II. The reason I suggest this to you, frequent urination is one sign of type II diabetes and you also mention that you are a good size man. It takes only a little time, depending on the tests involved and what the doc and you learn from that experience can be of considerable value to your life and how you function in the future.

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Thank you for the concern. When I went to the doc, he checked for diabetes and I wasn't even close to it. I've been lucky that way. Its been awhil but it was an infection. Cleared up with in a week. It was no fun when I was dealing with it. As an AB I thought this would be great but, um not so much.

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