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Deliberately Wetting The Bed?


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Hi! Well, as the title says, Is it ok to deliberately wet the bed if i could get free diapers for It? I mean, It's not like stealing or doing anything bad, since I need my father to understand that I really like diapers. My plan Is that i would deliberately wet the bed for a few days (or weeks), and then tell him that i have a bedwetting problem. Then, i would tell him that I got comfortable with the diapers, and he would think that It's ok. I've already got my mother to understand that I like them, and she is totally fine with it. But, is it fair to do? I mean, it should be fair, because at the end, I'm telling him the truth ^_^ .


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I'm already applying for a job, so money isn't the problem. but as i said, I'm trying to get my father to be understanding! Yes, I know that i have control over my own life, but I live with him, so It's basically his rules that apply. Therefor, I need to have a good reason to "need" diapers, and as you see, I already found one, but I wanted to know If It's a good idea to do it, or If it's over the line. So, whats your opinion?



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In my opinion, since it is your Parents House, & like you said living with their Rules, I would Say that Deliberately wetting the bed Would be a Problem. A ultimate Solution would be to get a Job & then move out because then you wouldn't have to worry about others Rules. You could make them. Not only that but if you were to deliberately wet the bed your Father might insist on you going to see a Doctor, because he might think that something is medically Wrong. I Hope this Helps,

Rockies Fan. Go Rockies in 2010!biggrin.gif

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Hi! Well, as the title says, Is it ok to deliberately wet the bed if i could get free diapers for It? I mean, It's not like stealing or doing anything bad, since I need my father to understand that I really like diapers. My plan Is that i would deliberately wet the bed for a few days (or weeks), and then tell him that i have a bedwetting problem. Then, i would tell him that I got comfortable with the diapers, and he would think that It's ok. I've already got my mother to understand that I like them, and she is totally fine with it. But, is it fair to do? I mean, it should be fair, because at the end, I'm telling him the truth ^_^ .


I think that wetting the bed is a very bad idea, after all you will have to sleep on a ruined matress or replace it. If you already have a matress protector then you are already there. This is a personal problem and I cant see why you can't just wear diapers to bed. If your father notices just say "I know it's a bit embaressing but I have had a few acidents and Mom thought it would be best to wear something at night" You say your Mom is ok with it so tell her to confirm this if your dad asks. It would not have bothered me in the slightest if my son or daughter wore diapers to bed. If you had a sister would she have to ask for your father's permission to wear a sanitory pad?

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I'm with miss marcia on this one, you're old enough to choose your own underwear, and you don't need to ask permission on what type to wear ("father, today may I wear Y-fronts?"). Is he really going to kick you out if you get caught?

Most likely, yes. Nahh, just kidding! But he would definitely make me see a dr. or something like that. If you knew my **old* father, you would know what i am talking about. He's really "mainstream"! It's like, we all need to be the good neighbors, and "don't wear diapers or I'll kick you out!" sort of thing. But i guess that I actually have enough money, so right now It's only about finding the cheapest one on the market ^_^ .

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what if i tell i just drink too much before i go to bed, and that i've made a habit of doing it? then they would be ok with it, wouldn't they?

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If you are telling lies to your parents get your fetish fix, what does that say about you as a person?

Answer: You are the lowest of the low.

The best policy is honesty, even if they won't like the truth. If they find out you lied to them it will be much worse than you probably are ready to handle. Your best bet is put your fetish back in the closet until you get your own place.

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The answer to your question is more questions. How would you feel if someone you loved started wetting the bed and told you they couldn't help it. Would you worry about them? Would you want to try to get help for them? How would you feel if you found out later that they were lying to you and manipulating you so they could get something for themselves? How would you feel when you realized you were spending money on them that you wouldn't have wanted to spend on them? How would you feel when you realized all the things you may have deprived yourself of because you were spending the money on this person you loved. When you've answered these questions it should give you a pretty good idea what you should do.



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Telling your parents that you are an alcoholic and drink to the point where you pass out and piss yourself on such a regular basis that you wear diapers to bed is about the worst idea ever. Drinking too much water or juice does not make non bed wetters wet the bed.

Realistically you need to hide your diaper fetish from everyone but intimate partners. No one else wants to know or would benefit from knowing. I assume you don't want to know the details about your parent's sex life. They have similar feelings about yours.

If your dad does find out for some reason saying that you wet the bed is probably easier than explaining diaper fetishes but it's still lying. Being discrete and not getting caught is best.

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If you are telling lies to your parents get your fetish fix, what does that say about you as a person?

Answer: You are the lowest of the low.

The best policy is honesty, even if they won't like the truth. If they find out you lied to them it will be much worse than you probably are ready to handle. Your best bet is put your fetish back in the closet until you get your own place.

I wanted to say exactly that but every time I tried I got angry at the deception and didn't like the resulting posts so I deleted them.

Absolutely and by all means do not ever hurt those who love you when you don't have to. Get out on your own pronto if you're to the point where you're going to be wearing diapers and wetting your bed. Afterwards you don't have to remain "in the closet" but you'd be well advised to if you can- this is not something many people can accept and handled incorrectly it can make a mess of your life.

Being an adult and making your own choices means accepting the results of those choices- even the unintended results- and not expecting anyone else to pay the price for the choices you made. Like it or not we all have to grow up and leave our parents home at some point or we're hurting them and ourselves too.


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Here's the bottom line. Your Dad does not need to know or be involved in your fetish in any way shape or form. Would you like to have a conversation over drinks with him about an interest in strap on dildo's? (hypotheticaly speaking). If you want to wear diapers at your leisure you need your own place, your own diapers. Plain and simple. If you are not in a position to have either of these then you need to save your bucks and occasionally get a hotel room and a pack of diapers.

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I'm trying to get my father to be understanding!

The problem.^

He doesn't need to know about it. If your parents dig into your business and find out, whatever. I don't think that you need to go pushing it on them though. They are going to have all kinds of undue stress put on them so you can get your rocks off if you go through with this.

I know you're horny, but don't do it!

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I just skimmed through the posts (Sorry. I've been without internet for about a month.). I think that lying about wetting the bed would be a bad way to start explaining yourself to your father. You're certainly not going to earn his trust or support by lying to him. If your mother understands and is okay with you wearing diapers, then perhaps see if she can help you explain your "thing" to your dad. Not only would she be there to help you get the right words across, but she'd also be your leverage to have a bit more of an upper hand in the ordeal as she is your father's wife. Being honest and open about who you are and what you are into may not be easy, but it's the best way to establish an open relationship with your family. And if he becomes defensive and tries to kick you out, you can negotiate. Besides, you're at the age where getting out on your own would be the best thing to do. They may not want to show it, but parents don't want to continue supporting their children (at least under the same roof) once they gain the means to support themselves. I mean sure, they'll still support you; help you when you need it, but parents prefer their children move out and start their own lives.

I am a furry AND I am an adult baby. Both of these groups are notorious for members not wanting to accept responsibility. There is a vast difference between growing old and growing mature, and there are far more people who grow old than mature. There are far too many 30+ year olds still living with their parents.

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