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Fake Disabled Man Dupes Brevard Woman Into Changing His Diapers

Monday, August 10, 2009 6:02:53 PM

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MELBOURNE -- A Brevard County woman said she was duped into changing diapers for a man who faked being brain-damaged.

Janet Schulte says she posted an ad on Craigslist offering adult care, and was offered a job to care for a disabled man.

Schulte took care him for three months, which included bottle-feeding him and changing his diaper, but said she got suspicious after her husband noticed the man driving a car.

Schulte filed a police complaint, but said she was told the man did not break any laws. Though the man lied, he typically paid the agreed $600 weekly for her services.

Schulte said she has since posted a warning on Craigslist, and other women have come forward to say they were duped as well.

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Very bad form and PR indeed bash.gif I saw this on another thread which mentioned this was in Miami FL- just thought I'd mention that in case someone wonders about a "Brevard" or "Melbourne" near them. I just got off work and had to think a moment because there's a city called Brevard not too far from me. After re-reading it I saw it was Brevard county- whew! That was close wink.gif

I too hope it's not one of us huh.gif


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Devil's Advocate...

Just because he's brain damaged, doesn't mean he can't drive a car. Though unlikely, it is possible he didn't dupe anyone at all. I had a stroke a few years ago, which caused some brain damage. I am still 90% as effective as I was beforehand, but I can't do anything that requires good balance(motorcycle riding) and I've also lost a lot of tones in my hearing.

That being said, I'm guessing the fact she felt the need to call the police means he probably acted like he was unable to do anything and seeing him driving a car made it obvious he was faking.

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My husband is also brain damaged and he can drive once he goes 6th months without any seizures but he doesn't have a lisence. He wants to get one though.

Faking a condition hurts people with that condition. Pretty soon people will start getting skeptical of anyone with a condition and might assume someone is faking it when they're not.

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while yes someone with brain damage who needs diapers can drive, my tip off would have been needing to be bottle fed.

let this be a lesson to all those who want to 'dupe' others into caring for them... its not cool!

although kudos to the guy for actually paying her..

and $600 a week to boot!!!

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It was wrong, but $600 to let someone watch cartoons and change a few diapers isn't bad at all! I half suspect she knew and it's only the husband who didn't like it and looked into it.

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People like this should be shot in the head...

No one likes to be scammed. The woman got paid well, but she was still misled. Not good publicity for us!

BTW, with reference to questions in other posts about sleeping pills, etc...did anyone notice the video story about the Ambien rapist? That's horrible - can Ambien make you do something you just never would do otherwise?? Hope not! boo hiss very seriously when it comes to rape!

Not so, but still a little, seriously - hope we don't hear stories about Ambien diapered sleep walkers!

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Yeah not good PR at all. I do think it's stupid she's trying to press charges. She consented to take care of him and got paid for it. The guy is probably miserable enough if he designed this elaborate scheme just let him be and go home with your money.

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Lol iunno about most people here, but I think that's hilarious! Fuck, it ain't a bad idea, that's a lot of money!

The issue is that these women who do this kind of work care about helping someone in need, so getting duped in that way sucks. But I want more publicity about this!!! Think about the women who aren't registered who could hear about this and think "Holy fucking shit I can make how much treating some guy as a baby??". That's prime for them gents who can't find a mommy, if you got that kinda money$! Cha-ching. Shits legal, nothing sexual in nature necessarily has to occur.

Fear not gents!! I see a world with women posting ads on craiglust happy to baby a dude for a price. Maybe I'm optimistcally stoned sitting here in this dentist office, but there will be more. Not less. Woo-hoo! Haha

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God what a bitch, it seems that guy never made any sexual advances towards her, all she had to do his change nappies and bottle feed him For $600 a week, Big Deal! We all have our little fantasies and who would live them out if they had the time or money? He could of been brain damaged but did not tell the total truth about his condition.

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BTW, with reference to questions in other posts about sleeping pills, etc...did anyone notice the video story about the Ambien rapist? That's horrible - can Ambien make you do something you just never would do otherwise?? Hope not! boo hiss very seriously when it comes to rape!

this is an actual sleep disorder in which people in their sleep with seek someone out to have sex with. Its like sleep walking or sleep eating. The person is completely unaware what they are doing, and as such cannot be held accountable for their actions as they are technically in an unconscious sleep state.

Ambien, known ot make people sleep walk, could have exaccerbated the condition in the man which was already present, just lying dormant.

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I must say.... there is plenty of blame to go around.

The Guy - bad baby, lying about this stuff

the guy + at least you paid her, and did not cross the line to sexual advances

the lady - DUH!!!! if this person is that damaged that they are in diapers and require bottle feeding, why are they walking to your house? Do some duediligence (sp?); seriously, mentally handicapped person walking the streets, you never met the brother or aunt. You are truly a freaking moron!! I mean you would think you would have met somebody in person, or got the info about family dr. or medical professional who treated your patient.

I think she was fine and happy with this arrangement, and may have even known that it was a ruse..... and then the money started to fall through.... now she is crying foul.

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Did everyone forget, yes the arrangment was $600 but she wasn't getting paid! This guy didn't have the money either, only for a short while.

Funny though, wonder if he did have the money to continue it how long it would have continued before she cried wolf. I willing to bet several months, and even after that, if he came out to her about the truth if they would have just left the arrangement as is anyway. I think husband would've been the one to kill it.

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I think many of us didn't actually read the article, I was going by others responses saying that he was paying her. So he arranged it, payed for a week or two then stopped? Or just didn't flat out pay her at all?

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Whether the woman was initially consenting then changed her mind, or whether she was truly deceived is irrelevant. What matters is that this story is out there, and John Q. Public is going to presume malice.

The presentation is one of "pervert deceives local woman", and we all know how that plays out in the general psyche. Sure, maybe there's a silver lining in reaching people who might be isolated ABs/mommies/daddies, but overall this is another "Hey! Look at the weirdo!" story.

So put me in with the "Oh, great. Just what we need" group. Grumble grumble grumble...

Maybe I ought to just go swap these Depends for a thick Abena and take a walk to clear my mind.

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Do I need money? Yes. But $600 a week is less than $100 a day. In my book, that's not enough money to change diapers and care for someone. Now, maybe if someone wanted to pay me $600 a day, I might consider it... But I'm really not a people person. So, unless it was a purdy gal who wanted to hire me, it'd cost 'em a lot...

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Do I need money? Yes. But $600 a week is less than $100 a day. In my book, that's not enough money to change diapers and care for someone. Now, maybe if someone wanted to pay me $600 a day, I might consider it... But I'm really not a people person. So, unless it was a purdy gal who wanted to hire me, it'd cost 'em a lot...

Don't know about you Yvhuce...But $600 "under the table" sounds like a pretty good deal. I mean I don't remember if it said so or not about how many hours she had to be with him, but even if it was eight that's still pretty good money these days. I would presume that it was a monday to friday thing, if so that's more than a $100 a day. I personally am straight and married to a wonderful Wife/Mommy. But if a guy didn't mind another guy changing his diapers and feeding him the bottle, I could do it in a heartbeat. :P

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this story made the seattle stranger.. apparently she cared for him for FOUR MONTHS before she became suspicious.... i have to think he couldn't have gone more than a few weeks without paying her before she would stop offering her services... and my thing is, she wants to get him on exposure, but and this is just a technicality, but if she were the one opening his diaper to change him, wouldn't she be 'consenting' to the exposure? lol....

not saying what he did was right, just another sad lonely man, but at least he didn't pent up his rage and shoot up a gym because he couldn't get laid.

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