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So... Yea... Micheal Jackson Is Dead.

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did anybody else follow the news? looks like MJ is dead...

At first when I heard that I told myself, Men in black just sent him back to his planet(u won't understand if u didn't saw the movie) , but well. he's rly dead. :huh:

Anyway, now he's prolly gonna get very very very popular. as Elvis did when he died. :rolleyes:

good day all.

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Fuck that pedophile. I'm glad he's dead. I just heard a little while ago that if he didn't die of natural causes,the coroner and the family won't release the COD. Fuckin' bullshit. It was drugs and most people know it. He was depressed and suicidal. He took too much coke or heroin and the piece of shit is dead. I was going to wait awhile before saying anything but fuck it! I'm pissed that Farrah Fawcett's death was put to the side to talk about Wacko Jack-O.

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While for many of us it was sudden and unexpected that michael jackson died, for an african american male (which, remember, he was) 50 is not that young for a cardiac arrest... andas non of us know his exact lifestyle in regards to diet and exercise we really can't speculate.

However, lets all remember Farraw and Ed as well, while farrah was suffering for a long time with cancer, and Ed was quite old, their contributions to the entertainment industries were just as big and long lasting as the contributions michael made.

the entertainment industry has lost three historical figuresthis week.

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Fuck that pedophile. I'm glad he's dead. I just heard a little while ago that if he didn't die of natural causes,the coroner and the family won't release the COD. Fuckin' bullshit. It was drugs and most people know it. He was depressed and suicidal. He took too much coke or heroin and the piece of shit is dead. I was going to wait awhile before saying anything but fuck it! I'm pissed that Farrah Fawcett's death was put to the side to talk about Wacko Jack-O.

1st, This is complete irrespect for the dead

2st, May I have proofs of whatever your saying??? Oh wait... there's none. Everything you said in this piece of crap you wrote was left Unproven. Dude, don't believe all the shits the news say, most of what they say is often lies or, Very far from truth.

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I didn't believe it myself when my friend text me with the news! I never was a big fan but for those who were it must be very sad. I think the news and tabloids are going to take this pretty far but I think Farrah Fawcett's death should have got more attention than his. Well, may all four of the ones who died R.I.P.

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1st, This is complete irrespect for the dead

2st, May I have proofs of whatever your saying??? Oh wait... there's none. Everything you said in this piece of crap you wrote was left Unproven. Dude, don't believe all the shits the news say, most of what they say is often lies or, Very far from truth.

#1-It's supposed to be cruel and harsh. Fuck him. I don't care if he is dead. He was a pedophile.

#2-You want proof? Who in their right mind pays off the family that accuses them of diddling their son when they weren't guilty? Who? :huh: It's all over the internet about his drug use. I heard it was drugs an hour after he was stiff.

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Doesn't anyone else think that four celebs dead in one month is a little creepy?

David Carradine

Ed Mcmahon

Farrah Fawcet

Michael Jackson

...makes me wonder who's next...

~ moogle

celebrity deaths have for a long time occured in threes..... and since david carradine was a few weeks ago, he falls into a different group... but ed, farrah and michael are the current trio...

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I do not understand why it's bad to talk badly of someone who has passed away. I also don't care if he has died. That's one less child fucker on earth. One down, more to go. Sadly there will never be any less child fuckers because they are still being born because some babies grow up to fuck a child. You just don't know which child will grow up to be a sicko. :sad:

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1st, This is complete irrespect for the dead

2st, May I have proofs of whatever your saying??? Oh wait... there's none. Everything you said in this piece of crap you wrote was left Unproven. Dude, don't believe all the shits the news say, most of what they say is often lies or, Very far from truth.

My wife even believes that MJ was a "Pedo", her reason: because he paid "hush money" to multiple families...

Maybe he just didn't want to deal with the automatic "Guilty until proven innocent" mindset the public has on the subject of Pedo's... (Even though the rule of justice is supposed to be INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY.)

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#1-It's supposed to be cruel and harsh. Fuck him. I don't care if he is dead. He was a pedophile.

#2-You want proof? Who in their right mind pays off the family that accuses them of diddling their son when they weren't guilty? Who? :huh: It's all over the internet about his drug use. I heard it was drugs an hour after he was stiff.

Pete, just because he paid them off does not PROVE ANTYTHING! You are closed minded about him, just like my wife is.

Maybe he wanted to prevent the media circus created by Pedo court cases, since the media likes to make things sound worse than they really are or try to make people appear guilty when they have only either circumstantial evidence, or no evidence at all.

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I do not understand why it's bad to talk badly of someone who has passed away. I also don't care if he has died. That's one less child fucker on earth. One down, more to go. Sadly there will never be any less child fuckers because they are still being born because some babies grow up to fuck a child. You just don't know which child will grow up to be a sicko. :sad:

Were you in his house to witness these "alleged" "child fucking" events?

Just because the media outlets report something, doesn't mean it is 100% correct and true.

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Sorry.....couldn't care less about celebrity deaths! They are just people like the rest of us! (but of all people he really could be an alien!) Why get so worked up about it?

I care more about the 2 year old little girl found dead on the south side of Chicago than I do about wacko jacko!

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Fuck that pedophile. I'm glad he's dead. I just heard a little while ago that if he didn't die of natural causes,the coroner and the family won't release the COD. Fuckin' bullshit. It was drugs and most people know it. He was depressed and suicidal. He took too much coke or heroin and the piece of shit is dead. I was going to wait awhile before saying anything but fuck it! I'm pissed that Farrah Fawcett's death was put to the side to talk about Wacko Jack-O.

I do not understand why it's bad to talk badly of someone who has passed away. I also don't care if he has died. That's one less child fucker on earth. One down, more to go. Sadly there will never be any less child fuckers because they are still being born because some babies grow up to fuck a child. You just don't know which child will grow up to be a sicko. :sad:

pedophile or not (he is) his music wasn't may cup o' tea. sure billy jean is decent but meh to everything.

when farrah fawcett got to heaven god gave her one wish so she wished for all the children in the world to be safe. so god killed michale jackson.

Damn straight to all of these. It's good t'know that I'm not the only one who's glad he's dead and burning in Hell, where he belongs...

And it really is horrible that his death is eclipsing those of Farrah and Ed. <_<

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Karma is a bitch isn't it?

Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson bought their way out of horrific crimes.

I remember a sermon from church 30 years ago. "You can be sure that your sins will find you out".

Were you in his house to witness these "alleged" "child fucking" events?

Just because the media outlets report something, doesn't mean it is 100% correct and true.

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Damn straight to all of these. It's good t'know that I'm not the only one who's glad he's dead and burning in Hell, where he belongs...

And it really is horrible that his death is eclipsing those of Farrah and Ed. <_<

Did you personally witness him committing acts worthy of being condemned to Hell?

I don't think ANY OF US on this board were in his house to witness any of the actions people continuously allege him doing.

Why is it that people are so quick to point fingers of judgement and call him guilty when there has been NO CONCRETE PROOF!

Whatever happened to the concept of "Innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT"? I have seen no absolute undeniable proof of any of the claims of him being a pedo or doing those kind of things. Just because he paid people to be quiet doesn't make him guilty of any crime, maybe he didn't want to be involved in a media circus of people judging him guilty which would have made it impossible to have a fair trial.

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Did you personally witness him committing acts worthy of being condemned to Hell?

I don't think ANY OF US on this board were in his house to witness any of the actions people continuously allege him doing.

Why is it that people are so quick to point fingers of judgement and call him guilty when there has been NO CONCRETE PROOF!

Whatever happened to the concept of "Innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT"? I have seen no absolute undeniable proof of any of the claims of him being a pedo or doing those kind of things. Just because he paid people to be quiet doesn't make him guilty of any crime, maybe he didn't want to be involved in a media circus of people judging him guilty which would have made it impossible to have a fair trial.

The moment he paid those families off,he sealed his fate with the court of public opinion. The COPO is a much more harsher bitch than the court of law. If he had gone to court and proved his innocence,I'd honestly say that I would've believed him. As much as our justice system is fucked,it's still the best we have and I'll take that over the COPO anyday.

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Hate him, love him, miss him or have no concern. Regardless of how you feel. I just think it's sad that with all the important issues in the world. All we will hear for the new month Is all Michael all the time. Hangers on and mindless clones wialing and gnashing their teeth. Michael Jackson's legacy will be the politicians destroyed America while the people looked at the bright shiney lights surrounding the Michael Jackson story. Iran Killed 1,000's of it's own citizens because noone was looking and they could be assured noone would care. Korea gets another pass from the UN and renews playing with it's nuclear legos as the short attention span theatre goes on and on. Be warned when the fog generated by the ratings grab clears it will not be the same world as when you put your mind to sleep.

Just my rant for the day

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