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Just a short story I posted on FA a while back. I am currently writing another story in this world, so we'll see where that goes, but for now ... ----------- ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED 18+ Best Day - An ABDL Story I lay in my crib, my eyelids heavy. Above me lies a sea of glow-in-the-dark stars, floating out of reach in the morning light. My nappy is thick around my thighs, my legs separated, pushed apart by the damp padding. It’s quiet, mostly, except for the sound of Daddy downstairs, making breakfast. The smell of warm porridge floats upstairs, under my door, and into my room, and my mouth begins to water. Food soon–it’s a big day ahead, and if I’m going to make the most of it, I need to be ready. I realise I don’t have my dummy, it must have fallen out in my sleep. Groggily, I turn over onto my belly, and come face-to-face with my dummy, it’s rubber nipple touching my nosie. I giggle a little, and suck the nipple until it wiggles it’s way back into my mouth again. Sucky sucky. I need to go wee wee, I can feel it in my tummy. But before I can stop or hold back, my nappy grows warm again, as fresh wetness is added. I could only just about press my legs together before, but it is impossible now. The nappy has soaked my little accident, and it feels so good. I moan happily, alone in my room, and wriggle about against the bed in my very soggy nappy. “Hey there, little one.” I hear, and stop wriggling. My door creaks open, and Daddy is there, standing in the light of the morning sun. “Is someone being a naughty little boy?” he walks over to my crib, and leans against it. He looks down tenderly at me, a little smile on his face. I grow all embarrassed, my face flushed and hot. “No!” I insist, through my dummy, “I a goowd boy!” “Well, my little Jammy Dodger, we’ve got a busy day ahead, haven’t we? We need to get ready.” I groan. “Can I shtay in bed a wittle wonger?” I ask, but daddy shakes his head. “It’s breakfast time now, and by the looks of it we still need to change your nappy, and get you dressed for the park.” “Is Wosie still coming?” I ask, and daddy smiles again. “She sure is. Think you want to have breakfast now?” he smirks, and I nod with a newfound energy. Daddy releases the side of my crib and helps me out of bed. I tail him with a waddle, comfortable in my onesie and thick night-time nappy, and follow him downstairs into the kitchen, where the smell of hot porridge and honey meets me. My dummy is taken away, and placed on the counter. I sniff the sweet smelling food, even as I’m helped into my colourful wooden high-chair, and my stomach grumbles. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was until now. Once I’m in my chair, Daddy sits across from me. He scoops up some porridge and zig zags the spoon toward my waiting mouth. I focus, ready to eat. “Neeeeoooowww,” Daddy says, mimicking an engine, “Here comes the aeroplane!” I open my mouth wide. The spoon comes at me quick. I’ve done this many times before, every day for twenty six years, but I always seem to miss. Daddy zags at the last minute, just as I go in for the bite. Porridge gets all over my mouth and my onesie. “Oh dear, I should have got you a bib, shouldn’t I?” daddy grins slyly, and I know he’s done it deliberately, surely I’m not that messy? A bib is quickly attached around my neck and I am given free reign over the spoon. The porridge is good porridge, sweet and filling, warm and gooey. Excited to get to the park, and see Rosie, I eat quickly and get a lot down me, but that’s what the bib is for, all that is expected of me–I can’t be trusted to eat sensibly after all. My face is a smeary mess of oat and honey. After I’ve had my fill, savouring the sweet taste of honey, Daddy comes and cleans me up a little. Without warning, he reaches down and squeezes my nappy, and I groan. “Mmmm.” he mumbles. Unsatisfied, he reaches around one of the leg-holes, pokes his finger inside my damp padding. “Yep, you’re soaked. Okay Dodger, time for changies.” And he lifts me out of my chair. My mind wanders to the day ahead, to the park, to Rosie, as I’m led into the bright living room. A mat is spread out, plastic and crinkly, and Daddy makes me lie down. “Daddy,” I ask as he snaps open my onesie, “Will Rosie’s daddy be there too?” “He sure will, Dan’s going to be talking with me, while our little babies play.” Daddy says as he enters the routine of morning changes. I see him blush a little. Daddy is the best, taking me to play with Rosie at the park, but I know he isn’t going just for me. I wonder sometimes why he doesn’t tell Dan how he feels, but I never ask him. It’s not my job to worry about such things. Daddy would definitely say the same. I’m too little right now to worry about that. He tears open the sides of my nappy, and hums a song–he does it whenever he’s excited. “What a soggy baby you are.” Daddy says. I look down at the yellowed padding, as air hits my bare waist. The inside is swollen with a night and morning wettings (and maybe a little bit of wee from before bed as well). Daddy says “Well, let’s get you freshened up.” And he begins to wipe my bottom and privates with a wet-wipe that’s cold against my skin. As Daddy changes me I day-dream about the park. I think about the twizzly red slide and how much fun it is to race down it. I think about the climbing frame, and how my nappy swings below me as I climb from bar to bar. I think, eagerly, about the sandbox, my absolute favoritest part of the whole entire park. Crawling about in the sand makes me feel so little, and making sandcastles and shifting sand about, and playing with my plastic car. “Woah there Jammy Dodger,” Daddy says, holding my legs still, “A little less wriggling please.” “Sowwy daddy.” I say, and try to contain my excitement as much as I can, as difficult as it is, and stop my legs moving. Without a word, Daddy lifts my legs, and knowing what’s next, I help by raising my bottom off the ground. A fresh nappy, all crinkly and soft, is slid under me, along with a generous sprinkle of powder. I suspect Daddy won’t want to change me at the park if he doesn’t have to, not that babies like me can help it of course. He’ll likely just leave me in my wet nappy for longer. I smile up to Daddy and he beams back. A fresh onesie comes next. It’s blue with a green t-rex on the front. “Arms up!” Daddy says and I obey, letting him slide it on me, and pull it around my fresh nappy. Then my dungarees. “Hop in!” Daddy says, and I obey, climbing into the jeans leg-by-leg, and leaning on Daddy’s shoulders for support. He snaps the buttons underneath my crotch together, checks the back is secure, and gives my padded bottom a firm pat. “What a cute butt you have.” he says, and I feel my face grow hot again. Sometimes I wish he wouldn’t do that, especially not in public. Yet, a part of me, deep down, wishes he’d do it more. I was very cute after all. If Daddy says so, it must be true! I am allowed to play in the living room with my toy car for a bit whilst Daddy packs, and makes sandwiches. “Jam please!” I say and he chuckles warmly, spreading far too much jam into my sandwich. When he’s finished I am given my dummy back, and we climb into the car. Daddy straps me into a big carseat, and I am given my fluffy teddy backpack to hold, and I put my red car inside it, whilst Daddy places a big bag with spare changes in the back of the car. Then, we are off. The park we were going to was through town, too far to walk, but close enough so it’s not a long journey. As we drive, my mind wanders absentmindedly to the road around me and all the cars. “Look, daddy! There’s a red one!” I point as it drives past. It matches the little red car I have in my bag. “Good boy!” Daddy says, keeping his eye on the road, “I bet you can’t count how many red cars you see?” “I can!” I insist, “I can count them all the way up to ten!” “Wow, that’s such a big number, I’m not sure you can count that high. You’ll have to show me you can, Dodger.” I begin counting immediately. “1, 2…” I quickly find the stop-start of the traffic soothing enough that my eyelids grow heavy. It had been a really early start. Perhaps, if I just take a quick nap… “James … we’re here kiddo.” Daddy coos gently from the front of the car. Slowly, I open my eyes and begin to rub the sleep out of them. “It’s time to wake up James.” “I’m awake Daddy.” I say as I hear the crunch of stones beneath the car. “How many cars did I count?” “Oh, you got up to five! You were half-way there, kiddo.” he says and I grin broadly behind a big yawn. I’m getting good at counting. “Dan says he and Rosie are already here sweetie, see if you can find them while I park.” Immediately I jump up in my seat, suddenly more awake, and a lot more exited. I feel my waist grow a little warm, and realise that my excitement must have made me pee a little, but that’s what my protection is for, after all. I search the car park for Rosie and Dan. As we bump across the uneven surface, I scan each and every car until– “There they are!” I say and point to a man and woman about my age. Dan is tall, taller than Daddy, and his white t-shirt makes him bright in the summer sun. He has a back-pack on, and what looks like a heavy bag at his side, no doubt full of nappy supplies. Rosie, in her denim dungaree-skirt almost matches me, except her shirt is pink and not green. I wave at them as we pass, and they spot us and wave back. Rosie jumps up and down in the air, almost matching my energy. Daddy turns around and parks up next to them. Rosie is waiting impatiently as I leap out without thinking. “James!” she shouts back. Normally I’m not a fan of hugs, but for Rosie and Dan, I make an exception. We stay locked for a moment as our daddies greet eachother. “Do you want to go on the swings with me when we get there?” Rosie asks and I nod. “And the roundabout!” I say. “Hey James,” Dan says, towering over everyone. He ruffles my hair–I like it when he does that, it makes me feel all small and helpless. I shrink into myself shyly, quietly enjoying the attention. “Look at how tall you are! You must have grown loads since Rosie and I last saw you.” “Daddy says I haven’t.” I pout, “But I reckon I’ve grown a metre since then!” “Wow! A whole metre! I’m sure you have bud!” he ruffles my hair again. Suddenly I feel a tug from behind–Daddy has pulled back my dungarees and nappy. Without a word, he lets go and the elastic in my dungarees snaps back into place. “He’s a little wet, but I’m sure it’ll hold a little more.” “Rosie’s dry as a desert at the moment but…” their voices trail off as me and Rosie lead the way to the park. As we both walk slightly bow-legged from the thick (and already slightly damp) padding between our legs, we catch-up in the way that old friends do. Rosie tells me about their six-month visit to France, where they were helping Dan’s brother move house. “He had so much stuff!” Rosie says, hopping along beside me, “A bunch of old comics and books and things like that. She’s vastly more energetic than me, her excitement bubbling over into movement. I just grin and enjoy her company, and our daddies chatting idly behind us. “Uncle Will was showing me how to speak French too! You wanna hear?” “Sure!” I nod. “Jay sank grenools.” Rosie says it with the confidence of someone who definitely doesn’t know how to speak French. I hear our daddies chuckle from behind, their adult conversation quiet and distant, too important to interest me or Rosie. “That means ‘I have five frogs.’” Rosie says, beaming with pride. “Good girl!” Dan says, and gives her hair a ruffle like he did mine, and Rosie giggles. The park is busy when we arrive, with about twenty other people playing there, their minders sitting on benches at the side, chatting or watching. Most are older than me and Rosie, or about the same age, but almost all of them are dressed in the same infantile clothing. Some wear overalls or dungarees like us. One girl, who looks a little older than us, whizzes down the slide in a big fluffy tutu. Others wear only a t-shirt and nappy as they waddle around. Above us, clouds hover fluffy and white against a deep blue sky, stripes of shade and light move across the park as the clouds move ahead of the sun. There is a nice, cool breeze in the warm summer air. Me and Rosie look at eachother and grin, and almost escape our caretakers, before we’re both grabbed at the arm by Daddy. “Now, now,” Daddy says, spinning me back around. “Make sure you two behave yourselves.” he adjusts my clothing a little, and I can tell he’s giving me a quick nappy check. “Daaadddyyyy.” I protest, but he pulls my dungarees in place and makes sure they are fastened correctly, and finishes with a warm smile. “Boop.” he says, tapping my nose, and I can’t stop myself giggling. “There we are my love, ready to go play.” He gives my padded bottom a playful pat, and I’m off like a rocket. Me and Rosie spend the next hour in our own world. She spins me as fast as the roundabout goes, and I cling on to dear life as she runs beside it. After what feels like forever, I jump off and the world tumbles quickly around me. I reckon I must have peed a little more because when I fall all dizzily to the ground, I feel a squish. However, while my padded bottom survives, my unprotected hand scrapes across the ground. “Owie!” I say, tears building in my eyes, but Rosie knows what to do. She kisses my hand where the boo-boo is, and says: “That’s what my daddy does when I’m hurt, and he says it makes it all better.” And although it still hurts a little, it feels a little better now. We go to the slide, and I play a monster chasing Rosie up and down, and up and down. And then we switch roles, and she chases me, and I push myself down the slide to escape her. “Rawr!” she says with her arms in the air. “Ahhhh!” I half-scream-half-giggle madly. Our daddies talk idly as they push us on the swings. The bucket-swing is designed almost like a high-chair, and the seat comes up between my legs and around my waist as I’m lowered into it. My legs are spread apart, and my nappy is soft beneath me. I see the rush of ground beneath me, feel my stomach backflip as I fall back down toward Daddy and he pushes me back up. I look beside me, and Rosie is a blur of giggles. I look to the sky and feel like I’m flying as I almost reach the clouds, so high up, my feet dangling in the air. I feel so big, and so little. I feel so excited and completely at peace. I feel as if I am a part of the world, and have no power to stop whatever happens next, but I don’t mind. Daddy will be there to catch me if I fall. Eventually, as the park begins to empty, we make our way over to the sandbox. “Daddy,” I ask as he bends down to sit on the bench, “Can I have my car now?” Daddy gives a knowing look to Dan, who smiles back, as if they speak some silent language that I have no hope of understanding. “Well.” Daddy says, as he reaches into my bag, “Since you’ve been such a good boy today, Dodger, I suppose you can have it… Do you want to bring one over to Rosie as well?” I nod, and he pulls out two small plastic cars, red and blue. I take both and flop down into the sandbox, sending sand around me like dust. I ask Rosie which one she wants, and she takes a moment to decide. “Ummmm, the blue one!” she says eventually. We crawl about in the sandbox for what seems like hours. I feel the sand between my fingers as me and Rosie race our cars around the edge of the massive pit of sand. Some bright buckets and spades have been abandoned by many generations of visitors, and we use them to make sandcastles. “Here!” Rosie says, “I’ll hold the bucket while you put sand in.” She kneels beside the bucket and I nod, enthusiastically grabbing a spade and shovelling in sand. As we dig, Rosie’s gaze wanders over to her daddy. “Do you think they like eachother?” she asks. “Ummm, I think so.” I say, taking a break from digging to look over. They’re talking, laughing, their hands close to one another’s, so close to touching. “I think they both like each-other, but grown-ups don’t say what they want, they just pretend the other person can read their mind.” “Yeah.” Rosie agrees. “Grown-ups are silly. I really like being here with you James.” she smiles. I blush a little despite myself, and grin back. “Me too Rosie, I could do this forever and ever!” We go back to making our castles, and decide to make a wall and split the sandbox in half. One at a time, we fill up a bucket with sand, heave it over to the middle of the sandbox, and dump it in the centre. About half-way through, as Rosie squats down to pat on a bucket with her spade, she goes still. I see her face grow focused and turn red, and she grunts a little. After a little toot, I see the seat of her skirt grow ever-so-slightly. A final sigh reveals what she has done, and she falls back onto her bottom, and into the sand, as if nothing had happened at all. Almost in response, my own stomach cramps, but I ignore it. Why worry about something as silly as that? As I come over, she is patting on her bucket, whilst wriggling a little, a silly smile on her face. I toddle over in my soggy nappy, and flop down next to her. The smell hits my nose almost immediately, confirmation of the fresh mess Rosie has made, and I give her a knowing smile, trying not to laugh. “Hey, don’t be such a stinkybuttface!” she pouts and crosses her arms. “I’m not a stinkybuttface!” I protest, “You’re the one that’s just made a messy!” I can’t hold back a giggle, and neither can Rosie. We both fall into a fit of laughter as Little Miss Smelly and I return to our castle wall. Rosie and I shift sand, and fill buckets, and by the end of it, we’ve split the sandpit in half. I’m on one side, and she is on the other. But we’re not done yet. “Ready?” I ask as I stand ready. “Ready!” she says, and we both count down from three. “3, 2, 1!” we both say together, and jump as high as we can into the air, destroying the sandcastles as quick as we can. We jump from castle to castle, racing eachother to each end of the sandbox. But I don’t quite make it to the end. Suddenly, another cramp hits my stomach and I’m forced to stop and bend over, and fall into a squat. I know what’s about to come, and for a moment, I consider shouting for daddy. But, I know what he’d say: “Just use your nappy, that’s what it’s for.” So, I do just that. Without any more silly adult thoughts, I begin to push. I squeeze out a few farts before the main event. My poopie slowly moves out of me, I feel the end of it like a tail as it pushes against the back of my nappy. I push some more, grunting as the mess slowly fills my padded bottom, dropping into my seat. Quickly my nappy grows heavy. I pee a little too, the front of my nappy grows warm as it soaks up my wee, spreading across the front pleasantly. I look over to daddy, he’s talking in whispers with Dan, their faces close and smiling. But I haven’t quite finished going poopie. I glance over to daddy again, hoping he hasn’t seen me. Unfortunately, he has. I blush, and look away, determined to avoid his gaze as I finish my mess. I glance up again, and Daddy and Dan are on their way over, and I notice they’re holding hands. Daddy smiles broadly as he approaches. “Hey there Dodger, are you making a messy?” he says almost nonchalantly. “Nnnn,” I groan, “Noooo...” “James, what did we say about potty honesty?” He shoots me a look. I pause. “Are you making a poopie?” he repeats. Bashfully, I nod. “Have you finished?” “I … almost Daddy, nnnnn.” I push again and feel another little load drop into the seat of my dungarees. With a final toot, I say, “Ahhhh, I think I’m finished now.” “Good boy for being honest about making messies!” he ruffles my hair like Dan does, and I fall backwards onto a sandcastle, the sand squishing beneath with my fresh load. “Oh, I think we have another smelly bum over here!” Dan says, giving Rosie’s rear a sniff for confirmation. “Daaaaddddyyyyy…” Rosie blushes deep red, but I know she’s just as proud of her mess as I am of mine. “I think,” Daddy says, “It’s time for changies. Come on, let’s go back to the car.” “Awwwww.” Me and Rosie both deflate. We were having so much fun and now it looks like we’re going home. Even though I want more than anything to keep playing, it had been a long day. Even Daddy’s mention of the car makes me yawn deeply. “Come on.” Daddy says, patting me and Rosie on our mushy tooshies, “Let’s get you two stinky butts in some clean pants.” Me and Rosie hold hands, and hold our Daddies’ hands on either side, forming a chain as we make our way back to the car. Me and Rosie play about a little, dragging our heels, or jumping about, desperate to extend the day just a little bit more. But we arrive at the car all too quickly and suddenly the day has come to an end. “Lay down on the seat here.” Daddy instructs me, and Dan tells Rosie to do the same in their car, opposite. I lay down on a mat he’s spread out, and stare up at the fabric ceiling of the car, as Daddy unties my shoes, unzips my dungarees and takes them off, and exposes my dirty nappy to the world. From his bag, he pulls out wipes and a spare nappy. “Poooweee,” he says, and leans close. With a sly grin, he whispers in my ear, “Someone’s a stinky little boy.” And with that, he begins. Quickly, he tears off the tapes of my thoroughly used padding. He opens it up, revealing my messy bottom to everyone who would walk by. He takes out a wet-wipe, two, and I feel it’s cold touch against my skin for the second time today, as he wipes me down. Eventually, the dirty wipes are piled into my equally dirty nappy. “Bottom’s up.” he says and I raise myself off the mat so he can slide the nappy off and roll it up. In the car opposite, I see Dan finish cleaning Rosie, and he pulls her skirt down to cover her clean nappy. She hops out and watches as my change comes to an end. I see her smile through the gap, mirrored by Dan who stands with his hands on her shoulders. They watch me tenderly, and I feel suddenly sad, not knowing when I’ll see them again. Daddy sees me watching them. “You’ve been a very good boy today.” he says quietly, “And Rosie’s been a very good little girl.” he pauses. I frown as he slides a clean nappy under me, curious as to what he’ll say next. “Did you see me and Dan talking earlier?” he says eventually. “Yes Daddy. You were holding hands.” I smile, he blushes and looks away, and I smile even more, suspecting what they had been talking about. “Well, we were thinking … how would you like it if they came round for dinner? Tonight.” A broad grin creeps across my face. Almost without hesitation I nod excitedly, “Yes, yes!” “Haha, good!” Daddy does the last of the tapes on my nappy, tightening them up so my fresh padding is firm around my waist. He gives the front a pat. We all bundle into our respective cars, I am strapped back into my car seat, and I see Rosie shoot me one last glance from beyond her car’s window. She gets to sit in the front, next to Dan. Within moments, her car slides past ours, and drives away, and we follow. Sunlight sparkles through the trees alongside the road, and Daddy hums some tune I don’t know. I don’t really listen, and his humming becomes another noise in the car, but a noise of comfort, and safety, and love. I only suckle on my dummy, and lay quiet and still and thoughtful, as the car shakes beneath me. As I lay snuggly strapped into my car seat, I imagine tonight, and all the time with Rosie and Dan yet to come. I imagine Daddy and his smiling eyes. And I am truly, utterly, happy. THE END.
Hello Texas Folks! I'm in North DFW (Mckinney Area), and am looking to meet AB friends who are local. I have literally never had any AB experiences with another person (save some girlfriends who wanted to "try"), and would love to meet some local folks to play. DFW area is best (North Dallas), but I can travel a little! Anyway, if you're interested in talking about meeting up, and then maybe eventually meeting up, message me directly or respond to this thread! I look forward to hearing from everybody!
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From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
Hello I have an idea for a roleplay, I am looking for someone to play the caregiver. Just to make it clear this is not a sexual roleplay. I play Tilly she is 21 and has just arrived in town. This is Tilly - She is a bit odd. She likes to read, paint and play chess. She also sometimes wears the rabbit mask when she wants to be "hide" behind something. She tends to speak whatever wonderfully weird thought that pops into her head. She is very immature for her age. She does have a very bad wetting problem. She wears pull ups and most of the time can get to the potty when she goes number 2 but never number 1. She has arrived in town with a mission, to find her birth father/mother/sibling/other family member. That's you. PM me if you are interested.
Hi want to meet, play, chat, hangout locally here in Fort Wayne
Hello, i am new here but just looking for some suggestions for something I'm going to try. I ordered an inflatable butt plug and a hollow "tunnel" plug and when they arrive I am planning on using them to fill myself up with bananas and enemas and then eventually messing my diaper. I have done the banana challenge a couple times but always have to let them out earlier than I would like.
It was a very dark Sunday evening and fetacular was writing a diaper story. This particular story involved fetacular being kept in diapers since youth. He was sent to the abdl hospital where his life on camera would begin. Arriving at the hospital the nurses talked at the entrance, nurse1 “oooh this one’s gunna bring in the ratings”, nurse2“ who do you think has to change his diaper”, nurse1 “you do”, nurse 2 “so do you”, nurse3 “what smells”, nurse1”omg it’s vennessa she pooped herself” nurse2”you better go change her nobody likes a poopy diaper” nurse 1 “yeah except her” the nurses giggled and gagged a little and went to work. Nurse 2 “hello feta, I here you failed potty training some years ago and have been in diapers ever since” Feta said “yeah but I can do things on my own” nurse2 “like what feta”? “like going out to the movies and stuff” nurse2 “well you know, your 21 now, and it’s legal for you to go to bars and stuff, buuuut the problem is bars don’t like it when people who failed toilet training go in there with there dirty diapers and stink up there bars”. Feta “well I won’t go to bars then” Nurse 2 “yeah, we tried that in the 1990’s, we can’t keep our eye's on all of you”, 1 feta say's “no, please (sob) I don’t want to spend my life in here”! Page2 2feta says “how long do I have to stay here” page 3 Page 2 1 feta say's “no, please (sob) I don’t want to spend my life in here”! Page2 Nurse1“ you don’t have to spend your whole life in here,” “only as long as it takes to potty train you” Nurse 2 got back from cleaning up vennessa, he even stuck his index finger in and stretched her until it snapped, the look on her face was priceless to him. He told her the command (foooootsy) and she put her feet on nurse1s left hand while he fapped open the diaper With his riight, then rolled vennessa back slid the nursery diaper under her, then let her feet go.. her feet naturally spread and nurse 1 taped her in tightly, the diaper was thick, and went up past her pelvic bone up just past her belly button. Vennessa said, “but I don’t want to wear diapers today”, nurse1 said “yes but vennessa you play with yourself when your not in diapers” nurse 3 “and this isn’t a place for fun, sugar baby” 1feta says “how long will it take to potty train me?” go to page 4 2feta says “can I wear a thinner diaper nurse,” go to page 8 Page3 feta say’s “how long do I have to stay here?” nurse1 said, “well, that depends on how well you behave, and of course how long it takes to potty train you.” Feta “the only reason I’m in diapers is because my mom kept me in them, I’ve told her for the past 14 years I was capable of toilet training “ah ah ah” nurse1 tapped her foot with an xyz agitated leg spread,” when she realized she had fetas attention she grabbed him by the lips and squeezed them together to emulate the words “potty training” Nurse2“now say it with me,” “potty training”, “that’s better,” she said playfully. Feta “sobbed” Nurse1 entered the room and said, “why don’t we get that wet diaper off of you?” feta said “yes please”. Nurse1 pulled down fetas pants, making a smiley face at him??? next she untapped the tapes, fapping it open she then put a dry cleansing lotion on him to wipe away the urine and powder finally just in time, nurse3 showed up with a very thick plastic diaper, as she walked by fetas glare she show boated the powder and diaper to him. “feta” said nurse3; “yes” said feta, nurse3 “put your feet on my hand”, feta did so. “upsy daisy” said the nurse and she rolled feta back and slipped a diaper under him. She let go of his feet and his legs spread naturally, then she lifted it between his legs and taped him tightly in. Nurse3 walked in and said “oooo,” as she padded the diaper and said “nice and thick so you can’t Master are,” Page 4 2feta says “how long will it take to potty train me?” “well, let’s start by changing that diaper”, it was 8pm and feta's diaper was changed, he was then put to bed. He woke up with a soaking wet diaper and morning wood, nurse1 went in with a bottle and changed him at 5am next he was led into the public area to watch some TV, baby tv. Around 8am he was changed again with powder by nurse 1 The nurses went into see him at 7am they started a questionable chant “do you want a breaky or do you want to go, do you want a breaky or do you want to go, do you want a breaky or do you want to go..” Finally in a tempertantrum feta said, I want to go! The nurses started chanting “pee, pee,pee,pee,pee,pee!” feta said “no!” The nurses starting chanting again “do you want a breaky, or do you want to go, do you want a breaky or do you want to go, do you want a breaky or do you want to go” the nurses ear pieces; spy gadget type stuff, “the ratings are climbing, if he says breaky make him choose which one of you and your pay cheques will be 6 figures this month and your contracts are up, of course you can always re-sign” Feta said “fine give me breakfast!” the three nurses, nurse1, nurse2, and nurse3 dropped there tips on Camara, and they chanted “boob, boob, boob, boob” feta reached out to touch one, but nurse2 said “you can only touch it with your mouth”, feta opened his mouth and lurched forward,” the respiridone g iven to the nurses prior to this moment caused them all to lactate, as soon as feta’s mouth wrapped around nurse2 she squirt right down the back of feta’s neck. Fetas head flew backwards and her boob squirted him in the face again, feta choked and reflux gagged, saying “what the fuck was that”, nurse1 said “oh we have a potty mouth, don’t we little baby”, nurse 3 said “from now on, you have to keep a binki, in your mouth,” nurse 2 said “otherwise we'll make you wear the thick diapers, the ones that make you waddle like a bwaby”, further she stated “now, drink this nipple until it’s empty, or else you'll go to the play pen until bed time.” “no!” said feta, nurse2 said “drink from my boob or we'll give you shock therapy 1Feta says “No!” Page 5 2feta says “okay.” page6 3feta says “I want her nipples.” Pointing at nurse3 page 7 Page 5 feta yelled “no”! To nurse2, she called out “Jensa” to nurse3 who came into the room with a d volt battery and jumper cables, she zapped feta and he said “ouch, fuck! Holy shit!!” jensa zapped him again holding the jumper cables down he was shocked so bad he Peed himself, nurse3 said, in a matter of fact tone “and now, you get thick diapers just like vennessa” nurse1 and nurse2 held him down while nurse3 diapered and powdered him. She was quick and efficient. Page6 feta say’s “okay,” and takes suck of nurse2 he drank for about 20 minutes a boob as he drank he was quickly flooded by the milk and it came out into his diaper. Nurse1 stuck her hand down into his package and felt it was wet, “now it’s time for a thick diaper,” the nurses changed him and put the binki in his mouth, “now you keep that binki in your mouth until tomorrow morning or we'll put you in the play pen.” Feta nodded. Page7 feta say’s “I want her nipples.” Pointing at nurse3. Nurse 3 said okay but let’s lie down on the couch. Feta sucked and sucked and sucked and sucked and sucked until nurse3 was empty and then filled with milk, milk polyuria set in and he Peed himself, nurse2 poked his diaper and said “he’s wet!” nurse3 said to nurse2, why don’t we let him sleep here while we put on a show for the camera's. They started touching and petting and spreading nurse3 went down nurse2 raised a gay brow, they both got soaked and put there cloths and robes back on, all the while feta had one eye open. Nurse2 said “oh feta you naughty boy, did you watch,” nurse3 “good luck masturbating in that diaper. “its time you took a nap,” said nurse3 “but I’m wet” said feta. Well it’s a big diaper it’ll hold!” Page 8 Feta say’s “can I wear a thinner diaper nurse?” Nurse 3 said “nope, because you will play with yourself and the only action your going to get in here is breast milk boobs,” nurse1 “let’s get you something to eat!” Nurse 2 brought a heaping bowl of egg noodles and peanut butter feta said “where’s the fork?” nurse1 pulled a spork from behind her back, she said “sit down!” feta say. “here comes the boobies” feta swallowed deeply. She sprinkled some all over his face and said “lets get a camera,!” 1Nurse 2 checks fetas diaper go to page 9 2nurse3 checks fetas diaper go to page 10
So I am searching for a semi experienced daddy to RP with. I want to be the only one wearing diapers and I want daddy to be strict and punish me(in roleplay) I am a pretty bad baby a lot of the time, so he needs to have a lot of rules. We can come up with a plot together. But I would like a plot where a boyfriend(who already knows about his fetish to diaper people and be a daddy, but never told his girlfriend.) finds out his girlfriend likes diapers, so then they start doing little time. In daddy time he can be quite strict, almost kinda sadistic, but he can also be caring. Thanks<3 bye bye! I hope I get some replies:)))
From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
My favorite teddy is one my diaper. I got it from an ABDL STORE. In Las Vegas -
Oh no!!! Tigger trapped in Magic Mirror
LittleLani96 posted a gallery image in Adult Diapers Gallery
From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
So all I needed now is a door and I got my Newest crib!!! -
From the album: Let's Play! Hooray!!
I turned my own room into a play area! all i need nw is a play yard gate and we are good to go PLAY!!!! -
From the album: Little Heavenly Pics
My Cosplay as Serous Sam (Sissy Version) and I got my new cribs to sleep in :3 -
From the album: Little Heavenly Pics
I'm roleplaying as a mommy in SL. so if anyone still plays my username is irishdemon
From the album: Shine
I looooove getting my hair brushed-
- hair brush
- comfort
- (and 5 more)
From the album: Shine
- transformers
- play
- (and 6 more)
Control my Vibrator from Anywhere in the World
babykelsey posted a topic in Our Lifestyle Discussion
So I just got the first ever vibrator that can be controlled from anywhere in the world, and I'm looking for a mommy/mistress who wants to control me with it. It's called the Vibease, and has bluetooth built in so that through the Vibease app, anyone I allow can not only turn it on and off, but also adjust the settings to anywhere from a low buzz to super intense vibrations.