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  1. Hey there! I'm Thorn (he/him). New member, long time writer and self-published author of queer fiction. I've been looking for somewhere to post some DL stories, and then I found you folks! So I thought I'd share a little something I've been working on lately. It's a work-in-progress with quite a bit written already, so I'll be posting new chapters frequently. I'd love some feedback and I'm not afraid of constructive criticism, so bring it on! lol Summary: Caiden is an eighteen-year-old trans boy about to graduate from high school. He's been a bedwetter all his life, but when he develops Irritable Bowel Syndrome, with explosive diarrhoea as a symptom, he starts wearing his bedtime diapers in the daytime. When his best friend Victor discovers his secret, Caiden is sure he won't want to be friends anymore, but that isn't what happens at all . . . CW: This story contains messing, light BDSM, Dom/sub dynamics, coarse language, and sexual situations between consenting individuals over eighteen. I looked and couldn't find any rules that prohibit any of these things, but if there are some, please let me know and I will edit accordingly. ———————— Chapter 1. ‘Caiden!’ He turned his head as he heard his name and saw Victor running up to him. ‘Hey. Where were you earlier? You missed English.’ Caiden tried his best not to blush. ‘Yeah. Sorry. I . . . wasn’t feeling well.’ He looked down and mumbled, ‘Stomach upset.’ Victor frowned, now caught up and walking alongside him. ‘Again? Didn’t that happen last week too?’ Caiden nodded. ‘Yeah. In Math.’ His friend made a face. ‘Sorry, dude. Was it something you ate?’ Caiden shrugged. ‘Maybe. It’s hard to tell. Mom thinks it might be some IBS shit or something . . . Anyway. Let’s change the subject, you don’t wanna hear about my bowel movements.’ Victor laughed. ‘Maybe I do?’ Caiden stopped, looking at him with an eyebrow raised, and Victor laughed again. ‘Nah, bro, just kidding.’ Caiden laughed as well and they resumed their walk, but then he was quiet, mostly just listening as Victor talked about what they’d gone over in English that afternoon. They parted ways at their usual spot and exchanged fistbumps. Then Caiden set off home. Truth was, he had barely made it to the bathroom in time today. In fact, he hadn’t, a little bit had come out in his shorts before he managed to get them off. He carried a spare pair of underwear in his gym bag that was stashed in his locker, thankfully, so he’d been able to change, but it was still embarrassing. When he got home, no one else was there yet. His parents were both at work and his younger twin brothers still at school. He went to the bathroom, getting his soiled shorts out of a plastic bag in his backpack and rinsing them in the bathtub before throwing them in the laundry basket. Entering his room, he pondered. He knelt next to the bed and pulled out the drawer underneath, where he kept his nighttime diapers. Caiden had been wetting the bed all his life. It was like his body had never quite pulled off that whole subconsciously holding your bladder thing. He’d had a few close calls in the daytime as well, though he hadn’t wet himself when awake since he was in grade school. Now he was eighteen, nearly finished with high school. His stomach troubles had started about half a year ago. Until today, he’d managed to make it to the toilet every time, but this minor accident had made up his mind about something he’d been considering for a while; whether he should wear his diapers in the daytime as well. A couple of weeks ago he’d woken up with a stomach ache and, in his sleepy, groggy state, had let it all out in his diaper instead of rushing to the toilet. Once he woke up properly, he felt ashamed. He’d gone to the bathroom, changed himself, and gotten rid of the evidence. If they found out, his mom would worry, his brothers would tease him, and his step-dad would be a dick about it as usual, like he was about everything else. He’d sworn to himself never to do it in his diaper again, but since then it had begun to occur to him that it might not be so bad to have a safety net of sorts. So if he didn’t make it in time, he’d have an easy fix. It could have come in handy today. The diapers he slept in were designed for heavy urine incontinence, though they worked for bowel incontinence as well. And anyway, it wasn’t like he’d be properly pooping in them, they’d just be there for safety. Caiden undressed, leaving just his chest binder on. Then he took a diaper from the drawer and put it on. He pulled his shorts and his jeans back on and looked in the mirror. The jeans were loose, like most of his clothes, and he inspected himself thoroughly. There was no real noticeable bulge. Caiden had been blessed with slim hips and a small behind. The padding made no noticeable difference. He moved around a bit, listening for any noise. There wasn’t much. A slight occasional crinkle, his waistband sliding against the diaper, but nothing anyone would notice. He stared at his reflection and laughed at himself a little. Was he really going to wear a diaper to school tomorrow? His stomach rumbled. ‘Fuck, not this again,’ he muttered. He made to go to the bathroom, but then the thought occurred to him that he might want to test the diaper, see if it could hold a potential accident. He reached to undo his jeans, take off both them and his shorts so they wouldn’t risk getting messy . . . but there was no time. Caiden farted loudly, and then the poop rushed out of him and into his diaper. It was soft and squishy, not exactly liquid diarrhoea, but far from solid. Then it stopped, though he knew there was more, and, figuring that he might as well get it all out, he squatted down and pushed, groaning with the strain. A more solid clump was blocking the rest of it from coming out, and it took a moment to press it out. When it was over, he was trembling and panting. He stood up, making a face at the feeling of his full diaper. He inspected himself in the full length mirror. There was now a considerable bulge, but his jeans looked fine, and he took them off. His shorts were fine too, though he didn’t want to gamble on the diaper holding this kind of load for long, and so he got a fresh one out of the drawer and went to the bathroom to clean up and change. Standing in the shower, he felt suddenly horny. He reached down, rubbing himself. He thought of Victor. Then he wondered what Victor would think if he knew that Caiden wore diapers now. The thought made him blush. Somehow, the thought of Victor knowing turned him on more, and he rubbed himself yet more vigorously, until he came with shaking thighs. By the time Caiden was finished in the bathroom, his mother had come home. ‘Oh!’ she said, as he came out of the bathroom. ‘There you are, Kayla.’ ‘Mom, it’s Caiden,’ he said, somewhat exasperated. ‘I’m sorry. Caiden.’ She sighed. ‘I’m sorry, it just takes a little getting used to, is all.’ ‘Yeah. It’s okay. Just . . . try?’ ‘I am. I promise. I haven’t referred to you as my daughter in months.’ She smiled. ‘How was school?’ ‘It was okay.’ Caiden hesitated. ‘Mom?’ ‘Mhm?’ ‘I . . . I had another stomach upset today and . . . I kind of had an accident. Just . . . just a little one!’ he hurried to say. ‘I just . . . almost didn’t make it. To the bathroom.’ His face felt hot. ‘Aww, I’m sorry, baby!’ Caiden’s mother hugged him. ‘You okay?’ ‘Yeah. Fine. But . . .’ He licked his lips. ‘I think I should . . . start wearing the . . . you know. In the daytime as well. Like, to school. Just . . . just as a precaution. Until we can figure out what’s wrong with my stomach, you know?’ His mother nodded. ‘Hm, yeah . . . That might actually be a good idea. If you’re having a hard time making it to the bathroom on time. It would be just awful if you pooped your pants in class, wouldn’t it?’ Caiden snorted. ‘“Just awful” doesn’t begin to cover it, Mom. It would be the end of my life.’ ‘All right. I’ll make sure we keep stocked up, all right, baby?’ ‘Yeah. Thanks, Mom.’ Caiden bit his lip. ‘Hey . . . do you think you could maybe not mention this to Brendan and Ryker? Or to Sam? I . . . I’d rather they not know. It’s embarrassing enough wearing diapers at night.’ ‘Of course, sweetie.’ She hugged him. ‘I won’t tell a soul.’
  2. So here it goes. The absolute love of my life has had this fetish since he himself was in diapers. I'm completely new to the scene and I need help with tips, advice, anything helps! We as a couple have just opened discussion into exploring this together. He's bought his preferred type and we've been through 3 nights of him being super comfy! I'm happy for him, now that he's comfortable with himself he's so much happier. But my dumb ass normie brain keeps getting her feeling hurt! How can I try learning about the desire for this when the community is so obscure!? I need a guru. I need links. I need friends who are going through this or wish to help me understand how my love feels and how to better make him comfortable. Also ya girl is a XXL and needs a site for cute sizable diapers to try this thing out!! Wish me luck, even if I get no responses airing this has kinda been therapeutic in a sense. Anyways, peace and love. Thank you for the time.
  3. Are there any ab/dl's who attend Bloomsburg university right now? i possibly might go there and id love to see if there is anyone in the community who is like me. thanks
  4. Hi everyone, My name's Kimberley. So decided to join the forum after a long while lurking..lol. I'm a long time Tgurl and as with many of us evolved. In recent years I've become more leaning to my sissy side, still trying to understand, but I love the feeling it gives me. Along with this has come my desire for wearing nappies , though thats been something I have dreamed about for most of my adult life. It is in recent months I took the plunge and purchased my first nappies. I bought a whole 10 pack. The thrill of opening the parcel! to finally get to wear them..It has been bliss. Hope to share experiences and make friends here with our common interest. Hugs Kimberley..x
  5. Anyone in Ocean County? Lifelong DL here.
  6. I was finally done with finals, and winter break was here, time for relaxation, and not having to study for anything, no tests, no projects, no anything but relaxing with my boyfriend. And of course that meant one thing; lots and lots of diapers. We both loved them. It was a huge coincidence when we found out about or shared interest, but it made us all the more perfect for each other, and I never would have moved in with him so fast if it weren't the perfect excuse to have somewhere for the two of us to wear diapers whenever we wanted. I pull into a parking spot at our apartment complex, and get out, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I trudge up the steps to our apartment, fishing my key out of the tight pockets on my jeans, and unlocking the door. As soon as I'm inside I sling my backpack off onto the ground beside the couch, hopefully to leave it there for a month, and kick off my shoes. I close the door, then unbutton my tight jeans and slide them down my legs, wiggling my way out of them, as I reveal the childish cotton padded training panties My boyfriend had gotten me as a joke gift a while ago. He never expected me to start wearing them so frequently, and at first I hadn't either, but I loved joking about needing them "just in case". It was one of a bunch of little things that had started "jokingly" and had become more and more serious as we both just kept doing them. Like the "No pants in the house" rule, I had jokingly suggested, and had slowly become practice. Both of us were more Diaper Lovers than Adult Babies, or ageplayers, but I did have little things that I liked that fell more into the AB category than DL. I debate going ahead and changing into the first diaper of many that I'd wear over the break, or waiting for my boyfriend to get home. I argued it back and forth for a bit, before deciding to wait for him, it always felt better to have someone else change you. I flop down on the couch, and turn on the TV, booting up the PS4 to load up Netflix, and look for something to watch while I waited. I find myself just drifting back to an old sitcom I had probably watched a hundred times by now, and sigh. I settle down for a bit, and then decide I just don't want to be wearing a bra anymore. I slip my hands inside my shirt, and unfasten it, then slip my arms inside to slip out of the shoulder straps, and finally fish the black satin and lace piece of fashion torture out of the front of my shirt, tossing it aside. I settle back down with a satisfied sigh. I relax on the couch in just my shirt, socks, and panties, watching the familiar show. Already knowing most of the lines before they're said, causes my mind to start to wander, and bring up interesting ideas. for the thousandth time I think about going full time in diapers, and not just going 24/7 but unpotty training myself so that I'd have to rely on them no matter what. It seemed like a crazy idea, a pipe dream, yet it was an idea I just couldn't seem to shake. I'd talked about it with my boyfriend a few times even. It was so crazy that it couldn't be the right thing to do right? Being unable to stop wetting myself, and probably starting to poop myself as well. There was no way that would stay completely private. I would't just be able to wait to go to the bathroom anymore, rather I'd have to go whenever my body needed to, or else just sit in my mess. It had to be more inconvenient. Yet the idea of my body just going, being unable to control it at all, perhaps just getting so used to it that I wouldn't notice I was going unless someone pointed out to me that I was already wet. It gave me a thrill like nothing else I could imagine. I passed the idea back and forth in my head until I realized that this wasn't just going to go away. I needed to do this, and I needed help. I resolved that I'd talk to my boyfriend when he got home, and let him know that I wanted to untrain, and if he was willing, I wanted him to untrain with me.
  7. Hello all, My desire to wear diapers begon since I was 7 when I sneeked out one of his pampers and wore it and wet it at night and as of right now I some times purchase diapers to wear ocasionaly. I am abdl curious and i'm looking for some one to meet up who can roleplay, guide me and have fun. I finally got some courage after a while to make a post as i fear being rejcted by any one. I'm looking for abdl / dl friends and potentially meet them in person. (I've been reading about abdl stories, life styles for 3 years allready but i am completely new to actually doing it in person) Dorset - Dorchester
  8. New to the DL world, want to meetup and talk to people who share the same interest as me. PM me if you want to meet up or just want to talk
  9. From the album: ME in Goodnites

    Haven't shaved my legs in ages! Feels so good!
  10. Hey first time poster.... I'm going to be moving soon and need to lighten my load so to speak so I will be giving away all diapers that I have left before I move (probably only going to be tena maxi slip left :( ) But please take them off my hands id hate to have to dispose of them! Please take them of my hands if your in the London area, I can meet up anywhere z 1-2.
  11. dl68


    Hi - I'm David and I'm new to the forum and I live in the east of England. I have been a 'closet' diaper lover for a while but have been very much into bondage and roleplay for many decades. A few years ago a Mistress I visited happened to have a spare diaper and I was made to wear it and I realised how much I enjoyed it as part of the role play particularly when forced to wet it. I have since bought my own diapers and practice self bondage wearing one whilst fantasying about being tied for real as a Girl Guide - don't ask, that's for another time.
  12. I recently became aware of my adult baby fetish. I have noticed i get a lot of pleasure from using my pacifier and making a mess of my diaper. Does anyone else feel the same? What are some of your favorite diaper experiences? I need new ideas. Thanks everyone!
  13. Hey! just curious if anyone ever feels bold and brave enough to connect for real? Im having one of those brave daze. I would love to go for a walk, knowing we're both wearing a diaper and can wet while we walk! hugs DV
  14. In another thread I mentioned that I was going in for a routine check-up. I thought I was peeing quite a bit more often lately. And so I went. It was all good news; blood pressure, normal (a little low, but OK); heart and respiratory, OK; prostate, OK. So basically, I'm disgustingly healthy. I do need to go back in for a blood test, but I don't expect anything newsworthy to come of it. All this means that I don't have to wear diapers out of necessity. And that's good. The doctor did mention an optional test for cancer by taking a stool sample, he said if I wasn't too embarrassed about crapping in a cup, packaging it up in a box clearly labeled "Fecal Material." I laughed and said that brought to mind a few bathroom quips like: "No shit?" "Yeah, the box is full of it." I also thought I could diaper up, poop my diaper, and scrape off the big hunks into the sample container. Then I thought, "Nah...probably contaminate the sample." Still feels like I'm peeing more often than I used to. Eh....more diaper time, I guess.
  15. Hi, It sems my love of diapers started out as a love of plastic pants. Bed wetting was a problem for me until just prior to puberty and for some reason I loved plastic pants but had little time for diapers. I remember being caught wearing plastic pants in the bathroom of an elderly lady my folks hired to babysit me when I was around 4. There was something that I liked about the feel of plastic on my skin. My parents weren't condemning concerning my bed wetting and I would suggest to my mother that plastic pants might help although she said she didn't see how they would help without a diaper to soak up the liquid. Once I entered puberty I found a whole new use for plastic pants and used to take them from clothes lines around our small town. They proved to be a powerful attraction for me when I would see them and I would begin plotting how I could take them without being caught. This behavior subsided in my late teens and it has been replaced with the occasional purchase and later regret of that action throughout my adult life. About 4 years ago I began experiencing incontinence due to a spinal injury and some of the medication used to manage pain and fibromyalgia. To deal with this I began using disposable diapers and later tried cloth contour diapers with plastic pants. Currently I'm using almost exclusively cloth contour diapers with terry towels for night time booster pads and various brands and types of waterproof diaper covers. Mom was right, without an absorbent medium plastic pants aren't much help but after much trial and error I've found an effective system for managing my incontinence and keeping my bedding dry. I've been on SSDI for several years now and since I don't leave my house very often I only use disposable diapers (Abena M-4's) when I'm out which keeps my cost down. The initial cause of my attraction to plastic pants has always escaped me but I'm almost as attracted to diapers now as I am to plastic pants. It does make me a bit sad that I didn't feel this way about diapers when my mother was trying to deal with my bed wetting though as it would have saved her a lot of work washing bedding.
  16. Hello! Long post, so kudos to anyone who reads it all and is still interested. So I haven’t been on this site in what looks like over three years, and I was brought back when I saw an email notification for something from this site in my inbox. I’ve been RPing on RPHaven for probably most of my time away from here, but this kinda stuff isn’t the most common thing people like to do in the RP's there. Seeing as how I’ve been kinda drawn back here, I thought maybe I’d try to cast out a net for some RP’s and see if I can get one or a couple going via the messages. Absolutely has to be a female character you’re playing, and in all honesty I’d probably feel more comfortable with a female RPer, but maybe I’ll be more open-minded if you can sell me on your RP ability. Who knows? I prefer longer, more detailed responses; a lengthy paragraph or couple of paragraphs each time and I would prefer doing it via private messages. But if people are interested in reading any of these in the Roleplay Forum, I can be convinced to posting responses there if my RP partner is up for it. I tend to lean towards romance being an element in my RP’s as well, so just putting that out there. My interests lie mostly in female characters who probably need diapers but aren’t into them yet (women having accidents or find themselves running to the bathroom and only barely making it in time), and the RP involving them getting into diapers in some way, shape, or form. Be it by their own will or being forced into them. I guess you can say my interests lie a bit more on the DL side than the AB side, but I’m not against regression being an element in the RP and it becoming somewhat AB-oriented as long as the regression is part of the story. Other things I like in roleplays are humiliation (for the female character), women peeing, pooping, and farting, light bondage, somniphilia (sleep sex, being taken advantage of in my sleep or the other way around). I very much enjoy role reversal type scenarios. In this case, probably a woman in a position of power over my character either taking something submissive like being diapered and making it more she’s the one controlling him, OR slowly having the tables turned on her and finding herself dependent on him. Giving enemas, voyeurism/exhibitionism, ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) / CMNF (Clothed Male Naked Female), and others which I’ll try to come up with if you’re curious and ask. If you PM me, let me know what you’re into, what you’re not into. I don’t need to have all of my turn-ons included by any means, so no pressure if there are things you’re really not comfortable with. If what I’m putting down interests you, then below I’m going to have a handful of RP scenarios for you to choose from. If you’re interested, send me a message with the RP you chose as the message subject, and we’ll discuss things. If I get one scenario going, I might turn others down who come to me with the same RP scenario chosen. Discussing the RP before just starting RPs is probably the way to go. On to the scenarios: 1. 1. Cranky Boss: A high-ranking executive businesswoman, probably the daughter of someone even higher-ranking, goes to great lengths to deliberately make her new shy personal assistant uncomfortable because she has so much fun watching him clench up. However, when her ‘pranks’ start involving diapers and having him change her, she finds herself softening up and no longer doing it for the reasons she started. Is she falling for him or just enjoying the pampering and diapers more than she expected? 2. Bully-Turned-Daddy: A meek high school girl with a reputation of running to the girl’s restroom every time she needs to go…finds herself being diapered by a bully. She can’t take the diaper off herself, thanks to some super glue the bully utilizes in the tape of the diaper, so she has to embarrassedly report to him at the end of the day so he can remove it and give her her panties back. An unusual romance develops however, when the bully ends up becoming an unexpected Daddy figure in her life and the diapers (as well as someone she can talk to about these issues) wind up being exactly what she needed. 3. 3. Baby Girl’s Trusted Sidekick: The city’s beloved superheroine has a rather unusual origin story. Her bodily fluids and solids actually depower her, weaken her, and at their peak build-up, make her a regular ordinary woman. Unfortunately, the substances within her have chemical properties that are harmful to the world around them and can only be handled in a, undergarment made of material fabricated specifically for her that, regrettably, she can’t physically handle herself for Kryptonite-esque comic book reasons. Her often overshadowed partner, often ridiculed as merely her ‘sidekick’ by others, has to be the one to clean her up and pamper her in order for her to be as effective as she is. Will this secret ever be revealed to the public? Does the sidekick become more than just a sidekick to her? 4. 4. Private Tutoring: A rather kinky teacher with a lust for showing herself off finds herself a boy in her class she thinks she can have a lot of fun with. His eyes linger whenever her short skirts flutter a bit, and he shifts a bit in his seat when she stands right beside him at his desk with her panty-less, miniskirt-covered crotch is mere inches from his face. Being a psychology teacher, she knows full well this boy is struggling to keep his grades up because he clearly is attracted to her, not that it bothers her in the slightest. Private tutoring just gives her more opportunities to have fun with the boy, and even test out some of her more out-there kinks. She’s always wanted to freely wet herself in front of someone, and how naughty to do it with a student who would never turn her in? Surely that’s bold enough, but she keeps going further, until the day comes when she’s having him change her diaper for ‘extra credit.’ 5 5. Not From Around Here: Whether she’s from an alien race that can look human or from some Wonder Woman-esque land outside of average society, this woman finds herself exiled from her people and naively trying to understand the world she now has to live in. Where she comes from, they’re more open with their bodies and a lot of the things typically done behind closed doors are done more openly. She bumps into a man with a womanizing past, admittedly trying to better himself, who takes it upon himself to try his best to help her adjust to the new world around her. Seemingly no longer can she walk around without any clothes on, relieve herself wherever she stood, or pleasure herself whenever and wherever she felt the urge. She might not need to get used to toilets however with the freedom diapers still provides her. Sometimes it’s a dream come true to have a beautiful open woman roaming about the house, while other times she’s a handful. Can he make it work? S Send me a PM if you're interested in discussing any of these roleplay scenarios!
  17. Hiya everyone I'm new here! I really wanna start meeting people in the local community I know there must be a lot of us out here. I'm a 24 (5) year old bi AB/DL. I'm cute and cuddly and I'd love to have someone to share stories with. I'm down to just be friends but I would definitely love to find someone to love
  18. How much guilt have you felt over your time being into diapers? How have you dealt with it?
  19. does any one know where to buy adult footie jammies. walmart used to sell them but it was just a phase
  20. I can't believe i only just found the Meeting Place! I've never had the courage - or realized it's this easy to find other DLs in MN - but some days I am braver than others! Let's at least talk about it and get to know each other a little bit. When I am feeling more bold, the idea of meeting at a coffee shop or going for a walk with someone who is also wearing a diaper (and maybe wetting), well, it would be sooo liberating just to have someone to talk to in real face-to-face time. hugs, dv
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