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  1. ABAlex


    Anna shuffled around the piles of books lining the walls and shelves. "Introduction to Wicca," "Witchcraft", "Malleus Maleficarum,"- all themed to match the odd little shop, full of incense and stones, skulls and bones. A lot of nonsense, as far as Anna was concerned."Can I help you find something," the clerk asked. She had long, ragged dark hair that blended into her black clothes, and wore dozens of metal pendants.Anna looked at her. "Yes, its said online you sold journals here?"The woman smiled. "Yes, of a type. Here, let me show you."She bent over and opened up a drawer. Inside were leather bound books with brightly coloured titles. "Travel," "New Worlds", "Karma," "Spirit." Anna tried not to roll her eyes at the hipster names the journals always had. She had picked up the hobby of writing daily a few months ago, and had since gone through a few such books, though they were ususally from more normal book stores."Thanks, I'll take er... Karma," she said.The woman smiled again. "Good choice. But be warned, with great power, comes great responsibility. Karma strikes both ways." "Thanks uncle Ben. Now how do I pay?"Anna was outside the store a moment later."Hey there sweetheart," a deep voice said.Anna stopped and turned around to see a blond haired and a medium build. She shuddered. "Ugg, I told you to leave me alone Ryan.""Awww sweetie why so upset? I'm just wanna be friends with my little girl." He put a hand on her shoulder.She knocked it off. "No, your a pervert. Leave me alone or I'll call the cops?""And what? I'll deny it. 'Sides, you sure loved it when we were dating.""We went on two dates then I found out you were already sleeping with someone." That had been one of the worst episodes of her life. He seemed so friendly when they first met, then got worse once they were out. At the second date another woman came in screaming wanting to know why she was out with her boyfriend. "You still loved it." He grabbed her by the waist and leaned in close. "Awww, whats wrong? Need a kiss?" He began to make kissy faces at her."LET ME GO!" she screamed, and slapped him.He laughed. "Fiesty. Alright, I can see its your time of the month. I'll come back next week.""Asshole!"He winked, and as he passed by her, he reached around her and spanked her hard."Hey! How dare you... What are you..." He only laughed as she screamed after him.Anna stopped her foot. The horrible, awful man! She had just gotten over him too.She breathed heavily to calm herself. This is why she started writing in the first place. She got out the journal and began writing."Today, Ryan grabbed me. I wish someone would do the same to him. I want someone bigger to him to come up and call him a little girl. Grab him, call him demeaning names, kiss him and spank him and make him feel as awful as he makes others feel."She felt better having just written it. She began to walk back down the sidewalk toward her home. It was a cool day, but the sun was out, and she was enjoying the weather while it lasted.She heard a yelp coming from across the street. She looked across it to see Ryan, with his eyes wide open, staring at a man a head taller then him."Whats the matter sweetheart? I just want to be friends with my little girl," the man said in a gruff voice."What? I'm, not... LET ME GO! Hey!"The giant man picked Ryan up and kissed him on the cheek. "Wow, feisty," he said. "Must be your time of the month. I'll come back next week." He spanked Ryan hard enough to make him shout, then walked away, leaving a stunned Ryan staring after him.Anna couldn't believe her eyes. Had she made that happen? It couldn't be.But... could that just be a coincidence? She had never seen a man that size before, and she had never seen Ryan mistaken for a girl. The entire scenario was weird... aside from Ryan, who would behave like that to a random stranger in public? They weren't even at a bar or anything.She had to test it. Ryan was walking quickly. She opened the book."Ryan will trip... now."As she wrote it, a rock appeared under Ryan's foot, and he stumbled to the ground. He kicked the rock angrily, and began to get back up. How far could she push it?"He will trip again, and his pants will tear and fall. Underneath he will have pink underwear. He won't be able to hold his pants up."As he was getting up, he stumbled again. His pants opened and fell to his knees."God dammit!" he said. His anger turned to shock when he saw his underwear- pink, small, and lacy, they so clashed with what he normally wore that he seemed unable to beleive they were there. From the distance, Anna wasn't certain if they were just briefs or actual female panties. "Where did these come from?" He said, and reached down to cover them."Ryan will step on a rake and it will fly up and hit him."A rake, seemingly out of no where, smacked into his face."He will turn around and there will be another one there, then another, and another," she wrote, taking a line from the Simpsons.She burst out laughing as Ryan repeatedly hit himself in the head and stumbled backwards. "This is impossible," she said, looking at the book. However, she saw it in front of her. It had to be true.She noticed another woman behind Ryan giggling, and Ryan turned to her red faced and tried to rush down the road, but stumbled with his pants around his legs and fell to the ground. That gave Anna another idea."A crowd of people notice, including Ryan's friends, and begin laughing and commenting on his underwear."Ryan attracted a crowd as he walked down the street, struggling to hold his pants up. "Ryan will fall, end up stuck with his butt in the air, and get spanked."She burst out laughing harder as she saw exactly that unfold. She looked down at the book."This is going to be fun," she said to herself.Anna was soon in her apartment alternating between pacing and dancing. She had found a magic book somehow. She was able to control... what, exactly? Almost anything, it seemed. What should she do? How did the magic work? It said Karma, so it made sense she could get revenge... wait, was that what karma was? Could she give herself things.She thought for a moment. "I might as well try," she told herself."I want a million dollars," she wrote, and waited. She looked around, expecting to see money somewhere, but nothing happened. She had a thought. She sat at her computer, turned it on, and checked her bank account. Her eyes went wide.There, in plain black and white, was the number "$1,000,000," written exactly like that."I want another million." Before her eyes, the number doubled. She screamed in delight. She stood up and fell to her bed, clutching the book to her chest and laughing.How could this be real? Should she check back at the store? No, she thought. If they found out it was real, they might want it back. She studied the book. It was hers."I don't want to have to go to work for the next month."Her phone buzzed. She picked it up. "Hello Anna. The product you created at work the other day paid of well, and we decided to give you the next month off. I know it seems an odd decision, but for some reason it feels right. -Albert Herald."She leaned back in her chair laughing. Her mind swarmed with thoughts of what she was going to do. A new house? A pool?She looked at the title. "Karma." What did that mean? Was it just a random title? The first thing made sense, Ryan had it coming, but the others?She smiled to herself. The primary motivation must be to give people their comeuppance, she decided. But it wouldn't hurt to give herself some things along the way. After all, how could she have enough time to do her new job unless she had money?She opened the book and began to write. "Tomorrow, Ryan will..."...Ryan woke up the next day shaking. He had a rough night full of humiliating dreams. He had been repeatedly mistaken for a girl, left naked in public, grabbed and harassed... It was all from that odd incident on the sidewalk. What could it mean?He got up, showered, and began to get ready for work. He dried off, looked in the mirror, and gasped.Had his hair gotten longer? It was touching his shoulders! He had never grown it out that far before but there it was. Some kind of bizarre hair only growth spurt?Confused, he shook his head, went to his closet and began to get dressed. He made sure he had normal underwear this time, along with his regular jeans and shirt. He packed a bag with the shirt he had to wear in the cafe he worked at, ate breakfast quickly, and left. As he exited the door he noticed something. He hadn't shaved that morning, but his face was smoother then it ever had been....Anna was standing across the street from his door. She saw him walking out, and confirmed to herself that everything had worked. Longer hair, clean shaven, and ready for a new game.She began to write....A woman was walking toward Ryan. She was one of a few people he had passed, but she definitely stood out. He had to do a double take when he saw her.She was tall, well built, and with long blond hair. However, it wasn't her appearance that caught Ryan's attention, but her clothes. She was dressed head to two in in one of the most eye catching outfits he had seen. Her dress was a vibrant pink, with frilled bands going over her shoulders and a skirt that flared out to the sides, ending half way down her thighs. A white shit was under her dress, but rather then just cover her up more, it drew more attention, with ruffled shoulder cuffs and a heard shaped hole over her chest. Below her skirt long white stockings that were tied at her knees with red bows and shinning, healed shoes. Finally, her hair was tied into pigtails with heart shaped bows.Ryan tried to place the dress. Was she cosplaying as an anime character? Was this a lolita dress? Had she come from a comic con?His thoughts were interrupted as she stopped close in front of him, noticed a coin on the ground, and bent to pick it up. Her skirt flared up, exposing ruffled lacy underwear. Ryan couldn't control himself, he took his phone out and, while she was looking away, took a picture.She stood up when the flash went off. Ryan cursed himself for forgetting."What was that? she said.Ryan decided to keep going, hoping confidence would win. "Just admiring your underwear, sweetheart. Almost pretty enough to touch.""Excuse me?" she said."Well you were bending over and your pretty ass was out, so i figured I'd snap a picture. Such a cute little girl like you needs to be remembered." He reached out to hold her shoulder, and she knocked his hand away."I'm taller then you, shrimp. Don't test me," she said."Ok ok, don't get feisty. I'm sorry sweetheart." He began walking passed her.She rolled her eyes and continued on. Ryan kept watching as she passed, and saw her skirt bouncing, exposing more of her thighs with each step, stopping just short of her underwear. Almost instinctively, he reached over and pinched her beneath her skirt, then started walking as quickly as he cloud.He stopped walking as he was pulled backward. With speed that shocked Ryan, she grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. "That does it!" she shouted. "I am dressed for a display of the costumes at the store I design at. Its my JOB, not permission to grab me." She began twisting his wrist backward until he shouted."I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he screamed, tears forming."Oh no you are not, not yet. Lets she how you like it," she turned his wrist again, this time leaving him bent over a wooden bench with his hand behind his back. She reached foward and undid his belt."What are you doing?""First I'm going to show you how it feels to have your underwear exposed and grabbed in public. Then I am going to do what someone should have done to you years ago."She pulled down his pants. Ryan saw a flash and noticed as crowd of people taking pictures of his underwear."Nice panties bro!" someone shouted, and Ryan looked back to once again see his underwear replaced, this time with silken white panties decorated with little red hearts."How!? Those aren't mine!" he said."Yeah right," said the woman who had grabbed him. "Almost pretty enough to touch, eh?" She reached down and pinched both cheeks until he yelped."Now, to make sure you've learned you're lesson..." She reached her hand up into the hair, palm down.Ryan's eyes went wide. She was about to deliver a spanking, and not a light one. Here? Now? How could this be happening to him? He struggled but couldn't break her grasp. "No, please don't," he begged."Don't what?" she asked, savouring the moment."Don't spank me," he replied."Awww does the the little boy not want spankings? Too bad," she brought her hand down with immense force on Ryan's exposed underwear, and he shouted. She began spanking him again and again as the crowd watching grew and laughed. The loud smacks echoed down the street, and Ryan noticed more and more people coming to see.Why would no one step in? Ryan thought. It felt so wrong.Soon tears were forming in his eyes, and he began to sob from both the humiliation and pain. She kept spanking him as he shouted."Please, enough, I'm sorry," he said.She stopped. Ryan thought he was free, then he groaned as he felt her take his belt out of its loops."No, not that.""Yes, that." She lifted the belt up and hit him hard. He screamed and would have fallen if she didn't put her knee under him to hold him up. She began to talk as she spanked, punctuating each word with a loud, hard whack. "WHAT. PEOPLE. WEAR. ISN"T. PERMISSION. TO. GRAB. THEM. YOU. WILL. NOT. DO. THAT. AGAIN. UNDERSTOOD?""Yes!" he shouted."Now what do you say?""I'm sorry," he whined."Good," she helped him stand up. She pointed down the street in the direction he had been heading. "Now, you are going to keep walking that direction with your pants around your knees so everyone can see what happens to naughty little boys in panties who can't keep their hands to themselves." She handed him his belt. "You may put this on when you are passed the corner and out of my sight. If you don't listen, you'll get another round. Understood?""But... but..."She spanked him hard again. "UNDERSTOOD?""OW! Yes!""Then go!"Ryan began to waddle, pants around his knees keeping him from running. He sobbed and tried to ignore the jeers and cat calls from the people who he passed. He felt more then one reach out and grab him as he want.Finally he rounded the corner, pulled his pants up, and started running as he pulled his belt on. He ran as fast as he could, trying to stop crying, until he was sure he was passed anyone who had seen, then kept running.He stumbled. Got up, and started running again. He wobbled. He felt as if he was walking on a rope.He looked down, and he shouted in shock.The reason he was having trouble running was easy to see. Why it had happened was impossible for him to figure out.He was wearing a dress. Not just any dress, but the one the girl had been wearing. Same skirt, same socks, even had his now bizarrely long hair tied in the same pigtails. He had stumbled due to the heels now on his feet.There was a store beside him with a display window, and he looked at his reflection in it. With his outfit, his hair, and apparently a bra under the dress, he might have mistaken himself for a girl. It even seemed like his legs had been shaven, and he was wearing make up.He yelped. Someone had just grabbed him under his skirt. "Nice underwear, sweetie."He whined. "How is this happening?" he asked....Anna broke out laughing at Ryan's appearance. She couldn't have designed a better outfit if she tried. It really looked more like a costume then actual clothes. He could pass as someone cosplaying an anime character.Ryan walked along the side walk, head down, and stumbling slightly in his heels. His face was blushing as red as the bows in his hair- and, Anna thought to herself, as red as his recently spanked bottom in its pretty panties.Anna wasn't quite down yet. She began writing and watching.Ryan attracted a crowed for the second time in two days. This time, however, instead of it just being people pointing and laughing- and there was plenty of that- she mixed in a crowd of men who suddenly decided Ryan was the prettiest girl they had ever seen...."I love your dress! Its so pretty" the giant man said as he reached out."Let me go!" Ryan squealed, then yelped and covered his mouth, frighted by how high his voice had suddenly gotten."Aww sweetie, why? I'm sure a cute girl like you could use a hug."Ryan began to run, but the heels made him stumble and he fell... right over the lap of another man sitting at a bus stop. He felt his skirts fly up, and reached down to cover his panties as people cheered and laughed behind him. He felt hands grab his now exposed cheeks, and someone commented that 'she' must have gotten a spanking."Hellos sweetheart," the man whose lap he was now over said. "What pretty undies! Thanks for showing them to me! You want to hang out later?" He patted Ryans bottom."No!" Ryan said. He pushed himself up, straitened, and tried to turn over until he was sitting. He paused a moment, and realized he had just sat down in the stranger's lap."Aww honey," the man said, and wrapped an arm around Ryan."No!" he said, and began to push up. He finally made it, and began running.He did his best to ignore the crowds as he did. Most seemed to think he was a girl with a flamboyant sense of style, which he guessed was for the best. He could do without the catcalling, however.He made it to the cafe. He breathed, straitened his skirt, and looked at his watch. His eyes went wide. 10:30 it read, he was two and a half hours late. "How..." he said.THe door opened. It was Mr. McLaughlin, his boss. He sighed."Ryan, what are you doing?""I uhh..." Ryan hadn't stopped to think of an explanation, and was surprised that Mr. McLaughlin recognized him."Look, what you do in your private time is your own business, I don't mind, no matter how... strange. However, you have been late far too many times, and I can't have you working like that.""What?! But!""No butts. Did you even bring your work clothes?"Ryan gulped. "I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do? Anyway I can make up for it?"He sighed and rolled his eyes. He put a hand on his chin and thought. Suddenly he smiled. "Give me a second."He went back into the store and returned a minute later he returned followed by two people. One was carrying a tray of samples, the other a stand."What..." "We are going to start a new program. People your age like this sort of thing, right? Cosplay, anime characters, cute outfits.""I mean, some do..." Ryan tried to think if he actually knew someone who talked about it.He handed Ryan a teddy bear. "You are going to be our new mascot to appeal to a new group! You are going to stand here in your cute outfits... and I'm sure we'll find more... flirt with anyone going by and offer free samples of our newest teas.""What!? I can't do that! You want me here in public dressed like this?!""Yes. Cute cross dressed boys are thing online for some reason. You are going to be ours. Think of it- "The Sissy Cafe!" Its new branding we've been considering, and you will be our first server! With any luck, people might think your a girl, or won't care. Now, be sure to smile!" He waved his arms around as the two people who came with him set up the stand. It was a small stage with a banner reading "sissy service."He went in, then stopped. "Oh, another thing. People will flirt with you, some might want kisses or get handsy... are you alright with that?"Ryan was far from alright with it. However, he felt he didn't have a choice, and inwardly he felt compelled to say yes. There weren't many other jobs he could do inside the cafe, dressed as he was, and he couldn't afford not to get paid. "I... I guess so...""Good. It will be part of our marketing. Be sure to offer kisses!"He went back in, leaving a dumbfounded Ryan outside. He wanted to run, or to hide. However, with the wide windows and cameras, he knew his mangers would see if he wasn't doing his job.He had begun to attract a crowd again. He always seemed to do that now. He turned to face them. "Uh... do you want some tea... or a kiss?"...Anna savored every moment of the discussion. Ryan had bragged before about taking from the till, and now was being punished at his job. That was DEFINITELY karma.But she wasn't done yet. Ryan had always said she was a LITTLE girl, not just a girl. She'd show him how 'little' he could feel. The teddy bear was just a beginning, she had her own ideas of what he might look good in. She began to write. "As he's heading home, Ryan will get lost, and feel his bladder beginning to ache..." This story currently is mainly focused on sissy kink, but ABDL will come up a lot more, with a heavy focus on messy diapers and embarrassment. (even more so then usual for me)
  2. Author's note: So this was a little spoof I posted at another story forum a while back. I like to think of it as Monty-Python-esque in its absurdity, but hopefully you'll pick up on some of the meta-humor as well. Enjoy! --------------------------- Mom's arm was latched so tight on mine as she marched me through the front door of Jefferson Middle School, I thought she was going to break it off. "But Mom! He..." "Shut your MOUTH, Jamie!" I hated when she called me that. "You put that boy in the HOSPITAL! You broke his kneecap and his nose! I don't care what he did to you! We'll be lucky if his parents don't sue the hell out of us!" I couldn't help but smile as I remembered him lying there, face covered in blood, writhing in pain. "Oh, and you think it's funny now?! You know what, that's fine. I'm done talking." Good, I thought. Of course I wasn't thinking about how when Mom got silent, things tended to go very badly for me. She didn't speak again until we got into the front door. And she got all weird and crazy too. I started upstairs to my room, but she stopped me. "Uh-uh. I thought my little boy was mature enough for school, but clearly you're not. So you're gonna stay down here where Mommy can keep an eye on you." Her eyes were almost glazed over as she glared at me. "What are you even talking about?!" I started to back away toward the stairs. "I'm just going to my room, Mom!" "You're going to sit your ass on that couch until I tell you otherwise, little boy!" I sat. But I wasn't done arguing. "This is fucking ridiculous, Mom! I'm not some little... OW!" She had me by the ear, and I had no choice but to follow her into the kitchen. She ripped my pants down, grabbed a wooden spoon, and went to work. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Mom! Please! I'm sorry! Ow! Ow!" She kept wailing away, until my protests turned into begging and pleading, then into sobbing. When my knees finally buckled, she let my shoulder go and I dropped to the floor. "Little boys don't use that kind of language, especially not toward their mommies, you hear me?!" "Yes..." "Yes what?!" "Yes I hear you... Mom..." "You will call me MOMMY, or we're gonna go another round!" "I'm sorry... Mommy!" "Much better. Now you drag your little butt back into that living room, sit on the floor, and be a good little boy, and maybe Mommy will let you watch some TV for a while." "Yes...Mommy..." I dragged myself to my feet, pulled up my pants, wincing as my underpants pressed against my red-hot bottom, and limped back into the living room, trying my best to stifle my sobbing and sniffling and hiccuping. What the hell just even happened?! I started to gingerly sit on the couch when she screamed again. "I SAID FLOOR! You're not getting snot all over my upholstery!" I was getting mad again, but after that experience, all I could do was swallow my rage and sit. It didn't take five seconds for that to become too painful, so I laid over onto my side, humiliated, angry, and miserable. "Now, would my little guy like to watch some TV while we wait for Sissy to come homeand babysit for Mommy?" The threat of that spoon kept my tongue in check, though I was starting to boil over again. "Yes... Mommy," I said through gritted teeth. Babysit?! Really?! Maggie was only four years older than me! Mom grabbed the remote and turned the TV on... to PBS. Then, to my horror, she engaged the parent lock, disabling everything but TV-Y. Which basically meant that I was stuck watching... Bob the Builder?! Dear god, this was going to suck for two hours before Maggie got home. At least she wouldn't put up with watching this crap. Mom pulled out her phone as she went back to the kitchen and sat down, fingers flying around. Probably gossiping with her friends on Twitter or something. Every so often her eyes popped up at me, and the subtle grin never left her face. What, was she announcing to the whole world she just beat the hell out of her kid and was now being congratulated for it?! My fists clenched as I stared at the TV, but the clunky stop-frame and the stupid voices and all of it just grated my nerves. I started to sit up, but I was immediately reminded of why I chose to lay down in the first place, and I flopped out onto my stomach, my arms folded under my head to create the best pillow I could muster. Finally, after I'd heard enough of Elmo's shrill voice to make me sick to my stomach,the door in the foyer burst open. "Hey Mom! Hey wittle Jay-Jay!" Maggie declared as she walked into the living room. "Uh-oh, wooks wike someone's not a happy wittle camper!" Dammit. Mom filled her in. And obviously told her to lay it on thick. "I'm not two years old, Maggie! Cut it out!" "Aw, is your wittle bottom still sore from mean old Mommy's spankin'?" "No..." "Maybe we just need a wittle nap, huh Grumpy Dog?" Mom laughed as she gathered up her purse and keys. "It's a little late for a nap now. Would've been a good idea about an hour ago. I should have thought of that. Anyway, you have my permission to use the spoon on him if he gives you any trouble." She squatted in front of me, glaring down. "But wittle Jay-Jay's gonna be a good boy for Sissy, isn't he?" "Yes... Mommy" My sister burst into giggles as Mom stood up. "Of course he will! Bye bye, little guy. Mommy be right back!" As soon as the front door closed, I glared at Maggie. "Jay-Jay?! What the fuck?!" Her face got dark. "I'm pretty sure that's what got you your last spanking, little boy! Maybe you want another one?!" "Oh like you're really gonna..." I swallowed that hard as I watched her reach for the spoon. "Okay, okay, sorry, I'll be good!" I started backing up toward the chair on my still-sore butt. "You're damn right you'll be good. You're going to do exactly what I say for the next half an hour, unless you want Mom to find out about you being a bad little boy the second she left!" "No...please... don't tell Mom! I'll do whatever you want!" My bladder cramped a bit at the panic. "Much better. First of all, you don't move from that spot until I give you permission. I'm gonna do some homework for a while. That's what big boys and girls do when they come home from school. You don't have any homework because you're a little boy who doesn't go to school anymore." "Whatever... I gotta go to the bathroom." "Does wittle Jay-Jay gotta go potty?" She grinned broadly. "No, James has to go to the bathroom!" "Oh, too bad. You can sit there, then." "Aw, come on!" She ignored me. Screw it. I could hold it until Mom got back. I wasn't debasing myself any further than I already had. Twenty minutes later, I started to realize I was wrong. "Maggie?" She ignored me again. "Maggie?!" "You call me Sissy, like Mom told you." I fell silent again, trying to reposition myself so I could hold it better. I was cramping up pretty good, but Mom would be home soon. It'd be worth it not to give in to my bitch sister. Five minutes later, and I was hurting, bad. "Come on, Maggie! Enough is enough!" No answer. Fine. "Fuck this!" I got up and started toward the powder room down the hallway. Before I reached the door, Maggie had me by my shirt collar. "I told you about cursing at me! Now you're gonna get it!" Not again! She dragged me back into the living room and bent me over the arm of the chair, holding me with one hand and pulling my pants down just enough to reveal my ass with the other. "Maggie... I mean Sissy! Please! I'm sorry! I'm..." Thwack, thwack, thwack! The spoon started raining fire back down on my bottom, and her hand in the small of my back pinned me down in spite of my squirming. Worse, I started peeing uncontrollably. In no time, I was crying like a little girl as pee soaked through my underwear and started running down my legs, saturating my socks as she hammered away at my backside. Just when I thought she'd never stop, the door opened again. "Hey Sissy, hey Jay-Jay! Mommy's home!" Maggie straightened up and pulled me to a stand next to her, jerking my pants up in the back, facing me toward the foyer. "Sounds like someone was a bad little boy while Mommy was..." Mom walked in and stopped cold, dropping her shopping bags at her feet. "What in the world?!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mom stood there, mouth wide open. My face flushed beet red, a whimpering mess after having another fire lit on my backside, but now completely humiliated as I stood there in soaking wet pants. "She wouldn't..." I started through my blubbering. "SHUT UP JAMIE!" I went back to sobbing. Mom looked at Maggie. "What happened, Sissy?" "Well, someone was being a little grouch. As soon as you left he told me to eff off. Later on he started squirming around, and I asked him if he had to go potty, but he just sat there and sulked, so I left him to sit. Then he cursed at me again, so I gave him a spanking, and he peed his pants, which is when you walked in." "Mom, she's lying! She wouldn't let me..." "Open your mouth again little boy, and you'll be right back over my knee!" Mom turned back to Maggie. "Sissy, please go get me a couple towels so I can get little Jay-Jay cleaned up." Maggie darted off down the hall, sniggering as she went. Bitch! "Well, little boy, not only did you prove you weren't ready for school, it looks like you proved that you weren't ready for potty training either!" Mom reached into one of the grocery sacks and pulled out a bag of bedwetting pants for boys. "I was going to let you wear these during the day, but clearly you just don't want to be a big boy at all, do you?" "It wasn't my fault, Mom...mee!" "Of course it wasn't your fault!" Maggie returned with two bath towels and an evil grin on her face. Mom spread one of the towels out on the floor. "You're just a little baby who can't help himself,aren't you?" She grabbed my arm and jerked me down onto the towel. "Maggie, take the other towel and clean up his puddle over there, and bring me the other bag please. It's okay baby, Mommy's gonna get you all fixed up." I struggled, squirming and sobbing, but Mom's powerful hand on my middle held me fast. Maggie snatched the second bag and dragged it over, then started wiping the floor with the second towel. "Please. Mommy! I don't wanna..." "I know, you don't wanna be a big boy, we're gonna fix that for you in just a minute. Sissy, go ahead and get those containers open for me. I can't do much with one hand here." Out they came, first the baby powder, then the wipes, then... a bag with "Molicare Super"across the front. "Size XS," it read. Meanwhile, Mom had my soggy pants and underpants stripped off, and she was pulling off my socks one by one. I fought against Mom's grip when I saw that bag. She gave me a hard swat on my thigh. "You will lie still, little boy, or I swear I will make you regret it!" I was already in hysterics from Maggie's vicious spanking, so all there was left to do was lay there and blubber even louder as Maggie pulled a huge pale purple diaper out of the bag. I was pretty sure this was nothing like the diapers Mom used to buy for me when I actually was a baby – it was all plastic, and it made a spectacular rustling noise as Sissy scrunched it in her hands, examining it with glee. Oh, and it was way, way bigger than any diaper I'd ever seen. "What a pretty colored diaper for my wittle baby brother!" she sneered as Mom wiped me down with several cold wet wipes and covered my whole crotch with powder. I scrunched my eyes shut and covered them with my arms; I couldn't stand to watch anymore. "Yes, yes, baby, Mommy's gonna get you all fixed up, no need to cry anymore. Sissy, put your hand right where mine is so I can get his diaper on for him. And watch carefully, 'cause you'll probably need to do this quite a few times over the next couple of weeks." A couple of weeks?! I didn't think I could bawl any louder, but somehow I did while Mom picked my legs up and slid the diaper under me, taping it up on both sides and giving it a pat in the front. It was a sick sound, hollow and plastic. "Of course Sissy will help change wittle Jay-Jay's diapees!" Maggie always loved it when I was in trouble, but she was enjoying this on a level that was downright terrifying, and if I weren't already sitting on hot coals from the beatings I'd taken already that day, completely humiliated and degraded by pissing myself and being diapered like an infant by my mother, I'd probably be scared of how bad it was going to get when Mom wasn't around. So I lay there and sobbed instead, which Mom seemed content to let me do until I calmed down. She even told Maggie to go put the supplies in the hall closet, which at least got her off my back for a little bit. "Now," Mom said as she pulled me back up to a sit. "Mommy was going to let you wear pull-ups during the day from now until school lets out, and wearing diapers to bed, just like you did when you were three and being stubborn about training. Of course, after earning yourself two spankings and making puddles on Mommy's hardwood floor in one afternoon, I think we're going to have to earn our pull-ups too by showing Mommy and Sissy both that we can behave like a big boy. Right now, since you're all safe from making any more puddles, you can climb your little baby butt onto the couch and sit quietly until the pizza man gets here. Do you think you can do that?" I was a slobbering mess by this point, but I managed to whimper, "Yes Mommy," which earned me another very audible giggle from Maggie. "Make her stop, Mommy!" I yelled in a moment of ingenuity. They wanted to treat me like a toddler, then dammit, I was going to at least try and leverage the role a little bit. "Sissy, don't be mean to your baby brother. Say you're sorry." Maggie got right up in my face and said, "Awww, I'm sowwy wittle baby Jay-Jay! You're just such a cute wittle baby, I couldn't help it." Then she planted a slobbery wet kiss on my forehead. "Here, Sissy help you up on the couch, okay?" Without warning, she grabbed me under the armpits and heaved me up, swatting my backside with another huge, hollow thump. "What a big baby you are! Baby SO big!" She pinched my cheek and walked away, laughing out loud now. I stared at Mom, pouting. "What? She said she was sorry." Mom grinned as she stood up. So much for leverage. "Now you be a good baby, nice and quiet for Mommy, okay? Mommy doesn't want to have to give you any more spankings tonight. Your poor little bottom has probably had enough, huh?" "Yes...Mommy..." "Good boy. After supper, Mommy make sure and get Daddy on the phone to say night-night before you go beddy-bye. Won't that be nice?" My eyes bulged. I could tell Dad! He'd make them stop! He wouldn't let them keep this up, would he?! "Yes Mommy!" I said with a great deal more vigor. "I knew that would cheer my grumpy baby up! Be good boy now and watch TV. Mommy has to go talk with Sissy for a minute." Go ahead and talk with her, you hateful bitch! Dad will fix this. Dad's almost seven feet tall! Maybe he'll spank you and Sissy and put you in diapers for being so mean to me! The thought was delightful, but it led to a much less happy thought. Why did my damn sister have to take after Dad's side of the family while I took after Grandpa? Sis... Maggie was a few inches taller than Mom, nearly six feet already at age 16. My grandad was a shrimp at five-two. And here I was, four-foot-four, sitting on the couch in in a big, thick,purple diaper. It wasn't even a cool purple like Caius the Shadow Monarch, it was a girly purple, like that faggy My Little Pony Starsong. The doorbell rang and interrupted my brooding. "Go get the pizza Jay-Jay, it's already paid for!" Mom called from down the hall. I was incredulous. "I don't have any pants on, Mom...mee!" I wasn't moving from that spot if I could help it! The two women appeared in the kitchen. "Oh for heaven's sake. Maggie, go get the door before the pizza man leaves. I'll set the table." Maggie brushed past, stopping to pat me on the head, and I scowled at her. I heard the door open, and she said, "Hi, come on in, right through here." My face went beet red. She led him right past me,chattering away. "Don't mind my little brother, he's pouting because he got in trouble today." The pizza man, well,teenager, caught a look at me and stifled a laugh. "Oh my god,like, how old is he?" "Twelve," Maggie said. "In middle school and still peeing his pants, can you believe it?" Her cheerful tone grated me, but I bit my lip and just glared. "Oh stop, Maggie. Hey, thanks for bringing it in for us. Just set it on the counter there. Here's a little extra tip for you." Mom tucked him a few bills after he set the two pizzas down. "Thanks ma'am!" "Hey, be safe out there." Pizza man came brushing by me, Maggie at his side. "I will ma'am." He looked at me again. "Nice underwear, dude! That'll get you all the girls at school for sure!" They both laughed as she walked him back to the foyer and out the door, while I just boiled. "Are you gonna come eat, Jay-Jay, or sit there and pout?" Mom called from the kitchen. I got up silently,well, other than my underwear rustling, and started toward the breakfast bar, but before I reached my chair, I was lifted up from behind under my arms and deposited in it unceremoniously. "Up you go, baby!" said Maggie. "Cut it out,Maggie!" Spanking or not, I was about to lose it on her stupidass again. "Stop it,Jay-Jay, your Sissy was just being helpful! Now say thank you." My mouth dropped,and I gritted my teeth. I glared at Maggie. "Thank you Ma...Sissy." "For what?" Mom's hands were on her hips. "Thank you for helping me up... Sissy." "You're welcome, wittle buddy!" Maggie pinched my cheek again as she sat down next to me. I looked at our place settings. Mom somehow managed to dig up one of Maggie's old lidded cups with the crazy straw in it. It was the same faggy purple as my... I mean this stupid diaper Mom put on me, and had My Little Ponies all over it. At least it still had Coke in it, or at least that's what it looked like. Mom piled slices onto each of our plates and passed them back to us. She got thin crust again. I hated thin crust. I liked the deep dish pizza,but the two of them were just all about those pieces of tasteless cardboard with sauce and cheese on them. And it was chicken and artichokes and mushrooms! Gross! Mom even ruined the food tonight! Mom and Maggie started eating immediately, while I took a drink from the stupid faggy pony cup and stared at my plate. "What's wrong,Jay-Jay?" Mom asked. "Oh never mind, how silly of me." She pulled my plate away, reaching into the silverware drawer. She pulled out a knife and fork and began... cutting up my pizza into little squares. Maggie nearly choked on her mouthful as she started laughing. Mom slid the plate back over to me. "There you go,sweetie! Can you eat your own pizza like a big boy now, or do you need Maggie to help?" That got me moving. I grabbed a square and shoved it into my mouth as Maggie leered at me. It tasted disgusting. I had to stifle a gag, and now I had sauce and grease all over my fingers. I managed to choke it down and chased it with a sip of soda. Stupid cup or not, it was still Coke. I repeated the process a few more times, but I ran out of soda long before I ran out of pizza. I couldn't gag my way through all the little pieces I still had on my plate without something, so I swallowed my pride. "Mommy, can... may I have more Coke please?" "Well look at that! He can be a polite little boy when he wants to! Of course, Jay-Jay!" Mom seemed genuinely pleased with my behavior for once. For once in my whole damn life. The most humiliating, miserable moment in my life, and now she's finally happy. Go figure. I gnawed on a piece of dry crust while I watched her refill my cup and screw the lid back on. "Thank you, Mommy." What choice did I have? I could either pretend to be nice while I waited for Dad to get me out of this mess, or they'd just keep torturing me. I went back to work slowly on the horrible pizza, my hands steadily becoming a mess. I thoughtlessly wiped them on my shirt, and Mom gasped as she popped up out of her seat. "Oh for heaven's sake!" I cringed as she slipped past Maggie and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt. "I guess we needed help after all, didn't we?" She forced it up over my head then used it to wipe off my hands. "Mommy, I..." "I know, I know, little boys are just such messy eaters when left to themselves,aren't they?" She pushed my chair closer to Maggie's and moved my plate and cup out my reach, handing my sister a fork. "Help him finish up his supper for me, would you?" "Of course, Mom." Maggie grinned. I raged. "I wouldn't have made a mess if you hadn't cut it into little pieces like that!"I yelled, tears filling my eyes again. "Oh, is that why you wiped it all over your shirt instead of asking for a napkin like a big boy?" Mom's counter was bulletproof. Not that it mattered. Sitting here, naked but for a diaper, crying like a little girl, nothing I said would sound like anything but a tantrum. "Now eat your supper like a good boy. Any more fussing and you're going straight to bed when you're done, you hear me?" "Yes Mommy." Maggie grinned broadly as she took the last bite of her own pizza. She speared a square with the fork and brought it toward my face. "Here comes the airplane!" she giggled. I opened my mouth, but she still managed to smear my cheek with it before putting it in. I needed a drink,but Maggie wasn't about to give me a chance. The second I swallowed,she had another piece waiting. "May I... mmph!" Now I had sauce on both cheeks, I could feel it. I tried to ask for a drink after that piece, but Maggie wasn't having it. Over and over again she poked the little squares at me, and I choked them down, the nasty, briny artichokes and the slimy mushrooms and that disgusting, mushy chicken, all of those horrible flavors accumulating in my mouth. She finally shoved the last one in there. "What a good boy!" she declared. "Look Mommy, Jay-Jay ate it allllll up! Now he can have his wittle drinky-poo!" She slid the cup over in front of me, and I grabbed it and drank greedily. To hell with her teasing, I needed to get that awful taste out of my mouth as quickly as I could. "Why yes he did, but did he get as much in his mouth as he got on his face?" Mom grabbed a rag, wet it in the sink, and walked around the island as I slurped the last of the Coke. As soon as I pulled the straw away I got a face full of hot, damp cloth, with enough force to push me up against the back of the chair, my head tilting back. "Sit still, baby, Mommy needs to get you cleaned up." When she finished,I held the cup up. "More Coke please, Mommy?" I was getting tired of the politeness, but it seemed the only way to get anywhere with these two maniacs. "Of course,sweetie! Maggie, go ahead and clear the table for me." She filled my cup back up again as Maggie stood and gathered up the dishes. "Here you go, Jay-Jay. You can go sit on the floor and watch TV now if you want." She handed me the cup and I wasted no time bailing off that chair before Maggie had a chance to snatch me up again. As I waddled over toward the couch, Mom called out,"What do we say, Jay-Jay?" "Thank you Mommy!" Yep, definitely sick of this already. Not as sick of the crinkling between my legs, though, especially since that was all the clothing I had on now. I sat down on the couch, greedily slurping up the cool, sweet soda. "I said floor, Jay-Jay. No drinks on Mommy's couch, you know better!" Ugh. I slumped down in front of the couch with a crinkle. The TV was still locked on PBS, but at least all the stupid baby shows were over now. It was some science show talking about planets or something, and I tried to follow along while I sipped on my drink. A few minutes later, Mom walked by. "Mommy's going to take herself a shower and relax now, do you think you can be a good boy for Sissy for alittle while? You had a tough time being good last time she was in charge." "I'll be good,Mommy." I was getting exasperated, and I just wanted to be left alone for a while. "Well last time he wasn't wearing his pretty new diapees. I bet he's much happier now, all dry and comfy and pretty!" Maggie offered. "I hope so. Mommy's had enough trouble out of you for one day." "I'm sure he'll be just a perfect wittle angel, won't you, baby?" I just glared at her. Mom laughed as she walked up the stairs. I locked my eyes back on the TV and resumed sipping my Coke. How could this possibly get any worse? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The soda ran out, and I put the cup down next to me. Surprisingly, Maggie came right over and picked it up. "Want some more soda-pop, Jay-Jay?" That was weird. "Yes please, S... Sissy." I hated that word. I hated saying it,unless I was calling some punk at school that before I took his knees out. Still, I was kinda getting into this TV show, which made it easier to forget how utterly stupid I looked, so I wasn't in the mood for another fight with her, especially since I clearly had no chance of winning as long as Mom was acting all weird. So if she wanted to serve me up Coke all night while I sat and watched TV, and all I had to do was say "please and thank you Sissy", then so be it. Halfway through cup number four, though, it seemed cup number one decided it wanted back out. "Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom!" No answer from Mom. She must be still in the shower. Maggie was just sitting there, her elbow on the counter, grinning at me. I didn't like that look at all. "Sissy, I have to go to the bathroom." "You're silly. Big boys go to the bathroom. Little boys go potty." I frowned. "Sissy,may I please go... potty?" "Well sure. What are you waiting for?" "Can you take this diaper off for me so I can go... potty?" She laughed. "What do you think that diaper's for, baby?" I was furious. "No frickin' way!" I took off running up the stairs, expecting Maggie to try and snatch me up again. She didn't move. "Mom! Tell Maggie to let me go to the bathroom!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Mom stepped out of her bedroom in her bathrobe, her hair wrapped up in a towel, and stared at me as I reached the landing. "If I were going to let you use the potty like a big boy, don't you think I would have given you a pull-up to wear?" I was coming apart now, tears of frustration forming in my eyes. "Please, Mommy,don't make me pee my pants!" "I didn't make you pee your pants the first time, little boy." "But..."The cold reality set in. She wasn't budging on this. "How long do I have to wear these things?!" "That dependson how well you behave yourself this weekend. Show me you're ready to be a big boy and I'll let you have pull-ups to wear during the daytime on Monday." "How am I supposed to do that?!" I was blubbering again, my words all mushing together. "Well you were doing pretty well at the dinner table, being all nice and polite, but you're throwing one hell of a tantrum right now, so I don't know..." The idea of spending the whole weekend pissing and shitting in diapers was bad enough, but the idea that I had to just sit there and take every little bit of abuse the two of them were dishing out made it all seem hopeless. I collapsed against the railing, sliding down to the floor with my knees up and my head in my arms sobbing. "I think we're just worn out from the tough day we had today." Mom hoisted me up and wrapped one hand around my thighs and the other my back,carrying me awkwardly into my bedroom. "Let's get the baby's jammies on and have a little quiet time before beddy-bye." She plunked herself down on my bed and held me tight against her, my head across her shoulder, rocking back and forth. "But Mommy, it's six thirty!" "Well you're just gonna have to settle your little self down if you want to stay up and wait for Daddy to call at eight. Can you do that?" What choice did I have? If I didn't get to talk to Dad, I had no chance of getting out of this! Come on, Jamie, get it together! Whether Mom and Maggie were treating me like a baby or not, sitting here on her lap blubbering was just proving the point! "Yes Mommy!" I willed myself to calm down, at least to sniffling and hiccups. "That's better. Let's get our jammies on now, and then we can go back down and watch TV some more, okay?" "Please can I just bring my PSP down with me, Mommy?" "Yes, you can bring your PSP, as long as you behave yourself." "Mommy, why are you making me use the diapers?" My bladder reminded me of an inevitability I wasn't ready to face. It was starting to hurt,and I figured I'd take one last shot at being spared this indignity. "Because that's what diapers are for, and you earned them with all your tantrums today. Understand?" "Yes Mommy." "Don't worry,sweetie, Mommy won't make you sit in a yucky wet diaper. Did you already go pee?" "No Mommy." "Well don't try to hold it, you'll just hurt yourself for nothing." Or maybe Dad will tell you to call this whole thing off. That'd be worth holding it. I sat there limply and let her pull my old Yu-Gi-Oh pajama top over my head. Caius. Purple. So it actually matched the diaper. And short, so it showed it off too, barely covering the waistband. "Okay, get your PSP, sweetie." She nudged me off her lap. "No bottoms?!" I pouted. "You've worn a shirt and boxers around the house when it was this hot outside. I don't see any difference." Well I fucking do. No,I wasn't going to let myself get worked up again. I swallowed the indignity and grabbed my game and a couple of cartridges off my dresser. "Good boy. Goon downstairs, Mommy will be down as soon as she gets her jammies on,okay?" "Yes Mommy." Do your "jammies" include a diaper too? They should, you hateful bitch! I trudged downstairs, rustling the whole way, while Mom went back to her bedroom and closed the door. Maggie was waiting for me, sitting right where she was, in the same exact position as when I ran up the stairs. "Look at cute little Jay-Jay in his purple PJ's. Did we go pee-pee already?" "No." I had my game, I could block her out. I flopped onto the couch and started up Tag Force 5, ignoring the cramping in my bladder. "Maybe some more Coke would help. Jay-Jay want some more soda-pop?" she offered. "No thank you,Sissy." I had to keep my cool. "Suit yourself." I could feel her staring at me. Like she was just waiting for it. What the hell was the fascination? It's not like she hadn't already seen me piss myself that day. Barely a few minutes had gone by, and I couldn't even concentrate on my game for the cramps. I gritted my teeth. Maggie was still staring. I closed my eyes and tried to let loose, but I couldn't. It was locked up down there! I huffed in frustration, trying to push. Nothing happened. Maybe Maggie was right, a drink might help. I looked up at the smug bitch, and steeled myself. "Sissy, can I have some Coke please?" "No more caffeine tonight. He can have water or milk, Maggie." Mom appeared at the railing and made her way down the stairs. "You've got a little more than an hour before bed, we don't need you all hopped up to where you can't get to sleep." "But Mom...mee! Eight o'clock on a Friday?!" "You're lucky it isn't earlier than that with how you've behaved today." "But..." "Any more 'buts' and you can go to bed now." "Yes Mommy." Ugh. I hadn't been in bed earlier than ten o'clock since I was in 3rd grade, certainly not on a weekend. "If I'm good tomorrow, do I get to stay up later?" "We'll see. We already know what happens if you're not good tomorrow, don't we?" "Yes Mommy." Maggie interrupted the revelry with the lidded cup. "Here ya go, buddy! Some nice cold water for you!" I stood up and took it, before Mom had a chance to bitch about the furniture. "Thankyou... Sissy." This was so depressing. I started pulling on the straw. Every time I swallowed, my bladder cramped back at me angrily. Just... let... go... I kept forcing it down,wincing, just praying for relief. Just as I slurped the last of it,the dam broke open. I was too busy being relieved to care about how humiliating the act was. This was quite literally the most amazing piss I'd ever taken in my life; all those cramps loosening up felt so good, and the flood just coming and coming, with no letup. I could feel the diaper getting heavy, sagging between my legs, but it didn't stop. Maggie was grinning ear to ear as she stared, while Mom looked worried for some reason. Then I realized why. A trickle down my leg. Then another, on the other side. I tried to clench, tried to stop peeing, but I couldn't. "Jesus christ! Get the towel and the changing supplies, Maggie, quick! Aren't you done yet Jamie?!" I shook my head,blushing, trying not to cry again as the feeling of shame overwhelmed the relief. By the time Maggie got there, I was done, but there was a small puddle between my feet, and little rivulets of pee still running down my legs. I was biting my lip as hard as I could as Mom fussed over me, desperately trying to hold back the tears as the lump swelled back up in my throat. "Jesus, Maggie, we're gonna have to call around tomorrow and see if there's anything better than this available. That worthless bastard at the drug store said these were the best kid-size diapers they had!" She pulled me down onto the towel and tore the tapes loose. I covered my face and lay there,limp as a ragdoll while the whole ordeal from earlier played itself out again, my legs being wiped up and down, my sister snickering. The powder, another diaper, the tapes cinching up. Much tighter this time, I could tell. Except it wasn't over.... It felt like Mom was dragging her finger across the diaper between my legs, quick little slashes. What the hell was she doing? Suddenly my butt wasup in the air again, and I realized she was taping ANOTHER diaper on. "Mom what are you doing?!" "Sorry, baby, but until Mommy finds some better diapers, we can't be having you making puddles all over the place like that!" "But..."I was incredulous. Why not just call the whole stupid thing off and let me go to the bathroom like a normal fucking twelve-year-old?! Instead, here I was with my legs spread so far apart I wondered if I could walk at all. Maggie fled down the hall, but I could hear her laughing from here. Mom sat me up, and I just looked at her, dumbfounded, my legs split in a wide-open "V". And now even she was stifling a laugh. "Aw, it's okay, Jay-Jay. It's just for a little while. Mommy get you some better diapers tomorrow, and Sissy will help find them, right Sissy?" "Wha... I mean... Okay Mom. What do you need me to do?" "Get on the computer and check around to some of the local medical places, see what they offer, and figure out which ones are the most absorbent. I don't care what they cost, just find the best ones out there." "Um... Okay, sure Mom!" She disappeared up the steps, while Mom stood up. "Climb up on the couch for me, Jay-Jay, and play your little game for a while,okay? Mommy's got a mess to clean up here, and your father will be calling pretty soon." I looked between my legs, then back at her. She'll make me go to bed now if I cry. Don't fucking cry! Don't do it! My lip trembled, but I swallowed hard and struggled to my feet. So much plastic, pushing my thighs apart. I stepped off the towel, wobbling a bit, and plunked myself back on the couch. I still couldn't close my legs. I couldn't even forget this damn thing was on me, no matter how much I wanted to. And I began to brood. Why was this happening to me? I mean, come on, I wasn't the first kid to ever get into a fight at school. And it wasn't even my damn fault! I clung to the phone call that was coming. Dad would call, and I'd explain it all to him, and he'd tell Mom to take these stupid diapers off me and let me go back to being a normal 12-year-old boy. I looked at the clock on the wall; 20 minutes. I could fight it until then, I could just shut up and play my game and ignore the giant plastic pillow that was lifting my butt off the couch and splaying my legs out like I was in a yoga class. I could do that. I could pretend I wasn't aware that I was wearing a great big girly baby diaper that just happened to match what used to be my favorite pajama top, the one I'd never, ever, ever wear again after this. That I looked like a big sissy baby in this huge puffy purple thing. Nope, I could keep that thought right away. Okay, so maybe I couldn't, but I wasn't going to cry about it. I was done crying tonight. Crying was for sissy babies... that wore big puffy purple diapers instead of pants or shorts. And peed in them so much that they had to wear two at a time so they wouldn't leak. Just...like... me... "It's alright,baby." Mom sat down on the couch and put her arm around me. "No need to cry. Mommy said she'd fix it, didn't she?" I didn't say anything, just sat there and whimpered, staring at my game. "Come on, sweetie, let's get you tucked into bed." "You said eight o'clock!" I was practically squeaking. Which made it all worse. Now I sounded like a big sissy girly baby too. In a big puffy purple diaper. Two of them, actually. "I said your dad would call at eight o'clock, and considering the shape you're in right now, it's going to take me that long to get you settled down enough to talk to him." She took the PSP out of my hands, and I didn't even try to stop her. She pulled me up,back onto my wobbly legs, and started to lead me by the hand toward the stairs. I staggered, the waddle throwing my balance off. She kept going. I fell to my knees. "I can't walk in this stupid thing!" "Oh good god, Sissy better find those new diapers for you quick, I don't know how many times I can carry you up and down the stairs, baby. C'mon, up we come." She scooped me back up into that awkward cradle position and trudged up the stairs. "You were much littler the last time I had to do this, Jay-Jay." We reached the top of the stairs just in time for Maggie to surface from her room. She grinned broadly, and I hid my face in Mom's shirt. "Awwww... Hey, you got a minute Mom?" "Let me get him to bed and let him talk to his dad for a few minutes, then we'll talk." "Okay, just knock then. Night night wittle buddy!" I whimpered back at her. "Enough,Maggie. I'm trying to settle him down. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, huh Jay-Jay?" Mom pulled the blankets back, laid me gently into the bed, pulled the sheet over me,and tucked it in, something she hadn't done since I was like five. Then she did something else she hadn't done since then; she grabbed a tissue from my dresser and stuck it up against my nose. "Blow, sweetie." "Really Mom?" I sniffled, reaching for the paper. She swatted my hand away. "Blow." I blew. She got up and threw it in the trash can on the other side of the room. "See,now what were you going to do with it if you did it yourself? Hide it under your sheet?" Before I could answer, Mom's phone rang. Finally, this had to be Dad. She fished it out of the pocket of her nightgown and slid it open. "Hey honey, how are you? Oh, yeah, it's been a long day here too. Yeah, he's right here, he's been waiting all night to talk to you. Sure, I'll put him on." She handed me the phone. "Dad! I need to..." "You be quiet and listen to me, little man." I gasped a little. That was not the response I expected. "Your mom already told me everything. And you deserve every bit of what you got today and more, you hear me?" "Yes Dad..." How could I have been so stupid? Of course she got to him first! My life was now officially over. "The hell's wrong with you, disrespecting your mother and your sister like that?!" "I... I'm sorry Dad." Mom was standing over me now, arms folded, nodding. "Now you listen here, boy. Whatever your mom and Maggie tell you to do, you'd better damn well toe the line, because when we get together at the new beach house, I'm gonna bring hell down on you if I find out you've been fighting them this whole time. Are we clear?" "Yes...Dad...." "Now I hate being gone like this all the time, and I know you hate it too, but you've got to start acting like a grown-ass young man. You're too old for all this foolishness. You wouldn't be doing it if I was there, would you?" "No..." "Then don't do it when I'm gone. I miss you a whole lot, Jamie, and I want to be happy to see you next month, not having to come down on you all hard like this. I love you, son." "I love you too, Dad." "Now give me back to your mom." "Bye Dad." I was crestfallen when I handed her back the phone. Not only did Dad not get me out of this, he made me feel like I deserved it. And that was worse than anything that had happened today. I rolled over and faced the wall as Mom stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door and flipping the light off behind her as she chatted with him. In the darkness, I strained to hear the conversation, but I couldn't. She didn't sound mad; maybe she was just talking, instead of talking about me. The bulk splitting my legs apart was getting really uncomfortable as I lay on my side, so I flopped back over onto my back. I heard Mom knock on Maggie's door, and the two of them started talking as well, but it was just voices, nothing distinct. I'm sure whatever Maggie had found would suck, but it couldn't possibly suck as bad as the big puffy balloon I was wearing right now. I don't know why my eyes started getting heavy, but as much as I tried to fight it, tried to hear what they were saying, tried to get some inkling of the plans for the next day, it all faded off into the darkness, and I fell into a fitful sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My eyes flew open with the sunlight through the window. What an awful dream that was! I started to sit up, and then I heard the crinkle. It wasn't a dream at all. The bulk was still very much pressing my legs apart. I reached a hand under the sheet and felt the smooth plastic. This was really happening. I was about to spend two whole days in diapers, not allowed to use the bathroom. The weight of it dropped me right back to the pillow. I no longer wanted to get up. I didn't want to do anything but lay here and wait to die. Sadly, Mom fixed that problem for me, by walking through the door. "Good morning Jay- Jay! I was hoping you'd wake up before Mommy left so I could talk to you a little bit." She sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you wet, sweetie? Do you need a diaper change before I go?" She lifted the sheet. "Still dry, okay." "I could have told you that if you let me, Mommy." Truth was, it was hot and clammy in there, even though I knew my bladder was full. "Never mind that. Sissy will change you later, then, and get you dressed. Now we found some nice new diapers for you, and she's going to call the place as soon as they open to see about getting a courier to deliver them, so you won't need to be carried around very much longer, okay?" As if on cue, she scooped me up out of the bed. "Let's get you downstairs and have breakfast, and Sissy will change you as soon as you're done your morning pee. Now I'm gonna be gone probably until around four or five for this open house, so I need you to be a very, very good boy and do everything Sissy tells you, okay?" "Yes Mommy." The feeling of dread fell over me as the idea of nine hours alone in the house with my sister controlling every aspect of my existence sank in. "That's a good boy." She patted me on the bottom, which I barely felt through all the padding, and slid me into a chair at the island in the kitchen. "Sissy!" she shouted. "Where are you? I gotta get going!" "I'm in the bathroom, Mom! I'll be out in a minute!" Maggie sounded tired and grouchy, not a good combination at all. It was eight in the morning, and she never got up before ten on the weekends. "Oh for heaven's sake." Mom poured some orange juice into that crazy-straw cup and set it in front of me, then drained her coffee. "Mommy's gotta go, honey. Have a good day, okay?" She kissed me on the cheek and gave me a squeeze, then dashed off. I didn't bother answering her. Have a good day in a diaper with my obviously crabby sister who took such joy in torturing me yesterday. Sure. That's gonna happen. I put my head down on the countertop and just waited. "Oh look, the baby's up." Maggie's voice behind me took me by surprise. At least she wasn't all fake-bubbly like last night. She came around into my view, and she looked like hell. I mean, not that I thought my sister was pretty or anything. She grabbed a box of cereal out of the cabinet and poured some into a bowl, not even bothering to close the box as she slammed it onto the counter and opened the fridge. She grabbed the milk and poured it into the bowl, being a little more careful setting it down. She took a spoon out of the drawer and sat down next to me at the island. "Open," she said, bringing a spoonful of cereal and milk to my lips. "I..." I started, but she shoved it in. "If it weren't for you being a little brat yesterday, I'd be sleeping right now, not caring what you were doing. Because of you, I had to drag my ass out of bed at a quarter to eight. So you're going to shut your stupid little mouth except when I tell you to open it today, or I'm going to make your life a living hell. You get my drift?" I swallowed the cereal. "Y...yes Sissy." "Good. Open." And so I let her feed me, and she drank coffee while I chewed. And no one spoke. Which made what happened about halfway through the bowl that much more obvious. The hiss coming from my diaper area was loud enough to where she even paused her mechanical feeding to wait for it to be done. Which, of course, made what I was doing that much more embarrassing. The balloon was actually a little painful now, pressing my legs so far apart that I had to nearly straddle the chair. Timidly, I spoke up, "Sissy,please..." Another spoon cut me off. "I'll change your damn diaper when I'm good and ready,and damn sure not before you finish your fucking breakfast." Silence. Other than me eating. And the diaper rustling as I squirmed around to try and find a comfortable spot in the chair with all that swollen padding under me. She fed me the last spoon and said, "Drink your fucking juice, baby." She poured herself another cup of coffee, and I slurped that juice down as fast as I could. I wanted out of that damn diaper. She sat back down as I finished. "I'm done, Sissy." "Fine. Go watch fucking TV." I was desperate. "But what about my diaper?!" I couldn't believe I actually said that. "My diaper". "Fine. Go on upstairs," she said, taking a sip of her coffee. "When I'm done, I'll come change your diaper and get you dressed." My jaw dropped. "But..." "Or you can sit there in your pissy diaper all day, I don't care. You want your diaper changed, you're going to get your ass up those stairs and wait for me in your bedroom." She wasn't budging. I slipped off the chair and onto my wobbly legs... and went straight down on the first step. "I can't walk like this, Sissy!" I flopped over onto my backside and stared at her. "Then fucking crawl. You're a baby. That's what babies do." "Maggie, come the fuck on!" She scowled at me and picked up her phone. "Fine. Lay there and cry about it then, baby!" "Shut up you big bully fucking bitch!" Her thumbs moved faster, then she set the phone down. My eyes got big as she stood up, towering over me as I sat there, trying to crab-walk away from her. She reached down and grabbed my arm. "OW!"Her grip was like iron, and she jerked me to my feet. Rip, rip, rip, the outer diaper fell off me, then the inner one, much heavier. She sprawled me across the seat of one of the bar stools, and down came the spoon, again and again and again. She hit me methodically, first the fat part of my butt on one side, then the other, then one upper thigh, then the other. Never the same place twice in a row, and god did it hurt. I went from angry teenager to whining kindergartner, but she kept right on going. I howled in pain, promising and begging and pleading, kicking my legs in the air, but she still didn't stop. Then I went limp, huge, wracking sobs making my entire body shudder. Finally, the spoon stopped, and I heard her put it down on the counter. "You ain't seen bully bitch out of me yet, you pissy-pants little brat." She pulled my shirt down over my snot-and-tear-covered face and threw it on the floor with the diapers. "If you so much as roll over before I get back, we're gonna go another round!" Down the hallway she went, and back she came with the changing supplies. She spread a towel on the floor in the living room. "On the towel, face down, baby." I walked over on wobbly legs, my backside on fire like it had never been before. Her phone vibrated on the counter behind me, but she ignored it. I laid down on my stomach. "One of these days," she said as she pumped what looked like hand lotion into her palm, "you're gonna learn when to keep your damn little mouth shut. All you had to do was wait for me to finish my coffee, and I would have changed your little diaper, and put a nice clean t-shirt on you, and I probably would have let you sit on the couch and play your little video game or maybe watch some big-boy cartoons or something." She started rubbing the cream into my quivering backside. Her touch stung, but the cream felt cool, soothing. "But no, you had to go and call me a bitch. And where did it get you, huh? Nowhere, that's where. It got your ass beat, is what it got you. And it put your sister in a shitty mood, which means all the nice things she was going to try to do for little baby Jamie this morning to make it a little easier went right out the goddamn window." She wiped her hands off with one of the wipes, then covered my as with a mountain of baby powder. She spread a diaper on the floor next to me and said, "Roll over, baby." I rolled, and it hurt when I landed, but not as much as yesterday after Mom worked me over. She wiped me down with a baby wipe in the front, covered me with another pile of powder, and sealed me up. She picked up a small kitchen knife, and I finally saw what Mom had done the night before. She cut slits in the bottom of the diaper, then lifted me up and added a second one. "Scoot your ass off the towel and sit still." I scooted, and she gathered everything back up and stood. "Do not move. I'll be right back." Down the hall she went. And I waited, sulking and sniffling. No PSP. Nothing good to watch on TV. This was really,really going to suck. I heard a door open, and her heavy footsteps on stairs. What the hell was she doing in the basement?! How long was I supposed to just sit here and stare at the fucking wall? After what seemed like an eternity, even though only 15 minutes had passed by the clock on the wall – I think it was lying to me – I heard her footsteps coming back up the basement stairs, with a whole lot of jostling and grunting to go with them. She shuffled down the hall, and my eyes bulged when I saw what was in her hands! "No! No fucking way!" I started to scuffle backwards, toward the stairs. "I told you not to move!" she shouted as she unfolded the huge playpen and slammed it on the floor in the middle of the living room. "You're not putting me in that fucking thing Maggie!" "What are you gonna do, crawl next door with just your little diaper on and tell Mrs. Farnsworth on me? I'm sure her three daughters would just love to see that!" She stormed toward me, and I panicked, flopping over and crawling as fast as I could. If I could just reach... Her powerful arm wrapped around my waist right before my hand got to the railing. "No!" I screamed, kicking and flailing helplessly. "Put me down, you crazy bitch! Put me down!" She dropped me into the playpen, and I bounced right back to my feet. This thing was bigger than I remembered, the bar reaching all the way to my stomach. "If you climb out of there, this is next!" She glowered at me, a leash in her hand. "What are you gonna do, walk me around like a fucking dog?!" I stretched my leg up, but my foot came just short of the bar. Just a little further! Come on! And then my foot was in her hand, and with a push, my backside was on the mattress. "No, I'm going to do this." She cinched the leash down onto my ankle, poked a hole in the netting near the bottom, and pulled it through, wrapping it around the leg of the playpen outside,out of reach. "Now, go ahead and call me a bitch again, you little creep." She walked over to the counter and grabbed her phone, swiping the screen and typing furiously. "Fuck you,bitch! Beat me all you want! I don't fucking care anymore! Do you hear me, you fucking cunt?! Do your worst!" "Now I'm a cunt too, huh?" she muttered, still staring at her phone. I started wrestling with the buckle on the leash around my ankle, but she ignored me. She finished typing and stood up. "By the way, this was what Mom sent back this morning after I told her you called me a bitch again." She turned the phone toward me and shoved it right in my face. "Well, he just bought himself two more days in diapers. And tell him if he calls you that again, he won't see those pull-ups until school is out!" I went cold. Maggie's reply, which she obviously just typed, sat there directly underneath. "Now I'm a bitch AND a cunt, apparently." She turned the screen around and grinned at me. "Hope you like pissing and shitting in your pants, you little rodent!" The phone vibrated. She laughed and typed some more. I forgot all about the leash and squirmed into the corner of the playpen, recoiling at what I'd just seen. Two more weeks of this? Her phone rang. "Hi Mom! Sure, he's right here, just a second!" I looked at that phone like it was made of poison cancer virus, cringing as Maggie brought it over and handed it to me. Timidly I reached out and took it. "H...hello...Mommy..." "You shut up and listen, you disrespectful little bastard. I don't want to hear a word out of your foul little mouth until I get home. I raised you better than to say such filthy things to anybody, never mind your own family! "Now, when I get home this evening, I am going to feed you supper, spank the living daylights out of your bratty little ass, and put you to bed. But here's what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to tell your father about this. But if you don't do exactly as Maggie and I tell you to do from now until we leave for the beach house, he's going to hear about all of it. And I don't think I need to tell you what your father will do if he finds out you used the C-word on your sister." I gulped, but stayed silent. Truth be told, I couldn't imagine what Dad would do,but I damned sure didn't want to find out. "Now, put me on speakerphone." I pressed the speaker button with a trembling finger. "Maggie, can you hear me?" "Yeah, Mom." "Did you order his new diapers?" "Yeah, a full case, like you asked." "Are they bringing them today?" "Should be around lunchtime." "Oh good. Make sure you tip the driver, and go ahead and order two more cases, since your baby brother decided he'd rather start his potty training at the beach this summer." But the beach trip was a month from now! The tears came rushing back again, and I couldn't stop them if I wanted to. I held the phone up weakly with the one hand, and buried my face in the other. Four weeks of diapers. "Okay... I will... anything else?" "Yeah. After you feed him lunch, change his diapers and put him down for a nap, whether the delivery is there or not. Only an hour or so, though,because he won't sleep tonight otherwise. And he can stay in the playpen the rest of the time. I'm pretty sure there are some boxes of yours and his old baby stuff right near where you found that crib, it's probably marked yard sale. Use whatever you can find, just make sure you wash it thoroughly. Until little Jay-Jay learns to stop having tantrums, he's going to be treated exactly how old he's acting." "Got it, Mom. I saw that box down there along with some old videos I was going to bring up for him to watch. What do you want me to fix for dinner?" "I'll text you about that later. I can already hear him bawling. I gotta go. Love you both!" The phone went dead, and Maggie was right there to snatch it. "There you go,little buddy. I did my worst. You wanna try it again?" "No." "You gonna stay in that playpen while I'm downstairs?" "Yes." "Good. 'Cause I'm pretty sure Mom won't hesitate to extend your little punishment out through the beach trip too." I shuddered at the thought. Her footfalls led back down the hall, down to the basement,to bring my doom back up with her. I finally went too far, and now my life was over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was all of quarter after ten when Maggie finished this horrible,awful treasure hunt of hers. Stuffed animals of various shapes and sizes now covered the floor of the playpen. The dishwasher hummed away, full of baby bottles, toddler plates, and pacifiers, though she took the trouble to hand wash a white pacifier with a purple and pink butterfly on it and stuff it into my mouth. "Matches your pretty diapers!" she said. Well, it certainly did that, for a variety of reasons. She even found a box of old DVD's down there. I thought for sure she'd torture me with Teletubbies and Barney and all that crap, but her old Sailor Moon collection was hardly an improvement. Still, it gave me a distraction from the much bigger problem I had, that of a growing pressure in my gut, moving downward. I knew I could hold it,probably all day if I had to, but that wasn't going to make it go away. But for now, I just wasn't ready for this. So I watched prissy teenage girls dance around and do weird teenage girly superhero stuff, and I gnawed on the silicone nipple, and I did my best to ignore it. The dishwasher finished its cycle, and Maggie got up to empty it. I couldn't see what she was doing from my position, between the high bar of the playpen and the counter itself, but she spent a long time fidgeting with something over there, and I started to get suspicious. Finally she took something over to the fridge and began filling it with water from the built-in dispenser. In my gut, I knew, and she confirmed my suspicions rather quickly as she screwed a nipple onto a bottle and brought it over. "You looked thirsty, baby boy. Sissy brought you some nice cold water to drink." She leaned into the playpen and held it out to me. I didn't move. "If you drink it all up, Sissy will let you have a sippy cup with your lunch instead of another bottle." I had to admit, after all the crying and screaming and yelling I'd done that morning,a little cold water would be nice. I took it and spit out the pacifier. What difference did it make? Either way I had a nipple in my mouth. At least I was getting something out of this one. She sat down on the couch and stared at me, grinning. One way or another she was going to wind up humiliating me, might as well get it over with. I put it in my mouth and tilted my head back. To my surprise, it started dribbling almost immediately, before I had a chance to do anything with it. I sucked, and got a lot more than I was expecting;I nearly choked on that first gulp! She must have done something to the nipple! I looked up; she was sitting there with her hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter, staring at me intently. I scowled back at her and tipped it up again, sucking hard, determined to empty it as fast as possible. Eight ounces of ice cold water doesn't seem like a lot, until you're trying to suck it down through a nipple. I had to stop for a breath once, but I finished it in less than a minute and tossed it aside. "What a thirsty baby! Does Jay-Jay want some more?" She was openly giggling now, not even trying to hide it. "No." "Where's your binky, baby? Find your binky!" Ugh. I looked around in the mass of soft toys between my sprawled legs and located the pacifier, brushing it off and putting it back in my mouth. "What a good baby you are! Let's put another video on for you before lunch!" I looked at the clock; it was just eleven now. Maggie said the new diapers would get here around lunchtime. Maybe I could talk her into letting me use the toilet when they got here. I could hold out until then. Miserable though it was, the courier finally showed up 45 minutes later. And thankfully,either Maggie wasn't inspired to invite him in or he didn't have time. Either way, he didn't see me. What really creeped me out was the massive grin plastered across Maggie's face as she carried the huge box in from the foyer and plunked it down next to the couch. "So, do we need a diaper change, baby boy, or are we good right now?" This was my chance. I took the pacifier out and said, "Well, no, but I really have to poop. Could you..." "Oh wait, you called me a cunt and a bitch, and now you want me to do favors for you?" Dammit. "Please, Ma...Sissy, just this once. I'm sorry I said all that horrible stuff to you." "And you even took your binky out without my permission?" Ugh... I stuffed it back in. "Pleash Shishee! I'll vee a good vayvee fro' now on, I fromish!" She laughed. "Tell you what, Jamie." She took the pacifier out of my mouth. "Let's talk business. I'll let you go potty. In fact, I'll even talk to Mom and make sure you get to go poopie on the potty all the time, but it's gonna cost you." What could she possibly do worse than this? "Okay... what do I have to do?" "I'll show you after lunch. You want to go potty or not?" I didn't like this. But again, I was already sitting in a playpen in a diaper, and I'd already been made to drink out of a bottle, and be spoonfed. There couldn't possibly be anything worse than this, other than... "Wait, you're not gonna make me go around outside dressed like this, are you?" "No, no,nothing like that, silly baby!" She laughed. "So what's it gonna be? You gonna give me a poopy diaper to change, or do you want to go potty like a big boy? Besides, I bet you're sick of being all double-diapered like that, aren't you? Don't you wanna try on your new diapers?" I sighed. "Okay,okay, deal." Her smile got even bigger as she tucked the pacifier back in and dropped the side of the playpen. "Always knew you were a smart little baby boy. Come on, I'll take you to potty." She reached down and unbuckled the leash. "If you promise not to try and climb out anymore, I won't put that back on you this afternoon." "I frovish." She cackled. "So cute. Come on out, baby." I got to my feet and held on to the rail as I wobbled out. She held my hand on the way to the bathroom,which I was grateful for, as much as the mass between my legs disrupted my balance. I could hardly wait to get changed into a single diaper again. She took me to the powder room and stripped the two diapers off me, then stepped out into the hall to let me do my business. "Come back out to the living room when you're done,Jamie, I'm going to fix your lunch." I heard her walk away, and as I dropped the pacifier out of my mouth I resolved to take my sweet time, considering this would probably be the last time I'd see a toilet today. And so I did, sitting there naked, enjoying the air on my crotch, waiting for nature to take its course. I had a nice long pee as well, and I basked the satisfaction of completely voiding myself like the teenage boy I was supposed to be. I wasn't looking forward to having another diaper put on me, but at least it'd be ONE diaper, so I'd be able to walk. As I wiped, I felt in fairly good spirits for the first time since Friday afternoon when the nightmare began. Whatever Maggie had in store for me as part of this bargain couldn't be any worse than the morning I'd just had. I walked out of the bathroom, naked as a jaybird. An empty mac and cheese box sat on the counter, and the noodles were boiling away in a pot on the stove. "Well it's about time!" Maggie was sitting on the couch with something very big and very, very pink. "Come on over and get your diaper on!" My heart sank. "Pink?! What the hell?!" "Mom said to find the most absorbent diapers I could in your size. These are it, buddy. Rearz Princess, is what they call them. Now get over here so I can get back to fixing your lunch, baby." I trudged over, and she spread the thing out on a towel. It was much bigger than the Moldy-care or whatever those purple things were. I lay down on it,numb to the humiliation. What the hell kind of weirdos ran around in pink adult diapers with unicorns and princesses all over them? I stared at the bag sitting next to me as she powdered my front and rear. "Princess Pink by Rearz. Level 10 protection." She pulled the front between my legs. Good god, this thing was big, and thick, and bulky! It rode all the way above my bellybutton, almost to my ribs! And my legs forced apart nearly as far as with the double diapers! This was hardly an improvement at all! As she pulled the tapes across my hips, then my stomach, she sat back and clapped her hands. "That is SO adorable! Alright, get that pink little butt of yours back in your playpen while Sissy finishes making lunch." I lay there, arms crossed, glaring at her. "Oh, okay, you need some help." She walked over to the playpen and raised the bar, then I felt her arms underneath me, hoisting me up while I squirmed. She dumped me into the playpen. "There you go. Princess." "Shu' Uff!" "Hey, if you're missing the purple ones so much, I bet I could put one on under your pretty pink one next time I change you!" She cackled as she stirred the pot. I stared at my crotch. I wanted to rip this thing off and throw it at her. But I didn't. I sat there and stewed, and I made her carry me over to the kitchen and plunk me in a chair. In front of me sat a plate of cut up hot dogs and a puddle of ketchup. Out of reach was a plate of macaroni and cheese, obviously made for a toddler, though there was a full size spoon in it. She took my pacifier out and said, "Eat up,princess!" "Can I have a fork?" "No. Forks are for big kids." "Fine." I picked up a slice of hot dog, dunked it in the ketchup, and stuck it in my mouth, but not before a drop of ketchup hit my chest. I tasted it – she watered down the ketchup? What the hell?! Maggie watched intently as I worked my way through the slices as quickly as I could, dribbling ketchup-water all over myself. I put the last piece in my mouth, and she said, "Good job, baby! Let's have some mac and cheese!" She overloaded every single spoonful, so I wound up with cheese and ketchup all over my face, and some of it even landed on my... the diaper in my lap. When she finished,I glared at her. "Did you enjoy yourself? Was that fun for you?" "Well I don't know about me, but it sure looks like you had a good time, messy baby! Let's get you cleaned up and get a nice bottle in you so you can go have a nappy-poo, okay?" She pulled several wipes out of the container and nearly smothered me with them. "Nappy-poo? Really?" "Mom said an hour nap. I figure you can go have a little snooze, then I'll get you all nice and dressed and cleaned up for when she gets home, so maybe she'll be happy to see you instead of ready to kill you like she was this morning." "Did you...Mmmph!" She shoved the bottle into my mouth before I could finish the sentence and held it there. "Enough talking. Drink." I drank the bottle as quickly as possible, just to get it over with. "Good." She stuffed the pacifier back into my mouth. "Now march your crinkly little tushy upstairs and lie down. And if I catch you playing video games instead of laying there quietly, Mom will be the first to hear about it." "Fine." I got up and waddled up to my bedroom while she stuck her nose back in her phone. Spending the day lazing around the house in just your underwear is a rare treat. Except when your underwear is disposable. And pink. And has unicorns and princesses and stars all over it. Oh, and your big sister is determined to torture you every second of the day. I flopped out onto my bed and stared at the clock on my dresser, gnawing on the teat in my mouth. An hour. An entire hour to just lay here and do nothing. With a girly-ass diaper and a girly-ass pacifier to match. I was pretty sure I was going to die of boredom. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes... "Wake up sleepy baby!" My eyes flew open. The clock... what the hell? I actually fell asleep? I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Maggie didn't seem interested in waiting, so she grabbed my arm. "Hey!" "Time to get dressed, pink bottom!" "Wait, my clothes are in here!" "Not anymore they aren't. Time for your end of our deal..." I had no time to think, I was just being dragged along straight into my sister's room, confused and increasingly anxious. After she plunked me on the bed, she closed the door, and I died. Well, I wished I'd died when I saw what was hanging on the back of the door, anyway. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered that dress. Maggie wore it when we went to an Easter egg hunt. She was seven, I was almost four. It was solid pink, with a big rose right over the left chest and a little bow on the right hip. "I..." "Nope. No arguing. This is our deal. You got to go poopie in the potty,instead of in your diaper, and I'll make sure you continue to get to do so for as long as you're wearing those cute little princess panties. But you're gonna wear pretty little things that match those little princess panties, and Sissy's gonna do up your hair and make you the prettiest little toddler girl on the block. And if you even think about trying to back out now, this goes on your SnapBook wall for all your friends to see." I gaped as she turned her phone around. She had the security camera going in the living room this morning! My mouth gaped as I watched myself pleading and begging and sobbing, bent over that chair while she whacked me with that horrible spoon. "You wouldn't!" "Wanna bet?" I sat there and shivered. That video would be the end of me at school. I hung my head; this was it. I should have seen it coming. First the purple diapers Mom bought, then these faggy girly printed ones Maggie picked out. All the baby stuff from downstairs all coming from Maggie's boxes, not mine. I should have known her old clothes were down there too, and she was just waiting for the chance to make me wear them. And that's exactly what I did. She put that dress on me, and all I could do was whimper as the soft cloth draped over my chest. She pulled my scruffy hair into pigtails on either side of my head, clipping barrettes onto them to hold them in place. She even put blush on my damn cheeks. Then she stuck me in front of the full length mirror on her closet door so I could see just exactly how it all looked. Powder pink diaper sticking out under rose pink dress, with pink barrettes and a pink pacifier and rosy pink cheeks. All that was missing was ankle socks and pink shoes, and I'd be ready for the toddler beauty pageant. And this was what I had to look forward to for the next month... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ And there I sat on the private beach in Old Orchard, in a pink sleeveless blouse with a ruffled hem, same pink diaper underneath, same pink pacifier in my mouth. I couldn't believe how the whole situation had gone this far. I did everything I could for the entire month to stay out of trouble, and when we finally got to the beach house, Mom informed me that, since my behavior had improved so much since I'd been turned into a little girl, that she was going to keep me that way. And Dad even agreed. It spared my bottom a round under his belt, and that alone was worth it. He even had one of the rooms renovated into a full-blown oversized nursery, with a crib and a changing table. And it was all... pink. My parents sat under an umbrella behind me, doing the "I missed you so much" thing, while I sat there with a plastic pail and bucket, digging in the sand, sucking my pacifier. I peed, and it didn't even faze me. Heck, I barely noticed it. I wondered if I'd ever get potty trained in time for school. The way Mom and Dad were talking, they were going to send me to a private school - as an 8-year-old incontinent trans girl with an emotional disability. Well, I wouldn't be the shortest kid in the class anymore. I'd still be the baby, though. Apparently that wasn't going to change anytime soon. Mom had suggested going to the doctor and getting the puberty-stopper shots for me. I'd be expected to tell everyone I felt like a little girl inside. In this getup, I kinda did. And in a way, I liked it. I liked being pretty, and I liked being fed and changed and dressed up like a little doll baby. I even had grown to like pooping and peeing in my pants whenever I felt like it and just doing whatever it was I was doing until someone decided to change me. It was fun being a baby girl. And if I had to go back to third grade to keep doing it, then welcome to third grade, Jamie-Anne. I happily suckled and dug and wiggled my crinkly butt, excited about my future as a baby T-girl. *** My eyes flash open. I'm covered in sweat. I sit up and look myself over. Nope, I'm still 47 and fat, my crinoline babydoll nightie covering up my beer belly, though it does nothing for my hairy arms. My big fat Rearz Princess diaper is swollen and heavy. I cheer to myself that I'm finally wetting the bed, after years of trying. Through the bars of my custom-made adult-sized crib, I notice my computer screen is still lit. "What a dream!" I reach up and let down the latch on the crib bars and climb out, delighting in the rustling of the nightie and the diaper, especially how the latter gives me a waddle now that it's full of pee. "This is gonna make an AWESOME story!" I sit down at my computer chair and start typing. Mom's arm was latched so tight on mine as she marched me through the front door of Jefferson Middle School, I thought she was going to break it off...
  3. Hi, So while I've had an account here for a long time I've never been all that active. A couple years ago my life changed, and I became a regular posted on a crossdressing forum. I posted frequently and once a week I'd do a sort of blog like post about my life and posting pictures. The forum focused on CD support and avoided fetish type content so I did too, which meant I couldn't really be myself. A few weeks ago I made one of my weekly posts and one of my topics was deer hunting, talking in general about it, and the hunting craze that sweeps through my area every November. I went on to discuss that my Dad, who is avid hunter, never involved me in hunting, and I always wondered about it. So anyway I found the post to be heavily edited and modified by a moderator. The moderators were very active, and it wasn't the first time a post was changed, but the reasons were unclear and when I tried to address the reason why my post was edited, I again found my words modified and edited. I had enough and I'm done with that site. I'm missing my weekly post and sharing pictures and what not so I think I'm going to start doing that in this thread, unless someone objects.
  4. From the album: Cuddleshy

  5. From the album: kawaiiomo artwork

    awwwwww poor widdle Katie wet herself again X3 guess she'll have to stay in diapers just a widdle longer hehehe.

    © https://www.patreon.com/kawaiiomo

  6. A cold breeze kicked up dust accross a desolate patch of land, which had been graded by the construction equipment that sat idle. Clouds rolled over the real estate development where one fully furnished dwelling, a show house, stood. However, despite its minimalist exterior and modern design, the contents of this house were rather futuristic: cutting edge devices were strategically placed throughout the model home. These gadgets promised to deliver comforts and automation beyond anything mankind had yet seen. In front of the building stood two impatient men, boys really. Each was just shy of being twenty. One had a crop of blond hair which reached his petite shoulder blades. The other had a stylish emo hair cut, one eye obscured from sight with a streak of blue at the ends of the chopped up strands of hair. The two older teen's chatted amongst each other while waiting for the technician who was supposed to meet them. Once he arrived, he would engage the testing of the features of the household. Regardless of that, the boys cared more about getting paid once the tests were completed. "Man, when's this guy supposed to get here?" The black haired boy, named Kevin, asked in an annoyed tone, shivering from the cold. "I dunno, but this is weak. We got here on time and now this clown is lagging." The blond with the shaggy mop whined like a petulant child. "I know, man. Wish I brought a hoodie or something." Kevin replied. "Shit, I wish we could get lit while we wait, but I ran out the other night." The blond explained. "I'd smoke a bowl with you, got some in my car, but who knows if this guy will be a hard ass about it. I didn't even blaze because it's the potent stuff." "Shoot, good point. I don't want to go home broke just for smelling too dank." The blond smiled as Kevin chuckled. "Shit, man. After we finish here, I'll blaze you out if you're down. Just throw me a fiver." "Eh, are they going to pay us straight cash or what?" The blond scratched his head. "Doubt it. I just meant that you could cash your check and pull some money out of the ATM. Throw me a five and we'd be even." Kevin elaborated. "Yeah, sure thing." The blond looked up at the interior of the porch, a mock stone pillar stood next to the two, supporting the second story. "You don't think that they got cameras or like, audio devices up there do you?" Kevin looked at the blond with a blank face. "Uhhh, don't be paranoid, Eric. Besides, we're sober. They can't say shit." "True." Eric instantly felt better. Kevin made a good point. They were just chilling, waiting for this tech guy to show up and let them test out the house. Not like they we're getting drunk or something stupid on their property. "Sweet!" Kevin pointed towards the lone road which dissected the wide open development. A white van appeared out of seemingly no where. It was fairly quiet and pulled into the driveway. "I think he's here, bro." Eric and Kevin's spirits finally lifted. The sooner they could begin the tests, the sooner they'd get paid and could leave. However, much to the teen's surprise, a beautiful young red head stepped out of the driver's side door. She was of average height, about the same size and weight as the boys. Her vivid red hair draped across her shoulders, contrasting with her white coat. "Damn." Kevin whispered to Eric. "I know, dude." Eric replied, almost dumbfounded, completely caught off guard by this woman. He had expected some old dude, hairy fat guy or some combination of the two. "Good afternoon." The redhead greeted. "Kevin and Eric, right?" "Yeah, I'm Eric." The blond smiled a dumb little grin, intoxicated by the woman's perfume. "I'm Kasey." The technical minded woman smiled at the boy with the emo hair. "And that must mean that you're Kevin?" "Yeah, I am." The nineteen year old stated, a little more level headed than his new buddy. "So, like, you want us to test out this place, right?" "Yep, and I've noted that you've agreed to all the waivers and such, but I need you to sign this disclosure form." Kasey pulled out two pieces of paper from within her coat. "What are we agreeing to by signing this?" Eric asked, starting to think clearly again. "It says that you both agree not to tell anyone about what you see inside. You know, we got to protect our trade secrets." Kasey explained. What she didn't tell them was that the papers held a clause which vaguely eluded to the fact that the corporation would not be held liable for any malfunctions that caused the boys injuries, or even death. "For sure." Eric answered. "Makes sense." Kevin added, as he signed the paper with the pen that Kasey handed him. Eric grabbed the pen from Kevin's hand and jotted down his signature. "Good." Kasey smiled, "Everything looks to be in order." The technician put the papers away. "Let's get out of the cold and into the house." Kasey pulled out a small laser pointer and shined it onto a small, black surface on the front door. It was a tiny square, barely an inch by an inch in diameter. Suddenly, the door opened automatically. *Welcome home, technician three seventeen* A sleek, humanoid voice greeted Kasey. "Not bad, sounds better than Alexa." Kevin smirked. "Yeah, beats the average robotic voice you hear on Google." Eric said, not wanting to be out done by Kevin. It was silly, but the two young men were engaging in the timeless act of trying to impress the fairer sex. However, they both failed to realize that this slightly older lady was not interested in them. She may of been in her mid twenties, but that didn't mean she was into guys that were probably fresh out of high school. "Thanks, I didn't design the voice, but I am glad to hear that it's a pleasant enough tone. You'll be hearing her all day." Kasey stepped into the living room, leading her male companions. "So, do you like, monitor our reactions or how is this going to go down?" Kevin asked. "Basically, I'm here in case something needs adjusting or if a glitch happens. We've tested this system a million times in a closed environment, but this is the first test where the house is actually out in the literal elements. For instance, I'll be monitoring the power consumption and other variables to ensure that everything goes according to plan." "What happens if the storm knocks out power? We're not trapped in here, are we?' Eric asked. "Good question. Depending on what exactly happens, I can call HQ and they'll activate the remote generator to power everything. It's in the prototype stage. In the future, this house, and the rest, will just run back up power automatically." Kasey stated. "Why isn't the generator always hooked up to the house?" Kevin wondered aloud. "Well, to be honest, it's to test our remote systems. In fact, that'll probably be the last thing that we test. HQ said that they would simulate a blackout to test it." "Okay, cool." Eric nodded. A loud crack pierced the sky above as the thunder clapped, jarring the trio out of their calm conversation. The boys looked startled by the unexpected noise as the room descended into darkness. A low hum was heard as the house tried to stay online. "Shit, I thought it wasn't going to rain until tonight!" Kasey was slightly annoyed by the power going out. "Yeah, what's with the thunder?" Eric added. "The storm must've blown in earlier than calculated." Kasey sighed and went for her phone which normally rested in her pocket, only to find it missing. "Shit!" She exclaimed. "I left my cell in the van." Kevin noticed that the calm demeanor which Kasey carried herself with was broken by the fact that she didn't have her phone and the power had gone out. It was interesting, to the young man, to see how people reacted to minor annoyances. However, had he known that her phone was the only way to get them out of the house, he may of respected the nature of the situation that was rapidly developing. "Okay, I have an idea. I'll go manually activate the back up generator since I can't contact HQ." Kasey was starting to head down the hall when Kevin called out to her. "You can use my phone." "I appreciate it, but it'd probably take longer to wait on hold. We could end up waiting an hour to get the right people on the line" Kasey lamented. "I'll just manually start the back up power. Thanks for the offer though." Kasey began to walk deeper into the house, hoping that she could fix this. The last thing she wanted was to end up trapped in here all day with these guys. 'Hell, I'm practically babysitting these guys, but I want to be the...' Kasey shook her head, trying to rid herself of those thoughts. She had to maintain her composure and think professionally. A hallway opened up to the garage and a door stood between the technician and the generator. 'Shit, I hope they don't go snooping around. If they find my stash, I'd just die.' Kasey knew that she should have removed everything related to her shameful kink, but she didn't want to abandon her private fortress of infantile delights sooner than she had to. Having an automated system literally pamper her was a dream come true and she wasn't quite ready to let it go. "Here we are." Kasey pulled off a panel of the wall, exposing the black, cylindrical device which sat on the ground inside the wall. It was an odd set up, mostly because it only allowed enough room for one person to fiddle with the generator. Still, it had to be compact, the suburban homes couldn't waste space in their layouts. Despite the crampt quarters, Kasey got to work plugging in a few wires and typing a code into the key pad which would turn on the slumbering generator. A low hum came from the device. "Eureka!" Kasey shouted as the lights turned on in the garbage. *BOOM* A blue flash engulfed the entire house thanks to a direct hit with a lightning bolt. The house absorbed the energy like a sponge, but the internal systems were thrown offline. Kasey had covered her head, ducking down, due to the shock wave which had scared her half to death. While she huddled by the generator, she had no idea that the house was rebooting, and that the program she had designed for her private fetish would override the traditional programming. To Be Continued... For just a three dollars, you can see more stories like this at my Patreon. You can also read up to the next part on my Patreon if you pledge today. Also, maybe you'd like a short story? If you pledge fifteen dollars and tell me what you'd like to read and I'll write you a story about any anime or situation you choose https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6660213
  7. Hi, I hope you enjoy this story. In the past I have started lots of stories here and never finished them. I wrote this about a year ago, and posted it to fetlife. I meant it to just be a one off story but a few people asked for more and I kept going. I'm now on part 10. Since I have written so much I thought I should share it here too. It took him a few minutes realize his situation when he woke up, not in his own bed, cramped, wet and uncomfortable. He could see the white rails going up in front of him. "Dammit," he said out loud. He was laying in a 52 inch crib staring up at a stuffed animal mobile. The morning erection which would usually greet him every morning was stifled by the pink plastic cock cage, when it rolled his squished penis hurt. In an attempt to avoid this very thing he'd tried to pee really good before he went to bed, as his wet diaper now indicated. He relaxed and tried to let the pee flow, it wasn't easy but eventually he soaked the already wet nighttime diaper and even felt a little creep out into his sleeper. This was Saturday morning. Normally on a Saturday morning in Summer he'd meet his pal Ted and go fishing on his boat, he instinctively looked at his wrist, and remembered his wife took his watch away. There was no clock in the nursery, I wonder if I could still catch Jim he thought. He sat up in the crib, and thought about getting out, the rails were up be he could get over them if he wanted. Still the rule was that he wasn't allowed out of the crib until Mommy came to let him out. Getting out would be trivial but his wife had set the crib on 12 inch risers meaning that from the top of the rail down to the floor was 55 inches. He stood up and looked down over the rail. Of course the latch they had rigged up was locked with a small padlock. The same kind of small padlock that was keeping his cock locked in it's cage. It's probably really early, she's probably not even up yet. I could just go get some snips and cut the cage off, he thought about the wonderful orgasm he would whack out as soon as he got the cage off and he felt his little guy start to stiffen up and press against the cage again and he moaned in discomfort. This has got to end, he thought. "Bahh", he said as he threw a leg over the rails and got out of bed, he reached his foot down but couldn't quite touch the ground, his soaked diaper sliding against the top rail as he stretched. He tried to reach just a bit farther but lost his balance as his diaper snagged on the rail. He found himself falling and hit the floor with a thud. How the hell did I end up like this, he thought. A month earlier he was in a similar situation, laying on the floor of the guest room wearing a diaper and a cute onesie with bright pink trim and printed with hearts. His diaper was soaked and messy and he was listening to a hypnotic track on headphones, and he was happily suckling a big pink pacifier. He didn't even notice his wife walk into the room until she was looking down at him. She'd got off work early and came home to surprise him. The next few hours were rough, he explained his diaper fetish, and swore over and over again that it had nothing to do with children. His wife was shocked, then upset, then angry, really angry, then sad, really sad. She eventually packed a suitcase and left. She called the next day, and they talked on the phone for hours. Her anger had died down and she'd done research on adult babies, finding out that as he had said the fetish had nothing to do with pedophilia. That evening she came home and they had a long discussion, he explained he'd been doing this since he was a little kid, and that he didn't know why he liked to do it, but he loved it. At her request he showed her all of his stuff, his diapers, his onesies, his bottles and pacifiers. "I'm so sorry, I'm going to bag all this stuff up and throw it away," he said. "Well... I was thinking, I've always had this fantasy of being a tough in charge kind of woman," she said. He laughed, his wife was super sweet and nice and rarely wanted to be in charge of anything. "Seriously don't laugh, and since you know, we can't have a baby, it might be kind of fun if you were my baby." His eyes opened wide, words that he'd imagined his whole life just poured out of his wife's mouth. "Ummm, wha.." he stammered. "But there will be strict rules, you have to understand what hurts me more than anything about this is how you kept it away from me all this time, it's almost like you were cheating," she said. "I'm sorry," he said trying to fight back tears but losing. "It's just so, embarrassing," he said and began to sob. "Oh come to mommy," his wife said and wrapped herself around him and he cried into her shoulder while she gently rocked him back and forth, She supported his head and whispered into his ear, "Your mommies baby now and she loves you so much," in a few moments she felt his cock growing stiff and realized how incredibly horny he was. She pulled off her shirt and undid her bra, then guided her husband's mouth to one of her nipples. "Fussy baby, here you go," she gently said. While her husband latched on and suckled she alternated between rubbing the front of his pants and his nipple. Soon he was unable to control himself and was humping and grinding her legs. She undressed him and then herself then lead him to the bed where they had mind-blowing sex. His cock was harder and went deeper then she'd ever felt, he moaned in rhythm with her. "Yes, baby, yes baby," she began to say as she felt herself heading towards orgasm. "Yes mommy, yes mommy," he said back. They came together, both screaming in a mind shattering orgasm, then collapsed on the bed. "Would you like me to diaper you now?" she asked. "Nahh, I'm good," he replied. She wondered how closely his adult baby desires were connected to just having an orgasm. "That's something we'll have to work on," she said with a laugh. The next day they had the best day of their lives, something they'd always dreamed of doing together, they converted a guest bedroom into a nursery. They bought the biggest crib they could find, which wasn't really big enough, but would have to do. They bought a white table that they converted to an adult sized changing table, and some organizers for diapers and toys. They filled a cart at Baby's R Us, with all kinds of baby supplies and neither one could wipe the big smile off their face. Finally, they ordered several cases of different adult diapers. "That's a lot of diapers," he said. "Well you're going to need them," she replied
  8. From the album: Sidbaby

    I am a Sissy Baby Boy Brazilian of 25 years who since the age of 12 loves to wear diapers and little girl dresses. Today I'm looking for a Mommy or a Daddy to take care of me like a real Sissy Baby. I am also looking for other ABDL friends to play with me
  9. Hey! just curious if anyone ever feels bold and brave enough to connect for real? Im having one of those brave daze. I would love to go for a walk, knowing we're both wearing a diaper and can wet while we walk! hugs DV
  10. dressupDV


    From the album: Trans me

  11. "You know when I was your age I didn't need diapers at all" I look at my little sister Maria, we are about the same hight despite her being only 6 and I'm 8, but I was still the older brother. She has been wetting the bed and had to wear princess diapers. "Stop, it's not diapers, it's pull ups." Whined Maria "Mom! Derick is being mean!" Uh oh, here comes mom, Maria always complains to her. "Derick, leave your little sister alone, the babysitter is going to arrive soon and I don't need conflict" Mom is currently brushing her hair. "Babysitter for the diaper wearing baby" I tease Maria. "I'm not a baby!" Maria whined. She is so whiny, she needs diapers simply because she acts like a baby. "That's enough Derick, go downstairs you two and wait for the babysitter, gotcha?" "Yes mom" we said together and we walk downstairs and sit next to each other on the couch. After a while a car pulls up to the house "MOM, THE SITTER IS HERE!" Maria yells, man she can be loud. Mom answers the door and greets the sitter and invites her in "hello, thank you for taking the job, this is Derick" she points to me "and this is Maria." she points to Maria "they can really handle themselves, just make sure Maria is in her pull up before she goes to bed and they eat something, we have food in the fridge and you have my number." Maria blushes at the mention of her wearing a pull up. "Have fun you too" mom walks out with Dad to go on their "date" night. The sitter turns to us and says "Alright, you guys can just call me Anna and I'll be your sitter, do you guys want me to spend time with you guys or do you want to be by yourselves?" "I'll be in my room" I get up and head up to my room and I hear Maria say she is going to be in her room and go up the other stairs. "Ok, I'll be down here watching TV if you guys need anything" I hear the sitter call from downstairs. My room was boring, I had a few toys but I out grew them. "I wonder what Maria is up to." I think to my self. I stand up and walk to her room and just walk in "hey Maria." "What do you want?" She snapped at me "Geez, I was bored and wanted to see what you were doing" I responded "Well I was playing with toys but I'm bored, what do you want to do?" She asked "I don't know, that's why I came here" I answered "Wanna play truth or dare?" She asked. It has been a while since Ive played truth and dare so I thought why not, as long I'm not doing nothing. "Sure, I'll go first. Truth or Dare?" "Truth" "Ok, is it true you are a baby?" "DERICK!" "OK, OK. Sorry, is it true that you like school?" "Yes, I get to go in the sandbox." I missed Pre-K, we had no homework, no class, no responsibilities. It was great. "now my turn! Truth or Dare?" "Um... Truth" start off safe. "Is it true that you like broccoli?" "Yeah, it's good!" "YUCK, I HATE IT. ok, your turn" "Truth or Dare?" "DARE!" "Oh, feeling risky huh, ok. I dare you to eat an ice cube." "Ok" Maria runs down stairs and comes back with a glass of ice and throws one in her mouth. "Ok, twoth or dare?" By Honor I must choose dare "Dare." "Ok" she leaves the room and comes back with a bottle of water. "Drink this is one go" I take the bottle and chug until the bottle was empty. That was easy. We continue with truths and dares for a while when she then dares me to put on one of her pull ups for teasing her earlier. Not wanting to back down I take one and walk into the closet and put it on and walk out looking silly. We continued for a while longer, we had crazy dare and embarrassing truths. It was Maria's turn to ask "Truth or Dare?" "Dare!" "Let me tickle you!" I was confused by this but it wasn't anything more unusual from anything so far so I let her tackle me and start to tickle me and I was laughing. Then it hit me, I had to go to the bathroom, the whole bottle I drunked earlier. "Ma..hahaha...Maria..hahahaha. St...hahah....stop...hahaha" I begged but she continued until I stopped laughing, she made sure I was pinned and used a free hand to check the diaper I just soaked, i was in shock. "Oh wow, this is soaked, who is the baby now?! Actually I guess you're just a bedwetter." I had no idea what to do, Maria got off me and sat me up sitting me on my soaked pull up and then she went around me and wrapped her arms around my stomach "do you remember that powder mommy gave me when I couldn't poop, guess what was in the water." She squeezed my stomach and I let out a loud fart and filled the pull up with poop. "Oh, I guessed you are a baby now, Only babies poop in diapers." I was even more shocked, I couldn't move, I just sat in my diaper. Maria started to walk around the room and I paid little attention to her, she pulls off my shirt and puts something else on me, she then stands in front of me and I see she is wearing my clothes, she looked a lot like me, some differences but if you didn't know us well you couldn't tell. I stood up and looked in the mirror and I looked like Maria in her dress, I was even more shocked. Someone was walking up the stairs but I didnt hear it but Maria did. She threw a doll at my feet "Denice, can you pick that up for me" she asks. I just bend over to pick it up reveiling my very dirty diaper and then the sitter walked in. "Hey guys, are you hung... Maria, I thought you only needed the diapers at night?" Please leave a comment sharing your thoughts.
  12. This is my first attempt at a story, and my first ever post here but don't think that means I don't expect criticism because I not only do but I welcome it! I know there's a ton of writers out there doing amazing things in the pantheon of stories for this and other sites and while I hope I can at least bring something enjoyable to you good folks, I won't fool myself into thinking this story is going to be spectacular, it's just something I've been meaning to write for a long time but was always too afraid to display my attempt at writing. If you enjoy the story let me know, if you don't enjoy the story let me know and if you think I can do better and should try again let me know. I'm really very agreeable to critique even if it's harsh. This story is 100% fiction and in no way is intended to be based on anyone's real life or experiences therein. There is an underage character in the prologue but it's just to establish a history for his life more than anything. I know there's a rule about underage characters and I feel that I've followed the rules but if there's a problem please remove the story with my sincerest apologies and I'll rework the narrative to avoid it going forward. I think that's everything I wanted to say, but I could be stalling for time because once I submit this it's out there and omg it's so nerve wracking but I'm gonna do it...go! A New Life Story By: Ramble Lamb Prologue I don't remember much of my life from before. I'm sorry, that was a fib, I remember everything about my life from before but it seems like the story of someone else's experiences more than anything I'd ever had. Thinking about who I was and what I had seems almost like reading a eulogy for some stranger in the newspaper, it can give you an idea of who the person was from the point of view of someone that knew them and cared enough to pay per word to share why they thought this person was worthy of space on a page but it doesn't really tell you anything about who the person really was. As an example, if I were to tell you about myself right now I'd use descriptions like 'adorable' or 'girly' but if I were to do the same thing before I'd have to use words like 'husband' and 'adult'. Those are just words though, letters strung together to form a recognizable pattern that your brain associates with an understanding of what that word means which can be very different from what it means to someone else. If you were to look at me right now, my long brown hair in loose pigtails, a purple glittery pacifier bobbing rhythmically between my lips as my baby pink painted nails dance across the keyboard then you might see a young woman with an oral fixation hard at work on her computer. If you looked longer you'd notice budding breasts beneath an almost lavender shirt proudly labeling me "Daddy's Princess" in rainbow glitter. The young woman you'd previously gotten an image of now seems to be more immature than you'd first assumed, perhaps the pacifier isn't solely being used to assuage an oral fixation but rather is part of a personality cultivated in the hopes of holding onto the younger self of this young woman. If I were to stand up from my chair to give you a look at the full picture you'd see that the shirt extended beyond the length of a normal shirt, going down past my waist, stretching over a bulk that one doesn't typically see adorning young women my age, connecting between my legs with snaps to keep the previously mentioned bulk from falling when any additional weight is added to it. Beneath the bulk are my thin legs, smooth as silk with a lovely tan to them and the image ends at my little feet encased in soft shoes colored to match my shirt and secured with lovely ribbons tied into bows at the top of each shoe. Overall, this image would be viewed by many as adorable when attached to a biological infant or toddler, but being that I am very much not either of those things, I'm probably seen with a healthy mix of strange looks and harsh judgment but, in all fairness, I don't dress like this out in the world beyond these walls I call home. The nice thing about clothes and makeup is that they allow someone to be whatever they want to be. Admittedly, I wouldn't have guessed that I wanted to be this, but when I have my hair done and am allowed to have a bit of makeup I feel every part the pretty little girl I've come to identify as. When I'm wearing a pretty dress or even just something in one of my favorite colors of pink or purple I feel cute and lovable. I told you before that my life before was someone else's story but it isn't, not really, it's my story and even though it ends with me being a happy and much loved baby girl it starts with me being selfish and naughty and I know now that those are two very not good things to be. ************************************************************************** I was born Nicholas Henry Marks some thirty odd years ago. I had no siblings and my mother was my sole parent. My father had made me with my mother when she was his secretary and he was having marital discord with his wife so needless to say he didn't jump at the chance to settle down with us in nice little family unit. My mother provided for us quite well and, though she never said it aloud, lavished me with love and attention because I was her only keepsake of her one true love. As I grew up she became increasingly fixated on me, going beyond "helicopter parenting" into the realm of doing everything in her power to keep me in a position of needing her. Obviously I don't remember too much of my young life, but I've seen the photo albums with pictures dated from when I was five years old playing happily in cloth diapers and plastic pants without a care in the world. I've heard the stories from cousins, aunts and uncles about how they thought I'd never get out of diapers or how they were glad my mother had stopped breastfeeding me before I'd hit double digits in age. I remember some things, like sleeping in my mother's bed the night of my first grade class' Christmas performance. After the show we'd been taken back to the classroom to wait for our parents to pick us up and it being nighttime, my mother had declared it necessary for me to have my "night pants" on beneath my normal clothes. I remember needing to use the bathroom for something other than tinkle and had wandered out of the class in search of a quiet place to fill my diaper away from the prying eyes of my classmates. Ironically enough I chose a spot near the restrooms, a dark little corner where I squatted down and started pushing only to have a hand clamp down on my shoulder a few seconds in causing me to scream and empty myself out of fear rather than necessity. I'd turned to find my mother looking down at me with tears in her eyes, worried I'd been kidnapped when she'd gone to my classroom and was unable to find me. Seeing her crying and having a full diaper caused me to begin crying as well as I held up my arms to be picked up and carried away. When we got home that night she'd changed me first thing and then settled into her bed with me and held me on her lap as she undid her nursing bra and presented me with something to both soothe me to sleep and fill my recently emptied stomach. Now, I know that that account can be seen as deeply wrong and probably disgusting, and you're not wrong. Looking back as an adult, I know that her actions greatly impacted my life in ways that made me who I am today. The truth is that even if she was wrong and even if she was possibly abusive in her coddling and infantilization of me at such a young and impressionable age, it set me on the path to become who I was meant to be, and that me is so very happy and wouldn't change a single thing about her life. After I was fully potty trained and weaned from bottle or breast I led a pretty normal life. I was a good kid, probably could have done better in school but I made friends and had fun and didn't end up dead or in jail. I never did very well with girlfriends, but some of that was the disconnect with what I thought was normal in an intimacy setting and what they thought was normal. My first girlfriend didn't think it was at all normal that I spent so much time sucking on her breasts in what was supposed to be foreplay that I ended up finishing in my pants before she'd even started breathing heavy. Second girlfriend was a take charge kind of girl in the bedroom and had given up the ghost when I failed to get aroused as she straddled me and grinded her pelvis against mine. She'd called me a few not very nice names that I won't risk a spanking to write here for you. The important thing is that we've established that I was in no way a hit with the ladies. I knew I was straight and that I wanted to have sex with women but not in the strictest sense, I didn't know anything about sex at the time beyond penis goes into vagina and that's where babies come from. As I got older and the internet was becoming a thing that people had in their homes the world started to make more sense to me and I began to learn things about myself that helped me to not feel so different and freakish. I'd always had a fixation on things like diapers and baby things as far back as I could remember but with puberty in full swing I started to associate the pleasurable feelings that wearing a homemade diaper, that was really just a bath towel duct taped around my waist, gave me with something sexual. My first ever intentional orgasm was achieved on the floor of my room with a pee soaked towel taped to me and a thumb in my mouth sucking greedily as my other hand rubbed frantically at my damp groin. The shame and confusion I felt in those early years was almost palpable but, thanks in part to my deviant internet searches I discovered that other people were just like me and what I was wasn't wrong or disgusting and everything was okay. *************************************************************************** Moving forward to more current events, my wife and I had met online in a chatroom for people that liked to pretend to be children or even sometimes babies looking to meet people that liked to take care of those people. We'd hit it off almost immediately in the general chat area and quickly moved to a private chat to be able to discuss personal matters without someone spamming "Mommy I poppy peez change me diapy" or other offensive to basic human intelligence nonsense. We talked for hours a day for months on end and found that we had so much in common beyond just our kinks and fetishes. The obvious problem of distance was something we only ever discussed to express our sorrow that we weren't able to hug and kiss one another, something that happened most often around bedtime when she'd watch me through the webcam as I put a diaper on and got into my pajamas becoming her little boy in every sense of the term as she began to read me a story to help me get sleepy for bed and then at the end of the story she'd kiss the camera and wish me a goodnight and then the fantasy world where baby and Mommy were together was over and I'd find myself shuffling into a cold bed wishing to be cuddling with her as I fell asleep. As it became clear we were actively working to close the distance between us she began to enforce more dominance in our relationship. It started small with her suggesting I have a regular bedtime to ensure I was well rested and stayed healthy, she'd have me text her pictures of my meals to make sure I was eating right and not glutting myself on sweets and junk. When she first brought up wearing a diaper outside of the safety of my own apartment I stood up for myself and told her that made me uncomfortable and she dropped it, for a while at least. A week or so later she randomly showed up at my front door and I was so overcome with joy that I didn't even question the fact that something of that magnitude should have been discussed and planned as a couple rather than decided solely by her but my Mommy was there for real and I was too happy to know anything else but love and excitement. Within an hour of her arriving she had me naked on the bed waiting for her to return with the required supplies to transform me into her baby boy. My manhood was harder than it had ever been and my heart was beating like a jackhammer in my chest as I heard the bathroom door open and saw her stride confidently into the room. She'd changed out of the clothes she'd worn for her trip and was now wearing a black and white polka dot dress that stopped in the middle of her deliciously toned thighs. Her high heels were bright red to match her lipstick and nail polish and her black hair was done up into a tight bun to give her the look of a no nonsense mother figure made all the more powerful against her porcelain white skin. She smirked at me as she glided to the bed and set her supplies down near my feet as she sat at the edge of the bed and lightly brushed the shaft of my penis with her fingers. I ejaculated as soon as she reached my balls, covering my stomach and pubic area with my shameful display. She clucked her tongue and declared that messes of that nature were why she would ensure I was diapered until she believed I could be trusted to control myself, none of her words made any impact on me as my head swam and I felt myself slip into my little headspace, clutching my stuffed otter and sucking my pacifier as she offered each to me and set about cleaning me up and getting me properly attired. That first time together was where she secured her hold on me and established her dominance for the rest of our relationship. By the time she went back home a week later she'd, through spankings and time outs and even a mouth soaping, made me into the perfect specimen for a good little boy and I bawled uncontrollably as she pulled away from my apartment and headed to the airport and back to her life without me. I made it my mission in life to continue to show her at every opportunity that I was obeying her edicts without her supervision in the hopes that it would spur her to come back or invite me to come to her. I started wearing diapers all the time, making sure to text her pictures every day so she could verify my compliance and I'd drink up her praise every time she told me I was a good baby, but it wasn't enough, I needed to be with her. When I surprised her by showing up at her doorstep one day it didn't go as I'd expected. The whole thing fell apart when the front door opened and a man much larger and imposing than myself answered. He recognized me and welcomed me in which, in my state of shock, I complied with and found myself in the living room of a well kept and quite lovely home, pictures of Mommy and this mahogany god of a man adorning the walls including one of them on their wedding day. To say that my heart sank in that moment would be quite an understatement and, against my wishes and strongest attempts to keep it together, I began to cry because I felt lied to and betrayed by someone that I'd willingly given my entire self to. Her husband had put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into him for a hug as he gently patted my back and assured me that everything was okay. He showed me to a spare bedroom at the back of the house, one that only had a bed and dresser in it and nothing else. I was told Mommy would be home in a few hours and that I could take a nap if I was tired from my trip. Depression aided my weariness and I fell asleep without much issue, waking up some time later to Mommy stroking my hair and urging me to get up because I'd wet the bed. I remember apologizing profusely and offering to leave between sobs and sniffles but I was shushed and led by the hand to the bathroom where she stripped me down as the large tub filled with water. Husband entered the room as she gently rubbed my back and took my wet clothes, chuckling softly to himself as I gasped and tried to cover my naughty bits. As I sat in the tub and she lovingly washed me she explained that she was sorry for not telling me she was married but that they were planning on separating because they mutually wanted something else. She explained that they still loved each other and would remain friends as they had for the years they'd dated and the ones they were married for, but she wanted to be a Mommy and a strong and virile man such as her husband just wasn't going to be the baby she needed. She lifted my head and looked me square in the eyes and told me that I was her baby and just as soon as was humanly possible she wanted to marry me and have the perfect life she'd been craving for so many years. Looking back on it now, it probably should have been seen as a bad sign that a major life decision was made without me being asked and while I peed into a married couple's bathtub as the wife washed me. Chapter One: Not To Be Trusted "Nicholas Henry Marks, you get in here this instant!" my wife bellowed from the living room. As with being a biological child, all three of your names being used to summon you by an authority figure is just as terrifying when you're a grownup, albeit a grownup currently wearing a wet diaper beneath his Spider-Man pajama pants, but a chronological grownup nonetheless. When the holy trinity of names is used in our house it's very clear that an adult man is not expected to arrive, rather, the use of the three names acts as a switch that shuts off all adult thought and will and leaves only the outer appearance of an adult with the soft and creamy center being nothing more than a terrified child that knows a punishment is coming but has no idea what form it will take. Shuffling nervously down the hall, rustling loudly with each tiny step, I fought the urge to suck my thumb, knowing that any minor comfort it may bring me would pale in comparison to the humiliating barbs that would be rained down upon me for being a pathetic excuse for a man. It sounds harsh, but it's part of what butters my biscuits so everyone ends up happy, usually after a trip across Mommy's lap and a stint in the corner, but the aftercare is wonderful so net happiness after all is said and done. She stood in the living room with her hands on her wide hips, her high heeled toe tapping on the wood floor impatiently as I rounded the corner. "Do you have anything you'd like to tell me, young man?" she asked sharply, her tone indicating that I clearly should have something to tell her but no specific thing was hinted at. My mind struggled to come up with something I'd done or forgotten to do, something I'd done when I wasn't the baby of the house perhaps? There actually had been a stretch of almost a month recently where work schedules and general life stuff had kept me in the "man of the house" role, but some spare time had come up the night before and I'd found myself on the receiving end of some lovely regression time with Mommy that had ended with a sticky mess in the front of my diaper and a story before bed. In case you were wondering, this was not the same diaper I was currently wearing, I'd gone through a few since then thanks to my smaller than average bladder. "No, Mommy." I told her honestly, completely unable to come up with anything that would earn her ire. She nodded and walked toward me, pinching the top of my ear between her thumb and index finger, leading me over to the chair on the other side of the living room and pointing down to a small spot or purple on the cream colored upholstery. "Did you spill juice and not tell Mommy?" she asked. My diaper began to warm as I stared at the spot and nodded without saying anything. "And how did you manage to spill juice?" she asked impatiently. I swallowed hard as tears began to form in my eyes. Without thinking my hand was rising to my face, thumb extended aiming for my mouth to help quell a full blown meltdown but she slapped my hand away before my salvation could reach me. With a heavy sigh she sat on the chair and pulled me across her lap and tugged my pants down around my legs. "I think thirty should be a good start." she mused aloud before she slid my diaper down, exposing my hairless and still powder and lotion coated behind and began to deliver the sharp swats she'd planned out. I was a blubbering mess by five and in hysterics at the end of it when she stood me back up next to her, leaving my pants and diaper down where they were. "I'm sorry, Mommy!" I cried out between sobs and snot bubbles. She looked at me with disgust and shook her head. "Sorry isn't good enough, young man, not this time." she began. "You've been far too free this past month and clearly it's time for you to be reminded of your place in this house." she said as she rose and led me by the hand to the corner of the living room where she stood me, nose to the wall and red bottom on display. "I think three months of baby time will help you to remember how things work around here." she declared. Without thinking I spun around and began to protest "That's too long, Mommy!" I whined. She smiled and knelt down, running her hand through my hair. "You know, I was going to let you be Nicky for three months, but since you think you can argue with me when it comes to your punishments, I think maybe you can be Nicki for three months instead." she said. "Oh, and I think Thanksgiving will be a perfect time to introduce my little girl to the rest of the family." she added as she guided my thumb into my mouth and spun me back around to the corner before leaving me to process the magnitude of just how bad things were going to be for me. *************************************************************************** So, some explanation is required. See, we're kinky as a couple, we have a Mommy and baby relationship and we've experimented with a fair amount of things in the years we've been together. In the quest for deeply humiliating and sexually gratifying things, we happened upon sissification. It started out as the usual calling my manhood into question which usually ends with me in a diaper being babied, but she'd apparently done her homework and found something she wanted to try and so rather than a diaper I was put into a pair of cute little panties, powder blue with little cartoon bears on the front and had to endure her putting makeup on me all while she commented on what a pretty little girl I was. It's really hard to put up resistance when your penis is straining against the inside of a childish pair of panties, in case you were wondering. At any rate, things began to escalate from there as a cute little party dress was added in a future session and from there she began to fondle me through my panties and under my dress until one night she began to finger my bottom, and as I helplessly came in my adorable little panties she knew she'd stumbled onto something that she could use anytime she wanted. She began to use anal stimulation to bring about climax more and more frequently after that, even going so far as to buy what she dubbed "babies first dildo", a translucent purple thing slightly bigger than her middle finger that she explained would be the only way I could self stimulate from now on under penalty of punishment. 'Nicki' was born shortly after that when she walked in on me working my new toy in and out of my bottom while hungrily sucking my thumb to stifle my pathetic moans of pleasure. "Show Mommy how much of a naughty little baby girl you are." she commanded as took a seat on the bed and watched my shameful display. "Cum for Mommy little girl!" she encouraged. When I finished shortly after that she put her hand in front of my spurting member, catching a fair amount on her palm and fingers and looked at the mess with a wicked smile before holding her hand to my face. "Are you going to be Mommy's good baby girl and clean her hand for her?" she asked in her syrupy sweet Mommy voice. I felt my face flush as leaned forward and stuck out my tongue, tears of shame rolling down my cheeks as I licked and sucked her fingers and hand clean. She beamed proudly at me and clapped her hands. "Such a good baby girl you are, Nicki!" she praised. "That's with an 'i' in case your little baby brain couldn't grasp it." she said with a chuckle as she set about to getting me cleaned and diapered for bed. ***************************************************************************** Thanksgiving was only a handful of weeks away and I wasted no time in trying to have my sentence commuted or dropped entirely if at all possible. The problem was that I'd been deemed "too little" to do the things I'd planned like cleaning the house and making dinner for us. "Mommy knows you want to be a big girl and make the house all pretty and clean, but I'm sorry to say that you're just too little to be able to handle such big responsibilities." she explained, suddenly finding something very amusing as she covered her mouth with her hadn to stifle a laugh. "Can you imagine how silly it would be for Mommy to let you make dinner when you can't even be trusted not make little baby messes on her nice furniture?" she asked rhetorically. I blushed hotly as she turned me around and nudged me from the kitchen with a gentle pat on my padded behind. I trudged back to my room, our marital bedroom was mostly off limits when I was being babied since a wet bed in the nursery was to be expected but one in Mommy's bed would be very costly indeed, and took my spot on the cityscape playmat in the middle of the room with a heavy sigh of resignation. I knew that my punishment started first thing the following day and two days from then I'd have to go back to work and while I was confident she wouldn't put me into a position where I'd lose my job, the concern that people I worked with would discover what was going on was very real. ***************************************************************************** The very first time I'd had to wear a diaper to work I was a nervous wreck the whole day. I'd been put on punishment for dribbling tinkle on the toilet seat and not cleaning it off and the small infraction had earned a week of diapers and a month of bathroom cleaning. I worked in an office and had a cubicle that thankfully afforded me some privacy but every slight crinkle was deafening to me and I was sure that before close of business I'd be the laughing stock of the entire office and demoted to the daycare center on the third floor like one of those ridiculous stories you read on the internet when you're into the ABDL scene, wink. In actuality, everything went off without a hitch almost the entire week minus an extremely close call on the third day when Mommy had come to take me to lunch and decided to change me on the backseat of the car in the parking garage. After the overly suspense filled change was complete I was given the balled up used diaper and sent to the nearby trashcan to dispose of it when a group of ladies came out of the elevator and started heading into the parking garage toward me. I dashed in between two cars and made a beeline to the trashcan, slamming the diaper in as fast as I could and hurrying back to the car, breathing a sigh of relief in seeing that the group of women was too busy talking and laughing about a movie they'd seen to even notice me. ***************************************************************************** The morning my punishment began started like any other, Mommy coming into the nursery and letting down the side of my crib and giving me a bottle of juice to drink while she got me out of my pajamas and wet overnight diaper. Rather than merely change me though, she left me naked and absently played with my morning hardened member while she waited for me to finish my bottle and then led me to the bathroom where she'd set up a wide array of shaving and hair removal supplies. While not overly hairy, I did have a small patch of hair above my manhood as well as a little on my chest, legs and under my arms. My face was always kept smooth but she made quick work of removing my body hair, even doing a little work on my little pucker in back. Satisfied with her work she got me into the tub and began washing me with a lovely smelling, if overly feminine soap and shampoo. Standing me up she began to thoroughly clean my most intimate areas, causing me to develop shaky legs as I began to pant softly and bite my lip to keep my moans from coming out. "Do you like it when Mommy touches your clitty and sissy hole, baby girl?" she asked in a sultry voice as her washrag encased finger traced a circle around my back entrance. I couldn't lie, though I wasn't pleased with the her new names for my parts or the moniker of 'baby girl', and nodded sheepishly as my thumb entered my mouth. She smiled and set the washrag aside as she rose to her feet and left the bathroom, reappearing a moment later with her hand behind her back. "Close your eyes, little one." she said in her sweet, motherly tone. I complied and felt her pull my thumb from my mouth gently followed by a familiar rubber texture teasing my lips, my mouth opened without a second thought but what I'd expected to enter it didn't and instead something more cylindrical went in. I opened my eyes and pulled the pacifier out by the ring on the guard revealing a small penis shaped bulb rather than the normal teat. I looked up at her in surprise and shook my head "I don't want this!" I whined. She smirked at my little outburst and guided the thing back into my mouth. "Mommy didn't ask you, sweetie." she said mater of factly as she tied the pink satin ribbon connected to the pacifier ring behind my neck. "Since my little girl likes sucking her thumb so much, Mommy figured it was probably time to introduce her to a little practice penis she can suck on just in case she meets a special boy when we're out on the town." she explained with a derisive laugh at my expense. I spat the little dick from my mouth and scowled at her. "I'm not going to suck anyone's cock!" I screamed, instantly regretting my outburst as she leaned forward and began smacking my still wet behind with her open palm. "For the next three months you're my baby GIRL," she began, overly emphasizing the change in my gender. "that means you're going to be whatever my idea of the perfect baby girl is." she continued as her blows continued to rain down, her free hand stuffing my new pacifier back into my wailing mouth. "So, if I decide you're going to suck some cock then you better prepare to pucker up, angel." she snapped as she stopped spanking me and sat me back down in the water harshly, causing my burning behind to scream in agony the second it touched the hot water and floor of the tub. "Now, if you really want to fight me on this then we can discuss it like adults once your punishment is over, but until such time as you're considered an adult around here, you'll do as you're told. Am I understood?" she asked as she looked down on me with her most domineering gaze. I sniffled and sucked the little penis pacifier...penisfier? sullenly as I looked up at her and nodded weakly. "Yef Mommy." I managed to get out between sucks and sobs. She nodded her head sharply and stood me back up, pulling the plug in the drain and helping me out of the tub before wrapping me in a large and fluffy pink towel. "Good girl, now let's get you dressed and ready, Mommy needs to get her little girl some clothes today." she said as she began drying me off. To Be Continued...
  13. We actually wrote this story on a LiveWriting night, which is a Patreon thing Pudding and I do where we... well... write. Live. But this time, we gave our patrons a special super power: they could change anything we had already written and they could pick what we wrote next! It's a little tropey, but it was a super fun experience. And we have to thank our supporters: @Selpharia (Selphie) and @Yuukarian (Anapathy)! This is just a one-chapter short story thing. But who knows, maybe more will happen in the future? More happened! A complete PDF and ePUB of Reconnecting is available on our Patreon! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reconnecting Written by Sophie & Pudding Meddling by Selphie & Anapathy Chapter One: Diapers "I know I teased you for wetting the bed, but this seems a bit extreme..." We were always close for siblings, but ever since puberty had taken hold and driven us in opposing directions dictated by gender, things seemed more and more distant between Vania and I. And the way she'd reacted after I teased her for wetting the bed when she came to visit… well, it was scary! "You wanna make fun of me because I have accidents Milo? Well I'm not having it. Either you're wearing one of my diapers to bed or I'm leaving!" I had planned to stay two entire weeks, and we were only on the second day. Milo and I used to be so close, and now look at us... "Right, I get it, but why? It's not going to make you any less of a bedwetter an-" If she had an aura, I was sure she'd have been on fire right about then. I didn't mean it! I just couldn't see how she'd gotten from 'pissed at her sibling' to 'wanting to humiliate me' like that. I shoved him as hard as I could into the wall, but I'd never had his strength or balance, even I was a few inches taller. "Wear it or I'm leaving!" The fact I had diapers at all was something I had hoped to keep hidden from my brother, but we'd gotten too drunk last night and I'd fallen asleep on the sofa. One wet cushion later... "I don't even know how, okay!" She tried to push me again and I grabbed both her wrists in my hands and pulled her in close to me by pulling her arms up. "Is it going to make you happy?" "Yes," I muttered, struggling to pull away from him. Finally, he let me go and I stood as tall as I could, looking at him with a deathly glare. "I'll show you what to do. And you're wearing it to bed. The whole night! So you know how it feels to..." I didn't finish my sentence, a blush overwhelming my cheeks. "How it feels to wet the bed? Vania..." She was crazy. "Whatever I do, if I wear it or not, it's not like I'm going to have an accident at night, alright? I'm an adult." An adult? I glared harshly and he quickly realized his mistake. "I'm leaving," I pushed past him to the spare room and started packing up my bag. But I knew better - Milo and I had been best friends since the day we were born. We had that twin-telepathy thing. Sure, we had drifted, but both of us wanted to be closer. This was... well it was a way to reconnect. As stupid as it sounded. "Hey I'm sorry, alright, I'm sorry." I grabbed her wrist as she was unzipping her bag, and she shook me off with a pout and puffed up cheeks. "I said I'd do it, alright? I just... you're a girl, Vania, and wearing girls things is weird... I'm not gay, you know?" "It's a diaper." "It's pink." I put my hands to my face and sighed. How was my brother such a goddamn idiot? "Fine, you don't want to wear it, I'm leaving." "I said I would!" "Then stop being a..." I thought about it. "Stop being a baby about it, then." Well, that certainly hit home. I crossed my arms and puffed my cheeks the way she just was, which was MEANT to mock her, but just made me look more like her and thus, less intimidating. "What do I do?" I checked the clock. It was already eight at night. Early for bedtime, but whatever. I fished into my suitcase and pulled out one of the pink diapers - something simple and medical with a pinkish tint - and pushed it into his hands. "The side with the tapes goes under your ass. Pull it up between your legs and tape it in place. Lay down first. And I swear, if you mess it up I will kill you because these are expensive!" Obviously I was still angry. I took the diaper with masculine indignation and stuck my tongue out at her, waving my hand toward the door. "Some privacy?" But my apartment wasn’t exactly the bastion of free space to go. "Or at least like turn around?" The last thing I wanted was my sister seeing me nude, especially given I'd taken to keeping myself hairless down there for my last girlfriend. I left him alone in the spare room. I swear, he could have just used his own fucking room, but whatever. I sighed and leaned against the counter, rubbing my temples. This wasn't supposed to happen... but maybe I could use it to my advantage. Milo in a diaper. I giggled. Okay, this could be fun! "I broke it." It was flimsy anyway, how was something made out of plastic supposed to stay on?! and I was obviously too big for it, even though Vania was bigger than me, and I guess she just got cheap products from china or something. Either way, I couldn't wear it now! "Sorry, sis, I tried." I went to drop the torn diaper in the trash. Broke it? He... he broke it? Was he an idiot or something? You can't break a diaper! I snatched it out of his hands before he could throw it away and saw that the tape had been pulled clean off. Some of the plastic was ripped where he may have tried taping it on, but it was... it was awful. And then I remembered my first time, last year. With a deep sigh of defeat, I threw the diaper in the trash and pointed to the spare room. "Come on. I'll help." "What?" She'd help? Oh no no no no, not a chance! "Look if you want me to try again I will but you can’t help! We're twins, and we're siblings, and you can't see me in my underwear like that!" Because obviously I wasn't wearing it without underwear on underneath. "I don't care. You said you'd wear one, right? And these things are like two-fifty a piece. So either you get your ass in there and stop whining, or I'm leaving." Whining. And then I remembered earlier... "You really are a baby, huh? Throwing a tantrum over everything." "What? N-no I'm not!" I crossed my arms, how dare she?! Fine. Fine, I'd do her stupid thing. I marched back into the bedroom and fell back on the bed. That didn't mean I had to LIKE it. I went to remove his underwear and he stopped me. "You are not seeing me naked." "I've seen you naked a hundred times. We shared a womb. We shared a tub. When you were fifteen you wouldn't shut the fuck up about your dick and you whipped it out every ten goddamn minutes. Now stop complaining like a bratty child." I kept using that against him - that he was a baby. He hated it. And in turn, he seemed to actually listen to me. Perfect. Ugh. Why was she doing this?! I mean. She was right. I did do all those things, but that's just how boys act. Letting your sister put you in a diaper is absolutely not how boys act! "Fine just. Don't look okay?" "You're such a baby," I said once more, to get under his skin, as I stripped him of his tighty-whities. Honestly, I'd seen enough guys naked to know that penises really weren't a big deal. I was a nurse for goodness sake! That was how I came to find these diapers anyway. When the boy was appropriately naked from the waist down, I unfolded the pink diaper and lifted his ankles above his head. Standard stuff. Diaper changes were dime a dozen. I couldn't help it, when girls saw me naked, it meant sex. And sex meant getting hard. And I tried to think unsexy thoughts, you know, like rotten fruit or Trump or my sister putting me in a damn diaper. Regardless, nothing seemed to work. "This is dumb..." ...he was hard. And he was shaven. I had placed him back on the diaper, but I couldn't look away from his member. Um... I bit the inside of my cheek and went to get the baby powder, dousing it all over his private parts. Covered in white powder like that, like a real baby, it helped to distract me from his condition. This was... strange. "Could you like... calm down or something? This is weird enough as it is." "Yeah you don't fucking say!" I didn't mean the outburst, but it wasn't exactly my choice here to be aroused, it was a bodily response! "Just ignore it okay, you're not even supposed to be looking at me. Don't be a perv." "Don't be a perv, he says," I muttered, so he could hear. "But he gets an erection when I'm putting him in a diaper. His sister, no less..." Okay. Weird. But at the same time, teasing him like this... it was really fun. It reminded me of when we were younger, and we'd always be at each other's throats. Mom hated that. I pulled the diaper up over his erection and placed the tapes as tight as I could. Hopefully that would work, right? "All done. Good boy!" "Oh my fucking god, don't say shit like that, alright?" I was doing this because it made her happy, but she was REALLY pushing her luck here! And my cheeks were bright red and I pulled the comforter over myself before I could even look at what she made me wear. Ugh. I couldn't close my thighs. "Not so funny now, being a bedwetter?" "I'm not a bedwetter!" "You sure look like one," I said in a sing-song voice, smiling happily. Who could have known this would turn out so perfectly? I never would have thought my brother and I would be equivalent through diapers. "Okay, let's watch TV or something. Put your pants back on." I tried. I really tried! But my skinny jeans weren't having any of it, and I ended up falling over on the floor after hopping around on one foot over and over, trying to pull them up over my ass and this thing on it. She laughed like a chorus of angels. "Why don't you wear pajamas?" "I don't have pajamas!" "...you don't have pajamas?" Who didn't have pajamas? "I sleep naked." I stifled a laugh. "Well, that sucks for you. Do you want some of my pajamas?" I fished through my suitcase to find a spare pair - pink with cupcakes on them. "I'm not wearing those." That was my protest. "They're girls pants, and I'm not gay, okay? I love girls and girl accessories." I was proud of my Hank Hill reference. She looked... mischievous. "Accessories? I have hair bows and stockings and heels - you still wear the same size shoes as me, right?" He looked absolutely mortified! I rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding. If you would rather wear a pink diaper instead of pink pajamas, that's your call. I think you look darling. Like a real little boy!" I passed him the pajamas all the same - the choice was his. "Come on. TV time." "I'm NOT a little boy! Fucking..." I huffed and pulled the pajamas up my legs, which at least fit over the bulky undergarment better than my jeans. But when I walked, I sounded like I'd just gone grocery shopping, and my legs didn't move the same, and this was so DUMB. "Don't you have to wear... these?" "At night, sure." He glared at me and I smiled widely. This was going to be such a fun week! And true to my word, before bed that night, I used the bathroom and changed into one of my diapers. I had grown accustomed to them over the past year - I didn't mind them at all. I just hated when shitty people made fun of me - i.e. Milo. I poured myself a very small glass of water and looked at the bathroom door before turning off the light. Hm. I reached in and locked it, then pulled it closed. It didn't matter either way for me - I knew I'd wet the bed. But my brother... this week would be very fun indeed! "Hey." I shook my sister on the sofa, and then shook her again, and finally, in desperation, I slapped her face - something I wouldn't realize was a mistake until I'd done it. "Did you lock the bathroom door? I fucking... you gotta be more fucking careful than that." It was late, dark, and I was moving anxiously from foot to foot. "I"m going to take this dumb thing off and go down to the store to use their bathroom, just don't lock me out alright? You're such a bimbo sometimes, Vania…” I was a heavy sleeper. But when someone slaps your cheek, you wake up. And you wake up irritated. I stared at my brother, processing what he was saying. Bimbo? When did he even learn words like that? What was this, tenth grade? "Mm. No. Use the diaper." Like it was the most normal request in the world. "Ugh, don't be stupid, alright, I played your dumb game and I was a good sister," I winced, "brother." fuck I was tired. "This isn't like some fetishy sissy story on reddit alright," because a brother should know about such things, right? I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "Just. Don't lock me out. And stay out of my room." "Mm. No. Use the diaper." Like I hadn't heard him at all. But I had. I'd heard him very clearly. Sissy story? Sister. I looked up through the foggy dark night at my brother in those girly pajamas and thought about it a minute. I had always wanted a sister... "You were teasing me for bedwetting. Use your diaper, and we'll be even." "I'm not pissing myself." I didn't exactly want her to be here on her own, either, though. "If I do it, can I take this stupid thing off? No more games?" Gross. "Mmhmm." I was still tired, lying with my head down on the edge of the sofa. I wanted to get up and move to the spare room, but I was lazy and the sofa was comfortable. At least this time when I fell asleep out here I was diapered properly. "I just want you and I to be even. That's all." "You're a fucking pervert, I want you to know that. Boys and girls don’t have to be the same. It’s alright for you to piss your pants and me not to, I love you anyway." I wasn't getting out of this, though, huh? "Fine. I did it. Just now." I hadn’t, but how could she tell anyway? ...hm. I sat upright and stared at him in the eye. I knew when my brother was lying - he wasn't exactly good at it. Psychic connection, remember? Twin powers. But what annoyed me was his argument: it's alright for me to do it and not him? Why? Because I was a girl? So I tugged down his pants as hard as I could and dropped the pajamas to the floor. Before he could react, I put my palm to the front of his diaper, cupping his cock. "No you didn't." And then another realization... "Why would you lie to me...?" Jesus. JESUS. Why. What?! WHY would she touch me like that?! Holy fuck. My knees felt like jelly and I puffed out my cheeks. "Because you want me to do gross things, and I'm trying to be a good sibling and you're being such a typical chick about it. Whenever a guy is nice, this happens." "I'm not unlocking the bathroom until morning," I told him sincerely. Actually, I couldn't. I would have to take the whole handle apart just get back in - it's not like I had a key or anything. "So either you piss that diaper or you piss your bed. But tomorrow I'm going home, since you're being such an asshole." And then a true but crushing statement: "I hardly even know you anymore..." Well. That hurt. I was quiet for a second, and looked at her, then away, and then down at my feet. "Tha's not... that's not fair, you know me really well sis.." "The Milo I know wouldn't act like this. He wouldn't lie to me, and he wouldn't say I'm being a "typical chick" like being a girl is so fucking terrible. You started this, remember? You made fun of me! And... and I just... figured you were better than that. And I was giving you a chance to prove it." I got up from the sofa with my blanket. Already, I could tell I was wet. "But I guess I was wrong...." "No no hey... hey, I'm sorry alright.. I'm sorry, it's just how guys are, and I love you sis, I love you more than anything, you know I'd like be first in line if you needed a kidney, or I'd kick anyone’s butts who hurt you. I'd do anything for you. Anything. I miss you too." Yeah, I knew I screwed up. "Well this is what I want," I said quietly, but strictly. I was sure of myself. I was sure of this decision. "You're in a diaper because you teased me. And you should wet it because I have accidents too. Then we're the same again, and you won't be so horrible to me. Understand? So if you want things to get better between us... well, you know what to do." "Fine." My borrowed pajama pants were still around my ankles, and I realized when I started peeing just how obvious it had to have been that I was dry before. I felt it. I heard it. It was gross and it went on forever and ever and I felt more embarrassed that I think I ever had. "Now we're the same.." A part of me thought he wouldn't do it. I thought... I dunno. His pride would get in the way. But it didn't. He stood there, he pushed, and the diaper between his legs darkened and sagged. I stood there quietly, watching him give up control of his own bathroom habits, and bit my lip. Oh... "Y-yeah... you're right." Wow. "Sorry if I... you know. Was a jerk." "Can you unlock the bathroom now please?" My voice was small and I shifted left and right on my feet. "I need to shower, and do more than pee." And I couldn't leave the room to go to the store now. "Oh." Ohhhh... "Right. Well, about that." I forced a smile and played with the ends of my hair. "You don't have a key by chance, do you?" He stared at me, bewildered. Great... "Or a Philips head screwdriver?" Again, he only stared. Oh no... "W-well... I can't really get the door open then. I'm sorry..." "You're sorry." She nodded to the non question. "I'm here standing in my own piss and about to crap my pants, and you're 'sorry' that you locked me out of my bathroom? Well, I'd do anything for you sis, and you wanna be the same, right? So fix it. Do anything for me and fix this!" I stomped my foot like an petulant child. "Hey, you're the one that doesn't keep the keys when you get a new place!" "Don't put this on me!" Yeah, okay, this was my fault... "Um... is there a store open nearby? One that has screwdrivers?" I knew the corner store had snacks and a bathroom and it was open all night, but they probably didn't carry screwdrivers. "I don't KNOW, Vania, but I know that in about two minutes we're NOT going to be the same anymore!" My stomach churned angrily. I was such a good brother, why was she doing this to me! I shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, trying to think of a solution. Ask a neighbor! At 3am? Or a crowbar? Who even has one of those in this day and age? I bit my lip and looked at my feet. "We... have to wait until morning," I told him simply, honestly. "Can't you hold it?" "I can absolutely not fucking hold it okay I needed to go before bed and you weren't going to let me out of this thing so I thought OH I'LL JUST WAIT UNTIL MORNING but here I am in a wet diaper - not the kind of girls’ underwear I usually like for the record - and my insides are about to become my OUTSIDES!” Way more information than I needed... "Well. I can't do anything, Milo! I... I didn't think this would be a problem!" Who could have anticipated this? It's not like some evil omniscient god was controlling our lives! No one wanted my brother and I to be locked out of the bathroom, stuck in diapers, waiting to mess ourselves! Of course, I wasn't a goddamn child and I could hold it until morning. But apparently I'd overestimated my brother... "Yes, you didn't th—“ I didn't even get that word out before it happened, and it happened with no subtleties, no grace; with a loud and vibrant sound I lost what little shred of dignity I had in the torrent of mush that pushed out of me, pushing into the diaper like a dam had collapsed and caused a mudslide. And I couldn't help but cry. He was crying. Like a baby. My poor baby brother. And I felt so guilty. If I hadn't of locked the bathroom, if I hadn't of been so spiteful... so I did what any good sister would. I put my arms around him and pushed, struggling, until the mess started to fill the seat of my diaper. We were the same. Him and me. Always. No matter what. It was pretty gross, I'm not gonna lie. And I wasn't sure that what she did really helped, but it did make me feel a bit less like a freak to have been the only one having done it. She pulled me into her arms and I winced with every motion, because I felt like I was going to burst, like my diaper would pop and stuff would get everywhere. But it was nice to be held. "I t-to-told you..." She smelled awful. I smelled awful. I coughed and tried to bury my nose in her shoulder. "Shh," I told him, holding him close. I'd never done anything like this before. I'd never even wet myself on purpose! I was strictly a bedwetter! But now, in such a shameful situation... I didn't know what to do. I felt helpless in his arms and he felt helpless in mine. But we were together. That was what was important. "I have an idea..." I led him by the hand over to the living room floor. "Lay down." I didn't want to move. I didn't want to exist honestly, but I didn't have the energy to argue, so I let her hold my hand and followed her whims like a little puppet. "This is so icky.." "It'll be better soon. We just have to get used to each other." With that, I crawled on top of his body, facing away, and pushed the seat of my diaper into his face. He would acclimatize. Everything would be better soon. Facing his diaper, I pulled at his knees, until his legs were high in the air, spread wide. Then I pushed my own face into the seat of his-- "That is so out of character," Selphie interrupted. "Give me that." "Hey!" Ana shouted as Selphie snatched the book out of her hands. "This garbage boy needs to be force-femmed so hard. She’d best prance him about in the prettiest little outfits!" "Right when it was getting good," Ana sulked. Selphie pulled out her pen and started writing the next chapter.
  14. As the title of my post suggests, I am looking for an old school style roleplay partner/buddy. To explain, I am hoping to meet someone that would actually like to develop characters, describe settings, and, in short, tell a story. We used to call this type of Rp a LTR (LongTermRoleplay). My hope is to find someone that enjoys posting 6-8 sentence posts and is detail oriented. Someone that has a interest in playing multiple characters and flushing out a complete story. I've no interest in sexual play masquerading as story telling. As for specifics, I am looking for a specific setting and specific characters. The story involves (as most of this genre do) a 1st year male college student being forcefully regressed in the most humiliating of ways. I would like to play the character being debased (Something again, I realize to be rather commonplace), as well as some satellite characters. I have a basic story arc in mind, but hopefully I'll meet someone creative enough to help me flush out all of the details of this story. As for the other character; I have two different basic story arcs in mind - one for a male character, and one for a female character. So either way is fine. I, myself, promise that I am anything but a run of the mill online roleplayer. I will post deep and complete posts. I am also more than willing to hear your ideas, both for my story, as well as for any Roleplays that you have sought after and would like me to participate in once this one of mine is humming along... hence the title of this post. I'd love to find a friend to roleplay lots of stories with. Anyway, if you read all of that and are still interested, we're already off to a fantastic start! Please don't hesitate to contact me via Messenger, and let's get started! Thank You. <3
  15. Hi all! So, I'll preface this by saying I've only ever read Diaper Dimension stories before, never written one. I've never written ANY AB/DL content before. Normally my works are fanfiction, and otherwise action-based. So if the pacing in this seems a bit awkward, that's the reason. But I really like the ideas presented in so many Diaper Dimension stories, and am hoping I can make my own contribution, no matter how small. Chris, after running for almost twenty minutes, had come to rest in an alleyway, hidden behind several trash cans. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, he struggled to get his breathing under control as he went over the events of the last day-and-a-half. Trying to figure out just how his vacation went to hell. To be fair, it was probably the decision at the start to spend it in the other dimension. When he first heard about the world beyond the portals, he was intrigued immediately. A world of amazing science bordering on fiction, and ruled by a class of people generally known as the Amazons. A few years later, and he learned that it was now being permitted for civilians to enter through the portals in tour groups, so he had begun saving up immediately. He had gone with a small group of four, but was instructed to go nowhere without a guide. He had inquired why, and was only told that a guide was the only way to ensure his protection. Despite being a fully grown adult, twenty-four years of age, in the new world he would be considered a 'Little.' Another of the classes in the new dimension. He wasn't sure why exactly he might need protection, until the group came through the portal. The Amazons, apparently believing that Littles were no better than children, would often claim even fully grown littles as their own. Chris watched in fascination and a hint of disgust as he watched people his age getting treated as everything from toddlers to infants. Many were being kept only in diapers. He even witnessed a couple nursing at the giant breasts of their Amazon 'parents.' Chris was told that so long as he stayed with his guide, however, it was illegal for one of the giant men or women to take him. At the end of the first day, they had made their way to their hotel. All four of them, plus their guide, an in-betweener – Someone too big to be considered a little, but too small to be considered Amazon – were staying in one room. And despite the horror show throughout the day that was the forced babying of Littles, Chris found himself drifting into an easy sleep. Why shouldn't he? He was a tourist, he had a guide, and there was safety in numbers. The next day was when things began going south. When Chris awoke, the hotel was being protested. The group of protesting giants was large, furiously chanting, and waving signs that said things like 'Protect the Littles!' and 'Mothers know best.' Their guide kept a neutral face, but his tone showed he was worried. As he ushered the group toward the rear exit to avoid the Amazon protesters, he explained that the group had been causing all sorts of problems for the tours. Apparently, their idea of 'protecting' Littles meant protecting them from themselves, locking them into diapers and cribs since a Little clearly --- in their eyes --- couldn't be trusted to care for themselves. They couldn't legally take any of them while they had their guide, but according to the in-betweener, they had begun to grow more zealous in the last several months and it would be best to avoid them entirely. He had the four holding hands as they exited the building out the back. The rest of the day was thankfully uneventful until lunch. The group visited a museum and were instructed on the history of this alternate world. To be fair, only one of them was paying that much attention. Chris was too busy watching the babied Littles. It was like a car wreck on the highway to him. He didn't really want to watch, but it was fascinatingly horrifying, and thus more compelling than hearing how similar or different this dimension's past was from his own. Two others – a couple that had introduced themselves as Elizabeth and Jake – were too busy sucking face. Apparently they were fresh from college and had just started dating about two months prior. The last member of their group, a young man named Mark, was actually paying rapt attention. He was a history major and was planning on getting first-hand knowledge of the other dimension and how it differed from their own. Their tour was providing all their food, as they were told not to trust any food or beverages given to them by Amazons, which meant returning to the hotel for lunch. The hotel which was still under protest. Before they could reach the relative safety inside, all hell broke loose. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x He awoke with a start, having fallen asleep in his hiding place. It was getting dark now, and he assumed safe to find a new shelter for the night, so that he could hopefully get back to the portal at the tourism center tomorrow. Peaking out from behind his trash can wall, Chris climbed out and made to move as discretely as possible from alley to alley, making his way across the town. By nightfall, he had made his way to a public park. It was nearly empty now, so he ducked towards the playground. The castle-like structure of the jungle-gym wouldn't provide much protection, but it had walls to hide behind, and a roof in case of rain. And it was warm enough out that he wouldn't freeze from sleeping outside. He would also hopefully find that this public playground would also have a public restroom. He hadn't gone since breakfast, and he was starting to feel pressure from his bladder. For the first time all day, Chris actually smiled and let out a relieved sigh. But sadly, it seemed fate was not as kind as he had hoped. The feeling of the ground leaving him filled his stomach with dread as he was grabbed under the armpits and lifted from behind. Struggling, he was turned around to see the curious face of a young Amazon woman. “What are you doing out here by yourself? Especially at this time of night?” She asked. Chris actually stopped struggling, a spark of hope within him. Despite his position, she had just spoken to him without a single coo or bit of baby talk. “Long story,” he said after a moment. “I'm not from around here, and got separated from my tour guide.” He realized his mistake almost immediately. Just because the young lady spoke to him normally at the moment, didn't mean she wouldn't decide to take him anyway. The Amazon gasped and actually looked concerned. He took notice of her features now. Chocolate brown eyes matched her hair, which was pulled into a ponytail and hung just past her shoulder blades. She was lean, but had a bit of muscle to her which suggested she worked out. “Well, you don't want to sleep at the park. Any cop that comes around on patrol will ship you off to an orphanage without a second thought.” Making up her mind, she pulled the once-again struggling man close, his head now over her shoulder. “Hush and stop squirming. It's either come with me, or off to the orphanage. And I promise you, little one, the first option is going to be your best bet. Besides, you need a bath. You smell like a dumpster.” Chris blushed a bit at the comment, but stopped struggling for now. He didn't know what an Orphanage for Littles entailed, but he felt he wanted no part in it. His option with this new women didn't seem much better though as her entire demeanor seemed to change. “I've been thinking about adopting for a while now, anyway.” she continued, still speaking to him like an adult, but rubbing his back and patting his butt, bouncing him as she walked as though trying to calm an actual baby. “So what's your name, Sweetie?” Chris didn't answer, the shock of what was now happening to him beginning to set in. After a few moments of silence, the Amazon continued in a sing-song voice. “If you don't tell me, Mommy's going to make one up for you...” “You're not my 'Mommy.” Chris grumbled, but yelped when he received a sharp slap to the rear. Even through his pants it stung something fierce. “This shouldn't even be happening. And I'm probably older than you are-OW!” Another smack to his butt. “A, I absolutely am your Mommy, and you will refer to me only as that, or Mama” she declared sternly. “Regardless of how you got separated from your guide, it happened, and now I'm claiming you. B, it's totally legal. Not only are you all alone, but it's clear you've got nowhere to stay now. And a homeless Little is more than fair game, it's any good Amazon's responsibility to get that Little under their loving care and protection. And C, yeah, you probably are. I'm nineteen, which for your information is a year older than I need to be to claim you without permission from my own parents. With permission, an Amazon can legally adopt a little at sixteen.” Chris went silent again at that information. “Listen,” his new 'Mommy' continued. “You be a nice baby, and I'll be a nice Mommy. Misbehave, and there has to be consequences. So, please tell me your name.” “Chris,” he said after a moment. “My name is Chris.” The Amazon nodded with a grin as her sternness disappeared. “Well, Chris, we're almost home,” she announced, going back to bouncing him. “We live with your new Auntie and her Little. I just know you'll have so much fun playing with your new cousin. She doesn't talk much though since your Auntie had her teeth removed...” The Amazon felt the Little in her arms stiffen and begin to shake, so she began to rub his back. “Shhhh, it's ok Honey. Your cousin was just a biter. Jenny and I couldn't feed the poor thing because it was like nursing a little shark. Believe me, as long as you take care not to bite Mommy, or Auntie if she feeds you, I'll let you keep all your little teefers.” This didn't help calm Chris down in the slightest. “Wait, you both breastfeed her?” he asked. She nodded with a smile. “Sometimes. You can't expect an Amazon woman to live with a cute little doll like my niece and not start to leak all over the place. It helps relieve the pressure on Mommy's boobies, and it's better bonding time for babies to take from the source instead of us having to pump. So to answer your next question, Sweetie, yes, Mommy will make sure you get good, healthy breastmilk multiple times a day, and if a situation comes up where your Auntie is watching you, she might nurse you as well.” At this point, Chris was actually beginning to tear up in frustration as they moved up the driveway of what he had to assume was the house shared by the sisters. Both from the situation and from the fact that the constant bouncing on the way here had brought to the forefront the pressure in his bladder that had been growing since the incident where he and the group got separated. “I really have to pee, so if you could please hurry,” he announced. The Amazon just rolled her eyes, but neither stopped bouncing him, nor lost her smile as she began to dig in her pockets for her keys. “Of course you do,” she said, as though it were obvious. “Which is why Littles should always be wearing protection. With your tiny little bladders, it's amazing you can hold any liquids at all. Speaking of which, this is the only time Mommy's going to ask you to try and hold it, since you aren't wearing a diapie yet. But if you can't, it won't be the first time I've had a Little pee on me and probably won't be the last, so I won't be mad. And given how much has happened to you today, I won't be surprised...There we are!” Pulling her keys from her pocket, she took a moment to re-situate Chris in her arms with a big bounce. He felt his bladder go from high pressure to red alert and it took everything he had to stop himself, though he knew a few drops had managed to trickle out. Kicking off her shoes in the entryway, the giant carried him upstairs, and Chris let out a squeak as a bit more urine leaked out into his pants with each step. He visibly flinched at the squeal of delight that he heard when they reached the top of the stairs. “Kenzie, you got a Little?” the voice asked, and he was turned around to see his 'Auntie' for the first time. There was no doubt the two were sisters. The new Amazon had the same brown eyes and hair that his definitely crazed kidnapper had, and a face that was remarkably similar. However, she was actually taller than his new mother, and kept her hair short, letting it hang down only far enough to brush her shoulders. “I did,” the now named 'Kenzie' replied, beaming with pride. “Poor thing was wandering the streets after losing his guide. I couldn't let him fend for himself, or get taken to an orphanage, Jenny.” The sisters nodded at each other as if what Kenzie was doing was in any way better. “So he's from the other dimension, then?” Jenny asked, and Kenzie nodded. “He was,” she replied.”But this is his home now.” Throwing him back over her shoulder, she cuddled Chris into a tight hug. That was the last straw, and Chris yelped as the flow of urine broke free. “Uh oh,” Kenzie said, realizing what was happening and quickly moving onto the hardwood floor of the kitchen to avoid staining the carpet. Chris felt her hand on his back as she just held him close, As the wetness soaked through his clothes and hers, he whimpered pathetically, but Kenzie just continued to rub his back and lightly bounce him, whispering into his ears. “It's ok, Sweetheart,” she said. “Mommy isn't mad, she told you she wouldn't be mad.” Chris began to actually cry now, the tears flowing freely. Not only did he, a grown man, just wet his pants and urinate all over a girl who was younger than him, but she was acting as if the only reason he was upset was because he thought she'd be mad. “Just let it all out, Honey,” she cooed. “We were gonna give you a bath anyway.” “Awww,” Jenny sighed. “Don't worry little guy. Sarah did the same when I brought her home. We know you need protection.” He couldn't see her, but heard her walking up to them. He shivered as the last of his pee dripped out. But when he opened his mouth to actually say something, something was shoved into it instead. He looked up to see Jenny holding a pacifier in place in his mouth. “Just suck on this, Baby, you'll feel better. And Auntie will go make you a nice warm bath.” “Thank you,” Kenzie said, taking her sister's place at holding the pacifier in his mouth until, defeated, he began to just suck on it on his own. “That's it, Honey-Bunny. Just suck on the paci.” Within moments, Chris found himself sitting naked on the cold kitchen floor, his wet clothes unceremoniously dumped in the trash, while Kenzie began to wipe up the puddle on the floor with paper towels. At this point he wasn't even thinking about escape from these people. After everything, a bath sounded good right now. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x The warm water did serve to calm him down. The thorough cleaning of every part of his body, genitals included, did not. Nor did the stinging gel she used to clean every part of him save for the top of his head. He soon found out what the gel was for, as every bit of hair that it touched, arm, leg, back, chest, and even his face and pubic hair, simply wiped away with each pass of the wash cloth. Chris would have made a joke about being smooth as a baby's bottom, but it was definitely not the time for jokes, especially of those kind. When Mommy – Kenzie, he corrected himself. He had a name now, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of actually thinking of her as 'Mommy' – pulled the now clean and mostly hairless man from the bath, Jenny came in carrying her own Little. “I had to get her up for this,” she said, quietly. “Sarah, can you say hi to your new cousin?” she turned the young woman in her arms around, grabbing her hand and making her wave. Sarah just looked exhausted and held a mostly defeated look in her eye. She opened her mouth in a yawn and Chris again went rigid at the sight of those toothless gums. As Chris was swaddled into a towel, Jenny continued speaking. “Are the kids going to share the crib? It's big enough for the both of them.” Kenzie looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmmm, no. Not tonight at least. Chris can sleep in the playpen next to my bed for now.” Jenny just nodded. “He doesn't look any bigger than Sarah here, so her diapers should fit. I put a clean pair of her jammies out too,” she said as they entered a room down the hall that made Chris begin whimpering again. The nursery. He looked over and thought he saw a twinge of pity in Sarah's eyes, before he was placed on the changing table, a strap hooked over him to keep him in place. Kenzie grinned ear to ear, and now devolved into full-on baby talk as she pulled a crinkly, white, baby's diaper out and gripped his ankles in one hand, pulling his bottom off the table, before placing it back down on the soft padding. “Baby's first diapie!” she cooed, liberally sprinkling him with baby powder, rubbing it all over his crotch and butt, making sure he was fully covered with it. He looked away in humiliation, and was met with the sight of Jenny sitting in the corner rocker, shirt lifted, bra-less, and with Sarah's mouth working the nipple of her left breast. His face crinkled in disgust at the thought and he didn't even pay attention to the diaper being taped to him, forcing his legs apart from its bulk. He remained distracted until Jenny noticed his gaze and giggled. “I think somebody's hungry, sis,” she announced. “I know its past his bedtime, but you should probably feed him, and he'll probably need a change immediately after.” Chris tried to scoot away, but he was being held in place by Kenzie, who was slipping his arms into the sleeves of the one-piece footie pajamas. Chris looked down and grimaced. Pink. Princess. Footie pajamas. “Oh, don't you look adorable!” Kenzie squealed, turning him to show her sister, who gave the exact same squeal. “You know, if you let that hair grow out and then put it into pigtails, it would be unbelievably cute. Maybe little Chris should be little Christina instead.” Chris's eyes widened, and he looked between the two sisters. They couldn't be serious, could they? “No, not little Christina,” Kenzie said, and Chris let out a sign of relief. But because fate was simply screwing with him at this point, once again, it was too soon to relax. “I'm more partial to 'Crystal' myself,” she said. “Yeah, Crystal sounds right.” Jenny's grin contrasted Chris's horrified gape. “So I've got a little niece instead of a nephew?” she asked, burping Sarah, before trying to switch her to the other breast. Kenzie looked down at Chris, who was vehemently shaking his head in the negative, and could see nothing but how that would look with those future pigtails whipping back and forth. “Definitely,” she agreed, and Chris felt his stomach plummet as she lifted him. Then she noticed that Sarah was apparently done with her feeding without finishing off Jenny's other breast. “Why don't you take her to the living room. She can even you out while I set up the playpen in my room.” As the dozing Sarah was deposited in her crib, and Chris was handed off to Jenny, his new Auntie looked uncertain. “Are you sure that's ok? Wouldn't you rather be the first one to nurse her?” Even despite the subject, Chris was concerned with how quickly they had transitioned to referring to him as a girl. Kenzie shook her head and kissed Chris's forehead. “A little,” she admitted. “But I know it feels awkward only having one breast get drained, and it's always nicer than pumping. Besides, she'll get plenty of Mama's milk.” “And you also want to see if she's a biter before you nurse her yourself,” Jenny playfully fired back, and her sister looked a bit sheepish. “She knows the consequences of biting. I told her about it on the way home.” Jenny just rolled her eyes as she positioned Chris on her hip. “Well, come on Princess,” she said, turning out of the nursery. “Let's go get you some nummies.” Chris squirmed in her grip but she held fast. With the swiftness only a mother could muster, she held him on her hip, nabbed two remotes, and by the time she had sat down and put him in her lap, she already had a movie selected and started. Chris tried to slide down onto the floor, but was caught, and repositioned, cradled in the crook of Jenny's arm, staring up at the already revealed breast. He clamped his mouth shut and turned his head as far from her nipple as possible. “Sweetie, you've got to be hungry. If you've been running around all day, I doubt you've eaten.” Chris grunted in response, but didn't open his mouth. Jenny blew a strand of hair from her face. “Always difficult at first,” she muttered, before speaking aloud again. “If you don't eat, Little one, I guarantee your Mommy will have no problem with me giving you a spanking.” “She's right, I won't,” came the voice of Kenzie from down the hall. Jenny nodded in satisfaction. “Which means one of two things can happen. Either you can be a good girl and eat, or you can be a bad girl, have your butt smacked, and then eat. You're eating either way, it's your choice whether you have a sore behind or not.” Chris remembered the walk here, how Kenzie smack him in the butt a few times while carrying him. That was casual during a walk and it hurt then. What would a legitimate spanking be like. He gave a whine, but ultimately turned back to Jenny's breast and hesitantly opened his mouth. And just like that, her flesh met his tongue. There was far more than he thought there was, the nipple filling a large portion of his mouth alone. He thought for a moment about trying to pull away, but as milk began to flow over his taste-buds, his mind began to grow hazy. Why was he struggling again? This stuff was delicious. He had enough presence of mind to avoid using his teeth, but other than that, once he found a rhythm he was suckling greedily. Jenny smiled and sighed. This was indeed better than pumping. It didn't take long for Chris to take what milk Sarah had not, and he whined, annoyed when the milk stopped coming and Jenny removed him from her boob. He was still in a daze as he was passed off to Kenzie, already waiting topless, and her own nipple slipped past his lips. He was vaguely aware of her rubbing his back and whispering softly in his ears, but he was too focused on the milk to listen. By the time this breast ran dry, he was beginning to feel full. Rather than replace him directly on her other boob, Chris was somewhat confused as he was thrown over her shoulder instead, his head resting on a soft cloth. A few firm pats to his back told Chris she was trying to burp him, and had he not still been out of it, he probably would have tried to muster some sort of resistance. No sooner had he held the thought 'she can't be serious,' then Chris let out a powerful belch, and spit up a bit of milk as well. He let out a few more smaller burps, and then it was back to suckling. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Chris came to just as a new, dry nighttime diaper was taped to him, and the pajamas zipped back up. He realized the sisters were talking, just not to him. “...And you've emailed your professors to let them know you're taking a few weeks for maternity?” Jenny asked. “Yup,” Kenzie replied. “I'll need the car tomorrow to bring her in for registration, and then I also plan on making an appointment with Dr. Nemeth.” Jenny nodded as Kenzie picked up the freshly diapered little. “That's fine, but I'll go out first to the store and buy a second carseat. The kids can't exactly share that.” Jenny punctuated the sentence by placing a wet kiss on Chris's cheek. “Night-night, Princess.” Carried into Kenzie's bedroom, Chris groaned. “What just happened?” he asked, getting a giggle in response. “You went into a milk-haze, sweetheart,” she explained. At his confused look, she elaborated. “Amazon breastmilk has an addictive effect on Littles, and can make them zone out during feedings. I bet you didn't even know you had wet your diaper until halfway through changing you, right?” Chris just blushed, embarrassed that she was indeed correct. “Though I'm surprised. Another side-effect is bowel incontinence and yet you didn't make any poopies at all,” she continued, sounding confused and disappointed. “Even if you consider that it was only your first time, having three boobies at once should have done something. Especially if you've gone as long without pooping as you had peeing earlier. I'll have to ask the Doctor about it tomorrow.” She laid him down on the padded mat of the playpen. No pillow, but there was a blanket that she used to cover him. She kissed her fingers, tapping them against his nose, before getting ready for bed herself. Stripping her pants off, bringing a blush to the Little's face, the already topless Amazon threw a baggy t-shirt on, leaving her in just that and her panties. Lights off, she flopped into her bed. “Do you want a lullaby, Honey? I don't mean to brag, but I do a mean Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Chris just frowned and rolled to his side, not facing her. Kenzie's face fell slightly at the actions, but just passed it off as her new daughter being tired and crabby. “I'm leaving, tomorrow,” Chris insisted, and Kenzie's frown deepened. She propped herself onto her elbows and gazed through the dark into the playpen. “The only things happening tomorrow is you getting registered, getting a checkup, and getting lots of cuddles and love from Mommy. You'll be getting chipped at the registration office, and that chip will not only let you be tracked if you get lost, it also will deactivate any portal you get within five feet of. You are not going back to that other dimension without Mama's permission, and I'm not giving my little girl up.” Chris was suddenly hoisted by the large woman and flopped onto her bed. Within moments he was swaddled in his blanket too tightly to move. A large pink pacifier was shoved in his mouth as Kenzie placed the now immobile Little back in the playpen. “There is going to be no more fuss about leaving now, Crystal,” she continued sternly. “You are my baby, I am your Mommy, this is your home. And once you're registered, you'll have nothing to do but accept it.” Chris struggled against the blanket as Kenzie rubbed his stomach. If what she said was true, then he had to get away tonight, escape into the dark while the rest of the house's inhabitants were asleep. Unfortunately, his belly was full of breast milk, he was laying on an admittedly soft mat, having his belly gently rubbed, and the giant woman doing the rubbing was now actually singing to him softly. Two renditions of Twinkle Twinkle and half-way through 'You are my Sunshine,' and Chris was out like a light.
  16. From the album: babypansy Gronski

  17. From the album: babypansy Gronski

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