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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


BB 2023
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Everything posted by willnotwill

  1. These showed up in my ad feed today: https://mylorals.com/collections/all?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17385134842&utm_content=137456327037&utm_term=latex panty&gadid=602397443023&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2MWVBhCQARIsAIjbwoPyBFaYXPsKocRQ79yHXSRHupYAIdhBYqVUnEUWm22-nVgVhI76LTwaAsi8EALw_wcB I don't think these are quite the rubber pants that they were trying to match up with my previous buying habits.
  2. Here's the crowd sourced map listed in the article: https://m3.mappler.net/nyrestroom/ Here's a non-paywalled copy of the Times article. I'm a subscriber and I can "gift" them: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/17/nyregion/public-bathrooms-nyc-tiktok.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWka3DLDm8diOIEGYWP-kDLIrJ-bd8y1HGRTcNBKrgoQec3yP5UelBsSBWvod2EhJEBaW0TmL6EY1kXjdjLTKxqtnjjdHW4I-Nyg-Hk7h6KYWO9RPTY0XU-IF4zqY81cln6xSYDkqzPGuR30tUv2uwzRcwvHUd2byaJt_XqCB56KY_GOkmasl9qLrkfDTLDntec6KYCdxFRAT_FSXB55WU_4bBMKY9dffa_f1N7Jp2I0fhGAXdoLYypG5Q0W4Df8r1surPKohSGo9GkpjJoWGxagZQ7CtNIYnBJWw&smid=url-share
  3. Actually, I've been to Missoula a couple of times. Our company had a division there.
  4. I was waiting to get my COVID booster in an exam room and the sign said "Don't put your diapers in the exam room trash, let us know and we'll provide a disposal bag." I didn't end up taking them up on the offer.
  5. Thanks for the heads up on getssl. I've spent lots of time beating my head against certbot over the years.
  6. I have NSC diapers in the blue, black, white, and tiedie. I use more blue than anything else. They did throw in some samples in pink and green, but they're really not my cclors.
  7. Ren & Stimpy had frequent diaper loading scenes.
  8. You put his hand in a bowl of warm water and then you piss on 'em.
  9. I have a home gym (treadmill, elliptical, rower, weight machine, endless pool), so I can exercise how I see fit, I've done everything from just cloth diapers and plastic pants to guards under gym shorts, women's running skirt, leotards with or without tights and diapers, etc...
  10. Neat thing about TACA 110 was that they unloaded it and flew it off the levy. Southwest ended up owning the plane and flew it for a few years afterward. It had a permanent one foot bend in the wings as a result of stresses from the severe storm it had flown through. Similar to Speedbird 9, was KLM 867, both of which had engines killed by volcanic ash.
  11. About to go see Top Gun. Have diaper, will travel.
  12. I always thought Nabisco missed out by not selling oreo stuff without the cookie part.
  13. Men have the advantage of an external (condom/texas) catheter that doesn't work well with woman.
  14. I screwed up the math. It's only about half that, 50 ounces. Should have done the calcs in metric. And while I didn't feel wet (my usual sign that I've saturated the thing), it did drip a bit as I was trying to get it in to the garbage bag.
  15. I wore one through multiple wettings today. Still going strong when I took it off and weighed it. A bit over three pounds (after substracting the dry weight). that's about 100 ounces.
  16. Mine came in. I'm on my second one. I go the Mediums based on their sizing. I'm in an odd size where I'm between medium and large in most diapers. BetterDry and MegaMax I tend to the Mediums, where as the other NSC diapers and most everything else, I get large. These are a bit on the smaller side, so I probably would have preferred a large. They're cloth backed and not too thick. They do have a pair of standing leak guards running down the inside. I did a couple of wettings in the one I had on yesterday and it didn't seem like it was close to capacity. I'll give today's a longer test. They don't have much padding/sap outside the centerline, so I'd be a little hesitant to use at night. It seems like a decent day diaper if you're into cloth backed.
  17. I'm partial to Dr. Boudreaux's:
  18. Sometimes I change, sometimes I enjoy it. I remember one of the later All in the Family episodes when Mike and Gloria had their baby. Edith notes that Joey has wet his diaper and goes to change him. Archie tells her not to go changing him right away, but "Let him enjoy it."
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