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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Amyuser

  1. kilster babykins has made mine in white, black, purple, easter egg blue, cherry red ,yellow, purple, Auburn ,navy blue, pink, beige, brown,light green, dark green, red , gray,lavender and very often they have other colors available or if you find material in a particular color that you really dig you can buy the material and ship it to the and they will make whatever product you want out of it,but they usually have lots of colors available
  2. you guys all do realize that "cloth" backed is still plastic its just done differently then we would like. Nappy
  3. I started wearing because i was in the Hospital and i had a bad case of retention was in kidney failure and they called "my"(i've continued to see him) urologist who scopped me and said you have a giant bladder its almost three times what i would consider a normal bladder and he cathed me and drained it and got like 3700 of urine out and also told me that my prostate was the size of a jumbo grapefruit and he put me on Flomax and wrote an order for me to be massaged & cathed every 3 hours but from then on i constanly flood the bed repeatedly at night and during the day the same thing and i don't feel it until my diaper gets warmer than it was, i will be sitting in my chair talking to someone or wheeling down the road on my way someplace and i'll suddenly feel warmer than i was before and i'll know that i just went, the only thing that i am grateful for is the fact that i'm unaware of it so i don't make any kind of outward sign that i just took a leak well talking to someone,i can imagine that being an issue for someone. nappy
  4. Wheels the greater question is do you get frequent diaper miles for all those diapers??
  5. What interests me is when i first became incontinent Depends was considered a premium brand and now ten years later they are being sold on the bottom tier with super market brands and stuff like prevail, And when you write to them and give them first person knowledge of a segment of the diaper population that no company has a product in and you tell them how to do it and even how to market it ,they write you back and tell you we do not accept customer or community input in how we design or market our diapers but thank you for taking the time to write us. And at that point i truly understood why there diapers have gone down the crapper, because they don't listen to their customers only annonomous telephone surveys of people who may or may not use or have any experience with the product and pencil pushing geeks looking for the cheapest way to do something. Nappy
  6. I have a The North Face Black Back Pack filled with Catheters, Gloves , Lubes , Creams , Lotions , Diapers both Cloth and Disposable, Rubber Pants, Change of Clothes , my tablet, usually an extra drink or two , and an MP3 player that rides around on the back of my Power Wheelchair and NOT ONCE going into any event has anyone stopped me or asked to look in it, or questioned the contents of it. Nappy
  7. Well you could be one of those sickos who breaks into women's apartments steals there worn panties & a pair of shoes and makes a sandwich and then leaves….. or In the safety of your own home you can tape on a nice clean fresh diaper, have takeout delivered and have dinner and a few drinks (alcohol is a bladder irritant so you will need to pee) and watch net flicks well wetting yourself on the couch until the wee hours of the morning. to me the latter sounds safer and like a much better fetish than needing to commit felonies to feed your fetish,but thats just my opinion Nappy
  8. I have a brand new unopened factory fresh Depends Boost Probably one of the last only decent thing they made,and they like anything they made that a little tweaking in the right direction they would have had a much better product they discontinued it. and by the way Vintage being 25 years for most things is incorrect 25 year old cars are antiques and not vintage. Nappy
  9. Let me just say this ….. As an American if i where to be flying international back to the USA I am Both Incontinent and in a Power Wheelchair for Mobility i would let them fondle my diapers like they where selecting the finest material for their new suit and give them the pdf service manual all 3000 pages and the tools to take my wheelchair apart and put it back together again if they wanted to, and you know why i say this because it sure beats some jerk blowing my freakin Airliner up over some Godforsaken place over the ocean where if the explosion does not kill you, the sudden stop at the bottom does not kill you, all the blood and body parts of others who did die will attract sharks and they will eat you before any rescue effort could be mounted in the vicinity of where the plane dropped of radar. so i am willing to give a little to get back to the USA safely and hoping everyone and there luggage is as willing as i am to get back here safely,the thought of an Armed air marshall don't mean Squat to a bomb fight. Nappy
  10. I wear AngelFluff Ultimate 3 diapers with velcro (due to my disability Pins would be a nightmare) overtop i wear AngelFluff "Blue Ice" with enclosed elastic at the waist and legs and High waist (these are made for them by Gary and are most durable long lasting Plastic pant i have found) also overtop i wear my Babykins real Rubber Pants instead of the blue Ice depending upon whatever i pull of the shelf in the morning,and to keep everything in it's place i wear either one of my 100 different Babykins "onesies" and then a shirt or i wear one of my 25 Babykins Golf shirts ( 3 button polo style) as a single solution. both companies noted above are ABDL aware and friendly and AgelFluff last year dropped its baby product line all together to focus solely on the adult products. Nappy
  11. damn you and your G/F wearing diapers had sex ? , you either have a Bionic Cock to push thru two diapers or you both were not "really" wearing diapers.
  12. MaxMac Is absolutely right Babykins Adult line Known as Kins is my only "Onesie" supplier i have 25 Short Sleeve with Boat neck, 25 short sleeve tank top style, 25 short sleeve golf shirts (3 button polo style), and 25 long sleeved for winter, So i think you can see a pattern here of me liking the Quality, fit ,finish, tailoring and the fact that no matter what you ask Jenny to do or modify she will move heaven and earth to accommodate your special request. You are not just a number to Jenny she cares about every single product that she makes and is not happy until you are. And her prices are competitive (actually cheaper than a lot of other products similar) and each one is made individually to your measurements not just a universal one size fits all deal they are made for you, and any special request you have like the longer tail so the garment snaps higher in the front NO PROBLEM. And yes Jenny is ABDL aware so if you are ordering for your AB side you can order it in funky baby prints and what not i do believe ( I am not 100% on this because i'm vanilla) but definitely look at her site and give her a call before you order from anyone. Nappy
  13. You do realize by the time you dry the diaper properly you will have cooked the rubber pant,you will be throwing even more money away on these diapers than on the Abenas, you want a simple velcro night diaper you can choose what absorbency level and a simple pair of rubber pants if you take care of each one properly separately you will save lots and lots of money,buy an AIO {All In One} and you will probably be buying a new one every 6 months to a year.buy them individually and your diaper can last as long as five or six years and your rubber pants 3 years {this is under the theory of you buying 3 diapers and 3 rubber pants so that you can rotate them and not always wear the same pair nite after nite because that will cause extreme wear on any product} if you would like more suggestions or help feel free to message me and i will help you any way i can. Nappy
  14. If incontinence happened due to illness or accident your Family & Friend's would adjust and accept the situation so why do people fantasize such dire reactions if they find out you like to wear a diaper around the house!! I dont understand these things Family is supposed to be supportive and unconditional love, at least thats what i learned from my Adoptive Mother and i had her Because my Father committed acts so heinous that his chidden where shunned from the family, My Biological Mother side and fathers side care not if we are alive or dead and are not even included in the Family tree of genealogy. Nappy
  15. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you do stand a chance of wrecking a seat somewhere with a leak if you wear "bloomers" , they are more for sedentary lifestyle sitting in bed lying in bed back and forth with little variation they are not made for going out walking around doing normal ADL'S you should switch to a nice pair of rubber plastic or urethane pants for street wear and save the bloomers for sick days or couch potato time. Nappy
  16. I Do remember the first Adult cloth diaper i ever saw i was at a medical supply store picking stuff up for my client and they had one on a mannequin and one to "play with" and it didn't strike me as anything thicker than maybe a smooth washcloth and it had velcro on each side about as much as you would find on a baseball cap to help keep it in place so you could snap a gazillion snaps on each side and then a flap went over that with a leather strap and locking buckle as they said it was for the "undresser'" not being able to remove it each side was velcroed snaped and then covered buckled and locked. Nappy
  17. My very first job was full care round the clock of a Quadriplegic (pre dating my own illness) and he had a foley that i managed and every 2 days was bowel care, where i turned him up and propped him up with pillows and put a chux under him and with a gloved lubed finger inserted 5 Dulcolax suppositories high into his rectum and then we would watch TV for about two hours, and generally at that point i could glove up wash him dispose of his BM and he was good for another two days,though sometimes he would be a little bound up and we would at the 2 hour point give him another pair of bisacodyl (Dulcolax) liquid enemas as well as glycerin and wait an additional 2 hours for him to finally move his bowels. So honestly i did not see another diapered adult until i was in Physical rehab learning to transfer in and out of wheelchair and from wheelchair to car and back, and driving my chair onto elevators and such everyone wore hospital gowns and of course the backs are open so there where people there who had hip replacements and where relearning to walk and such and they where mostly old and i started feeling very self conscious of the fact that i was as far as i could tell the youngest one in diapers so i had a friend bring me some street clothes and wore those instead of a gown, because at that point i didn't know that its all good its like wearing glasses and people can suck an egg if they can't handle the fact i'm incontinent. Nappy
  18. I Find a lot of places don't have "Family" bathrooms, and in their regular Bathrooms there is insufficient space in the handicapped stall to go in with your wheelchair turn around and latch the door and get down to business. So i regularly don't shop at certain stores who only do the absolute minimum acceptable accommodation i figure if they wanted my money they would do more to make the store comfortable and easy to shop in. Nappy
  19. George you could put a telephone pole up there and when removed you would have destroyed your pelvis broken your legs and your but would slam shut in a couple of hours but you may not be there when it slams shut because you would have done so much damage to your rectum anus colon and such that you would surely die very rapidly. when you feel these "needs" to harm yourself like this why not go talk to the house Staff last i remember you where in a support house maybe you can talk yourself down to just being happy in a nappy without permanent harm and incontinence rather incontinence when you want it and none when you don't allot of people go that route as a happy medium. Nappy
  20. Stay away from Asparagus and Brussels sprouts (little baby cabbage heads) they will make your urine smell to high heaven and nothing will mask the smell,two of my favorite foods and since being incontinent i have had to not partake because after the first time i smelled my self after eating either of those, i did not want to be around me let alone me around anyone else. yeash !
  21. Taushung I have Intermittent catheters ( they are not Foleys with the balloon) 14 FR 270 catheters with lube if you want them just pay shipping and they are Yours, they are sterile as is the lube and i have about 5 extra cases here so if you want one i can easily part with it. Message me if interested .
  22. I do believe you "pinned the diaper on the baby" when the cloth is wet the weave of the fabric expands thats how it wicks the moisture and spreads it through out the garment. And i was not trying to say this was your first rodeo with cloth,i certainly did not intend that. if i came off that way i apologize sincerely And i always like to remind people when they talk about cloth and Disposables of the basics of cloth care because as you know the better the care the longer the wear,good cloth diapers can be quite an investment but with proper care they can save you a lot of money! and who doesn't need more of that !!
  23. All of my Diapers Onesies rubber and plastic pants and golf shirts and bed covers have come from Either Babykins or Angelfluff and it was about 4 months ago that Angelfluff stopped producing Baby products and is doing only Adult products Jenny at kins is wonderful and Jeanie and Howard at Angelfluff are pretty awesome to it was when Howard became incontinent that Angefluff was founded because they could not find the quality for the money they where spending so they bought raw materials and Jeanie started sewing them for Howard and then it got bigger and bigger by word of mouth until they turned it into a business. and they are ABDL aware at both companies.
  24. Just an observation here but you truly can not grade the feel of a cloth diaper on 1 use and without a onsie because the job of the onsie other than to not show your diaper to the world is to keep the diaper in the proper place all the time so that you can truly get the very best results out of your diaper. So i would ask you to get a onsie or bodysuit and try the test again and see if the results are the same , And also just to make sure You are using No fabric softener and perfume free or unscented detergent Right?
  25. Amyuser


    There shipping is discrete there billing is discrete i have 20 short sleeve onsies, 20 tank top onsies, 20 long sleeve onsies, 25 of their exclusive Golf shirt onsies, 30 pairs of rubber pants, bunches of diapers and just oodles of stuff Jenny has done for me,and she stands behind every product she sell's. And if she is able to do it she will customize anything to make it more useable for you, Take my Golf Shirts i am in a wheelchair so pants pockets don't work some companies put pockets on the calf of the leg of the pants but those are like cargo pockets i keep my wallet in one and my tablet in the other,so i asked her could she put a pocket on the golf shirt? and she knows me and my disabilities so when my shirts came in there just below the buttons was a pocket in the center of my chest which is perfect because my limited use right arm and hand can go there as well as my good one, so it was a perfect ambidextrous pocket for my cell phone.And also if you order your diapers by like 20 at a time or find some other people to order with you on large orders she will give a 10-20% discount and pay the shipping/customs fee herself. AS you can imagine i highly recommend Her!!!
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