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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by TheMagicDragon

  1. OTAY! Me seconds 'da motion by 'Squishy' and it is officially approved. New Jersey Littles will be hosting a Private Pull-Ups Party for its members, in late January of 2011. There will be train access - it will be during the day and will involve a daytime private party and meal at my home. There will be kids movies and at least one mommy (mine) will be present but more are welcome. We can accomodate about twenty or so people. We will be "making" everyone who wears/ wants to wear/ or is curious about wearing diapers wear an adult pullup during the party to see if they are ready for Potty Training or not. NJL will be supplying the Adult Pullups (Probably Abena brand "Pullups") Those not ready (this should be obvious, hehe) must go back to wearing diapers. NJL Members may find details in the DailyDiapers New Jersey Littles Protected Forum just as soon as I post them (within the week). NOT A MEMBER? Come to an NJL Munch in November or December, get approved as a Member by the membership - its as simple as that. NJL equals FUN! In the spirit of FUN we present this link (The Bladder Ballad) for your viewing pleasure: http://www.flowgo.com/funny/1262_bladder-ballad.html
  2. Hmmmm..... Hey Squishy...Maybe NJ Littles can have a Members 'Pullups Party'? Whadd'ya think?
  3. Yes, I now carry a small pack of Baby Wipes in my lunch bag just in case I have to use the facilities at work. Yes, I don't flush them - they go in the trash.
  4. New Jersey Littles 2010 November/ December Munches and Tour As posted on October 4, 2010 at www.LittlesMunch.com and the following websites: www.DailyDiapers.com www.FetLife.com www.ABKingdom.com NJL Tours the River Horse Brewing Company, followed by the NJL Central Munch at the Lambertville Station Pub Date: Friday, November 19, 2010 Times: Tour 3:30 pm sharp, Munch 7:00 pm sharp (Ask for “Glenn’s
  5. New Jersey Littles 2010 November/ December Schedule of Events As posted on October 4, 2010 at www.LittlesMunch.com and the following websites: www.DailyDiapers.com www.FetLife.com www.ABKingdom.com www.DiaperSpace.com www.ABDLPixel.com NJL Tours the River Horse Brewing Company, followed by the NJL Central Munch at the Lambertville Station Pub Date: Friday, November 19, 2010 Times: Tour 3:30 pm sharp, Munch 7:00 pm sharp (Ask for “Glenn’s
  6. WOW! I'm VERY impressed! You guys are getting to be just as active as us (NJ Littles). As CrinkleBritches may recall, I wrote earlier this year to say that I'd just been out to AZ (Glendale) to help my brother's family and my son move there. Yep, we drove from NJ. Anyhow, there's a good chance I may be on temporary layoff for the month of January and some of Feb. and, if possible, my wife and I may fly out to visit family for a week, maybe rent a car. If this happens, we(representing NJL) would like to meet up with you guys either in Phoenix or Scottdale perhaps? Sorta like East Meets West? What'd'y'all think? On a related note, we are also planning to visit an AB/DL Couple we know in Florida in January and may fly from there to Arizona. I've already offered to set up a munch down there and they said "ok, do it!" I'm gonna a fun time making this happen but I know that I can. Guys, if you haven't already PLEASE consider putting yourselves up on the Daily Diapers Member Map! This is HUGE now and its a good way for those (like myself) who will be travellin to contact others interested in meeting up. You don't have to give your exact address - the point is to at least represent your state and city! So far Az. has only one person on the Map - What're you waiting for? BTW, have you already - or are you considering joining - all the other Littles groups at www.LittlesMunch.com? NJL joined earlier this year and you should see all the groups there from alot of US States. I'd sure like to see AZ accounted for and can't think of anyone else I'd rather see joining this year. DIAPERS ROCK!
  7. Yeah, this happens to me as well, alot. I wake up sooooo happy and comfortable in my diaper and then, RATS, its off to work in a scaled-down pullup. I've taken to waking up an hour or so earlier than I have to, in order to enjoy my diaper and a few cups of coffee. Even though I've stayed up late, usually here. I've even been SOOOO COMFORTABLE IN DIAPERS that I've called in sick, a few times, just to take the whole diapered day off. Bear in mind - I otherwise never take days off unless I feel like I'm dying. Now, if this is not a happiness disease I don't know what is... I sometimes think AB/DLs are from another solar system and that we were put here by whomever put all the groovy (and not so groovy) creatures here on earth. Since we're the cutest humans (if you can possibly call humans cute that is) we are probably the cutest self-aware creatures in the universe.
  8. Mommy buys me Cinnamon Frosted - an' I wikes it wif Banilla Icey Cream 'an Choco syrup.
  9. He he, I've been wondering something. Remember the Gold Rush? How would a Diaper Rush work and what would we call it? "Thar's Diapers in them thar Malls"
  10. New Jersey Littles 2010 November/ December Munches and Tour As posted on October 4, 2010 at www.LittlesMunch.com and the following websites: www.DailyDiapers.com www.FetLife.com www.ABKingdom.com NJL Tours the River Horse Brewing Company, followed by the NJL Central Munch at the Lambertville Station Pub Date: Friday, November 19, 2010 Times: Tour 3:30 pm sharp, Munch 7:00 pm sharp (Ask for “Glenn’s
  11. Yes, its a fantasy scene all should see. I like it somewhat.
  12. This strikes a Basic Chord in the heartstrings of DLs everywhere. Its wierd for me - I do not like to brag since I've been through the marriage mill a few times (divorced twice) and I certainly do not wish anything remotely like that for you. I will tell you, the first two women did not every know about my fetishes. These were dissapointing relationships anyway and did not fall apart due to my fetish for "diapers". Had my heart broken twice but came through it with time. I am very very very very very (ad infinitum) very LUCKY to be able to enjoy my diaper fetish and little desires in my third marriage - basically reading this still hit me and made me teary. I really feel your plight but, being the good husband you must certainly be you are doing the right things - you didn't hide the truth, you let her read the letter. Keep on truckin Bro!
  13. If you haven't yet, please post this message in the PA Subforum so others local to Horsham WILL FIND YOUR MESSAGE QUICK!
  14. "You might be an AB/DL if" You never have enough spare plastic bags around. You don't remember the last time you fed the dreaded Potty Monster. You have a college education and STILL can't spell to save you life. You often refer to yourself, in casual conversation, as "me". Neighbors think there is a little kid living at you house. You have ever answered the doorbell with a large pacifier in your mouth Your wife is your "Mommy"/ husband is your "daddy, like it or not. "Mommy"/ "Daddy" makes your meals, does your laundry, picks up after you, finds your stuffies, paci’s and baba’s for you and still finds time to pat you on the head. Your "daddy" is loosing all his hair B Cause you drive him batty Your spouse hands you a "Baba" as you’re running out the door to work. You are often late for work Because you just don't want to take off last night's diaper. Your spouse often pops a paci in your mouth to shut you up. You don’t leave the house without your diaper bag. Fiscal Responsibility means purchasing Diapers by the Steel Freight Container. You've think local AB/DLs should unite on DD Forums for "Diaper Purchasing Power." You go through at least one or two diapers a day and "use them to the fullest." You have at least three bottles of baby powder lying around - "The AB/DL Cocaine" You don’t even own any adult underwear. Over 50% of your dresser drawers are filled with Diapering supplies. Your deodorant is ‘Powder Scent'. You shampoo with Johnson's 'No More Tears' There are plastic panties drying on your bathroom towel rack. You always pause by the Baby Food section to think about which ones you'd like to eat. If ABU, TBH or FetWare (FW) ever "went public" (IPO) you'd add them to your portfolio. Your spouse is used to seeing you run around the house naked. Your spouse is used to finding bagged dirty diapers (EEEEEWW) on the bathroom floor You have been observed sticking your tongue out at another adult in public You keep your “peepee/who-who
  15. Thank you, Little Fairy, for the cool recipe. My wife is of partial Native American heritage (Cherokee) and I'll bet, when I tell her about it, she'll tell me I first have to go get some fruit from my sister's native persimmon tree. We might also try it with the 'Fuyu' Cv. as well. I wonder if it would work in pie? Maybe in combination with other things like pumpkin? Wondering... This is so cool! Next we'll have to try the Pawpaw's. These are also a native fruit tree, one of very few. I tried growing a few seedlings but they didn't last the first season. Apparently there are now several varieties available but one must hunt around for them.
  16. I perked up when I saw the topic of this post: Persimmon Madness! One of my favorite interests (other than DL stuff) is Trees and plants (native and introduced - all of them. I am a horticulturist by trade and have even taught several college courses. Anyway, I'm particularly wanting to try Pawpaw and Persimmon fruit. Oddly my sister has a Persimmon tree that bears fruit - I have no idea if its the species or a particular cultivar of the same. I haven't tried it yet but plan to. Now that I've read this, I'll have to look for the delicious one you mentioned above. It sound like a fun thing to do for fall. Would you happen to be able to post the recipe for the Indian Persimmon cake you mentioned? I bet I could entice my sister to make it. If so, I'd really appreciate that and of course I'd let you know how our experiment turns out! Also, do you know if ripe Persimmon fruit can be dried or candied? I've no idea but am wondering. Thanks for posting this one.
  17. The cost to ship a duck in a perforated cardboard box on a transpacific flight into tommorrow? $142.99 + insurance fees A piccy of Square_Duck fending off amorous drunken numbats? - PRICELESS!
  18. We totally had a great time tonight! I'm home getting ready for ninite but just want to say dis. Me love all you people!
  19. Well, I must be totally gay since I've been masturbating every day for, lets see....48 minus twelve is...thirty six years. Hmmm, I wonder what is the total volume of ejaculate - maybe later I'll do the math. But its many liters. No need to gross anyone out any further here, ME SORRY. Huh, I always thought I was a hetero. Well, actually I'm a masturbating heteroDIAPERSEXUAL if I must choose a title. I'm also with you. She's a complete nut. I don't mind voting for witches - I know a nice one who wears diapers and she's got my vote as a cool person.
  20. Perhaps we need an English to gibberish translator to communicate with the OP? Does Google have this too?
  21. Hey Lolli! Welcome to Daily Diapers. This really is the coolest place to be yourself wether you're exploring or not! The people here are the greatest! In NJ that's how we say hello.
  22. I've been sleeping in diapers 24/7/365 for a few years now. I can't pee lying down. Basically, I get into my night diaper after work. I'll usually put on plastic pants too. I wet before bedtime 'cause I like wearing wet diapers. I have a high-quality Mattress Pad I sleep on. I have to have my Monkey and my Bear to sleep with. Often I'll fall asleep with my "Nuk5" pacifier (I can't seem to remember the real name of it so I just like to call it a Nuk5). Mommy (my wife) will attest to all of this, she often tucks me in at night. When I get up I will take some quiet time to wet and poop my diaper. Its SERIOUSLY amazing how much better this works instead of straining to go on the potty (NO POTTYMONSTER!!!) I have my morning coffee, sometimes check up on my email, then I'll shower to clean up, then put on a fresh disposable diaper and work clothes and go to work. Unless its my one day off - I'll stay in the poopy diaper for a little while longer (No, not THAT long hehe). So yeah, I find that sleeping in diapers is a wonderful lifestyle routine and I get a much more restful sleep. But, unfortunately I still cannot seem to wet and mess in my sleep and I still cannot seem to dream...
  23. Welcome to DailyDiapers Forums, Terrific_Travis! Its very brave of you to "come out" as a DL and now that you have we hope you will get active with posts and meeting people both here on the forums and also in your state. I'm sure the Texas Forum in DD will want to hear from you. Its a Brave New World for AB/DL/Littles and you will see that many states now have active Munch groups and/ or social gatherings - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM. Good luck here - you will find many many other caring people here - and best of luck in college. Sincerely, GlennDL and New Jersey Littles (NJL)
  24. Thats why, IMHO, when one goes out partying one should be properly diapered.
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