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Little BabyDoll Christine

Baby Banker 2017
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Everything posted by Little BabyDoll Christine

  1. Two things: 1. If this is "normal" then they are not doing their job, which is to undo such trauma whereever possible or to eliminate the use of "crutch'es or if not to bring about the use of ones that are not so obvious. If you WANT to indulge in infantialism, then do so, It should not be a crutch. I have heard in my classes stories of regression as a response to trauma, but the attempt was made to cure the situation 2. As a society, we were much happier and well-adjusted before this obsession, fet by the Establishment, with "mental health". Somebody gets something, probably political power, out of it, This was predicted by Dr. Thomas Szasz 56 years ago. If you look at my post on the thread about politicians trying to solve potty training problems, you will see that I, quoting Gene Burns, posted that a government beureaucracy measures its succes by the number of f"souls over whom they say grace". Well, someone is looking to say grace over more souls, either for power or money in the form of grants (many of my graduate coruses included techniques of "grantsmanship")
  2. Talk to one of the mods or admins about this, explaining what has transpired. There is a limit of time, you can only change your name every thirty days, if I recall aright
  3. It is thick diapers, rubber panties and babydoll, dress or skirt and blouse like in my albums. I am either on the net doing housework, practicing music and plenty of little girl dolly time with my little friends. What a dolly loves the most is being taken to bed. She loves being under the same covers and with her head on the same pillow as the person whose dolly she is and being held close to the person because it makes her feel like a little person and important
  4. Ronald Reagan was known for saying two things " So many people think that government is the solution: Government is the problem" "The most feared workds in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help" There is something that must be understood: As Gene Burns' put it 35 years ago: A business rates its success by how much money comes in, which it uses to pay salaries and invest in its future or invest in the market (preferably the S&P 500: my addition). A govermnent beureaucracy measures its success by the increase in the nuber of souls over which it says grace. As I put it 50 years ago; "J. Paul Getty wants my money; Edward Kennedy [the iconic 'liberal'] wants my soul. You decide who is worse". As Ayn Rand put it 58 years ago. "The only argument a statist offers; and the only one he CAN offer, is a gun [threats, coercion and prison]" And yet, over the last 150 years, people fell for the scam, and still do. If you want the government to give you everything you watn, be ready to give it everything you have; and ARE. And don't complain about being lied to, you knew better decades ago. The evidence was all around but you did or said nothing, hoping to cash in on a miracle that would make the loaves and fishes look like a parlor trick. There are no miracles. Over the millennia there are those who said "Kill the poor to benefit the rich" and those who said "Kill the rich to benefit the poor". All there was in the end was the killing As a little girtl, I can tell you that the Emperor is quite naked. Whether you choose to notice or not is up to you
  5. DOING is LIVING and LIVING is DOING. Nowhere in there is anything said about reading meters. I am just not so self-absorbed that I ask questions like that -- Or answer them Besides; I am too little for things like that
  6. The name is not taken. If you have made a donation then you can change your name after about of month after having chosen this one. Go to the upper right cornoer click on your name and go to Account then select screen name
  7. No; unless you had Sgt Schultz Syndrome: I see nothing: I know nothing and I WANT to know nothing. Even then, you would be aware that you are connin g yourself until you had pretzellated your mind to the point that it could not tell shit from Shinola. At which point it would not matter
  8. Knowing that China is a TOTALITARIAN state, I.e. a place where the government decides everything for you, and enforces it at the point of a gun. And that every business entity ac tis in cooperation with that government. Think Naz Germany, Why would you want anthing to do with anthing that comes out of there? Ask the Uigurs and practictioners of FalonGung, or the foreigners picked up and charged with spying. Look up China Uncensored. It IS a proper function of government to ban things that a dictatorship can use to attack or spy on a freer nation. The existience of freer nations is a slap in the face at dictators. The question to answer is this. How many persons risk their lives to move to China as opposed to how many risk theirt lives to LEAVE China? This is especially significant to the Fetish/kinkster community since we had to win our freedom to practice what we wanted behind closed doors which is nobody else's busienss, much less the government's. So why give dictatorships the benefit of any doubt, of which there is none nore can there be any among the knowlidgeable. I will say this, though In China, anyone can say whatever they want --ONCE. It's like going to Mexico for quality medical treatnment
  9. When 3 out of 4 times "rubber panties" meant just that -- Literally
  10. I can remember when Hostess cupcakes were a dime and Devil Dogs were a nickel
  11. Activity and interactive, things to do and make, graphic arts and other "Make it Real"things like stationery, a calculator, fonts; The things you will find in my About Me, "Goodies" and "Playroom"l and the BabyDoll items, Very Little Girl (4-7), of which mine seems to be the only ones, and the discussions that they create, see JOIN THE CONVERSATION in RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US. DOING is LIVING and LIVING is DOING
  12. You call THAT old? I remember when the Big Dipper was a Dixie Cup Well, I do remember the first TV episode of GUNSMOKE, or more correctly, where I was when it came on and watching it
  13. Tiktok? Check out whyat US Intel has had to say. Besides that EVERY company doing business in China is REQUIRED BY LAW to have a representative of the Chinese Communist Party in the front offece. Elon Musk signed some wierd pledge to support "Chinese Socialism" accoring to Tood Dchnitt last July
  14. Actually my bedroom is a s very little girl's room for a bedwetter is also a nursery. If you watch THE SOUND OF MUSIC, you will know that all children's quarters were called the "nursery". Therefore, it uses mostly waterproof AND BEDBUG PROOF (which is important since the same materials are both and can be either) material in exposed areas. When I was little, we were actually concerned with bed(and other)bugs as a left-over from earlier times when we did not have the modern ways to deal with them that started in the late 1950's to the recent present. Now we are starting to have problems again. In the 1970's in the local area, we started to have infestations of head lice shwing up in the schools and now, over the last 25 years, we have been seeing bedbugs re-asserting themselves. This could be combatted by the use of plastic, mattress covers, bedskirts and transparent duvet/bedpread covers. In the erly '50 we had plastic bedspreads, dresser toppers and drapes in metallic, pearlescent and iridescent, satin-like colors that were quite attractive. Now, thiese could be used in a "little"'s nursery, especially a girl's. Would it be to counter bedbugs, bedwetting or as a Fairy princess theme? Or any combination thereof? who can say with certainty? Such would be used for all those reasons at RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME in 1950 for any of those reasons
  15. This is better than I thought. I had a patch of rough skin on my forehead for a few months. On the 23rd I put a little of it on that patch and it is still normal. I took a look at the benfits of coconut oil and I was impressed and we all know what aloe vera and topical vitamin E can do. Glycerin is a known moisturizer
  16. What is the difference? Baby oil is made from petroleum, Sesame oil, olive oil and a few others. Mostly as moisturizers and lubricants. And it destroys rubber panties https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=601608324&sxsrf=ACQVn0_kbrTKmOfiEZ7QRaISBhTxkKb5Bg:1706234429406&q=What+does+baby+oil+consist+of+on+face&uds=AMwkrPut9Fm4Bubzqw3Vhv1ZJm_hNwEgEZguUhuYvFCxjGXs-tjOLVPa2elXeSVfIoqxAvnrWw5OBvSilzN1OWhWMC07rWDKxJvsFvc0zMfDQNpJPPbIjs91WJc22aF6kM4LCgCtSCrS&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixvcXI-vmDAxVgEVkFHX6UDDgQxKsJegQIChAB&ictx=0&biw=842&bih=337&dpr=1.62 BabyDoll Bath, Body and Baby Oil is made from glycerin, aloe vera, coconut oil, vitamin E and some water and Dreft Blissfuls. All of these are hypolallegenic and most are therapeutic or restorative as well as lubricants and moisturizers. There are also absorbed into the skin and work well with baby powder. Like all BabyDoll products, they are RUBBER PANTY SAFE and tested by leaving some smeared all over a piece of Comco material for 3 days straight with no discernible change: Try that with baby oil. and as the name says, it can be used as a bath oil or right on the body, behind the ears for that baby/little girl scent, patches of dry skin or even as a shaving lubricant
  17. Gee I am getting an inferiority complex, since I do not wear throw-aways, I do not get blowouts and since I do not wear out and about, I do not get exposure problems. I am beginning to feel deprived in life The worst that ever happened to me was back in 2014. Now since I have a waterproof stay dry liner with a piece of the crotch taken out, I must get out of bed and stand up to wet. Well, I do that. One morning I woke u and felt a bit funny on my left theigh, as it turned out, I had leaked, apperently not putting the liner right. Except for a small spot on my thight, the rest of my body was dry. Ween I felt aroud, there was a wet area from my armpits to the hem of my babydoll, which is also waterproof. I just got another diaper and wiped the rubber sheet where the we area was until it was dry
  18. There is a link in my siggy to RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US. It is the first rubber panty icon. In RUBBER PANTIES 'R' US is a link to a site for making one's own diapers You can also use the link below to learn how to make the BabyDoll Diaper like I am in
  19. Here is another twist. Whin my age was in single digits, girls were often diapered at times until age 8 or until she could reliably hold it comfortably and was not at risk of losing it and wetting herself for two hours. This was under two conditions 1. Long trips. usually two hours or more. This was before the Interstate ssystem, when the faster speed routes were about 45 mph and places that might now be 1 hour apart would be 2 or more. The big deal was this. There were plenty of woods along the routes so the car could be stopped and a man or boy could get out, go behind a tree and let go. A woman or girl did not have that option and a grown woman can hold it comfortably for two hours or more. A trip from the Fall River area to Roxbury or Dorchester, Boston took about 2-1/2 hours down Rt 138 By 1959 that took 1 hour down Rt 24 which was really a full 6-lane 60 mph freeway and is used to this day (which I will be doing on the 31st) 2. While boys used to roam, girls usually stayed at someone's house for the afternoon. Again, boys could find a place outdoors to let go if they needed to. There was also the matter of the "light" and water bill. Any of those being over %5.00 a month was a cause for a fight. It was also the age of the 5 gallon toilet. As I said, girls used to gather at someone's house in groups of 3 to 6 or so, These groups were of mixed ages between 6 and 9 or 10. If you had two or more girls in the group who could not hold it for two hours reliably, and since these girls were friends, that would be known, or in some places, as a rule if they were under 8 years old, they would be in diapers for the afternoon, which usually meant from 12:00 to 4:45 or so. This would also be done to keep the bathroom free if there were 5 girls. Also, it would not be uncommon for there to be a younger sinbling still in diapers Another thing that I have not seen mentioned is daycare, which seems to be common enough to be part of AB culture
  20. I just had a thought. I Diaper Dimension story "The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Pampered". Gives new meaning to "Slippery Jim DiGriz"
  21. This might not be as new as we think. Throw-Aways have come to be almost exactly sized. Real Diapers, either flats or prefolds, but especially flats could acommodate up to 4 year olds and many who were daytime dry at age 3 were still diapered at night to age 4-1/2 and this was considered normal. It was the rubber panties that were more closely sized based on weight and were usually S, M, L, XL and Super. Occasionally there were Newborn (NB) in the 1960's in much earlier times that was usually only 3 S, M. L, and super For 4-1/2 to 6. extensions were put on the sides of prefolds. If you were expecting long-term use. You would use flats up to age 5 then move to some homemade diapers thereafter (which is the origin of the BabyDoll diaper: Good to age 10) and the pre-1955 rubber panties were much fuller cut than later ones and could acommodate triple diapering or a double proto-BabyDoll The point being that we could have had late potty training in the cloth diaper era and it really would not have shown that well, but people did talk about it then, too Now, I have a question about finding diapers at drug stores. For me, a drug store is where they sell musical instruments
  22. If there was not something going on, and this is normal, would not the size8 have been around longer since the market would be ther all the time? Follow the money
  23. The fact that this discussion did NOT pertain to disabled kids should have been quite apparent in the contex, specifically reference to "late" potty training, implying that otherwise was an option and that what was being done was voluntarily abnormal. Also this thread is in the "Lifestyle" section and therefore voluntary. It was quite apparent to me, anyway and I am not a 200 IQ genius
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