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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Bettypooh

  1. #1 Don't let yourself run out. #2 Cloth Diapers. #3 Local stores have diapers. #4 Home-made diapers. #5 Pantswetting. Almost never is a situation so difficult that nothing can be done for it. When diapers are important in your life you make something happen Bettypooh
  2. A reminder that this is a support thread. Caths and Stents are not for everyone- we know that already- so there's no place for "Not me!" posts which may find themselves getting deleted. If you don't have something positive or helpful to say, don't post a reply. Bettypooh
  3. It's something which had always been in me, but repressed. I remember daydreams of me being in diapers at a very early age clearly even when other early memories have faded away through time. It was my losing some physical bladder control that showed me I was going to be wearing diapers anyway, so that made it pointless to try and fight it any longer. It turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself Bettypooh
  4. As I see this, it's very little 'sacrifice' on my part to assist or make more comfortable the people on my Medical team by wearing something plain. It's only for a short while anyway- I can handle that Back when I was transitioning to womanhood, I went to my Doctor's office androgynously as there was no point in me wearing things which would have to be removed then put back on like my wig and breastforms and bra. They all knew about that as I was getting my hormone scrip there. The other people in the waiting room were probably more comfortable this way too. I wasn't doing it to hide anything about the real me so although it wasn't my first choice of what I wanted to do, it was my best choice overall, and it didn't bother me knowing this I think everyone appreciated my efforts. Bettypooh
  5. I think that at times there are certain things which need to be said, and as long as you intend no offense none should be taken. If it is anyway work it out with them. Yes there can be many reasons behind everything but there's a huge difference between having a valid reason and using justification to add validity where none exists. And too everybody needs to understand that if you ask a question you need to be prepared to hear answers which you may not like. Everyone is as entitled to their own opinion as you are yours, and you have no right to expect only positive responses. IRL you don't even have any right to expect to not be bashed, though we don't allow that here on DD. I do encourage trying to understand others, especially when it's obvious that they are having big issues in their life. Tailor your response to the situation. Unkind words can do great harm to people on the edge. If you can't or don't understand how that works it' probably best that you just say nothing and then learn from the situation how you can better respond yourself next time round. Depression amplifies bad feelings, so especially here in this forum we need to be careful about what we say and how we say it so that positive results occur instead of negative ones. Really we should try to do that everywhere. But this does not mean that you can't speak about something you see which you feel is a problem. All too often we get posts like "I'm in my mid twenties and I can't have diapers because I still live with my parents". The obvious and often best solution to that is for them to move out on their own and there's nothing wrong in recommending it- even here. But you also need to know why they are still there; perhaps they have physical or mental problems which prevents them from leaving the nest. But more often than not they're still there out of comfort more than out of need. We all need to live our own life on our own when that is possible. All of nature is like this, and there is a point where parental dependence become a bad thing in keeping you from your real happiness. It's often us older folks who harp on that but it's not because of meanness- it's because we've seen more of life and we've seen what the effects are of decisions younger people make over the long term. We're meant to be independent beings making our way through life on our own- that's what works best in the long run for almost everyone. So when someone has this exact problem then they too need to apply the principals of trying to understand as well as being sure they aren't bashing in their own responses. Almost everyone wants some kind of betterment to occur in their social interactions on both sides of them. It's never been easy to begin life on your own. It never will be. That's part of life and it is supposed to be that way because it teaches us many things we are going to need to learn to have a good life of our own. How to have a successful career, how to live in harmony with the people around us, how to value money, how to find ways to survive when they aren't evident, how to discipline yourself into doing what you need to do first before you do anything else. And that's just the start of what is a very long list. No matter how hard or easy it is it is no less necessary than it's ever been. All of life is hard, and the sooner you learn how to deal with life's harshness, the more of your life you will have in relative happiness. We're not going to be here forever so waiting for things to get better is wasting what time you have. You have to go make things better yourself for it to happen no matter how hard or how easy that is. And that really doesn't begin to happen until you're on your own. There's no particular age when everyone should be leaving the nest, but there is a point where everyone should do it. Sometimes that point is evident and sometimes not but it exists. When your time comes it's better that you do it than to wait for better because at that point anything better for you stops until you move forward into life. Your life. Not a life with constraints you do not want or need holding you back from the better things you can have. Some of us have problems which make it hard to get on with life or to find the goodness in it. Some of us struggle just to find any reason to go on for the next week, day, hour, or minute. We need your understanding, and we can use your help. Unless you're like us you probably don't understand fully what our lives are like but you can try, and we deeply appreciate it when you do that. By the time we reach out in forums like this or in any place else we're going to be in our troubles deeply. We're going to be out of ideas of how to go on. We're going to be sensitive to how you approach us and what you say. Please keep that in mind and offer us support in positive ways. If you have more you want to discuss with us then give us time to regain our strength and our ability to discuss that without it being the push over the edge we're trying to avoid when we show up here. And if you can't or won't relate to us like this, please remain silent and let others give us what we need to go on. There are many of us who will not make it as far as we could have or should have because of our disease and how it takes our happiness,and indeed our very lives away from us. Depression is a very evil thing and we need your help- not your bashing. Bettypooh
  6. Anytime you notice any effect from any Med, you need to tell your Doctor about it. Even with my great thirst for reading and research, there are things Doctors know and are aware of which may not be listed among the side-effects you find spoken of online about a particular Med. What you don't need to do is to involve your Doctor in any fetishes or sexual activities which are not relevant to what they are doing for you. So tell them about the urinary issues, and do what they recommend. If you have no problem with being diapered or in wetting the bed, then all you have to do is say "The problem has gone away now" if they've actually accomplished the goal of reducing or eliminating unwanted wettings. "Still doing fine" addresses any follow-up questions if they ask later on. Neither statement is actually a lie, and you're not keeping anything relevant to your treatment from your Doctor this way. Your Doctor treats your physical body; anything beyond that may not need any discussion with them. But never hide anything relevant from them no matter how embarrassing it may feel because that may be something they need to know. Let them decide that. Bettypooh
  7. I don't often have 'diaper dreams' per se, but I'm always diapered IRL so that follows into my dreams. I have no connection involved between dreaming and wetting, either can happen or not with or without the other one. But then again I'm far from normal and I like it that way Bettypooh
  8. My story is weird as is the usual for me I wet the bed every night pre-teen, most nights in my early teens, once or twice a week late teens. It finally came to an end in my early 20's but it happened once in awhile thereafter, especially if I went to bed drunk (which became often). I hated everything about it, especially if the bed got cold. Fast-forward to my early to mid 50's when I had become DL and saw that it was going to get big in my life. After reading so much about ABDL online I discovered an attraction to bedwetting while diapered, and pursued that for a year or so with a little success. It finally got through my thick skull that what I really needed was to become a 24/7 wearer because pads were no longer enough to handle my increasing daytime leakage. Once on that path solidly I began to just let fate make the choices. Since I was diapered all the time there was no need to have daytime control so that went away quickly and it felt great But I'd seen nothing happening at night. I still woke up several times every night needing to pee, only now I used my diaper instead of getting up, and that finally gave me the peaceful sleep I never had before. I still daydream about bedwetting and kind of like the thoughts, but like my days I've decided to just let fate decide. Very, very slowly I'm having more times of waking up to discover a wet (or wetter) diaper than I remembered doing- wetting in my sleep- which feels totally awesome to me But I'm still not pushing it; my choice of letting fate decide has worked well with everything else regarding diapers so I'm sticking with it on bedwetting too. I've become totally accepting of my being diapered and feel no shame in it at all anymore. I'm not quite proud of this but I'm much closer to that than shame. Even leaks in public don't bother me anymore except at work or when I'm among friends who I don't think know I'm in diapers. I need diapers, I wear diapers, and so do a whole lot of other people- it's that simple. It beats the heck out of going around in wet clothing which would happen without them so I feel like it's a positive accomplishment in my life. And I happen to like it a lot too If bedwetting comes to be a regular thing I will like that just as well.Maybe more? I really don't know but what I do know is that I won't allow there to be any shame involved in this ever again. My life, my diapers, and what anyone else thinks about it is irrelevant and without value to me. Unless they like it too Bettypooh
  9. I'd recommend reading this thread: Close-to-incontinence-with-a-catheter/ as there's quite a bit in there about every aspect of cathing on a regular basis including problem avoidance and best techniques of use to avoid that. It's a huge thread so plan to put some time aside to read it all Bettypooh
  10. The only way I can go to sleep without being diapered is if I want to have a 'bedwetting adventure' as I call it. It's rare that I feel this way but occasionally it's fun. I do something similar with pantswetting here at home more often; maybe twice a year with that. It's just something wetting-related which breaks up the monotony of my continuous wearing Being a 24/7 wearer anytime I'm not diapered feels weird and uncomfortable and that goes to the front of my mind and bugs me until I do something about it. It's strong enough to disrupt my sleep and anything else I'm doing even when I'm airing out after a shower so it's certainly going to affect my sleep as well! Bettypooh
  11. Every night though I usually wake slightly. I'm in diapers 24/7. Probably some few people outside of the ABDL community know of my bedwetting; most certainly there are those who know of my daytime wearing. For me the choice is simple- I need to wear diapers so I do. Whatever anyone else may think of that is not a major concern or consideration to me. I'm taking care of me and doing what is best for me and that's all that really matters now isn't it? Bettypooh
  12. Bettypooh


    Even if there's no "clinical proof" that something helps directly, there can be therapeutic gain in it which can help the overall situation and that in itself will go some way towards giving you a better chance of winning. I had a friend who had a very rare disease similar to MS which brought him episodes of severe pain. None of the drugs they tried gave him much relief, but smoking weed helped him considerably so he added that to his repertoire of "meds". If CBD can't hurt you it's worth trying, just make sure it's not going to interact with anything else you take and keep your Doctors informed of any effects you experience from it so that they can use your experiences to better treat others who have the same or a similar problem. If you're Doctor is against it, ask them to explain exactly what is wrong with you trying and when they can't show where it is positively going to adversely affect you, tell them you're going ahead with it anyway in case there is some benefit in it for you. In my opinion, just the chance that something might help is reason enough to try it if you're sure it can't hurt for that kind of 'discovery' is where all medical treatments begin; something was found to help. I don't believe in "miracle cures" whether from nature or Doctors, but I do believe that for whatever the problem is, there is something which can make things better even if only slightly, and sometimes greatly. It is only when you give up trying that it is certain you are going to fail, so keep trying because that is the only way to have a chance of winning. Bettypooh
  13. Well you need to eat something even if you're not feeling hungry so grab a bit of something which shouldn't make your digestive issues worse. That's part of the 'maintaining your routine' I spoke of. Your body needs food to make energy to keep you going until things get smoothed out again. Don't make an issue of it, just grab something to stuff in your mouth and get it over with then move on to whatever else you need to deal with. It seems to me that what you need is to not stop the meds completely, but to get them down to as minimal a level as you can once you get past this rough patch. You should have a good idea from experience whether half-doses or skipping doses is likely to give you the best results. But I'd be sure that you've reached full effectiveness with the current dosage rate before attempting changes; in other words that's something to worry about and work on later. Maybe next month or the month after, no need to hurry that. What's most important right now IS now, and that you get through now so that you can have the chance for a better tomorrow. Everything else can wait till you're past the now part. Stay active physically and mentally and avoid anything problematic. I'm naturally a lazy sort but I discovered that for me anyway, there is a lot of good in me being physically active when I'm at or nearing the bottom. Doing something simple and easy works best for me, like sweeping the walk, raking the yard, cleaning the car- things which I like having done but don't often do that well with. That gives me an achievement I like and the physical activity I need without felling strain. I used to take walks but that hurts a bit now so I've stopped that, but it was really good 'therapy' for me back in the day. There's something about being outdoors which seems to help all by itself so give that a try but do so gently and look for anything which might bring a smile or some happiness while you're out, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. I never feel like doing these kinds of things but I know it helps so I do them knowing that it can't be bad for me. Hang on for the now, deal with the rest later, and soon better will be there for you. We're all out here pulling for you! Bettypooh
  14. Wearing diapers doesn't increase your urine output or change the times you need to pee, so they don't make you wet more. But they do (and probably will) cause you to resist wetting less, and that is why you will probably end up wetting more by wearing. The end effect is the same so this is not a question I'd spend much time thinking over. Just know what's likely going to happen and if you don't see that as a problem get your diaper on and go with it. Bettypooh
  15. @Wetbed84 When life hands you only choices which you don't like, about all you can do is take the best choice you have out of the bunch and go with it. It seems to me that by net wearing you're having all kinds of problems, many of which would disappear by themselves by you simply wearing diapers to bed. Wearing would introduce other problems which you don't have now but to me anyway those would be a lot easier to deal with. Just make sure that if you do begin wearing to bed that your diapers are up to the job of usually keeping the bed dry which is going to be the main thing you want to achieve here. Instead of looking for reasons to not wear, just focus on the main problem- a wet bed and wet clothing- and then look for the best solution you have available to you which can solve that problem. Nothing is going to get any better for you without changing what you're doing now and trying another approach. If you want better than you have now then you are going to have to make that happen somehow- it's not going to happen any other way. That's the bottom line. Bettypooh
  16. So VERY true. My Therapist gave me the tools to deal with my triggers this way which has allowed me to go on in life without Meds.It's a never-ending process of watching for warning signs of depression creeping back in and of learning how to better handle my problems and new problems as well. Learning this is as important or may be more important that taking Meds because what you gain here will also work with better handling everything else in your life too. Some triggers can be avoided but some can't, and with those how you handle those makes all the difference in the world. Bettypooh
  17. I had a similar experience with Fluoxitine, though my tummy was less affected. SSRI meds act slowly and may take as much as two weeks to become really effective. Reaching that point, as often as not, makes you feel worse instead of better for the initial period of use. I was warned of this ahead of time very clearly and my first week was mostly a living Hell before things began to turn around. All you can do is tough it out and wait knowing that it will get a lot better soon. During this time just maintain life as you usually do; no major changes with anything unless that helps, and stepping back from everything which adds even the smallest amount of stress to your life as best you can. That stuff can wait- it will still be there in a couple weeks and then you'll be in better shape to deal with it all. I do have to wonder why they took you off of this before. Especially whether they slowly reduced the dosage or just dropped it. It's never a good idea to stop SSRI Meds 'cold turkey' because that usually puts you through something similar to the initial 'week of Hell' and often brings a recurrence of the problems they were meant to help with. Any stopping is best done slowly with close monitoring of any adverse indications which should be addressed by either maintaining the current dosage or slightly increasing it. I did a huge amount of research on this but lost all the info and links in a hard drive crash long ago so I can't point you to any help like that directly but I'm sure you can find it. Regardless that, if you do stop SSRI Meds you must continuously monitor your condition thereafter as it's easy to slowly slide back into needing them so subtly that you don't notice until you're in full-blown depression all over again. Then you have to go through the whole process all over. If on stopping you see any decline, you should discuss re-starting with your Medical team and suggest using a smaller dosage first to avoid the other problems the Meds cause you. A lower than usual dosage can sometimes be effective enough to take the 'edge' off of things without risking a worsening. I don't recommend this but I stopped my meds covertly by weaning myself off of them over a period of about two months. First I 'halved' my pills, then went to skipping every other dose at the halved amount, then to taking none. Once I was certain that I was not having any problems with this I told my Doctor and Therapist, who of course blew up on me and wanted me to start back. BTW this was the only thing I ever hid with my Therapist, who after an hours discussion reluctantly agreed to let me continue this if I promised to re-start with full dosages should anything indicate depression was coming back. My Doctor wasn't so kind, but knew I was going to do it anyway so he kind of washed his hands of me regards depression Meds, telling me that if needed he'd renew my prescription but only if I first promised to follow his instructions exactly with that. I was able to cope without Meds because my Therapist was the greatest in giving me the tools I needed to handle my problems on my own without outside help from anyone. Those coping techniques have allowed me to get by without Meds but it can be really rough at times, and more than a few times I almost went back on them- I keep that option open because I may need it to stay alive someday. I hope things get better for you soon for nobody deserves the misery of a life with Clinical Depression, and every day I'm hoping to see news of a cure being found instead of just treating the symptoms as we have to do now because we still lack that cure. Bettypooh
  18. Reviews can be tough on this subject as so many things change through time, so you either have to keep doing updates or it becomes out-of-date and irrelevant.To much work for me which is why I don't do this kind of thing and what little I do speak about always has something in it regarding the relevance of time. It's more than our diapers which need regular changing Bettypooh
  19. I wet as a means to stop getting up multiple times every night just to pee in the toilet. Physical activity turns my sleep off and ruins the rest my body needs as I can never get back to sleep quickly (or sometimes at all) once I get up. Since I wear 24/7 that's not an issue anymore; wake slightly, pee as needed, then fall right back to sleep. Occasionally I won'r even wake up and just pee in my sleep. And now i get the rest my old body needs which makes every pert of my life better Bettypooh
  20. This exactly There are too many things which can go wrong so staying well ahead of the game is wise, and critical if you wear for need. I found Northshore to be reasonably priced- not the cheapest but close- and they always shipped stupendously fast, which is why I so liked doing business there as my finances are unstable being self-employed and unexpected expenditures often leave me on the edge of running out before I can order more I liked that they always included samples of diapers or wipes with my orders, but I would have preferred a lower price instead. I'd still be their customer but they stopped carrying my preferred diapers Bettypooh
  21. I've become rather de-sensitized to the smell of stale pee over the years. More than a few times I've come into the house after work and got the door closed behind me before realizing how strong the smell was. Now I am in the habit of checking more or less regularly in case someone comes over TBH I kind of like a bit of the smell at bedtime; something of a reminder that I'm living my dream of wearing 24/7 In the same vein, I also like seeing wet spots on the sheet, a visual reminder of the same. There's just something comforting in being in bed soaked and leaking, but only if it doesn't get cold. I had enough of cold wet beds in my youth where I wasn't allowed the protection I needed In getting older I find it very easy to doze off just about any time I'm tired, but trying to go to sleep in bed without a diaper doesn't work for me anymore; I just can't get to sleep for what can be hours, and when I do doze off it's a fitful, shallow, and restless sleep then. I still rarely sleep through wetting, but when I do and I wake up soaked, I love seeing the wet sheets when I get up and as often as not I leave them exposed if it's not too bad. If they're dry when i get home from work that day I just leave them for later- no point in washing them if I'm just going to wet them again This all changes when my crazy gender-fluid 'girl side' emerges; she doesn't like wet beds or wet sheets and they have to be washed immediately. Which I suppose is correct for that situation- as a guy I'm a slob I have given up trying to make sense of any of it- I just tale everything in stride and look for whatever happiness I can get out of life wherever it comes from Bettypooh
  22. As I see it, if there's a possibility for things to get better then there's reason to go on, even if just to see if that happens. Younger folks have a whole life ahead of them which means plenty of chances for better ahead. You can't get to have any of that if you're not here among the living. Give me the roses- I love them even if they have thorns which hurt me sometimes. I'll focus on the roses and deal with the thorns as best I can, knowing that the next bunch of roses will have thorns too but they will still be roses which I love Bettypooh
  23. As is evident, the main point of their ads is to keep their company name in your mind, which makes it more likely that you will at least check them out for your insurance. That's the whole point of advertising in a nutshell, and Progressive is doing one heck of a good job with this Especially with what seems to be actual "padding" being worn, even if it's only a costume for filming the commercials Anything which portrays adults in diapers without negativity is good for us, and I'll take the win they're giving us here Bettypooh
  24. I hate the word "normal" because with the vast diversity in humans, no such thing really exists. And "abnormal" carries negative connotations even if it's 'dictionary definition' doesn't Instead I think "usual" and "unusual" are a better choice of wordage as they do not carry any connotations, negative or positive In my nearly 60 years on this planet I've seen almost all the kinds of people there are, and for them they are normal even if unusual, just the same as I am normal for me even if you're different. So let's get past the idea that any humans are normal or abnormal because we aren't. We're just all different, that's all The psychology of all this has changed over time, and will change more in the future. There is no single (or even multiple) cause or motivation for any differences we have which is universal in nature. Sometimes no cause or motivation can be found. We are very complex beings and the deeper you look, the more apparent it becomes that it's useless to try to find causes for what makes us who and what we are, except as something we wish to pursue in our own self. What we may find there will not apply to everyone else or maybe even anyone else. The key thing to remember is that whatever our differences may be, we all have things in common and our differences and commonalities are normal, even if perhaps unusual sometimes. As long as who you are and what you do harms noone, there's nothing wrong about it and it doesn't need any further looking into. We'd do better with our time to be looking into the things which are harmful and try to find solutions for them- there's certainly no lack of subjects to be doing that with. Bettypooh
  25. I keep my "away-from-home" spare diapers in two plastic grocery bags, one inside the other, which helps keep disposal easy and discreet. I've changed at many places, but not at department stores, malls, or such where my 'package' would merit much attention. Except with anal incontinence, you can almost always know when a change will be needed well ahead of time and plan around that to avoid bathroom issues More and more places are banning backpacks or requiring clear ones only. I can understand their concerns, but at some point it infringes on one's personal privacy, which even in public settings you can have certain expectations of (except with the TSA ). So at some point I expect it will be something pushed high into the Court system where any outcome is possible. Being the bold subversive type at times, if someone were to ask me about my package I might likely tell them "It's a diaper, do you want me to bring you the used one so you can inspect it too?" And if it went further I'd probably ask them what kind of pervert they were and to get management to the scene so I could have a word with them about the harassment. Few people (other than the TSA) would want things to go there, so they would likely back down. Then if I was feeling really aggravated, I'd come back out with my bagged used diaper and have them call in management anyway just to make my point and to inform them that the ADA also covers privacy of one's disability at the Federal level as a means to bring such practices to an end for whoever comes along next. In the meantime I just deal with my changes as I need to and find the best place to do them to keep my life easier to deal with. Bettypooh
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