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Everything posted by jenniebear

  1. personally i've enjoyed the topic...it didn't seem to me anyone got too out of control...too upset nor did it seem there there was any need to close the thread.... I agree if you want to discuss it...then by all means ...read the posts and ...share and add if you wish.......if you don't wish to join in....discuss or share or hear anyone elses views......then don't read...simple as that.... personally i do not take insult at how someone else views anything.........if i have an opinion that means i've enough experience or knowledge to base my opinion on....maybe if you choose to offer something enlightening i may even alter my opinion....i enjoy growing i believe it is good to understand others basic beliefs......to not know or not understand leaves you assuming......
  2. i agree with Dolly on this....in that i don't think removing these people would be the correct move either..... i know for a FACT that a few of our most respected and loved community members started in this way....hormones...youth...overeagerness...and just new to being online.... people often don't know chat ettiquete when they first come to the online community......many are just eager to meet someone and don't know that it's a social no no to pop into your screen unsolicited...others do it.....i'm sure it happens to them also.... and not everyone is as socially adept at integrating themselves into a group situation....but it doesn't often mean that they do not have anything to add... i feel we need to continue to lead by example...the best way to teach someone something is to model for them......i know it requires patience but all of us were new at one time.....and while we each have a different style and skill at joining in.......i think we'd definitely be limiting ourselves..............and we do have tools for those who are overly annoying to us..... there is an ignore button of course.. and i'm not one for outing anyone in the room either like Dolly said...i'm not into the "Name and Shame" game.......but occasionally if someone is particularly harrassing in the room i might give a little example of an appropriate way to pm someone...suggesting that the person pming me might expect a better response by speaking to me in the room ...guess what...9 times out of 10 that works......or if it doesn't work i just minimize their window..(i don't use sounds so that helps too) and ignore them........
  3. me is a 4 year old......a lil delayed in da area ob potty training and some speech issues that hopefuwwy me wiw outgwow someday.... me Daddy know when me is in iddle mode tause me starts wiff my fumb in my mouf.........it is O/our unspoken signal.......
  4. first i am assuming that this question is being asked by someone who is not incontinent but wears for pleasure or relief.... while i am a christian... i am not exactly sure where i and my diaper wearing falls into gods plan...i do not feel i am doing anything "unchristian like" by wearing a diaper to relax and destress.... wearing in a fetish context however...may not be all that christian like... especially when my Daddy happens to be involved in the fetish activity being engaged in ...especially since W/we are unmarried... i do think that it is extremely important to listen to ones own conscience though...it is within yourself to decide what you can and cannot accept of and from yourself...you may or may not be ruled by a religion ...but either way....if something isn't "good" for your soul then it certainly isn't good for you....... acceptance and balance i believe are the key here.......and how you accomplish these two things is dependent on who you are and what you believe basically what i think it boils down to is......if you are a diaper wearer......and you are in conflict with that.........you probably need to focus on acceptance of what ...why....who..and how you are ....maybe it's just about giving yourself permission to go against the "norm" and enjoy something that society has said is "bad"...whatever it is...break it down and find the "goods" and "bads".....and then decide....do the "goods" outweigh the legitimacy of the "bads"..............its my belief that they will.......
  5. Red...that would definitely fall under the catagory of "more then annoying" with me also!.......if i don't respond right away......its not going to get any better by multiple pm's............either i am busy and will get back to you...........or..............i am just not interested in you.......and instead of pointing that out .......i am choosing to politely ignore your unwelcome interruption into my sometimes hectic..or busy...or complicated life......... i really am not much of a pm'er period...even with people i know or am friends with.......i enjoy chat...it's why i venture into the room.......and i find most private im's tedious and distracting.......
  6. i agree...for some reason the pm's have been fast and furious this week... and while i also agree with diapered witch that when you are in the chat room...it is sort of like being in a social type venue where you might expect the occasional "stupid come on" line or an out of the blue "hi...my name is..."...i expect that sort of thing and will just ignore even the most repetitive or demanding pm'er.... however....i do not think it's polite to come knocking on my yahoo door...uninvited.....obviously not "well read up on my profile"...and asking me repeatedly when i choose to not respond..."are you there"..."can we talk"...or "messy_diaperboy2003 would like to add you as a friend to their messenger list..."....forget it...if i don't know you......you are not going to be added.......and if you dare buzz me.......you are on automatic ignore..... you have no idea what i am doing on my side of the computer screen at that point in my life...i may be sharing a private conversation with someone...playing a computer game....working on school work or completing a task for work..... i also agree that those who are pming every name in the room with the same "mass cut and paste" message....are really boring and a huge turn off.....it's like watching the drunk guy at the party proposition everyone in the room including the floor lamp with the same line and no sincerity attached to him at all..... So what would i suggest as an alternative to a pm when you really have interest in someone?.......well first of all the obvious ...when you are in chat is just talk to that person in the room.......get to know them.......ask them questions about other things besides diapers.....be sincere....girls...as well as guys...want to feel special.......believe me there is nothing special in "hi...are you in a wet diaper?"... diapers may be something we all share an interest in... i think that is probably a given here...but we are also all unique individuals and wish to be recognized as such.... maybe there is someone on the forum who has inspired you...and you are just are dying to make contact..........for me i would not be offended by a message sent here at DD.......a message that has a bit of integrity..(likin' that word today.... )....read the persons profile...maybe there is something there you share an interest in........or maybe you agree with something they've said in a post........or if nothing else.........be creative...find a way to show what has drawn you to them to begin with......... because...if you can't find a way to catch my attention......chances are... no...i am not in a diaper right now... no...i am not wet... no...i definitely do not want to change someones diaper for whom i've never spoken to before...neither online nor in real life... and yes...i am a girl...but you have just blown any chance of getting to know me because you couldn't think of anything more creative way to introduce yourself then by asking for my gender....
  7. Dolly's post brought up something i've noticed while teaching preschool for so many years.... Firstly all of the children i work with are at-risk....either financially (poverty level) or have a diagnised disability...they often come from homes where the cycle is a continuing one of lower level education, financial struggles/unemploymnt, single parenting, young parenting, and often drug or alcohol abuse......(mind you many of our families still make their own success in their home lives despite the obstacles set before them.... but this gives you some idea of the challenges many of our kids face)....some of our kids therefore may have some trials or stresses in their lives that we would wish they didn't have......and will displaybehaviors we'd rather they didn't....... One thing i've noticed though...and this really isn't about intelligence......but more success in school...... After having a child in your class for a year...working with a family advocate.... who is along with you also doing home visits...you begin to know your families pretty well.....often you will have sibblings several years in a row (hit or miss a year).....and from one child's behavior you might assume what their sibbling might be like.......however.........these assumptions often could not be farther from the truth one particular family i worked with had a number of children one of which was by far my most challenging child...and my most rewarding........also in that same family was one of my most "wanting to please" child i've ever worked with...who to this day strives to always please her teachers and takes home straight A's and is a model student.....(attention is sought in many ways...and given in many forms...children learn this at a very young age...each seemed to have found their "nitch" by the time they reached preschool...) there were 7 children in this family and they ranged anywhere between the "over achiever" to the "severe behavior concerns" child This was an extremely dysfunctional family where abuse was reported many times....(often the abuse was directed primarily at the "severe behavior concerns" child....if i remember my from my psych classes correctly..oftentimes an abusive family will pick a scapegoat....and this poor little child was the receiver ....) as a follow up....i know all of the children have since been placed in several homes (some together...some singlely) and adopted.......of the 4 i've been able to follow......they are now currently in loving/devoted homes
  8. I am also very glad to see you back Phantom...i've missed your intelligent posts and the integrity with which you always presented yourself..... welcome back to DD... we need you around...always remember that what you add to the community ... more then makes up for what others might take away.....
  9. i am the youngest of three.......two brothers 12 and 16 years older then me...they both entered the army at age 18.... the younger of the two...therefore the middle child... earned an degree through what was back then a army/mail course.....not sure what level of a degree...but i would assume it would be equivlant to that of a trade school....I forget what his title is......but he is similiar to a bio medical engineer......though i believe he has more training then what that would require.... i originally went to school at a university and majored in art/illustration...left school because i wanted to be with my then future exhusband...and got a job in the early childhood field...continued school but this time in early childhood education for which i have my AAS...i am in the process of working now on a liberal arts degree...with an emphasis in early childhood ed / management... my parents didn't want me to go to school...although i was dying to go......not sure what i would of done if i had not....... my oldest brother is now 58...he worked for cat for his whole adult life and retired from there a few years ago.......he has a variety of talents including music and had he been encouraged when he was younger......would have probably become a music teacher .... a college education back in the 1960's however wasn't considered as important or as critical as it is now.... my other brother has worked for the same hospital since he left the army and will retire from there eventually....he is 54 now... myself i just turned 42 and have worked for the same agency for 15 years...same field since i was 20...and may very well retire from my current position if i ever get to retire.... as you can see ...we have all held long standing jobs and have strong work ethics.....our dad worked for UPS for 30 years so that probably had something to do with our work stability... as far as intelligence.....i don't think our degrees or lack of degree make any of us smarter then the other...it was just the time in history...and opportunities we were allowed that played into having a degree or not........we each have talents and strenths and personal challenges...... i'd like to say i am the smartest ......but again know that we are all pretty equal i have A.D.D. and probably have had a tendency to be the least focused.......although my oldest brother is also A.D.D. i am certain......he just hasn't been diagnosed.....his wife keeps him focused where my first husband was a mess in many ways.........now with my current mate......i am much more focused and take medication to help me stay that way.... as for school......there was one teacher who remembered my brothers.....and he always used to tease me.....but my brothers were very well behaved.....and so was i .....in school..........
  10. Hey Paul, I'm in a very similiar situation...although i met my Daddy as a submissive and He a Dom....so W/we were already in a lifestyle related arena so to speak...and He knew from day one that i had a diaper fetish and am an ab.... There were many questions in the beginning....but i was patient and only shared as much as He was ready for...i did share some fantasys and it was in this way He finally began to participate...by creating a fantasy related situation for U/us to act out... i've shared as much as i can about my fetish but never pushed Him...He has a huge desire to know all so that was an easy task... It has always been my fear that i'd push something on Him that He didn't want or didn't have an interest in.......but He's never expressed any dissatisfaction with anything other then my tendency to go "little" when He needs a "big girl" partner during non intimate times........but that's not really related to diapers.... i show Him pics now and then of diaper girls.....and He seems to enjoy taking those types of pics of me....He even says He finds diaper girls erotic now.........though i still have a hard time believing that......but He doesn't really have a reason to lie about it..... i guess i don't have guilt about the whole thing......but i also try hard to keep a balance.....i do not ask to be "babied" every day or even every week...i try to choose my times wisely......this may sound obnoxious or too personal....but if W/we haven't had any intimate time all week and it's friday night......while i might ask to wear to bed........i know He enjoys being intimate on a weekend morning so i'll stay dry so i don't take anything away from His spontanaety ........ He knows what particularly turns me on too.......and will take opportunities feed my fetish also.......W/we keep it varied and never put too much emphasis on any one thing and i think that is how i avoid the feeling of making it all about me.....
  11. My Daddy works for a high tech Walmart Distribution Center...say what you want about Walmart...but it's one of the best civilian jobs He has ever had.......anyone can publish what they want on a website or blog and call it the truth........ but in our experience...Walmart has been fair...well organized...they offer their employees and their families quite decent benefits for this day and age...they offer them opportunities for growth and advancement... give regular raises and tons of employee recognition.....and appreciation He has to work hard...and there isn't time for slacking like some places He has worked in the past...(usually a poorly run business with few perks or advantages)...but He's a hard worker and expects to earn His pay rather then stand around and text message or play grab ass all day...... I'll agree Walmart is able to corner the market like no one else can...........and there may be businesses that are no longer around...in part because of how Walmart is able to sell cheaper.............but in this day and age.......if it wasn't Walmart.......it would be someone else..... Starting wage at this distribution center btw is $13.55...... And do you know why they do excercise?....well it just so happens to be good for you in so many ways...dopamine...oxygen to the brain...team development....etc...etc............and why would any employer want to bother to "brainwash"...(not that i would call giving your employees perks brainwashing) their employees into liking their jobs?.........gee...could an employee who enjoys their job be a happy...dedicated...team oriented employee?.....and who is that bad for?
  12. when i was a baby i must of worn cloth diapers and rubber pants. My mom had put some of my baby clothes away for my dollies and pulled them out for me to play with when i got older....probably about 3 or so...... one of the clothing items was a pair of rubber pants, satiny on the outside and white with pastel dots on them, for me to put on my baby dolls. My dollies really never got much of a chance to wear them because i wore them ALL the time...over my panties...under my dresses...over my long pants (back then little girls didn't really wear jeans much)...and whenever i could get away with it....... i would also pretend to change myself by basically shoving everything off of my dresser and climbing up onto it...then changing myself into a diaper made out of a receiving blanket.....i never went potty in it...cause i was a big girl and wouldn't of ever considered doing that....but being a baby was sure fun.....those rubber pants finally split from so much wear and my getting basically too big...and they finally just disapeared...i suppose mom threw them out..............but i'd sure like to have another pair just like them....ok...a bit bigger....
  13. Very Well Said AutiAB! It is so difficult to make steps forward when institutions like the Chicago Tribune put that sort of picture in the publics eye!
  14. Hey...i am with the duck on this....as far as the guys name goes anyway.......... one does not come to a board and pick to use a name like Adolph Hitler or Sadamm Hussien or KKK or anything else identified with hate and destruction unless they want to be identified with or start trouble.......and if ones true name is Idi Amin.....then why would one use their true identity here on a diaper board be it john smith or joe blow.......but again that would be your choice....and it is conceivable ..... however......my guess is if you wanted to be credible...wouldn't you choose to use a more credible log in nick? all i'd suggest is to not be naive..... just because you are unfamiliar with a name and what it stands for....research and gain the knowledge you need in order to make your own judgement.....
  15. jenniebear


    *pops in with a big old plate of brownies for the boys...and a warm welcome for rozi...* welcome rozi...just wanted to say hi ....especially since so far it's been all guys sayin it...wanted you to know there are girls here too ......it's always fun to see new faces...the boys can get a little out of control sometimes but if you just smile and nod at their antics they will behave...eventually........ it's a good crowd and full of sincere..."worth getting to know" sorts of people from all walks of life....we tend to be like a big family with small squabbles and misunderstandings now and then but...on the whole everyone plays nicely with one another...... welcome to DD
  16. i went with my Daddy for both of His sleep studies...the first time i stayed in His room in that uncomfortable fold out chair...ugh........They were very nice to me though......in the middle of the night one of the guys brought in a blanket and covered me up.......lol.......i took my tallie in a pillowcase because i didn't want them to see that i still slept with a stuffed animal........ turtle, i am kind of surprised that you would flaunt the "baby" thing so much when at the hospital?....I'd like to know why you would choose to do that?...i can understand the diapers because you certainly wouldnt want to sleep in a wet bed...but coloring books? reading Dr Seuss books out loud?......and i know that they say try to have the same routine as you do at home....but taking your teddy and sucking a paci?...maybe you wouldnt sleep without them....but for me.......there would just have not been a sleep study........ i'm not one who cares much for what others think.....but i still don't want to be an object of ridicule....i don't understand why one would invite that sort of attention... Why did they feel there was a need for a sleep study anyway? My Daddy has sleep apnea...appearently its a pretty extreme case....He also has difficulty eatting or basically swallowing because His throat is abnormally small......He woke up on an average of every 2 1/2 minutes that night.....He doesn't know He is awake...but His body does the waking / dozing thing almost all night long and so He feels tired all of the time.....He went again for a repeat study to fit Him with the cpap machine......(i got my own room that night....not many there for the sleep study that time...)....He says He slept better then He ever has with the cpap.......that was probably over a year ago......and He has never worn the cpap machine at home......He tries but pulls it off later in the night because it's so uncomfortable.... it is loud...and it keeps U/us from being very cuddly when He has it on.......but it would be worth the sacrifice if He could just wear it and feel more rested.....
  17. Me gots a blankie....it only really 3 years old... but me grew attached fast...it was the first baby present my Daddy ever gaved me.......it's gone on vacation wiff U/us several times along with tallie my stuffed giraffe.... here is a picture of tallie....tallie has met many other ab's....and has been to cali...new york....and many states in between.....she's flown in an airplane...been left behind in a hotel (for several torturous weeks before i could collect her....now that tallie and i travel wiff Daddy He always makes sure she is in the car with U/us before W/we leave).......and camped in our camper...soaked up my tears when i sad and been leaked on when my diadee wasn't up to da challenge.......both my blankie and tallie are bearry special to me.........
  18. ... my heart feels for you missy....why anyone would play with anothers emotions is beyond me....... i believe everything happens for a reason though...and each phase in life is a stepping stone to the next level......while you are in pain now......focus on moving forward...don't dwell on the negative that someone else has brought into your life.......i believe that what you put out there.......is what you will get back......so maybe not now...but in the future...if you are putting out there what you wish to receive....it will come to you...probably when you least expect it...... wishing you well, jennie
  19. omg.................shudders at the picture and backs away slowly............
  20. I am looking for a link that was posted....not sure how long ago it was....could of been even a year or so ago... It was posted by a Daddy and it was a link to His and His little girls sticker page....It was basically a blog which they both posted on....T/they would post stickers for one another for a variety of things and leave notes and such for each other...... At the time i thought it was cute and creative...i wanted to show it to my Daddy because W/we've been wanting to start a similiar sort of journal that W/we could both share online....... If anyone remembers the post (looks for Sunshine and her awesome powers of being able to recall and find long lost posts) or has the link, or even knows the Daddy or baby and could direct them here.....or heck.....if anyone has any clever or fun ideas W/we'd love to hear about them...... Thanks for your time, jennie and Daddy Jeff
  21. I got that little shiver in my shoulders that i get whenever something special or wonderful touches me........Congratulations and as you embark on this new journey always remember the specialness of these early moments...now and forever.... Mr Sea Otter is right about communication ... it will always be the most valuable tool you have.......if you can remember to truely communicate you'll have fewer moments of conflict or confusion and when they are present......communication will help you sort them out.......... you'll be way ahead of many others who struggle each day to understand just what the heck their spouse is about by trying to read their mind.....or expecting thier spouse to read theirs.....
  22. well said turtlepins...........me always try to remember that you get what you give......and while life has its moments...........to date the returns have been AWESOME!
  23. yep....me wants to know too..................hope it all worked out
  24. Worst case scenerio is she won't want anything to do with it...but if you've told her you are going to wear occasionally....and she has agreed to accept it...then she sounds like she's open enough to at least consider it the norm for you.... but remember that the norm doesn't mean participate...the "ab/dl" thing may always be your "thing".......................although...i'd discuss this more...even if the discussion begins in email...because people often have a hidden agendas of their own...she may think she will "fix" this about you...and not understand that you don't want to be fixed respect goes a long way as does love ..... I was with my ex husband for almost 20 years.....i was a dl the whole time........he sorta knew it was my kink but that was about it.........i never pushed it on him........i "played" occasionally when i had the opportunity-always alone.........it was like "christmas" whenever i got a chance to "play" the thing is....i never missed or pined for what i didn't have........i loved him...he loved me....and our energy was focused on living day to day...... When we split up....it had nothing to do with my fetish.......and while i am now in a relationship where ab/dl is a part of our lives.......i still focus on keeping it in perspective........ this post may or may not help but it already sounds like your life has direction and purpose and that this girl loves you and has committed herself to you even knowing your "secret".........as others said....take it slow.......don't expect anything....and accept what she is willing to give ...greatfully.......and believe me......i've learned that in a mature and loving/giving relationship.......that the more you please your partner........the more they are willing to please you... Best wishes and may your life together be blessed with much happiness and joy!
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