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Posts posted by zzyzx

  1. 7 hours ago, tuffy said:

    For the pins, you might try some fine grit emery cloth or steel wool to smooth out the corroded spots and perhaps sharpen the tip.

    @oznl I second finding something to sharpen the tips with.  It will help.

    However, this is part of the reason why I use regular diaper pins and not the thicker 3" steel pins.  Yes, the 3" steel pins are better overall in design for what is needed, but they are trouble getting them through the cloth. 

    13 hours ago, oznl said:

    3” all-steel nappy pins are getting hard to find.  The freely-available, low-cost plastic-duckie-headed pins are, in addition to making already-embarrassing underwear choices worse, desperately fragile.  Snappis, whilst having their place, bother me a little with their “all” or “nothing” support modalities.

    So I persist with my ancient steel pins.


    Whoever posed that idea however failed to realise that whilst driving my housing-nail-sized “safety” pins through DRY nappies was merely very difficult, getting them through pee-wet-and-expanded terry towelling was realistically impossible.


    More than one of my pins has succumbed to Titan-style implosion under immense application pressure.

    A more common complication however is the head of the pin getting stuck somewhere deep within the nappy folds with nearly no amount of force sufficient to drive it all the way through where it can be attached to its clasp.

    Coating the pin with moisturiser or soap before attempting insertion does help but it isn’t always easy.

    I agree that I now have a harder time finding "good" regular diaper pins as the Chinese made ones are not of as good a quality metal as the older pins a lot of the time....  Haven't looked for the 3" ones that used to be for blankets or possibly kilts.  The ones that I manage to find of better quality do work better than the 3" steel one you prefer, but I believe I have to use two for each one of your 3" pins to accomplish the same thing.  But the finger stabs won't be as sever. 

    I do recommend that you do a cold wash of that nappy prior to running a hot wash on that one or you might find some permanent red / pinkish staining.

    Best wishes on quickly healing....

  2. 1 hour ago, Bedwetter23 said:

    I have become incontinent in the day and night I’m constantly wetting my pants and yesterday I wore a nappy in the day and within a hour I was soaked I then had to change and put a fresh nappy on but I can’t go a day or night without wetting the nappy the nappies I have leak any advice on what nappies to use 

    @Bedwetter23: Since you just joined and this is your first post, welcome.

    Since you haven't said too much, my first question is: "Have you talked to your doctor about this?"  Definitively should.  If this is recent, it might be something as simple as needing to treat a UTI.

    Assuming this is not a troll message, I assume you are trying nappies / diapers from regular stores.  Find a medical supply store and talk to them about what they might carry that would better meet your needs, and there are definitely better diapers these days for heavy wetters....

    Take care.....

  3. 13 hours ago, oznl said:

    I think that might be a thing here although the challenge I've faced is that my "snappi" don't seem to be able to "grab" the surface of those relatively-smooth Rearz prefolds.  They do certainly start out ok but within a few hours, they've wandered off to check out my knees.

    I've tried both the snappi and boingo as a substitute for regular (diaper) pins.  I was considering them as a non-metallic substitute that might be better when having to go through metal detectors.  With (US) TSA now going primarily with full (nude) body scanners at airports for those who don't pay the fee to get a secure travel number, there isn't much point to it.  I found both of these two substitutes when you get them set to properly grip tend to tear the looser weave used in my preferred cloth diapers.  So, I normally don't use these options and instead regularly use regular (baby) diaper pins (total of four - two per side).  I suspect if I had the right cloth diaper weave either of these might be a good substitute. 

    Wearing Jeans over the diapers, if I set off the metal detector any beep from the secondary (hand held screening) is typically blamed on the metal rivets in the Jeans instead of the diaper pins just below the rivets.

  4. 14 hours ago, oznl said:

    Whilst comfortable, my opinion on pre-folds hasn’t changed.  They are either tragically saggy or I’m doing it wrong (yes, it could WELL be the latter and all advice is welcomed).  Generous sizing length-wise meant that I had to fold them over at one end to ensure they didn’t pin up at my chest, this had somewhat contributed to the balloon-like proportions to the front of my jeans beneath them but despite using “snappi” elastic nappy clips AND a compression pant over the lot, once they had a bit of moisture on-board, I found myself all-too-often inelegantly trying to haul them back up again at my hips as they repeatedly wandered off to say hello to my knees.

    Nothing was said.

    Their fit is just far too loose.  Maybe I’m just the wrong shape.  Tragically, the terrain between my belly and crotch is a ski slope, not a plain.

    @oznlSounds like you some times need a mid-day (between change) "snappi" (or diaper pin) adjustment to tighten things up.  Cloth will stretch over time necessitating re-pinning to tighten things up.

  5. 20 hours ago, Vimboof said:

    I want help in finding a cloth diapers that will suit me. I have tried two kinds a button up (can't remember what brand) and a Velcro (Rearz)

    The button style can fit but feels smaller than what I would like like I just have a wash cloth between my legs and the Velcro fits perfectly but constantly becomes undone, (I feel the "landing zone" is too small). I haven't tried pin up yet. I am curious on what people would suggest.

    I enjoy a tight fitting thick diapers, though maybe I make them too tight as they tend to leave pressure marks (disposable only) any help?


    As others have said, you want multiple of the thinner cloth diapers and not one that has several layers sewn in like a soaker center panel as those take significantly longer to dry.

    My preference is the night weight (four layer) purity diapers from adult cloth diaper .com .  I tend to use three of these at a time at night and that handles my output most nights.  I'm fortunate to be able to wear the smaller size (vs their large size).

    Use diaper pins.  Adjust diaper pins after the cloth has had a chance to stretch to get things tighter.  I tend to recommend "good" "regular" diaper pins over the oversized "adult" pins that have a thicker pin that gets pushed through the fabric.  I tend to use four pins per two diapers at a time at this point (two on each side).  Finding "good" pins may be a challenge as some of what is produced in China is a bit soft for the metal and or doesn't keep the points sharp, etc.  Agree with keeping pins (at least occasionally) in a bar of soap. I miss what I used to be able to get for diaper pins in rare (local) store finds.

    Use a onesie (sp?) to help hold things up and in place.

    And yes, you need to be comfortable with wet cloth next to the skin or find something else to deal with that issue.

    And good luck finding properly fitting protective pants to wear over the cloth diapers.  I miss the old inexpensive (thick) vinyl plastic pants previously made by Comco and VI Products that properly fit over cloth diapers and had wide elastics.  It is rare to find anything like that anymore -- or as inexpensive....

  6. 18 hours ago, Rue Rue said:

    Hey, everyone. I am wondering if any actual incontinent people use a diaper pail. Right now I don't have one. I use a Home Depot bucket to put my used diaper in and after three days of diapers, used only at night, it gets that ammonia smell which stinks up me room and is extremely embarrassing. I end up turning on the A/C fan to just ventilate the ammonia stink. 

    I want to know if there is a better option to use so I can still discreetly dispose of my wet diaper and not make my home smell when I open the "bucket", per sé. Like, does a pail make all the difference?

    In advance, I appreciate any suggestions! I am trying to resolve this. 😑

    @Rue Rue:  I'm also using a 5 gal. paint bucket (currently one from Home Depot, so their orange bucket) with lid.  I will admit that I am probably a bit nose blind to the smell, and living alone can get away with that.  However, I usually keep the smell down.  It probably will get worse in warmer weather.  The ways I keep the smell down include:

    • This is only wet (cloth) diapers.
    • The diapers are well rinsed when I take my morning shower, as I wear into the shower and then deliberately take actions to rinse out, ring out and re-rinse the diapers.
    • I then use a "wet" pail, that I use white vinigar and water for the base (bottom inch or so) prior to putting the wet diapers in it. 

    I tend to wash about every 5 days.  I will admit by the 5th day I'm probably pushing it....

    If you are dealing with disposable diapers, you need to change the strategy of how frequently you empty your inside bucket, and consider something that will better seal the package for disposal (i.e. like a Diaper Genie).

    Best wishes.

    • Like 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, id0ntknow said:

    I don't know if this is something you have tried already, but what I would try in this scenario is using something to help with odors/ stains from pets. Maybe something like this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Resolve-Urine-Destroyer-Pet-Urine-Stain-and-Odor-Remover-Spray-32oz/211132276?athbdg=L1600&from=/search

    @Rue Rue Something like @id0ntknow mentioned should help.  Fabreeze (sp?) is another similar product for when things leak and you need to deal with chairs, beds, etc. that need to be freshened up....

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Dubious said:

    Tykables is having a clothing sale, but its been ages since they had black snappies in stock, and they don't have them now either. 

    I even clicked on some other products, and most of their stuff is sold out. 

    Sales are for when you are selling out products you wont sell anymore, or when you have lots of stock. 

    I took a look over the weekend and noticed the same issue of most items on sale out of stock....  And I've said before that one needs to plan to buy from Tykables when you notice the item you want in your size is in stock...

    I didn't get a chance to see what their site was like near the start of the sale, so I can't judge how much is the issue of them "leaving things on sale that were out of stock" or "selling out of items on sale" (or if the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing).

    I suspect Tykables gets into a cash flow issue where funds are tied up in product that is committed to be produced or in transit and delays in transit leave them without in stock product -- or lack sufficient funding to keep everything they would like to stock in stock most of the time.

  9. 13 hours ago, mick_dl said:

    Hi Jack,

    did the Rezum treadment worked well for you and does the flow values get better afterwards and how much? I‘m pretty interested in results because I‘m also think about to apply for this procedure in stead of TURP. It seems that there not that many people out who have personal experience with it - especially if it it comes to the longterm effect.  

    So I would be happy if you can tell me a little more about your experience with it.



    @mick_dl: I'm the one mentioned the Rezūm procedure above.  In my opinion at the age I had it at, and it appears (based on display age, which maybe you haven't adjusted since you joined), that both of us are still on the younger side for BPH - i.e. early onset.  For me, I definitely preferred Rezūm over the more standard TURP procedure.  There are also some other alternatives that are also minimally evasive.  Note that if you have a higher risk of cancer, the Rezūm procedure does not provide a tissue sample to test for cancer.

    At the time I had the procedure, the initial 2 year analysis of the original experimental studies had just been published, and the procedure was just approved for "normal" usage.  For the Urology clinic I was at, the doctor said that they had performed about 100 of the procedures, and my doctor had performed about 15 prior to mine, and clinic was not part of the experimental study.  At that time, the procedure code (that the insurances want to let you know if they cover a procedure or not, etc.) was just being assigned while I was working on getting approval (from insurance) for the procedure....  Since then, the five year follow up of the original study has been published, so there are numbers available for how many of the first round needed additional follow up procedures in the first five years. 

    For me, there was definitely improvement in flow, once a few (2 or 3) months passed, which is time needed to permit the body to absorb the killed off tissue.  For just under the week after the procedure, a catheter was left in to allow for healing and then removed.  I had some minor bleeding initially, probably from something stretched or torn while getting the device down to where it was needed.  Nothing major, and cleared reasonably quickly.  While using the catheter I was able to work from home.

    The main problem I had was prior to the procedure, my bladder capacity had already shrunk from the issues of the reduced urination flow from BPH.  I partially recovered capacity after the procedure (along with a perceived better flow rate), possibly in part with the help of being on Mybetric (sp?) for a year after the procedure.  After that, my insurance dropped coverage of Mybetric and I went off that medicine. 

    Prior to the impact of BPH I had above average functional bladder capacity.  After retraining I managed to get back to about 2/3's of my prior functional bladder capacity.  I think I'm down to about 1/2 my prior functional bladder capacity at this time, which may indicate slight regrowth of the prostate.  Even my current functional capacity would be considered in "normal" range.

    I do have some  daytime light leakage, I believe from (a) occasional (very) strong urges on a fuller bladder and (b) post mictriction drip.  The post mictrition drop was present prior to the Rezūm procedure.  I feel these (minor negative) results are minimal compared to the potential outcomes from the TURP procedure.  And my issues with how I sense things (independent of BPH) I believe contributes to the issues with strong urges.

    Feel free to ask more questions, here, in a new thread or on https://incont.org/  .

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 4/18/2023 at 9:37 AM, FreeFlowin said:

    In fact, going hiking in the wilderness might be a great way to air yourself out and go un-diapered if you had no control. What better place to just poop and pee freely than out in the woods? I'm also curious as to how people who go rock climbing even deal with having to go to the bathroom anyway. I can't imagine there are bathrooms built on top of those high rock-faces. So do people just leave poop piles on top of the mountain after they finish climbing it? Do they just pee off the edge? I legitimately want to know, because I've never even thought about it until now. Especially if the parks and places you climb at are strict about their enforement of littering/trash. You would almost think that diapers would be mandatory!

    No, people should not leave piles of poo on the mountain.  At one of the local National parks, there is a barrel at the exit designated for human waste that has been packed out.  If at one of the high camps, the camp toilet (used to, been a while since I've looked this up) includes barrels that get used to transport the waste off the mountain each season.  If you are not using the back-country toilet sites more places are expecting you to pack out your (non liquid) waste.  With heavy back-country usage this is a real issue.

    • Like 2
  11. I've been contemplating starting a topic with this title for a while.

    To the moderators:  If you think this should go in another area, feel free to move this thread where you think it is more appropriate.  Just leave me a reminder for where to look. 

    Acceptance is a two edge sword. 

    While I come at this from the incontinence side, I think this applies to all those that frequent this board. 

    A long time ago, I had to make a decision to handle adult onset secondary occasional nocturnal enuresis.  As a teenager there are at least two times the thought crossed my mind in preparing to spend time out of the house of "what if I wet the bed".  As a kid (between 7th and 13th birthdays), I never did understand the rare occasion I wet in my sleep.  I never did wake up from the act -- only realizing after I woke up from some other reason.  And all but one was a full bladder release.  [In hindsight as an adult, I would say I was vulnerable to certain external stimulus while I sleep.]  And a bit concerned that it might hit again....  Well, as an adult, it eventually did, starting with an illness, which when over, I noticed how I "sensed" things had shifted (slightly), and unfortunately, one of the items that shifted was what was previously occasional nocturia was now occasional nocturnal enuresis.  Having seen how my dad (didn't) deal with his incontinence issue (related to some medical issues), I had made my mind up not to let this stop me from doing things.  Ultimately found only cloth diapers at night worked to manage the situation.  That woke up feelings of a "little boy" and a "big boy"....  The little boy wanting to be a big boy and the big boy wanting out of diapers.....  At least I was able to discuss the problem with my mother and had help in dealing with it and also trying to regain control -- which never came.  Unfortunately / fortunately, acceptance comes with a price...  Yes, there is a bit of a little boy in me.  Accepting that at night unfortunately re-enforces issue.  But at this point, if I am properly hydrated, due to the additional effects of early on set BPH, watching and waiting, and the impact on the bladder, I no longer have my old functional bladder capacity.  So if I get a good nights sleep and stay at least properly hydrated, I'm going to be we in the morning as I don't wake up from a good sleep with how I currently sense bladder fullness...  Trying to be a "big boy" at night will end up disturbing my sleep resulting in a poor nights rest.  At this point, I better off with the little boy's acceptance of needing the diapers and the big boy being a big brother to the little boy in my.....    But at times, it can frustrate the adult and the big boy in my....

    I recognize others have their way with dealing with the acceptance. 

    @Kawaharu accepting her incontinence in that she is an adult baby.  And reinforcing it in her responses.

    @~Brian~ reinforcing his medical needs with being a DL and acceptance of his medical issues (CP, etc.)

    A number of the folks who come here from the AB/DL side of things, get into the agony of the binge purge cycle trying to deal with the impact of mentally needing diapers but also wanting to be "normal"....

    Some, such as @Little Sherri dealing with bed wetting their youth and a desire to get back to the comfort of a diaper, etc....

    I'm not so sure of @oznl's or @Enthusi;'s specific triggers, but both have at times expressed frustration at times along with the acceptance at times.

    So we each have our struggles and find ways to accept what we need to deal with, but again the acceptance comes with a price - acceptance is a to edge sword.  Both benefits and disadvantages that need to dealt with. 

    Maybe my slightly worsening day time control and resulting need to continue acceptance of the current situation is causing me to consider this more at the moment....

    I'm sure this will spawn some additional discussion....

    • Like 4
  12. 19 minutes ago, ~Brian~ said:

    I am more confident about things that I deal with on a daily basis, and I'm not afraid of being incontinent anymore or wearing diapers anymore, or even having them around in plain sight. I'm proud of the way I am dealing with situations that would probably put me under the table if I didn't have a way to deal with the stress level.

    @~Brian~: That's one of the things I decided a long time ago wasn't going to stop doing things due to the onset of occasional Nocturnal Enuresis.  Everyone of us that deals with some incontinence issues need to get to a point of not letting it stop us from doing normal activities....  Yes, there may be some changes in how we deal with some things, but we can't let it keep us down or stop doing most things. 

    Take care....

    • Thanks 1
  13. 23 hours ago, oznl said:
    • Changing from a 32 bit int to a 64 bit int on systems now running 64 bit CPUs....

    That's just kicking the can a LONG way down the road ?

    @oznl I don't think either of us or a few generations after us will be around when the end of the first 64 bit Unix Epoch hits. 

    < GRIN >

  14. On 3/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, blueline said:

    I'm hoping I can fold them in advance and store them mostly folded to make changes quick and easy

    I fold mine right out of the dryer as I will need them, and store that way.

    On 3/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, blueline said:

    I haven't yet measured the volume, but I will start and create a log. I have no sense of what my capacity is. Are you a coffee drinker? I drink about 20-24 oz of coffee / day. What about alcohol?

    No and No.  I don't pay too much attention to total liquid consumption during the day, but when I don't drink enough it shows up in the quarterly blood work...  If I'm staying properly hydrated and get a good nights sleep (of proper length) I basically will be wet in the morning....

    On 3/16/2023 at 11:51 AM, blueline said:

    These definitely seem like the most cost-effective. I anticipate doing laundry every 2-3 days. I'm thinking maybe I can store the dirty ones outside before washing? I'll definitely just do loads of diapers.

    Frequency will depend on a number of factors, including how may you use at a time, and how many changes  you need in a day, and the size of your washing machine.  For these diapers, figure one diaper is the equivalent of a bath towel.  Sears (Kenmore) washers used to advertise the number of towels could go in a load.  Where to store depends on a number of factors.  Outdoors might attract some animals...

    Best wishes...

  15. 11 hours ago, blueline said:

    Which folding technique do you feel is most absorbent? I've been doing research, but am curious to get your input since you both seem to be huge fans of pre-folds. I'm not a bedwetter at the moment, so I'm most concerned about daytime use. If you're layering two or three during the day, do you still have to change during the day or will one multi-layer last you for the day? I know we're all different though of course.

    @blueline: For me, I mainly deal with Nocturnal Enuresis (bed-wetting).  However, early onset BPH and how that has been handled has left me with a slight wet spot in front during the day, which leads me to need at least light protection during the day.  Since such reusable light protection is basically as costly as diapers, I just use diapers all the time now.  And I figure if I'm going to wear, I'm going to wear thick enough to handle taking a nap if I want to....  To keep it short, I wear two diapers layered together during the day and then add a third before I go to bed, and typically wake up with needing a shower and change.  So, I'm not going to be able to answer your day time usage, however I expect if you use them during the day instead of like I try to make it to the toilet, I expect you will want at least one and may two changes during the day, and depends on how your skin handles being in wet diapers and what you use to handle that condition.  For me, I find I can stay in a wet diaper way longer than I should.  You need to find what works for you.

    For folding technices, I used one of the more standard male based folds.  (Fold in thirds, expand back top out , pull up through legs and expand front as needed with back fully extended to pin in front. Keep as much padding in front where the primary need is.)

    11 hours ago, blueline said:

     I just haven't picked out a protective pant yet. There are much more aspects of diapering than I had originally anticipated.I'm anxious to see how the feel of the cloth diapers is. Is it going to feel like I'm wetting my underwear? Regardless, I'm going to test them and see how I feel! I was trying to figure out the absorbency capacity of the adult pre-folds (I'm a numbers guy)... but I guess it doesn't matter if they work for me.

    Yes.  You need to think through the various items you need for this....

    Yes, the cloth will feel like wet cloth.  If you are good with that, cloth diapers should work for you.  If you want to feel it less, and don't mind thicker diapers, add layers in the appropriate area.  As a male, I use folds that provide more padding up front.  The more there, the longer before I feel the wetness in the seat of my pants.  And due to how I sense things, it can take a while till I recognize the diaper is wet...  I never did learn to wake up at night because I had wet myself....

    Since you are a numbers guy, lets talk some numbers....  Have you measured what your mean / normal / average volume of discharge is for a typical daytime void?  Since  you are Polyuia, I assume your daytime total volume is (significantly) above normal, but your frequency sounds like you might not be oversized on bladder.  Depending on your numbers will depend on how many layers you might want to go with and how long you can go between changes.  I also assume you have had discussions with a Urologist....

    For me, prior to the onset of BPH issues, standing, I used to be about 8  to 12 ounces on a typical day time void, leaning closer to 12 oz.  If sitting that would increase to about 16oz,  Laying down and at night, I believe I normally held to 22 to 26 oz, typically estimate 24oz for the first void at night once the enuresis started back up.  This is larger than a Urologist would expect....  

    With BPH, my functional capacity has reduced back toward 6 to 12 oz in the day, typically 8 or may 10 oz, and 8 is what a Urologist would expect.  I think my night time now triggers at 12 oz. but might get to 16 oz.  And on a really wet night I probably should have added a fourth (diaper) layer for the night.  (So consider getting a proper bed pad and coverage to help handle night time issues should you choose to use the diapers at night in bed.)

    Your mileage will vary.

    11 hours ago, blueline said:

    I'm also a side sleeper, so that's great that pre-folds work well for us. Once my body lets me go while I'm on my side, this will work out well for me. I was originally against pre-folds (I didn't want to have to "build" the diaper myself), but if it's inexpensive, highly absorbent, and comfortable... then I'm sold.

    I'll be very careful with these in the wash. I'm just not sure how my partner will react when I tell him that I need to wash my diapers. He's not too into me wearing disposables (although he's more supportive than I thought), so I can't picture how he'll feel when I say that my diapers are going into the laundry.

    As to "inexpensive", the set I linked to I considered to be the best price / performance.  There are some sewn multi-layer diapers that do cost more.  But cloth in my opinion will win out over disposables over the long hall for cost effective.

    As to laundry, when you get things down, run just a load of diapers and nothing else with them.  Your partner should be fine with that.  Only issue that may come up is frequency of needing to run a load, and how long you can hold used diapers before needing to wash them.


    14 minutes ago, blueline said:

    I think I'll also enjoy the bulk between my legs at night - it's like a constant hug. The plastic pants I bought are here - https://a.co/d/0SAksCv. I got the snap-ons but realize that may have been a mistake and I'm not sure if the waist will be high enough. When you're layering multiple diapers, do you put on a Snappi / Boingo / pin on each layer or just the outer... or does it depend on the fold? 

    Overall, it seems like I've bought everything I need except for powder and diaper rash cream. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do in terms of a pail. I'd rather not buy one, but need to figure out what I'll do.

    @blueline: Since you like the bulk, running multiple diapers in layers should work for you.  Just size up your pants as needed.  I don't think most folks will notice.  You will need to find the balance of what you need, like and prefer for your situation.

    As to Snappi / Boingo, while I don't like them (for normal use), if putting on one layer at a time, each layer would need one snappi / a pair of boingo at a time.  If using one diaper as a folded insert, you might be able to get away with one set overall.

    For me, I use four diaper pins (two on each side) with a double layered diaper, and then four more pins for the third layer added at night.

    For the plastic pants, you will have to find what fits your body and your diaper configuration....

    If you are going full time, you will end up needing a pail or use a deep sink by the washing machine to hold the used diapers till you are ready to wash a set. 

  16. 3 hours ago, blueline said:

    Thanks, @zzyzx! I'm in the US. I'm going to look into the corn starch based powders.

    How many cloth diapers do you have? What brand do you like most? Is it possible to add an insert to a cloth diaper? I think cloth is the route I need to go although I'm not sure how my partner will feel. How easy are they to clean?

    @blueline: Concerning cloth diapers, my last purchase was the small 4 layer (night) purity diapers from  https://www.adultclothdiaper.com/Adult-Flat-Diapers-Gauze-Purity .  Use size charts to verify what you need.  Some of the larger folks on this site would need to use the large size.  You don't need inserts.  You can add layers.  Due to my volume, during the day I wear two at a time.  At night I wear three...  As to quantity, my last order was for two dozen.  I'm been rotating between an older set and the new set between washes.  My last purchase was in 2018.

    Note that cloth diapers, once major release occurs, will feel wet, while disposables might not be noticed....  For me, I never learned to dislike a clean and dry or warm and wet (cloth) diaper....  And I'm old enough to have been in cloth as a young child.

    You will need to add a protective pant on top, and diaper pins or something like snapies (larger size) or bongos.  I prefer diaper pins as the others more easily tear the type of diaper I currently buy, but can be useful if you are concerned about metal detectors set to be very sensitive.  What I used to get (and liked) was from VI Products and then from Comco, both of which went out of business some time ago.  They both had decent and very reasonably priced vinyl protective pants.  At this time, I mainly use PUL pants, which are typically manufactured by Gary and sold by a number of companies.  Kins is an alternative, but I don't like the cut of their protective pants for what I've tried from them so far...There are very few other manufactures available in the US and CA at this time.  (Not sure where one company that has a few alternatives get their supply from.  Rubber and Vinyl are typical alternatives to PUL.)

    As to cleaning, I have a washer and dryer in my house.  I find diapers like these are thinner and will wash and dry easier than the multi-layer sewn pre-folds.  As long as only # 1, hot wash, w/ normal soap, no bleach and  white vinegar instead of a "fabric softener", extra rinse.  If used for # 2, you will want to pre-wash with a cold wash otherwise warm or hot will likely set stains.  Never use fabric softeners (in washer or dryer) on cloth diapers.  And it may take a few washes of new diapers to get sizing out and get them to "normal" absorbancy.  I'm basically only using them for # 1, and I tend to run a wet diaper pail and not dry diaper pail (for me, a five gallon bucket with lid).  And that can get heavy when full.

    3 hours ago, blueline said:

    Thank you for the cloth diaper recommendations. I'm going to buy them and see if I like them! I honestly hadn't considered them. Although I love the feeling of a nice thick diaper, I'll feel much less self-conscious being out in public with them not swelling. Based on what you and Zzyzx said, it seems like cloth diapers will hold a lot.

    @bluelineHow much cloth diapers hold depend on how many you layer to wear at one time.  Before BPH hit, my volume in one shot needed significant padding.  These are not thin to start with....  But they are not expanding (just sagging) when wet.  I'm used to wearing thicker cloth diapers all the time now, and usually not noticed at all. 

    One of the few times it was noticed, was on vacation while folding the diapers after washing and drying....  And another person walked in to the camp ground laundry room while I was folding them.  That person thought they would make good towels....  And I agreed they could make good towels...  Then I think the person realized what I was folding and that ended the subject....    Yes, I wear pants a size up from what I would if not in diapers.  And now, I've changed out regular t-shirts to snap crotch onesies (Tykables t-shirts) or rompers.  No one really notices anything....

  17. 8 hours ago, blueline said:

    I'd love to try ConfiDry or MegaMax, but I'm trying to stay under $1/diaper. Any recommendations?

    Also, any powder recommendations? I have diapers, onesies (which oddly cause my diapers to leak more easily - any thoughts?), and wipes, but no powder yet.

    I love being a part of this supportive community and am enjoying every step of my journey!

    @bluelineIf you are in the US / Canada, J&J has gotten out of the baby powder business.  I prefer talc baby powder and there is no where in the US or Canada that I can get that now.  I'd have to take a trip to Europe or Australia or possibly some other locations to get more when my current supply (picked up while on sale going out of stock) runs out.  In this area you might find corn starch based baby powder from store brands, but I'm not sure how much longer that is going to last with J&J out of the market.  So good luck finding baby powder if that is what you want and you are in the US or Canada. 

    As to diapers, I prefer cloth, so that's what helps keep my costs down.  Personally, for vacation, I now will use disposable but I prefer the higher capacity diapers - Megamax and Tykables (blue) camies....  Along with high capacity inserts I can finally get a good nights sleep without having the disable leak on me...  Reason went to cloth diapers when secondary nocturnal enuresis started for me...  Yes, this is more than $1 per diaper....  But I can go with one per day, with the major use during the night.  Daytime I normally make it to the toilet for most of it....

  18. 10 hours ago, Toddler Pampers said:

    Pictures need to be formally copyrighted to be protected.  Perhaps DD adheres to a general agreement about pics, but it’s not legally binding.  You can mark pictures copyrighted all you want, but unless you’re filed the paperwork, there’s no problem.  I’ve never paid for pics, just get them from other compilation tumblrs, so I’m going to assume that the so-called owners really don’t.

    @Toddler Pampers: Technically you are incorrect, at least for copyright laws in the US.  In the US as soon as something is on paper (or equivalent - i.e. produced), it is under copyright.  Now if you want to go to court, it definitely helps if you have filed the paper work on the item.  This dates back I believe to the copyright law changes from around 1976.  Prior to 1976 (or what the year was), you DID have to file the paperwork to have the copyright protection.  That law change flipped the script on requiring the filing.... 

    I am not up on the rules in other countries.  However most countries have signed on to a treaty covering copyright.  Each country still has its own rules though.

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