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Would you work at a diaper strip club?

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Me!? Noooooooo! People would probably pay me to get off stage. :) But for you....why not? If you wanted to....sure! Would it affect you as a parent? Hmmmm, only of you let it I'd say. I'm a parent too and it's kinda crazy some of those dreams we give up for our kids but other times, ya just gotta live those dreams!!! Plenty of people who work at these clubs go home to families at night.

Hey, I say if you're serious about it, apply at a "gentleman's club" and explain to the owner what your vision is. Maybe they'll go for it. Maybe guys will discover something they didn't know they'd like seeing. Wow, this could maybe open the doors!! You could be on the forefront of this all Spokane Girl!!!

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Me!? Noooooooo! People would probably pay me to get off stage. :) But for you....why not? If you wanted to....sure! Would it affect you as a parent? Hmmmm, only of you let it I'd say. I'm a parent too and it's kinda crazy some of those dreams we give up for our kids but other times, ya just gotta live those dreams!!! Plenty of people who work at these clubs go home to families at night.

Hey, I say if you're serious about it, apply at a "gentleman's club" and explain to the owner what your vision is. Maybe they'll go for it. Maybe guys will discover something they didn't know they'd like seeing. Wow, this could maybe open the doors!! You could be on the forefront of this all Spokane Girl!!!

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Ehhck, no way SS would get involved. Everything you'd be doing there would be legal. It's not illegal to take off your clothes in these establishments...if you work there. Can't imagine there's a law forbidding diapers, whether or not you need them even.

Your kids don't need to know what you do. Your kids don't know what you do in your own bedroom with your husband I'd bet, hope! ;)

If somebody else saw you, yeah, awkward but...what the heck are they doing in a strip club!! Having dinner cause they have great wings!? Plus, I doubt they're going to tell their kids, "hey, guess who I saw at the strip club wearing a diaper!"

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Maybe, it would depend on the pay and the working conditions. It would also assume that women would want to watch a guy wearing diapers and be willing to pay for it, that my girlfriend would be okay with it, (which I know she currently wouldn't,) and that it wouldn't potentially torpedo any future job prospects that I'd be interested in.

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The funny thing is I am one that goes to strip clubs and a few years back a striper came out with a pull up on and she ripped it off but she had panties on under it so.... she played up the daddy thing to get money out of the older guys. But i guess if you can walk out of the club on a Friday night with $1000 its all good.

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Years ago in my younger days, I did go to these places, they were not nude but pretty close. I think at one point they changed policy and allowed pasties for the ladies instead of tops. Anyway I used to find sitters and Mommies there pretty easy. One night I had come in early to meet with my mommy who was day shift. She apparently had a pretty good day and had a bit more to drink than she should. She came up and hugged me and talked for a second, then grabbed one of my diapers from my diaper bag. And proceeded to go up on the main stage and secure it on her (Over her dance panties). It was quite comical at the time and I had more than one girl in there that had taken me under their wing. Another of them rushed onto the stage and ushered her off the back stage to the girls dressing room.

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Repaid, I feel like you could write a novelette about that part of your past. Sounds fun, exciting, and intriguing... How long ago was this, the early 90s?

Mid to late 90's :) I remember I had a pager back then :huh: I had a car phone though. :P

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All that remains now is for someone to download this. extract the audio then redo the video with diaper picture. That could be added to a digital version of Diaper Times Magazine

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