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About Guilend

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    Claremore, Oklahoma
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  1. For the record, there isn't a DD story you've written I haven't thoroughly enjoyed. Of course with that section of this story, I do wonder how she handles it when a mommy embarrassingly admits that they've started wetting the bed. I imagine most haven't even started wearing diapers to bed because that feels worse then just the bed wetting. I'm sure she tried to determine if it's hypnosis she's accidentally exposed herself to. I'm also curious how their current society handled Bigs that start wetting the bed or daytime accidents. I imagine at first they're status as an adult is temporarily removed and they're put under "observation" till it's determined if they're matured enough to get it back or have it permanently removed. I love stories like this. Where a certain group is seen as immature and the mature group has decided what actions cement that belief and how that group, in this case, Higs, react and treat those in their own group that act similar to those of the immature group. The goes for the stories where all men are deemed immature and are babies and a female starts throwing tantrums and getting into mischief or otherwise acting similar to the men in that story.
  2. I forgot to comment on this, it almost sounds like she's had a few mommy's start wetting the bed in the past 😂. The hearing voices and wetting the bed let's me believe that a toy was effecting them, either because the range on the toy was bigger then they thought or the toy decided that the Big needed to learn a lesson 😂.
  3. Very much love this story. Them poor Littles. I hope Tammy doesn't overstep as a babysitter. Or do I? If she does I hope the good doctor puts her in her place, well, below it lol. As for the next story, I say A Big Change in Perspective.
  4. Oh okay. I thought that's what it was, but wanted to make sure lol. Also the game is pretty good
  5. What is Let's play/let's watch?
  6. I'm curious how Nurse B feels about changing her friend's diapers lol. I wonder how she treats Nancy, if she'll help her grow up so she doesn't need diapers or just enough to be embarrassed and humiliated at wearing diapers as an adult Amazon lol.
  7. Could've been nicer about, like, you are the weakest link, goodbye 😂😂😂😂
  8. Great chapter. I imagine the times Nancy played as a Big was the only time since her sentencing she got to wear big girl panties. Which she was put into before her scene. I bet the first shoot she probably got a good spanking because she didn't want to do it. I bet eventually she ended up peeing or pooping her big girl panties before she was put back in diapers during that scene and that's probably when they decided to cut out her big scenes because she couldn't be trusted in big girl panties anymore. I am sad she's being regressed, probably using hypnosis and FOY. She probably now gets breastfed at least for breakfast. I bet she was so embarrassed the first time she had to mess her diaper on TV. I can't wait for the epilogue. Hopefully we see what happens to nurse B. I went to leave this comment on Wattpad but I see that you've probably had been removed from there as I can't find you anymore.
  9. I'm definitely team pupper. Humans can be boring. The snake, well, sounds like a snake. The werewolf in my opinion is the only option. She probably has the speed and strength to at least match the baby vamp. Now if she does have big sis vibes id love to see her and Bae in the same room and see which one wins an argument that will most likely happen 😂
  10. A. I'm totally guessing. I've never seen it, even if I did I don't know anything about bikes or vehicles of any kind 😂
  11. I might be the odd one out, but I enjoy sequels like this. I like seeing other perspectives and see how someone else sees what's going on because in my mind it adds an extra dimension to the plot. Plus it's easier for me to follow them if a story goes back and forth between two or more character's POV. I haven't finished a book yet because it is a third book of the series and it switches to so many characters that I can't even keep track of who that person is that the chapter is following. Another reason I like this is because I can't just re-read an entire story after already reading it once, but having another story tell the same story from another character's POV means I can technically read the same plotline and be able to get new information and details about what had happened that wouldn't have been obvious to the first book.
  12. Yay. It won't be long till Nancy is standing with her nose in the corner with a very full diaper exposed and a red bottom. I hope lol
  13. I have finally done it. I have reached my life's goal. Just don't tell my brother @babykamperhe won't know how to handle that 😂
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