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Curiousity: Is This Sexual For You Or Not?

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Ah sexual for me. I didn't even know it was until my bf told me. (I'm single now). I sometimes get horny when I pee or mess in them. Even talking about it too with my online friends. I find diaper changes sexual too and I find being treated like a baby girl sexual too. I hardly use my pacifier now. I used to sleep with it everynight.

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I find diapers both sexual and non-sexual. I spent a couple of years diapered 24/7 and during that time the crazy sexual feelings changed into more comforting and happy feelings. When I am diapered alone (which is all the time these days) it can be sexual, but as often as not, it is just comforting. However, diapers can still be sexual, and if anyone else is involved in the diaper situation, it is certainly sexual. I have done just about every diaper sex thing I can think of, and they were all really hot. I guess this is a long way of saying it depends on if I am alone or not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to be nothing but sexual for me, the best way of getting off. I still feel strongly attracted to girls wearing diapers but nowadays wearing also helps me relax and I can wear a diaper all day long without getting excited- it just helps me unwind.

I get excited more easily when wearing, though.

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Very sexual for me. I've been fascinated and had a love for diapers for as long as I could remember. When I was younger, I would sneak diapers any chance I could. A lot of times I had to go without. I didn't get to really start fully enjoying them until I was on my own. Now I wear often. They are very relaxing. I know I have a very strong attraction to plastic disposible diapers and i make my own. I don't wear them for their intended use. I do mess in them. A "man" mess. I wear one inside out inside the other. I have a fetish for diapers, vynil and latex. Women wearing any of these is hands down the best.

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I find diapers both sexual and non-sexual. I spent a couple of years diapered 24/7 and during that time the crazy sexual feelings changed into more comforting and happy feelings. When I am diapered alone (which is all the time these days) it can be sexual, but as often as not, it is just comforting. However, diapers can still be sexual, and if anyone else is involved in the diaper situation, it is certainly sexual. I have done just about every diaper sex thing I can think of, and they were all really hot. I guess this is a long way of saying it depends on if I am alone or not.

Hello Mr. Sea Otter, I too am the same way as you to the tee as the say. I've heard it said that there are many ABs out there that have no sexual thing for diapers. They wear them because it just makes them feel safe,secure,and comfortable but nothing really sexual. So I guess diapers and plastic pants are'nt a sexual thing for all. But I do believe that for the majority, they are sexual. They are for me :P

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i feel the same way as most of the rest of the respondants. there's a definite sexual aspect of it. not saying there's not the comfort, safe, etc feelings too. i can be diapered w/ out being sexual and vice versa, sometimes it's fun to try to be "pure" like a real baby and loose control. but as often as not i end up getting turned on. i've never changed/been changed so i can't say for sure, but i'd wager that'd just make it even more sensual. i think that's a better word than sexual, diapers for me are mostly sensual and if someone else were involved, would be a very intimate thing.

just my opinion :D

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i've been wearing diapers 24/7 since i was 12. when i went through puberty wearing cloth diapers was a plus! haltertops and hot pants were in, along with miniskirts. i probably had three or four orgasms a day for a while. when i got married that all changed. my wife has always been more exciting than diapers, but i suppose that's because i wear them all the time. after my last back surgery and with my present medication there just aren't any more orgasms, but the diapers are still as comforting as ever. i remember a young lady who sees the same psychologist as me talking about that. we had back to back appointments and she always wore short skirts so her diapers (disposable) would show. she said every time she wet her diaper an orgasm would follow soon after. lucky girl. although she was young and very attractive and cute as could be in a diaper it didn't do anything for me. life is like that sometimes.

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I agree with turtlepins...sometimes it is a turn on and other times just makes me happy.

When I am being changed it is always a sexual thing and I got real hot.

Anytime my girlfriend wants to get me going all she has to do make me wet and /or mess myself and then change me. It works every time!!!

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For the most part it is a matter of comfort, relaxation, of the body as well as the mind. What mind I have left anyway. And occassionally it offers some sexual relief. Once I get my own place, just divorced and still have my ex and daughter living with me, then I will be able to really set back and enjoy for my days off and nights in bed. Yes my ex is still with me. We ended very peacefully after 18 years of marriage. She is waiting for her Social Security Disability to kick in, as she is unable to work due to MS. And life goes on, not always to our liking, so I say: Have fun, life is to short.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Very much so. When I was much younger, I always used to play house, and there was a girl who always insisted that I be the baby. She'd pretend to change me by tucking a towel around my waist and then pretend to do feeding, patting on the back, putting the baby done for a nap, etc. She was also a bit older than me and attractive. I think that was when my second, very male, brain woke up and said, "Er, hey? This is kinda nice, yeah?" Hence my preference for women my age or a bit older, and my fetish for diapers.

Interestingly enough, I don't really consider myself an AB and I'm generally not submissive. I think I look at diapers like most people do at things like vibrators, as a toy. Which means using them alone or not I get turned on, but they aren't requisite for me to have fun.

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wearing thick cloth diapers has always been a sexual thing for me. that is the way it started for me as the diapers were a enjoyable way to take care of my sexual needs as a teenager. now that I am married to a wonderul lady who accepts and participates in my diaper adventures the diapers are both for comfort and sexual activities. :D

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Diapers were a sexual thing for me around the age that I was going through puberty, but in later years that feeling has been traded off. Now, I wear mainly for the reminiscence of being a child, and the general sense of security and comfort they give. I can't remember the last time I wore a diaper to "get off", and if my boyfriend and I are going to engage in some fun activities, the diapers usually come off first, followed by a shower together to clean up.

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Absolutely sexual,

While respecting people that enjoy it for the feelings of security I find diapers to be an incredible turn on. I absolutely savor the sensations of wearing and using them. However I think it's gotten to the point where I find seeing others wear them or fully use them to be an even bigger turn on, especialy disposables,


PS, love Benny and Joon, one of my favorite romantic commedies,

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It's very sexual for me-especially with a girl who likes to mess herself. I'm also a bdsm Top-and I love to "force" a girl to use her diapers. I make my own diapers and plastic pants-especially like locking plastic pants and snap pants-makes it easier to change a girl I have restrained. There's never any issue as to whether they will fit-I like to confine women in snug, thick cloth. No baggy ill fitting plastic pants-I like them to be sleek and tight.

The neat part about diapers is that you can take a girl anywhere in them. So the play doesn';t have to stop just because you left the house.

Ah sexual for me. I didn't even know it was until my bf told me. (I'm single now). I sometimes get horny when I pee or mess in them. Even talking about it too with my online friends. I find diaper changes sexual too and I find being treated like a baby girl sexual too. I hardly use my pacifier now. I used to sleep with it everynight.

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Wearing diapers is a big turn on for me. Just thinking about diapers gives me a hard on. I usually have a huge boner when I first put on a diaper. As a teenager I used to masturbate in my diapers. I would feel ashamed and embarassed after cuming and take my diaper right off. Now I want to wear my diaper as long as possible so I don't masturbate in them any longer. I love drinking lots of water and peeing in my diaper until it leaksand then putting on a new warm dry diaper. This is the ultimate turn on for me. I am currently on my third diaper for the day and loving it.

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Oh yeah, it's sexual.

And my everlasting fantasy is a girl that gets sexually turned on by using them, too.




Hell yeah it's sexual. And everything else John said.

Being with a lady is a completely different circumstance... but for myself, since about 1970 it's the only way I've ever danced with myself.


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Hell yeah it's sexual. And everything else John said.

Being with a lady is a completely different circumstance... but for myself, since about 1970 it's the only way I've ever danced with myself.


It happened to me with ladies panties once, I'm sure it happens with diapers too....I got so habituated to wearing my GF's panties one day that I forgot, and went to a skin cancer screening...quite a look from the Dr when she looked under my underwear...but she said nothing....

Diapers used to be very sexual, but my now older body (35 years later) is not made for all-day sex, but it is still a subtle comfort to be wearing diapers -- especially if I am ill for one reason or another.

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Sexual...yes and no.

When I'm in toddler mode, the only thing I want to do it put on a diaper get my blankie, paci or bottle (or both) and curl up in my bf's lap. Especially after a bad day. In that case, it's not usually sexual. Though it may very well end up that way later! Sometimes I do wear them because wetting them causes orgasms, and I just enjoy the feel of them. Whether my bf gets turned on by it, I dunno. I don't think so, really. It's more about wearing them for him, which is fine.

Because that is the part that really turns me on. Getting home from work, and being able to diaper him up first thing, is the best part of the day! We go to a movie, or just cuddle in on the futon and I'm in heaven. Changing him later in the evening, even better. I get to use wipes and powder. Unless we happen to be too tired, we usually end up having sex, because he enjoys being changed almost as much as I enjoy doing it ;)

Though I do think he should sleep in them more. Last night he opted not to, if I hadn't been so tired I would have insisted that he wear one. Because I am off today I could have changed him first thing in the morning, and that's fantastic. Most mornings I end up leaving before he gets up :(

Anyhow, it's sexual probably 90% of the time, at least lately. But not always.

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While respecting people that enjoy it for the feelings of security I find diapers to be an incredible turn on. I absolutely savor the sensations of wearing and using them. However I think it's gotten to the point where I find seeing others wear them or fully use them to be an even bigger turn on, especialy disposables,

I often contemplated this. I seem to run into many women who say that they like the acting like a child. But the idea of actually wearing a diaper for sexual reasons is offensive. I know the implication is I've met all the wrong girls. But it still is a quandary for me.

It does seem like a separation on the spectrum. Woman seem to associate with the role play and non sexuality of the lifestyle were the men seem to focus on the sexual aspects more prominently then the emotional. Is this more of a social acceptance these days? Is it a conditioning we grow up with?

But I guess the real question for me is where do you draw the line. I'm a big advocate for being respectful for others boundaries and ideas. And this "two camps" idea of the AB/DL lifestyle I find some what frightening. I mention this only because the acceptance from one camp verses the other seems not equal.

I know for me the lifestyle is both non-sexual and sexual. Depending on the circumstances. For example if I just wear a diaper and play as a baby. I could enjoy a non-sexual scene with my partner. But if the scene includes some sexual content then it becomes very sexual for me. This duality seems wholly appropriate for me but have seen in many forums that for others it is either all or nothing.

Can you have both worlds and still have a productive and satisfying scene for both parties regardless of the interest (sexual or non-sexual) of the players?

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Can you have both worlds and still have a productive and satisfying scene for both parties regardless of the interest (sexual or non-sexual) of the players?

If I understand what you're asking, correctly, I believe that would be a very complicated scenario. Not out of the question necessarily, but extremely complicated. A lot of it would have to do with setting boundaries beforehand, but whether those boundaries could be agreed upon is another thing entirely. Being someone who finds it both sexual and non-sexual, it's much more of a gray area for me and there are probably times I could be swayed in one direction or another depending on which way my play partner was leaning. Although some times when it's completely non-sexual and I just want to feel little and safe I would probably be annoyed if my partner wanted more than that, when they knew what "head-space" I was in at the moment.

If the people involved are at opposite ends of the pole - sexual and non-sexual - it would really be much harder to make it work for both. They would both have to be open enough to say "this time we do it your way and next time we do it mine". Perhaps it requires altering your mindset when in your usual role. I'm not sure.

As for women associating with the non-sexual roleplay , that is true for some but definitely not true for all. There are a number of women here on the board who like both. There are also lots of men here who aren't turned on sexually by diapers or roleplay in the slightest.

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Thank you. You explained that very well. I to would conclude that it would require a trade off. Like each partner negotiates the scene each time. Although I guess this could be problematic unless each player was truly open or both enjoyed each aspect.

I often wondered though what is wrong with a bit of sex with scene play. Eh I should rephrase that. What I mean is why couldn't role play take on a sexual context if it was given the opportunity and still be nurturing and comforting at the same time. I don't see why once sex is incorporated that it should take away from the other emotional aspects.

Take for example a common BDSM scene. Which I believe has some very definitive parallels to the AB/DL field of play. Now pain is not enjoyable and is not sexual. People usually don't actively attempt to seek pain in order to feel sexual. However in the context of a BDSM scene pain is sexual. it does provide a sexual aspect and does not take away from the emotional aspect of Dom / sub. It is incorporated into the scene.

I don't see why sex or any sexual acts could not be incorporated into a scene without taking away from the emotional aspect of the role play. Because we have the ability to create what ever head space we want. Imagination is great.

Perhaps I'm not as experienced as I should be but I like to think that I wouldn't lock myself into one way of thinking and not beable to accept and enjoy other ways of play.

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