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Is this progress?

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7 hours ago, longislandguy said:

And here is the update that nobody wanted, asked for, or needed lol.  Since getting back into my night wetting after that irritating plateau, things are moving along nicely.  In the month of March, I've had 7 surprise wet mornings, and I feel relatively confident that I will wet if I drink the right amount right before bed.  But, the most exciting part for me is that while my wettings were rather light at first, with only a faint change in the color indicator.  Lately they have become a bit heavier, which I'm looking at as a sign of progress.  I don't know if that is a sign of things to come or just a result of more hydration prior to falling asleep, but I'm looking at it as a mark of progress.  I've not had a wet night without water beforehand, nor do I expect to, but I do wonder if it would continue if I was A) undiapered, and B ) not hydrated.  I guess we'll see what the next few weeks bring.

Not the case, I look forward to your posts worrying when you go silent.  Congratulations on 7 “successes” before mid-month.  With continued commitment I’m convinced your wetting will progress to whatever level you desire.  Enjoy the trip!!! 🙂

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Progress has been pretty good lately.  11 days out of 21 this month.  I don't call myself a bedwetter yet, but it's moving along.  I am tempted to do an experiment and not wear for a night or two while maintaining my regular routine.  On one hand, I don't want to break my streak.  On the other hand, I do want to see if actual progress is being made and if this is becoming an actual problem (an odd word considering that this was the goal), or if it's just a diaper thing.  I also don't want to subconsciously take myself back and undo 8 months of work.  One to think about....

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7 hours ago, longislandguy said:

Progress has been pretty good lately.  11 days out of 21 this month.  I don't call myself a bedwetter yet, but it's moving along.  I am tempted to do an experiment and not wear for a night or two while maintaining my regular routine.  On one hand, I don't want to break my streak.  On the other hand, I do want to see if actual progress is being made and if this is becoming an actual problem (an odd word considering that this was the goal), or if it's just a diaper thing.  I also don't want to subconsciously take myself back and undo 8 months of work.  One to think about....

Really curious to hear your results if you do attempt to go undiapered for a night or two! On the nights I go undiapered during my training when I wake I still forcibly wet the bed as a way to tell my subconscious that it’s okay to wet the bed. However if you’re at the point where you’re not waking up in the night it might be hard if your body is subconsciously fighting wetting the bed.

This is the reason why I’m trying to teach my body it’s okay to wet outside of diapers as well. My end goal is to wet in any position, any environment and any time I’m asleep regardless of what I’m wearing or not wearing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as the month is over, I can say that out of the 31 days in March, I woke up wet 16 times.  Not a bad clip.  With the exception of the one night I tried going undiapered, I've been wearing every night for 7 months.  Basically wetting every other night.  I'm nowhere near close to considering myself a bedwetter, but given where I started from on this journey, I'm pretty pleased with the progress.  Over the next month, I'm hoping to have more frequent and heavier wettings.  Upon that, I can consider not following a "routine" (extra hydration before bed) to see if I'm truly accustomed to just letting go at night while asleep.  Daytime continence remains pretty strong, but I doubt I could go 7-8 hours without using the facilities like I always have (or had before starting).  We'll see what April brings....April showers and such....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/31/2024 at 8:13 AM, longislandguy said:

Well, as the month is over, I can say that out of the 31 days in March, I woke up wet 16 times.  Not a bad clip.  With the exception of the one night I tried going undiapered, I've been wearing every night for 7 months.  Basically wetting every other night.  I'm nowhere near close to considering myself a bedwetter, but given where I started from on this journey, I'm pretty pleased with the progress.  Over the next month, I'm hoping to have more frequent and heavier wettings.  Upon that, I can consider not following a "routine" (extra hydration before bed) to see if I'm truly accustomed to just letting go at night while asleep.  Daytime continence remains pretty strong, but I doubt I could go 7-8 hours without using the facilities like I always have (or had before starting).  We'll see what April brings....April showers and such....

To my thinking your 16 out of 31 for March after only 7 months of un-training is outstanding.  Congrats.  Don’t know about month to month, but with continued commitment I‘d wager your 2025 bedwetting will far surpass this year’s.  Thanks for the update and welcome to the club.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, new month....might as well give a little update.  April was a slower month than March in terms of bedwetting.....only 8 wet nights out of the 30, unlike the month before where I was over half.  However, the wettings were heavier.  I don't know if I can count that as progress....heavier wettings, but fewer of them.  Maybe in May I'll get the combination of heavier and more frequent...already woke up with a heavier wetting this morning.  I guess we'll see.  But there was a frustrating plateau of over a week in the month that threw off my progress.  I was able to wet while driving yesterday.  I got in the car after work and just started to wet.  That's a new step.  Driving has always been a challenge to wet comfortably and mindlessly.  Trimmed the pubes and shaved my penis and scrotum.  Helped with the odor (which I'm not sure I like given that I enjoy the smell of a soggy crotch) but I do like the look.  The problem is, as a hairy guy, it would look weird if I went completely bald down there I think.  Other than that, haven't worn cloth underwear in over a month - always a diaper or a pull up if my pants are tighter for work.....don't really care about tighter pants on weekends.  I have noticed that on days when I wear a pull up and use the urinal at work I am wetting waaaay more frequently than I do on days when I'm diapered.  I guess my body is getting used to just being able to go whenever.  I do look at my collection of underwear in the box in my closet and feel a little bad that they're getting zero use, but it would feel weird at this point to sit down without any padding on my butt when I do.  That's all for now!    

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/23/2024 at 8:43 PM, growlycub said:

Good job on your progress so far! I’m curious how much you typically drink before bed?

It depends. Sometimes I drink a ton and nothing. Sometimes I drink a little and wake wet. Still haven’t found the sweet spot. 

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On 5/1/2024 at 5:15 AM, longislandguy said:

Well, new month....might as well give a little update.  April was a slower month than March in terms of bedwetting.....only 8 wet nights out of the 30, unlike the month before where I was over half.  However, the wettings were heavier.  I don't know if I can count that as progress....heavier wettings, but fewer of them.  Maybe in May I'll get the combination of heavier and more frequent...already woke up with a heavier wetting this morning.  I guess we'll see.  But there was a frustrating plateau of over a week in the month that threw off my progress.  I was able to wet while driving yesterday.  I got in the car after work and just started to wet.  That's a new step.  Driving has always been a challenge to wet comfortably and mindlessly.  Trimmed the pubes and shaved my penis and scrotum.  Helped with the odor (which I'm not sure I like given that I enjoy the smell of a soggy crotch) but I do like the look.  The problem is, as a hairy guy, it would look weird if I went completely bald down there I think.  Other than that, haven't worn cloth underwear in over a month - always a diaper or a pull up if my pants are tighter for work.....don't really care about tighter pants on weekends.  I have noticed that on days when I wear a pull up and use the urinal at work I am wetting waaaay more frequently than I do on days when I'm diapered.  I guess my body is getting used to just being able to go whenever.  I do look at my collection of underwear in the box in my closet and feel a little bad that they're getting zero use, but it would feel weird at this point to sit down without any padding on my butt when I do.  That's all for now!    

Do you plan on throwing away your underwear?

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