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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Diaper Duck

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Everything posted by Diaper Duck

  1. 7 years of wearing diapers, really shows that you can achive loss of control if you try. I really hope to be able to have the same loss of control in 7 years or even in a few years. So happy you got what you wanted though!
  2. Thx Brian, I wear them cause I feel like I need them I don't why I said I would force it on myself. I guess I was just not thinking when I typed that, diapers have been helping me with mental issues and it also makes it easier for me cause I drink a little more water and hate having to go wee in the toilet. I feel like they are helping me and I don't want to be out of them unless I am with family, but overtime I may wear around them. It's not easy for me but I am making the best of wearing diapers cause like you said when I have no control I'll lose the intrest, but who knows I may or may not enjoy diapers by then.
  3. I am not sure but how long can you keep a stent in? I have already tried to respond but you have said nothing. Can I please have a response?
  4. It seems to have gotten better. I like wearing them and stocked up alot since then. I am not forcing it on myself anymore, it's become a need for me cause of my anxiety.
  5. @cathdiapI am wondering, how long can I have it in for. I was going to try to keep it in for a few months to see if I have any control loss after taking it out.
  6. I am mostly likly doing it, I just don't know how long I can keep it in.
  7. How did you make this? I want to make me one.
  8. I always worry when I run out, but I know I am not incontinent (not even close) But I am aiming for it. I find that stocking up even when your stock is good, is good for the long run so you have extras if you know you are going to run out.
  9. I have given up 2 times and this time I really want to log everything and see people check out my journey with me even if you are stopping by! Anyways these diaper thoughts consume my mind and I am tired of it. Wearing them long term may make me not interested in diapers but like some of you who are dependent on diapers, if I want this then I need to not stop wearing even if I lose interest and I know it's not going to be easy, seeing everyones diaper journeys makes me happy and makes me never give up. Like for example @Beccathelittle, @Hannah YMS and @Enthusi who are good examples for anyone and even me. Going to update all of you soon and I plan on doing it more often. - Diaper Duck
  10. For me it started when I was 3 or 4 when my little brother was born, I would always take one of his diapers and sneak them on under the bed and my mom would almost always catch me and this continued on when I was around 7 or 8 when my little brother was a bedwetter, I would always see him get changed into his night diaper and it brought back thoughts of when he was a baby and so I did it again and would not really get the true wearing experince until I was 12 or 13 when he had pullups. I got to put it on one time and remember I could somehow relax peeing in a pullup laying down at that age. When I knew it was full I was going to grab another one but my mom was asleep on the couch and she caught me as always. That was why I want to be incontinent, diapers make me feel safe and remind me that I wanted to be in diapers like my brother and that I belong in diapers. It has really been a great anxiety blanket for me and it is really making me want to wear them 24/7 and I have went 24/7 a few times, and I plan on starting again soon!
  11. I agree with the anxiety part, when I am in a diaper I feel like it has gone away and is less on those days.
  12. This is the first thing I am working towards but it's hard cause I don't drink enough before bed and don't wake up in the middle of the night to pee. I only wake up in the morning with a full bladder and find it hard to relax and let go.
  13. I plan on booking a session, this is really wanting me to try it out!
  14. So you are doing a bigger catheter size? How safe is it if I did it cause I never had the biggest size in me.
  15. It almost looks like the bladder would burst from this.
  16. Is there a way to become Incontinent without the surgery. I wanted to try a catheter but I don't want to get a uti. Heard that a cath can damage the part that controls the bladder but idk if it's a good idea.
  17. @Reddyhow is a surgery like this legal in Mexico? If you don't mind me asking. Cause I always wanted a surgery like this.
  18. Nicee!! I know caths can be dangerous but I am having one put in next week and I will be cleaing it everyday and yes it will be boring but I really want to lose control of my bladder with the cath.
  19. Pretty much on my 4th day, been pretty much interesting without underwear. Pretty much have more diapers on the way.
  20. It's progress atleast, I wish I could have my bladder control taken away with surgery but it would cost so much.
  21. This is what I want, but at the same time I would have to replace it every week.
  22. I have seen alot of scary things AI has done. Like for example copying a singers voice.
  23. So I have tried so many times to wear 24/7, I think I found a way to wear diapers without having it stop my progress. Honestly really proud I did what I did cause now I have no choice but to wear diapers and start my journey. Really excited to see how things go!!
  24. I knew him on this site, may he Rest in Peace.
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