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Honesty Time: For our 24/7 folks, how long does it take you to change your daily diaper?

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If its only the diaper change... take off old one, put on new one, then yes i would only take ~3 mins.
In other words such a change would only take about as long as going to pee in the toilet. The time save would not happen because one thing is faster than the other but because the diaper change will happen less often.

However, it is rarely the case that its only such a quick change. As i normally also do a preemptive strike for #2 on the toilet during a change, so i dont have to either, go while a diaper isnt full yet, or mess the diaper and have to do the timeconsuming cleanup.

Additionally 1 of the (usually) 3 changes a day ill do my daily shower.

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Even though Im not 24/7, I'll still weigh in....

I think Im actually quite fast at diaper changes. I've gotten used to changing while standing up, without using a wall or other support. I haven't timed myself, but I'm quite confident I could change myself in less than 2 minutes if I was really trying to beat the clock.

...That is, if I'm only dealing with a wet diaper. If it is messy, then usually I spend I few more minutes wiping off, dumping out excess waste into the toilet, and deodorizing the bathroom. Having a bidet attatchment would save me a lot of time here.

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1 minute ago, ValentinesStuff said:

For a wet diaper 3-5 minutes, but that is for what would be a bunch visits to the potty that would be at least a couple minutes each.


Poopy diapers take a long time, because I takes a shower to get clean.

That sounds fair. But did you time yourself or are you estimating?

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23 minutes ago, jonbearab said:

That sounds fair. But did you time yourself or are you estimating?

Estimating, which is why the 3-5 minutes. Mostly though, the diaper is just pulled down and tossed into the trash, so I am not taking time to undo tapes or ball up the diaper.

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25 minutes ago, ValentinesStuff said:

Estimating, which is why the 3-5 minutes. Mostly though, the diaper is just pulled down and tossed into the trash, so I am not taking time to undo tapes or ball up the diaper.

That seems fair enough. Thanks for your input!

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I can change in less than three minutes if I am only wet. I wipe, put on rash cream, clean my fingers and then diaper on. If I am messy, it takes a little longer but not more than ten minutes. It depends on how bad the mess is. 

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On 1/27/2023 at 6:27 PM, jonbearab said:

I've seen in a few 24/7 tumblr untraining blogs that claim that wearing diapers (and changing) is less time consuming than using the toilet. They tend to claim only 5 minutes for a change! And I simply disagree.

I can spend up to an hour per day changing my diapers (and managing them, taking them out to the trash, etc.). If I'm in just a wet diaper, a quick change is at least 10 minutes. If I'm messy, upwards of 20 minutes.

I don't know, maybe I'm just slow. Are these quick changers just slipping diapers off and putting a new one on without cleaning anything up? What say you, forum?

Been watching the replys the last couple week and the biggest thing I see that that skews results is "what is a diaper change". Some people are pants on to pants on vs some people by the looks of it is from the time I am un-diapered to re-diapered. idk what the right answer is but it definitely helps skew results

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On 2/13/2023 at 12:53 AM, DAQ said:

Been watching the replys the last couple week and the biggest thing I see that that skews results is "what is a diaper change". Some people are pants on to pants on vs some people by the looks of it is from the time I am un-diapered to re-diapered. idk what the right answer is but it definitely helps skew results

That is an interesting response. If I were to be super scientific about it I'd try to remove as much bias as possible, but so far I see no reason to contradict the answers I'm getting. I am surprised at the results as so far it hasn't matched my hypothesis, so I have to change my perspective on the question in the first place.

So far what I see is a spectrum. I just happen to be in the longer amount of time to change a diaper part of the spectrum. I should have considered the spectrum perspective in the first place due to my personal experience, but in my mind it was something concrete. And a 5 minute diaper change doesn't seem to be undoable. I just don't happen to be that fast, it seems.

I'm welcome to more input on the phenomenon, if anyone cares to contribute.

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On 2/13/2023 at 8:53 AM, DAQ said:

Been watching the replys the last couple week and the biggest thing I see that that skews results is "what is a diaper change". Some people are pants on to pants on vs some people by the looks of it is from the time I am un-diapered to re-diapered. idk what the right answer is but it definitely helps skew results

While I fully agree on your first sentence that it depends on "what is a diaper change", i dont think that additionally taking into account  to push down your pants and pull it up again after the diaper change is a significant factor for most people, unless you have some very complicated clothes (or a complicated multilayer disposable diaper/cloth diaper/Plastic pants package) :D

Btw, my value of ~3min was pants on to pants on by your options, enter bathroom till exist hits it even better.

I think much more significant is:

  • necessary extra care (such as in messy cases)
    As told above, thats a rare case for me
  • optional extra care (such as applying powder or similar stuff)
    I dont use that
  • your personal technique of putting your diaper on
    Also, what kind of diaper... a pullup is obviously faster than a taped one, and even more so than the mentioned complicated multilayer package




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Looking at myself I know that changing a diaper used to be a special moment that I happily wanted to spend extra time on. Now it has reduced to a bare necessity that I want to be done with as quickly as posssible. I think this is a factor too.

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Oh yea interesting... wasnt thinking on actual DL reasons at all, i guess after one goes full 24/7 this isnt really a thing anymore, maybe only if you are lucky to have a moment where a mommy/daddy is changing you specifically for ABDL/littlespace reasons.

Ive been a bit curious about whether my subjective estimate of ~3 min above was actually real. So i did stopwatch it today.
Total time was 3:27 min.  @DAQ pants was about 20 sec of that.


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