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A Heating pad and a Frappuccino


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1 hour ago, DailyDi said:

My back is killing me because I sat at the desk all day working on the site/server updates. Time to retreat to my cave, lay on a heating pad and sip on a caramel Frappuccino!

Take a well deserved break! Mine is working again THANK YOU! ? You make my electronic world go round cause God knows I'm incompetent at computerie stuff.



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if you spilled that drink on your lap, would that mean you frapped your pants?


i know about overdoing it, in 2015 i fixated on drawing a house, had my neck in one position for HOURS, good God did i pay for it for a week, and still had to work my shifts at kmart(cashier), when i had a chance to spend an entire day on a heating pad, i took it.

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4 hours ago, DailyDi said:

My back is killing me because I sat at the desk all day working on the site/server updates. Time to retreat to my cave, lay on a heating pad and sip on a caramel Frappuccino!

I did much the same thing Saturday morning - internet was down half the day so I worked 6 hours on updating my hobby database, which is on the old Mac, not the best layout...it took a day and a half, and a good walk, to settle my back into shape again.

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13 hours ago, DailyDi said:

My back is killing me because I sat at the desk all day working on the site/server updates. Time to retreat to my cave, lay on a heating pad and sip on a caramel Frappuccino!


good deal! I figured since you were working so hard on the updates and upgrades to the server, you probably would be sitting at station waiting for things to occur. I understand that there was a hard drive that failed, and that can be a pain in the ****. I've had a couple of them die on me, and luckily I was able to have someone who could locally replace mine, because that's not what I can handle. I've always been able to handle things from the software side of hardware, but I don't have the dexterity to be messing around with unscrewing stuff and pulling cards out. I've also learned from experience that these things can be sharp, and you can cut yourself wide open on some of these things because things like capacitors and resistors and caps can be sticking out of them, and they can also cut you as you or if you run your hand across any part of the board and there are sharp pieces.

This Saturday, I will attend the final chicken pie supper of this season. The last time we did this, I worked from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and stayed until 5:30 PM. I don't mind doing it when we have special events, because it allows us to bring more people into the store, and allows people to shop a little bit longer than normal. I have been asked to lengthen the hours of the store, and the first thing that I would do if I was able to do that would be to make it so we were open on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 to noon. The problem with this is, that we still have an issue with our safe, and we need to be able to enter it, but somehow something is jammed and we need someone who can actually remove the safe turn it on its side and whack it with an object to release the pins if that can be done. Barring that, we need to be able to hire a locksmith to see if the locksmith can open the safe. It seems as the handle has been stuck in the down position and will not budge: ever since I have been working in the thrift store, I've always been able to open the safe, and not only that but sometimes your hand slips off the lock handle. Most times you can just grab it push it down and you're done: however this time we are unable to open it, so we have to figure out how we're going to be able to open it. This is why my hours have been reduced to Saturdays : however in the last two weeks we have done really well, and that is because we have had our final outside sale until the springtime.

All in all I am very happy with the way we've been doing things and the way things have happened period now that I have a direction that I can follow, and everybody is on the same page, I believe that we can now move forward. I now have to reset the church's router, because we have no access to the camera system because I don't know what IP is being used, and for some reason that particular router has been locked. This will require me to unplug the router and then reset it by using the instructions. I plan on doing this when there is no need for us to worry about the streaming computer, because we need to be able to stream the church's service is live as well as we provide live services in person at the church. I've already talked to one of my partners, who tells me that it shouldn't be too hard to reset it, and I have told the pastor that there should be no reason to worry that something will crash because we reset it: everyone resets their routers from time to time even I do: because 90% of the time you can never be sure when something will happen. For example, for two Saturdays in a row, spectrum has told me that there has been an outage between 10 and two karma and then they turn around and message me that it has been fixed. It doesn't seem like my server misses abee either, because it still functions the way it should when I return. When I have to totally reset the router, I unplug the router and shut everything off. I unplugged the modem and then I plugged the modem in after two minutes. I allow the modem to come back up and then when I know that it's back up then I add the router back in. The router usually retains a memory of what is open and what is not, so that shouldn't be an issue.

At work however, I need to be able to access the cameras from outside: this will require me to be able to reset the router, because we have equipment we must monitor around the clock in a particular area of the church. Even this weekend, while I was helping a customer, I was looking away from the monitor screen on my camera system, and then somebody was fooling around with something they shouldn't have been in the wrong position in the church. This basically means that someone had entered the fellowship hall, which had been closed, and then was messing around with the equipment. I was then asked if I was able to rewind the camera system, and then I reiterated that we need to reset the router because I need to be able to access the access the cameras, and in order for me to do that I need to be able to access the router as well: this gave me the reasoning to reset the router, and unfortunately when I had done the work before, I had left all of a bunch of documents on my desk in my storage cubicle, and then one of my staff had gone through and cleaned out that cubicle. I don't know where the actual information is that I had written down, and that makes me very very angry. This time I'll make sure that I have all of my passwords written down so there is no reason and no way that I can not remember those passwords.

Lesson learned! And Mikey don't feel bad: one time when we had to do an upgrade to our servers in Tallahassee, we had two hard drives fail, and luckily we had backups of those drives! We had to replace them with two brand new drives, and then copy the files off of them, but I think most of those were home file directories so it wasn't too bad!  One time we even had a situation where we had a backup system, and our tape drive was recording the backups so that we have everybody's files. Since we had redundant backups, we found out that one of our tape drivers was recording BLANKS, and because we were thinking that it was working OK, we didn't realize it until we had to do an upgrade. Luckily when we did that update, we are able to determine that that particular tape unit was malfunctioning, but it was at the sacrifice of 1 hard drive, which we were not able to get any information off of. Because of this particular situation, and because there are no guarantees of drive health and longevity, I've always been taught that you back up everything that you have, on a regular basis, and sometimes you back it up twice: remember the old adage measure twice cut once?

So enjoy that latte or whatever it is that you're drinking, and get some sleep and some rest! After the good work that you and your team have done over the last 24 hours or so, you deserve it my man! Good job good show!


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1 hour ago, rusty pins said:

I use a heating pad and sleep on it at night for my back.  I also sleep in a waterbed.  I hope one night I don't spring a leak and electrocute myself!


Gave the water bed up a few years ago. If your's isn't older than the hills, where the heck did you get it from?

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23 hours ago, ppdude said:

Gave the water bed up a few years ago. If your's isn't older than the hills, where the heck did you get it from?

It's older than the hills!  At least 30 to 35 years old, but the mattresses have been replaced, last time was about a year or so ago.

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2 minutes ago, rusty pins said:

It's older than the hills!  At least 30 to 35 years old, but the mattresses have been replaced, last time was about a year or so ago.

Had one years ago.  I didn't know you could still get bladders for them.

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On 10/25/2022 at 4:05 PM, rusty pins said:

I use a heating pad and sleep on it at night for my back.  I also sleep in a waterbed.  I hope one night I don't spring a leak and electrocute myself!


That would not be good at all!


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On 10/27/2022 at 4:12 AM, DailyDi said:

We had waterbeds in the 90's, they were cheaper than mattress and bed sets and were very comfortable to sleep on. I loved sleeping right on the bladder on hot nights.

Just so long as both of your bladders didn't leak!  :t61090:

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