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I'm in Love


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Oh my goodness if I had any doubts I don't any more I convinced my mom that diapers are more absorbent then pull ups. So soon as I got home I changed it put the diapers on I am in complete love. The feeling the look. Oh my goodness Seventh Heaven ❤️

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Too bad it took so long to come to the conclusion just about everyone here already knows!  Diapers are more absorbent than pull ups or disposable underwear, feel so much more comfortable and look so much nicer on someone! 

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On 8/17/2022 at 2:58 PM, BabyCat2 said:

Oh my goodness if I had any doubts I don't any more I convinced my mom that diapers are more absorbent then pull ups. So soon as I got home I changed it put the diapers on I am in complete love. The feeling the look. Oh my goodness Seventh Heaven ❤️


Yes ma'am! 

You have just discovered the most important thing about wearing diapers. That thing is the diapers are more absorbent than pull-ups, and the only thing better than that is to find the diaper that works best for you.Part of the deal most of the people have to understand is that people who are diaper lovers like the feeling, like the crinkle, like the texture, or whatever it is that is a draw to the diapers . Maybe it is because when you were a kid someone would change your diaper, or someone would take extra special care of you, or they would bond with you during a diaper change or something to that effect . Diapers have a wicked effect on you sometimes. If you take an old style pampers diaper for example from the 70s : these are when diapers had perfume in them, and it smelled real good. When you walked into a room where a kid was in diapers, you knew it because of the fact that it smelled good . Those smells and the sounds and the idea that you're getting put into a diaper, or the feeling that you're going to be able to get away with something , those are things that draw you as much as the fact that you are going to use the diaper for its intended purpose . Some people find diapers extremely comfortable, because some of them do not use it , they just wear it, while others use it for its intended purpose . Some people only pee in them, some of them only poop in them , but whatever they decide to do each of us has our reasoning for liking diapers wanting to wear diapers or whatever. It is part of our wiring .

the feelings that diapers elicit: these can be as powerful as having the most powerful stimuli in the world. If something feels really good, if something smells real good, or it puts you at ease, it can put you in a place in your mind where you feel like you are on cloud 9 and nothing could bring you down. In a way, some people may think diapers are that stimuli: a diaper is designed to be used so that you can release everything that you're holding: a diaper is built to be used, and it is expected that you would use it if you have it on period now that you understand that diapers are a lot better than pull-ups, because they can hold more, you will understand that piece very well.

For people like me, who were born in 1972 or later, pampers were the diaper of choice, and they were plastic backed. There were either plastic back diapers like that, or cloth diapers. There was no in between. When you are growing up in a household or during a generation where you can walk into a room and instantly know whether a kid is in diapers or not because you can see a box of diapers, or you can smell the diapers, you know it. You don't even have to ask. The feeling sometimes of wearing a plastic back diaper for some people is about as strong as possibly eating a very very very succulent cake. You know you want it, you know you see it, and you're trying to figure a way to get what you need.

Feelings: feelings are very very strong. I don't care how strong you are and I don't care how old you are. If you like diapers because of certain things that are triggers for you, the feelings that you had no matter when they started, for me they started at 8 years old, they will be there forever, and you just can't get rid of them. You can find ways to manage them appropriately, but those particular feelings will always be with you, regardless of what you do, so in my case when I became incontinent three years ago, it was something like a sigh of relief: because I don't have to hide anymore what I am, and I don't have to hide that I like diapers, and I have a legitimate excuse for using them because of my disability period now I can add the other pieces of the kink, and enjoy it more by adding pieces that enhance the fun.

Yes I think touch smell and feel are the three most powerful senses. The reason I say that is because someone can stimulate any of those senses, and it can remind you of a time in your life when it was a lot easier on you. If I were to walk into a room and you had to close your eyes, and I were to walk in for example with a 70s era pampers diaper, you would know it. If I walk up to you and open the diaper and start crinkling it, you know it. It's just that you can here feel and smell those diapers and automatically be put in a good place without even having to try. Being that you are able to know what it's like now, you will know what makes you feel good, and you will know the diapers are better. As you continue your journey, you will find a diaper that works best for you, and as I said and as everybody has told me, not everyone is going to use the same diaper, because not everyone is going to be helped by the same diaper. It all depends on what you need, and what works best. But once you find that diaper, one that works for you, it will be the best.

Also being incontinent, I don't have to hide it either. I have to use diapers now because of my incontinence, because I don't want to have a situation where I'm constantly worrying about using the bathroom or hurting myself period now that I'm wearing diapers 24/7, the feelings that I talked about since I was eight years old, will always be with me, and wearing diapers will take care of my incontinence, but allow me to handle the feelings in an appropriate manner, because I won't have to hide behind something and make excuses. I am what I am, I just wish that I would have realized it a few years ago, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, because now I can be the person I want to be, and I don't apologize for that: I'm glad that I am able to determine what works best for me, and I have a good team to help me to do that.

Diapers are your friends: remember that: diapers are your friends! Regardless of what anyone else says, everyone has a reason for warning diapers liking diapers using diapers you name it. One of the things that I am going to try to help people understand is that people will give you grief sometimes for wearing diapers: stigmas are things that are old, and probably are as old as we are: when you're a baby, it is expected that you're going to have a diaper on, that you're going to use a diaper, and that someone is going to take care of you. They're not gonna laugh at you, they're not going to chastise you, or do any of that stuff because a diaper is expected to be used. Potty training is important for most, but for some that is impossible and it is very hard for them to do. For those that decide to use diapers, they should be able to do so without a lot of grief. hopefully you will be able to enjoy wearing diapers and using them should you choose. Remember a diaper is an underwear choice and that's all it is. Remember that there will always be people out there that will try to inject their feelings to you, so stay strong and don't let it bother you

congratulations! In my mind disposable diapers are the best because they're designed for people who are totally incontinent both ways. There are many of us that are incontinent as well, and we want better diapers, so hopefully with all of these new studies by North Shore, that will help people from Alabama to Wyoming change the way they deal with people and the products.


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41 minutes ago, BabyCat2 said:

Thank you I really appreciate it 


no problem! I hope that your journey goes well.Part of the deal is that you will have your ups and downs throughout their journey, but once you realize what you just realized today, you will be a lot better off. Most of the time , it takes a long time for you to be able to get to the realization that diapers are better than pull-ups or anything like that. You also realize once you feel you see you touch you hear all these things, what you have been missing. For those that are incontinent like me, diapers are like a glove. It doesn't matter what you do in the glove, because whatever it is it will catch it and hold it until you're able to eliminate it . Being a diaper lover, I am sure that there are things that you will love about diapers , and that is part of the journey : you will find that there will be things that you like about it, there might be some things that you don't like about it, and then there's things that are in the middle . You will have to determine what you like and what you don't like, and how far you wanna go, and what you wanna do, and what your comfort zone is. There are many people on DD: each of them has their own comfort zone , and each of them has there are limits to what they will do and what they won't do, what they like and what they don't like , so all you have to do is enjoy yourself and explore yourself in an appropriate manner, and I'm sure you will be able to fully enjoy and explore and learn about yourself . Part of The thing is that feelings are very strong, so there's no way that you were going to just turn them off. Do not feel discouraged, do not feel embarrassed or any of that stuff, because The thing is you have to be who you are what you are , and don't worry about shame or embarrassment at all, because those are things that are part of our ethical codes: those are things that are burnt into our heads that say this is right or this is wrong, and part of the embarrassment comes because your body is being challenged or you're challenging your own ethical codes ones that have been burned into your head since you have been born.

don't worry: just be yourself, and don't worry: as much as you can, you should support others, because there are many people before you and many people after you who will be taking this journey, and the best thing that we can do is to take the stigma out of wearing diapers, because it's time that the stigmas die. Diapers are no different than wearing underwear, they're just crinkly and they have different colors, and you can release in them. That's all it is. Part of the reason why I am so empathetic it's because my late brother used to wear diapers from the time he was born until he died at 10 years old period I am not afraid of diapers, and I'm not afraid to stand up for somebody else who might be getting grief for that. Hang on tight, because like me, you can be someone who assists others in their journeys.

If you have any questions or any concerns, don't hesitate to respond here, and don't hesitate to private message me should the need arise.


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Thank you so much Brian ? 

Unfortunately I got to learn what a number 2 in a diaper is like. I was just playing video games had a bad rumble in my tummy and then launch. Crazy part is I didn't even push I really thought it was just a fact nope nope nope. So all showered up all clean. And then I noticed my first rash ?

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6 minutes ago, BabyCat2 said:

Thank you so much Brian ? 

Unfortunately I got to learn what a number 2 in a diaper is like. I was just playing video games had a bad rumble in my tummy and then launch. Crazy part is I didn't even push I really thought it was just a fact nope nope nope. So all showered up all clean. And then I noticed my first rash ?


one thing you must do is invest in good barrier cream. This is a must if you're going to use your diapers as intended both directions. The reason for this is that your urine is full of ammonia, and your fecal matter it's full of acidic stuff that will cause your skin to turn as red as a stoplight or even worse. Every time you change you should be putting on some sort of barrier cream. I would go to northshorecare.com and pick some up it will be indispensable to you if you're going to be wearing diapers 24/7, and believe you me you will learn real fast the very first time you decide to release in your diaper and let it sit there. Even if you let your wet diapers continue to be used, after a while your urine gets really strong, so you must keep yourself hydrated and make sure that you are using proper barrier cream, because if you do anything that you release will just slide away and it won't even bother you.

being that I'm disabled, and I use a wheelchair, there's two things that you have to be careful of. One of them is a rash, which everybody should be aware of, and the other is what they call skin breakdown. This happens when somebody is sitting down on a wheelchair or in a chair and doesn't move that much. What happens is that you're skin gets really really sensitive, and then it feels really thin, almost paper thin. And then your skin starts to peel, and it starts to hurt real bad period you don't want your skin to break down. If it does you're gonna have problems, and that can lead to having infections that you don't want. This is why in hospitals they are very very careful to make sure that you are dry, to the best of their ability so that you don't have bad skin breakdown. If they believe that you are dealing with that situation, they will help you deal with it. However, having a darn good barrier cream is the first defense. The second defense is a good diaper, and I'm not sure what you plan on using, but a mega Max is what I use, but you must find the diaper that works the best for you. Bravo on finding out what a plastic bag diaper is like. I'm sure that you will like it

thanks for the follow if I can help you comma don't hesitate to ask!


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  • 2 months later...
On 8/18/2022 at 7:27 PM, BabyCat2 said:

Thank you so much Brian ? 

Unfortunately I got to learn what a number 2 in a diaper is like. I was just playing video games had a bad rumble in my tummy and then launch. Crazy part is I didn't even push I really thought it was just a fact nope nope nope. So all showered up all clean. And then I noticed my first rash ?

Using rash cream on your private parts and tushie hole before you diaper goes on helps reduce the incidents of diaper rash and baby Powe as well!

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/18/2022 at 6:22 AM, Snugglebear_69 said:

Not for everyone. Personally I would never mess and am not even super happy when I am wet. Nothing better than having just be changed into a dry diaper and cuddled in Daddy's arms.

The only reason I get my diaper changed is so I’m able to wet myself all over again.  Typically a dry diaper lasts about 5-10 minutes before it is wet.  I guess that stems from when I was a teenager and would put a diaper on just prior to wetting it. Before I got back into wearing them for any length of time. 

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2 hours ago, IminWetPampers said:

The only reason I get my diaper changed is so I’m able to wet myself all over again.

Yeah! That's the ONLY reason to wear an clean Diapee, so you can make it nice and dirty or wet again! I love when that happens because that's a sign that I'm a true baby at heart, going wee-wee or poo-poo in my pants without even thinking about it. And the changing part, with wipes and diapers and baby powder and everything is to DIE for! Yep, there's NOTHING quite like a fresh Diapee!????♥️?? The BESTEST part of being an BIG BABY!??♥️??☺️???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once my aide puts a diaper on me it will be wet & messy when changed , I don’t decide or control when or where , my body doesn’t consult me , it just helps itself ,there’s no amount of thinking I can do that will allow me to influence what my body does or when .they go on warm and dry they come off well used having done it’s job .

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