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Outside anxiety

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Anyone else get anxious just having to leave the house? Saw my shrink Wednesday and just now picked up the prescriptions because I couldn't make myself leave the house the last two days.

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54 minutes ago, DailyDi said:

Anyone else get anxious just having to leave the house? Saw my shrink Wednesday and just now picked up the prescriptions because I couldn't make myself leave the house the last two days.

No, but as a kid I used to be. My brother always used to give me shit for not going outside enough, and staying inside. But it should be noted that now I'm on antidepressant pills so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm not sure!??? Either way, I feel your pain Mikey. I've been there too, and it sucks!?????????

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23 minutes ago, Apache Raccoon said:

No, but I get anxious talking to strangers 

Me too buddy! I HATE social anxiety, cuz it keeps me from making friends in real life. But I think you and me would totally get along in real life. Especially because we have that in common. And we can give each other big hugs together!??????♥️?♥️?

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I have a super hard time with this! I'm okayish being on the property, like out in the yard. But if I didn't have to do outside chores I can easily stay inside the house all day. And honestly I like being able to use the fact that the closest town in 30 miles away as an excuse to not go in unless I need groceries or cat food. I'm on anxiety meds so it helps the anxiety about having to leave BUT I still find myself procrastinating when its time to go out. 

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outside the house no, but if i have to go to something like a church where there are lots of people, im not good with that, i tried to stay in a church a few weeks ago, it wsnt long after it got going(with all the singing and such) that i had to leave the sanctuary, sensory overload.

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The main issue is driving for me.  I can't stand how fast people drive on the highway.  Even fedex truck cut me off the other day.  I had to be in the lane to get onto a different highway.  Shortly thereafteranother guy in a mini cut me off and waved his arm out the window: thanking me.  Then he gets slowed down by Sanford & Sons truck and doesn't want to pass them as I go past him!  

I was in a grocery parking lot driving down an alley when  some guy had just put his groceries into his lexus suv and I see a shopping cart coming right in front of my car.  Fortunately, I was going slow enough to stop and let it go by.  Dammit...My dash cam had not started recording yet so I couldn't review it.

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48 minutes ago, 2sail2 said:

The main issue is driving for me.  I can't stand how fast people drive on the highway.  Even fedex truck cut me off the other day.  I had to be in the lane to get onto a different highway.  Shortly thereafteranother guy in a mini cut me off and waved his arm out the window: thanking me.  Then he gets slowed down by Sanford & Sons truck and doesn't want to pass them as I go past him!  

I was in a grocery parking lot driving down an alley when  some guy had just put his groceries into his lexus suv and I see a shopping cart coming right in front of my car.  Fortunately, I was going slow enough to stop and let it go by.  Dammit...My dash cam had not started recording yet so I couldn't review it.

i can barely drive myself, down to the local store is fine, its 4 miles away in the country, but ANYWHERE ELSE is a no, cant handle it.

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23 hours ago, DailyDi said:

Anyone else get anxious just having to leave the house? Saw my shrink Wednesday and just now picked up the prescriptions because I couldn't make myself leave the house the last two days.


I don't have outside anxiety per se, but the problem I have is that sometimes I worry about situations and I overthink it.  Then I realized sometimes that I have over analyzed, and it is not as bad as I think it is, and some of the anxiety is just ridiculousness. I am on bupropion, and this is depression medicine, and the only real problem that I have had lately is there are things that are in my head that sometimes cause me to wonder about things in my life. There are also times when everything is fine, and I go 7 to 10 months with no problem, and then maybe a holiday will hit, something will snap on in my head, and I will just release a torrent of emotion that is impossible for me to control. It is so bad sometimes I'm not even sure what I am feeling are why I am feeling that way. One example was when I had completed a shift at the thrift store prior to closing for the Thanksgiving holiday. I came home and spent the first two days of a long weekend and everything was fine. Then my brother comes in, and for some reason I had something open up inside me, and because of it being a holiday when I would normally see my late grandparents, something that they did or used to do made me long for them. It was so bad that I had no control over my emotions and everything just released. This is about 45 years of emotion that I am not sure why released, but after talking to the doctor he put me on depression meds so that I could function better. I once went off my meds with a doctor's approval, but a couple summers ago I went back on my meds at the request of my father and my brother. They could see that there was a difference when I was on the medicine versus when I was off period since that date, I've always been on my depression Med and I usually take it on weekdays or days that I work.

I really don't have any issues leaving the house.  Sometimes I may not feel like leaving the house, but if I have to leave the house I will. One of those times that I would leave immediately would be if my doctor were to call me to his office saying that he wanted to see me for some reason. The other reason that I would leave like that would be in an emergency situation where medical assistance is necessary. People think of me as a homebody, but with my disability and age, not sure how many people want to go places with me, but my brothers do get together and we do things together as much as we can.


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Nope!  Only time is if I get lost driving or when I used to go hunting in the woods and wasn't quite sure of the way back.  I also get anxious crossing high bridges or being up in tall buildings where I'm near a window or out on an observation deck, something I avoid as much as possible.

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5 hours ago, rusty pins said:

Nope!  Only time is if I get lost driving or when I used to go hunting in the woods and wasn't quite sure of the way back.  I also get anxious crossing high bridges or being up in tall buildings where I'm near a window or out on an observation deck, something I avoid as much as possible.

So no way you're checking out the glass "boxes" on the Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago then eh?   Or the glass bridge at the Grand Canyon?

(of course Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out long before they put those viewing platforms in)

Stalking Ferris Bueller: Tour John Hughes' Chicago - Twin Cities

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22 hours ago, Crinklz Kat said:

So no way you're checking out the glass "boxes" on the Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago then eh?   Or the glass bridge at the Grand Canyon?

(of course Ferris Bueller's Day Off came out long before they put those viewing platforms in)

Stalking Ferris Bueller: Tour John Hughes' Chicago - Twin Cities

Oh HELL no!  100,000 times NO!

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