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Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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I appreciate all your attention to detail and tie-ins to previous stories, although I’ll admit I don’t catch all of them as it’s been awhile since I read some of your early works. Connor seems to have a solid handle on how to appease the Amazons in his orbit. However, I can’t help but wonder what BabySofia mine he will eventually trigger.

7 hours ago, Guilend said:

Anyone else hope that Connor stays and gets married to Beth?

Yep. I love a good slow burn relationship, but heck yeah, I want to see those two together sooner rather than later. 🙂 <tries to be patient>

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8 minutes ago, FloridaKid said:

I appreciate all your attention to detail and tie-ins to previous stories, although I’ll admit I don’t catch all of them as it’s been awhile since I read some of your early works.

There are definitely many coming up! Some of them more obvious than others with family members and such. It's been an adventure keep track of it. Like I replied to Billy the other day, I have a 52 Page word doc of characters and plot details, a family tree, excel files of data, and lots of handwritten sketches and such too at this point. If you don't catch all of them I have no issue with it. It does make me smile though when someone does! 🙂

10 minutes ago, FloridaKid said:

However, I can’t help but wonder what BabySofia mine he will eventually trigger.

Me too! 🤣


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8 hours ago, BabySofia said:

My muse certainly hasn't received enough cookies to be bribed at this point. Plus she's reallllly picky! Only the best chocolate chip cookies will do! 😉


But I need some of those chocolate chip cookies too. What about some nice hot, buttered english muff-- no, I need those too. A little chocolate milk to go with the cookies? But not all of it!

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1 hour ago, TerranV said:

Stacy will finally return to the Diaper Dimension, reunite with Cameron and be like "let us join our houses!"

Not a spoiler, but I don't really want Stacy to end up two-feet tall in the land of giants... being the size of a preemie would be bad! 🤷‍♀️

34 minutes ago, LittleFenny said:

But I need some of those chocolate chip cookies too. What about some nice hot, buttered english muff-- no, I need those too. A little chocolate milk to go with the cookies? But not all of it!

She's not amused, sadly you will be out of luck from her being willing to share information with you. Just have to wait like all of the other baby boys and girls! 😈

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27 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

She's not amused, sadly you will be out of luck from her being willing to share information with you. Just have to wait like all of the other baby boys and girls! 😈

Aww, fine. But I'll keep all my cookies and chocolate milk.

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8 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Not a spoiler, but I don't really want Stacy to end up two-feet tall in the land of giants... being the size of a preemie would be bad! 🤷‍♀️

Are you saying no one wants to see a mother dressed and treated like a baby? Who knew 🤷‍♂️

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16 hours ago, LittleFenny said:

Aww, fine. But I'll keep all my cookies and chocolate milk.

😈 I'll remember that!

8 hours ago, Guilend said:

Are you saying no one wants to see a mother dressed and treated like a baby? Who knew 🤷‍♂️


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Lovely story, just like your other stories! But have you considered making several posts in a row so you can reserve them for updates? It is quite annoying to have to go forward several pages every time. Making several posts in a row, would let you update them and would make it more convenient at least, to read.

That's just a suggestion though. An alternative, would be a separate topic, you can lock and unlock as needed, so only you could make additional posts.

I do have a bit trouble remembering who the various characters are though, but it's getting better! Well done, is what I'm saying basically.

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9 minutes ago, Kingdark said:

That's just a suggestion though. An alternative, would be a separate topic, you can lock and unlock as needed, so only you could make additional posts.

That would be more cumbersome, as you would have 100 topics to find if this goes as long as I think it will. (ABDLStoryForum has plenty of examples of this from BabyButt that make it really tough to sort through and read all of the chapters) As an alternative I recommend you read this on WattPad https://www.wattpad.com/user/babysofia1234 Comments are kept on the bottom of each post there, and would be the easiest way for you to avoid that.

Thanks for the comments!🙂

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No offense, but I avoid wattpad like the plague. Have you considered posting on archive of our own? Stories like these are permitted and it reads like a normal stories. No comments get in the way of things.

And I suppose it could get cumbersome and confusing...

Just consider crossposting on archive of our own and I guarantee a lot of people will thank you for it.

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10 hours ago, BabySofia said:

That would be more cumbersome, as you would have 100 topics to find if this goes as long as I think it will. (ABDLStoryForum has plenty of examples of this from BabyButt that make it really tough to sort through and read all of the chapters) As an alternative I recommend you read this on WattPad https://www.wattpad.com/user/babysofia1234 Comments are kept on the bottom of each post there, and would be the easiest way for you to avoid that.

Thanks for the comments!🙂

Hi BabySofia, I'm glad that I went ahead and read the rest of the comments as I was going to suggest the same thing to Kingdark.🙂

10 hours ago, Kingdark said:

No offense, but I avoid wattpad like the plague. Have you considered posting on archive of our own? Stories like these are permitted and it reads like a normal stories. No comments get in the way of things.

And I suppose it could get cumbersome and confusing...

Just consider crossposting on archive of our own and I guarantee a lot of people will thank you for it.

Just out of curiosity why do you avoid wattpad? 

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Why? let's start with the fact that it only uses a fraction of the space you have on your monitor. That's the first reason. (and my second biggest problem with the site)

The second reason, (and my number one problem) is that a lot of the stories are, just plain terrible. Terrible grammar. Terrible spelling. just. Terrible. Stories that are literally one paragraph. NO punctuation or even quotation marks to show where dialogue starts and ends.

Now, I know, everyone has got to learn, right? Sure. I agree with you. So, if I write a polite, constructive review, pointing out, that (real example by the way) names of characters should be capitalized, ergo, they need to start with a capital letter, and the author just plains ignores me and makes a point of writing a sketch to taunt me specifically?  But if I write a polite review, pointing that mistake out, then I expect the author to correct themselves.

The argument of 'I don't want reviews if I don't ask for them is WORTHLESS! If you don't want reviews, then post them on a corner of the internet where nobody will find it, but posting it on a website like wattpad will INVITE people to review, whether you like it or not.

Ahum, the point is, that I have read on wattpad before. The example above is just one of many. A lot of the writers are immature angsty teenagers who think they are the man.

Now, let me tell you something, I've written stories myself, and I take pride in them. I take a LOT of pride in them. I want them to be the best they can possibly be. Why would I even bother to write a story, if I didn't want to improve? I'm writing a story, because I LIKE to write and because I dream to publish a real book some day.

-inhales deeply and breathes back out-

Sorry, but I feel very strongly about that issue. I just don't understand how you can write a story and how you can whine about not WANTING REVIEWS because you're just WRITING FOR FUN????? How does that even make any sense!???

Anyway, that aside, there's the adds. They are an eyesore plain and simple. Now, I've been using an add blocker for years and haven't regretted it, since I discovered they existed. Now, I know wattpad wants to make money, but the way they're doing it, is terrible. Just show an add at the bottom or the top and be done with it. Not to the sides, where the add sometimes takes up more space than the story itself!


Then there's my third complaint. The... Progress meter, I guess it is? It tells you how long you have left before the chapter is done. I don't want that. I don't. It's an eyesore and it distracts and it breaks immersion. I don't care how far I am in a chapter. I'm a fast reader, and when a chapter tells me I need TWELVE fricking minutes to read a chapter that's barely five thousand words!? I can read a story of roughly a hundred thousand words, in an hour or two TOPS! Bottom line, I want the damn thing gone, but that isn't going to happen any time soon.

But aside from the terrible writing, it's the fact that it the story, you know, the thing you're visiting wattpad for? It barely uses a third of available space. If I read a story, I want it to take up as much space as possible with as few distractions as possible.

In any case, to say that ALL stories on wattpad are bad would be a lie. I know for a fact that there are decentstories on wattpad. Point in fact, baby sophia's stories are a good example.

Fanfiction.net is one website where I read a lot. It's meant for fanfics and not for original stories and definitely not meant for stories like the diaper dimension. But if you want the website with the most stories, hands down? fanfiction.net is your first place to be.

If you want an alternative, because you want to post a story like this, then ao3 is the place to be. I know for a fact that it already has diaper stories, and you can mark your stories as explicit and you can mark it, that only readers with an account may read it. You can also add tags to specify what kind of story it is, you're going to read.

Now, I can already hear the 'fanboy' accusations coming, so let me cut those off before they can be thrown at me.

Are fanfiction.net or ao3 perfect? No. They aren't. Not by a longshot. Both have their own problems. Do they have terrible stories? Yes. I would bet everything in my wallet that they do have terrible stories. Do they have adds? Yes. But they are MUCH less of an eyesore compare to wattpad.

But if that wasn't enough to convince you, then refer to the article I'm linking below.

click here for the article

So, yes. I'm most emphatically suggesting that you avoid wattpad like the plague.

And I know I shouldn't, but I'm going to finish my rant about earlier anyway. Don't write if you don't have pride in your stories, or just don't bother to share them. If you do want to improve, then learn from what people say and don't insist that words like thru or anyways are words you should use in a story.

The first is slang. It should not be used in a story, period. End of discussion. The second is informal and should be avoided. I don't care if you TALK like that and SAY anyways, you just don't in written stories.

I apologize if my reply sounds angry to you, it just turned out that way. But I hope it answered your question.

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11 hours ago, Kingdark said:

Just consider crossposting on archive of our own and I guarantee a lot of people will thank you for it.

I'll consider it down the road, but I'm already managing too many postings on a lot of stories/sites. I'll look into it down the road.

Just as a request, there's an ongoing discussion that has inadvertently started and exacerbates the initial complaint. If this can be continued in a separate thread perhaps under the writers subthread I would appreciate it! 🙂

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On 6/10/2022 at 9:03 PM, BobbyDrago said:

I have to ask now did the nanite infusion into the Amazon populace have lasting or just short term effects? Have they returned to the old? Or is this more of an area that believes in things like matruiosis now?


i hope there is going to be more of this story soon i liked it 

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Chapter 20: Big Little

I WOKE UP the following day when Mackenzie’s large hands slipped underneath my body and picked me up. I blinked my eyes open and gasped as I was being lifted up unexpectedly!

“Morning, Connor,” she whispered to me.

I grumbled something that sounded like ‘morning’ as I looked at the room bathed in very low light from some nightlights by the changing table.

“Not waking up as quickly this morning,” she giggled. “Let’s see how you did last night!”

I was on the changing table now, and she unzipped the sleeper all the way down to expose the thankfully still-dry diaper. Her hand intrusively pinched at it and said, “Well, all dry!”

I gave her a thin smile. That was definitely a positive thing!

“Let’s take you to the potty before I put on your swim diaper.”

“Kay,” I replied. I was placed on her hip, now only wearing a dry diaper. She carried one of the swim diapers in her other hand, and I was soon in the bathroom. She sat me down on the potty and pulled at the diaper tabs. Briefly lifting my body off of it, she balled it up and walked toward the wall.

I took the opportunity to force my bladder to open, which wasn’t hard because I did feel really full! My bladder pushed for several moments, and as the trickle ended, she was right there with toilet paper to wipe my front and check my back. A tiny bit of gas must have escaped me in the night as I noted some brown on the piece as she tossed it in the bowl.

She held open the swim diaper for me to step into and led me to the bathroom sink to wash my hands. I realized then there was a taller sink against the wall she used. “Let’s get you dressed,” she told me while picking me up again. I felt self-conscious as I was nearly naked as she carried me to the room. However, I did feel better once I had the swimsuit on that covered my chest and diaper!

She was dressed in a t-shirt and soft shorts that must have been covering hers because she had just grabbed two towels, handed me my goggles, and carried me downstairs like a toddler this time. ‘Less like a toddler,’ I had to admit, knowing I was closer to a six-month-old in size than someone like a Big toddler!

It was early, and there were very few signs of life. I noticed a couple nest mothers were working out in the fitness room, but we were the only ones initially in the pool area. She placed me on a chair and said, “I managed to get a couple swim caps; which color do you want?”

Apparently, the only choices were pink or purple!

I blushed, “The purple one, I guess…?”

“Sorry, they didn’t have any other colors,” she said as she gathered my ponytail and wrapped my hair inside the cap. “And it’s a good thing you have so much hair; I think this would be too big otherwise!”

I blushed, “Somehow, I think that’s going to be a problem with just about everything this semester.”

She hugged me reassuringly, “You’ll be fine; I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

I was just diving into the pool when I realized the door opened and saw another nest mother in a swimsuit gape at me for a moment. I decided ignoring the giants was my smartest move, so even as I registered she and Mackenzie starting a conversation, I started swimming my laps. I alternated twenty-five sets of laps of freestyle, butterfly, and breaststroke, even as I noted another body was trying to keep pace beside me. I didn’t stop; I kept going until I had done the cycle three times, and a tall giant body blocked my path.

I righted myself and looked up at this stranger.

“Hi, I’m Miss Lilly. Where did you learn to swim like that?” She asked, seemingly out of breath.

“My mom taught my sisters and me?”

She shook her head, “Probably partly because we don’t let Littles really learn to swim, but I’ve never seen a Little swim like you do!”

“Thanks, Miss Lilly,” I told her politely.

Beside her, I noticed Mackenzie, “He said his mom thought his family was part dolphin,” she laughed. “I’m guessing it’s more than part!”

The girl giggled, “I agree.”

“Come on, my little dolphin, time to get Liam up, breakfast, and then we’ll go by the bookstore to make sure you both have any materials you need for the semester.”

“And then I think my grandmother is picking me up after lunch?” I asked as she picked me up and wrapped me in a towel.

“I think so,” she said. “She sent me an email saying she might come earlier. She’s supposed to text me,” she added.

Again I found myself carried on her hip once she had us wrapped in towels. A couple other nest mothers were about and smiled at us. They seemed to think I didn’t see the winks they gave Mackenzie for some reason…


BETH SPENT THE evening hanging out with Cassie as they washed her new panties back at the dorm. Given the accusation she’d been given, it was good to have a taller friend around, just in case! By the time she’d gone to bed, she had a brand new mattress that had never been removed from the plastic before being delivered and set up on her bed. Cassie had given her a hand on making it, ‘Since Mom had just made it, I had been looking forward to not having to deal with that. But, at least it’s done...’

She was at breakfast with Cassie and Livi when Desiree showed up. They’d all just about finished eating when nests of Littles were coming in. “What in the world?” Desiree asked, seeing the too-tall Little in the nest coming in.

Well, Nevaeh wasn’t a Little… but the uniform she now wore definitely displayed the diaper below it like one of the Littles who had gotten into too much trouble.

“What happened to her?!?” Desiree asked, “She’s taller than I am!”

Beth nodded, “She decided to go along with Kelly and try and land me in diapers,” she told her.

“What?!?” Desiree hissed.

“Neveah broke into her room, stashed some wet pull-ups around, stole her panties completely, and Kelly tried to get Penelope to search to confirm her problems.”

“How did you bust them?” Desiree asked me. She looked apprehensive, “That should have been enough to land you in Sanders or Wenig?”

“It would have been, but my dad had already seen it on the video surveillance we hid in my room,” Beth whispered that part.

Desiree smiled then, “So caught red-handed?”

“Especially when they found all of my panties cut up into pieces in her room!” Beth smirked, “Still pissed they did that part! They made her pay to reimburse me… that reminds me, I need to send a receipt to Dean Northrup so she can get me paid back!”

They were getting ready to leave when they heard, “Please? Can’t I go use the bathroom? It’s just down there?” Nevaeh was begging the nest mother, who was only about a foot taller than her.

“No, we go potty before we leave the nest, or we hold it until we all go to the potty. A Little girl like you can’t wander off alone. Plus, you’ve already used that diapee for pee-pee; I can tell it’s wet. Just go in your diapee, and we’ll change you when we return to the nest.”

“But I need to…?” It was like the whole cafeteria came to a stop right then. The diaper had already been peaking out underneath the skirt, and anyone could have seen it as she stopped mid-sentence. The girl who had seemingly towered above Beth before now seemed to take a step back in status so far that she wouldn’t seem big anymore! Height would no longer matter to anyone, as every single person in the cafeteria had stopped to watch the train wreck.

Nevaeh bent her knees slightly as everyone heard the loudest fart on the planet! 


The sound seemed to go on forever, even as she gasped and grunted.

She was turned away from Beth and her friends right then, so they had a front-row seat as the back of the diaper began drooping significantly and turning brown. Beth thought that would have been the most humiliating thing that could happen to anyone! Still, she grimaced as she realized little bits of brown began escaping and running down the girl’s legs.

“Oh, you poor dear, you’ve had a full blowout here! I thought you said you were a big girl?” the nest mother shook her head and seemed somehow more than a foot-and-a-half taller than the girl now.

Nevaeh burst into tears, and Beth almost felt sorry for her.



CONNOR AND LIAM had arrived not long before the world’s largest Little had come into the cafeteria. They were eating and joined by Amy, Willow, and Mia. At the same time, Mackenzie hung out with their nest mother, Madelyn, at a nearby table.

“What happened to her?” Liam asked.

“Apparently, she’s being punished. She broke into some other girl’s room and tried to plant used training pants in there and stole her panties,” Mia said. “Ava told me the story last night,” she added.

“So even though she’s a giant, she’s considered a Little now?” Liam asked.

“Probably,” I told him. “You have to be really careful here,” I told them.

I was just ensuring we weren’t being overheard when I saw the blowout of the century. A whiff made it to my nose just as I took a bite of eggs. “Eew,” I couldn’t help but complain.

“Miss Mackenzie, can you watch Ava and Avery for a bit while I clean up my little girl here?”

“Sure thing Kaylee, we’d rather not smell that messy diaper all through breakfast! Not to mention that poopy rolling down her legs isn’t sanitary.”

“Thanks; we’ll use the bathroom here, so we don’t have to be gone long.”

I watched as the bawling girl was led by her hand from the dining hall to the hallway. I winced as I saw two brown splotches land on the floor, and I was grateful when a worker quickly cleaned up after her.

I also noticed a handful of other Big girls following behind the pair with their phones in hand while excitedly jeering at the poor girl.

“That’s horrible!!!” Amy said.

“Yeah, I bet they poisoned her like they did us that first night,” Willow added quietly.

Ava and Avery were helped into two tall chairs beside Mackenzie and Lucy. Apparently, they thought they really needed to look after them while they were gone.

“So, how long do you think we last?” Mia asked quietly.

“Last?” Liam responded.

“Yeah, before we’re having our own poopy diapers regularly? Didn’t you have one the past couple of days?”

He blushed, “Yes, but at least she let me wear Pull-Ups today.”

“What did you do anyway? She’s pretty kind compared to most of them?” I whispered.

He turned even redder, “Well… I was kind of pis… angry,” I noticed him stop himself, “when Miss Mackenzie took me back and insisted I wear a diaper. I called her some very bad words and tried to fight her…?”

“That was it?” I asked.

“There was something else, but I won’t relive it…?”

Willow squeezed his hand reassuringly, “Sounds bad?”

“So, how long do you think, Connor? You seem to be the expert?” Mia asked me.

I looked at her and shrugged, “Depends on what you do and your nest mother’s plans. Right now, I think that big girl is well on her way to being babied out; maybe that helps Ava and Avery make it longer.”

“What can we do?” Mia asked.

“Well, for one, don’t fight wearing Pull-Ups. You may very well have accidents and be pushed into diapers – don’t fight when it happens.”

“Yeah… doesn’t do any good,” Amy said.

“What happened to you?” Liam asked.

“First night?” She said.

“Oh,” Liam and I said together.

“I knew that was coming,” I told them.

“Did you know it would be impossible to stay dry till morning?” Liam asked.

“Actually, I’ve been dry every morning,” I told him.

“Same,” Willow said.

Amy and Mia shook their heads.

Mia said, “I’ve had to wake up and pee every night. Going back to sleep with a wet diaper su…?” Mia stopped mid-sentence just in time before Mackenzie was looking over at us.

“You five having a good time?” she asked.

We nodded, “Yes, Miss Mackenzie,” I said.

“Well, you have about ten minutes, and we’re heading back to the nest. Your grandmother just texted me that she’s coming to pick you up.” Mackenzie looked at me then.

“Great, thanks!” I told her.

“What’s this about a grandmother?” I was asked again.

“My mom…”


BETH WAVED AT Connor as she left and went with her friends to the bookstore. “I don’t even know why we have a bookstore anymore?” Livy said. “All of my classes the whole time have been digital books?”

Beth laughed, “They have to sell overpriced University gear somewhere!”

“Not to mention gifts for someone like Nevaeh…?” Cassie motioned to the ‘First’ part of the store.

It was the creepiest part of the store to Beth, and she knew most Betweeners felt the same way. ‘I can only imagine what the Littles think,’ she thought.

The ‘First’ part of the store was everything a Little hoped to avoid. A ‘Baby’s First Pacifier,’ ‘Baby’s First Bottle,’ ‘Baby’s First Onesie,’ and things along those lines. It took up only a tiny area of the store. Still, she knew many a Little somehow was adopted by a new ‘parent’ off-campus, or something would come to rub in their new baby’s status as they left from confirming the adoption with the university.

Beth found herself over in the supply section of the store and picked up a new stylus for classes. Livy was picking through the university shirts in her size when they noticed the exchange students coming in with their nests. Beth saw the absence of Connor but recognized a boy from his room, “Where’s Connor?”

“Lucky bas…” he caught himself, “guy got picked up by that grandmother of his… Wish I could get away for the weekend!”

Beth nodded at that, “Yeah, I know she was talking about that. Good for him. Good luck this semester,” she told him. She noticed that most of the students were in thinner underwear then. They were checking out as one of Littles was trying to buy one of the bracelet versions of the ID.

“What do you mean you can’t sell one to me without an adult? I saw one of the other exchange students got one?” It was one of the other boys who she noted wasn’t that far off of Mid-Size. ‘Just a couple inches shorter than I used to be,’ she thought darkly.

“It’s our store policy; an adult has to be here to confirm your registration.”

“Can my nest mother do that?”

“No, it has to be a parent, grandparent, or guardian you grew up with,” the woman said.

“My parents are back home in the other dimension; how can I possibly get one of these?”

“I don’t know; you might be able to talk to Dean Northrup? But, for now, I need to check out the other customers,” the woman said.

“How did Connor end up with one?” Beth heard as she took her receipt and kept moving outside the store.



Thank you for reading! Please press the ‘Like’ Button if you’ve enjoyed it! Comments are always super appreciated as well! I'm currently working on Chapter 57, and always have a much more productive weekend with more comments and Likes making me feel loved! (Once I get a few more chapters 'in the can' I might post a little more frequently as long as I can stay ahead of my goal, which is to be covered through December with once-a-week (57 does that!))

LCW will have a new posting every Friday for the foreseeable future! Your support through likes and comments means a lot to me. If you’ve enjoyed this or any of my other works, consider supporting me by purchasing copies of them on Amazon Kindle! (And if you do so pretty please consider leaving me a 5-star review (you can just leave the stars and no public reviews are viewable then!))

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 20 - 4/21/2023

Okay. Now this is the best chapter ever written. I hope her nest mother "rewards" her during her diaper change for going poopy in her diaper. I wonder if that's the same diaper that was put on her the day before or just the one she went to sleep in. I am curious, I'm positive she was poisoned, but when could that have happened? The only one that could have done it was the nest mother. I'm guessing she's playing with her new toy. At this rate she will get her potty chart taken down in just a day or two more. Next we'll see her getting breastfed by someone. She should just go ask to be adopted by a loving mommy. Or I guess Kelly could adopt her. 

Liam won't last 2 weeks before getting adopted. The two in Neveah's nest will probably last longer considering everyone is now targeting the Amazon. 

Conner and Beth, they might last 2 weeks, but it won't be that long before someone tries something. I have a feeling someone will try something to conner this weekend. Kelly will eventually try something again. But the question is, will she get her hands dirty or will she somehow get someone else to do her bidding. My guess is she'll make a Betweener to do something. They'd go unnoticed and no one would believe them if it goes sideways. 

I just thought of something while I was writing this comment. Is it possible that one of Beth's friends might be part of the group going after Connor? Or maybe one of her friends could be coerced to betray Beth? I have a feeling one or more of her friends will end up betraying them. 

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I'm sure that Connor has the nanites in his system now, being being able to due 75 laps and having the amazon girl Lilly out of breath trying to keep up.  I wonder if the nest mothers were told to treat Neveah harsh by dean Northrup to punish her or make her drop out.  Connor is really going to make a lot of the other littles mad by the special treatment he is going to get, I can't wait for the rest of the nest to get back.  I'm a little confused by the part with the wrist band, 30 years ago professor Marshall made it seem like and little could buy one, I thought things were getting better for the littles this just seems like they want to make some things harder.🙂  

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49 minutes ago, Guilend said:

I wonder if that's the same diaper that was put on her the day before or just the one she went to sleep in. I am curious, I'm positive she was poisoned, but when could that have happened? The only one that could have done it was the nest mother. I'm guessing she's playing with her new toy. At this rate she will get her potty chart taken down in just a day or two more. 

I'm not sure how the night diaper went, but I'm sure she got a morning change even if it was dry. She definitely is on the way to that chart being given up on! 🙂

46 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

 I'm a little confused by the part with the wrist band, 30 years ago professor Marshall made it seem like and little could buy one, I thought things were getting better for the littles this just seems like they want to make some things harder.🙂  

That's the tricky part, there are some advances, but there's also a lot of traps now too in other ways for their downfall. Portal Littles are actually the ones with the risk here. Native littles are generally able to get their parents to verify when they drop them off at school. 

45 minutes ago, diaperboymi said:

Awesome story😀😀😀. Thanks for staying the weekend off Great😀😀😀👍👍👍

Thanks for the comment! 🙂

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45 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Connor is really going to make a lot of the other littles mad by the special treatment he is going to get

Yeah I noticed that. His special treatment probably isn't going to make him many friends. From their perspective, he probably looks like a rich guy using his status and connections to weasel out of the worst of it.

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At least the other Littles in Connor’s orbit are listening to his suggestions. They might last a little longer, but will likely all end up getting adopted. And yes, I can see how the others might resent the treatment Connor is getting. I’d hate to think another Little might torpedo him, but it’s definitely possible. Love the story and glad you enjoy getting comments. I look forward to both with each update.

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17 minutes ago, TerranV said:

Yeah I noticed that. His special treatment probably isn't going to make him many friends. From their perspective, he probably looks like a rich guy using his status and connections to weasel out of the worst of it.

10 minutes ago, FloridaKid said:

At least the other Littles in Connor’s orbit are listening to his suggestions. They might last a little longer, but will likely all end up getting adopted. And yes, I can see how the others might resent the treatment Connor is getting. I’d hate to think another Little might torpedo him, but it’s definitely possible. Love the story and glad you enjoy getting comments. I look forward to both with each update.

Thanks for the comments! 🙂

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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