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Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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On 7/24/2022 at 1:47 PM, DAQ said:

I saw the start of this story posted 2 months ago and deliberately tried to stay away for awhile so there would be plenty of chapters to catch up on. Mission not accomplished. Started reading this week and caught up and now have to wait for each new chapter with bated breath!

Glad you made the plunge! Thanks for the comment! ?

23 hours ago, WehavePi314 said:

A Littles/Amazons version of Seeking Arrangements.  The green card marriage of adoptions.   A website where progressive Amazons looking to get their itches scratched without feeling bad about it connect with Littles looking to hide in an arranged “adoption”.  

Amazon houses in the boonies turned into Littles communes where everyone works remotely and they have fake height indicators in the work area for Zoom purposes.

A fake “tragic side effect of maturosis”akin to SIDS.   No one wants to admit they drove their captive to suicide.

And of course, every variation on the Underground Railroad.

I've seen little bits of these alluded in a couple works, but no one has written these. Wouldn't mind seeing one of these in a book myself!?

4 hours ago, WehavePi314 said:

Sure, have fun.  We’re all playing in the same literary playground here.  (Though I see it as a series of sister dimensions with alternate histories.  That way every author gets their own canon without intersecting with anyone else’s.

22 minutes ago, DiaperedPrince said:

Thanks, and well said.

Look forward to seeing things there! ?

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48 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Glad you made the plunge! Thanks for the comment! ?

I've seen little bits of these alluded in a couple works, but no one has written these. Wouldn't mind seeing one of these in a book myself!?

Look forward to seeing things there! ?

I’m working on some of them.  It helps that I lived in the urban version of a commune for a while, and damn do those places give you stories.

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On 7/15/2022 at 4:45 PM, BabySofia said:

we’re looking for a swimsuit for Cameron here.

This pretty significant error is in Ch 10.

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30 minutes ago, kerry said:

This pretty significant error is in Ch 10.

SOFIA why did you have to name your characters so similarly! I literally had to double-check every time I came across Connor/Cameron and of course I miss some *stomps foot in frustration*

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7 hours ago, kerry said:

This pretty significant error is in Ch 10.

Eeep! Fixed, thanks for the catch!

7 hours ago, DiaperedPrince said:

SOFIA why did you have to name your characters so similarly! I literally had to double-check every time I came across Connor/Cameron and of course I miss some *stomps foot in frustration*

Sowwy... ?

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32 minutes ago, ItsYourBoi said:

Story is great, but i gotta admit, i have no idea of what the relations between the different characters are.

Thanks. You should be able to enjoy without the back story, but to truly get all of the relations you need to read my Exchanged series and In-Between. (The trilogy (Exchanged, Little Hope, and Alterations) and In-Between are both posted in the completed section here and on WattPad. Exchanged trilogy is also available for sale on Amazon.

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Chapter 12: First Night


I LOOKED AROUND the room as I walked through the door to my ‘nest’ with Grandma behind me. I felt a bit of my stomach pop out as I saw Liam standing in the corner of the room with his nose against the wall in nothing but a diaper.

A well-used one at that! The back of it looked discolored, and there was a clear smell in the air that I unconsciously wrinkled my nose at.

Mackenzie chose the same moment to walk into the room from her own adjoining room. “Oh, hi, Connor! You’re back!”

“Yes, Miss Mackenzie,” I told her politely.

“Oh, and you bought some new big-boy underwear too?!?” She said with a smirk.

“Connor said you didn’t have any Pull-Ups in his size, so we went to the store and bought some,” Grandma told her.

“Here, let me take those from you!” She opened the box and took a package apart to put in a cubby marked with my name next to the changing table.

“He has some swim diapers here, too. He said you told him it might be possible for him to swim in the mornings with you?”

“I think that should be fine as long as you’re up to waking up at five tomorrow morning?” She added, “That’s when I normally go?”

“Sounds good,” I told her.

“Great!” Mackenzie said with a smile on her face.

“I figured I’d help Connor finish getting settled in here before leaving him. I’ll be back Friday at three in the afternoon to pick him up?”

“Sounds good. You said you cleared it with the Dean?”

“Yes, Dean Northrup and Doctor Greene both gave me approval. I can forward you their messages if you’d like?”

“That won’t be necessary, Professor Westerfield… We all know who you are, after all!”

“Great! We’ll finish getting him unpacked then!” Grandma told her and walked towards my pod area.

When I had first moved away to college, there had been a full mini-trailer pulled behind our car by my parents. Mom and Mama had insisted that I have everything I might need for my dorm room. The result of which had barely fit in the storage I had with my dorm that year!

Coming to this dimension, especially knowing size changes were likely, I had packed a lot lighter! Two small portable game systems were placed on one edge of the desk, and we quickly looked through the clothes I’d brought in one suitcase. “None of these will fit,” Grandma asked.

“No, they’re all way too big!” I told her

A whimper from the corner from Liam made me want to look his way, but instead, I focused on the task at hand. Grandma took the first suitcase of clothes and closed it while I started on the next one. A quick glance around the room showed me that Liam was still facing the corner, and Mackenzie must have gone back to her room. I pressed a hidden button on the bag’s underside and pulled a small package out. I looked at my backpack and realized it had sized down with me better. That was good because the small case was designed to pack away seamlessly in the front compartment. Fortunately it still fit! Hidden once again, I turned my attention to the rest of the bag.

A couple of Riley’s printed artwork pieces showed us popping out of one as siblings, and another showed our moms with us. She’d given them to me for Christmas to bring with me. I knew she charged at least a grand per picture when she did these for other people, so I really appreciated her thoughtful gift!

Both pictures took up the space on either side of where I set my small computer up. “Those are beautiful!” Grandma said.

“Yes, they are. Riley does some amazing work!”

“I know your mom figured that out over here, but we still don’t have anyone selling things like this.”

“Well, you probably have some holo versions?”

To my surprise, she shook her head. “For some reason, photos like this are still all shown on 2D displays or printed on paper.”

“Weird,” I told her. “Riley is probably one of the best at it back home, but others are copying the concept.” I smiled, “But speaking of that!” I pulled out a larger box from the bag. “Riley sent one for you and Grandpa.”

I handed her a sealed box that had barely fit in the bag.

She smiled widely and opened the end of the box to slide out the photo just as Mackenzie came back into the room. “Wow! That’s really cool!” She said, looking over Grandma’s shoulder. “Did you make that, Connor?”

I shook my head, “That’s my little sister Riley’s work. My mom figured out how to make these while she was here, but Riley has taken her method to a whole new level.”

“You all look like you’re completely real tiny people. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sculpture so realistic?” She pointed to the background of the field of wildflowers behind us. “Even the background looks like those flowers are popping out? Like you could pick the miniature flowers! How did she carve that?”

“It’s printed,” I told her.

“That’s cool!” she said. “She could make a fortune here selling those!”

I nodded and watched Grandma push it gently back into the box. “She’s doing pretty well back home already with it.”

I turned my attention to the bag and grabbed a few more stray odds and ends I’d brought out of it. Most of it was adapters and chargers, but some pens, pencils, and things like that also came out to be set on the desk. Moments later, my bags were empty, and Grandma took them from me. “I’ll keep these at our house until you leave,” she told me.

“Thanks, I appreciate that.”

“Well, it looks like that’s all for now.” She bent over and squeezed me in a hug, “I’m so glad to finally be able to meet you in person, Connor! Your mom should be very proud of you! Make sure you let her and your sisters know you made it? I think you should have a good fifteen minutes before getting ready for bed.”

Mackenzie nodded, “Yes, it’s about that long, and then we’ll get Connor and Liam in their jammies for nighttime.”

“I’ll see you Friday, Connor!” I watched as she walked out the door.

I felt a bit of a drop in my mood as the only person in the dimension who truly cared for me left the room.

I looked up when Mackenzie said, “Liam, your timeout is over. Do you have anything to say to me?”

I could hear one of my mothers asking us if we were ready to apologize to each other after our worst sibling fights when we were little.

“How did you even know…?” Liam started out. “Did you do something to me…?”

I groaned internally, ‘not a good way to start an expected apology!’

Mackenzie was more patient than I guessed any of the other Nest Mothers would have been. “Liam, I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t do a thing to you, but when I heard from Miss Kaylee and Miss Lucy that they already had some new pants poopers, I suspected something was in your lunch. Do you see why it was better to have a diaper on?”

“But… I could have… made…?” He sounded like he was about to have an anxiety attack as she closed in on him.

She shook her head and looked over at me. “Connor, be honest with me. Did you have an issue?”

I thought about lying but didn’t trust there to be some way of busting that lie. “Yes, I did. Luckily, I had a Pull-Up on.”

“Is that what you’re wearing now?”

“No, my grandma thought it would be smart to wear a diaper until tomorrow morning.”

“Did you throw a tantrum about it?” Mackenzie asked me.

“No…? I mean, I wasn’t happy about it? But I didn’t exactly get much warning before…?”

“Liam, what would have happened if I hadn’t put you into a diaper?”

“Umm… I would probably have had an accident…?”

“And you remember the demerits happen if you aren’t protected, right?”

He groaned but nodded.

“So, do you have anything to say to me?”

Liam looked past her at me, and I mouthed, ‘say you’re sorry!’

“Sorry,” he said.

“Good boy! Let’s get you out of that stinky diapee into your PJs, and then we’ll do the same with Connor. You two have a big day tomorrow with your placement tests!”

I watched as she picked up the small man and carried him to the changing table. A strap was placed across his chest, and she got to work cleaning him up.

I turned my attention to my computer and quickly used the info I’d been handed to connect it to the wireless data connection in the dorms. It took a couple moments to enable some tools Mom had given me, but I was able to send a quick message letting them know I was okay, had had dinner with Grandma and everyone else, and was getting ready to go to bed in my nest.

I sighed.

I had hoped not to be in a nest!

I had just pressed ‘send’ when I felt a large hand on my shoulder. “Ready to go night-night?” Mackenzie asked me.

I nodded.

“Need to go potty first?”

I took stock of my bladder and nodded, “Yes, please. Can you undo this diaper?”

“We’ll do it in the potty.” I stood up and began walking in that direction while she told Liam, “Go ahead and start getting settled in your pod. I’ll check on you in a moment before I turn the lights off.”

Mackenzie caught up to me in the bathroom, standing in front of one of the fake-looking toilets. I pulled my pants down. Rather than go straight for the diaper, she said, “Let’s get you out of those!”

Without warning, she knelt down, pulled each shoe off, and said, “Step out!”

It was the first time I had been undressed like that since I was little, and I felt my face turn bright red. Mackenzie folded my pants neatly next to her feet and then reached to pull the diaper open. “Dry!” She said to me with a smile.

I could feel that might not last long, though, so I hopped on the toilet and began relieving myself. The piece that prevented you from peeing outside the bowl was appreciated as it also concealed me a little bit. I felt some residual runny poop drop out of my rear and took some offered toilet paper. I awkwardly leaned over to my right to reach my bottom and used a few wads before feeling like I was clean.

I stood up, and my shirt rode down almost far enough to cover myself. Unfortunately, I was still naked, and Mackenzie had my pants in her hand. She walked in front of me for a second and said, “Let’s get you dressed, and then you can come back in here and brush your teeth.”

“Can I wash my hands first?” I asked, red from being embarrassed.

“Sure,” she said. I watched her reverse course and head to the sinks. She turned on the water for me, and I stepped up to the low counter. I quickly washed my hands and took the paper towel she offered me to wipe them dry. Following her back out to the room, I could tell Liam was watching me from inside of his ‘pod.’

I blushed, knowing he got a full mooning a second later as Mackenzie pulled my feet into her hand and lifted my bottom off the changing pad to slide a diaper in underneath me. Instead of immediately taping it closed, she pulled a bottle out and squirted some gooey lotion onto her hand. “In case you do end up using this diaper tonight, I want to make sure you don’t get a diaper rash,” she told me quietly.

I couldn’t help my physical reaction as she rubbed the lotion first into my front, then my butt, and then massaged my legs to get the rest off her gloved hands. Finally, the diaper was put together with two quick little ‘scritch’ sounds of the Velcro material, and she pulled off the gloves.

“Onesie or footed pajamas?” She asked me


“For your pajamas?” She reached down and held up a t-shirt onesie that would snap closed over the diaper, and a set of footed pajamas.

I blushed but pointed to the footed pajamas. “Those, I guess?”

I wasn’t ready to just leave my diapered butt hanging out to the world in the shirt.

And, truthfully, I’d had my own set of footed pajamas at home that matched my family’s! They were comfy, and right then, I felt a slight chill too. I watched her unzip the green garment, realizing it had the Emerson crest on the left chest and a stylized hood with ears. She undid the strap and guided me to stand up on the table. Mackenzie held the pajamas for me as I stuck my feet inside and then took charge of zipping the extended zipper from my foot to my collar.

“There! Why don’t you go brush your teeth, wash your face, and then we’ll get you settled in for the night?” She told me as she set me on my feet on the ground.

I nodded, “Okay,” and gathered the small attaché case I’d brought. Over the past ten years back home, these custom ‘U-shaped’ toothbrushes had become the standard back home. Initially created for kids, they did a better job getting all of your teeth clean much quicker. As soon as I looked at mine, I realized it was much too big for my smaller mouth, and wasn’t going to work. I sighed and went for the backup manual toothbrush Mama had insisted I bring. Before washing my face, I dug into my bag and used a hair tie to pull my hair back into a short ponytail. I washed my face, put everything back inside the case, and walked out to my pod.

Mackenzie waited by my pod and watched me set my stuff down in the small cabinet attached to my pod. “All good?” She asked me.

I nodded. “So, can we go swimming tomorrow?”

“You sure you want to risk being tired for your test?”

I nodded, “It’ll wake me up, honestly. My sisters and I grew up swimming every morning before school?”

She shrugged, “I’ll get you up then. You just need to put on a swim diaper and a swimsuit before you go?”

I nodded, “I can do that. I might drink a bottle of water or something too?”

“That should be fine,” she told me. Mackenzie motioned to the small ladder leading up to the pod. I climbed up into the pod and immediately was even more sure of the parallels with a crib when she closed the end door behind me. She came back around to the side and pushed something, causing the front to swing down.

‘Definitely a crib!’ I thought to myself.

“There’s your emergency button,” she pointed out to me. Like I said, I’ll swing by before I call it a night and check on you.” She reached down and pulled out a nearly me-sized stuffed griffin. “Want a stuffie to sleep with?”

I groaned, “Sure…?”

She smiled and put the giant stuffed animal beside me, before pulling the covers of the bed over me and tuckimg us both in. She pushed the side of the crib up, sealing me in. “Night, night,” she told me.

The way the room was set up, there was no way I could see Liam, so I assumed she must have already put him to bed, as she immediately turned the lights off. Above me, I saw a pattern of stars begin to glow. The constellations actually tracked slowly across the ceiling as I watched.

With a sigh, I rolled over, grabbed onto my pillow, and got comfortable for the night.

‘Tomorrow is going to be a long day!’


BETH LOOKED AT the clock on her screen and sighed, ‘I’d better call it a night,’ she thought.

She’d finally made it back to her room after the interrogation from Livy. Once done, she’d spent time going through her room and making sure everything was where she wanted it to be. She’d left a few things in a hurry when she’d gone home for Christmas, so she took some time to fix how her school supplies were organized.

Looking around the room, she wasn’t sure what seemed off, but she felt lonely since her parents had left.

‘Hard to believe I won’t see them again for four months,’ she admitted. Then, with a sigh, she stood up and walked to a drawer where she kept her favorite fleece pajama bottoms and grabbed a long sleeve top she swore was made of the softest fabric invented! Upon changing into her pajamas, she walked to the shared bathroom and completed her nightly routine of tying her hair out of the way, cleaning her face and teeth, and using the toilet.

She locked the door and turned off the light when she went back inside her room. Then, climbing into her bed, she hugged Rings tightly, “At least I have you here with me.”

Sleep was hard to fall into that night, as she realized she genuinely liked Connor and was worried he’d be demerited out before she got a chance to know him!


Thanks so much for reading! I'll have another post for you all next Friday again. Please let me know what you think! This is definitely the most I have delved into the daily life of a Little in the dorms! 

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 12 Posted 7/29/2022

Another great chapter, I think that although Connor is going to like the treatment he is smart enough to go with the flow and get through anything they throw at him.  Liam is another story though, I think he will have trouble with all the things they do.  Wondering what happens if they demerit out, do they have to stay forever or go into a baby ward until it is time to go home?.?

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27 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Wondering what happens if they demerit out, do they have to stay forever or go into a baby ward until it is time to go home?.?

I'll cover it eventually, but 'home' means something different.

Thanks for the comment!

21 minutes ago, BabyJilly_S said:

Love the details of daily life, makes the world real and contrasts well so when big events happen, they are truly big and have impact. 

Thanks! ?

20 minutes ago, Panther Cub said:

Excellent chapter!

Thanks! ?

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7 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

I'll cover it eventually, but 'home' means something different.

Thanks for the comment!

Thanks! ?

Thanks! ?

I was thinking something like Diamond tours where they let Lilly go home but shrunk her before to avoid questions about what they did to her.

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1 hour ago, Baby Billy said:

I was thinking something like Diamond tours where they let Lilly go home but shrunk her before to avoid questions about what they did to her.

Well... Lilly's situation was a 1:1,000,000 situation with an embassy involved... These Littles don't have that support group. 

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4 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Well... Lilly's situation was a 1:1,000,000 situation with an embassy involved... These Littles don't have that support group. 

Yes, but that was 30 years ago.  I would think that as smart as the amazons are once they learned that by rebirthing a little would cure the fertility problem they would have come up with a way to cure it.  I also thought that after 30 years the two dimensions would have a treaty to protect littles better when they came over.? 

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11 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Yes, but that was 30 years ago.  I would think that as smart as the amazons are once they learned that by rebirthing a little would cure the fertility problem they would have come up with a way to cure it.  I also thought that after 30 years the two dimensions would have a treaty to protect littles better when they came over.? 

30 years ago the iron curtain fell, we thought the Cold War was over with the Russians. Where are we 30 years later? 

One of my favorite quotes is ‘history doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes.’ I think similar is likely to be going on here too. 

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Ah yes the test.

They're already in college, but they have to prove they're smart enough for college, and if they fail, it's Emerson's daycare and adoption.

I think Connor will do just as well as his mother, if not better.

I'm curious to see what else these pods have to offer and what happens next.

I say he will be the only one not adopted due to misbehavior (yes even the professors are adopted) but there will be other stress.

Maybe there will be Venture again, that could be exciting.


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34 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

Ah yes the test.

They're already in college, but they have to prove they're smart enough for college, and if they fail, it's Emerson's daycare and adoption.

In this case it's a genuine placement exam for everyone and not a CARES test. It's more what all the students (Bigs included) took at the beginning of the year. The taller of the exchange students also take this one. Test itself isn't dangerous... 

(Being in the DiaperDimension? Now that's a whole other story! ? )

Thanks for the comments Moon3ye!

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2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

30 years ago the iron curtain fell, we thought the Cold War was over with the Russians. Where are we 30 years later? 


2 hours ago, BabySofia said:

One of my favorite quotes is ‘history doesn’t always repeat itself, but it often rhymes.’


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Good chapter! 

Although I take issue with the fact Connor thinks Amanda is the only person who cares about him in that dimension. He just had dinner a bunch who do!

Jury is still out with regards to Mackenzie but I'm leaning towards her actually being on her charge's side. She's following the rules and indulging her insticts but really wants them to ultimately make in through their time at Emerson.

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I just realized while rereading the chapters since the meetings of Connor and Amanda that Connor has a decisive advantage over his fellow students from our dimension.

Namely, the bracelet which is considered a student ID.

He only got it because Amanda got through that she counts as a family member.

The other exchange students probably won't get it at all without a guardian.

If they are on the way, he is threatened by the same thing as Meggy back then, namely that someone throws away the ID and simply adopts her.


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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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