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Kyle's Summer Vacation - Updated (Chapter 11)

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Hey everyone - I wrote this randomly in 4 hours today. Posting it for fun. I usually write stories for my own enjoyment but decided I'd share this one. I know there are a lot of fundamental mistakes, grammatical errors etc and I'm naturally bad at writing pros. I did not really proof read this. I know the content is a bit unrealistic and what not - but it the kind of story I like so I decided I'd take shot at it. Anyway - if people like the general theme or where it is going, I'll clean it up - format it and continue it in parts to share...

Kyle's Summer Vacation:


It has been one week since summer began, and Kyle Connors was anxious with how quickly the last year had gone by. The 20-year-old boy lived with his parents in upstate New York, they were both professors at a local university and had high expectations for their children. His mother was a neuroscience researcher currently on sabbatical to write her book and his father was an archeologist who had just left for a dig in South America which would last most of the summer. Kyle’s older sister Kayla had been the golden child, she was a math/science prodigy and enrolled in Dartmouth two year’s prior. Kyle unfortunately was not as scholastically gifted as his sister, but he did okay was a B student and had been a competitive track athlete until a nasty fall ended his career during the final meet of the season. 

This led him to take a gap year instead of enrolling in college, he just wanted time to reevaluate his situation. So, over the past 6 months he’d been taking a few classes at a community college and working part-time at a local supermarket. To his parents’ disappointment – his progress at community college was well below their expectations, with him barely getting a C average his first year. More than anything they were concerned with his lack of attention and complacency, he seemed unmotivated. If anything, this gap year had caused him to go backwards – he was still relying on his parents for so much and didn’t seem to want to grow up.

In fact – Kyle seemed to be settling into a normal routine as the child in the household. He would wait until the final moment to do his laundry, usually his mother would just end up doing it for him. He was resigned to playing video games and watching cartoons more often than his parents would have liked. He was naturally a clumsy person, so being around the house more often – he seemed to always be spilling on the furniture and tracking dirt through the house. Things like dishes, yardwork and general adult responsibilities were simply difficult for him to handle, so his parents were resigned to do it all themselves. 

Not surprisingly – Kyle’s parents had put numerous restrictions around his life. He had an early curfew, still had a bedtime and they even had parentals controls for him when he was watching TV or using the internet. To reduce distractions they’d throttled his phone, so the only apps he could engage with were learning based or educational. Beyond this – they had just taken to treating Kyle a bit younger than his actual age, basically wanting to know where he was at any given moment, what he was doing and wanting to make sure he was safe. In their eyes he simply was a kid, not an adult. 

Kayla had just arrived home two days ago, she was on her summer break and was ready to enjoy a relaxing summer.. Kyle was extremely jealous of his older sister, and it was really dawning on him how much better she had it. At this moment summer vacation was a thing of the past for him, he had to work at his boring job and was in online classes to make up for the failed classes from the prior year. His parents were elated with all her progress, and she was not under the same rules  or super vision Kyle was. She had complete freedom as an adult should. This was not helping his stress and anxiety – the peer-pressure was a lot for him to deal with and he was having trouble sleeping, with dreadful anxious thoughts of failure keeping him up at night.

Even though Kyle had been injured the prior year, he was still able to run long distance, and this was his main outlet for relieving himself of anxiety or stress. At 5’3 and 135 pounds – he had the perfect body for long distance and was pushing himself to get ready for marathon coming up in the fall. Even with all the strenuous exercise – he still was having trouble getting enough sleep and this was starting to complicate his life even further. About a week ago, the reality of his sisters return and his depressing circumstances set in on him. His mental health was waning and it was all starting to affect him physically. It seemed to all come crumbling down when he woke up a 4:30 AM to discover he’d done something that hadn’t done since the 8th grade – Kyle had wet the bed. 

This was not exactly foreign to Kyle – he had issues with intermittent bedwetting all the way up to middle school and had worn Goodnites for his predicament until he was 11. In fact, Kyle had struggled with potty training in his early years and because this he’d started kindergarten a year late, since at age 5 he was still in and out of diapers. His doctor had told his parents he had a small bladder and this was something that he’d likely have to deal with for the rest of his life. Kyle was good about limiting liquids but still usually went to use the restrooms 2 or 3 times more frequently than his peers. This is something he just had learned to deal with. 

That early morning Kyle was so disappointed in himself, he couldn’t believe what had happened and was not looking forward to his parents finding out. He luckily had a change of sheets in the closet. So quickly – he removed his soil linens and stuffed them in shopping bag and was able to fall back asleep. The next morning, he slept in and his mother was gone when he woke up, likely on her morning walk. He quickly went downstairs to do the laundry and cover up his shameful wetting incident. When his Mom arrived home later that day – things began to get complicated…


Kyle was sitting in the kitchen watching Hilda when his mother called out from the den -“Hey honey – did you put some laundry down?” his mother asked in a surprising tone.


“Yes, Mom I put it down an hour or so ago, just my sheets – I think it should be done soon” Kyle answered in a nervous studder.


“Why did you do your sheets? I just washed them yesterday” his mother inquired shouting from the other room.


“Sorry mom, I had night sweats last night and they just were gross – I’ll put them in the dryer shortly” he was really hoping his mother would drop this and move on. 


“Okay well I appreciate you helping, looks like they just finished so I will put them in the dryer – I need to get the rest of our laundry done” she thought to herself that this was a good sign, Kyle almost never did chores like this, maybe this summer he’ll start to grow up. 


As she opened the washer she was met with a pungent smell – it was unmistakably urine. As a mother of two children, she knew exactly what had happened. “Hey Kyle” his mother shouted presumptuously “did you forget to put detergent in the washer?”


Kyle’s face went pale, and he sat in silence hoping the inevitable would not happen – how could he forget such a simple thing. As he turned to go try to mitigate the incident his mother came around the corner with his sheets in her arms. “Kyle Anders Connors – do you have something to tell me!” she was looking at him with a stern expression. 


Kyle couldn’t bring himself to admit the truth, so he stared at his bowl of cheerios sheepishly. “Kyle these sheets smell like pee, did you wet the bed last night?” his mother asked concernedly. 


“I, I, I’m not sure what happened mom – I’ve been really tired and I did 8 miles yesterday I must have drank too much water, I’m sorry” his face was beet red with shame and he wanted to run as fast as he could out the front door. 


His mother responded calmly but in a serious manner “Young man, accidents happen but I will not have you lying about it. I need you to be honest with me and your father all the time. It’s obvious that you can’t handle this like an adult. Let’s hope this is a one-time thing, if it happens again – you need to tell me right away and I will take care of cleaning it up since you seemingly can’t do it properly. If I’m not here, you need to call or text me to tell me what happened and I’ll give you instructions, am I clear?” 


“Yes mom” he responded with a very embarrassed look on his face. This was not exactly how he wanted this summer to start. He wanted to come up with some sort of excuse, but he couldn’t think of anything worth saying. His mother left the room quickly and put the sheets in the washer to run them again with soap. As she returned to the kitchen she sat down at the table across from Kyle… she sniffed the air inquisitively, there was a musty smell and she realized where it was coming from.


“Kyle! Have you showered since this happened? You smell like pee!” she stated bluntly.


“Sorry mom, I was hungry and had come downstairs to eat – I just forgot!” He responded with a terribly embarrassed look on his face. He was almost at tears. 


“That is ridiculous and gross! You must be more responsible than this. What next, am I going to have to bathe you as well! Go up and take a shower this instant!” Kyle immediately got up from the table and ran upstairs – so relieved to get away from possibly his most embarrassing moment in recent memory. 


After the awful morning and a long shower Kyle was determined to have a better afternoon. He went for a run on his favorite trail and was going to push to do 14 miles today. During the run he thought about what had happened and how much he must have disappointed his mother. Hopefully the next few days would improve, and this would be forgotten about. 

Unfortunately – the next few days and week did not improve at all. His bedwetting became persistent, and he only managed to have two dry nights over a 7-day period. There was even a day on his way back from a run when he had an urgent need to pee and ended up soaking hit pants just minutes before arriving home, fortunately he was able to scramble up to his room and throw his jogging shorts along with his socks in plastic bag which he hid under his bed. Each wet morning he would strip his soiled pajamas off, take a shameful shower and after which he would head down would go to his mother to tell her what had happened. This routine was becoming painful for Kyle and for his mother. Both of them just hoped things would work themselves out, but it was becoming obvious something would have to be done to help Kyle with his issues.



It was Sunday afternoon and Kyle’s mother Karen was preparing for lunch thinking about the next few weeks. The next day Kyle, his sister and Mother would be driving 6 hours north to Maine for a 3-week trip at Black Bear Resort and Lodge just outside Acadia National Park. This was an annual tradition for the family and something Kyle always looked forward to. This year, since Kyle’s father wasn’t joining them – his mother had arranged for her research assistant Candice to come along. She was a single mother of a three-year-old girl named Karly. Candice has been having a tough year, with a recent divorce and grueling new project she had undertaken that was putting undue stress on her. Her specialty was in childhood/pre-adolescent psychology, and she had recently been working on a new study to identify issue in children suffering from avoidance and regressive behavior. 

Kyle’s mother always enjoyed Candice’s company and was excited to have an adult friend to spend time with on her annual vacation. The kids always went off to do the various activities during their trips to Black Bear and it would have been a rather lonely experience to be with the older crowd at the pool and bar by herself. In fact, when the kids were younger, they’d typically be in the kids camps and she would spend most of her time at the adult pool with her husband relaxing during the trip. Candice had been somewhat concerned about having her little girl along with her, especially since she explained that she was struggling with potty training. Candice had decided to take a break on training for the first month of summer to relieve pressure on both of them and planned to ramp it up again as they started to get closer to the school year. Kyle’s mother assured Candice that the Little Cubs activity program and daycare would be awesome for Karly. Also, there was a cabin designed for families with little ones or kids with special needs – stocked with a changing table, large tub and Montessori bed for children. She remembered how helpful the resort amenities have been with Kyle since he was also a late bloomer with the potty. Candice was relieved at this and was excited to get a few weeks to really relax. As this conversation was happening – Kyle’s mother was reminded of the current bedwetting issue her son had been having… she decided to bring the topic up to Candice. 


“Hey Candice… this is a bit embarrassing for me to admit – but can I ask you for some advice in confidence?” she asked sincerely. 


Candice realized that something was concerning her friend… “absolutely you know you can tell me anything, what is up?!”


Kyle’s mother began with a slow sense of apprehension “Well this a bit embarrassing, the past few weeks Kyle has been having an issue… he’s been wetting his bed almost every night and actually I even found wet shorts and socks in a plastic bag under his bed the other day when cleaning – which I think was from a daytime accident ”


Candice eyes grew softer and she spoke with empathetically “Oh I see – well that is a bit concerning for a boy his age. I know you’ve voice concerns about him before – have you managed to take him to the doctor yet?” she asked with concern.


“Well yes, actually I got the call yesterday and all the tests came back. Medically he is in incredibly good shape. Years ago he was diagnosed with a small bladder and he’d struggled with this until he started middle school but we’ve had no problems until just recently…”


She paused nervously getting ready to pose the next question. “You see I’ve been thinking about the trip and what to do – obviously I can’t have my son wetting his bed in the cabin every night. The laundry situation alone would be a nightmare, not to mention the potential damage to the mattress… so I’ve thought about getting him some… well protection for his nighttime accidents. I know this seems extreme putting a 20-year old in diapers but I don’t know what else to do. I wanted to ask – as my friend and a professional in the field – do you think it would be damaging to him, from a mental and emotional standpoint?” her face was glowing red at this point and was filled with dread at how her friend might respond.


Candice looked on with a calm and determined expression “Karen – I actually think you’re going in the absolute right direction here. In fact I believe it would have a positive impact on him – both mentally and emotionally. I’d even encourage you to take it… well maybe a step further, let me explain. Look you’ve been talking to me about Kyle for years and I’ve gotten to know him ever since we started working together. It has never been my place to say this, but I think Kyle struggles from avoidant personality disorder. In my recent research – we’ve found that adolescents with high achieving parents and even more so those with high achieving older siblings – can suffer from a fear of failure that pacifies them from taking on challenges since they’d rather not try than fail at something.” 


Candice pauses for a moment to gauge Karen’s emotion, although concerned, she seemed engaged and willing to hear more. She continued “in my recent studies – we’ve found that lowering the bar – if you will - can have incredibly positive outcomes for children suffering from this condition. In fact we’ve found recently that letting a child take a few steps back, can help them really explore themselves, release anxiety and gain new perspectives on life. This leads to more confidence, a willingness to take chances, helps them understand that failure is natural and is a natural part of life. This is part of the reason I’m having Karly go back to diapers for summer and am encouraging her to be little for a bit longer, not making it a punishment but an opportunity for he to be my lovely baby for just a little while more. This way she can come to terms with her outcome and be ready to try again with renewed confidence.”


Karen looked at Candice with a somewhat concerned but very understanding look, “so you’re saying I should encourage Kyle to… umm act like a little kid? How would I even begin to do that?” Karen asked.


Candice thought for a moment then said “well I think you just approach the whole situation with as much concern and empathy as possible. I’d suggest you bring up the diapers to him and make rules around the situation. For one, I think you take control over the whole bedtime & diapering process and further put him on a potty training regiment. That means, you’re the one who puts him in them and takes him out of them and you're the one supervising his use of the bathroom. Although he may be resistant in the beginning, it will take pressure off of him – I think it will be key to do this in the most loving and encouraging way possible. I’d also explain that since he is not completely potty trained – that there will be rules – just like I had with Karly. For instance – if he has any daytime accidents - that would mean he is in diapers for the rest of the day. From there – I bet there are little things we can work on together during our trip to help naturally regress him. Also - this is up to your discretion but I think you may need to explain to him the situation and give him options. He would either comply with our program or enroll him in a different type of correctional program... I'll let you decide what that would be. I mean he isn’t that big to begin with and if my evaluation is correct on him – the regression process will be a somewhat natural process for him. One thing I think we do right now, is call the Resort and see if they have any additional family rooms available. I bet Kyle would be just the right fit for the Montessori bed I the room they got for me and it would help with the whole process.”

Karen nodded her head apprehensively “Okay I think this is worth giving a try, thank you for the advise Candice and the help in executing this. Hopefully we get great results for Kyle”. 

Although she was concerned over this, she felt what Candice was saying was right and this might be the perfect opportunity to give Kyle some time to be a kid again… well actually little kid and get him over the fear of failure. So that afternoon – they made all the arrangements and came up with a plan. Candice went shopping for a few things to help and was going to pack basically double for Karly to prepare for how far down the rabbit whole Kyle ended up going.

Karen called the resort to make some changes to their reservation and ask some questions on camp policy. She was greeted by the nicest lady to which she explained her situation. She told her that one of her teenagers (she fibbed a bit here) had been having some issues with incontinence and would need extra help during the trip to attend to his “special needs”. The resort admin was extremely grateful for Karen’s information and honesty – since the camp has strict access policies for children who aren’t potty trained. The office woman expanded that she was in luck since a three-bed family cabin had just been canceled on and had 4 weeks of availability. She further explained that it was two rooms with queen beds and a third room that was designed as nursery/special needs room. She wanted to make sure this one was okay with her, since it was equipped with a large built in changing table, twin sized toddler daybed with a detachable front gate and a rocking chair. Also, she added that the room’s additional fee included complimentary access to ALL kids camp programs, which were accessible to children under the age of 17. 

Karen realized that she was being a bit dishonest here but knew that Kyle could easily pass for a teenager with his small size and baby face. “We’ll take it Miss, thank you for all your help we really look forward to checking in and enjoying our stay.” She got off the phone and went up to Kayla’s room where she was reading – she needed to fill her in on what was happening and how she’d be needed to support this. “Hey honey we need to talk” Karen said to her daughter. “Sure mom whats up?” Kayle responded. Karen explained the situation to her - Kayla although somewhat confused and frankly a bit amused seemed to grasp the plan and agreed to be supportive of everything her mother and Candice wanted to do. With that Karen grabbed her keys and with Kayla were off to the store to get supplies for the 3 week vacation that they were sure to never forget.



It was Monday morning at 8 AM – the day of the long journey to Maine. Karen walked into Kyle’s room to start the day and get things moving, She had planned this out in her head a thousand times the night before. He was still sound asleep and she was not surprised to smell the extremely strong smell of urine in the air – Kyle had wet himself in his sleep once again. Karen gently shook him awake, as Kyle stirred and slowly opened his eyes his mother in the most sweet tone she could muster said, 

“Sweety – it’s time to get up we have a very big day ahead of us. You had a big accident last night honey, you go shower to go get cleaned up and come back in here so we can get everything ready”

Kyle was dazed and confused, his mother never came in his room like this but he figured it was a big day ahead so she was just trying to move things along. With less shame than usual as this had become more routine, Kyle said “I’m sorry mom, I didn’t mean to have another accident – yah okay I’ll go jump in the shower right now” she gave him a sympathetic stare and said “aww its okay my sweet boy, you couldn’t help it – just go get all clean and come back in here for a little chat when you’re finished. We just need to talk a little, don’t worry we’ll get everything sorted out” 


He nodded cautiously, a bit embarrassed by his mother’s tone and somewhat concerned by what she wanted to talk about. He jumped out of bed quickly to escape the situation and headed as quickly as possible to the bathroom across the hall. While in the shower – Karen got his bed stripped, put on the new plastic sheet she’d purchased the night before and brought in the new bag she had packed for Kyle which she would be showing him as they discussed the new rules he was going to have for summer. 


After a nice hot shower, Kyle came back in his room wrapped in a towel, his small frame was totally exposed and he was a bit timid to be so bare in front of his mother. His mother had pulled up a chair next to his bed and patted the soft plastic sheet saying “Okay Kyle come sit down, we need to have a talk” 


Kyle nodded his head and although he wanted to protest, he knew better with his mother and didn’t want to risk having a fight right before they went on vacation. He was somewhat upset by the new plastic sheet on his bed but was not surprised and thought it was rational in a lot of ways. He nodded his head and went and took a seat on the side of his bed. 


His mother spoke sternly but calmly “Kyle you’re just going to listen to what I have to say and not interrupt me – do you understand – I will tell you when I’m finished, if you interrupt me you will be punished and will not like it” Kyle nodded his head and began to realize this was going to be more than he had expected. “That’s a good boy – so as you know we’re going on our little trip today. The past few weeks you’ve been having a lot of trouble with the potty and it is time we address this issue” Kyle winced at his mother using the word potty, is seemed so childish and demeaning but he continued to listen to his mother “We are in a tough situation here, I simply can’t have you wetting the bed or your pants while we are on vacation. Especially since there is no way for me to do laundry, you could damage the bed in our cabin and plus it is just too much work for me to deal with while I’m trying to relax on vacation. As you know Candice and Karly will be joining us on our trip to Black Bear and will be riding up with us in the car today. I’ve spoken with Candice about your “situation” and we determined that the next few weeks is the perfect opportunity to deal with your problems and help you along. I know you’ve been under a lot of stress and we want to help you release that stress and get over your fear of failure.”


Kyle as this point was terrified, what could his mother be talking about and why did she tell Candice about his bedwetting! Still Kyle remained silent and let his mother finish, she continued “I’ve decided that from a practical standpoint, you’ll need to be wearing protection during this trip. That means at night you’ll be wearing a diaper and during the day you’ll be wearing goodnite pull ups. Do not protest, I know you wet your pants the other day and hid it from me.”


Kyle was dumbstruck but stayed silent, he new better than to interrupt his mother in these moments. “Further I’ve decided with Candice’s guidance that we should let you have some time to be free of responsibility and give you extra attention during this time. I promise this is going to be good for you and you’ll really enjoy it once you get past some of the natural embarrassment. You do not need to worry about being teased or anything, Kayla, myself and Candice are all on board here. So during the next three weeks, you’re going to be treated a bit like Karly, instead of a 20 years old – we’re going to give you the attention and supervision that a 3 year old would need. Not on everything but on little things. That means there are new rules you need to be aware of:


  1. We need to keep track of your potty time and give attention to your bedwetting. As I said you’ll be wearing protection at all times. Diapers will be required at night. You’re not allowed to remove your diapers on your own, an adult will be putting them on you and changing you out of them. During the day, unless deemed otherwise, you’ll be in pull ups. When you need to use the potty, you will come get an adult who will take you to use to bathroom, this will encourage you to be more attentive and will make sure you have no embarrassing accidents. Secondly – if you have an accident in your pull up, you’ll be put in diapers for the rest of the day and the bathroom will be off limits until the following day. We can’t be having accidents all the time.
  2. During our stay – we’ve arranged a family cabin. You’ll be staying in your own special room which is setup to accommodate your needs. The first week, your bedtime is going to be 8 PM. I will get you ready for bed an hour early, make sure you’re fed and bathed before bedtime. If you’re good and behave, we can talk about later bedtimes the 2nd and 3rd week. 
  3. If you misbehave you’ll be subject time outs and if it gets to it, I will spank you if you disobey me, Kayla or Candice. 
  4. You're required to be under adult supervision at all times. No going anywhere with out me, Kayla or Candice. When we are doing adult activities during our stay, you’ll be going with Karly to Kid's camp. We’ve arranged it all and you’ll be in good hands there. Staff are aware of you potty issues and they have specific rules/policies that you’ll need to follow. 
  5. I will be picking out your outfits, bathing you and taking care of most things for you so you can focus just on having fun and relaxing during this trip.

“Keep in mind, this is not just to address your potty problems but also something we’ve determined will be a therapy to help you overcome your crippling anxiety. I know you want that for yourself, so I hope you can be mature about this and let yourself enjoy this treatment for what it is. If you refuse, then I’ve made arrangements for you to stay at the University Hospital over the next three weeks in the Psychiatric ward – for an experimental drug therapy which I think you’d find to be… well not very fun. Okay so with that, I’ve said what I need to say and you’re free to respond.”

Kyle looked down at the floor with and clenched his hands in fist. How on earth could his mother be doing this to him. This was so incredibly bizarre. How could he – a 20 year old man be reduced to wearing diapers and being treated like a child. Beyond the legality of it – he figured it was just crazy, however he knew he was in a pickle. His mother has a lot of power and knew the law incredibly well – he was not about to go to the Psychiatric ward – he’d been there before a few years ago when he took a bunch of pills and did not want to go back. He gathered the courage to respond and held back as much malice in his voice as he could,

“I, I can’t believe you’re doing this to me! I do not deserve this… I mean I’ll wear diapers at night, that I can at least understand but why do I have to be treated like a toddler! That is simply ridiculous. Can I just wear the diapers, I’ll even let you change me if that makes things easier… I just can’t imagine going through all this.” Kyle pleaded aggressively. 

His mother stood up and sternly said “Kyle this situation has been evaluated and the plan is in place, either you accept this or we make the call right now and have you in the hospital this afternoon. This choice is up to you” Kyle looked was furious but he was deflated and staired at the floor. Karen calmy took her seat and put her hand on his knee “Honey I promise you’re going to have a lot of fun these next three weeks and it’s going to be good for all of us.” She gently tilted up his head and looked in his eyes “So baby, can you be brave boy for me and go along with what we have planned – we know what is best for you and this is going to help so much.”

Kyle was tearing up and although he was upset at the whole situation – he knew his trade off and he had little choice but to comply. Kyle nodded his head begrudgingly and his mother smiled. 

“Awww that is my good boy, well we’re going to make this a trip to remember. So I have some things to show you and we need to get you ready for the big road trip”. 

With that his mother reached under his bed and pulled out an extra-large light blue suit case with Mickey mouse cartoon characters running all over it. This made Kyle blush in embarrassment.

“So this has everything we need for your trip but I went ahead and got some of your swimsuits and regular clothes in there too for the last few weeks. Let’s get you all ready for the big car ride little guy” 

Karen walked over to the closet and came back with some clothes in her hand and to his surprise she was holding a big white diaper, with powder and lotion. 

“Mom – I thought you said I was going to be in pull-ups during the day?” Kyle asked – he was so embarrassed that he was actually begging to be able to wear a pull up, this was insane.

His mother replied “Look we have a 6 hour car ride and we can’t be stopping every few minutes for you baby. Plus you always nod off in the car and your pull ups just wouldn’t hold a big wetting like that. This is for the best and plus – I said you’d be in diaper as “deemed” necessary so lay down on your bed and we’ll get you all ready”

Kyle was flabbergasted, this was happening so quickly. In that moment he was paralyzed and just did what his mother asked. He laid down and closed his eyes so incredibly embarrassed on what was about to happen. His mother peeled away the front of the towel and exposed her naked little boy. She was surprised to see Kyle had no pubic hair, but she remembered that she had always bought him extra razors for him to shave his legs, he just preferred it as a runner – I guess he did it all the way up.

With her little boy exposed she proceeded to lifting up his legs and having him hold them in position. She fluffed out the thick disposable and tucked it neatly underneath his bottom. She then proceeded to rub lotion on him and dust him with baby powder. She had him lower his legs, so she could do the front and then fit the diaper snugly over him. Taping each side securely in place. She knew in a few days this would become very routine and was actually surprised by how much fulfillment she was getting out of caring for her little boy.

“Okay sweety that wasn’t so bad, you can open your eyes now you’re all done” She said softly to him hoping this wasn’t too much for her son. 

Kyle leaned upward feeling the new padding between his legs. It was humiliating but he was surprised with how comfortable it was, the fresh powder and lotion giving him an odd sensation. The brief moment of calm was disrupted by his mother saying “Okay arms up for me” He complied and his mother put a light blue smoky the bear T-shirt on him, he was about to protest but she was too quick. He was simply mortified by what she had for him next... “Alright little one let’s get you to step in your cute little outfit I picked out special for today” What she held out for him what was unmistakably a dark blue denim short-alls, he wouldn’t have been surprised if they were girls as they were uncommon for men but no doubt they were his size and would fit him. Again, he didn’t see any other thing to do but to listen to his mother. So with one foot and then the other he stepped into his new childish garment. His mother asked him to stand up as she pulled the shorts over his diaper hand secured the buckles of each strap over his shoulder. He could feel his diaper underneath pushing up between his legs and he was blushing red at the babyish feeling he was getting from being dressed like this by his mother. He simply couldn’t believe this was happening to him and stared in defeat at the floor, afraid to even glance at himself in the mirror. His mother gushed “Oh my you just look so adorable, already for our big adventure!"

To be continued...








  • Like 18

Great start it is good that Karen went to Kayla and let her know what was going on and asking for her support obviously not wanting to make this experience negative for Kyle if his sister teased or gave him a hard time but Karen should have punishments in place just in case Kayla cannot control herself and teases her baby boy or makes his experience negative for Karen and Candice's plan to work his experience needs to be positive.

It would be interesting to see how the trip there will be will Kyle have to be in a carseat or booster seat since there is no doubt Karly will be in one being three and all and he would be treated like a three year old during their trip.

Also for Candice's daughter seeing someone older then her in a similar situation to herself would be a good motivater and confidence booster for Karly since seeing his example would be good since while she will be in diapers all day he will be asking to go potty whenever he needs setting an example for her but can also create a sense of competition where she too wants to potty train to do better then him, but also give her a sense that she wouldn't want to still need diapers when she was older since she could see peoples reaction to it while they may not say something they would still react.

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3 hours ago, Diapeered said:

Great start it is good that Karen went to Kayla and let her know what was going on and asking for her support obviously not wanting to make this experience negative for Kyle if his sister teased or gave him a hard time but Karen should have punishments in place just in case Kayla cannot control herself and teases her baby boy or makes his experience negative for Karen and Candice's plan to work his experience needs to be positive.

It would be interesting to see how the trip there will be will Kyle have to be in a carseat or booster seat since there is no doubt Karly will be in one being three and all and he would be treated like a three year old during their trip.

Also for Candice's daughter seeing someone older then her in a similar situation to herself would be a good motivater and confidence booster for Karly since seeing his example would be good since while she will be in diapers all day he will be asking to go potty whenever he needs setting an example for her but can also create a sense of competition where she too wants to potty train to do better then him, but also give her a sense that she wouldn't want to still need diapers when she was older since she could see peoples reaction to it while they may not say something they would still react.

I totally agree!! Really curious to know what gonna be his sister reaction when she sees and how gonna work when he need a diaper change if he gonna be changes side by side with his new friend rsrs ! 

ps question since he is small he is using baby diapers or adult because would be cute him and karly sharing the same brand of diapers rsrs 


I love stories like this.  I look forward to how this continues.


this is far better than i could do putting a story together so i am not going to down you on mistakes but i do like where this is going i wish i could do a story on how family trips and school went for me someway but again like i said i suck at writing 

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Here is chapter 3 & 4 - in an effort to keep myself motivated and not take too much time, I'm still not proof reading, so excuse the mistakes, once it's all done, I'll probably edit it and get a final version posted. Hope y'all like where its headed.



Kyle’s mom was fluttering around his room, straightening things out and getting a backpack ready for him. This all had happened very fast and Kyle was overwhelmed with what was happening. He was unsure of what this was all supposed to accomplish, however it was clear that this was something his mother was determined to do and he wasn’t going to be able to protest. Anyway, she was running around organizing things so quickly for the trip, he doubted she would even comprehend any complaint by him in this moment. His deep thought was interrupted when Karen went to hand the bag to him and said.

“Okay cutie – well now that we have you ready, I just want you to take this and relax for a few moments in here. You just take a few deep breaths and think happy thoughts, while I wrap up some chores. We need to get these pee-soaked sheets in the washer, so the housekeeper can dry them when she comes by later! You just play in your room for a little and I’ll call you down for breakfast in 15 minutes. Check out your new toys I put in your pack for you – I hope you like them!” 

Kyle was speechless, he really didn’t know what to say or do, he just submissively accepted the bag and looked at the floor as his mother sprinted out of the room. He sat down on his bed, feeling the plastic sheet rustle beneath him and slowly began to inspect the backpack. Out of all the new things forced upon him today, at least this one was something he liked. It was a light blue and white backpack with a large graphic of Hilda on it, which was one of Kyle’s favorite shows on Netflix. He got a warm feeling inside; he never figured his mom even knew he liked Hilda and it made him feel special that she’d got this just for him… even it was a little babyish. 

His excitement was quelled once he started to inspect the contents of the bag. The first thing he noticed was an Amazon Fire HD Kids edition – he suspected this meant that he would be resigned to this one piece of tech during the trip. He flipped through some of the preloaded content which included some of his favorite cartoons, but also some super babyish shows like Sesame Street and Paw Patrol. As he dug through the bag further, he found a super soft stuffed black bear with a name tag that said Bernie, some fruit snacks, beechnut baby food pouches, and probably the most embarrassing - a large Frozen themed Olaf sippie cup with a straw.

“Well at least I’m not drinking out of a bottle” Kyle thought to himself. Kyle decided that he’d gathered the courage to take a hard look at himself in the mirror. He slowly got up from the bed, feeling his new padded underwear crinkle underneath his clothes as he moved across the room. He went over to the mirror in front of the closet and couldn’t believe what he saw. His reflection staring back at him was hardly recognizable. He really did look like an overgrown toddler. The short-alls fit snugly across his chest, they came down just past the middle of his thy and the straps supporting shorts pulled up against his diaper making an obvious puffy outline around his crotch. To top things off, smoky bear was staring back him with his nose and eyes just popping over the top of bib. His short haircut with his flurried bangs and button nose didn’t help him look any more mature. Kyle always looked very young for his age – but in this outfit he might be mistaken for a 5-year-old. Suddenly this moment was interrupted when he heard his mom call from the kitchen. 

“Kids breakfast is ready – come and eat, we need to be ready to go in 30 minutes!” Kyle’s mom shouted from downstairs. 

It was now or never, Kyle was about to be exposed in his childish get up to his sister and soon would be in a car ride with everyone on the way up to Maine. With immense apprehension, he grabbed his suitcase, put his backpack on and headed downstairs. Trying to make as little noise as possible and dampen the sounds of his rustling diaper, he tip toed down the stairs and placed his things by the door. 

He walked slowly into the kitchen, blushing hard as he was about to confront his sister. As he rounded the corner he was surprised to see she was the only one in the kitchen, sitting at the table texting on her phone and casually picking at a bowl of oatmeal. 

“Hi, Hi Kayla” Kyle stuttered, not wanting there to be awkward silence. Kayla looked up from the table with wide eyes “Hey there squirt! she said excitedly. To his surprise she popped up from her seat and walked over to meet Kyle by the island. Kayla was a volleyball player and at 5’10 towered over Kyle, no doubt she took after her mother who had a similar build. With swift speed she came up and embraced Kyle in a big warm hug. “Awww litte bro you look oh sooo cute! I honestly can’t believe Mom is doing this, but Candice knows her stuff. I think it’s going to be a lot fun, kind of like playing house!” 

“Uh yah – I guess, I think the whole thing is pretty stupid and unnecessary, but I didn’t want to end up in the psyche ward, so I guess I’m gonna play along.” Kyle responded sheepishly. Suddenly Kayla bent down and lifted Kyle up into her arms settling him on her hip. “Hey dude – let’s have a better attitude, we’re all putting forth a lot of effort. Not going to lie – changing your diapers is not exactly how I want to spend my summer vacation but am willing to help you out. So watch the language, I’m not gonna tell on you but you better know Mom is going to be really strict on this stuff, so you gotta play he part” She walked him over to the table, supporting him by his bottom, which was a knew feeling for Kyle, he was so embarrassed to feel the padding further pressed against his crotch. She went to set him down next to his seat. “Alright buddy sit down, eat your oatmeal and toast so we can get going – and don’t spill on yourself! We thought we could pass on the bib for the time being” She said cheerfully. 

Kyle was speechless and really was not happy about being picked up. His sister always liked to make him feel small, so she’d done this before, but it felt so different under these circumstances. He had nothing to say or do other than sit down “Oh, okay sis – thanks for not teasing me about this and being so positive” he said as quietly as possible. “Of course, sport – anything for my little bro, now eat up”. Kyle noticed that next to his oatmeal was a frozen themed plastic spoon with Elsa on it and a large Cars themed sippie cup. He wasn’t surprised and just obediently began to eat his breakfast, noticing that his mother had given him martinellis apple juice in his cup, which he loved.  

After a few minutes of awkward silence, his mother swept into the room. “Alright you two – we’ll be ready to go in about 5 minutes, so hurry up. Candice just arrived outside, and we are getting the car packed. Kayla keep an eye on your brother and make sure he finishes his breakfast quickly. If you can help get him cleaned up and get his shoes and socks on when he is done, they are by the door.” she said quickly and in a rush.

Kayla responded “Of course mom, I think we’re almost done here. I’ll get him ready to go” 


“Thanks honey – so excited to get up there, we’re gonna have so much fun!” Karen said cheerfully as she exited the room. Kyle attempted to protest but his mom had already left the room “Hey I’m fully capable of putting on my own shoes!” he said.

His sister got up from her seat with a mischievous smile on her face and walked over to her brother grabbing a wet wipe off the counter as she approached him. “Oh is that right? Just like how you said you were going to keep your outfit all clean during your breakfast” she chided him. Reaching down with the wipe to clean off some oatmeal from one of his straps along with some breadcrumbs from his shirt and then wiping down his face which had bits of food in different spots. Kyle was too embarrassed to resist. “Always such a messy little guy, you’re almost done with your oatmeal, can you finish all by yourself or do you need me to feed you?” she said jokingly. 

“I’ll finish it jeez Kayla!” Kyle said meekly. “Alright then, you do not get from this seat until it’s all gone, I’m gonna be right back.” She disappeared from the room for a brief 30 seconds while Kyle at the last few bits of hist oatmeal as fast as he could and tried his best to drink up the rest of his juice, although the top throttled how much would come out. 

Kayla returned to his chair holding Kyle’s shoes and socks. “Are well done?” Kayle asked presumptively. “Yes Kayla – I’m finished, just have a little juice left” Kyle said.

“That’s okay sweetie, we’ll bring your little drink with us, don’t worry – not let’s get your feets all warm and cozy.” Kayle said in a sing song voice.

She grabbed his seat and pulled it out from underneath the table. Methodically she quickly put Kyle’s socks on that came up to the middle of his shin, he was relieve to see they were just plain white. She then went to put his shoes on when he noticed they were Spongebob themed white vans with 3 velcro straps. He’d seen these a few weeks ago at the store. “Oh my god, can I please just at least wear regular shoes?” Kyle pleaded. 

“Hey cutie I think these are pretty awesome and I found them on sale at the mall yesterday. We have your runners, sandals and hiking boots packed for you too. Mom just wanted to have you drive up there in style” Kayla responded with a wink.

Flustered Kyle just let out a sigh and let his sister continue putting his shoes on him. As she was finishing up – Karen came back in the kitchen. “Oh thanks Kayla, looks like you two are ready. Okay I’ll take Kyle now, can you straighten up the kitchen and lock up the house. We’ll be outside ready in about 5 minutes – I just need to get Kyle settled in.”

Kayla responded, “Definitely mom - I’ll take care of it! Here take Kyle’s sippie – he still has a lot left” Karen grabbed the cup and then came over to Kyle stretching out her hand “Alright honeybun, come with me, let’s get you set up in the car and you can say hello to Karly and Candice.” 

“Okay mom, let’s get this over with” Kyle responded apprehensively. 

“Cheer up cutie – we’re going to have so much fun. Now lets go!” Kyle’s mom responded. She grabbed his hand and led him swiftly out of the room. Kyle was surprised by how comfortable he actually was in his current outfit – the shortalls and sneakers allowed him a lot of mobility. As they were exiting the house, Kyle noticed his mom grabbing a large, padded bag with a shoulder strap from the table by the door. It was light green with little boats and airplanes on it. When she tucked his sippier cup into the side pocket, it suddenly clicked to him what it was… that was HIS diaper bag. He couldn’t believe that she really thought he was going to need to be changed. He was so embarrassed. 

This was it – they exited the front door and Kyle was exposed to the world. Here he was a 20-year-old boy – walking to his car dressed as a toddler. He kept his head down, mortified by the thought of one of his neighbors seeing him. His mother drove a large 2020 Suburban with bucket seats and an extended back row. Kyle could see Candice waving from the passenger seat as she picked away at her laptop finishing a last minute email before they got out of service. He was pulled around to the door behind her side, as his mother opened the door what Kyle saw in front of him absolutely shocked him.

Karly was sitting in her carseat fast asleep behind the drivers side and across from her seat was another slightly larger car seat (well more of a padded booster seat with straps) that was clearly meant for Kyle.  

“Mom – I’m not sitting in a carseat” Kyle said quietly but in as stern a voice he could muster. Karen responded by bending down and whispering in his ear, “Hey cutie, do really want to make a scene in our driveway and draw attention from all our neighbors right now?” Kyle’s face was blushing red and he just shook his head.

“Well okay then, hop up here and we’ll get you buckled in!” Kyle complied and climbed into the car, settling down in the seat the best her could. He was surprised that he fit perfectly in the babysish seat, albeit it lifted him up a bit too high up, so his feet were dangling just a few inches from the floor. His mother pulled the straps together over each of his shoulders clipping them in place and then secured them to the middle strap that came up between his legs.

“There we go – all done!” She said clapping her hands, seemingly so satisfied with the situation. Kyle was incredibly embarrassed in his current position and could feel the middle strap pulling his diaper up toward his crotch. He was essentially immobilized but comfortable enough. He could see his back back and diaper back was set on the floor next to him along with Karly’s. His mother went around to the trunk to was organize a few things. Kyle was mortified that she left the door open to his side, he was nervous neighbor would walk by and see him. Luckily only 30 seconds went by before Kayla came around to get in. “Aww look at you – so adorable in your little seat, so cool bro! Okay well I got move your butt up just a smooch little cutie so I can get in the back!” Kyle closed his eyes in embarrassment as his sister proceeded to adjust his seat and climb in the back. Finally, the door was shut and his mother climbed in the drivers seat.

Karen turned around to face her kids in the back. “Okay my cuties do I think we have everything and are ready to go – I hope you’re all very excited. This is going to be lots of fun!”


Kayla responded “definitely mom! Thanks for doing this, we always love this trip!” Karen looked over to Kyle “Cutie are you okay – I know this a lot but were gonna make it a lot of fun I promise” Kyle not wanted to protest or make an issue just shook his head with somewhat slightly teary eyes. So much had happened so fast. Karen reached over to handle Kyle his sippie cup of juice “here you go little one, in case you get thirsty and finish this there are some snacks in your backpack. If you need anything, you just ask Kayla and she can help you get it from your bag – do you understand?”

Kyle nodded his head, his face completely flushed with embarrassment. He was especially concerned with what could be in his diaper bag, it was overfull, and he didn’t expect it was just diapers. The car backed up from there beautiful home and the gang was officially on the road headed to Black Bear Resort and Lodge. 



Kyle was sitting in his Carseat with his headphones on watching Hilda, occasionally looking out the window seeing the scenery change from suburbia to dense woodland. He had embarrassingly had to ask his sister to get his Amazon Fire from his bag along with his headphones. He’d had to endure some chit chat from Candice earlier on in the ride, she seemed determine to ask him questions that a 5-year-old would be asked, but she was nice enough and Kyle entertained her candor as he had always liked her. Karly had woken up for a few minutes as they got going, she seemed to be very excited to be on the road and was somewhat fascinated looking at Kyle in the carseat next to her. Candice had her introduce herself to Kyle and tell him how old she was. The conversation was not exactly stimulating, and Kyle was hopeful he wouldn’t be resigned to talking with babies the entire 3 weeks. 

Candice ended up giving a bottle of milk to Karly, which caused her to fall asleep a few minutes later. Kyle had finished his juice 30 minutes earlier, so his sister got him his Frozen cup out of his bag for him, which to his surprise contained cold milk. Kyle didn’t think much of it and was thirsty so drank it without complaint. Kyle continued to focus on his show and tried not to think about anything. Naturally with the combination of zoning out on his show, the heavy feeling the milk gave him and the rumbling of the car caused him to nod off into a deep sleep. 

Kyle suddenly was stirred awake as his sister was climbing over his seat to get out of the car “Oh there’s my sleepy little guy – we are just stopping for a little gas baby you go back to sleep” she said softly. She continued to jump out of the car shutting the door behind her. His mom was nowhere to be found but Candice was upfront working away on her computer again. Karly was now awake zoned into her little show in the car seat next to him. Kyle was a bit drowsy and was surprised he’d fallen asleep so quickly. As he wiggled in his seat slightly, he noticed an odd squishy sensation coming underneath his bottom… “oh my god – I wet myself” he thought to himself.

He couldn’t believe this had happened and how right his mother had been earlier when she predicted he’d fall asleep on the ride and wet himself. At this point he was so upset, he felt like he could cry but instead he resigned to pretending to be asleep again hoping that no one would notice his predicament. He hadn’t been in a wet diaper for years, so it was hard to tell how bad it was. He just hoped that he wouldn’t leak and could stay awake the rest of the trip to avoid wetting it again.

Suddenly his door opened, and his mom was standing next to him with a big smile holding a little sandwhich and his sippie cup. “Hey there sleepyhead, can you wake up for me – I’ve got some yummy snacks for you” – his mother cooed. Kyle realized at that moment how hungry he was, they must have been on the road for a while. Kyle let his eyes open and looked at his mother with a sad face. “Hi mom – how long was I asleep?” he said trying to engage her like an adult. “Oh, I don’t know sweetheart but we’ve been on the road about 4 hours, just about 2 hours out from the lodge, so we got some gas and go potty. Oh! Speaking of that, do you need to use the potty Kyle? I can take you if you need to go.” His mother asked.

This was the exact question Kyle didn’t want to be asked, he didn’t know how to answer, so instead he just shook his head no and looked down at his chest. His mother immediately knew what had happened. “Ohh baby did someone have an accident? It’s alright sweetie that is why mommy put you in a diaper it’s okay. Here let me check to see how wet you are” Kyle was mortified, he couldn’t believe he was being cooed and comforted over his wet diaper. Too top it off, now he was being checked in a gas station by his mom while he is sitting in a carseat. 

Karen put her hand in the leg hole of Kyle’s shortalls and reached two fingers inside the diaper to gauge for wetness. It was definitely pretty wet, but she figured he could last a bit longer. She had put him in an Extra-Small Northshore megamax, which they advertised as having a 12-hour range for maximum absorbency. “Oh baby – you really did make a big pee pee in your diaper… I think you can hold from leaking but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. We can either change you in the restroom here or we can wait until we get to the Resort and do it our room – it is up to you.” She said in an empathetic tone. 

Kyle responded – “I think I can wait until we get there mom, I really don’t want to do this hear out in the open, especially in a gross gas station bathroom” 

His mom nodded and said “okay little one, well try to stay dry for the rest of the trip and just let me know if you’re starting to feel uncomfortable. We’re in the final stretch so should make there in no time. Here takes your little sand which and juice.” Kyle nodded his head and took his food saying “Okay mom – thanks for being so nice to me about this” 

“Of course my little lovebug” she responded. Kyle was surprised when instead of closing the door, his mother leaned over him securing something around his neck. It was then that he realized she had tied a large blue and white bib around his neck that even had a big pocket at the bottom to catch food. “Now this is something we should have had for you a longtime ago, this will keep you from getting all messy” Kyle was so embarrassed but at this point – it wasn’t surprising. There he was, sitting a car seat in a wet diaper, holding a sippy cup and dawning a bib. This was really turning into quite the summer. 


Shortly after this Kayla was back in the car and they were on the road again. Kyle quietly ate his sandwich and finished his juice as the “adults” in the car started to have a more open conversation about what they were looking forward to up at the lodge. Kyle was trying to not think about what was in store for him, so he wanted to exit from the conversation. “Hey Kayla?” Kyle asked reaching around to wave he needed help. “Yes little one?” she responded. “Ummm can’t help me get my headphones and Fire again – I wanna watch something” Kyle shyly asked. 

“Of course little bro, coming right up” she responded and quickly got Kyle zoned out watching cartoons. 

About an hour had gone by since they had left the gas station and Kyle was really looking forward to getting out of the car. He’d been stuck in this seat for hours and was really starting to get uncomfortable. It didn’t help that he had a wet diaper on and the straps were pulling against his chest. Then suddenly a new problem arose – Kyle felt a rumbling sensation in his tummy. It was then that Kyle realized he hadn’t had time to have bowel movement that morning. Now the tuna fish sandwich he’d just eaten, coupled with the oatmeal from the morning breakfast and all the milk was starting to work its way through his system. 

Why had he not asked to use the bathroom before – that was so stupid, he just didn’t want to be exposed in his diaper – he thought to himself. At this point the need for urgent and he had to do something. He took his headphones off to ask for someone to stop “Hey Mom! Can you stop at the next rest area – I really need to use the bathroom” Kyle asked desperately.

“Oh Honey – I’m not sure there is anywhere to stop, we just have woods for the next 30 minutes and then we’ll pass a few other hotels before the lodge. Can you make it a little while longer? Plus your diaper can hold a little bit more sweetie, don’t feel bad you can just go and we’ll get you cleaned up when we get there” Kyle’s mom answered.  

Kyle responded, “No mom – its number 2 and I really gotta go!” 

Kayla spoke up – “Yuck that is gross – you sure there is nowhere to stop mom? I don’t want to be back here for that – it’s going to stink so bad!”

“I’m definitely sure, Kayla you calm down – everything is going to be fine and we’ll deal with it. Now please be supportive for your brother and let’s not make a big deal of something that hasn’t even happened yet” Kyle’s mom said.

Kyle didn’t know what to do – he really had limited options and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep himself from filling his pants. The urgency was growing and his body started to let go of gas uncontrollably. He let out a few loud wet farts.

Kayla leaned over Kyle to roll the window down and said “woosh that is a stinky boy, its okay cutie just sit tight we’ll be there soon.” Kyle just glowed red at her comment and his current situation. As the pressure built up, he started to wimper a bit in his seat. It was then that Candice turned around from her seat to face Kyle. 

“Baby its okay you just relax.” She said as she reached into his bag to hand his little stuffed bear. She continued “It’s all going to be okay and don’t worry little boys have accidents all the time. We just clean it up and everything is all better. Can you be a brave little guy for me?” She looked at him with the sweetest eyes and it practically brought Kyle to tears. She had such a way of talking to people, it made you feel so loved. All of sudden a short moment after Candice’s calming words, Kyle’s bowels let loose, and he uncontrollably started filling his diaper. The mucky substance filled out all over the front and back of his diaper, as his car seat strap along with his shortall left nowhere else for it go. The sensation was so much different then being wet, it was hot, itchy and immediately he could feel a stinging pain in his butt. The combination, mixed with the pain, the immediate smell and the embarrassment was just too much for Kyle - he started to cry. 

“Mommy I need my diaper changed!” he wailed at tears filled his eyes, he couldn’t believe what he had just said. His outburst woke Karly who also started to cry, just in reflex to the commotion. Kayla was staying out of this one, letting her mom and Candice take the lead. Karen turned to Candice “I gotta keep my eyes on the road, can you calm this down” she asked. 

Candice nodded and turned around to face her two crying charges. “Little ones – its gonna be okay were almost there. Hush now, we’re only about ten minutes away.” She went into both there diaper bags and go something out. Kyle watched as Candice stuck a pacifier in Karly’s mouth, which she immediately started to suck and calm down. She then turned to Kyle “Hey there my brave boy – now just sit tight for a little longer, I’m sure that poopy diaper feel super yucky, but its gonna be okay. We’ll get you all cleaned up in no time. Now I want you to suck on this and watch your show and be good for me. Can you do that for Auntie Candice?” He was still crying uncontrollably as she lifted a pacifier to Kyle’s lips. She managed to push it in and her immediately started sucking on it without thinking about it in between little cries. It took about a minute before he stopped hyperventilating and settled into his show again – trying desperately to ignore that the awful smell in the car was coming from him. He was so embarrassed by the entire thing and just wanted the car ride to be over. 

There they were on the road with all the windows down, as they approached there destination. Kyle looked up from his screen to see the familiar sign for Black Bear Resort and Lodge. He’d been coming her since her was 2 years old and knew the grounds incredibly well. This time was definitely going to be different, but he was still met with the immediate sense of relief when approaching the main lodge. Then he realized what was about to happen… he was going to have to get out of the car and check in – in front of other people wearing a messy diaper… he only hoped he’d be spared the experience and could wait back with Kayla at the car.


To Be Continued

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  • Thanks 2

I like how you had Kayla act she was very supportive while also having a slight older sibling teasing that she knew she could get away with as it wasn’t overly negative she seems to be enjoying it maybe she missed having her baby brother.

I like Candice’s presence in this she was very motherly to him having a toddler herself it was so much easier for her to treat him like a kid compared to Karen and Kayla who haven’t had a little kid around them for a long time except maybe relatives they see occasionally or kids of friends.

it would be nice to see what kind of dynamic Karly would have with him as their interactions were little given she slept most of the trip maybe being awake while he was napping himself.

Karly would also have a new sense of confidence given she went the trip without having a messy accident unlike the big kid who was next to her, she may also feel a slight sense of superiority about that fact, that is if she made it through without having one.

  • Like 1

I very like this story. I'm looking forward to Kyle's life as a baby.

There's a suggestion that when going to the beach, maybe Kyle can wear a baby girl's one-piece swimsuit to match the swimming diaper?


Great story so far one that I always want to read. He has a problem and the two females of the family are taking care of it without much forcing him he knows he needs help. I wonder how far Karen will take her baby maybe into sitting in the rocking chair and have him nurse from her. :-)


Great story so far, 

Saw some errors. 

On 8/8/2021 at 11:12 PM, adventurekido said:

so you gotta play he part

For got the T and sandwich is one word. 

On 8/8/2021 at 11:12 PM, adventurekido said:

Here takes your little sand which and juice.



This is an excellent start. I’m excited for it.

Don’t worry about typos and format (within reason). Focus on your voice and your characters and the story you have to tell, and you’ll have no trouble keeping your muse.

22 minutes ago, Alex Bridges said:

This is an excellent start. I’m excited for it.

Don’t worry about typos and format (within reason). Focus on your voice and your characters and the story you have to tell, and you’ll have no trouble keeping your muse.

Good advice. Let Google docs suggestions get you in the ballpark for readability. Tell the story.


Thank you all for the support and thoughts! I'm really enjoying writing this, I probably won't keep up this pace but I already have the rest mapped out for the most part, so don't worry I will finish it. Se chapter 5 below. Still not proof reading lol.



Karen’s black suburban made its way slowly along the extensive driveway leading up to the main cabin. Black Bear Resort and Lodge was a low-density compound across 100 acres on the Arcadian coastline. Each room was an individual cabin with its own entry and patio. The main lodge, along with the amenity center and pool were nestled at the back of the property along the vast shores of Bal Harbor. As they made their way toward the lodge to check in, Karly was excitedly pointing at wildlife, trees, plants and various features she recognized as they passed by…

“Look mommy it’s a big tree!” Karly shouted in joy. 

“Yes honey that is a tree, what smart girl you are!” Candice praised the little girl, “Do you see the pretty bushes over there, what are the colorful leaves called darling?” 

“Those are flowers mommy! That’s silly” Karly said laughing at her mothers question. 

“Yes they are my smart girl” Candice said – she then turned to Kyle “Did you see the deer we just passed Kyle? Aren’t they pretty? Do you have a favorite animal cutie?” she asked excitedly. 

Kyle just looked away trying not to think about his current situation and escape the conversation. He didn’t want to engage with Candice at this moment, he was just focused on enduring the next 30 minutes with the least amount of embarrassment as possible, which at this point was going to be impossible. 

“Aww is someone being shy because they have stinky pants? It’s really alright cutie – we’re almost there and we’re going to get you all clean very soon okay. I promise it’s all going to be alright” Candice reached in the back seat rubbing Kyle’s leg trying to get him to make eye contact but he continued to look away.

Karly looked over at her mother finally realizing the situation “Heehee he has poopy pants! I no poopy mommy!” She shouted proudly

“Hey little miss don’t you be making Kyle feel bad, you’re his friend and friend’s support each other. Also didn’t I just change someone’s poopy diaper when we stopped at the gas station?”

“I soowy mommy, I be nice” Karly shyly responded.

“That’s my good girl and you know what I better check that diaper cuz you’ve had a lot of juice and I be you someone needs to be changed.” Candice chided

She reached over attempting to inspect her child as Karly squirmed around in her chair. “Yep just as I expect Kyle’s not the only one in the car in need of fresh pampers. We’ve got two diapers that need to be changed!” Candice said cheerfully. 

Kyle couldn’t believe what was happening, this morning he woke up a 20 year old boy and somehow in less than 8 hours he had been reduced to a toddler. His train of thought was broken abruptly when his mother spoke up from the front seat. 

“Well, we’re about to pull up to the main cabin, so we’ll get checked in and get you both taken care of ASAP. Just sit tight, we’ll all be nice, comfy and settled in before you know it!” Karen said cheerfully as she continued to navigate the road. 

Kyle was dreading this moment; he’d realized the massively embarrassing predicament he was in immediately upon driving through the front gates 5 minutes prior. How was he going to avoid being seen or smelled for that matter? He only hoped that his mother, sister and Candice would be discreet about his current state and shield him from being exposed. 

The suburban pulled up to the grand lodge, it has a circle driveway that wrapped around a large bronze statue of a standing black bear which was holding up the pitched awning leading into the foyer. Kyle’s seat was on the right side of the car and unfortunately because of this – he was directly next to the valet as they approached the front entrance.

He immediately panicked as he saw the young valet woman the began to approach the vehicle. He realized he still had the pacifier in his mouth and immediately removed it stashing it in the front pocket of his bib overalls. As they came to a slow stop the cute young woman who must of not been much older than Kyle was only 5 feet from the car and his heart was beating a million miles a minute. 


She gave them a big wave and said “Well hey y’all – did you have a nice trip!” as she approached the window of the front passenger seat. “Can I help you with your bags? Looks like you have your hands full with two littles one’s there in the back! My name is Darlene by the way!” she said in the most bubbly tone you could imagine. 

Candice replied with a big smile “Well that would just be awesome, these tykes have been cooped up in here for 6 hours and are starting to get cranky, best we get them settled in sooner than later – here we’ll pop the trunk! Thanks so much”

“Awww I totally understand – I actually help out with crafts for the nursery children at Little Cubs” Darlene said.


As she headed toward the trunk of the car, she stopped at the open back window and was eye level with Kyle sitting in his car seat as she said “Look at these cuties! You two are going to have so much fun at Black Bear, just wait!” As she stood there for a moment, she did a quick double take of Kyle noticing his larger size, it was then that she got a whiff of the stench coming from the car causing her to quickly scrunch her nose but then she quickly gathered herself defaulting to a smile saying “well it looks like you do have your hands FULL ladies! I’ll get these bags in the lobby for you, so you can sort out this kidos, I think someone might need a new diaper!” Darlene laughed kindly as she quickly scuttled to the back of the car to start unloading.

Kyle’s face turned 8 shades of red and he attempted to sink as low into his seat as possible. Kayla saw his reaction and leaned over to whisper in his ear “Hey little buddy, you might want to just put in your paci to play the part, I think it might actually help you out in this situation”

Kyle couldn’t tell if she was making fun or if she was serious but he just ignored her, crossing his arms and letting out an abrasive huff. He felt like he wanted to cry but he wouldn’t dare draw attention to himself in this moment.

It was right then that Karen opened Kyle’s door “Well here we are, now let’s get you out of your seat right quick so we can move things along.” His mother said in the kindest comforting voice. “Now Kayla can you help me with this, he is a bit stuck in his seat, so if you can grab him gently from the back and help guide him off the seat so he doesn’t get all icky.”

“Okay mom!” Kayla agreed. Kyle couldn’t believe they were making this a two-person job, he was just getting out of the chair her thought to himself.   

His mother unbuckled his straps, she took both his and as he began to scoot off his seat, he felt his sister come up beneath his arm pits supporting him off the seat as he gathered himself getting out of the car. “Wooweee someone is very ripe indeed! We need to get you all cleaned up ASAP little bro” Kayla said playfully

Kyle just closed his eyes hoping this was some type of dream. As his feet finally hit the pavement, he was met with immediate relief to finally be out of the car. He leaned against the side of the car looking down trying to avoid the reality of everything going on around him. As he looked cautiously to the side, he saw Karly getting settled into her stroller by Candice and Darlene making funny faces for her as she continued to pack up the dolly with their luggage.

Suddenly Kyle’s mom, who was donning his diaper bag and pulling her roller from behind, grabbed his hand hurriedly and started toward the main doors. He was immediately struck by the foreign feeling he had in his pants. His stride was off balance and his very full diaper forced a slight waddle as he did his best to keep up with his mother leading him into the main lodge.

He maintained his strategy of looking at the floor – hoping that if he couldn’t see people, they wouldn’t be able to see him. He started to think about putting in his pacifier, at least with it in, he wouldn’t be forced to say anything to anyone if he was posed a question. It was too much to consider in the short walk and he decided against it.  

Before he knew it, there they all were, standing in line waiting for one couple to finish up checking in at the front desk. As the couple departed the woman at the front desk waived them over with a big smile “Welcome to Black Bear Connors Family!” she said cheerfully. 

“You’re just so amazing here, always remembering your guests names and faces!” Karen said excitedly as she approached, still grasping Kyle’s hand as she walked forward. 

“We do our best mam” the woman said with a smile. “Now I see here we have 5 guests, one Deluxe Family Cabin for Karen, Kayla and Kyle, then one Junior Family Cabin for Candice and little Karly is that right?” she asked assuredly

“Well yep that sounds just right, is there any paperwork you need me to fill out before we get settled?” Karen asked presumptively

“Yes – there is always that pesky paperwork, its just a handful of forms to fill out, one general and then another specific one for Kyle, if you do still intend to have him in Kids Club on select days, we already have the form Candice did for Karly” she said to confirm

“We absolutely do intend to have him ATTEND, so let me go ahead and get that done right now.” She then turned to Kyle “Hey baby I need to do this real quick, so you go over and wait with your sister and Candice okay” she said to him with sincerity 

Kyle eager to escape the interaction with the front desk, quickly waddled over to Kayla and instinctively grabbed her hand. Kayla was surprised by this but didn’t say anything, smiling and putting her arm around her brother, sensing how scared he was in his vulnerable state.  

Karen vigorously started filling out the paperwork and chitchatting with the concierge. “Now are the rooms ready now – I know check in is at 4 and we’re about a half hour early” Karen said as she was moving the forms with pace. 

“Well let me make a call but I know the Deluxe Family Cabin vacated this morning, so they might not have it quite ready – unfortunately I can’t give keys until I get the final go from our maintenance manager.” She said earnestly. “I really appreciate that, we just would love to get in so we can freshen up from the car ride, the littles ones could definitely use fresh pampers” Karen said with a smile.

The woman blushed slightly and nodded with a smile as she jumped on a quick call. The minutes felt like hours to Kyle as he rocked slightly back in forth, feeling his mess squelch between his legs and trying his best to ignore the smell that he knew was emanating from him. He just continued to squeeze Kayla’s hand hoping this would be over sooner than later. 

The concierge hung up the phone and returned to her conversation with Karen “So I just got off with maintenance and they did say it was going to be about 30 minutes until the rooms were ready, I hope that isn’t too much of an inconvenience. We’ll be happy to get you some complimentary beverages and some snacks in the lounge as you wait. Let’s just get your check in done and hand out your wristbands then we’ll get you all settled.” She said politely and kindly 

“Oh we totally understand and no problem at all, you did say 4 PM was check in! Not a problem, well looks like I got this all done, why don’t you take a peak and see if it’s all there” Karen replied respectively. 

“Alrighty just let me review this and then we can get everyone over here so I can put their wristbands on, don’t worry if they break we have more!” she said kindly and to the back to file the paperwork. 

Karen turned to her group with the news “Hey guys, so looks like we’re just a little bit early, but don’t worry we can hang out here and get some snacks – she says we should be in our rooms within 30 minutes or so.” 

Kyle’s heart dropped, how could this be the case – he’d endured that last 45 minutes with the anticipation that his issue would be addressed shortly and now he would have to wait another 30 minutes in a public place with a messy diaper on, this was a nightmare that just wouldn’t end. He quickly spoke up to voice his concern. “But mommmm – what about my you know what, I’m really uncomfortable and this is so embarrassing!” he pleaded with his mother.

“Kyle you’re just going to have to wait patiently unless you want me to lay you down on the floor and change you out here in the open, we don’t have a lot of other options.” Karen responded sympathetically. Kyle was defeated and just looked down with slightly teary eyes. He just wanted this to be over already. 

“Okay Connors family come on over and I can get your wristbands for you.” the concierge called from the front desk. 

The all walked over and she said “alright now these are tricky, so I like to do them for the guests – how about we start with little Karly – can you just lift her up here and we’ll get it on her” the lady said.

Candice reached down and unstrapped Karly from her stroller, hoisting her into her arms and plopping her bottom on the desk. Karly was beaming with a big smile at the little ride she had just gotten. “Alright little miss – guess what you get a special Rainbow bracelet! Isn’t that pretty” the lady said in a sing song voice. Karly smiled and let the woman put the wristband on her.

The woman proceeded to call our Karen, Candice and Kayla who all received dark green wristbands – this gave them access to the bar, adults pool and late-night activities at the resort. Kyle was last to be called to the front desk. “Alright now we just need to do Kyle, can you come give me your wrist young man.” Kyle meekly approached the front desk presenting his wrist to the woman. 

“Now you’re extra special so you get two wrist bands, a blue one and a rainbow one! Isn’t that fun!” She said cheerfully. Kyle managed to fake a smile, looking at the woman in the eyes and asking “why do I get two wristbands?” 

“Well the blue one is to show everyone that you’re a big teenager, so you can still do the teenage activites, the rainbow one just lets the staff know that you need a little extra help sometimes, that is all sweetie – you’re gonna have such a ball this trip. I hope you’re excited!” She answered gleefully. Kyle blushed deeply and thanked her turning away back to his sister.

As he was turning away the smell from Kyle wafted upwards and the woman caught his strong scent causing her to wrinkle her nose and stand slightly upwards. She then turned to Karen and said “You know Mrs. Connors, if you need to straighten out your littles ones here, I can have Darlene unlock the Children’s Center in the back right corner of the main lodge, there are several changing stations in there, the campers aren’t scheduled to be back from outdoor activity for another 45 minutes or so. It really would not be a problem and I think this young man might be overdue for a new diaper.” She said nodding to Kyle. 

“Oh that would be wonderful!” Candice, Karen and Kayla all said in unison – laughing hysterically at how they synchronized. “Alrighty well I’ll get Darlene on it right away” she said and then went to grab her radio.

Not 15 seconds later Darlene came walking swiftly into main lodge. “Alrighty gang lets get these two kidos sorted out ASAP, you all follow me right this way!” she said cheerfully. 

“Hey mom” Kayla started “Is it okay if I stay here, I wouldn’t mind going over to the lounge and socializing a bit if that is okay” she asked politely. 

“Oh of course sweetheart, don’t worry I’ll take care of your brother, you go have fun but this means you owe me on the next smelly diaper” she said jokingly. Kayle laughed rolled her eyes and then skipped off to the lounge as Karen held Kyle’s hand following Darlene along with Candice and Karly toward the Children’s Center. 

Kyle followed tailed his mother at the back of the group with head down, still managing a forced waddle and dreading what awaited him ahead. This not what he imagined all when he embarked on this vacation. He just hoped as the woman said, that they’d have the room all to themselves, he couldn’t stomach being exposed to everyone like that. 

As they went out the back and start on the path toward the right wing of the huge main lodge – Kyle could make out a colorful sign hung out over two double doors that had a Baby Black Bear on it wearing a diaper, as they got closer he could make out the letters it reads “Little Cubs Den”… oh great is this where I’m spending my summer vacation? He thought to himself. 

Darlene quickly skipped ahead to unlock the door, as they approached, she held the door wide open for them and said “Welcome to Little Cubs Den! Now don’t get to excited you two – it isn’t playtime right now, but we’ve got plenty of time to have fun here over the next few weeks. Your mommy’s just need to get you fresh diapies real quick and this is the best place to do that!” She said gleefully. 

Candice pushed Karly through the threshold as Karen and Kyle followed behind her. Darlene took another glance at Kyle as he passed her with his head down, she was still a little confused with his circumstance and thought she recognized him from somewhere but couldn’t quite figure it out so just let the thought pass. 

She then entered behind them to quickly point them in the right direction. “Alrighty so over there in the back you’ll find the three changing stations – everything you need should be there. You may want to use the one in the little boys bathroom” as she looked aside to Karen who was holding Kyle’s hand. 

“Holler at me if you have any problems and just let the front desk know when you’re done so I can lock up! Enjoy your stay!” She said excitedly as she exited the room, letting the door shut behind her.

As Kyle took a moment to finally look up and assess his surroundings, he found himself in what could only be described as a very large daycare center. It was forest themed, with colorful wildlife murals adorning, the soft matt flooring was various earth tones of dark green, light blue and beige. There were art projects posted to the windows and he could see rows of cubbies with various toys stowed away. As he followed his mother deeper into the room, he noticed a number of cribs lining the inner wall of the room and to his right he saw a playpen. 

He didn’t have time to see much else as his mother was hurrying toward the back where he saw two restrooms, and then two changing stations that were built into the wall next to them. Candice pushed Karly toward the area Kyle was looking at as Karen pulled him toward the boys restroom. Kyle was relieved to see that he was finally going to be granted some sort of privacy. 

As they entered, he noticed an extra-large changing station that was built into the left side of the restroom wall. It must have been 6 ft long and 3 ft wide. There were wipes, lotion, and powder stack with some diapers at the end of the table. Kyle couldn’t believe that he was about to be exposed to his mother on baby changing table in a daycare of all places!

Karen bent down to look at Kyle in the eyes “Alright sweetie, you’ve been such a good boy for me today and I know this a lot for you to happen at once, don’t worry we’re going to check in on everything and go over stuff when we get to the room but right now – we need to get you in a new diaper, so you can you be a brave boy for me?” she said.

Kyle blushed deeply and just nodded his head not wanting to continue the conversation in words or even put up a fuss, it didn’t see worth it. With that Karen suddenly unbuckled the straps of his Shortalls, letting them fall to the floor. She then grabbed him by his armpits and hoisted him into a firemans carry, laying him gently on the table. 

Kyle forgot how strong his mother was, he felt so small being lifted like that. She lifted up his shirt past his belly button to get it out of the way. Then she grabbed Kyle’s diaper bag that she’d set on the floor to grab another diaper. “Now just to keep consistent with the rules, were doing another diaper for the rest of the day” she said. 

Kyle just closed his eyes trying not to think about what was about to happen. “Okie dokie lets get you out of this stinky smelly diaper mr. poopy pants” she said as she undid the tapes of his extra full megamax. As the front of his diaper was let down, he was surprised by the strength of his own smell and couldn’t believe his mother was managing this. 

As she proceeded to lift his legs and remove the soiled diaper, he peaked one eye open to gauge how she was doing. He was surprised to see her smiling and methodically running through the motions. She took out several wipes to prepare for the extensive clean up. “Whoosh this is one stinky butt, alright this is gonna be cold cutie and but we gotta do it.” She then proceeded to clean him thoroughly, wiping in between ever crack and crevasse her knew he had around his crotch. 

After what felt like 5 minutes she was finally satisfied. “Okay well the tough part is all over Kyle, now we just gotta put a new one on you” she said cheerfully. She then proceeded to lift his legs and slide a new diaper under him. After which she swiftly dusted him with power and applied a little bit of rash cream before taping him securely in fresh new diaper.

“All done!” she said clapping her hands “You were such a good boy for me” she praised him. Kyle’s eyes were still tightly shut as his mother sat him up off the table, letting his legs hang off the side. As he opened his eyes, he was surprised by how good he felt. His mother gave him a big hug. “Can you give mommy a kiss” she asked as she presented her cheek. 

Kyle embarrassingly complied and, in that moment, actually really appreciated his mother. Even though she was torturing him in so many ways with all this, he’d never felt so much love from her and never felt so cared before. It struck him how odd it was, that a fresh diaper could feel this amazing. 

She proceeded to guide the shortalls onto his legs and then had him hop off the table, pulling up his outfit at the same time. She quickly did up the straps and tucked in his shirt. Then gave him another hug and patted his diaper saying “I’m so excited to spend special time with you on this vacation, now lets go get our room keys so we can start having fun!  Kyle blushed and gave his mom a smile. 


To Be Continued


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I like this story the more I read the better it gets while it is a forced diaper story Kyle isn’t being punished though and is receiving love from family and a friend of his mother.

kayla being surprised by Kyle holding her hand was a nice reaction but she seemed to like the action and her comforting him is what he needed, the show of affection will make this easier for him, especially with his mother giving affection he might have felt starved of since he probably only ever feeling like he has disappointed her in the past.

I doubt Kyle would want to do many teen activities with the state he is in and  the stigma of his second band since people would know about his state from the rainbow band alone even if he was wearing goodnites instead of a diaper teens who have younger siblings would know what the rainbow band meant and the extra attention from the person in charge of the activity would make it a little obvious too that he needs special attention.

  • Like 2

I absolutely love this story! Its a great read and i appreciate you sharing this with us.


I like how you depict the other characters acting as though nothing out of the ordinary is happening. It makes Kyle seem so small. 


Great story,  looking forward to the next episode. 


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